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created by McGregor - a pessimistic & negative view of workers consistent w/ the views of scientific management

Theory X (behavioral perspective)

created by McGregor - a positive view of workers; it represents the assumptions that human relations advocates make; best philosophy for all managers.

Theory Y (behavioral perspective)

argued that workers respond primarily to the social context of the workplace; managers concern for workers would lead to increased satisfaction, which would in turn result in improved performance.

human relations movement

A(n) ____ would come under the heading of the economic element of the general environment.

increase in unemployment

a group organized by its members to attempt to influence business

interest group

the conditions & forces within an org (owners, BOD, emps, physical environment, culture)

internal environment

A(n) ____ business is one that is primarily based in a single country but that acquires some meaningful share of its resources and/or revenues from other countries.


the ___ of the general environment refers to the extent to which an org is involved in or affected by business in other countries.

international dimension

According to the science of management, management tasks should be approached in all of the following ways EXCEPT


Achieving organizational goals efficiently and effectively

is the primary purpose of the management process

All of the following are physical resources EXCEPT

labor used in production

the extent to which an org complies w/ local, state, federal, & international laws

legal compliance

formal organizational actions (managing social responsibility)

legal compliance, ethical compliance, philanthropic giving

the use of persons or groups to formally represent an org or group of orgs before political bodies; an effective way to influence the government


focuses specifically on the development of mathematical models (a simplified representation of a system, process, or relationship)

management science (quantitative perspective)

clusters of countries that engage in high levels of trade with one another

market systems

A Gantt chart is a

means of scheduling individual work or whole projects.

A(n) ____________________ occurs when two or more firms combine to form a new firm.


the broad issues associated w/ differences in values, beliefs, behaviors, customs, & attitudes held by people in different cultures.


the ___ of the general environment refers to the methods available for converting resources into products or services. (computer-aided manufacturing & design techniques)

technological dimension

the disclosure by an employee of illegal or unethical conduct on the part of others within the org


____ are generally overrepresented in the executive ranks of most organizations today.

white men

According to the concept of managerial ethics, which of the following is NOT considered an economic agent?

Regulatory agencies

All of the following are factors contributing to the gradual increasing of the average age of the US workforce EXCEPT

a booming US economy

a social responsibility stance in which an org meets its legal & ethical obligations but will also go beyond these obligations in selected cases

accommodative stance

focuses on managing the total organization

administrative management

A developing country in South America offers your firm a construction subsidy if you build your new plant there. This is an example of

an incentive for international trade

emphasizes individual attitudes & behaviors & group processes

behavioral management perspective

A purchasing agent is an example of a(n)

boundary spanner

A tariff

can be collected by countries through which goods pass

A dynamic environment is one that

changes rapidly

A law firm actually billed the mother of an employee who died almost $20,000 for work that was required to settle the son's pending cases. The organization considers itself to be more important than the individual. This example deals with one of the drawbacks to the use of the ____ perspective of management.


consists of 2 distinct branches - scientific management & administrative management

classical management perspective

a system that does not interact w/ its environment; org behaves as though their environment is not important.

closed system (systems perspective)

an org that competes with another org for resources (customer dollars)


A manager's ability to think in the abstract is a(n) ____ skill.


suggests that universal theories can NOT be applied to orgs because each org is unique; suggests that appropriate managerial behavior in a given situation depends on, or is contingent on, unique elements in that situation; not everyone is motivated by the same things

contingency perspective

A manager concerned with time zone differences is worried about


a formal & thorough analysis of the effectiveness of a firm's social performance

corporate social audit

A French ministry has banned the word e-mail from official communication. Instead, the French words for quick and mail have been combined to form a new word. This is an official attempt to protect the French

cultural environment/system

whoever pays money to acquire an orgs products or services


Advertising and subscription revenue at U.S. newspapers have been decreasing. A CEO chooses to charge readers for online content. The CEO is engaged in

decision making

a social responsibility stance in which an org does everything that is required of it legally, but nothing more.

defensive stance

how does government influence organizations?

direct regulation (legislation) or indirect regulation (tax codes)

exists in a group or org when its members differ from one another along one or more important dimensions (age, gender, or ethnicity)


the ____ of an orgs general environment is the overall health & vitality of the economic system in which the org operates. (general eco growth, inflation, interest rates, & unemployment)

economic division

A nation's cost of living is part of its

economic environment

A manager who wants to use the principles of scientific management will

emphasize time and motion studies

A religious organization that is continually reenergized and refocused will likely avoid ____________________.


a normal process leading to system decline; when an org does not monitor feedback from its environment & make appropriate adjustments, it may fail; continually re-energize the org to avoid this.

entropy (systems perspective)

the extent to which an org & its members follow basic ethical standards of behaivor

ethical compliance

everything outside an orgs boundaries that might affect it; 2 separate parts - general & task

external environment

A code of ethics will ensure ethical behavior by employees.


A strategic alliance and a joint venture are the same thing.


After Japan won the World Cup one of its players apologized profusely for appearing to criticize the coach. American athletes in many sports criticize fellow players, coaches, and managers. This is an example of how ethical behavior is similar across cultures.


Manufacturing now accounts for well over half of the gross domestic product in the United States and plays a similarly important role in many other industrialized nations.


Advertising for Abercrombie and Fitch uses overt sexuality to sell clothes. Ads for Abercrombie, the pre-teen sizes, are only moderately less sexual and products include swim wear with padding in the chest. Many people object to this advertising. This is an example of the relationship of the

firm to the enviornment

the set of broad dimensions & forces in an orgs surroundings that create its overall context (international, technological, economic, sociocultural, & political-legal dimensions)

general environment

A disadvantage of importing/exporting is

government restrictions

an approach to social responsibility in which firms do as little as possible to solve social or environmental problems.

obstructionist stance

how do we use social responsibility? (4 approaches)

obstructionist stance, defensive stance, accommodative stance, proactive stance

A system that actively interacts with its environment is best described as a(n)

open system

a system that interacts w/ its environment

open system (systems perspective)

Which of the following is NOT a topics in the field of organizational behavior?


concerned w/ helping the org more effectively produce its products or services; a form of applied management science

operations management (quantitative perspective)

informal organizational actions (managing social responsibility)

organization leadership & culture, whistle-blowing

contemporary field focusing on behavioral perspectives in management

organizational behavior (behavioral perspective)

person or org who is directly affected by the practices of an org & has a stake in its performance

organizational stakeholder

All ____________________, regardless of whether they are large or small, profit-seeking or not-for-profit, domestic or multinational, use some combination of human, financial, physical, and information resources to achieve their goals.


how do organizations influence government?

personal contacts, lobbying, PACs, favors

awarding funds or gifts to charities or other worthy causes

philanthropic giving

After September 11, 2001, many companies moved uptown or to the suburbs. This is an example of change in the

physical work enviornment

Advertising and subscription revenue at US newspapers have been decreasing. A CEO sets a goal of stopping the decline. The CEO is engaged in


an organization created to solicit & distribute money to political candidates

political action committee (PAC)

A U.S. recording company that wanted to take advantage of the fact that European teens love everything American would find it difficult to get its music played on French radio stations. French stations are required to play at least 40 percent French-made music. This requirement indicates one way that the ____ environment challenges international management.


the ___ of the general environment refers to government regulation of business & the relationship between business & government; important for 3 reasons: the legal system partially defines what an org can/cant do; pro/antibusiness sentiment in gov influences business activity; political stability has ramifications for planning.. no business wants to set up shop in another country unless trade relationships w/ that country are well-defines & stable.

political-legal dimension

A firm is taking a(n) ____ stance when it actively looks for ways to benefit society as well as meeting its obligations and responding to requests.


a social responsibility stance in which an org views itself as a citizen in a society & proactively seeks opportunities to contribute

proactive stance

A college student was accused of sexual assault two years after the incident. He had to defend himself before a three person board without a lawyer or the ability to ask the accuser questions. The university expelled him. A lawyer then obtained the accuser's text messages from the evening in question that clearly showed consent and evidence of another consensual act with a second man later that night. The university said it followed the Obama administrations guidelines during the procedure and was maintaining the expulsion. The student was denied ____ justice.


applies quantitative techniques to management; focuses on decision making, economic effectiveness, mathematical models, & the use of computers.

quantitative management perspective

All of the following are basic approaches to social responsibility EXCEPT

reactive stance

government's attempts to influence business by establishing laws & rules that dictate what businesses can & can't do


A unit that has the potential to control, legislate, or otherwise influence the organization's policies and practices; 2 important kinds: regulatory . agencies & interest groups


an agency created by the gov to regulate business activities

regulatory agency

A research and development company has been asked to see if a rare flower found only in the Amazon River Valley has the potential to shrink certain types of brain tumors. Since there is only a limited supply of the flower, the lab supervisor has to take on the decisional role of ____ to make sure that each scientist gets an equitable amount.

resource allocate

concerned w/ improving the performance of individual workers

scientific management

A manufacturer of recyclable plastic containers is operating in an environment that is relatively free of uncertainty. This means that the manufacturer is operating in a ____ environment.

simple and stable

the set of obligations an org has to protect & enhance the societal context in which it functions; orgs may exercise this toward their stakeholders, toward the natural environment, & toward general social welfare

social responsibility

A jihadist called for a violent attack on David Letterman after the comedian made fun of Al Qaeda leaders. Letterman rarely does a single show without making fun of American leaders. This is an example of differences in the ____ dimension.


the ____ of the general environment includes the customs, values, & demographic characteristics of the society in which the org functions; determine the products, services, & standards of conduct that the society is likely to value.

sociocultural dimension

employees deliberately working at a slow pace


A(n) ____ is two or more companies that work together in joint ventures.

strategic allies (strategic partners)

orgs that work together w/ one or more other orgs in a joint venture or similar arrangement

strategic partners (strategic allies)

a system within another broader system

subsystem (systems perspective)

A ____ is an example of a first-line manager.


an org that provides resources for other orgs


A new animated children's show does not even get presented to executives unless the merchandising is lined up. The executives are looking for a(n)


2 or more subsystems working together to produce more than the total of what they might produce working alone

synergy (systems perspective)

an interrelated set of elements functioning as a whole

system (systems perspective)

a tax collected on goods shipped across national boundaries; a control on international trade


specific organizations or groups that influence an organization (competitors, customers, suppliers, strategic partners, & regulators)

task environment

has to do with gender diversity; describes a perceived barrier that keeps women from advancing to top management positions

the glass ceiling

A corporate social audit is a formal and thorough analysis of the effectiveness of a firm's social performance.


A country's culture includes all the values, symbols, beliefs, and language that guide behavior.


A cross country running team is an example of an organization.


A manager paying an employee less than he deserves, simply because the manager knows the employee cannot afford to quit or risk losing his job by complaining, might be considered unethical.


A manager who discriminates against a fifty year old man in hiring is exhibiting both unethical and illegal behavior.


Few large businesses have grasped how to use social media to compete more effectively, but most would agree that social media can have a major impact on business.


The study of management did not begin until the nineteenth century.


the classical, behavioral, & quantitative approaches are considered _____ because they try to identify the "one best way" to manage orgs

universal perspectives

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