MGMT406 final Chapter 11

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The importance of work refers to

how central work is in an individual's life.

International Human Resource Management

is the application of HRM to international settings

Which recruitment strategy do US managers see as most effective?

newspaper advertising

Gathering of extensive information on the negotiation issues, on the setting in which the negotiation will take place, and on the firm and people involved occurs in which stage of the steps in international negotiation?


_____ negotiators search for possible win-win situations where the outcome of the negotiation is mutually satisfactory to both sides.

problem solving

Reactions to a person's behavior that encourage the person to continue the behavior is


Companies with ethnocentric hrm orientations

select home country nationals for key positions

Expatriate workers who come from neither the host nor home country are

third country nationals

The group of employees, found in Germany, that shares plant-level responsibility with managers over issues such as working conditions is

A works council

Which of the following motivation theory suggests that only some people have the need to win in competitive situation or to exceed excellence standards?

Achievement-motivation theory

U.S. managers' favored influence tactics include the following EXCEPT


Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons discussed to explain why people engage in social loafing in individualistic cultures?

All of the above are reasons to explain social loafing in individualistic cultures. When working in groups, people in individualistic cultures often feel less pressure to work and less responsible for work outcomes. Workers in groups in individualistic cultures often believe that the group will make up any slack in their personal efforts. People in individualistic cultures often give priority to their own work over the group.

\Which of the following describes one potential way a Japanese supervisor can communicate negative feedback for poor work performance to his/her subordinate?

By simply ignoring the subordinate

The practice in Germany, whereby management surrenders a traditionally reserved share of control to workers refers to


Setting goals for work groups is recommended in

Collectivist cultures.

All the following statements are true about leadership EXCEPT

Companies can achieve success with or without good leaders.

In competitive negotiation

Competitive negotiators use dirty tricks and any plot that leads to their advantage.

The leadership style that falls midway between autocratic and democratic styles is the

Consultative leader.

Evidence on training for international assignments suggests

Cross-Cultural Training reduces expatriate failure rates

Patterns of labor relations in countries are affected by

Cultural factors. Historical factors such as the level of technology development. Ideological reasons. All of the above

The text suggests several strategies that US women may use to succeed in traditional cultures. These include

Emphasize organizational position and not gender.

The attribution approach to leadership

Emphasizes the leader's attributions regarding the causes of subordinates' behaviors.

Inpatriates are

Employees from foreign country who work in the country where the parent company is located

Expatriates are

Employees who come from a different country from where he or she is working.

An organization of all people from a company regardless of occupation or location is a (an)

Enterprise Union

All of the following statements are true EXCEPT

Equity norms prevail in collectivist cultures. True Equality norms prevail over equity norms in collectivist cultures. Equity norms prevail in individualistic cultures.

Which of the following theories is NOT considered as one of the needs theories?

Equity theory

The theory based on the idea that employees compare their inputs and outcomes to other persons in the work setting to determine of they are being fairly treated is

Equity theory.

Negotiators who make an agreement and then reveal that it must be approved by senior managers or the government is an example of which type of dirty trick?

Escalating authority

Host country nationals may have limited career development in a company with a (an)

Ethnocentric, Regio or polycentric HRM orientation.

Major components of the legal requirements for a US performance appraisal system include

Evaluations must relate clearly to the job.

Trait models of leadership

Evolved from the debate regarding whether leaders are born or made.

Which of the following examples characterize the use of assertiveness as an influence tactics?

Example behaviors include being forceful and directive.

At the _____ stage in the negotiation, both parties exchange the specifics of their needs for the agreement.

Exchanging Information and the First Offer

Home country nationals are

Expatriate employees who com from the parents home country

Key expatriate success factors include all of the following EXCEPT

Experience in at least two cultures different from the assignment country. True Professional or technical skill. Stress tolerance. Favorable family situation.

Explaining a person's behavior based on factors outside the person and beyond the person's control (e.g., natural disasters, illness, faulty equipment, etc.) is a/an

External attribution.

An expatriate finds that one of his subordinates regularly jokes about a minority group in the country. She decides to ignore the jokes hoping that the subordinate will eventually stop such jokes. Which aspect of reinforcement theory is she using?


All of the following statements are true about hygiene factors EXCEPT

Hygiene factors can motivate workers similarly to motivating factors.

In a cross-national context, expectancy theory prescribes that managers

Identify valued outcomes and convince workers that their efforts will lead to these outcomes.

The sequential approach to concession-making

Implies that negotiators expect each side to give and take on individual issues in sequence.

All of the following are true about the holistic concession-making approach EXCEPT

Implies that negotiators expect each side to give and take on individual issues in sequence. true Each side makes very few, if any, concession during discussions of each point in potential agreement. Implies that concession making begins only after all participants discuss all issues. Is very popular in Asian cultures.

All of the following are true about leadership traits in various national settings EXCEPT

In Germany, a desired leadership trait is modesty.

Which statement regarding fundamental attribution errors is true?

In Western nations, people tend to make internal attributions.

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE regarding leadership in various cultures?

In countries with high power distance, subordinates expect leaders to be more like them.

Which of the following statements is true regarding high context languages?

In high context languages, what is left unsaid is often as important as what is said.

According to the text, all of the following statements about leadership styles in different cultures are true EXCEPT

In low uncertainty avoidance countries leaders tell subordinates exactly what to do. TRUE In high power distance countries, leaders generally behave more autocratically. In high uncertainty avoidance national cultures both leaders and subordinates often feel more comfortable when the leader initiates structure. In high power distance countries, person-centered leadership works best in large groups.

The National Context Contingency Model of Leadership

Includes two contingencies: the characteristics of subordinates and the nature of the work setting. Includes factors related to the national culture and social institutions.

Some of the detrimental effects of social loafing can be reduced if

Individuals are held responsible for performance.

All of the following statements regarding Induced-factor conditions resources are TRUE EXCEPT

Induced-factor conditions include those resources that occur naturally such as coal and gas reserves. True -Good examples of induced factor conditions are the high cultural value placed on education in many Asian societies creating a well-trained workforce. -Induced-factor conditions resources arise from cultural and institutional pressures.

Which of the following is NOT one of the suggestions for proper use of interpreters?

Insist on minimization of interruptions and have the interpreter translate after you end each statement.

Chapter 13

International Negotation and Cross-Cultural Communication

The fundamental attribution error

Is a tendency for managers to believe that most people act because of internal motivations.

The Japanese system of life-time or permanent employment

Is likely to produce a satisfied and less motivated Japanese workforce.


Is the process by which we interpret the meaning and intent of spoken words or nonverbal exchanges.

International negotiation

Is the process of making business deals across national and cultural boundaries.

All of the following are true about the US performance appraisal system EXCEPT

It focuses primarily on the ability to function well in groups. True It represents cultural values that espouse links among individual rights, duties, and rewards. It attempts to be rational, logical, and legal. Research shows that it works well in all national contexts.

Applying reinforcement at a cross-national level is challenging because

It is hard to identify the organizational rewards that can be used as reinforcers. It is hard to understand how work values influence potential rewards. It is hard to know which type of reinforcer is more applicable in different cultures. all of them

All the following are true about work centrality EXCEPT

It represents the function of work in an organizational culture. true High levels of work centrality may lead to dedicated workers and more effective organizations. Higher levels of work centrality closely match average number of hours worked in a country. High levels of work centrality in Japan have been physically and psychologically stressing to middle-aged managers.

Which of the following represents one possible solution to the "Old Friends" dirty trick?

Keep a psychological distance that reflects the true nature of the relationship.

Differences in HRM policies and practices among countries stem from

Laws and cultural expectations for selection practices. Education and training of the labor force. Laws and traditions regarding labor practices. ALL OF THE ABOVE

Chapter 15

Leadership and Management Behavior in Multinational Companies

All of the following are true about trait leadership theories EXCEPT

Leadership theorists identified an exact list of leadership traits.

Which of the following factors is not necessarily included in an expatriate's compensation package

Local market cost of living, housing, adjustments for taxes, are all included in expats compensation packages

Languages in which people state things directly and explicitly where the words provide most of the meaning are

Low context languages

Which of the following is not true regarding low training rigor?

Low training rigor usually lasts for a short period and includes lectures and videos on the local culture.

All of the following are possible steps that can be taken by multinationals to remove barriers faced by female expatriates EXCEPT

Provide more appropriate performance appraisal systems for female expatriates.

Which of the following is NOT one of the strategies discussed in the text to help repatriation of expatriates

Provide vacation to help the expatriate get readjusted at home

According to the text, those who are underrewarded are likely to

Reduce their inputs.

All of the following are benefits that companies obtain by using expatriates

Reduced turnover for key international managers.

Which of the following is NOT one of the issues that make expatriate performance appraisals difficult?

Refusal of host company to provide performance information regarding expatriate

All of the following statements about work in different countries are true EXCEPT

Regardless of country, money has the highest priority for why people work. True -All people hope to receive certain benefits from work. -In some societies, work is very central and absorbs more of a person's life. -People from different countries have different goals for their jobs.

A manager gives bonuses to high performing foreign employees hoping that they will continue performing at a high level. This manager is using which motivational principle?


Which motivation theory proposes that if a pleasurable consequence follows a behavior, then the behavior will continue and if an unpleasant consequence follows a behavior, the behavior will stop?

Reinforcement theory

Difficulties that managers face in coming back to their home countries and reconnecting with their home organizations is known as the

Repatriation problem

Experts on repatriation suggest

Reverse culture shock can occur regarding national and organizational culture.

The need to maximize personal achievement refers to which type of need in Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Self actualization needs.

Japanese compensation systems base pay raises mostly on


Person-centered leaders

Show a concern for subordinates' feelings and taking subordinates' ideas into account.

The prime reason for US expatriate managers failure is

Spouse Fails to adapt to local culture

Transformational leadership

Succeeds because subordinates respond to the leader with high levels of performance, personal devotion, and excitement.

All of the following are true about the final agreement EXCEPT

Successful negotiations do not necessarily result in the final agreement.

The whorf hypothesis

Suggests that language determines the nature of culture.

When applying need theories in a cross-national context, managers should

Take into consideration the particular needs that people seek to satisfy in different countries.

Which of the following is NOT one of the behaviors/characteristics of transformational leader as discussed in the text?

Takes risk Demonstrates high ethical and moral standards Articulates a vision All of the above applies to transformational leaders

Which of the following refers to the aspect of a job where the person can complete a whole piece of work from beginning to end?

Task identity

An expatriate finds that if she gives specific directions to her subordinates, productivity is much higher. Which leader behavior is she displaying?

Task-centered leader behavior

All of the following are true about Fiedler's Leadership Effectiveness theory EXCEPT

Task-centered leadership works best in mixed conditions.

The type of leadership that includes behaviors that focus on completing tasks by initiating structure is known as

Task-centered leadership.

Which of the following is FALSE about recruitment and selection processes in collectivist cultures?

Technical skills are considered crucial for selection. True Personal information is considered important for selection. Companies prefer to hire directly out of school. There is a preference for family and friends.

According to the text, if a leader perceives the cause of a subordinate's behavior based on an internal attribution, then most leaders will

Tend to correct or reward the worker.

A crucial difference between the US job characteristics model and the European STS approach is

The US model focuses on individuals, while the European model focuses on work teams.

Which of the following best describes emotional intelligence, one of the factors key to the success of an expatriate?

The ability to being aware of oneself and to understand and relate to others

A person with good relational abilities has

The capacity to adapt to strange situations the flexibility to modify their behavior a sensitivity to cultural norms and values D. ALL OF THE ABOVE

The dual-system in Germany refers to

The combination of in-house apprenticeship training with part-time vocational school training.

The concept of work centrality refers to

The degree of importance of work in the life of an individual.

The recommended leadership style for a country low on power distance and low on uncertainty avoidance is

The democrat - supportive, participative, and achievement.

If negotiators are using deliberate deception as a dirty tricks, the best way to deal with the deception is

To point out directly what you believe is happening.

When managers use rewards or punishment to influence their subordinates, they are engaging in

Transactional leadership.

Which of the following is not one of the factors affecting national differences in human resource management as discussed in the text?

Types of jobs favored by applicants Education and training of the labor pool Laws and cultural expectations regarding fair wages and promotion criteria All are factors

Which of the following statements regarding formal communication is FALSE?

U.S. Americans have the highest degree of formal communication.

The US belief in the benefits of open and public advertising reflects the

US individualistic cultural values

All of the following are true about US selection practices EXCEPT

US selection practices favor hiring of relatives and friends. True US selection practices focus on individual achievements and not on group affiliations. The aim of the typical US selection practice is to gather information of a candidate's job qualifications. US selection practices are governed by laws and regulations.

Companies with global hrm orientation

Use similar pay and benefit packages for all international assignments.

Behaviors and characteristics of transformation leaders include the all of the following EXCEPT

Uses rewards or punishments to influence subordinates.

Suggestions to improve expatriate performance appraisals include

Using multiple evaluators with varying periods of evaluation.

When communicating with nonnative speakers, which of the following would make communication harder and less accurate?

Using slang

All of the following statements regarding subordinates expectations in different countries are true EXCEPT

Weak masculinity norms often lead to the acceptance of more authoritarian leadership.

According to equity theory, equity conscious people are most likely those

Who behave consistently with equity theory.

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE regarding women expatriates compared to male expatriates

Women expatriates have poorer relational and communication skills than male expatriates.

Studies of women expatriates suggest that all of the following statements are true about international assignments in traditional cultures EXCEPT

Women typically do not succeed in expatriate assignments.

Nonverbal communication

-Is part of face-to-face communication. -Occurs through such things as body posture, facial expression, hand gestures, and the use of personal space. -May also create (purposefully or not) situations that make a negotiator uncomfortable. ALL OF THEM

Which of the following is most true about the typical US compensation system?

-Most companies take into account external and internal factors to determine compensation. -Most companies develop formal and systematic policies to determine compensation levels. -Raises in pay are determined mostly by merit.

A study of compensation practices in ten countries revealed that

-Pay incentives are important. -Pay should be contingent on group performance. -Incentives should be significant amount of pay. All are true

A multinational manager discovers that his leadership style is more effective when he displays visible sign of status (e.g chauffeur driven cars) and he behaves as an authoritarian leader. The manager is most likely leading in which of the following cultures?

A high power distance culture

Companies with a multi-local strategy are most likely to have a

A polycentric hrm orientation

Using more local managers to reduce the costs of training expatriate managers is a benefit usually associated with

A polycentric or regiocentric HRM orientation.

According to the text, which of the following is NOT one of the strategies used to allow successful repatriation of expatriates?

Allow the expatriate to return when he/she is ready to do so

All of the following are true about the steps in the Negotiation Process EXCEPT

Although each international negotiation is unique and may combine two or more steps or repeat some, the negotiation process involves five steps leading to the final step, an agreement. The negotiation steps include preparation, building the relationship, exchanging information and the first offer, persuasion, and the agreement. Most experts agree that the process of international negotiation includes several steps. all are true

High context languages

Are languages in which people state things indirectly and implicitly.

In most collectivist cultures, performance appraisals

Are often communicated subtly, such as by a manager ignoring a worker.

Principles of goal-setting theory include all of the following EXCEPT

Assign do-your-best types of goals. True Set clear and specific goals. Provide incentives to achieve goals. Give feedback on goal attainment.

Contingency theories

Assume that different styles and different leaders are more appropriate for different situations.

The sociotechnical systems approach to job design

Attempts to mesh both modern technology and social needs of workers.

Leaders who do not allow employees to share in the decision- making are

Autocratic leaders.

Which of the following statements regarding the autonomous leader is FALSE according to the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior (GLOBE) studies?

Autonomous leadership is seen as very effective in most cultures.

The practice of recruiting friends or relatives of those already employed is which form of recruiting

Backdoor recruiting

All of the following are personal characteristics of the successful international negotiator EXCEPT

Be a competitive negotiator. true -Can tolerate ambiguous situations. -Has stamina, good sense of humor. -Is flexible, creative, curious, and can empathize.

All of the following are true about the Exchanging Information and the First Offer Step of the International Negotiation process EXCEPT

Both sides usually present their final offer. true Both parties exchange information on their needs for the agreement. Both sides present offers that often differ from what they hope to achieve eventually. Parties exchange information that is task-related.

All of the following are true about unions in England, Germany, France, and the U.S. EXCEPT

British unions developed with strong government interference. True -German unions developed in harmony with the government and corporations. -French unions started much later and developed more slowly than did British or German unions. -US union membership has declined significantly since the 1940s.

All of the following are benefits of international assignments EXCEPT

False: International assignments provide companies access to preferential quotas and duties. True International assignments help managers acquire skills necessary to develop successful strategies in a global context. Expatriate assignments help a company coordinate and control operations dispersed geographically and culturally. Expatriate assignments help a company coordinate and control operations dispersed geographically and culturally.

35. Which one of the following is NOT one of the personal success characteristics of successful international negotiators as discussed in the text?

Focus on achieving negotiation goals without making concessions

Esteem needs refer to

Focus on respect and feelings of self-worth.

People's expectations from work (such as work providing necessary income or work providing satisfactory experiences) refer to

Functions of work.

Selection in collectivist cultures

Gives preference to the in-group members.

Motivation refers to

Goal-directed behaviors to satisfy human needs.

Chapter 12

HRM in the Local Context: Knowing When and How to Adapt

The two aspects to consider when evaluating the possibility of hiring expatriates are the high cost and

High failure.

Managerial selection and recruitment in Korea and Japan are dominated by

High school and university ties.

Which of the following statements about management development in the U.S. is false?

Management development in the U.S. is the responsibility of the firm rather than the individual. True -U.S. companies can rely on senior-level managers to identify promising candidates for management development and training. -U.S. companies rely on direct assessment approaches such as assessment centers to identify individuals with managerial potential.

Which of the following is NOT one of the recruitment steps?

Managers generate a pool of applicants for the job.

All of the following explain why there may be more international assignments for women in the future EXCEPT

More federal funds to train women for international assignments.

All of the following are true about international negotiation EXCEPT

Most successful international negotiators use their home country negotiation styles. true Differences in national cultures and differences in political, legal, and economic systems often separate potential business partners. International negotiations are more complex than domestic negotiations.

All of the following are true about US training and development practices EXCEPT

Most training programs reach a majority of the workers. True -The most popular training topics are management development and computer training. -The most popular training topics are management development and computer training. -There are increased pressures on businesses to supplement basic educational training.

Chapter 14

Motivation in Multinational Companies

Expectancy theory proposes that

Motivation is a result of an individual's preferences and belief that his/her effort will lead to some valued results.

According to the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) study, which of the following leadership styles represents the leader who is modest and has a compassionate orientation?

NONE OF THE ABOVE Team-oriented leader Self-protective leader Participative leader

Dirty Tricks in International Negotiations refer to

Negotiation tactics that pressure opponents to accept unfair or undesirable agreements or concessions.

Deliberate deception, one example among some common ploys in international negotiations, refers to

Negotiators presenting flagrant untruths either in the facts they present or in their intentions for the negotiation.

The degree of formal communication refers to

None of the above

In the relationship building stage of the International Negotiation Process

None of the above -The negotiator focuses seriously on business issues. -Usually takes place at the formal negotiation place. -Is not as important as the other steps.

Social loafing

Occurs when people put out less effort when working in groups.

In individualistic cultures, performance drops off with the use of teamwork because

Of social loafing. Workers believe that the group will make up any slack in their personal efforts. Workers do not feel responsible for group outcomes. all of the above

Which of the following statements regarding selection in collectivistic cultures is FALSE?

Older male recruits are usually preferred because they can be easily molded to fit the company's culture.

Need theories of motivation are based on the assumption that

People can satisfy basic human needs in the work setting.

Conclusions from the World Values Survey and the European Values Survey on functions of work reveal that

People from different nations do not assign the same magnitude of importance to work functions.

All of the following statements about Maslow's hierarchy of needs are true EXCEPT

People have six basic type of needs.

All of the following are true about the operant-conditioning model EXCEPT

People will continue behaviors they like irrespective of the nature of consequence. true Behavior is a function of its consequences. People will stop behaviors that have unpleasant consequences. People will continue behaviors that have pleasant consequences.

In the _____ stage, each side in the negotiation attempts to get the other side to agree to its position.


Which types of motivation theories explain motivation arising from satisfaction of needs and values combined with an individual's beliefs regarding the work environment

Process and reinforcement theories

All of the following is true about the persuasion stage EXCEPT

The emphasis and mix of tactics do not vary by the cultural background of the negotiators. True Numerous tactics are available to international negotiators to persuade the other side. It is the heart of the negotiation processes. Each side in the negotiation attempts to get the other side to agree to its position.

he national context affect motivation through all of the following EXCEPT

The existence of strong organizational cultures.

The use of worldwide job evaluations, performance appraisals methods, and salary scales to determine pay is the

The global pay system

Adjusting wages to local lifestyles and costs of living refers to which expatriate compensation system?

The host-based compensation system

All of the following are true about the Japanese Performance-Maintenance (PM) theory of leadership EXCEPT

The maintenance function (M) is similar to task-centered leadership.

The recommended leadership style for a country high on power distance and low on uncertainty avoidance is

The master - directive and supportive.

All of the following statements about the US job characteristics model are true EXCEPT

The model suggests that enriching job characteristics is motivating for all types of individuals. TRUE The model suggests that work is more motivating when managers enrich core job characteristics. The model assumes that one critical state for motivation to occur is if the worker believes his/her work to be meaningful. The model assumes that only some people will respond well to enriched jobs.

Backdoor recruitment in collectivist cultures may not always be used by foreign multinationals because

The multinationals may not have access to the appropriate contacts.

Which phase of the negotiation process consists of an evaluation of the success of the completed negotiation?

The post agreement phase

Union membership density refers to

The proportion of workers who belong to unions in a country.

According to the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior (GLOBE) studies, which of the following leadership style characterizes a leader who is self-centered, status conscious and procedural?

The self-protective leader

Hygiene factors include

The size of desks and color of offices.

Some of the characteristics of the new breed of global leaders include

The skills and abilities to interact with and manage people from the diverse cultural backgrounds that populate their multinational companies. Sufficiently flexible to operate comfortably in pluralistic cultural environments. Knows at least one foreign language and understands the complexities of interaction with people from other cultures. all of the above

Which of the following is NOT one of the factors determining the resource pool of a country as discussed in the text?

The training and development system available

According to a study of ten countries on nine compensation practices

There was universal consensus on eight as being necessary.

The main objective of the balance sheet approach to international compensation

To match home and host county purchasing power.

Building support for ideas and networking and using friendships involve the use of which influence tactics?


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