MGMT537 Exam 2

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SA - Identify 2 activities that can be used as a part of coaching.

1. personal SWOT analysis 2. visioning exercises

__________ feedback utilizes input from a variety of sources including managers, subordinates, peers, and customers to provide a perspective on performance from all angles

360 degree

What does research regarding "faking" on personality tests for selection indicate?

All applicants fake a little by putting their best foot forward, which isn't a problem in selection

SA - What is a control group and how can one be used to more accurately evaluate the effectiveness of training?

Control groups are people who are not trained. You can compare the performance of the trained group to the control group. You can give training to only half a group, and that group should perform better than a control group.

Which of the following is true about recruiting diverse candidates?

Diverse candidates consider broader factors than other candidates do (that is, things beyond just job duties and salary)

SA - What is the difference between a tight and loose labor market?

In tight labor markets, demand by employers exceeds the available supply of workers, which exerts upward pressure on wages. In loose labor markets, supply of workers exceeds employer demand, which exerts downward pressure on wages.

SA - Identify a reason that organizational culture is important for staffing decisions.

Individuals choose jobs with organizations that are consistent with their values, beliefs, and attitudes

SA - List one reason why employee referrals for recruitment work

Referrals are more likely to have accurate expectations about jobs.

This form of internal recruiting can have negative consequences related to disparate impact.

Supervisor's recommendations

SA - Why are self-appraisals as a part of performance appraisal increasingly used in today's jobs? Are they accurate?

Supervisors don't always see what workers do. Most people give themselves the benefit of the doubt, but that is okay as long as managers are aware of that and ask for evidence.

SA - What is involved in a realistic job preview, and how does it differ from the flypaper approach? What made the realistic job preview effective (why does it work)?

The realistic job preview shows the good points and bad points of a job. It is effective because it lowers naive expectations, reduces shock, and allows time to develop coping mechanisms. It results in higher levels of performance, higher levels of trust in the organization, and lower turnover. The flypaper approach tries to attract as many applicants as possible. It emphasizes the good points of the job.

Which of the following is false regarding relative judgments of performance appraisals?

They suffer from central tendency and tendency bias.

SA - What is frame-of-reference training?

a form of rater training that attempts to establish a common perspective and standards among raters

SA - What is a work sample in selection/staffing?

a test that assesses the ability to do rather than the ability to know

Performance appraisal methods that compare each employee's performance to a set standard rather than to other employees' performance are...

absolute measures

Performance appraisal methods that compare each employee's performance to a set standard rather than to other employees' performance are:

absolute measures

The broad process of performance management requires that you do which things well.

all of these

In _______ ranking, raters look at a list of employees, decide who is the best employee, and cross that person's name off the list. From the remaining names, the manager decides who the worst performing employee is and crosses that name off the list, and so forth between best and worst.


SA - A way to select managers that involves multiple tests, multiple raters, and multiple job candidates is called

an assessment center

Tom has applied for a position as an executive secretary, and as part of that job, he needs to prove that he can manage a lot of info in a timely manner. As part of selection, he is asked to work for 2 hours at a desk in which he receives a number of emails, phone calls, and paper memos to see how quickly and effectively he can prioritize and process them. This is:

an in-basket test

The type of honesty test that asks questions such as "How much money did you steal in your last job?" is called:

an overt test

In my retail store, I want employees to have excellent customer service. So, when I train them, I have them watch several different employees, starting with one most like them, to pattern their behavior after. This method of training while observing others is

behavior modeling

Brad got very high marks in his structured interview and seemed to be an excellent job candidate. However. when he was hired, he turned out to not be motivated, and his performance was low enough, he was fired. The outcome is a...


Interview questions that ask applicants about a prior situation that they have experienced are a part of structured interviews. These questions are...


The ________ appraisal format makes use of behaviors as anchors on a rating scale.

behaviorally anchored rating scale

When Roderick applies for a job, he's asked questions about his involvement in school groups, any leadership positions he's held, and any international travel that he's done. These questions are hard for a person to fake an answer to, and the organization has learned that they predict job performance. Roderick is being evaluated with


Executive coaching

can be effective if aligned with an organization's overall talent management strategy

Using an internal labor market for hiring:

can be very motivating to other employees in the organization

When Barry evaluates his employees' performance, he doesn't identify anyone as outstanding or poor, but labels everyone acceptable. Barry is most likely guilty of which rater error?

central tendency

A systematic process to improve others' ability to set goals, take action, and maximize strengths for work-related activities:


Which of these tests has a high validity for predicting performance in almost any job?

cognitive ability test

Which of the following personality characteristics has been found to be most predictive of good job performance (i.e. which has the highest validity for predicting job performance) for most jobs?


The disguised-purpose integrity test is actually just a measure of...


Reliability in selection or in performance appraisal refers to:


___________ analysis is helpful in determining the special needs of a particular group, such as older workers, women, or managers at different levels


Using a control group to evaluate the effectiveness of training allows HR to:

determine whether a change in employee performance was due to training

The major problem with using reference checks for hiring is that they _______, however, reference checks are useful because they __________

don't often provide multiple information help to avoid problems associated with negligent hiring

SA - Identify one aspect of performance faciliation.

eliminating roadblocks to successful performance

The ability of a person to perceive, appraise, and express emotion is...

emotional intelligence

SA - Name one purpose of performance appraisal.

employment decisions

It's a trend (and legal) to ask job applicants only about their prior....

felony convictions

Cindy is my employee, and her work is evaluated on five performance dimensions. I do not have enough information to rate her on all five dimensions, but I know that she is always very good about handing in reports on time (one dimension), so I assume she is excellent on all five dimensions and rate her as such. What rating error am I committing?

halo error

Personality tests, when used for selection...

have low to moderate validity, but measure unique traits and can therefore be useful for many jobs

SA - What does the self-fulfilling prophecy (or Pygmalion effect) say about training and trainers' expectations of employees?

higher (yet realistic) expectations of trainers improve the better the trainees perform and vice versa

Before the HR department designs and implements training in my company, managers identify from performance appraisal which employees require training. Last year, we saved a great deal of money by only sending 30% of our line workers to training rather than sending all of them. Which of the following, as described here, saved us money?

individual analysis

In order to attempt to reduce shrinkage on the job, employers are increasingly turning to _____ for selection.

integrity tests

Job postings make use of:

internal labor markets

The process of managing that relies on goal setting to establish objectives for the organization as a whole, for each department, for each manager within each department, and for each employee is:

management by objectives

________ refers to the material that is rich in association for the trainees and is therefore easily understood by them


If employers fail to check closely enough on a prospective employee who then commits a crime in the course of performing his or her job duties, they can be held liable for...

negligent hiring

If employers fail to check closely enough on a prospective employee who then commits a crime in the course of performing his or her job duties, they can be held liable for:

negligent hiring

Unstructured interviews:

often result in the interviewer making incorrect snap decisions about an applicant

In the context of the Big Five personality dimensions, _______ concerns the degree to which an individual is creative, curious, and cultured versus practical-with-narrow interests.

openness to experience

Practicing beyond the point of perfection is called...


An administrative exercise that is typically done once a year to identify and discuss job-relevant strengths and weaknesses of individuals or work teams is:

performance appraisal

The provision of a sufficient amount of reward the employees really value, in a fair, timely manner is:

performance encouragement

A _________ describes the individuals who might eventually become applicants, but currently don't have the minimum qualifications for a job

potential labor pool

Transfer of training is enhanced when the training situation feels emotionally similar to the actual work situation. This emotional similarity is called:

psychological fidelity

This level of training evaluation is most often conducted, but provides the least amount of value to the organization is:


SA - What is one thing that an organization can do to recruit qualified employees more effectively in a tight labor market?

reduce hiring standards

________ is the process of identifying unqualified job candidates and separating them from those who meet the minimum qualifications


_______ implies that a performance appraisal system is capable of distinguishing effective from ineffective performers


SA - What is one piece of information that should be given as part of new employee orientation?

social behavior norms

Self-appraisals of job performance:

tend to be a little more positive, but can have value especially for knowledge work

How are reliability and validity related?

test can't be valid if it isn't highly reliable

The biggest problem with the forced distribution method of performance is...

the employees' performance may not match the set distribution

SA - What is screening?

the initial step that separates unqualified applicants from qualified applicants

The acceptance ratio expresses...

the number of applicants who take the job that's offered

The recruitment pipeline is:

the time frame that spans the receipt of a resume to the time a new hire starts

The notion that investing in people through training and development actually makes them more likely to stay on the job rather than use their better skills to find a different job is called the...

training paradox

Orientation for new employees is important because...

turnover for new employees is very high

The type of interview that is conducted with no preparation, is different with each applicant, and poses legal rules is...

unstructured interview

SA - What is transfer of training? What is one way to maximize the transfer of training?

using trained skills on the job provide a strong link between the training content and the job content

The degree to which evidence supports inferences that are drawn from scores or ratings on a selection procedure is:


In my organization, employees aren't usually given much opportunity to speak up or give opinions, even on things that we know alot about, in fact, managers seem to discourage any open-door communication. This lack of ______ has led to a feeling of unfairness in our organization.


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