MGSC 300 final
What is the essential difference between machine learning and deep learning applications?
deeper learning uses processes that are capable of much more complex and sophisticated learning challenges
People First Approach
ensures that technology meets the needs of users by involving the users at every stage of systems development.
Rapid Application Development (RAD)
interactive processused throughout the SDLC continuing until the system iscompletely developed and all users are satisfied
What is the purpose of a VMO?
is a business unit with anorganization that is responsible forevaluating suppliers of goods andservices and overseeing regularinteraction and long-termrelationships with vendors.
What is the triple bottom line?
process by which companies manage their financial, social, and environmental risks, obligations, and opportunities
Greenhouse effect
the holdingof the heat of the sun within theearth's atmosphere
the state or degree of being easily or conveniently done
What is the purpose of using the BSC in the IT strategic planning process?
used to translate strategic plans and mission statements into a set of business objectives and performance metrics that can be quantified and measured to evaluate how well objectives are being achieved.
What are the three tenets of ethical behavior?
-Responsibility -Accountability -Liability
Name the different types of systems development methodologies
-Waterfall +small short term projects -Object-Oriented +objects = people, things, transactions/ events -Agile +extreme programming -DevOps +Emphasizes collaboration between software developers
What are the seven skills that a CIO needs to help improve business-IT alignment?
-political savvy -Influence, leadership, and power -Relationship Management -Resourcefulness -Strategic Planning -Doing what it takes -Leading Employees
What are the four deliverables of the IT strategic planning process?
1. An evaluation of the strategic goals and directions ofthe organization and how IT is aligned 2. A new or revised IT vision and assessment of the stateof the IT department 3. A statement of the strategies, objectives, and policiesfor the IT department 4. The overall direction, requirements, and sourcing of resources
Name the five activities that organizations need engage in to improve business-IT alignment.
1. Commitment to IT planning by senior management 2. CIO is a member of senior management 3. Understanding IT and corporate planning 4. Shared culture and effective communication 5. Multilevel links
What are the five steps in the technology scanning process?
1. General Technology Search 2. Technology Mapping 3. Systems Modeling 4. Customer Requirements Analysis 5. Analysis of Specific Technologies
Name the five competitive forces in Porter's five forces model.
1. Inbound logistics 2. Operations 3. Outbound Logistics 4. Sales and Marketing 5. Servicing
What are the five phases in the project management life cycle?
1. Initiating 2. Planning 3. Executing 4. Monitoring/Controlling 5. Closing
Briefly describe the six different branches of AI technology.
1. Machine Learning 2. Deep Learning 3. Natural Language Processing 4. Expert Systems 5. Fuzzy logic 6. Robotics
What are the four dimensions of ITIL®4?
1. Organizations and people 2. Information and technology: 3. Partners and suppliers 4. Value streams and processes
What are the four different types of AI machines or applications? How do they differ?
1. Reactive Machines 2. Limited Memory 3. Theory of Mind 4. Self Awareness
What are the five stages of the SDLC?
1. Systems Planning deliverable- Project Plan 2. Systems Analysis deliverable- Systems Proposal 3. Systems Design deliverables- System Design Specification 4. Implementation and Testing 5. Supportive Maintenance
What contributes to the complexity of a cloud strategy?
A complex strategy to source scale and deliver IT capabilities on demand without physical location, labor, or capital restrictions in addition to on-premise systems
Insider Fraud
A variety of criminal behaviors perpetrated by an organization's employees or contractors
What are the three levels of an IT strategic plan?
Long-range IT plan: (the strategic IT plan)—aligns withstrategic-level business planning.• Medium-term IT plan: aligns with managerial oradministrative level business planning.• IT tactical plan: aligns with operational-level business planning.
What are the three components of the triple constraint?
Scope: The project scope is the specification of what the project is supposed to accomplish• Time: A project is made up of tasks. Each task has astart date and an end date.• Cost: This is the estimation of the amount of money that will be required to complete the project.
Describe the three different levels of AI development. Which one describes most of the AI applications in use today?
Stage 1: Artificial Narrow Intelligence (current applications) Stage 2: Artificial General Intelligence (future applications) Stage 3: Artificial Super Intelligence (surpass human applications)
What is onshore sourcing?
The practice of acquiring and maintaining IT systems and services from external third-party providers located in the same country as the company sourcing the systems and services.
What are the three classes of CASE tools?
Upper CASE tools: Used in planning to perform repetitive activities such as gathering requirements, diagramming processes, and presenting them in an organized way. • Lower CASE tools: Used in the design, implementation/testing, and support/maintenance stages automatically generate code, test for functionality and defects, monitor implementation, and perform software maintenance activities. • Integrated CASE tools: Used in all the stages of the SDLC from requirements gathering to testing and documentation.
sustainable development
an initiative to create long-term stakeholder value through implementing a business strategy focused on doing business in an ethical, social, environmental, cultural, and economically responsible way
What is business-IT alignment?
applying IT in an appropriate and timely way that is consistent with business strategies, goals, and needs.
love/haterelationship technology usersexperience when they perceivethe business value of technologyis not aligned with their personalvalues, expectations, and needs.
What is the difference between bits that are used in computers today, and qubits that are used in quantum computers?
quantum computers use another kind of switch called a qubit. Qubits can hold a value of 0, 1, as well as values between 0 and 1.
low-code development platform
software that provides developers and non developers with an intuitive graphical user interface instead of a traditional computer programming environment to create apps.
In quantum mechanics, what is the difference between positive and negative interference?
something can increase (constructive interference) or decrease (destructive interference) the behavior of another thing
IT service management (ITSM)
strategy by which IT systems are offered under contract to customers and performance is managed as a service to achieve greater business-IT alignment and smooth business processes and operations.
Joint Application Development (JAD)
team-oriented technique used in the planning and analysis stages of the SDLC to collect business requirements.
Project, Program and Portfolio Management(PPPM)
• Project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create aunique product, service, or result. • Program is a group of similar or related projects that are managed and coordinated as a group. • Portfolio is group of unrelated programs within anorganization that are managed holistically to achievestrategic goals.