MGSC Final Exam Chapters 11-14

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in what ways can ICT help a country achieve a comparative advantage

can decrease distance between countries,

what has been the effect of advances in artificial intelligence on the field of robotics

can work in different fields, can have different structures for different jobs

how are collaborative robots different from industrial robots that work without direct interaction with humans during the production process

collaborative aka Cobots work together with human workers where industrial robots do not; collaborative helps humans with dangerous, heavy, or repetitive movements

ICT's role in global warming

developing countries are faced with issues impacted by climate change and can benefit from ICT solutions with access to clean water, sanitary conditions, food, and unsustainable agriculture

competitive advantage

edge that enables a company to outperform its competitor 4 major factors: benefit target market globalization competition

why is it important for organizations to take a people-first approach to IT

ensures that technology meets the needs of users by involving the users at every stage of systems development

semantic analysis

ensuring the declarations and statements of a program are semantically correct - meaning is clear and consistent with the way control structures are supposed to be used

3 ways that a company can identify and keep up with emerging strategic technologies

exploring research and development activities of major research centers, IT consulting firms, and attending technology industry conferences

explain the purpose of feasibility tests and why they are important in developing ISs

feasibility tests determine the probability of success of a proposed system and provides rough estimate of its technical, economic, organizational, and behavioral, feasibility - determines if required technology can be developed to solve business problem

what types of behavior can a secure and respectful workplace help deter

fraud, discrimination, bullying, competition

5 steps in the technology scanning process

general technology search technology mapping systems modeling customer requirements analysis analysis of specific technologies

3 general types of business value drivers

growth efficiency financial

what does an organization need to put in place to identify suitable strategic technologies

have a set of models to evaluate technological improvements as they affect aspects of the organizations

5 phases in the project management life cycle

initiating planning executing monitoring/controlling closing

what contributes to the complexity of a cloud strategy

integration of cloud with onpremises resources, extensibility (ability to get data into and out of the cloud service), and reliability of the service (cloud strategy tries to deliver IT capabilities on demand without physical location, labor, or capital restrictions in addition to on premise systems)

What is a theory of mind machine?

interacts with the thoughts and emotions of humans - AI focuses how emotions affect behavior

what steps would workers take to determine if their jobs or intended career path has a higher risk of being automated

is it a job that is routine, done the same way repeatedly; is it a job that deals with numbers and data primarily

3 ways in which the production, development, and use of IT is causing unethical behavior

people can access data and share locations, access address books, tech savvy individuals can be sneaky and resell tickets, hack insider fraud

why is it important that a company provide its employees with a secure and respectful workplace

people feel like they can go through data with privacy and want to keep up respect back to the company

what is the triple bottom line

process by which companies manage their financial, social, and environmental risks, obligations, and opportunities

give an example of how bias can creep into the training of a machine learning application, resulting in unintended but negative consequences

programs designed to identify loan applicants - will choose what are good risks for paying back loans

what distinguishes a project from day to day operations

project is temporary to create a product, service, or result and has an end

what needs to be done before signing a contract with an IT vendor

proof of concept to see how the product is and a trial run to see how the vendor works in the business

3 components of the triple constraint

scope - specification of what the project is supposed to accomplish time - project is made up of tasks with a start and end date cost - estimation of amount of money that will be required to complete the project

5 tasks that the steering committee perform

set the direction allocate scarce resources make staffing decisions communicate and provide feedback set and evaluate performance metrics

why is it important for an organization to be flexible when developing ISs

so there can be continuous revision and testing to fix what may not work out

how does the BSC approach differ from previous measurement approaches

the balanced scorecard creates a quantifiable approach to track and analysis performance

purpose of an IT steering committee

they guide the direction of IT projects and establish the institutions IT priorities and the framework to support them

purpose of the IT strategic planning process

to improve management's understanding of IT opportunities and limitations assess current performance identify capacity and human resource requirements clarify level of investment required

why would an organization conduct a SWOT analysis

to understand realistic evaluation of internal strengths, weaknesses and external opportunities and threats

4 deliverables of the IT strategic planning process

1. an evaluation of the strategic goals and directions of the organization and how IT is align 2. a new or revised IT vision and assessment of the state of the IT department 3. statement of the strategies, objectives, and policies for the IT department 4. overall direction, requirements, and sourcing of resources

3 different level of AI development which one is most applications using today

Artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), known as weak AI, essentially current applications Artificial general intelligence (AGI), aka strong AI, future applications that will be on par with human capabilities Artificial super intelligence (ASI), future applications with capabilities that surpass what humans are capable of

5 activities that organizations need to engage in to improve business-IT alignment

Commitment to IT planning by senior management CIO is a member of senior management Understanding IT and corporate planning Shared culture and effective communication Multilevel links

4 BSC perspectives

Financial Business processes innovation learning and growth customer

4 dimensions of ITILR4

IT infrastructure library that serves as a roadmap for process improvement to help IT professionals build a foundation for service excellence 1. organizations and people 2. information and technology 3. parters and suppliers 4. value streams and processes

what is ITSM

IT service management is a strategy by which IT systems are offered under contract to customers and performance is managed as a service to achieve greater business-it alignment and smooth business processes and operations

difference between goals of a business strategy and IT strategy

IT strategy looks to how it can make things more efficient, less cost, more accurate, business strategy is about profit, management, relationships, career goals

3 levels of an IT strategic plan

Long range IT plan - aligns with strategic level business planning medium term plan - aligns with managerial and administrative level business planning IT tactical plan - aligns with operational-level business planning

6 different branches of technology

Machine Learning - machines that can learn Deep learning - sophisticated learning machines that use neural networks Natural Language processing - machines that can communicate like humans Expert systems - machines that solve complex problems Fuzzy logic - machines that replicate the fuzzy logic reasoning abilities of humans Robotics - robots that use AI to learn, solve problems, and communication

4 system conversion methods

Plunge - cut off and migration at a specific time Parallel - simultaneous transfer Pilot - limited test of new, then roll out Phased - specific components in stages

differences between PPPM

Project - temporary endeavor to create unique product, service, or result Program - group of similar or related projects that are managed and coordinated as a group, not always clear timeline Portfolio - group of unrelated programs within an organization that are managed holistically to achieve strategic goals

how is RAD different from JAD

Rapid application development - interactive process used until system is completely developed and all users satisfied Joint application development - team oriented technique used in planning and analysis stages of the SDLD to collect business requirements

4 different types of AI machine applications

Reactive Machines Limited Memory Theory of Mind Self-Awareness

difference between an outsourcing contract and an SLA

SLA is used to measure performance and service quality of the vendor - outsourcing contract focuses on duties of both parties

5 stages of the SDLC

System Development Life Cycle systems planning systems analysis systems design implementation and testing support and maintanence

3 classes of CASE tools

Upper CASE: used in planning and analysis stages to perform repetitive activities like getting requirements, diagramming, and presenting them Lower CASE: used in design, implementation/testing, and support to automatically generate code, test for defects, monitor, and perform maintenance Integrated CASE: in all stages from requirements gathering to testing and documentation

why would a company want to become sustainable

acquisition and retention of sustainability conscious customers attraction and retention of socially responsible investors more dedicated sustainability-conscious employees attracting sustainability conscious talent short term and long term cost savings increase in market share through brand image

why is the concept of DevOps appealing to organizations

addresses gap in communication and collaboration and creates culture where building, testing, and delivery can happen quickly, frequently, and reliably

what is business-IT alignment

applying IT in an appropriate and timely way that is consistent with business strategies, goals, and needs

what is the purpose of using the BSC in the IT strategic planning process

balanced scorecard evaluated performance based on financial and nonfinancial metrics - can translate strategic plans into a set of objectives that can be quantified and measured to evaluate how theyre being achieved

major benefits and risks of outsourcing

benefits: revenue, efficiency, agility to respond to changes in the marketplace, cut operational costs, can focus on core competencies, differentiate from competitors, reduce burden on internal it department risks: poaching, breach of contract, loss of control over data, lower employee morale, inability of vendor to deliver

why is it important to use a structured project management approach

better control of resources, customer relations, shorter development, lower cost, higher quality, higher profit, improved productivity

6 aspects of quality of life

communications relationships work-life balance healthcare education travel

what is an edge service

component which is exposed to the public internet, acts as gateway to all other services

4 factors that increase the risk of fraud

cost mindset too much trust range of duties informal processes

why is it important for a company to have a code of ethics

creates an internal guide and external statement of organization's values and commitments

what is insider fraud - other terms for it?

criminal behaviors perpetrated by organizations employees against an employer sabotage, intellectual property theft, espionage, insider threats

is the systems development process a linear or a cyclical process - explain

cyclical process because it is always changing and needed to refine systems and advance with the business on what can work even better

3 major sustainability issues in developing countries

health, social, and economic lack of water, food, sanitization

how do industrial robots benefit companies that use them for production and manufacturing

heavy lifting, routine movements, unsafe steps

What is the greenhouse effect?

holding of the heat of the sun within the earth's atmosphere

value chain model

identifies where the greatest value exists in an organization primary Inbound logistics Operations Outbound logistics Sales and marketing Servicing secondary Accounting, legal and finance HR Product and technology development Procurement

why do some experts warn that carbon emission reductions of 45% are necessary by 2030? - how does the use of mobile devices contribute to the level of GHGs

increased use of tablets, apps, phones, and growth of IT industry, infrastructure accounts for most of the industry and smartphones will be the most damages devices

how does ICT affect the profits of a company

information communications technology can be an important enabler to ensure sustainable profits by attracting aware stockholders, employees, customers, and keeping reputation

what is the difference between bits that are used in computers, and qubits that are used in quantum computers

kind of switch that can hold a value of 0, 1, and in between - this new value represents the concept of superposition (ability to be in 2 places at once)

3 major categories of barriers to ICT adoption in developing coutnries

lack of technical infrastructures inadequate STEM education scarcity of ICT policies and regulations

what are the key obstacles facing computer engineers regarding the development of quantum computers

low fault tolerance - computer or network struggles to keep working despite failure of one of its components decoherence - waves, temp change, vibrations that stops ability of computer to maintain info in qubits that are in a state of a superposition

essential difference between machine learning and deep learning applications

machine learning is computers learning from data using algorithms to perform a task withOUT being explicitly programmed; deep learning uses a complex structure of algorithms modeled on the human brain

reinforcement learning

machine learning training method based on rewarding desired behaviors and/or punishing undesired ones

blacklisted apps

malicious app that mimics a reputable, highly downloaded app

deliverables from 3 of the five SDLC stages

planning -the Project Plan analysis - systems proposal design - system design specification

7 skills that a CIO needs to help improve business-IT alignment

political savvy influence, leadership, power relationship management resourcefulness strategic planning doing what it takes leading employees

difference between positive and negative interference in quantum mechanics

positive - increasing the behavior of another thing or negative - decrease the behavior of another thing

why would a company want to invest in strategic technologies

potential to make significant impacts on an organization's long-term plans, programs, and initiatives

in what ways are the roles of project, program, and portfolio managers different

project manager - central point of contact in a project, responsible to manage scope, time, cost program manager - managing related projects as a group in an overarching program; provide oversight to ensure each project in the program is completed effectively and efficiently portfolio manager - centralized management of all projects in progress and future; assesses value of projects, programs, and overall organization objectives and strategies

ways to reduce fraud

punish perpetrators, recover financial lossess

why cant traditional bits perform operations similar to qubits

qubits can be in multiple states at once and can express higher correlation

reactive AI machine

reacts to current scenarios and cannot rely on taught or recalled data to make decisions in the present

why would an IT department want to achieve business-IT alignment

reducing IT expense, increase collaboration, gaining visibility into problem, improve ROI

purpose of an RFP

request for proposal - evaluate different proposals to select correct provider and see their pricing, objectives, vision, architecture, risk, model

3 tenets of ethical behavior

responsibility - anticipate and accept the consequences of your decisions and actions accountability - determine who is responsible for actions liability - right to recover damages for actions

why are technologies like facial recognition and AI programs that monitor a large volume of phone calls and email messages a concern for american citizens

scared of privacy and civil rights

what is a low-code development platform - advantages and disadvantages

software that provides developers and nondevelopers with an intuitive graphical user interface instead of a traditional computer programming environment to create apps pros - higher production of apps, promoting business agility and digitization cons - some increased chance of vendor lock in , less customization and security

name 5 competitive forces in Porter's five forces model

supplier power, buyer power, threat of substitute products or services, threat of new entrants, and industry rivalry

how can developing countries benefit from being sustainable

sustainable management of water and sanitization

what is onshore sourcing

systems development and or support are provided by a supplier in a country that is the same as the sourcing organization

how does tactical adoption of cloud services differ from a coordinated cloud strategy

tactical adoption deploys cloud services incrementally results in apps and services that are patched together to create end to end business processes and its short sighted

what advantages do surgeons and patients experience when medical robots are used during surgical procedures

take on tasks that require extreme precision and stability for a long period of time which is hard for a human surgeon, can also expand dexterity to reach more areas of body, less chance for mistakes for patient

purpose of a VMO

vendor management organization - business unit responsible for evaluating suppliers overseeing interaction and long-term relationships with vendors

different types of systems development methodologies

waterfall - sequential, predictive, inflexible Object oriented - adaptive, cyclical, reusable Agile - most flexible, incremental approach DevOps - emphasizes collaboration between software developers, operators, and testors in development and operations of IS

main difference between the waterfall method and the agile method

waterfall is sequential and whole process is known, agile is adaptive and incremental based on how the project is going

describe some fields or disciplines that are expected to be influenced by the development of workable and widely available quantum computers

weather forecasting, product innovation, cyber security, AI, business market and finance modeling

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