MGT 320 Exam 1

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A personal relationship in which a more experienced individual (usually higher in the organization) acts a guide, role model, and sponsor of a less experienced protege

Interactional Framework of Leadership

Hollander's transactional approach that depicts leadership as a function of three elements - the leader, the followers, and the situation. A particular leadership scenario can be examined using each level of analysis separately, but can be better understood by examining the interactions among the three elements, or lenses, represented by the overlapping areas in the figure.

More associated with words like risk taking, dynamic, change, creativity, and vision. Leadership is fundamentally a value-choosing activity, whereas management is not. Leaders are thought to do the right things, whereas managers are thought to do things right.

How does leadership differ from management?

Art & science Rational & emotional

Leadership is both an ____ & ____. Leadership is also ____ & ____.

Role playing

Participants are assigned parts to play (such as supervisor or unmotivated employee) in a job-related scenario. Has the advantage of letting trainees actually practice relevant skills and thus is more transferable to the workplace than lectures or discussions about leadership


The change in a target agent's attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors as the result of influence tactics


The explanations we develop for the behaviors or actions we attend to

Case studies

Describe leadership situations and are used as a vehicle for leadership discussions

Followers play a major role in the leadership process. Followers' goals and values, competence, motivation, personality traits, and expectations can all effect the amount and quality of the work that is done. In order for leaders to be good leaders, they must have the trust, respect, and effort of their followers in toe.

Describe the leader - follower relationship.

Single-loop learning

Describes a kind of learning between the individual and the environment in which learners seek relatively little feedback that may significantly confront their fundamental ideas or actions (individuals learn only about subjects within the comfort zone of their belief systems)

-Expertise power -Referent power -Legitimate power -Reward power -Coercive power

Five sources of social power from French and Raven's typology: -Power of knowledge? -Power of being well liked? -Power of authority (organizational role)? -Power to reward (control over resources)? -Power to punish?

It is a science because it can be learned and there is much knowledge and research that can be gained. However, it is an art because some managers may be effective leaders without ever taking a course - they use intuition and gut instead of research & knowledge

How is leadership both an art and a science?

Because good leadership includes actions and influences based on reason and logic as well as those based on inspiration and passion.

How is leadership both rational and emotional?

-Rational persuasion -Inspirational appeals -Consultation -Ingratiation -Personal appeals -Exchange -Coalition tactics -Pressure tactics -Legitimizing tactics

Influence Tactics: -Use of logical arguments or factual evidence? -Request or proposal designed to arouse enthusiasm or emotions? -Occurs when agents ask targets to participate in planning an activity? -Attempts to get you in a good mood before making a request? -Ask another to do a favor out of friendship? -Equally swapping favors with another? -When the agent seeks the aid or support of others to influence the target? -Threats or persistent reminders? -Make a request based on their position or authority over the target?

Double-loop learning

Involves a willingness to confront one's own views and an invitation to others to do so too (learn how to change their leadership styles by questioning their own assumptions about others, their roles, and their underlying assumptions about the importance of their own goals and those of the organization)

One main challenge of leadership is understanding when common sense applies and when it does not. If leadership were simply just common sense, there would be few, if any, problems in the workplace between followers and leaders. That is clearly not the case, as problems arise all the time in a workplace.

Myth: Good Leadership is all Common Sense. Explain why this is false.

It is both. Leadership is shaped partly on the traits with which one was born, because some of these may offer certain advantages or disadvantages, But it is also shaped on how this inheritance is molded through experience or teaching. (Ex: college professor)

Myth: Leaders Are Born, Not Made. Explain why this is false.

Formal study and experience go hand in hand in order to create a leader. Formal study teaches you different perspectives and theories of leadership, and the proper situations in which they are best to use, which allows leaders to be able to handle any situation presented in their experiences.

Myth: The Only School You Learn Leadership from is the School of Hard Knocks. Explain why this is false.

Action - What did you do? Observation - What happened? (results, impact on others) Reflection - How do you look at it now? How do you feel about it now?

Name and give a brief description of the three processes associated with experience.

-Good leadership is all common sense -Leaders are born, not made -The only school you learn leadership from is the school of hard knocks

Name the myths of leadership.

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Occurs when our expectations or predictions play a casual role in bringing about the events we predict

In-basket exercises

Participants are given a limited amount of time to prioritize and respond to a number of notes, letters, and phone messages from a fictitious manager's inbox

Personalized power

Power exercised for their own needs, not for the good of the organization (selfish, impulsive, lacking in self-control)

Socialized power

Power that is exercised in the service of higher goals to others or the organization and often involves self-sacrifice toward those ends


Relatively structured activities designed to mirror some of the challenges or decisions commonly faced in the work environment

Fundamental attribution error

Tendency to overestimate the dispositional causes of behavior and underestimate the environmental causes when others fail. (Ex: Julie tries and fails to get a study group together, and you attribute the failure to Julie's intelligence, personality, physical appearance, or some other factor even though it could have been factors that were beyond her control)

Self-serving bias

The tendency to make external attributions (blame the situation) for one's own failures yet make internal attributions (take credit) for one's successes

There was a high correlation between the ways male and female respondents perceived "males" and "managers," but none with "females" and "managers." It was as though being a manager was defined by attributes thought of as masculine.

What were the findings of Schein's study of sex roles?

-innovate -maintain -inspire -short-term view -what and why -imitate -challenge

-Managers administer; leaders ____ -Managers _____; leaders develop -Managers control; leaders _____ -Managers have a ____-____ _____; Leaders have a long-term view -Managers ask how and when; leaders ask ____ and _____ -Managers ______; leaders originate -Managers accept the status quo; Leaders _____ it


A complex phenomenon involving the leader, the followers, and the situation. -inducing subordinate behavior -directing and coordinating work -an interpersonal relationship -influencing a group toward accomplishing its goals -focus resources to create desirable opportunities -create conditions for the team to be effective -a complex form of social problem solving

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