MGT 3376 quizzes

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Effective managers tend to use more

information-rich channels.

Which is the most stressful job in America as noted in a 2008 Health magazine?

inner city high school teacher

The lesson learned from PointCast is

social issues in negotiation can be deal-breakers.

It is finals week at State University and Agnes has five finals in three days. What phase of the stress process is she experiencing in each of the scenarios below?

Agnes glances at the clock and notes it is three hours until her first final of the week. She still has two chapters to study. She feels a slight pain in the pit of her stomach. Agnes is experiencing symptoms of what stress phase?

Research on turnover indicates which of the following statements is FALSE?

All turnover is bad for an organization.

Research on communication indicates all of the following EXCEPT

Although good communication helps retain effective performers, it does not increase a firm's market share.

Which of the following statements is true?

Attitude provides clues to behavior, but situational factors also impact behavior.

If two marketing groups within a firm's marketing department are vying against each other for a larger percentage of the budget, which option that the marketing manager could consider to manage the organizational conflict would be MOST effective?

Focus the attention of the two groups on a common "enemy" such as another firm that that they compete with for business.

Individuals with an internal locus of control

believe that what happens to them is their own doing.

Forced ranking systems, like that established by General Electric,

can carry the danger of lawsuits because of equal employment opportunity concerns with employees rated.

The United Auto Workers (UAW) and Ford Motor Company were negotiating a new agreement to address the auto industry woes during a severe economic downturn. Ford offered to consider delaying layoffs if the UAW agreed to changes in contractual work rules related to the jobs bank. This negotiation suggests the use of what conflict handling style?


To influence instrumentality, managers can

consistently reward high performers.

Escalation of commitment occurs because

decision makers do not want to admit they were wrong.

Mark works as the frozen food manager in a major grocery store chain. When his stock of two-pound bags of frozen shrimp gets down to two cases, he e-mails his warehouse to send ten cases to restock.

decision rule.

The triple bottom line refers to evaluating an organization on all of the following performance criteria but


Rodney is a new project team leader. Jerome is chatting with him about some of the problems that could arise and prevent his team from being successful. Jerome offers all the following pieces of advice to overcome barriers to team success EXCEPT

dominant personalities can only help a group; let those that are the most vocal have their say.

Scientific management's primary focus is


All of the following are general mental abilities EXCEPT

emotional intelligence.

Ingar Skaug, CEO of Wilhelmsen Lines, changed the decision-making style of his firm to one that

empowered employees to make their own decisions.

Maslow's physiological needs may be satisfied by:


When the goal of the decision making exercise is to make a satisfactory decision because you are limited in some way such as time, you should utilize

the bounded rationality decision-making model.

Esteem needs are

the desire to feel important.

General Adaptive Syndrome is

the hypothesis that stress plays a general role in disease.

Motivation is

the intention of achieving a goal, leading to goal-directed behavior.

The bounded rationality model should be used to make decisions when

the minimum criteria are clear.

A mediator should enter a negotiation when

the parties are unable to find a solution.

Meta-analysis is

the process of summarizing research findings from studies on related topics.

Sociology is

the systematic study of group and team processes.

Self-enhancement bias is

the tendency to overestimate our performance and capabilities and see ourselves in a more positive light than others see us.

Validity is

the truth of a measurement.

In analyzing the data, the researcher notes that as employee absences increase, scores on performance evaluations decrease. This suggests

there is a correlation between employee absenteeism and employee performance.

Which of the following employees is more likely to turnover?

those who have negative work attitudes

Role ambiguity is

vagueness in relation to job responsibilities.

Study findings on personality indicate

we are more emotionally stable and more organized between the ages of 20 and 40.

Which of the following would be conditions under which SMART goals would be effective relative to other times?

when employees have a supportive and trusting relationship with their managers

In which scenario would directive leadership be most effective?

when employees have an external locus of control

Task significance is

whether a person's job substantially affects other people's health, work or well-being.

Companies can reduce the temptation to behave unethically by

withholding rewards from those who are demonstrating unethical behaviors.

Sleep research on stress indicates all of the following EXCEPT

workers who miss work because of exhaustion become rejuvenated and face less stress upon their return to work.

Marcus wants a record of his communication and is not physically near the person to whom he is communicating. He knows it will take the recipient of his communication some time to understand the message conveyed. What communication channel should Marcus utilize?

written report

According to the leadership decision tree, a leader who makes a decision alone using available information has a(n)

autocratic decision-making style.

Which conflict handling style is indicated by an individual who says, "I don't really care if we work this out."?


If both parties to a budget negotiation seek to expand the overall budget so that each party gets more, this is an example of which kind of negotiation strategy?

integrative approach

Nancy and Mary are in the same sorority. Nancy is running for the university's student government treasurer position. Mary says, "I'll never vote for her, whether she is my sister or not." Mary is experiencing what kind of conflict?


The Ringelmann effect is also known as

social loafing.

If there is conflict between two members of a team and the underlying reason for the conflict is personality differences, what is a viable way of managing the organizational conflict?

Change the composition of the team by separating the individuals at odds.

Maria strongly disliked working in groups in college because she always felt there was someone who did not "pull his weight." However, now that she is a manager, she must organize teams in her firm. Which of the following is NOT a tip to prevent social loafing she has received from other managers in her company?

Choose a larger number of employees for each team.

Which of the following statements about surveys is INCORRECT?

Close-ended question responses are difficult to summarize.

Analyzing Trader Joe's success using Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation would suggest that

Contextual, content, and growth needs factors all help to contribute to Trader Joe's success.

Which of the following statements regarding job performance is INCORRECT?

Contrary to what most people would think, stress has very little impact on job performance.

Which of the following is NOT a good piece of advice to offer individuals who want to engage in successful negotiations?

Don't establish deadlines; when the negotiations are over, they are over.

In comparing Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory to Alderfer's ERG theory

ERG theory recognizes more than one need may operate at one time.

Research on decision-making styles finds

Employees care more about the overall participativeness of the organizational climate than involvement in every single decision.

Research on motivation suggests the following:

Ethical behavior is learned behavior.

Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement about leader-member exchange (LMX) theory?

High LMX relationships involve an active dislike between the leader and member.

Which of the following statements regarding House's path-goal theory of leadership is INCORRECT?

House's path-goal theory of motivation is based upon the equity theory of motivation.

An example of an operational decision is

How often do I go back to the stockroom to get additional products for display?

Which of the following is NOT correct about the nature of social roles in a team?

If social roles are filled in a firm, groups are more prone to suffer process losses.

Which of the following statements about attribution is correct?

If we make an external attribution to someone's goal achievement, we are less likely to reward the individual.

Which of the following statements regarding age and turnover is FALSE?

Individuals who have been on the job only a short period of time are unlikely to turnover because they just got the job.

Which of the following statements about job enlargement is NOT true?

Job enlargement involving giving employees more tasks requiring them to be knowledgeable in different areas has fewer positive effects than job enlargement adding tasks that are very simple in nature.

Research suggests which of the following relationships between performance and turnover?

Poor performers are more likely to quit their jobs compared to high performers.

Which of the following is the correct order of the phases in the creative decision-making model?

Problem identification, immersion, incubation, illumination, verification and application.

In the sentence, "I did not tell the teacher you were cheating," if the word "I" was emphasized by the tone of your voice, what are you implying?

Someone else told the teacher you were cheating.

When organizational behavior modification is used to examine employee absenteeism, which step looks at why employees are absent?

Step 3: Analyze behavior antecedents and outcomes.

A faultline is

an attribute along which a group is split into subgroups.

Which of the following statements regarding team size and diversity is correct?

Teams that believe in the value of diversity perform better than those which do not.

Which of the following statements regarding nonverbal body signals is true?

The American "ok" gesture would be inappropriate or offensive in Brazil or Russia.

Which of the following statements about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is INCORRECT?

The MBTI is a very effective tool to use in making selection decisions.

Which of the following statements regarding leadership and ethics is INCORRECT?

The contingency theories of leadership are explicit in noting the important role that ethics play in effective leadership.

Which of the following statements regarding Gersick's punctuated equilibrium model is INCORRECT?

The model views group development as a linear process.

Which of the following statements regarding techniques for making better decisions is INCORRECT?

The nominal group technique is a technique used routinely at most meetings.

Which of the following statements regarding research on emotional contagion is INCORRECT?

The spillover from positive emotions lasts longer than that from negative emotions.

In which of the following scenarios would you expect high performance?

The team members seem to get along well enough, but on occasion they will argue about a number of issues.

What impact did emotional awareness training have on employees at American Express?

The training increased sales.

Which of the following statements about case studies is true?

They are a way to gather data and explain an event or situation in detail.

Which of the following is NOT a key characteristic of authentic leaders?

They have no set priorities.

Gender discrimination is prohibited by which of the following laws?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

Which of the following statements regarding conflict and its cures is INCORRECT?

To avoid conflict in communication, focus on the person, not behavior or its effects.

Research conducted in an actual organization is

a field study.

Research that is performed under very controlled conditions and can include observation, interviews, or experiments is called

a lab study.

In 2003, six people died from Hepatitis A and 660 were sickened after eating at Chi Chi's, a popular Mexican restaurant in suburban Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In the days following the first death, the CEO of the Chi Chi's chain made a decision to have all restaurant workers and the restaurant itself tested to determine what established the dangerous conditions. (Eventually the hepatitis outbreak was traced to the green onions in the firm's salsa.) The decision to order such testing in the crisis situation is an example of

a nonprogrammed decision.

Marissa always seems to know who to talk to in her organization to get things done. When her immediate supervisor seemed less than enthusiastic about her proposal, she made sure to mention it to the manager in another department who shared it with his boss. Marissa was just approached about implementing her proposal. Marissa seems to have

a proactive personality.

An entity that takes on different values is

a variable.

Research has found all of the Big 5 personality traits to be related to leader emergence and leader effectiveness EXCEPT


Which of the following is a high-risk situation where your job might be at risk for workplace violence?

all of the above

Which instrumental value might surveys find to be prevalent in Wall Street brokers?


Mark has been the teachers' union representative for contract negotiations for the past five contracts. Today the school district presented a counterproposal in which they requested that teachers make a minimal contribution for their healthcare premiums. The expiring contract makes the school district entirely responsible for the premiums. Mark is outraged. He throws the proposal given him on the floor and yells at the school district representative as he exits the negotiation room, "This is a pure and simple insult to my members and I will not sit at a table with anyone who treats them so poorly." Mark is committing what negotiation mistake?

getting overly emotional

NASA endured the Challenger disaster when group members conformed with top managers' decisions that launching the space shuttle in freezing temperatures was better than missing the launch window. This is an example of what group process?


Firms in the retail industry like Kronos have an incentive to find strong candidates for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

happy workers are productive workers.

Role overload is

having insufficient time and resources to complete a job.

Susan is a paramedic for the county ambulance service. Yesterday there was a terrible accident on the interstate when a bus carrying senior citizens to an Atlantic City casino was struck by a small dump truck as the truck tried to change lanes. Fifteen of the bus riders were killed and 25 injured. As Susan arrived on the scene to perform triage on the accident victims, she quickly made decisions as to which victims needed immediate care and who could wait. Susan was using what decision-making model in making these stressful decisions?

intuitive decision-making model

The glass ceiling

is the underrepresentation of women in executive and upper level management positions of companies.

Communication that is asynchronous

is written by the sender and can be read any time by the receiver.

If you say to yourself, "As soon as I finish reading this chapter in my textbook, I am going to play Guitar Hero for an hour," this specific goal has motivated you because

it has energized you not to stop until you have accomplished the goal.

Research on procedural justice suggests

it is best to be consistent in the manner in which employees are disciplined for violating company policy for situations like cell phone usage.

According to the authors of Organizational Behavior, a company's greatest asset is

its people.

All of the following statements regarding personality testing in employee selection are correct EXCEPT

job interviewers are very adept at assessing conscientiousness in candidates, so the personality test is not really needed in employee selection.

Maria works at a factory in Lima, Peru where she sews blue jeans for a major American firm. On Mondays, she sews the side seams of the jeans, on Tuesdays she sews on pockets, Wednesdays she presses finished jeans, Thursdays she folds jeans, packages sets of twelve in shrink wrap and places them in boxes, and on Friday she sews decorative stitching on the pockets and side seams. Maria is working under the job design technique of

job rotation.

The act of influencing others toward a goal is


Which of the following statements regarding group decision support systems (GDSS) is INCORRECT?

GDSS avoids all possibilities of information overload.

Michael is the United Way pledge leader for his department. He gets along quite well with his coworkers. His pledge leader duties, with regard to specific steps to follow in asking coworkers for pledges and how to collect and report them, are clearly laid out for him in a United Way brochure. Which LPC style is best for this scenario?

Low LPC leaders are effective.

Which of the following is an issue to keep in mind with regard to maintaining an ethical environment in the firm?

Monitoring employees may increase ethical compliance but may create a culture of mistrust.

Which of the following steps is the FIRST you should undertake in negotiating a higher salary?

Overcome your fear.

Which of the following statements regarding employee happiness at work is FALSE?

Pay is the most important aspect of job satisfaction.

Which of the following is an illegal interview question?

What are your childcare arrangements?

An example of a crucial conversation is

asking for a raise

Deep-level diversity traits include


Nick's roommate is attending a networking event for his business fraternity this weekend. He says, "Nick, you are so good at going up to someone and starting a conversation. You always seem to know what to do and what to say. You never seem awkward and you can talk to anyone about anything. I want to handle this networking event well—give me some tips." Nick seems to be very


Leaders who hold a position of authority and utilize the power that comes from their position as well as personal power to influence others are called

formal leaders.

Research on performance incentives suggest all of the following EXCEPT

employees report lower levels of pay satisfaction under pay-for-performance systems.

Jason sent an email to his mother, "Ur never going 2 believe this. That prof gave me no credit for my paper. I h8 him." (with emoticons included). When his mother got the e-mail, it took her quite some time to decipher the message. Jason should have considered his audience when he _________ the message.


IBM has always been a pioneer in valuing and appreciating diversity in its workforce. Which of the following is NOT a program IBM instituted before legislation or public policy dictated it?

executive training programs for women

Bill is the quarterback of his college football team. The team was 10-0, but lost this week after what Bill says was a very bad call by the referee. Bill seldom says anything about how the referees called any game, but he is very vocal about this one. You know that Bill works hard both on the field and off. You talk to other players on the team and they complain about the referee's call also. In this scenario, given what you know about the referee's call, you could explain Bill's behavior as

external attribution.

The Big 5 personality trait ___________ has the strongest relationship to both leader emergence and leader effectiveness.


Research findings of leader behaviors suggest

extremely high levels of leader task-oriented behaviors may lead to burnout in employees.

Servant leaders

feel an obligation to their employees, customers and the larger community.

The likelihood that findings in a given study would be found in another setting or study is


Abdul tends to emphasize harmonious interpersonal relationships, prefers to be with friends, and enjoys family events. Abdul would probably be categorized as being

high in need for affiliation.

Jennifer complains to her friends every Friday night about her job. Each week she tells them she is going to leave her company even though she has been working there for five years. Jennifer is likely to be

high in neuroticism.

A fashion designer who creates pieces for a large fashion house for a New York or Paris runway show has

high task identity.

Research suggests high levels of emotional intelligence lead to which of the following?

higher life satisfaction.

Sara's laptop started causing her problems. It was taking a long time to boot up, and froze unexpectedly a number of times. Now the laptop has shut down completely and she cannot get it started up again. One of the group members on her project said to Sara, "You should have gone for help when it started acting up, now you've affected all of us." This scenario is an example of what type of decision-making trap?

hindsight bias

An example of extinction is

ignoring a coworker who is telling dirty jokes.

Prior to 1993, IBM managed diversity by

ignoring differences and providing equal employment opportunities.

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of groupthink?

illusion of vulnerability

Verbal communication should be used when

immediate feedback is needed.

The BATNA is

important to assisting you in deciding whether to accept an offer or not.

Which of the following is a key level of analysis investigated in Organizational Behavior


Michele is being considered for a managerial position at Halliburton. She completes a TAT as part of an assessment center exercise for prospective managers. Facilitators will examine the results carefully for their manager choices knowing that

individuals high in need for achievement may find it difficult to delegate authority to subordinates.

Martha's mom asks her to go to the grocery store for her. Martha agrees and heads upstairs to get ready. Before she leaves her house, she sits down at her desk to check her e-mail and receives a text message from her friend Nancy to turn on the television and see the story about their friend, Jill. As the story about Jill comes on, Martha's mom comes in and asks Martha to get her an eight-ounce can of diced tomatoes. Martha smiles at Mom and nods and listens to the story on television as she e-mails Sandra and picks up her phone to text Nancy. When Martha gets to the store, she heads to the tomato aisle and stands in front of the pureed tomatoes trying to remember if mom wanted an 8- or 16-ounce can. This scenario depicts which barrier to communication?

information overload

Which of the following was a challenge that the IBM diversity task force on African American employees found to be a concern?

lack of networking

Indra Nooyi has proven to be an effective leader for PepsiCo since she took over the firm in 2006. She exhibits all of the following leadership qualities EXCEPT

laid-back performance standards and style.

The collaborative work environment at Trader Joe's satisfies which of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?


Matthew and Jim are next-door neighbors and their sons are best friends. Matthew and Jim take the boys on many father-son outings. Matthew is Jim's boss at ABC Corporation. Jim gets high ratings from Matthew. There may be bias in those ratings due to


A Type B personality displays which of the following characteristics?

logical decision making.

Research on effective teams indicates that they experience

moderate levels of task conflict in the middle of the project timeline.

Lauren takes a personality survey and finds she strongly exhibits the trait of agreeableness. She might be described as being

nice, tolerant, sensitive and kind.

A professor decides to save paper by posting her syllabus on the university's web-based course application program instead of printing it and handing it out during the first class. She sends an e-mail to all her students prior to the actual start of the course that reads, "Your syllabus is available on Courseweb. I will go over that syllabus during the first class but, since I am attempting to conserve paper, will not make a copy available to you. Students however, are welcome to print out their own copy of the syllabus." If students try to go online to view the syllabus and the university's computer system keeps shutting down on them as they read the syllabus, the students are dealing with what aspect of the communication model?


Overconfidence bias

occurs when individuals overestimate their ability to predict future events.

Maurice is described as "very curious. He has very original thoughts. He is a bright young man with a very creative flair." Maurice exhibits the personality trait of


Research on job characteristics indicate that

people who have high growth need tend to expect their jobs to help them build new skills.

Michael is part of an organizational behavior project group. The group decided on the overall theme of its project and individual members are now completing specific sections of the project. Michael has been e-mailing Rachel almost every day asking her opinion on various parts of his section. The group tends to sit together in class and they have even decided to go out for coffee after class next Tuesday. What phase of group development is Michael's group in?


Organizational citizenship behaviors include all of the following EXCEPT

performing the duties in one's job description.

All of the following are actions those who perceive inequity can undertake to "balance the scales" EXCEPT

produce higher quality work.

Hank is part of a team doing engineering design on a new hybrid automobile. Hank's team has completed designing the vehicle. His team is now ready to hand off to another team who will be dealing with _____________ tasks.


The Age Discrimination in Employment Act

prohibits discrimination against employees age 40 or older.

The Americans with Disabilities Act

prohibits discrimination in employment against individuals with physical or mental disabilities if these employees are otherwise qualified to do their jobs with or without reasonable accommodation.

Structural empowerment

refers to the aspects of the work environment that give employees discretion, autonomy and the ability to do jobs effectively.

Natalia administered the test to the job candidate three different times. She is looking at the scores and sees that they are 85, 87 and 85 out of 100. She notes that the scores are fairly consistent or


Expectancy theory suggests individuals are motivated when all of the following conditions are met EXCEPT

rewards lead to high performance.

Jared is a member of the engineering department in the manufacturing firm and also serves on the Strategy 2015 team, which is crafting an engineering strategy for the firm's future. He has a "Do not miss" meeting in the engineering department scheduled for Wednesday at 8 a.m. and just received an urgent email about a "Can't miss" meeting for the strategy group at 8:15 a.m. Wednesday morning. Jared is experiencing

role conflict.

Joe was diagnosed with cancer six months ago. He is back at work between chemotherapy treatments but is unable to work more than four hours per day. Diego has been covering all Joe's assignments that extend beyond Joe's four-hour day as well as covering the regular tasks of his own eight-hour shift. Diego is likely experiencing

role overload.

Which of the following is a hygiene factor in Herzberg's theory of motivation?


Which of the following terms is an example to biased language?


Early experiences are important influences over dominant values. If Sharon was raised by an aunt because her parents had both died when she was ten, she most likely would see what value as central to her life?


Martin is the financial director of the small business. He recently read a memo from one department presenting a new idea for a product. During the discussion on the item afterward, Martin kept focusing on the cost of producing and marketing that product. The barrier facing Martin in this scenario is

selective perception.

Research on downsizing indicates all of the following to be true about downsizing EXCEPT

since 1980, the service industry has accounted for the largest average percentage of firms which downsized five or more percent of their workforces.

Antonio, Alpha Company's marketing manager, will be listening to the advertising pitches from the final four firms today as he chooses the television ad campaign for his product for the fall season. Antonio is making a(n)

tactical decision.

All of the following statements regarding telecommuting are correct EXCEPT

telecommuting is a universally effective process; regardless of job or employee, it is effective.

Which of the following would freeze a conversation?

telling the other person what to do

High social monitors

tend to be more successful in their careers.

Hypotheses are

tentative guesses for expected observations that can be tested.

The "corporate athlete approach" to stress is

to train mind and body to perform at peak levels by using better nutrition, and positive action.

Malcolm is the manager of his department. After performance evaluations, he gives those who have met their goals for the year a pay raise. He gives his employees their assignments and leaves them to do their work but does monitor them so that if he notices a potential problem, it gets resolved before causing difficulties. What kind of contemporary leadership style is Malcolm demonstrating?

transactional leadership

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