MGT 340 Organizational Behavior Final Exam [Missing Ch5 & 10]

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Which influence tactic entails requesting someone's advice to solve a problem or mutually setting goals to increase a follower's commitment to the leader's decision?


Which political tactic may entail getting an opponent promoted?

Eliminating political rivals

Which of the following is an accurate description of the leadership differences between men and women?

Female leaders are more democratic in making decisions.

According to Hersey and Blanchard, what does appropriate leader behavior depend on?

Follower readiness

Which of the following is NOT an important reason for understanding organizational behavior?

Sole proprietorships are increasingly common for entrepreneurial organizations.

What term refers to the fit between an individual's values, beliefs, attitudes, and personality and the values, norms, and culture of the organization?

Person-organization fit

Which type of leadership entails the ability to understand the complexities of both the organization and its environment so as to maintain a superior alignment between them?

Strategic leadership

Combining the gasoline engine with bicycle and carriage technology to create automobiles was an example of which of the following kinds of innovation?


In LPC theory, which factor reflects the extent to which a task is routine, simple, easily understood, and unambiguous?

Task structure

Which leadership style of the Hersey and Blanchard model entails providing direction and defining roles?


Christina did not vote for a candidate because she thought none of them would be a job-centered leader. Based on this information, to what view of leadership does Christina most relate?

The behavioral approach

In the workplace, stress is sometimes a positive factor.


Organizational behavior is the study of human behavior in organizational settings, of the interface between human behavior and the organization, and of the organizational itself.


Which type of production relies the most heavily on employee talent?

Unit production

According to the path-goal theory, leaders can affect subordinates' performance by

clarifying what behaviors will lead to desired rewards.

Southwest Airlines has a(n) __________ conflict culture.


Individuals who score high in __________ tend to take their jobs seriously and act responsibly at work.


Perceptions are __________ to change once they are formed.


The textbook makes several distinctions between management and leadership. These distinctions include all of the following EXCEPT

management is more important in regard to creating and directing change.

George is highly committed and has an attachment to the organization where he works. He feels he is a true member of the company. George is demonstrating

organizational commitment.

Referent, expert, informational, and persuasive powers all contribute to

personal power.

Smaller organizations with low standardization, total centralization, and mostly one-on-one communication have a

prebureaucratic structure.

Turnover occurs when people

quit their jobs.

Organizations that have an organic structure typically

require their members to be committed to the organization's tasks.

The strength or weakness of a culture reflects the degree to which the culture

resists change.

A supervisor who experiments with new ideas, takes a chance with new products, and leads his or her department in new directions has high

risk propensity.

Sally truly believes that he can achieve his goal of selling 10 cars each month. This belief reflects Sally's


Managers may enhance their referent power by

All of these are correct

Which political tactic entails befriending powerful people or starting small subgroups to promote specific aims?

Building coalitions

Which type of organizational structure places a greater importance on employees higher in the structure, as reflected by centralized decision making and a strict chain of command?

Bureaucratic structure

Which element of organizational structure would a firm pursuing an innovation strategy be most likely to have?


__________ is the ability to affect the perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, motivation, and/or behaviors of others.


Which influence tactic entails flattering or praising someone to put them in a good mood or to make them more likely to want to help?


Which of the following is NOT a resource category that organizations use in the pursuit of goals and objectives?


In LMX theory, what ultimately determines whether the follower becomes a member of an in-group or an out-group?

The leader's perception of the follower

Which of the following perspectives argues that there's "one best way" to solve a problem that will work for any organization?

The universal perspective

Which of the following is NOT a common theme of organizational culture?

These are all common themes of organizational culture

All of the following people were/are considered charismatic leaders EXCEPT

Tim Cook

Compare and contrast transactional and transformational leadership styles.

Transactional leadership is essentially the same as management in that it involves routine, regimented activities. Closer to the general notion of leadership, however, is transformational leadership, the set of abilities that allows the leader to recognize the need for change, to create a vision to guide that change, and to execute the change effectively. Transformational leadership focuses on the basic distinction between leading for change and leading for stability. According to this viewpoint, much of what a leader does occurs in the course of normal, routine, work-related transactions—assigning work, evaluating performance, making decisions, and so forth. Occasionally, however, the leader has to initiate and manage major change, such as managing a merger, creating a workgroup, or defining the organization's culture. The first set of issues involves transactional leadership, whereas the second entails transformational leadership.

A person who tries to gain power and control over others in the workplace scores high in Machiavellianism.


What term refers to a repeated mistreatment of another employee through verbal abuse, conduct that is threatening, humiliating, or intimidating, or sabotage that interferes with the other person's work?

Workplace bullying

Researchers at Ohio State investigating the issue of stability of leader behaviors over time found that

an individual's leadership pattern did not change much in similar situations.

Under the systems perspective, a system is defined as

an interrelated set of elements that functions as a whole.

Origin stories, ceremonies, rituals, and dress codes are all examples of


A company that wants to promote a culture of openness and teamwork should ensure that its intranet has a

broad scope.

If employees are to be encouraged to make decisions and work collaboratively, a more _________ and _________ structure is appropriate.

decentralized, flatter

The goal of the behavioral approach to the study of leadership was to

determine what behaviors were associated with effective leadership.

As a coach, the organizational leader would do all of the following EXCEPT

gain an understanding of the values of their young workers.

The goal of the Michigan leadership studies was to determine the pattern of leadership behaviors that results in effective

group performance.

The system of reporting relationships in the organization, from the first level up through the president or CEO is known as


Discuss the concept of emotional intelligence and define the five components. Relate emotional intelligence to work, using examples

Emotional intelligence (EI) is an interpersonal capability that includes the ability to perceive and express emotions, to understand and use them, and to manage emotions in oneself and other people. Goleman describes five dimensions of EI that include three personal competencies (self-awareness, self-regulation, and motivation) and two social competencies (empathy and social skills). Emotional capabilities may operate at multiple levels to influence change in organizations. EI may also influence employee emotional reactions to job insecurity and their coping with associated stresses. Emotional intelligence involves using emotional regulatory processes to control anxiety and other negative emotional reactions and to generate positive emotional reactions. Negative emotions, such as anxiety or frustration, are distracting and result in diminished learning and performance. Emotional regulation and control may also be important in managing distracting positive emotions at work. The five dimensions comprising emotional intelligence are: 1. Self-awareness: being aware of what you are feeling 2. Self-motivation: persisting in the face of obstacles, setbacks, and failures 3. Self-management: managing your own emotions and impulses 4. Empathy: sensing how others are feeling 5. Social skills: effectively handling the emotions of others People differ in the degree to which they are able to recognize the emotional meaning of others' facial expressions, although seven universal emotions are expressed in the face in exactly the same way regardless of race, culture, ethnicity, age, gender, or religion. These emotions are joy, sadness, fear, surprise, anger, contempt, and disgust. Recognizing and understanding these emotions is important in communicating, establishing relationships, building rapport, negotiating, and many other managerial tasks. More effective communicators better recognize the emotions being conveyed by peoples' facial expressions. There is some ambiguity about the degree to which EI is considered a malleable and trainable set of competencies versus a stable set of personality traits or emotional abilities; however, EI does relate to job performance, adjustments to stressful situations, and pro-social behaviors.

Which term refers to sharing power with employees and giving them the authority to make and implement at least some decisions?


Because of its higher cost, which influence tactic do leaders typically only use after other tactics have failed?


Scientific management achieved which of the following?

It increased productivity.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about personal power?

Leaders with strong personal power should avoid using position power.

Which type of organizational structure provides the founder the most control over the organization's decisions and growth?

Prebureaucratic structure

Which influence tactic risks undesirable side effects such as resentment?


Jobs grouped according to traditional business tasks such as marketing and human resources are grouped by

business function.

Developing new corporate goals that involve acquiring new businesses is part of the planning function.


A mechanistic structure can be characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

a high focus on adaptability.

Early studies of leadership focused on the traits, or personal characteristics, of leaders. Later research shifted to examine actual

leader behavior

Changing an organization's culture is a(n) __________ process.

long and difficult

An understanding of Organizational Behavior can help organizations to prevent all of the following problems EXCEPT

loss of market share.

Strategic leadership includes all of the following EXCEPT

maintaining ethical leadership.

According to the path-goal theory of leadership, the two types of situational factors that influence how leaders should behave are

personal characteristics of the subordinates and environmental characteristics.

According to the continuum of leadership behavior proposed by Tannenbaum and Schmidt, subordinate characteristics include all of the following EXCEPT

the problem itself.

According to the leader-member exchange model (LMX), all of the following describe out-group members EXCEPT

they have fewer friends at work.

A manager who has high concern for both people and production would be a __________ manager on the Leadership Grid.


According to the Leadership Grid, a manager who is not concerned about production but exhibits high concern for people would be a ____ manager on the grid.


A manager who is not concerned about people but exhibits high concern for production would be a __________ manager on the Leadership Grid.


Which of the following is more closely associated with management than with leadership?

Acquiring resources

Agreeableness includes being

All of these are correct.

Engagement is enhanced when employees

All of these are correct.

Which of the following increases the incidence of political behaviors?

All of these are correct.

Which of the following is a way to resolve cognitive dissonance?

All of these are correct.

__________ are those organizational values that have become so taken for granted over time that they become the core of the company's culture.


Which political tactic entails trying to influence decisions before they are made?

Controlling decision parameters

Which political tactic entails strategically restricting who has access to what data?

Controlling information

Which political tactic entails establishing gatekeepers to restrict access to information?

Controlling lines of communication

A manager with strong emotional intelligence is able to overcome his or her empathy when dealing with others.


Cognitive dissonance occurs when there is congruence among attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors.


Which political tactic entails the use of "spin doctors" to project a desirable image?

Image building

What is impression management? Discuss its implications for managers.

Impression management is the process of portraying a desired image or attitude to control the impression others form of us. This does not mean that the presented image is accurate, although misrepresenting your image can backfire if others later learn that the image is false. Impression management is not inherently a bad thing—in fact, most people regularly engage in some form of interpersonal deception. People who engage in impression management often take great care to be perceived in a positive light. Impression management techniques are commonly used by job applicants in interviews with positive results. In particular, impression management techniques related to self-promotion and ingratiation tend to work well in job interviews. Self-promotion may not work as well on the job, however, because the supervisor has a better opportunity to observe what you can really do. In fact, self-promotion is related to lower performance evaluations. As a manager, being able to detect others' impression management and deception is obviously useful. Because nonverbal cues are most indicative of deception, focusing on the person's body language is particularly helpful.

Compare and contrast management and leadership. Which is most important for today's organizations? Why?

Leadership and management are related, but they are not the same. A person can be a manager, a leader, both, or neither. To create an agenda, management plans and sets budgets, while leadership establishes direct. In terms of developing a human network for achieving the agenda, management involves establishing some structure for accomplishing plan requirements, staffing that structure with individuals, delegating responsibility and authority for carrying out the plan, providing policies and procedures to help guide people, and creating methods or systems to monitor implementation. Leadership involves communicating the direction by words and deeds to all those whose cooperation may be needed to influence the creation of teams and coalitions that understand the vision and strategies and accept their validity. To execute plans, management controls and solves problems, while leadership motivates and inspires. Regarding outcomes, management produces a degree of predictability and order and has the potential to consistently produce major results expected by various stakeholders. In contrast, leadership produces change, often to a dramatic degree, and has the potential to produce extremely useful change. Organizations need both management and leadership if they are to be effective. For example, leadership is necessary to create and direct change and to help the organization get through tough times. Management is necessary to achieve coordination and systematic results and to handle administrative activities during times of stability and predictability. Management in conjunction with leadership can help achieve planned orderly change, and leadership in conjunction with management can keep the organization properly aligned with its environment.

Which influence tactic entails enhancing one's formal authority to make a certain request by referring to rules, precedents, or official documents?


Which term refers to the degree to which a person generally considers herself responsible for the things that happen to her?

Locus of control

What type of personality has been defined as someone who "tends to be rational and unemotional, may be willing to lie to attain personal goals, puts little emphasis on loyalty and friendship, and enjoys manipulating others' behavior"?


Explain, with examples, the difference between organic and mechanistic structures. What are some advantages and disadvantages of each?

Mechanistic organizations are rigid, traditional bureaucracies with centralized power and hierarchical communications. Job descriptions are uniform, and formal rules and regulations guide decision making. More mechanistic organizations may minimize costs, but fit best with a relatively stable or slow-changing environment. When new opportunities present themselves, mechanistic organizations usually move too slowly to capitalize on them. An example could be a large manufacturing assembly line that adheres to protocol and predictable set tasks to capitalize on efficiency. In contrast, organic organizations are flexible, decentralized organizations with unclear lines of authority; they have decentralized power, open communication channels, and a focus on adaptability in helping employees accomplish their goals. Organic organizations benefit from faster awareness of and response to market and competitive changes, better customer service, and faster decision making. Organic forms have typically been associated with increased job satisfaction, affective commitment, and learning. An organic organization might be a local pet groomer who caters and adapts their routine grooming process to meet special needs of the pet or requests of the owner.

An employee who just earned an MBA paid for by a firm's tuition reimbursement program might feel a moral obligation to stay with the employer for at least a few years to repay the debt. This person would be classified by which of the following types of commitment?


Which of the following is the most important mechanism of organizational socialization?

Observing the behavior of others

Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences organizational structure?

Organizational age

Define organizational commitment and discuss the three ways we can feel committed to an employer.

Organizational commitment reflects the degree to which an employee identifies with the organization and its goals and wants to stay with the organization. There are three ways we can feel committed to an employer: 1. Affective commitment: positive emotional attachment to the organization and strong identification with its values and goals. Affective commitment leads employees to stay with an organization because they want to, and is related to higher performance. 2. Normative commitment: feeling obliged to stay with an organization for moral or ethical reasons. Normative commitment is related to higher performance and leads employees to stay with an organization because they feel they should. 3. Continuance commitment: staying with an organization because of perceived high economic (taking another job would mean losing valuable stock options) and/or social costs (friendships with coworkers) involved with leaving. Continuance commitment leads employees to stay with an organization because they feel that they have to.

Michelle is a manager whose subordinates have moderate-to-high readiness. According to the Hersey and Blanchard model of leadership, Michelle should use which of the following styles?


Which leadership style of the Hersey and Blanchard model allows followers to share in decision making?


List and discuss the "Big 5" personality traits, describing how each affects people's work.

Researchers have identified five fundamental personality traits that are especially relevant to organizations. These are now commonly called the "Big Five" personality traits. Agreeableness refers to a person's ability to get along with others. Conscientiousness refers to the extent to which a person can be counted on to get things done. The third of the Big Five personality dimensions is neuroticism. People who are relatively more neurotic tend to experience unpleasant emotions such as anger, anxiety, depression, and feelings of vulnerability more often than do people who are relatively less neurotic. Extraversion reflects a person's comfort level with relationships. Extroverts are sociable, talkative, assertive, and open to establishing new relationships. Introverts are much less sociable, talkative, and assertive, and more reluctant to begin new relationships. Finally, openness reflects a person's rigidity of beliefs and range of interests. People with high levels of openness are willing to listen to new ideas and to change their own ideas, beliefs, and attitudes in response to new information.

Which of the following terms refers to forming oversimplified beliefs about an individual or a group based on the idea that everyone in that particular group will behave the same way?


One conclusion of the Ohio State studies was that a leader who focuses on subordinates' feelings and ideas is exhibiting

consideration behavior.

If a company creates and maintains a culture that encourages employees to bring new ideas into the company, it is most likely to be using


According to path-goal theory, employees with an external locus of control should prefer a(n) __________ leader.


Does the person act the same way or receive similar outcomes in different types of situations? This question refers to the concept of


A person's __________ is an indicator of his or her efficiency and is measured in terms of the products or services created per unit of output.


Division of labor is often referred to as


According to Michael Porter, to have a competitive advantage, a company must ultimately be able to give customers

superior value for their money.

Organization culture can be managed by

taking advantage of the culture that is already there.

After encountering an exceptionally good landscaper, we might see an average landscaper and evaluate him as below average. This is an example of which of the following?

the contrast effect

The definition of leadership includes all of the following EXCEPT

the effective use of force and/or coercion.

Michael takes over as CEO of an organization that's already doing extremely well, so he elects not to undertake any drastic changes and mainly stay the course - for the time being, at least. Michael is engaging in _________ leadership.


A leader who initiates change in a company by enhancing the culture of the work environment is using

transformational leadership.

The basic premise of the early trait approach to leadership was that

unique leadership traits could be identified, and used to select leaders.

Extrinsic work values are defined as

values related to the outcomes of the work.

In the leader-member exchange model (LMX), each superior-subordinate pair is referred to as a(n)

vertical dyad.

In a __________ culture, employee values and behaviors are consistent with the organization's values, and the culture is receptive to change.

weak positive

Formalization reflects the extent to which organizational rules, procedures, and communications are

written down.

Discuss how leaders influence the culture by providing concrete ways.

•Develop a clear sense of mission •Employee Selection - Share, Express and Reinforce •Daily routines and concrete actions and behaviors •Role-Model Behavior •HR Management procedures consistent •Nurture traditions and rituals

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