MGT 370 Negotiations: Let's Make a Deal Answers
OK, what would you like to know?
Have you ever had talks with our other departments about selling to them?
Selling assets for bankrupt businesses is my business. $5000 is fair.
I've done enough research to know I can find a few comparable forklifts for less. $4000 is fair.
Why do you ask?
If I bring in other product lines, could you give us a lower price?
Why don't we meet in the middle at $4500?
If you can't do $4000, I have another forklift I can buy.
Hi, I'm Dennis. I trust you've looked over the specifications on the forklift. It's really in great condition. I can answer any questions you have before finalizing the purchase.
It looks great but we need to talk about the price.
Given our history, I've discounted our standard pricing a bit, but the number is up from last year. Can we agree on $4 per board foot?
Let's talk a bit more to understand each other better.