MGT 5314 Ch 1

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The multigenerational workplace consists of major generational cohorts such as the one born between 1946 and 1964 known as _________________ . -Generation A -Millennials -Baby Boomers -Generation X -Silents

-Baby Boomers

______________________ involves showing up for work unwell, injured, preoccupied with personal problems, or faced with dangerous conditions getting to work. -Task inference -Absenteeism -Snotty nose syndrome -Counterproductive work behaviors -Presenteeism


_____________________________ are relatively stable, evaluative beliefs that guide our preferences or outcomes or courses of action in a variety of situations. -Values -Ethics -Norms -Skills -Traits


MARS Model

A model depicting the four variables (motivation, ability, role perceptions, & situational factors) that directly influence an individual's voluntary behavior and performance

Inclusive Workplace

A workplace that values people of all identities and allows them to be fully themselves while contributing to the organization

An ideal state in which an organization has a good fit with the external environment effectively transforms input to output through human capital and satisfies the needs of key stakeholders is known as organizational ____________________. -stasis -dynamism -behavior -superiority -effectiveness


The practice of making decisions and taking actions based upon research facts is ___________________ management. -inferential -revolutionary -evidence-based -empirical -referential


The potential risks of remote working include all except ___________________ . -more social isolation -weaker organizational culture -lower team cohesion -more stressful due to home space and roles -low employee turnover

-low employee turnover

The study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations is known as _______________________ . -leadership -organizational behavior -ethno-culturalism -human resource management -referential enactment

-organizational behavior

________________ are individuals, groups, and other entities that affect, or are affected by, the organization's objectives and actions. -clients -stakeholders -providers -customers -employees


The observable demographic or physiological differences in people, such as their race, ethnicity, gender, age, and physical disabilities is known as ____________________ diversity. -tertiary -superficial -deep-level -surface-level -idiosyncratic


Organizational Effectiveness

An ideal State in which an organization has a good fit with its external environment, effectively transforms inputs to outputs through human capital, and satisfies the needs of key stakeholders

LO 1.4 Summarize the workplace trends of diversity and the inclusive workplace work-life integration of remote work and emerging employee relationships.

An inclusive workplace values people of all identities and allows them to be fully themselves while contributing to the organization. It views diversity as a valid resource. An organization's workplace has both surface-level diversity (observable demographic & other overt differences in people) and deep-level diversity (differences in personalities, beliefs, values, and attitudes. Inclusive workplaces produce better decisions employee attitudes team performance and a host of other favorable outcomes for employees and the organization. However, diversity also poses challenges such as dysfunctional conflict and slower team development. Work-life integration refers to the degree that which people are effectively engaged in their various work and work roles and have a low degree of role conflict across life domains. Various work and nonwork roles are inherently integrated because the physical cognitive and emotional resources produced or consumed by one role potentially rich or undermine the success and enjoyment of other roles. There are several ways to maximize work-life integration such as doing things that make 2 rolls engage in flexible work scheduling ensuring that work and nonwork rolls are aligned with your personal characteristics and engaging in some degree of boundary management across rolls. An increasing percentage of the workforce performs their job remotely some or all of the time rather than at the organization's physical work site. Some organizations are completely remote- everyone works at home and cafes and the company has no physical head office. Record remotely potentially benefits employees and employers but there are also disadvantages. The effectiveness of remote work depends on the employee's job and organization. Most of the workforce has a direct employment relationship- working as an employee for an organization- but an increasing percentage has more fragile direct employment relationships (part-time, on calls, etc). The largest labor market growth has been indirect (outsourced/ agency) and contract work. Some contractors negotiate their own contracts with the clients whereas others work through branded performance companies (EX. Uber). Those emerging employment relationships have both positive and negative consequences for job performance jobs satisfaction team dynamics self-concept stability and clarity and the ambiguity of managerial roles

The multigenerational workplace consists of major generational cohorts such as the one born between 1946 and 1964 known as _________________ . Generation A Millennials Baby Boomers Generation X Silents

Baby Boomers

Deep-Level Diversity

Differences in the psychological characteristics of employees, including personalities, benefits, values, and attitudes

LO 1.5 Describe the four factors that directly influence individuals behavior and performance.

Four variables (motivation, ability, role perception, and situational factors) which are represented by the acronym MARS, directly influence individual behavior and performance. Motivation represents the forces within a person that affect their direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior. Ability includes both the natural aptitudes and the learned capabilities required to successfully complete a task. Role perceptions are the extent to which people understand the job duties (rules) assigned to them are expected of them. Situational factors Include conditions beyond the employee's immediate control that constrained or facilitate behavior and performance.


Groups of people who work interdependently toward some purpose


Individuals, groups, and other entities that affect, or are affected by, the organization's objectives and actions

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Organizational activities intended to benefit society and the environment beyond the firm's immediate financial interests or legal obligations

LO 1.2 Explain why organizational behavior knowledge is important for you and for organizations

Organizational behavior is important for you because it offers a core foundation of knowledge and skill development for your success in organizations. The skills and knowledge that employers look for in new hires, above anything else are the topics found in organizational behavior including problems solving working effectiveness In teams, communication, and leadership. More broadly OB helps you adopt a better personal theory to understand predate and influence organizational events obey knowledge is for everyone, not just managers. OB theories and practices are vital to the organization's survival and success. In fact, most OB theories implicitly or explicitly try to improve organizational effectiveness -an ideal state in which an organization has a good fit with its external environment, effectively transforms inputs to outputs through human capital, and satisfies the needs of key stakeholders. Organizational behavior knowledge is highly relevant to the open system's view of organizations by identifying organizational characteristics that fit some external environments better than others. OB theories offer guidance on how to effectively transform inputs into outputs. OB is also important for organizations because it identifies ways for organizations to develop and leverage The potential of human capital -the knowledge, skills, abilities, creativity, and other valuable resources that employees bring to the organization. Several organizational behavior topics also give us a better understanding of relations with stakeholders- individuals, groups, and other entities that affect or are affected by organizations' objectives and actions. This later force includes the role of personal values (the relatively stable, evaluative beliefs that guide a person's preferences for outcomes or courses of action in a variety of situations) and corporate social responsibility (organizational activities intended to benefit society and the environment beyond the firm's intermediate financial interests or legal obligations).

LO 1.1 Define Organizational behavior & Organizations

Organizational behavior is the study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations. It examines how individuals and teams in organizations relate to one another, and how organizations interact with their external environments'. The field of knowledge emerged around the early 1940's, but organizations have been studied by other disciplines for more than two thousand years. Organizations are groups of people who work interdependently toward some purpose. They consist of people who interact with one another in an organized way and have a collective sense of purpose.

______________________ involves showing up for work unwell, injured, preoccupied by personal problems, or faced with dangerous conditions getting to work. Task inference Absenteeism Snotty nose syndrome Counterproductive work behaviors Presenteeism



Relatively Stable, evaluative beliefs that guide a person's preferences for outcomes or courses of actions in a variety of situations

* _______________________ is/are the degree to which a person understands the job duties assigned to or expected of him/her by the organization. -Evidence-based behavior -Situational factors -Role perceptions -Role conflict -Ability

Role perceptions

_______________________ is/are the degree to which a person understands the job duties assigned to or expected of him/her by the organization. Evidence-based behavior Situational factors Role perceptions Role conflict Ability

Role perceptions

Work-Life Management

The degree that people are effectively engaged in their various work and nonwork roles & have a low degree of role conflict across those life domains

Role Perceptions

The degree to which a person understands the job duties assigned to or expected of him or her


The force within a person that affects his or her direction, intensity, & persistence of effort for voluntary behavior.

Task Performance

The individuals voluntary goal-directed behaviors that contributed to organizational objectives

Human Capital

The knowledge, skills, abilities, creative thinking, and other valued resources that employees bring to the organization


The natural aptitudes and the learned capabilities required to successfully complete a task

Surface-Level Diversity

The observable demographic or physiological differences in people, such as their race, ethnicity, gender, age, and physical disabilities

Evidence-Based Management

The practice of making decisions and taking actions based on research evidence.

Organizational Behavior (OB)

The study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations.

LO 1.3 Describe the anchors on which organizational behavior knowledge is based

The systematic research anchor States that OB knowledge should be based on systematic research consistent with evidence basement management. The practical orientation anchors States that obesity is need to be useful in practice such as helping organizations become more effective. The multidisciplinary anchor States that the field should develop from the knowledge and other disciplines (psychology sociology economics) Not just from its own isolated research base. The contingency anchor States that obey theories generally need to be considered that there will be different consequences in different situations. The multiple levels of analysis anchor States that obey topics may be viewed from the individual, Team, and organization levels of analysis.

Open Systems

The view that organizations depend on the external environment for resources, affect that environment through their outputs, and consist of internal subsystems that transform inputs to outputs

LO 1.6 Summarize the 5 types of individual behavior in Organizations.

There are 5 main types of workplace behavior. Task performance refers to the gold-directed behaviors under the individual's control that support organizational objectives. It includes proficiency, adaptivity, and proactivity. Organizational citizenship behaviors consist of various forms of cooperation And helpfulness to others that support the organization's social and psychological context. Counterproductivity work behaviors are voluntary behaviors that have the potential to directly or indirectly harm the organization. Joining and staying with the organization refers to agreeing to become an organizational member and remaining with the organization. Maintaining work attendance includes minimizing absenteeism when capable of working and avoiding scheduled work when not fit (low presenteeism).

_____________________________ are relatively stable, evaluative beliefs that guide our preferences or outcomes or courses of action in a variety of situations. Values Ethics Norms Skills Traits


Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCBs)

Various forms of cooperation & helpfulness to others that support the organization's social & psychological context

Counter-productive Work Behavior (CWBs)

Voluntary behaviors that have the potential to directly or indirectly harm the organization

The potential risks of remote working include all except ___________________ . more social isolation weaker organizational culture lower team cohesion more stressful due to home space and roles low employee turnover

low employee turnover

The observable demographic or physiological differences in people, such as their race, ethnicity, gender, age, and physical disabilities is known as ____________________ diversity. tertiary superficial deep-level surface-level idiosyncratic


Patty is working as a free-lance writer and is occasionally employed by a variety of organizations but for only a specified amount of time for each gig (e.g. sometimes only for two weeks and sometimes for as much as six months). Because of this special status she will not earn any benefits like health insurance from her employer so she is considered to be a(n) _____________________________ worker. contingent executive-level entry-level part-time full-time


An ideal state in which an organization has a good fit with external environment, effectively transforms input to output through human capital, and satisfies the needs of key stakeholders is known as organizational ____________________ . stasis dynamism behavior superiority effectiveness


The practice of making decisions and taking actions based upon research facts is ___________________ management. inferential revolutionary evidence-based empirical referential


Patty is the Chief Strategist for CapMatters, Inc. He firmly believes that companies should try and leverage their intellectual capital. This entails three things: (1) they must keep and develop employees who have knowledge which is known as _____________________ capital, (2) turn easily accessible knowledge that they have captured into various systems, and (3) foster high quality relationships with constituents from which true value can be obtained. For example, some employees are hired simply because of the specific facts and skills they have like nuclear engineers or attorneys both of whom are likely to know things that others simply do not. human financial relationship structural inferential


Patty wants to figure out why some people at her job seem unhappy with the boss and other do not. She will measure the workers' personality traits, individual levels of job satisfaction, and satisfaction with their supervisor. Pat believes that this will show that it is differing levels of personal neuroticism that makes them unhappy with their supervisor and that is nothing that can be done to affect this personality trait such that some people will always be unhappy and others will almost never be unhappy. The hypothesis one's innate level of neuroticism predicts one's happiness with their supervisor is at the ______________________ - level of analysis mediator moderator meso macro micro


Patty is just not sure what it is about his company that makes it so susceptible to external forces. He is constantly having to negotiate with vendors and suppliers for favorable prices on his raw materials and is further thwarted by the influence of government agencies and other stakeholder groups (like those pesky employees!) who try to tell him how to run his business. Because so many forces play a role in his transformation of inputs into outputs, Pat needs to view his business from the ___________________________ perspective technological open-systems global closed-systems high performance work systems


The study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations is known as _______________________ . leadership organizational behavior ethnoculturalism human resource management referential enactment

organizational behavior

Patty is the Human Resources officer for her company. She is gathering data for the EEO1 report which provides the government with information regarding the race, ethnicity, and gender of all applicants and employees. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission gathers this data in an effort at providing a view of firms' _____________________________ diversity characteristics. secondary internal deep-level primary inferential


Patty is a home builder who builds homes on "spec" or speculation that he will sell them once they're built. He is willing to pay just a little bit more for his lumber, bricks, and other building supplies because when he goes to the building supply retailer they know who he is, how he likes his boards stacked on the truck, and where he likes the bricks delivered to his job site. As evidenced by Pat's willingness to pay extra for the retailers' goods, the building supply retailer has developed a form of intellectual capital called ___________________________ capital. structural investment organizational human relationship


Patty has decided that his company needs more diversity in its employees. However, he's not so sure that what people look like on the outside really matters. Instead Pat has decided to focus his recruiting employees with different sorts of work experience, those who speak different languages, and with differing levels of education which are all considered to be _________________________ diversity characteristics. tertiary primary surface-level superficial secondary


Patty lives near a petrochemical refinery and is concerned that the refinery is polluting the air where he lives. He has organized a community board of concerned citizens who will meet periodically with the refinery's management to gather information on air quality. In this role, Shawn has something to say regarding the success and policies of the refinery and is therefore a(n) _______________________.. residential advisor supplier stakeholder stockholder employee


_________________ are individuals, groups, and other entities that affect, or are affected b y, the organization's objectives and actions. clients stakeholders providers customers employees


Patty owns a successful building products company that supplies many national retailers with goods like insulation, flooring, and roofing supplies. He believes in three driving forces for his company. First, he must make enough money to cover his expenses and derive a profit. Without profits he cannot satisfy his other driving forces. Second, he must strive to be as socially responsible as he can by showing concern for employees, customers, and suppliers. Third, he must protect the environment so he goes beyond that which is legally required of him and imposes strict pollution controls in his manufacturing processes. Pat embodies the ________________________________ . globalization perspective corporate social responsibility perspective triple bottom line philosophy high performance work systems perspective stakeholder view of the corporation

triple bottom line philosophy

Patty thinks that her job is too demanding on her free time. Her employer requires that she answer her company-provided cell phone at any time of day or night. They require that she respond to emails within one hour between 5 p.m. and midnight. They even require that she attend mandatory unpaid team-building activities two weekends a month. This has caused her great difficulty in her ___________________________________ . distributive justice work-life integration organizational commitment referential enactment role clarity

work-life integration

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