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1. A __________ outlines the general responses to a designated problem or situation. A) policy B) rule C) procedure D) project E) program


1. Bartolome is participating with other managers in a discussion about what his organization's goals should be for the next five years. He is participating in A) strategic planning. B) operational planning. C) tactical planning. D) controlling. E) writing a mission statement.


1. Muhammad is conducting training of the end-users of a new computer system that is being installed. This project is in the ____________ stage. A) closing B) planning C) execution D) definition E) MBO


1. Planning is the __________ step in the management process, and involves setting goals and deciding how to achieve them. A) first B) second C) third D) fourth E) fifth


1. Project planning is most often followed by A) project management. B) task management. C) project maintenance. D) activities management. E) project financing.


1. The _________ identifies the goods or services the organization provides and will provide, and the reasons for providing them. A) mission statement B) purpose C) vision D) strategy E) tactics


1. Which of the following is a stage of the project life cycle? A) definition B) elaboration C) deadlines D) selection E) controlling


1. Which of the following is a step in the planning and strategic management process? A) formulate the grand strategy B) hire appropriate personnel C) formulate the operational plans followed by the tactical plans D) review the profit and loss statement E) review the results of the strategy


1. Which of the following is in the correct order? A) mission statement & vision statement, strategic planning, tactical planning, operational planning B) vision statement, mission statement, strategic planning, operational planning, tactical planning C) control of strategy, mission statement, strategic planning, tactical planning, operational planning D) mission statement, vision statement, strategic planning, operational planning, tactical planning E) mission statement, vision statement, tactical planning, strategic planning, operational planning


1. A "SMART" goal is one that is A) specific, maintainable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. B) specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and has targeted dates. C) specific, maintainable, achievement-oriented, real-time, and targeted. D) specific, measurable, affordable, realistic, and targeted. E) specific, maintainable, aligned with other goals, realistic, and time-bound.


1. A __________ designates specific required action. A) policy B) rule C) procedure D) project E) program


1. A project team whose members are separated from the normal operation of an organization and asked to produce a new, innovative product is called a A) program. B) skunkworks. C) SMART team. D) MBO. E) one-minute team.


1. A single-use plan of less scope and complexity than a program is a A) strategy. B) project. C) task. D) step. E) mission.


1. Barbara is identifying the facilities and equipment needed to make the "big picture" happen. This project is in the ___________ stage. A) closing B) planning C) execution D) definition E) vision


1. Ivan is meeting with his subordinates to work out the numbers of positions for workers needed to handle production for the next 6 months. Ivan is involved in A) strategic planning. B) operational planning. C) tactical planning. D) controlling. E) developing an MBO.


1. Joyce is in the library checking to see how much material is available on a topic she has tentatively chosen for a research paper. Joyce is in the ___________ stage of her project. A) execution B) planning C) definition D) closing E) selection


1. Juanita is identifying the facilities and equipment that will be needed in a project. This project is in the _________ stage. A) closing B) planning C) execution D) definition E) MBO


1. MBO stands for A) Management by Observation B) Management by Objectives C) Management by Objection D) Management by Obligation E) Management by Oblivion


1. Planning is defined as A) coping with uncertainty by analyzing past actions. B) setting goals and deciding how to achieve them. C) correcting problems that have occurred. D) the same process as MBO. E) strategic management.


1. The constant feedback loop designed to ensure plans stay headed in the right direction is called the A) means-end chain. B) planning/control cycle. C) control/planning system. D) project management cycle. E) project planning loop.


1. The four stages of a project are, in order: A) definition, execution, planning, closing. B) definition, planning, execution, closing. C) planning, definition, execution, closing. D) planning, execution, definition, closing. E) execution, definition, planning, closing.


1. The statement of an organization's purpose or reason for being is called its A) vision statement. B) mission statement. C) strategic plan. D) operational plan. E) tactical plan.


1. Which level of management is more often engaged in operational planning? A) working-level employees B) first-line managers C) middle managers D) top managers E) consultants


1. Which of the following is one of the organizational responses to uncertainty identified by Miles and Snow? A) investigator B) prospector C) planner D) developer E) relator


1. Which of the following is the best statement of a goal? A) I want to lose weight. B) I want to lose 20 pounds by June 1, 2010. C) I want to lose 40% of my body mass by next month. D) I want to look better. E) I want to start losing weight soon.


1. A "vision statement" is a statement of A) the organization's purpose. B) what the organization sees in its environment. C) what the organization wants to become. D) the organization's reason for being. E) the organization's ethics.


1. A __________ outlines the responses to particular problems or circumstances. A) policy B) rule C) procedure D) project E) program


1. A company that believes in letting other organizations take the risks of product development and marketing and then imitate what seems to work best is called a (n) A) reactor. B) prospector. C) analyzer. D) defender. E) executor.


1. After setting goals, managers should next A) ignore the subordinate. B) supervise the subordinate closely C) prepare an action plan for accomplishing the goals. D) ignore the performance of the team, focusing only on the worker. E) revise the goals whether they need it or not.


1. Anthony's main focus is to complete his project on time. This project is in the ____________ stage. A) closing B) planning C) execution D) definition E) MBO


1. Harley Davidson Motorcycles states that it will improve its profit margin by 15% by ensuring continued high sales of its products for the next three years. This is a statement of Harley Davidson's A) operational goal B) tactical goal C) strategic goal D) management objective E) environmental impact


1. Imelda is meeting with other managers to discuss how the departments within her division can work together in the next twenty-four months to support the organization's goals. She is participating in A) strategic planning. B) operational planning. C) tactical planning. D) controlling. E) writing a mission statement.


1. In practicing MBO, a manager should A) decide on goals for employees and inform them of these goals clearly. B) let employees set their own goals. C) set objectives jointly with employees. D) make sure goals are stated generally so they can cover all situations that might arise. E) set goals that are just out of the subordinate's reach.


1. Roger Enrico of PepsiCo, had a clear sense of the future and the actions needed to get there. This is an example of a(n) A) mission. B) purpose. C) vision. D) performance. E) action plan.


1. What is the time frame of a strategic plan? A) 15 - 25 years B) 5 - 15 years C) 1 - 5 years D) 6 - 24 months E) 1 - 52 weeks


1. When a student is identifying a topic for a research paper, she is in the __________ stage of a project. A) execution B) planning C) definition D) closing E) vision


1. Which of the following is a benefit of planning? A) Planning requires you to set aside the time to do it. B) You can make all decisions without consulting superiors. C) Planning helps you cope with uncertainty. D) Planning helps you compare your results to your competition. E) Planning helps the company remain spontaneous.


1. Which of the following would BEST describe MBO? A) It is a top-down system. B) It is a bottom-up system. C) Its purpose is to motivate employees. D) Its purpose is to control employees. E) It is used to benchmark against competitors.


1. A company that focuses on developing new products or services and in seeking out new markets, rather than waiting for things to happen, is known as a A) defender. B) analyzer. C) adaptor. D) prospector. E) reactor.


1. Improving future plans is part of which step in the planning/control cycle? A) making the plan B) carrying out the plan C) benchmarking against competitors D) controlling the direction E) updating the plan


1. The space shuttle Discovery is an example of a A) policy. A) rule. B) procedure. C) project. D) program.


1. Which of the following would be associated with operational planning? A) decisions about the overall direction of the organization B) managers who pay attention to the environment outside of the organization C) implementation of policies and plans of top management D) directing daily tasks of nonmanagerial personnel E) making decisions without clearly defined procedures


1. XYZ Company scans its environment regularly. However, it does not tend to seek opportunities outside its present markets. This company would most likely be a (n) A) reactor. B) prospector. C) analyzer. D) defender. E) executor.


1. In MBO, the structure of the objectives—organizational, divisional, departmental, and individual—is called the ________ of objectives. A) improvement B) personal development C) maintenance D) strategy E) cascading


1. MBO was developed by Peter Drucker in the A) 1990s. B) 1980s. C) 1970s. D) 1960s. E) 1950s.


1. MBO works by "cascading" objectives; that is, they become more __________ at lower levels of the organization. A) general B) challenging C) time-bound D) attainable E) specific


1. The first step in the MBO process is A) develop action plan. B) give performance appraisal. C) periodically review performance. D) management establishes employee goals. E) jointly set objectives.


1. When an organization plans effectively, it plans in three phases. Starting with the one that should come first, what is the correct order of these phases? A) operational, tactical, strategic B) operational, strategic, tactical C) tactical, operational, strategic D) tactical, strategic, operational E) strategic, tactical, operational


1. Which of the following statements about the adaptive cycle is true? A) Miles and Snow introduced this idea. B) The adaptive cycle means that businesses are continuously cycling through decisions about three kinds of business problems. C) Selecting and making adjustments of products and markets is one of the business problems that is part of the adaptive cycle. D) Establishing roles, relationships, and organizational processes are part of the adaptive cycle. E) All of the above statements are true of the adaptive cycle.


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