MHR 441 Exam 1 (set 2)

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What are the major protected classes in employee relation matters?

Protected classes: classes protected by laws that prevent discriminating based on class membership race, color, gender, pregnancy, age, disability, etc.

what are 3 or 4 of the various large private sector unions and how do they differ

1. national labor relations act (1935 Wagner act) 2. labor management relations act (1947 taft Hartley act) 3. labor management reporting and disclosing act (1959 landrum griffin act) 4. others - e.g., railway and airlines

what can you do, as an employee relations manager, to decrease the chances of anyone in your workplace being sexually harassed?

1. adopt a clear sexual harassment policy 2. train employees 3. train supervisors and managers 4. take complaints seriously 5. monitor your workplace

what contributions to making an employment place on of the "best places to work?"

1. commit to paying every employee a living wage 2. design working environments that are safe, comfortable and appealing to work in 3. create places for employees to rest and renew during the course of the working day and encourage them to take intermittent breaks 4. define clear and specific expectations for what success looks like in any given job 5. hold leaders and managers accountable for treating all employees with respect and care 6. provide employees with ongoing opportunities

briefly describe several different approaches for dealing with conflict

1. forcing (confronting) 2. avoiding 3. compromising 4. collaborating 5. accommodating

how can a student best get prepared to be an effective employee relations manager?

1. have a vision 2. be a strategic thinker 3. become a great communicator 4. become tech-savvy 5. be flexible 6. understand the numbers 7. be a full partner 8. take risks 9. inspire others

what can management do to reduce the likelihood of their employees choosing to be unionized?

1. have open communication 2. provide an outlet for problem resolution 3. develop your supervisors - they are the foundation of your business 4. pay fairly 5. take care of your employees 6.

we learned in class that there are three big components contributing to employee performance. describe them and their relationship to each other and to employee performance

1. motivation 2. skills and abilities 3. work environment

what are the major administrative agencies for labor relations

1. nation labor relations board 2. federal mediation and conciliation service 3. us department of labor 4. national mediation board 5. national railroad adjustment board

what is the equal employment opportunity commission (EEOC)? What are the functions of the EEOC?

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (agency of the federal government, created by the civil rights act of 1964 - they interpret and enforce federal laws prohibiting discrimination) functions: 1. provide guidelines to businesses on how to comply with EEO laws 2. gather EEO-1 information 3. respond to complaints 4. initiate investigations 5. EEOC processing of complaints

what is the Idaho commission on human rights and how might a manager in a company in Idaho come to interact with members of this commission?

It is an independent agency established by the Idaho legislature to help protect persons within the state from illegal discrimination you can call them or email them and there is also a filing process

what do labor unions do?

a labo union is an organization of workers dedicated to protecting members' interests and improving wages, hour and working conditions for all

how can better listening make us a better decision maker (improve our judgment)?

listening gives us better insight listening gives us more options to compare gives us the ability to learn from a different perspective and analyze the entire siutation without coming to a quick conclusion

what is workplace culture and why is it important for an employee relations manager?

workplace culture is the character and personality of your organization. it is what makes your business unique/ values, beliefs, expectations, assumptions, perceptions and patterns of behavior that are shared, accepted and practiced by an organization it attracts talent, it drives engagement and retention and it impacts happiness and satisfaction

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