Micro 270- Ch 21 Concepts

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Which are characteristics of Rickettsias?

Gram-negative cell wall Divide though binary fission

Which are the three genera of curviform bacteria?

Helicobacter Vibrio Campylobacter

True or false: Cholera infections are typically treated with antibiotics.


True or false: Host damage in syphilis infections is mostly due to blockage of organs by the spirochete.


True or false: If a chancre heals in primary syphilis, the infected person is considered cured.


True or false: Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is named after the location of the highest incidence of the disease in the US.


True or false: Several epidemics of endemic typhus have occurred in the United States in the last few decades.


True or false: Ticks transmit Q fever to humans.


True or false: Untreated cases of relapsing fever usually have a mortality rate over 80%.


Which types of people are most at risk for Q fever?

Farm workers Meat cutters Veterinarians Laboratory technicians Consumers of raw milk products

Which of the following are characteristics of the Vibrios?

Fermentative Curved-shaped rods Unique O, H, and membrane receptor antigens

Which environmental compound can strengthen the tooth enamel and therefore prevent dental caries?


can strengthen the tooth enamel and therefore prevent dental caries.


______ provide the reservoir for pathogenic strains of Chlamydia trachomatis.


are the reservoir for pathogenic strains of Chlamydia trachomatis.


Which are the two most sensitive and specific tests that are currently available for identifying chlamydial infections?

Immunofluorescence assay PRC-based probe

How are most rickettsial cells successfully grown?

In embryonated chicken eggs

Which organism causes the disease yaws, endemic to warm, humid, tropical regions of Africa, Asia and South America?

T. pallidum pertenue

Damage to cardiovascular and nervous tissues, as well as the development of gummas in the tissues, occurs during which stage of syphilis?


During which stage is syphilis not transmissible?


Why is the healed chancre deceptive in syphilis infection?

The infectious agent has escaped into the bloodstream and is increasing in activity.

True or false: Putting a baby down to nap with a bottle of fruit juice or formula could lead to "nursing bottle caries".


Which of the following is used when an individual is identified as being at risk of syphilis infection regardless of their signs and symptoms?

Use of penicillin as a prophylactic treatment

Name the species of Vibrio capable of causing food borne illnesses.

V. vulnificus V. parahaemolyticus

Leptospirosis is contracted through which means?

Vehicles contaminated by urine Direct skin contact with urine

cells are curved and rod shaped.


What is another name for the primary atypical pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae?

Walking pneumonia

Now that it is known that the bacterium Helicobacter pylori causes peptic ulcers, may be used to successfully treat the condition.


Selection for L forms of pathogens may be due to ______.

antibiotics that inhibit cell wall formation

Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) is treated effectively with -spectrum antibiotics.


Which of the following is an effective treatment for necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG)?

broad-spectrum antibiotics

Regular and and the reduced ingestion of refined sugars will prevent dental caries.

brushing flossing

The skin lesions of Lyme disease are known as _____.

bull's-eye rash erythema migrans

When plaque becomes mineralized with calcium and phosphate crystals it forms ______.


All of the following are characteristics of the Chlamydiaceae EXCEPT ______.

can be grown on artificial media

Plaque is mainly formed by bacteria as they metabolize ______.


The second stage of Lyme disease involves the and systems.

cardiac nervous

In addition to skin lesions, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever can affect the and nervous systems of the body.


Preventative measures for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever include ______.

carefully removing ticks using insect sprays wearing protective clothing

Putting a baby down to sleep with a bottle of fruit juice or formula can lead to "nursing bottle ".


Mycoplasmas lack a(n) .

cell wall

A is the primary sore of syphilis that forms at the site of penetration by Treponema pallidum.


The primary lesion seen in syphilis infections is called a ______.


Major signs and symptoms of Q fever include , , , muscle ache, and occasionally a rash.

chills fever headache

The signs and symptoms of Q fever include ______.

chills sudden onset of fever headache rash muscle ache

The acid formed by fermentation of the streptococci in plaque leads to ______.

destruction of enamel

The core of an effective syphilis prevention program is _____.

detecting and treating sexual contacts

The tick is the main vector for transmission of RMSF in the United States.


Leptospires are most susceptible to antibiotics ______ in infection.


When the cholera toxin binds to specific receptors on intestinal cells, the cells shed large amounts of into the intestine, accompanied by extreme loss.

electrolyte water

Chlamydias alternate between two life stages, an inactive, infectious body and a noninfectious dividing form called a(n) body.

elementary reticulate

The infectious form of a chlamydia is the _______ body, whereas the noninfectious dividing form is the __________ body.

elementary; reticulate

Dental caries can result in complete destruction of the of the tooth.


In the final stage of plaque formation, acid can accumulate on the tooth surface resulting in the destruction of tooth .


The outer surface of a tooth crown is protected by a hard, noncellular layer called , composed of rods of hydroxyapatite crystals.


What is the name of the outermost layer of the tooth crown?


Virulence of Vibrio cholerae is due to the production of an called toxin (CT).

enterotoxin cholera

Arthropods involved in the transmission of Rickettsial diseases include ______.

fleas lice (singular: louse) ticks

The cholera toxin binds to specific receptors in the intestine, which results in profuse loss from the intestine.


Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever can be diagnosed most rapidly by a(n) antibody stain.


A diagnostic technique used to diagnose RMSF as early as possible involves ______.

fluorescent antibody staining

One of the most important causes of bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide, Campylobacter jejuni is a primary pathogen transmitted through contaminated and .

food beverages

The concentration of Lyme disease cases is correlated with areas of the country that have ______.

large mice and deer populations

Between the secondary and tertiary stages of syphilis, many infections enter a period of .


Avoiding contaminated water sources and wearing protective clothing can be protective against ______.


is a zoonotic infection spread to humans through waters contaminated with animal urine.


Borrelioses tend to be spread via these arthropod vectors: and ticks.


Which body organs are affected in leptospirosis?

liver brain kidneys

Which are signs or symptoms of relapsing fever?

liver damage high fever nausea fatigue

Borellia recurrentis causes -borne relapsing fever.


Most people acquire a R. prowazekii by getting bitten by a ___ carrying the organism.


Coxiella burnetii mainly enters the human body through the , skin, conjunctiva, and the gastrointestinal tract.


Signs of cat-scratch disease include nodules at the site of the scratch as well as pus-filled nodes.


Which of the following is a disease caused by chronic infection with an especially virulent strain of Chlamydia that leads to deforming edema of the genitals?

lymphogranuloma venereum

The highest numbers of cases of Lyme disease correlate to parts of the country that have the highest and populations.

mice deer

Which three of the following factors are necessary to produce tooth decay?

microbes acid sugars

Human is a tick-borne, fever-producing disease caused by members of the genus Ehrlichia.

monocytic ehrlichiosis

Human ________ is a tick-borne disease that produces an acute fever caused by Ehrlichia chaffeensis.

monocytic ehrlichiosis

The main causative agent of primary atypical pneumonia is bacteria.


are the smallest self-replicating organisms and lack a cell wall.


Chronic periodontal infections can lead to a synergistic infection called (NUG).

necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis

Members of the genus Chlamydophila are considered pathogens.


Which is a common carrier of V. parahaemolyticus?


The formation of a pseudomembrane over the cornea as seen in trachoma is a condition called .


Which are common signs/symptoms of cat-scratch fever?

papules at inoculation site pus-filled lymph nodes

Mycoplasms are sometimes referred to as membrane because they acquire lipids from host cells.


Infantile inclusion conjunctivitis, a result of chlamydial infection, is acquired by ______.

passage through the birth canal

The material that has forms first on a freshly cleansed tooth is called a(an) _____.


Antibiotics such as ______ can result in wall-deficient bacteria.


The surrounding supportive structures of the teeth are known collectively as the .


The persistence of gingivitis leads to a more serious disease called , which results in chronic inflammation and possible tooth loss.


Collectively, the surrounding supportive structures of the teeth are known as the ______.


T. pallidum carateum causes the disease , a chronic skin infection found in isolated populations dwelling in the tropical forest and valley regions of Latin America, that requires several years of close contact for transmission?


Besides syphilis, three diseases caused by treponemes are , and , which are endemic to certain tropic and subtropical regions.

pinta yaws bejel

Calculus forms when becomes mineralized with calcium and phosphate crystals.


Three complications of Q fever are , , and .

pneumonitis hepatitis endocarditis

Campylobacter fetus causes abortions in sheep, cattle and goats but also affects humans in which two groups?

pregnant women debilitated persons

The stage of syphilis is characterized by the appearance of a chancre at the site of pathogen entry.


In addition to the period of early latency, syphilis can be transmitted during the and stages.

primary secondary

Untreated syphilis is marked by three distinct clinical stages designated in order as , , and , with latent periods in between.

primary secondary tertiary

Vibrio cholerae is typically prevented by the use of ____.

proper sewage treatment providing clean water

Mycoplasma genitalium has been linked to which diseases?

prostatitis pelvic inflammatory disease cervicitis nongonococcal urethritis

Deeper infections of the tooth can result in infection of the ______ which leads to pain, or a "toothache."


The early signs and symptoms of Lyme disease include fever, headache, stiff neck, dizziness, and a characteristic .


The great majority of cases caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus appear to be associated with eating ______.

raw or partially cooked seafood

Mycoplasma genitalium causes infections in which body system?

reproductive tract

Ureaplasma urealyticum is frequently recovered from specimens involving the ______.

reproductive tract

Mycoplasmal pneumonia is transmitted via .

respiratory droplets

The main reservoirs for the Ixodes tick that carries Borrelia burgdorferi are deer and .


The acquired pellicle of a tooth contains _____.

salivary proteins

The stage of syphilis infection is characterized by systemic signs and symptoms, such as rashes, fever, and sore throat, that are eventually resolved.


Syphilis is transmissible during which of the following stages?

secondary early latency primary

Which of the following are routinely used in the diagnosis of leptospirosis?

serological tests culturing of Leptospira dark-field microscopy

In addition to clinical evidence, which three methods are used in the diagnosis of cholera?

serological tests with V. cholerae specific monoclonal antibodies direct dark-field microscopic observation isolation and identification of V. cholerae from stool samples

Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) involves ______.

severe pain necrosis bleeding

Effective cholera prevention is dependent on proper treatment and purification.

sewage water

Syphilis is commonly transmitted through contact or vertical transmission to the fetus in utero.


Rickettsias are generally ______ most bacteria.

smaller than

Secondary syphilis is characterized by ______.

sore throat fever headache systemic rashes

The _____ and _____ regions have the highest incidence of RMSF in the United States.

southeast eastern seaboard

A(n) is a helical-shaped bacterium that flexes as it moves.


B. burgdorferi is a large with irregular, loose coils and complex nutritional requirements.


Leptospires are _______ bacteria that cause infections in humans from animals.


Which is a reservoir of the the tick that carries Borrelia hermsii, the causative agent of relapsing fever?


Which sign/symptom does not occur with endemic typhus?

stiffening of the joints

The long-term consequence of gastritis or gastric ulcers is .

stomach cancer

Long term infections with Helicobacter pylori are believed to be major contributors to _____.

stomach cancer

In the diagnosis of cholera, Vibrio cholerae can be isolated and identified from samples, direct -field microscopy can be used to visualize the cells and their movement, and serological tests using V. cholerae specific -antibodies can be employed.

stool dark monoclonal

Experiments with germ-free animals showed that microbes are necessary for producing tooth decay. Two other factors are essential: the microbes metabolize ______ and create an ______ environment on the tooth surface.

sugars, acidic

Treponema pallidum is a spirochete bacterium that causes _____.


is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum.


In the stage of syphilis infection, numerous damaging pathological complications exist in various body systems, such as cardiovascular syphilis or the development of gummas in various tissues.


Syphilis is generally unable to be transmitted during the stage.


All of the following belong to the Rickettsioses EXCEPT the ______.

typhi group

The major pathogenic genera of spirochetes are the Leptospira, and .

treponema borrelia

True or false: Dental caries can result in complete destruction of the enamel of the tooth.


True or false: Dental caries is the most common infectious disease of humans.


True or false: Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gum tissue in contact with the roots of the tooth.


True or false: Leptospirosis must be treated quickly in order for therapy to be effective.


When tooth decay reaches the ______, the tooth decay speeds up to rapidly destroy the tooth.


Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is caused by the bacterium .

Rickettsia rickettsii

Order the progression of events that leads to the formation of a peptic ulcer in the stomach.

1. Bacterium bores through outer stomach lining 2. Bacterium attaches to specific binding sites on cells 3. Bacterium converts urea into ammonium and bicarbonate 4. Stomach acid is neutralized 5. Immune system response damages stomach epithelium

Place the stages of dental caries and its effects on teeth in order, putting the first step at the top.

1. Pellicle formation 2. Plaque formation 3. Acidification 4. Destruction of tooth enamel

During the primary stage of syphilis, what is the main sign/symptom?

Appearance of chancre

Which drugs are useful in treating urogenital chlamydial infections?

Azithromycin Doxycycline

Which is the most common causative agent for cat-scratch fever?

Bartonella henselae

Which is the causative agent for trench fever?

Bartonella quintana

Which of the following are caused by treponemes?

Bejel Yaws Pinta

The increase in the incidence of Lyme disease may be due to which of the following?

Better diagnostic methods Increased number of hosts Increased number of vectors

Which organism causes louse-borne relapsing fever, most common in parts of sub-Saharan Africa, China, and Afghanistan?

Borellia recurrentis

The causative agent for Lyme disease is .

Borrelia burgdorferi

Which organism is the causative agent of Lyme disease?

Borrelia burgdorferi

Which organism is the causative agent of relapsing fever?

Borrelia hermsii

Which is the causative agent for Rocky Mountain Spotted fever?

Rickettsia rickettsii

Which organism causes a sexually transmitted disease in sheep, cattle and goats but is also an opportunistic pathogen infecting debilitated persons or women late in pregnancy?

Campylobacter fetus

Which two systems show the major signs and symptoms in the second stage of Lyme disease?

Cardiovascular Nervous

Which of the following is not found in Mycoplasmas?

Cell wall

Besides the skin lesions, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever can have serious effects on which two systems of the body?

Central nervous Cardiovascular

, and muscle aches are early symptoms of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.

Chills headache fever

Which pathogen can cause nongonococcal urethritis in males and pelvic inflammatory disease in females?


Which antibiotic is used to treat peptic ulcers?


syphilis is an infection of the fetus or newborn acquired from maternal infection in utero.


C. burnetii usually enters the human body through which portals to cause Q fever?

Conjunctiva Digestive tract Skin Respiratory tract

Which is the causative agent of Q fever?

Coxiella burnetii

What shape are vibrio cells?

Curved rods

Which organism is the main vector for the transmission of RMSF in the US?

Dog tick

Which apply to treatment for mycoplasmal pneumonia?

Doxycycline and azithromycin don't prevent shedding of mycoplasmas. Doxycycline inhibits growth of the organism and diminishes symptoms.

Human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME) is caused by chaffeensis.


Which is the causative agent of human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME)?

Ehrlichia chaffeensis

Which of the following can be useful in helping prevent typhus?

Eliminating the vector Use of anti-louse shampoo or ointment Dusting homes with insecticide

Which is a common target in rickettsial infections?

Endothelial linings of small blood vessels

Which of the following are characteristics of spirochetes?

Internal flagella Helical form Gram-negative cell wall

Which of the following is true regarding the incidence of Lyme disease?

It is increasing.

Which genus of hard ticks transmits the Borrelia burgdorferi pathogen of Lyme disease?


Which is the genus of ticks responsible for Lyme disease transmission?


Which of the following is NOT a member of the Order Rickettsiales?


In the presence of antibiotics that inhibit cell wall formation, some bacteria become forms that can survive the drug treatment and reacquire cell walls after the therapy ends.


What is the term used to describe wall-deficient bacteria?


Which of the following is NOT characteristic of spirochetes?

Lacks a periplasmic space

are typical spirochete bacteria with tight, regular, individual coils and a hook at one or both ends known to cause a zoonotic infection in humans.


Which is the most common cause of primary atypical pneumonia?

Mycoplasma pneumoniae

Which of the following represent the smallest self-replicating organisms and naturally lack a cell wall?


Which types of people are at least risk for Q fever?

Neonates born to infected mothers Immunocompromised patients Those living in tropical areas The elderly

Which are chronic conditions seen in some cases of Lyme disease?

Neurological complications Joint inflammation

Which of the following are common characteristics of Campylobacter vibrios?

Nonfermenting Polar flagella S-shaped

Which of the following is a key to effective syphilis prevention programs?

Notification of sexual contacts so that they can receive diagnosis and treatment

A specific cell receptor for Helicobacter on human cells that aids in the attachment of this bacterium is the same molecule that confers the ______ blood type, thus making people with this blood type more susceptible to ulcers.


What are the characteristics of the Order Rickettsiales?

Obligate intracellular parasites Spend part of their life cycle in the bodies of arthropods

Which is a common feature of V. parahaemolyticus gastroenteritis?

Outbreaks tend to be along coastal regions.

Specimens taken from the rash lesions in Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever can be subjected to assay for a highly reliable means of diagnosis.


The ______ assay can be used to test lesions taken from the Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever rash for diagnosis.


What is the term describing the condition resulting from trachoma where a pseudomembrane that forms over the cornea?


Which is the more serious disease that results from the persistence of gingivitis and leads to chronic inflammation and possible tooth loss?


Which of the following is a mature biofilm aggregate that adheres to the tooth and may lead to caries, calculus or inflammation?


and calculus accumulation in the gingival sulcus causes a pronounced inflammatory reaction.


is a mature biofilm aggregate that adheres to the tooth and may lead to caries, calculus or inflammation.


Which are characteristics of mycoplasms?

Pleomorphic No cell wall

Members of the genus Chlamydophila have been linked to which diseases?

Pneumonitis Bronchitis Pharyngitis

Q fever can often result in which of the following complications?

Pneumonitis Hepatitis Endocarditis

What are the stages of untreated syphilis?

Primary, Secondary, Tertiary

Which prevention method is used with persons identified as at-risk for syphilis infection?

Prophylactic antibiotics

Ureaplasma urealyticum has been linked to what diseases?

Prostatitis Urethritis

Which of the following are commonly used preventions for leptospirosis?

Protective clothing Avoid contaminated water sources

Which is the causative agent for endemic typhus?

R. typhi

Which of the following is a step used to fight dental caries?

Reduced consumption of refined sugars Regular brushing and flossing

Between which stages of syphilis may infections enter an extended period of latency?

Secondary and tertiary

Which of the following describe the pathogenesis of Vibrio cholerae?

Secretes an enterotoxin causing disruption of intestinal cells Rests on the surface of the intestinal mucosa

Which tests can easily be used to directly detect the presence of the syphilis spirochete?

Silver staining Dark-field microscopy Polymerase Chain Reaction

Select the characteristics that members of the Vibrio group have in common.

Single flagellum Fermentative metabolism Comma-shaped rods

Identify areas where endemic typhus still persists.

South America Central America Africa

What is the sexually transmitted bacterial infection caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum?


Which organism causes the disease pinta, a chronic skin infection endemic to tropical forest and valley regions of Latin America, that requires several years of close contact for transmission?

T. pallidum carateum

Which organism causes bejel, a chronic inflammatory childhood disease endemic to arid areas of the Middle East and North Africa?

T. pallidum endemicum

Which does NOT describe Helicobacter pylori?

Thrives in anaerobic environment

Which of the following genera have members that are pathogenic spirochetes?

Treponema Borrelia Leptospira

True or false: Chlamydia are obligate intracellular parasites.


True or false: Deeper infections of the tooth can result in infection of the pulp which leads to pain, or a "toothache."


The treatment for mycoplasmal pneumonia involves ______.

a long course antibiotics for 14-21 days

Streptococci in plaque ferment carbohydrates and produce which dissolves tooth and leads to dental .

acid enamel caries

Urogenital chlamydial infections are most effectively treated with drugs that ______.

act intracellularly

Transmission of mycoplasmal pneumonia involves ______.

aerosol droplets

To indirectly verify the presence of the T. pallidum pathogen, the RPR and TT tests demonstrate the presence of against substances released by cells when they are damaged by the pathogen and antigens specific to the pathogen, respectively.


Which substances are detected in the two-step serological approach that indirectly demonstrates the presence of the T. pallidum pathogen?

antibodies specific to antigens of the pathogen antibodies against cardiolipin or lecithin, substances released by damaged host cells

Treponemes ______.

are spirochetes

Transmission of Rickettsial diseases is dependent on vectors.


Most cases of chlamydia infection are ______.


The majority of chlamydia infections are _____ in the host.


The main prevention for Lyme disease involves _____.

avoiding contact with vector

The main prevention for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever involves ______.

avoiding contact with vector

The causative agent for trench fever is quintana.


The most common causative agent for cat-scratch fever is .

bartonella henselae

T. pallidum endemicum causes the disease , also known as endemic syphilis and nonvenereal childhood syphilis, endemic to arid areas of the Middle East and North Africa.


A person who works with ____ is most likely to contract psittacosis?


During the early or leptospiremic phase of leptospirosis, the pathogen appears in the and fluid.

blood cerebrospinal

Which is not a major sign/symptom of cholera?

bloody diarrhea

Lymphogranuloma venereum is a disfiguring disease characterized by deforming edema of the genitals caused by chronic infection by an extremely virulent strain of the pathogen .


Nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) is an inflammation of the urethra in males that is due to infection with .


The causative agent for trachoma is trachomatis.


What occurs during the immune phase of leptospirosis?

clearing of blood infection neurological disturbances kidney and liver symptoms

A syphilis infection of the fetus or newborn acquired from maternal infection in utero is called ______ syphilis.


Transmission of ocular trachoma, caused by Chlamydia trachoma, occurs by ______.

contact with contaminated fingers and fomites

Humans usually acquire Q fever from ______.

contaminated animal material airborne particles

burnettii is the organism that causes Q fever.


In terms of shape Campylobacters are or spiral bacteria.


A rapid, direct method of diagnosis for early syphilis infection is by detecting the spirochete through - microscopy.

dark field

A presumptive diagnosis of Campylobacter jejuni infection can be obtained by direct examination of feces with a ______ microscope to show the characteristic curved rods and darting motility of this bacterium.


The main reservoir hosts for the tick vector that transmits Borrelia burgdorferi are ______.

deer rodents

The medical term for tooth decay is .

dental caries

The most common infectious disease in humans is ______.

dental caries

The infection of the dentition which causes destruction of tooth enamel is known as ______.

dental carries

Once the deterioration of the tooth reaches the , the decay speeds up to rapidly destroy the tooth.


The bull's-eye skin lesions seen at the location of the tick bite in Lyme disease are called _____.

erythema migrans

The best prevention for typhus is ______.

extermination of the vector

Diagnosis of Campylobacter jejuni infection requires a or blood sample from the patient.


The early symptoms of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever include ______.

fever chills headache muscle pain

The early signs/symptoms of Lyme disease are ______.

fever stiff neck rash at bite site headache

Transmission of endemic typhus to humans occurs through ______.

flea bite inhalation of infected rat feces

Calculus and plaque accumulation in the ______ sulcus causes a pronounced inflammatory reaction.


is the inflammation of the gum tissue in contact with the roots of the tooth.


Plaque is formed from sticky polymers of glucose called and fructans.


The characteristics of Treponema pallidum include ______.

gram negative cell wall strict parasite complex growth requirements spirochete

A tick-borne, flu-like disease caused by Anaplasma phagocytophilum is called human ______ anaplasmosis.


Human is a tick-borne, flu-like disease caused by members of the genus Anaplasma.

granulocytic anaplasmosis

A is a soft tumorous mass containing granuloma tissue that develops in tertiary syphilis.


A soft tumorous mass containing granuloma tissue that develops during tertiary syphilis is called a(n) ______.


Spirochetes are bacteria with a ______ shape.


The causative agent of relapsing fever is Borrelia .


What signs/symptoms occur with endemic typhus?

high fever skin rash muscle pain

What occurs during the early or leptospiremic phase of leptospirosis?

high levels of pathogen in blood and cerebrospinal fluid high fever vomiting

Host damage in syphilis infections is mostly due to ______.

host inflammatory response

The major reservoir of R. prowazekii is the ______.

human body

The second phase of leptospirosis infection is called the phase because the blood is cleared by natural defenses.


Two methods of testing for chlamydia infection are a direct assay of specimens using and a -probe.

immunofluorescence PCR

Chlamydias cause which two eye diseases?

inclusion conjunctivitis ocular trachoma

The incidence of Lyme disease is gradually in the United States.


The signs and symptoms of psittacosis are similar to _____.


Campylobacter , one of the most important causes of bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide, is transmitted through contaminated beverages and food.


Chronic Lyme disease can involve neurological complications and attack the _______.


Leptospirosis affects the brain, , and , with the last two possibly resulting in long-term disability or even death.

kidneys liver

The causative agent for syphilis is pallidum.


Besides the presence of ring-shaped lesions, which are two diagnostic methods used to identify Lyme disease?

testing of antibody titer with ELISA in the early stage testing for spirochetal DNA in the late stage

Which two serological tests are routinely used in the diagnosis of leptospirosis?

testing the patient's serum for antibody titer macroscopic agglutination test

The area of the United States with the highest incidence of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is _____.

the Southeast and eastern seaboard

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is named for _____.

the location where it was first detected

The characteristic of H. pylori that differs from Campylobacter is ______.

the presence of multiple sheathed polar flagella

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is spread by a biological vector, in most cases a .


The major vector for human ehrlichiosis is the ______.


The vector for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever transmission is _____.


Which is a characteristic of Helicobacter?

tight spirals

Routine diagnosis of Lyme disease relies on early serological testing with an ELISA method that tracks a rising antibody and test for spirochetal in specimens in the late stage.

titer DNA

Syphilis is most commonly transmitted by which two of the following?

to the fetus in utero through sex

Of the two strains of Chlamydia trachomatis that affect humans, the disease trachoma is caused by the strain.


Chlamydia trachomatis causes the two eye diseases ocular and inclusion .

trachoma conjunctivitis

Helicobacter can survive in the acidic environment of the stomach because it produces the enzyme ____ that catalyzes the formation of alkaline metabolites which neutralize the stomach acid.


Helicobacter produces the enzyme to protect it from the harsh, acidic environment of the stomach.


Leptospires may be present in environmental sources that contain animal _____.


Leptospirosis infection is shed into the environment through animal .


The main prevention for Lyme disease is avoiding contact with the .


The increase in incidence of Lyme disease can be attributed to increased numbers of and as well as better diagnostic methods.

vectors host

Which are major signs/symptoms of cholera?

vomiting severe dehydration profuse watery diarrhea

The lack of acute illness in most patients infected with Mycoplasma pneumoniae has led to the nickname " pneumonia."


Which conditions favor cholera transmission?

warm environment saline conditions

In nonendemic areas, such as the United States, the causative agent of cholera is spread mostly by ______.

water and food

Infection by Vibrio cholerae is typically treated by _____.

water/electrolyte replacement

Tick-borne relapsing fever occurs sporadically in the US, usually in campers, backpackers, and forestry personnel who frequent the higher elevations of the states.


T. pallidum pertenue causes the disease , endemic to tropical regions of Africa, Asia, and South America, that usually starts with a large, abscessed papule on the legs or lower trunk.


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