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basic stain

- positively charged dye molecules - Binds to negative charges (i.e. nucleic acids in nucleus) and stains the cell picking up color

Gram staining

A method of differentiating bacteria into Gram-positive and Gram-negative.

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

A microscope that uses an electron beam to study the surface area of the cell but not the exterior. shows 3d pictures.


Father of medicine, Hippocratic oath. dismissed the idea that disease was caused by supernatural forces.

Which of the following domains have cell walls made up of peptidoglycan? a. Bacteria b. Archaea c. Eukarya


what are the three major domains

Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya

Joseph Lister

Began using disinfectants and antiseptics during surgery carbolic acid

characteristics of viruses

Intracellular parasites, contain DNA or RNA, No ribosomes, No ATP, acellular. coat may be enclosed in a lipid envelope. replicates when in a host

In which environment are you most likely to encounter a hyperthermophile? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a hot tub b warm ocean water in Florida c hydrothermal vent at the bottom of the ocean d human body


Which of the following is a correct usage of binomial nomenclature? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a Homo Sapiens b homo sapiens c Homo sapiens d Homo Sapiens

c Homo sapiens

Betaproteobacteria have _____trophs


cell theory

everything r made up of cells and cell device from pre-existing cells

Log phase of bacterial growth

exponential increase in number of living bacterial cells

mycobacterium leprae

causes Hansen disease (leproxy)


causes bloody diarrhea


causes botulinum


causes diarrhea

corynebacterium diphtheria

causes diphtheria

bacillus Anthraces b. cereus

causes food poising


causes food poisoning creating soft tissue damage


causes tetanus

if bacteria and archaea domains are considered prokaryotes. what's the difference between them?

cell wall. bacteria has a cell wall made of peptidogycen, where as archaea lacks it.

Plant cell walls are made of

cellular cell wall

fungi cell wall


what's the difference between closed culture or batch culture and continuous culture

closed and batch are the same while continuous culture removes waste material and adds more so it keeps the bacteria motivated and happy.


cluster of flagella at one or both ends

gram positive phylum: High G+C (actin bacteria) mycobacterium tuberculosis cell wall feature? what's the diagnostic test?

coat made up of extra mycolic acid coating over peptidoglycan. Has mycolic acids that are waxy and water resistant and acid fast


cold-loving microbes

Which of the following is a prokaryotic microorganism? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a helminth b protozoan c cyanobacterium d mold


A soup container was forgotten in the refrigerator and shows contamination. The contaminants are probably which of the following? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a thermophiles b acidophiles c mesophiles d psychrotrophs


Bacteria have 80S ribosomes each composed of a 60S large subunit and a 40S small subunit. t/f


The ______________ is used to differentiate bacterial cells based on the components of their cell walls.

gram staining

indirect method

depond on the measurement of cell presence or activity without actually counting

Schleiden and Schwann

developed the cell theory

Robert Koch

discover the connection between microorganisms and medicine. Discovered lots of diseases such as tb, cholera and anthrax.

Louis Pasteur

discovered fermentation but invented pastueration. invented a lot of new findings such as vaccines.

Francesco Redi

disproved spontaneous generation by showing that maggots do not spontaneously arise from decaying meat.

aerotolerant anaerobes

do not utilize oxygen but can survive and grow in its presence

Biogenesis Theory

Theory that states living things can only come from other living things

what are the three classes in the non protebacteria?(gram neg)

Spirochetes phototrophic bacteria CFB group

germ theory

The idea that disease was caused by the spread of living organisms that could be controlled.

Miasma Theory

The theory that diseases were caused by miasma or bad air arising from organic decay, filth, or other conditions of the local environment.

____________ are microorganisms that are not included in phylogenetic trees because they are acellular.


Which of the following environments would harbor psychrophiles? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a mountain lake with a water temperature of 12 °C b contaminated plates left in a 35 °C incubator c yogurt cultured at room temperature d salt pond in the desert with a daytime temperature of 34 °C


acid fast stain

a differential stain used to identify bacteria that are not decolorized by acid-alcohol. nonacid fast cells won't retain stain but acid fast organisms will. used to identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis

which is not a domain in the worse and fox phylogenetic tree? a. animals b. bacteria c. archaea d. eukarya


Protist cell wall


Characteristics of eukaryotic: protist

anything that isn't a plant, animal or fungi ex. algae or protozoa

John Needham

argued that Spontaneous generation can occur under the right conditions. Disproved Redi's experiment.

biofilm formation steps

attachment, colonization, development, active dispersal riversible attachment of planktonic cells, then they colonize which becomes irreversible. development and growth (cell divison) PRODUCTION OF EPS occurs and formation of water channels (hours, days) attachment of second colonizers anf start dispensing of microbes to new sites

what's the unique feature of deltaprotebacteria.

attacks gram negative bacteria.

Acidic stains a. Stains the cell b. Do not stain the cells


An inoculated thioglycolate medium culture tube shows dense growth at the surface and turbidity throughout the rest of the tube. What is your conclusion? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a The organisms die in the presence of oxygen b The organisms are facultative anaerobes. c The organisms should be grown in an anaerobic chamber. d The organisms are obligate aerobes.


Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common pathogen that infects the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis. It does not grow in the absence of oxygen. The bacterium is probably which of the following? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a an aerotolerant anaerobe b an obligate aerobe c an obligate anaerobe d a facultative anaerobe


Which bacterial structures are important for adherence to surfaces? (Select all that apply.) endospores b cell walls c fimbriae d capsules e flagella

b and c

in the above bacterial growth curve, which of the graph illustrates the period when u introduce antibiotics. a b c d

b they're at they're weakest

The idea that life could appear from nonliving materials was called which of the following? a. the cell theory b. theory of spontaneous generation c. the germ theory d.endosymbiotic theory e. the theory of bogenesis

b. theory of spontaneous generation

Prokaryotic cells that are rod-shaped are called ______________.


enteric bacteria

bacteria that live in the digestive tract, enteric system

What is the difference between basic & acidic stains, simple stains & differential stains?

basic- stains cell(+ charge) acidic- stains background (- charge) simple stains-only one stain differential stains- use multiple stains on the same slide

Staphylococcus aureus S. epidermis

big clusters causes different types of skin infections

Lazzaro Spallanzani

showed that a sealed flask of meat broth sterilized by boiling failed to grow microbes

monotrichous flagella

single flagellum

Epsilon protebacteria is the _____ class



structure that forms right in the structure

mesophiles (human pathogens)

human body temp


human pathogen that causes diarrhea

helicobacter pylori

human pathogens that causes chronic gastritis that leads to ulcers and stomach cancer. occurs in the pylons of the stomach.

Who is considered the "father of Western medicine"? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a Marcus Terentius Varro b Thucydides c Antonie van Leeuwenhoek d Hippocrates


Ingaz Semmelweis

importance of hand washing to prevent disease between patients and physicians

what is the use of oil immersion lens

increases resolution by preventing light from refracting in air

direct methods of measuring microbial growth

involve counting cells

What mordant is used in Gram staining? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a crystal violet b safranin c acid-alcohol d iodine


Which of the following cell wall components is unique to gram-negative cells? a lipopolysaccharide b teichoic acid c mycolic acid d peptidoglycan


hyperthermophilic bacteria

live in extreme high temperatures


major phylum of gram neg bacteria

what are the advantages of fixing?

makes organisms stay put and jt kills bacteria making it less dangers

what does it mean by fixing bacterial specimens?

making bacterial cells adhere to a microscope slide

Which of the following terms refers to a bacterial cell having a single tuft of flagella at one end? a monotrichous b amphitrichous c peritrichous d lophotrichous


What are coliforms?

normal G- inhabitants of the human intestinal tract that produce gas from lactose fermentation nonpathogenic. can breakdown lactic acid

The cells of prokaryotic organisms lack a ______________.

nucleus cellular nucleus

What are the oxygen requirements?

obligate aerobes, obligate anaerobes, , facultative anaerobes, aerotolerant anaerobes, microaerphiles

What is total magnification?

ocular lens x objective lens

alphaproteobacteria contain ________trophs



one-celled organisms that are more complex than bacteria Parasites used pseudopods, cilia, flagella some may be pathogens.

Which of the following foods is NOT made by fermentation? a. Beer b. Bread c. Cheese d. Orange juice

orange juice

obligate anaerobes

organisms that cannot live where molecular oxygen is present

Obligate aerobes require

oxygen for growth (on top)

what's phototrophic bacteria 2 types

oxygenic ex(cyanobacteria) and anoxygenic ex. (purple Sulphur and non sulphur

which term best describes the relationship between pathogenic bacteria and humans


Exponential Division

parental cell divides, gives rise to two daughter cells . Each division doubles the number of cells 1-2-4-8-16-32-64-128

what r alphaproteobacteria? and an example

part of the gram-negative bacteria that doesn't need many nutrients for their growth. contain Oligotrophs that is capable if growth @ very low levels of nutrients. ex is chlamydia which are obligated intracellular pathogens that are extremely resistant to cellular defenses and have the ability ti spread rapidly.

Symbiotic associations between different bacteria and human for Amensalism. example

population A Harmed and B unaffected. one bacteria kills another. example- Lucilia sericata produces a protein that destroys Stephylococcus aureus( causes dangers diseases) on surface of the human skin.

Symbiotic associations between different bacteria and human for Neutralism

population A and B are both unaffected. coexistence if metabolically active Bacillus anthraces that produce endospores that live inside the bacteria.

Symbiotic associations between different bacteria and humans for mutualism. example

population A and B benefited. occurs in the human gut. an example would be could where there's different strains. some beneficial where it relies on intestinal content of nutrients producing vit k and some strains that can also be harmful.

Symbiotic associations between different bacteria and human for Parasitism

population A benefitted and B harmed. human bacterial infection. many pathogenic prokaryotes invade the body producing toxic substances or infectious disease that cause harm.

Symbiotic associations between different bacteria and human for commensalism. example

population A benefitted and B unaffected occurs on the human skin. ex Staphylococcus epidermidis uses the dead cells of the human skim as nutrients. every human has these type of organisms.

phylum: low G+C (BACILLI)

positive bacteria

Basic stains have a ____ charge. basic stains will stain_____ and will not stain

positive, cell, and background.

Which of the following was NOT a kingdom in Linnaeus's taxonomy? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a animal b mineral c protist d plant


What are animal-like protists called?


Louis pastour

refuted the long disputed theory of spontaneous gen.

Which is acellular? -bacterium -fungus -protozoan -virus


Which of the following is acellular? Virus b Bacterium c Fungus d Protozoan


types of electron microscopes

transmission electron microscope (TEM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM)

M.tuberculosis takes

14-20 hrs

some characters of each kingdom coming under eukaryotes

- have bounded nucleus can be uni or multicellular - protist, fungi, plants and animals

Four tubes are illustrated with cultures grown in a medium that slows oxygen diffusion. Match the culture tube with the correct type of bacteria from the following list: facultative anaerobe, obligate anaerobe, microaerophile, aerotolerant anaerobe, obligate aerobe.


What are the magnifications of the objective lenses?

10x, 40x, 100x

describe the gram staining steps for crystal violet, iodine, alcohol, and safranin

1. primary stain added to the specimen (stains cells purple or blue) 2. mordant makes dye less soluble so it adhere to cell walls making it bind to the primary stains and helps stay within the cell. (cell remains purple or blue) 3. plays as a chemical decolorized washes away from gram-negative cell walls (decolorizes gram- negative cells. 4. counterstains allow dye adherence to gram-negative cells. (gram positive cells will retain a purple blue color, where gram- appears pink.

4 differences between light and electron microscopes

1. source of energy( plain white light and beam of electrons) 2. electro magnets: sense made up of glass 3.medium air everywhere and vaccum 4. absence of oculus image of ultra structure and E/M you only see the exterior.

how much will a culture be diluted if 10 ml of the cell suspension is added to 90 ml of diluent 1o^-1 10^-2 10^-3 10^-4


If a culture starts with 50 cells, how many cells will be present after five generations with no cell death? - 200 -400 -1600 -3200


how much will be a culture be diluted if 1ml of cell suspension is added to 999ml of diluent? 1:100 1:10000 1;999 1:1000


m.leprae takes

2 weeks

e.coli takes about?

20 min to double

Neutrophiles pH


binary fission

A form of asexual reproduction in single-celled organisms by which one cell divides into two cells of the same size

lag phase

A short period of time **prior to exponential growth of a bacterial population during which no, or very limited, cell division occurs. no increase of number of cells

binomial nomenclature

A system for giving each organism a two-word scientific name that consists of the genus name followed by the species name. genus -first species+ second

pH requirements of bacteria

Acidphiles: below 5 neutrophilees: 5-8 alkalophiles: above 8.5

Who was the first to observe "animalcules" under the microscope? Antonie van Leeuwenhoek b Louis Pasteur c Marcus Terentius Varro d Robert Koch

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

who observed "animalcules" or wee little beasties?

Antonie van leuwenhock

Which of the following is the standard resource for identifying bacteria? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a Systema Naturae b Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology c Woese and Fox's phylogenetic tree d Haeckel's General Morphology of Organisms

Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology

who is the father of binomial nomenclature?

Carolus Linnaeus

Who is considered to be the father of Binomial nomenclature? a. Louis Pasteur b. Edward Jenner c. Robert Koch d. Carl Linnaeus

Carl Linnaeus

Know the microscope parts with their functions

Condenser sense, power switch, Ocular lens, objective lens, Stage adjustment knobs, Field Iris Diaphragm, Condenser centering screws, Fine focus knob, Stage

what does CFB mean? what's the importance of each group?

Cytophaga- motile aquatic bacteria that glides fusobacteria-occurs in humans mouth and causes severe infections bacteroides- largest genus. species are prevalent inhabitants of the humans large intestine. the human body composes of 30% of the normal microbiota in human health.


Greek historian. studied the Athenian plague and found out that once infected they became immune. first to understand the immunity.

Which of the following individuals argued in favor of the theory of spontaneous generation? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a Francesco Redi b Louis Pasteur c John Needham d Lazzaro Spallanzani

John need ham

theory of spontaneous generation

Life arises spontaneously from non-living material

difference between magnification and resolution

Magnification- Increase in size Resolution- Power to show details

Who proposed that swamps might harbor tiny, disease-causing animals too small to see? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a Thucydides b Marcus Terentius Varro c Hippocrates d Louis Pasteur

Marcus Terentius Varro

plate count

Method to measure the concentration of viable cells by counting the number of colonies that develop from a sample added to an agar plate less than30 doesn't give a good statistically reliable tftc more than 300 is over crowded making it difficult to to accurately count

what's the major difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

P- no nucleus or nuclei e- have nucleus

what are the two common features for all living cells

Plasma membrane and genetic modification

Clostridium ?

Postive bacteria that produces endospores that obligate anaerobes. it can't tolerate oxygen.

______________ are organisms without membrane-bound nuclei.


An inoculated thioglycolate medium culture tube is clear throughout the tube except for dense growth at the bottom of the tube. What is your conclusion? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a The organisms are obligate anaerobes. b The organisms are facultative anaerobes. c The organisms are aerotolerant. d The organisms are obligate aerobes.


Why do the instructions for the growth of Neisseria gonorrheae recommend a CO-enriched atmosphere? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a It uses CO as a final electron acceptor in respiration. b It is an obligate anaerobe. c It is a capnophile. d It fixes CO through photosynthesis.


Which of the following is NOT a domain in Woese and Fox's phylogenetic tree? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a Plantae b Bacteria c Archaea d Eukarya

a Plantae


a device that allows for the continuous culture of microorganisms. allows a continous pattern. feeds on waste material anf then removed. bacterial suspension in order to collect extracts.

batch culture

a closed-system microbial culture of fixed volume

transmission electron microscope (TEM)

a microscope that passes an electron beam through very thin sections stained with metal atoms and is primarily used to study the internal ultrastructure of cells

Alkalophiles pH

above 8.5

death phase

accumulates toxic waste and nutrients are exhausted. cells die in great numbers. it exceeds living cells. u see endospores in this phase

Ziehl-Neelsen staining, a type of ______________ staining, is diagnostic for Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

acid- fast


acid-tolerant bacteria

what are plant like protist called?


Which of the following is not a subfield of microbiology? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a bacteriology b botany c clinical microbiology d virology

b botany

Louis Pasteur's experiment

broth is in swan-necked flasks Boil-->incubate-->no growth (germs trapped) Tilted falsk-->incubated-->growth

Yersenia pestis

bubonic plague

which phase shows when the numbers of death cells and live cells are equal a b c d


facultative anaerobes

can live with or without oxygen

Two species of bacteria live near each other and use similar food resources. Which type of biological interaction does this describe? - competitive interaction -a cooperative interaction -mutualistic interaction -parasitic interaction

competitive interaction

Betaproteobacteria is? and examples

contains eutrophs that require copious amounts if organic nutrients or they die. organisms are - nisseria meningitides: causes bacterial meningitis - N.gonorrhoeae: causes gonorrhoea (sexual transmitted disease) -Bordetella pertussis: causes whopping cough.

which is the correct order of steps in gram staining?

crystal violet stain, grams iodine mordant, ethanol decolorization, safranin counterstains

Streptococcus mutans is a major cause of cavities. It resides in the gum pockets, does not have catalase activity, and can be grown outside of an anaerobic chamber. The bacterium is probably which of the following? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a a facultative anaerobe b an obligate aerobe c an obligate anaerobe d an aerotolerant anaerobe


In which phase would you expect to observe the most endospores in a Bacillus cell culture? -death -log -lag log, lag, death have the same # of endospores


Which scientist proposed adding a kingdom for protists? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a Carolus Linnaeus b Carl Woese c Robert Whittaker d Ernst Haeckel

d Ernst Haeckel

Which of the following types of microorganisms is photosynthetic? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a yeast b virus c helminth d alga

d alga

Which of the following is a type of fungal microorganism? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a bacterium b protozoan c alga d yeast

d yeast

Which of the following has a spiral shape? a. coccus b. coccobacilli c. vibrio d. spirillum

d. spirillum

ex of coliforms


Robert Hooke

first to observe "small chambers" in cork and call them cells.

Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek

first to observe microbes by creating first ever microscope. "wee little beasts" saw dead microbes


flagella all over


flagella at both poles of the cell

different types of fixing

heat and chemical fixing


heat loving microbes

Fts2 protein

helps with cell division. will double mother cell and elongate it equaLLY INT0 2 daughters cells


hemolic, breaks down red blood cells


lag, logarithmic stationary and death

Bacteria isolated from a hot tub at 39 °C are probably which of the following? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a thermophiles b psychrotrophs c mesophiles d hyperthermophiles


persister cells

microbes with genetic characteristics allowing for their survival when exposed to an antibiotic

Gamma Proteobacteria ______ and ____ class -pseudomonas -vibrio -V.parahaemolyticus -V. cholerae v. vulnificus

most diverse and large p- hospital required infections cause Uni or wound v- (shaped as rod) v.p- causes gastroenteritis v.c- causes cholera from contaminated water v.v-life threatening cellulitis (infection on a skin and deeper tissue.

acidic stain

negative charge stains. will stain the background

acidic stains have a _______ charge. acidic stains will stain _______ and will not stain _______.

negative, background and cell

animal cell wall

no cell wall


pathogenic. cannot ferment lactose and can't completely break down lactose

Bacterial cell walls are primarily composed of which of the following? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a phospholipid b protein c carbohydrate d peptidoglycan


stationary phase

period of equilibrium; microbial deaths balance production of new cells. virulence factors survive, reproduce and cause disease in host

what is Lactobacillus very important to women?

produces lactic acid which is important for vagina health. we need an acidic ph. a dominant normal bacteria

Marcus Varro

proposed that disease could be caused by certain mini creatures seen in swamps.

Ruddf Virchow

proposed that new cells are formed only from cells that already exist. cell theory

Haemophilus influenzae- most common cause of ______ illness.


Which of the following developed a set of postulates for determining whether a particular disease is caused by a particular pathogen? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a John Snow b Robert Koch c Joseph Lister d Louis Pasteur

rober koch

ex noncoliforms

salmonella, shigella, and Yersenia pestis

generation time

the time it takes for a population to double

Microaerophilic bacteria

they do need oxygen to proliferate but they need it at such low levels

phylum: non Proteobacteria what's the important feature about the flagella in Spirochetes

twisting motion used for locomotion. can drill through out skin.

Gardnerella vaginosis

vaginal infection in women

Which of the following terms refers to a prokaryotic cell that is comma shaped? a coccus b coccobacilli c vibrio d spirillum


The type of inclusion containing polymerized inorganic phosphate is called ______________.

volutin granules

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