Microbiology Ch. 1-5 -- Exam #1

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"water hating" -molecules that repel water


"water loving" -molecules that attract water

substrate level phosphorylation

(chemical energy) In... ATP is usually generated when high - energy phosphate is directly transferred from a phosphorylated compound (a substrate) to ADP: generally, the phosphate group has acquired its energy during an earlier reaction in which the substrate itself was oxidized

oxidative phosphorylation

(energy from motive force) ... electrons are transferred from organic compounds to one group of electron carriers (usually NAD+ and FAD). Then, the electrons are passed through a series of different electron carriers to molecules of oxygen or other oxidized inorganic and organic molecules; occurs in the plasma membrane of prokaryotes and the inner mitochondrial membrane of eukaryotes


(radiant energy) occurs only in photosynthetic cells, starts the process of photosynthesis by converting light energy to the chemical energy of ATP and NADPH, which then used to synthesize organic molecules; an electron transport chain is involved

Kingdom Fungi

- 100,000 species divided into 2 groups: Macroscopic & Microscopic. - Majority are unicellular or colonial. Few have cellular specialization.

which of the following is/are the most appropriate way to correctly label the name of an organism on a glass slide

- E. coli

Parasitic Worms

- Multicellular animals, organs for reproduction, digestion, movement, protection. - Parasitize host tissues - Have mouthparts for attachment to or digestion of host tissues - Most have well-developed sex organs that produce eggs & sperm - Fertilized eggs go through larval period in or out of host body


- a tiny particle that cannot be subdivided into smaller substances w/o losing its properties - unique structures - contains protrons, neutrons, & electrons

the purpose of heat fixation is to

- adhere the organisms to the slide - inactivate microorganisms placed on the slide

excessive heating during the fixation stage of preparing a smear can lead to which of the following outcomes upon staining

- bacterial cells may show altered morphology - bacterial arrangements may be disturbed

which of the following apply to bacterial smears

- bacterial smears provide scientists with the means to look at microorganisms - preparing smears disperses bacterial cells on a slide so that individual cells can be visualized under the microscope - preparation of bacterial smears is required for bacterial staining procedures

match the staining procedure with its description

- capsule stain : a stain that enables you to effectively visualize a bacterium's glycocalyx - gram stain : a stain that can differentiate between cells that have thick or thin layers of peptidoglycan in their cell walls - acid fast stain : a stain that would be appropriate for cells that contain mycolic acid in their cell walls


- central core - makes up the larger mass of the atom


- contains a nitrogen base, a pentose (5-carbon) sugar, and a phosphate A -- T C -- G - the N base is covalently bonded to the sugar deoxyribose


- contains a nitrogen base, a pentose (5-carbon) sugar, and a phosphate A -- U C -- G - the N base is covalently bonded to the sugar ribose

which of the following represent consequences of incorrect performance of the decolorization step

- decolorizing too briefly: false positive results - decolorizing for too long: false negative results - decolorizing for too long: removal of carbolfuchsin (primary stain) from all cells

endospores are difficult to stain due to which of the following

- endospores exclude dye - endospores have a thick spore coat

which three of the following terms all refer to a similar structure

- glycocalyx - slime layer - capsule

which of the following correctly describe how the gram stain works to color different type of cells

- gram positive cells retain the purple dye mordant complex because of their thick layer of peptidoglycan - gram negative cells are decolorized and stained by the pink/red secondary stain

if organism are washing off of the slide during rinsing of the stain, which step(s) in the smear preparation may have been excluded

- heat fixation - air drying

before bacteria from a solid culture are applied to a slide, a drop of sterile water is typically added to the slide in order to

- help the bacteria spread evenly - reduce the tendency of the bacteria to stick together

a smear preparation that is too light may result in which of the following

- inability to distinguish individual cell morphology - difficulty locating cells to observe

a smear that is too thick will result in which of the following

- inability to distinguish individual cell morphology - poor quality stain results

which of the following are diseases caused by an acid-fast bacterium

- leprosy - TB (tuberculosis)

which of the following clinically important organisms are considered acid-fast

- mycobacterium tuberculosis - mycobacterium leprae

which of the following would lead to an inability to identify the morphology of organisms using a simple stain

- no organisms in sample - the organism has an acid-fast cell wall - more than one organism in your sample


- pure substance that has a characterisitc atomic structure - 118 elements, 94 naturally occuring

which of the following stains required heat fixation

- simple stain - endospore stain - gram stain - acid-fast stain

encapsulated organisms are difficult to directly stain because

- the capsule is not permeable to stains - the capsule does not react with most stains

what might be the result of not allowing a slide to air dry sufficiently prior to heat fixation

- the shape and arrangement of the cells may be disrupted - the bacteria may rinse off of the slide - the bacteria could be aerosolized

what is the purpose of a simple stain

- to determine cell shape and arrangement of the specimen - to visualize bacteria

what is the purpose of a negative stain

- to determine morphological characteristics of the specimen - to visualize a capsule (if present) - to visualize the bacteria

this image depicts the results of an endospre stain performed on a smear of a known endospore-producing bacterial species. which of the following could have led to the results shown here

- too many organisms were used - the primary stain was omitted - the smear was performed from a young culture that was not yet forming endospores

which of the following would be appropriate for choosing a sample to perform a smear preparation

- use only a small amount of bacteria on the loop - use bacteria from an isolated colony

which of the following are characteristics of simple stains

- used to visualize morphology of bacteria - used to identify cellular arrangement of bacteria

how do you smear a bacterial colony onto the microscope slide

- using the loop, you disperse the bacteria into the water drop on the microscope slide

staining is a commonly used microbiological technique that is used for which of the following

- visualization of microorganisms - differentiation of microorganisms - identification of some bacterial structures

you just performed an acid-fast stain on an acid-fast organism, yet some of the bacteria appear blue and some appear red. which of the following could explain your results

- you have a mixed population of bacteria in which some organisms are acid-fast and some are not - the primary stain was not allowed to stain long enough


-avg. of the mass numbers of all the isotopic forms for a element


-biological molecules whose polymers are chains of amino acid monomers linked together by peptide bonds - "shapers of life" - protein structure determnines protein function


-counterclockwise movement of the flagella -cell swims in a smooth, linear direction toward a stimulus


-deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) - ribonucleic acid (RNA)

What are Prokaryotes?

-don't wind DNA around histones & not encased in membrane -Bacteria have sturdy walls -Prokaryotes don't have membrane bound organelles


-most primitive of all life forms -more closely related to Eukarya than bacteria (share rRNA sequences that are not found in bacteria, ribosomal subunit structures are similar, lack peptidoglycan) -have unique rRNA sequence -cell membranes do not contain fatty acids -use branched molecules called isoprenes


-require salt to grow--> use red pigment to synthesize ATP in presence of light. -colorful bacteria in seawater evaporation beds. -mostly aerobic metabolism -Bacteriorhodspin: proton pump used to generate energy

S layer

-thousands of copies of a single protein linked together -provides protection from environmental conditions -only produced in hostile environments


... are antigens


... are common electron carriers

common ancestor

... gave rise to 3 domains

true antibiotic

... has to be made from microbe if not then it is considered synthetic drug

less than 1 percent

... of microorganisms cause disease to humans

every reaction

... requires an enzyme

surface area

... to volume limits cell size


...in body move mucus away from lungs


...in cellular processes results in more ATP than anaerobic processes


...on average, around the same size; smaller than eukaryotes by about ten times


0 (most acidic) - 14 (most basic)

a typical cell of staphylococcus would be expected to have a diameter of approximately

1 micron

what is the size of a helmith

1 mm to 25 m

List these levels in the hierarchy of classification from most general to least general.

1. Kingdom, 2. Class, 3. Family, 4. Genus, 5. Species

Put these levels of classification in order form most general to most specific

1. Kingdom, 2. Genus, 3. Species

Put these in order by size from largest to smallest

1. Protozoans, 2. Reproductive structures of mold, 3. Bacteria, 4. Viruses

place the steps of the endospore stain in the correct sequence

1. apply malachite green to smear 2. cover smear with small piece of paper towel 3. steam over water bath 4. rinse 5. apply safranin to smear 6. rinse and blot dry

place these reagents in the proper order of their use in the gram staining technique

1. crystal violet 2. gram's iodine 3. decolorizer 4. safranin

put the following steps in order for performing a smear preparation from a liquid culture

1. label the microscope slide 2. apply loopful of bacterial culture to slide 3. air dry 4. heat fix

put the following steps in order for performing a smear preparation from a solid culture

1. label the slide with the name of the organism 2. apply loopful of sterile water to slide 3. add very small amount of organisms to water on slide 4. disperse organisms evenly over the center of the slide 5. air dry 6. heat fix

Various terms denote chains of amino acids based on the size of the chains. Put the terms protein, peptide, and polypeptide in order from smallest to largest.

1. peptide 2. polypeptide 3. protein

place the following steps of the capsular stain in the proper sequence

1. place a drop of nigrosin on a clean slide 2. add bacteria to nigrosin and mix 3. spread the mixture over slide and air dry 4. apply crystal violet 5. rinse

match the general type of staining method with its description

1. simple : uses only a single dye to color the cells 2. differential stain : uses two dyes to discriminate between cell types or structures 3. structural stain : assists in the observation of structures external to the cell wall

place the following steps of the acid-fast stain in the proper sequence

1. stain with carbolfuchsin 2. rinse off excess primary stain 3. decolorize with acid alcohol 4. rinse with water to stop the decolorization process 5. counterstain with methylene blue 6. rinse off excess counterstain 7. bolt dry

order the following events in biofilm formation

1. sticky surface texture attracts single cells 2. colonists attach to the surface 3. receptors, DNA, and other molecules are released as attractants 4. individual cells break off to begin new biofilms

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are about _____ infections of all types across the world every year.

10 billion


10% of human genome consist of sequences that come from what?

A monosaccharide with 5 carbon atoms will have _____hydrogen atoms and ______ oxygen atoms

10,5 (CH2O)n = where n=5 C5H(2*5)O5 = C5H10O5

sodium has an atomic number of ___.


What is the maximum # of electrons in the first energy shell of an atom?

2 n=number of shells formula: n squared times 2 so, first shell would be n=1, 1 squared = 1, then X 2=2

when did the first eukaryotic cells on earth appear?

2 billion years ago

There are __ different naturally occurring amino acids from which proteins are constructed.


which would be the proper amount of time required for methylene blue dye to remain on the bacterial smear during a simple stain

30 seconds to 2 minutes

roughly how many species of fungi have been identified to date?



60% of biomass of a bacteria cell

unlike bacterial cells, eukaryotic cells contain ribosomes comprised of a larger __ subunit and a smaller ___ subunit.

60S, 40S

unlike bacterial cells, eukaryotic cells contain ribosomes comprised of a larger ___ subunit and a small ___ subunit

60s, 40s

Carbon has an atomic number of _, has ____ electron(s) in its outer orbital, has a valence of __, and can form up to __ chemical bond(s).

6; four; 4;4

The bacterial ribosomes is a _______S ribosomes


Mitochondria contained bacterial-sized _____ ribosomes


Mitochondria contain what sized ribosome.


What is the maximum # of electrons in the second energy shell of an atom?

8 n=number of shells formula: n squared times 2 so, second shell would be n=2, 2 squared = 4, then X 2=8

eukaryotic ribosomes found outside the mitochondria are the ___ variety



9 pair 2 in middle attached to motor proteins that contract and release

attachment of cells like those shown in this image to a surface in a biofilm is accomplished by the adhesion of the appendages illustrated by the letter


in this image of chloroplast, the thylakoids are indicated by the letter ___


in this image of ribosomes synthesizing protein , which letter indicates the cistern of the ER?


which of the images depict a slide that was prepared from an excessive amount of microbial material


which slide shows both vegetative cells and endospores


polyhedral capsid, and sheath covered tail that is helical

A bacteriophage contains what elements?


A complex virus is called a what?


A few protozoa are what and cause millions of infections each year?

their extra membrane layer

A gram negative bacteria is actually stronger than the gram positive bacteria because of what?

What is a helminth?

A parasitic worm

Amphitrichous Polar Flagella

A single flagellum at both ends of the organism


A stimulus to a bacteria can also cause flagellar rotates that reverses, causing the cell to stop and change course called what?


A stimulus to move can cause a smooth linear movement towards stimulus from bacteria called?

What is the difference between a true nucleus and a nucleoid?

A true nucleus is surrounded by a membrane whereas a nucleoid is not

not both

A virus can contain a DNA or RNA but not what?

specific host molecule

A virus can invade its host cell only through making an exact fit with a what?


A what may remain hidden in a host cell for years before ever activating?

which of the following conditions place patients at risk for an opportunistic fungal infection ?

AIDS, burns, diabetes

A cell membrane, ribosomes, chromosomes and cytoplasm are found in _________ bacterial cells


What is the principle function of mitochondria?

ATP production

distinct from bacteria and eukaryotes

Achaea's cell wall is

The ________-_______ stain technique would be used to discover Myobacterium Tuberculosis in a sputum sample a

Acid fast

Functions of the glycocalyx

Adherence and protection

Describe the function of fimbriae


Which of the following describes the function of fimbriae?


Roles of Fungi

Adverse Impact: Mycoses, allergies, toxin production. Destruction of crops & Food storages - Beneficial Impact: Decomposers of dead plants & animals. Sources of antibiotics, alcohol, organic acids, vitamins. Making food & genetic studies.


After viral RNA or DNA are replicated and enssembeled they are coated in a capsid and then released through what process?

The third step in the Gram stain, _________ is added to the dry smear


True statement regarding ALL bacterial cells

All lack a nucleus

bacteria arachae eukarya

All living organisms are classified into what three domains?

a cell membrane, ribosomes, cytoplasm, cytoskeleton

All prokaryotes have what features?

asexual reproduction

All protozoa reproduce by what through mitotic cell division and multiple fission?

What does selectively permeable mean?

Allows the passage of some materials, but not all material move through freely


Always unicellular

Amoeboid Protozoa

Amoebiasis: Entamoeba histolytica. Human/water & food.


An outermost boundary that comes into direct contact with environment; functions in adhesion, protection, and signal reception

Bacteria which do not use oxygen during metabolism are known as



Apicomplexan Protozoa. Plasmodium vivax. - Toxoplasmosis: Toxoplasma gondii—Human/vector-bourne. - Cryptosporidiosis: Apicomplexan Protozoa. Free-living/water & food.

Cells that are related to eukaryotes but similar in structure to bacteria are called _______


________ are prokaryotic organisms that are often found growing in extreme environments


Ribosomes with a side of 70S (Svedberg) are found in

Archaea and bacteria

In _______reproduction, offspring arise from the division of a single parent cell into 2 identical progeny cells.

Asexual Binary fission is a type of asexual reproduction.

Protozoa Reproduction

Asexually mitosis or multiple fission - Sexually: Conjugation

Which of the following could be considered nomenclature?

Assigning a name to a new isolate Salmonella based on its geography (Salmonella arizona)

An ________ filament is a periplasmic flagellum found in some spirochete bacteria


in this image of an algal chloroplast , the chromosome is indicated by the letter. __


which of the images depicts a slide that has not been properly heat fixed


which of the images represents bacilli


The proper term for a rod-shaped bacterial cell is a


Medically relevant endospore-producing genera?

Bacillus and Clostridium

Three genera of pathogenic bacteria that form endospores are ____________ , ___________ and Sporosarcina

Bacillus and Clostridium

Cylindrical bacterial cells are called ___________, whereas genetic curved cylindrical cells are referred to as __________

Bacillus and vibrio

Peptidoglycan are components of the cell walls in the


Peptidoglycans are components of the cell walls in


Which of the following microorganisms represent prokaryotic cell types?


___ are small, single-celled prokaryotic organisms.


Members of the Domain ___________ have peptidoglycan in their cell walls, whereas prokaryotic members of Domain ____________ have unique cell wall composition

Bacteria and archaea

free in the cytoplasm

Bacteria and archaea have nuclear material that is


Bacteria can be used as a primary __________ for recycling nutrients.

Insulin, Interferon

Bacteria can be used to produce enzymes and proteins such as __________, HGH, and _____________ for gene therapies.


Bacteria cell wall is made up of


Bacteria employ proteins called adhesins to attach to host tissues. Fijmbraie are small fibers that sprout off surface of many bacterial cells and clings cells together. Also there are non-fimbrial adhesions.


Bacteria have a very simple and rapid rate of _______________ and metabolism.


Bacteria synthesize ____________ for our body needs but cannot produce on our own.


Bacteria that do not have cell walls, membrane stabilized by sterols (resistant to lysis). Very small, vary in size and shape. Pneumonia.

Which of the following are major branches of study in microbiology?

Bacteriology, Virology, Mycology

no uncoating

Bacteriophage absorbs to bacterial surface, penetrates through, no what necessary before it releases viral DNA for replication and synthesis which will then be assembled?


Balantidium coli. Ciliated Protozoa. Zoonotic in pigs.

if you needed specific information regarding bacterial classification and taxonomy, which one of the following resources should you use

Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology


Body is made up of a single cell. - Short lifespan. Regeneration. Power of division. Small.


Body is made up of numerous cells - Different cells specialized to perform different functions. Can be large.

Cell or Plasma membrane

Boundary of cell. Phospholipid bilayer with proteins. - Sterols confer stability. - Function: Selectively permeable barrier in transport - Eukaryotic cells also contain membrane-bound organelles that account for 60-80% of their volume.

chloroplast envelope is indicated by which letter


on this image of the cell, the nucleolus can be found in the region labeled by this letter


which of the images shows a simple stained slide that was prepared from the appropriate amount of microbial material


A structure that is external and can protect the bacterial cell from various host immune responses


Components of peptidoglycan layer of the cell wall

Carbohydrate and protein

The hydroxyl functional group (-OH) is found in:

Carbohydrates & alcholos

Organic chemicals always have a basic framework of the element _____ bonded to other atoms.



Carbs have what chemical formula?

Which of the following is considered to be the basic unit of life?


Cell Wall

Cell Wall: Boundary of cell. Rigid, provides structural support & shape. - Fungi & Algae

The ______ _____ is the cellular structure used by the Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology to classify bacteria into taxonomic division such as the Cracilicutes and Firmicutes

Cell wall

The _______ ________ is the cellular structure used by the Bergen's macula of determinative bacteriology to classify bacteria into taxonomic division such as the Gracilicutes and firmicutes

Cell wall

What structure is used in the Berger-s manual of determinative bacteria to divide bacteria and archaea into four major divisions?

Cell wall

Which structures are possessed by a majority (not all) of bacterial cells?

Cell wall and glycocalyx

Protist: Algae

Cell wall. Eukaryotic organisms. Unicellular, filamentous, or colonial. - Classified according to types of pigments & cell wall - Used for cosmetics, food, & medical products - Photosynthesize with chlorophyll a. - Microscopic & Macroscopic. - Contain chloroplasts with chlorophyll a & other pigments. - May or may not have flagella. - Most are free-living in fresh water & marine water (plankton) - Provide basis of food web in most aquatic habitats - Produce large proportion of O2 - Dinoflagellates: Cause red tides. Produce toxins (food poisoning)

absorption and invasion

Cells that lack compatible virus receptors are resistant to what by a virus?

What does Trypanosoma cruzi (protozoa) cause?

Chagas disease

To move towards a chemical attractant by flagellar motion is refers to as positive ___________


The hereditary material of a bacterial cell is (normally) single circular strand of DNA known as the bacterial ________, which is aggregated in the nucleoid.


Bacterial DNA is organized into which of the following tightly wound discrete units?


Protozoa: Classification

Classified by motility structures - Flagella, Cilia, or Pseudopods

The term used for short, plum bacterial rod is


A spherically-shaped cell is termed a(n)


The three most common shapes of bacterial cells are known as _________, ________ and spirillum/spirochete bacteria

Coccus and bacillus

The bacterial chromosome is coiled around protein molecules fo the purpose of:

Compaction into the cell


Composed of populations or communities of microorganisms adhering to surfaces. Microorganisms are usually encased in extracellular polysaccharide. Can be found on any surface. Traps nutrients for growth. Contains multiple layers.


Composed of rRNA and proteins; scattered in cytoplasm and associated with RER; function in protein synthesis

The genetic transfer of material through pili is termed _______


In the deductive approach to the scientific method, which of the following is the first step?

Constructing a hypothesis to explain what has been observed or measured

Inclusion Bodies

Contained within single layer membrane, storage of energy rich organic substances used in times of depletion (glycogen)


Convert energy of sunlight into chemical energy through photosynthesis; found in algae and plant cells; primary producers of organic nutrients for other organisms


Convert hydrogen and carbon dioxide into methane gas to generate energy anaerobically. -Obligate anaerobes are killed by oxygen -Digest cellulose in cow and termite guts (cow belches methane 50L/day) -also in swamps, wetlands, and garbage dumps

Which components of the bacterial endospore are responsible for its resistance to environmental challenges?

Cortex and Coat


Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease can infect what system and cause degeneration and death?

In the first step of the gram stain, _______ is added to dry the smear

Crystal violet

Bacillus shape

Cylindrical Rod- (when short + plump = cobacillus)

Another term for the cell membrane is the ______ membrane


The ________ is a network of actin and tubulin filaments that are located just under the cell membrane and that contribute to cell shape


The internal gelatinous matrix of a cell, mostly composed of water, is referred to as


escherichia coli has peritrichous flagella. which of these images is E. coli


on this image of the cell, the letter indicating the site of energy generation is


which of the images depicts a slide that has been properly stained using a simple stain procedure


____ serves as the template for the production of RNA during transcription


Adenine-Guanine, Thymine-Cytosine

DNA is constructed of what four nucleic acids?

double stranded, single stranded, linear and circular

DNA viruses can be of what configuration?

Which of the following contain phosphate functional groups?

DNA, Phospholipids, ATP, RNA


Dark area for rRNA synthesis and ribosome assembly; is contained within the nucleus

no membrane-bound organelles

Describe bacteria and archaea's internal structures

Which of the following are characteristic of a mature endospore?

Desiccation-resistant and radiation-resistant

___ is a type of glucose polymer secreted by some bacteria as a salim layer


The _______ scheme of classification, which is restricted to the analysis of bacterial disease agents, divides first be cell walls and then by shape, arrangement, and physiological characteristics


Which scheme of classification focuses on characteristics such as morphology and physiological traits instead of phylogenetic relationships and nomenclature


Which scheme of classification focuses on characteristics such as morphology and physiological traits instead of phylogenetic relationship and nomenclature


The prefixed used to describe arrangements of bacilli

Diplo- and Strepto-

Describe cocci in pairs


The prefix "_____-" means "in pairs"


Explain how to make a 1 molar solution.

Dissolve the molecular weight of the substance (in grams) in one liter of water

The third step of the gram stain procedure, the application of alcohol

Dissolves the lipids in the outer membrane of gram negatives

Two domains that are closely related

Domain Eukarya and Domain Archaea

The basal body of the flagellum is located

Embedded within the cytoplasmic membrane, wall and outer membrane

what are the life cycles of helminths

Embryo (fertilized egg), larval, and adult stages

In bacteria, sporulation is the process of ______ formation


Which of the following stains require heat fixation?

Endospore Gram Simple Acid-fast

Disease such as anthrax, tetanus, gas gangrene and botulism are caused by bacteria that are able to form


The liquid protein of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is also known as


the large intestine

Enterobius vermicularis or pinworms cause a common infestation in what?

The complex external covering composed of two or three layers found on the majority of bacteria is termed the cell


cell membrane

Enveloped viruses take a bit of what with them when they are release from a host cell?

In the Woese-Fox system, Domain ______ includes plants, animals, fungi, and protozoa.


________ possesses DNA enclosed in a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles whereas ________ cells fo not encase their DNA or in organelles in a membrane

Eukaryotes and bacterial

The Last Common Ancestor

Eukaryotes and prokaryotes evolved from a precursor cell known as what?


Eukaryotes have a


Eukaryotes have a what?

___ cells possess a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles.


______ cells possess a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles.


Explain the endosymbiotic theory

Eukaryotic cells were once bacteria cell that were engulfed by a larger cell, that reproduced within the cell. This is evidenced by ribosomes that are bacterial, also membrane in its mitochondria


Eukaryotic organisms, usually unicellular and colonial, that photosynthesize with chlorophyll; contain cell wall and may or may not have flagella


Eukaryotic ribosomes are what size?


Eukarytoic cells contain membrane-bound _________ that account for 60-80 % of their volume.


Evidence suggests evolution from prokaryotic organisms by __________.

Cell Envelope

External covering which lies outside of the cytoplasm, composed of cell wall, cell membrane & outer membrane.


External. Long, sheathed cylinder containing microtubules - Covered by an extension of the cell membrane. - 10x thicker than prokaryotic flagella - Function: Motility


External. Outermost boundary that comes into direct contact with environment. - Usually composed of polysaccharides. - Appears as a network of fibers, a slime layer, or a capsule. - Functions: Adherence, protection, & signal reception - Beneath: Fungi & most algae have a thick, rigid cell wall.


External. Shorter & more numerous - Found only on a single group of protozoa & certain animal cells - Function: Motility, feeding, & filtering.

Organisms such as Archaea, are termed _________ because they are capable of living in very harsh conditions


T or F: Bacterial endospores are reproductive structures


T or F: Sporulating bacteria can actively produce


T or F: the different cocoa arrangements are consequences of growth in broth or on solid media


all protist are microscopic


cell wall thickness is often used to help identify fungi


cell wall thickness is used to help identify fungi


most protozoa are multicellular colony dwellers


Carbohydrates such as glucose are usually stored as individual molecules in organisms.


T or F: Cell membranes are rigid, static structures that lend stability to cells


only microscopic features are used to identify fungi from clinical samples


T or F All proteins are enzymes.

False because all enzymes are proteins, not the other way around.

T or F Nucleic acids have primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary levels of organization.

False, proteins have these characteristics, not nucleic acids.

The lipid portion of lipopolysaccharide is known as endotoxin because it can cause

Fever and shock


Filamentous fungi--mass of hyphae called _________; cottony, hairy, or velvety texture


Flagella can detect and move in response to chemical signals. Positive = direction of favorable stimulus, negative= away from repellant compound Response to chemical gradient of attractant or repellent molecules in bacterium's environment


Flagella of prokaryotes have three distinct parts and is compromised of what?

Peritrichous Flagella

Flagella over entire surface of cell


Flagellated Protozoa. T. vaginalis.—Human. - Trypanosoma brucei—Zoonotic/vector-bourne

Appendages that provide motility

Flagellum and axial filaments


Flat, no definite body cavity. Cestodes (Tapeworms) & Trematodes (flukes) - Trematodes: Flatworms. Flukes, flattened, nonsegmented worms with sucking mouthparts - Cestodes: Tapeworms


Flexible framework of proteins, microfilaments and microtubules form network throughout cytoplasm; involved in movement of cytoplasm, amoeboid movement, transport, and structural support

how does a person become infected with pinworms?

From swallowing the eggs of the worm


Function in energy production; powerhouse of the cell; Contain DNA and prokaryotic ribosomes


Fungal infections

Plants have chlorophyll

Fungi are different from plants because: a. Fungi have chlorophyll b. Plants have chlorophyll c. Plants absorb nutrients from organic matter d. Plants absorb nutrients from organic wastes


Fungi penetrate the substrate and secrete what which can reduce the small molecules to be absorbed by their cells?


Fungi play essential role in _______________ of organic material?


Fungi reproduce primarily through _________ formed on reproductive hyphae.


Fungi that infects the lungs: a. Cestodes b. Blastomycosis c. Entamoeba d. Trichomonas

Which were the five kingdoms in the earlier Whittaker system of classification?

Fungi, Animalia, Plantae, Protista, Monera

organs and organ systems

Generally worms are multicellular organisms with both ________ and _______ ___________.

The process by which an endospore rehydrated and begins cellular metabolism is termed



Giardia lamblia. Flagellated Protozoa. Zoonotic/water & food.

Capsules and slime layers are both types of


The _________ is a polysaccharide protective coating outside of the bacterial cell wall that is called either a capsule or slime layer based on its structure


From which organelle do lysosomes originate?

Golgi aparatus

Proteins are modified and packaged for transport to their final destination in which eukaryotic organelle?

Golgi apparatus

stack of membranes in the cell that modifies, sorts, and packages proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum

Golgi apparatus

The ___ stain provides critical information about peptidoglycan structure of the cell wall.


Which types of cell walls are thicker? Gram +/- OR L-forms

Gram positive

Which staining technique is most commonly used to differentiate most bacteria based on their cell envelope structure?

Gram stain

What is used as the mordant in the gram staining technique?

Gram's iodine

Lipopolysaccharide is a component of the cell membrane of which cell type?

Gram-Negative cells

what might happen if you omitted the safranin step while performing the Gram stain on a mixed culture of gram positive and gram-negative cells?

Gram-negative organism might not be visible

What might happen if you omitted the safranin step while performing the Gram stain on the mixed culture of gram-positive and gram-negative cells?

Gram-negative organisms might not be visible

If you forget to use the decolorizer, which cell type(s) will appear purple?

Gram-positive and Gram-negative

What outcome could be expected if you forgot the crystal violet step while performing a Gram stain?

Gram-positive and gram-negative organisms would stain pink

One type of inclusion Boyd foil for in the bacterial cells is a(n)


Extreme ________ require high salt concentrations in order to grow


Gram Negative Outer Membrane:

Has lipopolysaccharides (LPS) on top domain (antigens & receptors)- lipid portion= endotoxin (stimulates fever & shock reactions) -O antigen is the dominant antigen


Having a single flagella is called what?


Having flagella at both poles of a cell is called what?


Having flagella dispered randomly over the surface of the cell?


Helminth that causes Cutaneous larval migrans: a. Cestode b. Fluke c. Roundworm d. Hookworm


Helminth that causes Visceral larval migrans: a. Cestode b. Fluke c. Roundworm d. Hookworm

complex organic form

Hetetrophic protozoa require food in what form?

What three structures comprise a bacterial flagellum?

Hook, basal body and filament

What structure are parts of the flagellum in prokaryotes?

Hook, filament, basal body

Ribosomes make a good target for antibacterial drugs because

Human ribosomes have a different structure and would not be susceptible to such drugs


Hyphae may be divided by cross walls--_________.

in vivo

In cultivating and identifying viruses what does it mean for the it to be laboratory-bred animals and emybryonic bird tissues?

back and forth

In eukaryotic cells, flagella moves a cell by whipping ___________.

Ribosomes are located

In the cytoplasm

Cytoplasmic ________, such as granules of vesicles, can storage organic and inorganic nutrients and even gases or a magnetic ioro oxides



Inside nucleus. - Dark area. - For rRNA synthesis & ribosome assembly

The nucleotide, inclusions and cytoskeleton are ___________ structures found in bacteria


Axial Filaments

Internal flagella found only in the spirochetes (cork screwed shaped bacteria). Many extend from both ends of the bacterium between the outer membrane and the cell wall, often overlapping center of cell.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER)

Internal. Closed tubular network without ribosomes. - Function: Nutrient processing, synthesis, & lipid storage.


Internal. Compact sphere. Most prominent organelle. - Nuclear envelope: Two parallel membranes - Contains chromosomes & Nucleolus


Internal. Composed of rRNA & proteins. - Scattered in cytoplasm or associated with RER - Larger than prokaryotic ribosomes. - Function: Protein synthesis

Golgi Apparatus

Internal. Consists of a stack of flattened sacs AKA cisternae. - Function: Modifies, stores, & packages.


Internal. Flexible framework of proteins. - Microfilaments & Microtubules form network throughout cytoplasm.


Internal. Function: Converts energy from sunlight into chemical energy through photosynthesis. - In algae & plant cells. - Thylakoids & grana. - Primary producers of organic nutrients for other organisms


Internal. Function: Energy. - Contain DNA & prokaryotic ribosomes. - Cristae hold the enzymes & electron carriers of aerobic respiration.


Internal. Membrane bound sacs containing particles to be digested, excreted, or stored.

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)

Internal. Rough due to ribosomes - Proteins synthesized & shunted into ER for packaging & transport - First step in secretory pathway


Internal. Vacuole merged with a lysosome.


Internal. Vesicles containing enzymes that originate from Golgi apparatus - Function: Intracelluar digestion of food particles, Protection against invading microbes.

Clinical Significance of Biofilms

Involved in multiple diseases (Gingivitis, infections w/ prosthetic devices, lung infections). Reduced access of antibiotics.

What is the purpose of mycolic acid in the myobacterial cell wall?

It reinforces the cell wall and makes the bacterium resistant to certain chemicals and dyes

What are the characteistics of helmith?

Kingdom Animalia; multicellular; parasitic; heterotrophic; adult large enough to see with naked eye; size from 1 mm to 25m

Fungal Classification

Kingdom Eumycota: Several phyla based upon the type of sexual reproduction. - Imperfect: Fungi that produce only asexual spores - Phylum Chytridomycota: Flagellated spores

Gram Negative Cell Wall

Less peptidoglycan, encompassed by the plasma membrane and outer membrane. Thin and has greater flexibility.

___ are the type of macromolecule that yield the most energy per molecule.


Two macromolecules that are major components of cell membranes

Lipids and proteins

viroid prions viruses

List 2 of 3 "non - living" acellular infectious agents discussed in lecture

act as biofactories aid in bioremediation

List 2 reasons (other than their ability to cause disease or the treatment of disease) that its important to study microbes

-cell membrane -bacterial chromosome or nucleoid -ribosomes -cytoplasm

List the cell structures that exist in all bacteria

Who first promoted the use of disinfecting agents in surgical operating rooms?


Psychrophilic Thermophiles:

Live at low temperature. Use sulfur to generate energy like we do oxygen--> donate electrons to sulfur to create hydrogen sulfide.

Hyperthermophilic Thermophiles:

Live at very high temperatures up to 113 C, hot springs in Yellowstone park. Use sulfur to generate energy like we do oxygen--> donate electrons to sulfur to create hydrogen sulfide. Live @ low PH

A tuft of flagella from a single site is referred to as ___________ arrangement, whereas flagella dispersed over the surface of the cell is referred to as ________ and

Lophotrichous and peritrichous

what does wucherena and Burgia cause

Lymphatic filariasis

Cel breaking or rupturing is known as cell


The glycan chains of peptidoglycan can be hydrolyzed by the enzyme _______, as host defense naturally found in tears and saliva


___ organisms can be visualized by the naked eye.



Made of protein and RNA, free in cytoplasm in chains (polysomes), attached to inner membrane, Contains 2 subunits (70s)--> 50S and 30 S

The functions of the cel wall include

Maintaining the shape of the bacterium and preventing destruction with the changes in osmotic pressure

Saprobes; parasites

Majority of fungi are harmless _______, living off dead plants and animals. Some are _________, living on the tissues of other organisms, but none are obligate.

a cyst

Many protozoa can convert to a dormant stage known as what?


Many protozoa can enter into a dormant resting stage when conditions are unfavorable for growth and feeding--________.

A chemically complex fluid that is found within the spaces around the cristae and contains ribosomes


Anything that occupies space and mass is called:


All bacteria posses a cell ______________ but not all bacteria poses a cell ________

Membrane and wall


Membrane-bound sacs containg particles to be digested, excreted, or stored

Organisms that are able to convert carbon dioxide and hydrogen into methane are known as


small, microscope

Microbes are difficult to study because they are too __________ to be directly seen and have to be observed under a ______________.

rapidly, large

Microbes are easy to study because they grow__________ and can be grown in ___________ populations.

foods, antibotics

Microbes are used to produce several _________ like cheese, beer, sauerkraut, bread and many ___________ like penicilin.

A typical staphylococcus would be expected to have a diameter of approximately 1


Organisms that are only visible with the aid of a microscope are referred to as ___.



Microscopic Fungi. Multicellular, long filamentous (hyphae). - Mass of hyphae called Mycelium. - Cottony, hairy, or velvety texture


Microscopic Fungi. Unicellular, round ovoid shape, asexual reproduction. - Soft, uniform texture & appearance. - Reproduce through a sexual process called budding. - All are heterotrophic - Majority are harmless saprobes living off dead plants & animals. - Some are parasites.

unicellular and multicellular

Microscopic fungi such as molds and yeasts can be both what?


Mitochondria consist of an outer membrane and an inner membrane with folds called ________. These folds hold the enzyme and electron carriers of aerobic respiration.

which evidence supports the endosymbiont theory that eukayrotic cells evolved from prokaryotes ?

Mitochondrial DNA

The cellular process in which the somatic cells of the body divide is called


Golgi apparatus

Modifies, stores, and packages proteins

____ is a common way t express the concentration of biological solutions.



Mold. Mass of hyphae called mycelium. - Hyphae may be divided by cross walls aka septate - Vegetative hyphae: Digest & absorb nutrients - Reproductive hyphae: Produce spores for reproduction

multicellular, unicellular

Molds are ______________, while yeasts are _____________.


Morphologies that are a round ovoid shape; soft, uniform texture and appearance; asexual reproduction


Morphologies that are long filamentous fungi or molds

a microbiologist can identify bacteria based on their _____________, _______________, serological analysis, and genetic techniques s

Morphology and physiology

A cell wall and some form of glycocalyx are found in _______- bacterial cells


bacterial chromosome

Most DNA in bacteria have a singlar form of it known as what?


Most algae are free-living in fresh and marine water, such as ____________.

Protozoa: Life Cycle

Most have 2 stages: (1) Trophozoite: Motile feeding stage (2) Cyst: Dormant resting stage when conditions are unfavorable for growth & feeding


Most of bacteria generally also carry unessential pieces of DNA called what?


Most prokaryotes exist as what?

a cell wall and glycocalx

Most prokaryotes have what?


Most protozoa are what?

egg or larva

Most worms transmit in an infective form known as what to another host where the larva develops as a intermediate host until mature to definitive host?

Cell Cytoplasm

Mostly h2o- solvent. Prominent site for biochemical and synthetic activity. Nutrients for cell synthesis or source of energy. Large discrete masses- nucleoid, ribosomes, granules, cytoskeleton elements

The ability of a cell to move or self-propel through a aqueous environment is known as


Appendage: Flagellum

Motility by self-propulsion. Very thin, has a filament, a helical structure inserted into curved tubular hook which is anchored to the cell. Rotates 360 degrees like a propeller. Made up of protein flagellin. Fueled by proton gradient.


Mushrooms are: a. Protozoa b. Fungi c. Helminths d. Algae

Macroscopic Fungi

Mushrooms, Puffballs, Gill fungi.

The __________ bacteria naturally have no cell wall, but have cytoplasmic membrane that is stabilized by sterols



NAD+ is reduced to NADH and there is a net production of two ATP molecules by substrate - level phosphorylation

Only gram-_____ bacteria possess an outer membrane.


Gram-________ cells are typically more resistant to drug treatments and chemical control methods than gram-_______ cells

Negative and positive

When water dissociates , the hydroxyl ion is ___ charged.



Nematodes. Round, complete digestive tract. Spines & hooks on mouth. Ascaris lumbricoides. - Nematodes: Roundworms - Most abundant animal groups - Elongated, cylindrical worms. - Divided into intestinal nematodes & tissue nematodes

___ is the process of combining an acid and a base until they reach a balanced proportion with a pH of approximately 7.


Plasmids typically carry ________ genes

Non-essential and antibiotic resistant

Plasmids typically carry ________ genes

Nonessential and antibiotic resistance

Plasmids typically carry ______ genes

Nonessential and antibiotic resistant

gastrointestinal tract

Not all helminths are parasitic, but parasitic ones spend most of time in what area of body?

Example of a stimulation for endospore formation

Nutrient depletion

Lipopolysaccharide is located

On the outer layer of the outer membrane

sexual reproduction

Only some protozoa can reproduce ho as the partcipate in conjugation where two cells fuse?

Magnetosomes are used by the cell to

Orient itself in the environment

fungi and algae

Other than the helminthes which are multi - cellular animals, list 2 main groups of eukaryotic organisms included in the study of microbiology

Which compartment of the cell envelope is found in only some bacterial cells?

Outer membrane


Oxidation Is Loss Reduction Is Gain

Aerobic bacteria are termed aerobic because they use ______



Parasitic helminths are ___________ animals, have organs for reproduction, digestion, movement, protection; parasitize host tissues


Parasitic helminths that are flat, no definite body cavity; digestive tract is a blind pouch; simple excretory and nervous systems


Penetration occurs through what, as the entire virus is engulfed by the cell and enclosed in a vacuole?

Examples of classes of antibiotics that target the peptidoglycan layer of bacterial cell wall

Penicillin and cephalosporin

_____ bonds are formed by dehydration synthesis between adjacent amino acids.


Bacterial cell have high internal pressure. The _____ layer of the cell wall provides strength and rigidity to prevent cell lysis


Bacterial cells have high internal pressure. The ________ layer of the cell wall provides strength and rigidity to prevent cell lysis


The cell wall in bacteria is primarily composed of


Types of flagellar arrangements with more than one flagellum

Peritrichous, amphitrichous and lophotrichous


Persistent infections occur when the virus invades cells but lays dormant for a few weeks in the cytoplasm, true or false?

Capsules protect bacteria agains immune cells known as


What host defense is prevented by the capsule of some pathogenic bacteria?

Phagocytosis by white blood cells

When bacteria move in response to light source, the overal movement is refers to as


example of external structure of prokaryotic cells

Pili and Flagella

Bacteria that live as a single cells are described as


A __________ is an extra chromosomal piece of DNA that contains genes not essential for cell growth


the genus ___ is the protozoa that causes malaria


What phrase means a cell can have various shapes?


Mating in Prokaryotes

Plus: elongate, rigid structure (tubular) made of piling protein. Found in Gram negative bacteria. Used in mating process called conjugating - partial transfer of DNA from one cell to another

The single flagellum attaches at one end of each cell can be best described as


which type of molecules have an unequal charge distibution?

Polar molecules

Surface Coating- Glycocalyx

Polysaccharide secreted outside of cell wall, protects cell and helps it adhere to its environment. -Has a slime layer (loose shield in some bacteria that protects it from losing water & nutrients) -Capsule: only when bound tightly to cell- formed by many pathogenic bacteria- has greater resistance to WBC. Inhibits phagocytosis which causes meningitis. Also attaches to host surfaces- biofilms on teeth.

Teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acids are

Polysaccharides embedded in the cell wall of a gram-positive bacteria

Found int h cytoplasm of a bacterial cell

Pool of amino acids and cytoskeleton

_________ are specialized proteins located in the outer membrane of gram-negative cells



Predoiminant habitats for what are fresh and marine water, soil, plants and animals?

The function of the peptidoglycan in the cell wall is to

Prevent the rupture of the cell from internal pressure

Fungal Reproduction

Primarily through spores formed on reproductive hyphae. - Asexual Reproduction: Fungi. Spores are formed through budding or mitosis. Conidia or sporangiospores. - Sexual Fungi Reproduction: Spores are formed following fusion of two different strains & formation of sexual structure - Zygospores, Ascospores, & basidiospores


Prions are composed specifically of what?

A cellular microorganism that lacks a membrane-bound nucleus and most membrane-bound organelles, and divides by binary fission is correctly termed a ___.



Prokaryotes don't have a what?

a nucleus and organelles

Prokaryotes lack what two things

Which type of microorganism lacks a membrane-bound nucleus and most membrane-bound organelles, and divides by binary fission?



Prokaryotic ribosomes are what size in total with large and small subunits?

Various combinations of amino acids make up a nearly infinite variety of ____.


Two macromolecules that make up the major components of the cell membrane

Proteins and lipids


Protist that can cause abortion in humans: a. Giardia b. Histoplasma c. Toxoplasmosis d. Blastomycosis

In the traditional Whittaker system, algae are found in the Kingdom _____


Which of the following are single-celled eukaryotic organisms that lack a cell wall?


Which microbe(s) have a true nucleus?

Protists, Yeast


Protozoa exist as _______--motile feeding stage


Protozoa feed by _______ other microbes and organic matter; reproduce asexually

What are the major types of microorganisms?

Protozoa, Fungi, Viruses, Algae, Bacteria


Protozoa. - Motility is absent except male gametes. - Sexual & asexual reproduction. - Complex life cycle. - All parasitic.


Protozoa. Amoeba. Asexual reproduction: fission. Most free-living.


Protozoa. Cilia. Trophozoites & cysts. Most free-living, harmless.


Protozoa. Flagellar motility, sexual reproduction

Cell wall

Provides structural integrity & shape to cell. Protects cell from bursting or collapsing due to changes in somatic. Immediately outside of cytoplasmic membrane. Determination of cell shape.

Refrigerators are excellent to encourage the growth of microbes termed


Which group of bacteria grows at very low temperatures?


In organic compounds, the letter ___ on a molecule is shorthand for residue and its placement in the formula group varies from one compound to another.



RER is rough due to ___________.

the nucleus contains a large amount of ___ , making it stain more intensely than surrounding structures in the nucleus.


Adenine-Guanine, Uracil-Cytosine

RNA is constructed of what four nucleic acids?

double stranded, single stranded,

RNA viruses can be of what configurations?


Receptors bind to extracellular molecules of a bacteria which trigger the flagella to do what?

Which organelle's small and large subunits are composed of rRNA and protein?


Describe the evidence that exists to support endosymbiotic theory

Ribosome and membrane that are similar to bacteria cells that divides like bacteria and have round chromosomes

Proteins are synthesized on the _________, a small spherical structure located in the cytoplasm or attached to the RER


Which structures are possessed by all of bacterial cells?

Ribosomes and chromosomes

translate mRNA into proteins

Ribosomes in prokaryotes do what?

Cell wall

Rigid, provides structural support and shape

Coccus shape

Round, spherical, ball shaped cell

_____________ are counterclockwise rotation by flagella that propel a cell forward, whereas __________ are clockwise rotations that cause the cell to stop and change its course

Runs and tumbles

The appropriate binomial abbreviation of Staphylococcus aureus is:

S. aureus

In the fourth step of the gram stain, _______ is added to the dried smear



Saprobic fungi found in soil, water, organic debris, & food - Rhizopus, Absidia, & Mucor - Non-septate hyphae. - Produces fungal endospores. Asexualsporangiospores - SexualForms zygospores. Held in place by suspensors. - Zygomycosis: Air contaminants. Often in diabetes & malnutrition

A complex arrangement of cells, growing in a cubical packet is termed


Arrangements of cocci

Sarcina, streptococci and tetrads

The executors is or other transport of metabolic materials from a cell into the extracellular environment is refers to as


_________ refers to a specific member of a species based on the host's antibody response


Protozoan Identification

Simple grouping is based on method of motility, reproduction - Mastigophora - Sarcodina - Ciliophora - Apicomplexa

Which of the following provides a quick and effective method used to visualize and determine bacterial morphology and arrangement?

Simple stain

Gram Positive Cell Wall

Simple, thick cell walls. Large amount of tightly bound peptidoglycan (long glycerin stands linked to peptide fragments) Acidic charge.

Monotrichous Polar Flagella

Single flagella at one pole

Bacterial Chromosome:

Single, circular strand of DNA (some bacteria have multiple chromosomes), no nuclear membrane, nucleoid (dense area of cell)

Some bacteria are covered with a loose shield called a ______________ ____________ that protects the cells from dehydration and loss of nutrients

Slime layer

the two types of glycocalyx in bacteria are:

Slime layer and capsules


Small, circular, double stranded DNA molecules (5-50 genes), located in cytoplasm, not essential, 1-100 copies/cell, a bacteria may have several different plasmids, carries genes that encodes proteins that make the bacteria resistant to antibiotics

Archaea cell walls are distinct from bacterial cell walls in that

Some are composed of entirely polysaccharides while some entirely of protein


Some morphologies exist in either form (yeast or hyphae)--__________--characteristic of some pathogenic molds

viral proteins

Some of the hosts proteins are replaced by what?

flagellea, pili, an outer membrane and endospores

Some prokaryotes can posses what?


Some protozoa groups exist only in trophozoita stage, while many alter between trophozita stage and cyst stage, true or false?

oral grooves

Some species of protozoa have special feeding structures called what?

A "strain" is a subgroup of a ________


A strain is a subgroup of a


A coccus is a _____-shaped bacterial cell.


A rigid bacterial cell twisted twice or more along its acids is described as


A rigid helical bacterial cell twisted twice or more along its axis is described


The helical structure of a __________ is more rigid than the spring-shaped form of a spirochete


A ______ is a flexible, spiral shaped bacterium



Spongiform encephlopathies have distinct protein fibrils called what? Infectious protein


Spongiform encephlopthies, can cause mental derangement and loss of __________ control?

The prefix "_______-" means "in grape-like clusters"


Cocci are found in clusters known as __________-cocci, cocci found in groups of four are known as __________, and a cubical packet of 8, 16, or more cells is known as _____________

Staphylo-cocci, tetrads and sarcina

The prefix "________-" means "in a chain"



T or F? Algae produce a large proportion of atmospheric O2.


T or F? All fungi are heterotrophic.

important species of Trypanosoma?

T. Cruzi and T. Brucei

which of the following are diseases caused by an acid-fast bacterium?

TB Leprosy

Fungi reproduce by means of sexual and asexual spore formation


Most fungi are free living and dont require a host


T or F: bacterial endospore are more resistant to diesnfectiants than vegetative cells


T or F: granules are a type of inclusion body


Within the kingdom fungi, there are unicellular, and multicellular


a majority of algae are photosynthetic


algae can be microscopic or macroscopic depending on the type


algae inhibit both marine and freshwater environments


burn patients are at an increased risk for fungal infections ?


many eukaryotic cells have a glycocalyx


sexual reproduction in fungi will involve meiosis


some fungi are used to produce useful compounds like antibiotics


the diseases malaria and taxoplasmosis are caused by protozoa known as sporezoans


with exception to one group , the apicomplexa, all protozoans are motile organisms


What does Taenia solium (pork) (cestode) cause

Tapeworm infection


Tapeworms, flukes and roundworms are all examples of what?

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

The Eukaryotic organelle that is responsible for transporting vesicles inside the cells is the: A. Golgi B. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum C. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum D. Nucleus

The primary "function" of the cell membrane

The barrier between the internal and external contents of the cell


The capsid is the most prominent feature of a virus that can be composed of identical subunits called what?


The coexistence of the last common ancestor and the smaller prokaryotes it engulfed probably created what?

the DNA

The cytoplasm of the prokaryotes contain what in the nucleiod?

Which event helped establish the science of microbiology?

The development of the microscope


The engulfment of photosynthesis material caused the formation of what?

protection, adherence for other cells to it surface and reception of signals from other cells to enviornment

The glycocalx offers what three functions?

phagocytosis and adhesion

The glyocalx of a prokaryote is used for what?

The differential step in the Gram stain procedure is the addition of Grams iodine. This step distinguishes Gram positive from gram negative because

The iodine causes the crystal violet to form large complexes that are retained by the peptidoglycan


The main limiting factor of growth for protozoa is availability of what?


The most primitive eukaryotes were probably what and independent?

their size and overall health before the infection

The number of viruses released by the infected cells varies on what?

Thylakoids; grana

The outer membrane of chloroplasts covers inner membrane folded into sacs, _________, stacked into ______.


The substance or matrix surrounding the thylakoids within a chloroplast


Theory of evolution has been ____________ and is an observable phenomenon that is testable by science and thus is widely excepted.

What makes bacteria and archaea different from eukaryotes?

They lack a nucleus

Which of the following is true about prokaryotic microorganisms?

They lack cellular organelles. They are generally smaller than eukaryotic cells.

Cytoplasmic Membrane

Thin, flexible sheet molded around cytoplasm. Contains phospholipids and proteins, regulates transport, selectively permeable membrane, involved in secretion of metabolic product into extracellular environment, Site of important metabolic activities


This appendage is only found on a single group of protozoa and certain animal cells, and function in motility, feeding, and filtering

what does toxoplasma gondii (flagellated protozoa) cause?


Zoonotic parasites

Toxoplasmosis, Giardia, Toxocara, Ancylostoma are all examples of: a. Mutualism b. Commensalism c. Protists d. Zoonotic parasites

Internal Transport Processes

Transitional vesicles from ER containing proteins go to the Golgi a. for modification & maturation. - Nucleus > RER > Golgi > Vesicles > Secretion

What does Trichomonas Vaginalis (flagellated protozoa) cause?

Trichomoniasis (STD)

T or F Elements have predictsble chemical properties


T or F Replication is the cellular mechanism for making a copy of its DNA


T or F: Mycoplasms are pleomorphism because they entirely lack cell walls and thus display extreme variation in shape


T or F: Sexual reproduction in fungi will involve meiosis


T or F: Some ribosomes are located in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells


T or F: most fungi are free-living and do not require a host


True or False: Microorganisms are found in all natural habitats as well as in most artificial habitats created by humans.


True or false: When writing a binomial name, the initial letter of the genus is capitalized and the species is in lower case.


solutes in a solution cannot be separated by filtration or ordinary setting.


some ribosomes are located in the cytoplasm of the eukaryotic cells.


two clinically significant genera of bacteria that are capable of producing endospores are clostridum and bacillus.


T/F Prokaryote biomass outweighs all eukaryotes combined by at least tenfold.



Tuberculosis and Leprosy: modified gram + structure. Major component is lipid w/ some peptidoglycan. Use acid fast stain due to nature of cell wall

Microscopic Fungi

Two morphologies: Molds. Yeasts. - Some exist in either form (Dimorphic) characteristic of some pathogenic molds

Lophotrichous Polar Flagella

Two or more flagella at one or both poles

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Two types: (1) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) (2) Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER)


Unicellular eukaryotes that lack tissues and share similarities in cell structure, nutrition, life cycle, and biochemistry; vary in shape and lack a cell wall; heterotrophic and lack chloroplasts; most have locomotor structures

Protist: Protozoa

Unicellular eukaryotes. Share similarities in cell structure, nutrition, life cyle, & biochemistry. - Diverse group of 65,000 species - Vary in shape. NO cell wall. Primary unicellular. - Most harmless, free-living in moist habitat. - Some are animal parasites & can be spread by insect vectors. - All are heterotrophic: Lack chloroplasts - Cytoplasm divided into ectoplasm & endoplasm. -Feed by engulfing other microbes & organic matter.

__ is the nitrogen base found in RNA but not DNA.



Vacuole merged with a lysosome

__________ cells are metabolically active and reproducing while in contrast, __________ are produced by some bacteria when they experience harsh environments such as nutritional shortages and are metabolically Inca it

Vegetative and endospore

Which of the following is NOT a term used to describe microscopic organisms? Microorganisms, Vertebrates, Microbes



Vesicles containing enzymes that originate from golgi apparatus; involved in intracellular digestion of food particles and in protection against invading microbes

A comma-shapped bacterium is specifically described as a(n)



Viral RNA is replicated and assembled where?

What microbe is not cellular (acellular) and is composed of nucleic acid surrounded by a protein coat?



Virus DNA is replicated and assembled where?

helminth, virus, protozoa, bacteria, fungi

Virus, Fungus, Bacteria, Protozoa, Helminth: arrange from largest to smallest?

alive or not

Viruses are also described as inactive or active instead of what?


Viruses are composed of repeating subunits causing them to have a what appearance?

Obligate intracellular parasites

Viruses are described as _______________ intracellular ___________, as they invade a host cell and instruct its metabolic machinery to make and release new viruses?

structure, function, chemical composition, hosts and disease they cause

Viruses are named for their what?

a coating, a core of nucelic acid strains of DNA or RNA, and one or two enzymes

Viruses contain what three things?

their genetic makeup

Viruses infect cells and influence what?

protein synthesizing machinery

Viruses lack all what compared to cells?

Microbiology involves the study of microscopic organisms, including: Viruses, Helminths, Protozoa, Archaea, Bacteria, Fleas, Fungi

Viruses, Helminths, Protozoa, Archaea, Bacteria, Fungi

Smooth ER

What ER is used for nutrient processing and is a closed tubular network system without ribosome's?

Cyptoplasmic membrane

What acts as a selectively permeable membrane barrier for the eukaryotic cell?


What appendage of the prokaryotes are used for attachment and for genetic exchange during conjugation?


What appendage of the prokaryotes is used for attachment?


What are aceullular, require host machinery, can infect all living cells, are parasitic, and have a protein-coated genetic elements?


What are areas where virus-infected cells have been destroyed and show up as a clear, well-defined patches in the cell sheet?


What are chains of various lengths made up of monomers?


What are complex ringed compounds commonly found in cell membranes and animal hormones?


What are esters formed between a long-chain alcohol and a saturated fatty acid? ex. fur, feathers, leaves, human skin


What are hemoflagellates? a. Algae b. Fungi c. Nematodes d. Protists


What are located on the outermost layer of the outer membrane in a gram negative bacteria?


What are long hollow tubes that maintain the shape of the eukaryotic cells and transport substances from one part to another?

Fatty acids

What are long-chain hydrocarbon molecules with a carboxyl group (COOH) that bind with glycerol?


What are polysaccharides linked peptide fragments, found in bacterial cell walls?


What are storage lipid including fats and oils?


What are subunits of macromolecules?


What are the dotted particles of the Rough ER, around cyotplams and in mitochondria and chloroplasts that control protein synthesize?

Absorption, penetration, uncoating, synthesis, assembly, release

What are the steps for viral replication?

cell wall, cell membrane, and outer membrane in some bacteria

What are the three basic layers of a prokaryotes nuclear envelope?

flagella and cilia

What are the two appendages used by eukaryotes for movement?

Endoplasmic Reticulum

What are used as a series of microscopic tunnels used to transport and store materials?


What can be found on the naked or eneveloped viruses that project from the nucleocapsid and allow the virus to dock with host cells?

integrase enzyme

What can carry their own enzymes to create DNA out of RNA?

every type of cell

What cells can viruses infect?


What contains a variety of enzymes involved in the intracellular digestion of food products and protection against invading microorganisms?


What contains organelles?


What contribute to structural support and protection and serve as nutrient and energy stores?

in vitro

What does it mean to from cell or tissue culture methods?


What engulfs bits of food and other substances that need to be digested, excreted and storage which is then absorbed by the lysosome?


What is 3-carbon alcohol with 3 OH groups that serve as binding sites?


What is a condition where the host chromosome carries the viral DNA?


What is a fully formed virus that is able to establish an infection in a host cell?

peptidoglycan cell wall

What is a long repeating framework of long glycan (sugar) chains cross linked to peptide (proteins) fragements that provide strength and resist rupturing from osmotic pressure?


What is a nutrient used to grow microorganisms outside their natural habitat?


What is a polysaccharide used in preparing solid culture media for microbes?


What is a specialized are of biology that deals with living things too small to be seen?

reverse transcriptase enzyme

What is an RNA that must be converted before translation can occur?


What is it when a virus in the lysogenic or inactive state cell becomes activated and progresses directly into viral replication?


What is like the mitochondria but for plants as it converts energy from sunlight into chemical energy through photosynthesis, and also gives plant its shape, and green color?


What is the capsid and the nucleic acid called together?


What is the external covering of a nucleocapsid, usually a modified piece of the host's cell membrane?

The nucleus

What is the most prominent organelle in eukaryotic cells?


What is the motile feeding stage requiring ample food and moisture to stay active for protozoa?


What is the outer surface of many cells; functions in attachments or as a receptor that receives external stimuli?

The glycocalx

What is the outermost layer that comes into direct contact with the environment and is usually composed of polysaccharides as a network of fibers?


What is the powerhouse of the cell, has tubular folds known as cristae and allow for aerobic respiration, extracts energy to form ATP?


What is the protein shell that surrounds the nucleic acid?

The nucleolus

What is the site of RNA synthesizes, collective are of ribsomal subunits and is found in the nucleoplasm?

Golgi Apparatus

What is the site of protein modification and shipping?

nuclear envelope

What is the space pored layer that allows macromolecules to migrate through, that covers the nucleus?

Last Common Ancestor

What is the word for where the most complex cell type emerged when the _____ ____________ ___________ cell engulfed the smaller prokaryotic cells and began to coexist with them?

Lysogenic conversion

What is when a bacterium acquires a new trait from its temperate phage?


What is where a an active protozoa known as a trophozoita becomes round and tough in its inactive cyst stage?


What kind of cells are not independently living cellular organisms, are composed of hereditary material, and are inside of a host organism?


What kind of cells lack organelles and are about 10X smaller than eukaryotes?


What kind of fungi acquire nutrients from a wide variety of organic substances?


What kind of fungi grow on the bodies of living animals or plants?


What kind of fungi obtain nutrients from the remnants of dead plants and animals in soil or aquatic habitats?


What kind of fungi reproduces asexually by budding?

Opportunistic pathogens

What kind of pathogens attack person's who are already weakened in some way?

Primary pathogens

What kind of pathogens sicken even healthy people?


What kind of viruses can infect bacteria?

Chronic latent state viruses

What kind of viruses go into periods of inactivation and then emerge after certain stimuli for a bit?


What other layer for a prokaryote is bound more tightly than a slime layer, produces a sticky character to colonies?

Cytoplasmic membrane

What part of the cell is the typical phospholipid bilayer where proteins are embedded, and contain sterols that give it ridigity (important for cells without cell walls)?


What percentage of bacteria are non-pathogens?


What percentage of bacteria cause human diseases?


What phase of lysogeny is where the viral DNA are abosrbed and penetrate but dont replicate immediatetly?


What reniforces the structure of the cell membrane in animal cells and mycoplasmas?

lipid A endotoxin

What stimulates fever and shock?


What subunits make up the DNA and contain genetic material of the cell?

1. Specific microorganism is present in all cases of the disease 2. Organism can be obtained in pure culture outside of the host 3. Organism when re-inoculated into host causes the same symptoms 4. Organism can be isolated in pure culture from experimentally infected host

What were Koch's Postulates?

Rough ER

Which ER has ribosomes attached which are site of protein synthesizes, which are then transported to lumen to be packaged up for transport?


Which appendage for cellular movement cause circular motion to propel the cell?


Which appendage for movement allows microorganism to move toward nutrients and positive stimuli?


Which microbe is eukaryotic (has a nucleus), has a chitin cell wall, uses organic chemicals for energy?


Which microbes are eukaryotes, absorb or ingest organic chemicals, may be motile and some are parasitic?


Which of the appendages for microorganism movement is similar to flagella but shorter and more numerous, also function as feeding and filtering structures, and move in back and forth motion?

They are both usually unicellular

Which of the following best describes both algae and protists? a. They are both photosynthetic b. They are both heterotrophic c. They are both usually unicellular d. they both have a cell wall


Which part of the Eukaryotic cell is responsible for contacting the outside environment and signaling between cells? A. Flagella B. Cell Wall C. Glycocalyx D. Cell Membrane


Which type of microbe is a prokaryotic (no nucleus), has a peptidoglycan cell wall and reproduces by binary fission and gains energy through the use of organic chemicals and photosynthesis?


Which type of microbe is a prokaryotic, has no peptidoglycan and lives in extreme environments?


Who came up with the idea of spontaneous generation of life from nonliving matter?

Robert Hooke

Who created the first use of magnification to see things closer?

Louis Pasteur

Who did a series of experiments to show that airborne contaminants was spoiling a broth in his swan neck shaped flasks?


Who first challenged the belief of spontaneous generation with his maggot and fly experiment?


Who manufactured the first microscope?


Yeast reproduce through an asexual process called __________.

E. coli and the gonococcus

_____ and _____ use fimbriae to adhere to epithelial cells


______ and most algae have a thick, rigid cell wall.


______ endoplasmic reticulum-- closed tubular network without ribosomes; functions in nutrient processing, synthesis, and storage of lipids.


______ endoplasmic reticulum-- originates from the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope and extends in a continuous network through cytoplasm; proteins synthesized and shunted into the ER for packaging and transport; first step in secretory pathway.


_______ are tapeworms.


_______, a few algae, and all animal cells lack a cell wall and have only a membrane.


________ (nematodes) are round, have a complete digestive tract, a protective surface cuticle, spines and hooks on mouth; excretory and nervous systems poorly developed


_________ fungi (molds, yeasts)


_________ fungi (mushrooms, puffballs, gill fungi)


_________ originated from prokaryotic cells trapped inside them.


_________ reproduction--spores are formed through budding or mitosis;conidia or sporangiospores


__________ protozoa--cilia; trophozoites and cysts; most are free-living, harmless a. Ciliophora b. Sarcodina c. Apicomplexa d. Mastigophora


__________ protozoa--motility is absent except male gametes; sexual and asexual reproduction; complex life cycle--all parasitic a. Ciliophora b. Sarcodina c. Apicomplexa d. Mastigophora


__________ protozoa--primarily amoeba; asexual by fission; most are free-living a. Ciliophora b. Sarcodina c. Apicomplexa d. Mastigophora


__________ protozoa--primarily flagellar motility, some flagellar and amoeboid; sexual reproduction a. Ciliophora b. Sarcodina c. Apicomplexa d. Mastigophora


___________ or flukes, are flattened, nonsegmented worms with sucking mouthparts.

axial filament

a ______ contains two or more long coiled threads founding spirochetes, internal flagellum enclosed between the cell wall and cell membrane, impart a twisting or flexing motion to the cell

the stability if an atomic structure is maintained by which of the following?

a balance between proton number and electron number ; the attraction of opposite charges


a coating or layer of molecules external to the cell wall. It serves protective, adhesive, and receptor functions. It may fit tightly or be very loose and diffuse. Also called slime layer and glycocalyx


a link formed b/w molecules when 2 or more atoms share, donate(lose), or accept(gain) electrons

Endoplasmic Reticulum

a membrane-bound series of tubules that function in transport and storage


a mixture of 1 or more substances called solutes uniformly dispersed in a dossolving medium called solvent

cell wall

a semirigid casing that provides structural support and shape for the cell


a solution expresses the amount of solute dissolved in a certain amount of solvent


a specialized form of cell division required to produce haploid gametes in diploid organisms

Gram stain

a stain that can differentiate between cells that have thick or thin layers of peptidoglycan in their cell walls

Capsule stain

a stain that enables you to effectively visualize a bacterium's glycocalyx

Acid-Fast stain

a stain that would be appropriate for cells that contain mycolic acid in their cell walls.

cell membrane

a thin sheet of lipid and protein that surrounds the cytoplasm and controls the flow of materials into and out of the cell pool

The ability of the element_____to form covalent bonds with a wide range of other atoms makes it ideal to serve as a molecular skeleton for living things. a. Carbon b. Nitrogen c. Hydrogen d. Oxygen

a. Carbon

In organic compounds, functional groups: a. confer unique reactive properties b. do not affect reactive properties c. define the chemical class d. make the compound inorganic

a. confer unique reactive properties & c. define the chemical class

match the letter on each cell type with the correct arrangement of the flagella on the cell

a. monotrichous polar b. lophotrichous polar c. amphitrichous polar d. peritrichous

Which of the following terms describes carbohydrate with more than five monomers bound to each other in some pattern? a. polysaccharide b. monosaccharide c. disaccharide

a. polysaccharide

select which statements acurratly reflect parasitic helminth infections

about 50 species of helminths parasitize the human species, modern travel affects the distribution of these infections today.

how many different species of protozoa have been identified

about 65,000

Fungi are involved in human disease in which of the following ways?

accidental pathogens, primary cause of disease, opportunistic pathogens

main types of cytoskeletal fibers?

actin, intermediate microtubule filaments.

group translocation

active process; only seen in prokaryotic cells as it passes through protein it is chemically changed and will no longer be subject to concentration gradient and is also no longer the substrate specific for protein making it trapped


active transport; endocytosis; exocytosis


addition of water


additional DNA, small DNA molecules, replicated independently, nonessential information, used in genetic engineering biotechnology

2 types of purines

adenine guanine


adenine (A) guanine (G)

which of the following are functions of the bacterial capsule?


the two main functions of the glycocalyx are ___ and ___

adherence, protection

which of the following are functions of the bacterial capsule

adherence, protection

which of the following describes the function of fimbriae


three possible pathways based on final electron receptor

aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, and fermentation

heat fixation should take place right after which step in a smear preparation

air drying of smeared bacterial cells

seaweed and kelp are a type of


the cell types shown in this image represent ___


metabolic pathways

all ___ are very organized and use enzymes


all cells require __

which is true regarding all bacterial cells

all lack a nucleus

which of the following is not a common staining method used for visualization of bacteria

all of the above are commonly used


all protein or holoenzymes (completely protein in nature)


all tangible (hold/see) materials that occupy space & have mass

redox reactions

allow for more efficient energy storage


allows for division of labor


almost all bacteria cell walls contain...(meurein) archaea never have this

prokaryotic cell wall

almost all bacteria have this structure; rigid structure, determines the shape of the cell, protects from osmotic pressure, anchor point for flagella, and contributes to pathogeneses


also known as Embden - Meyerhof pathway, common pathway, glucose (6C) partially broken down into 2 molecules of pyruvate (3C) [anaerobic: cytoplasm], 2 NADH; 4 ATP, and 2 ATP consumed; so net gain of 2 ATP (substrate level phosphorylation)

Entner - Doudoroff pathway

alternate pathway to glycolysis, typically not seen in G+ bacteria, major contributor to biosynthesis (reducing power as NADH and NADPH and vital precursor metabolites for anabolic pathways)

the building blocks of enzymes

amino acids

what does entamoeba histolytica cause?

amoebic dysentery by protozoa

Phospholipids are ____ molecules in that they have a polar (hydrophilic) head and nonpolar (hydrophobic) tails.


phospholipid bilayer

amphipathic (hydrophilic and hydrophobic) lipids are constantly moving back and forth, proteins are interspersed randomly throughout lipids (have a hydrocarbon tail and a hydrophilic head) this makes them amphipathic meaning double natured

which of the following are types of flagellar arrangements with more than one flagellum

amphitrichous, peritrichous, lophotrichous

An amino acid contains:

an amino group a carboxyl group a variable R group a carbon does NOT contain: a nitrogen base


an appendage used for drawing another bacterium close in order to transfer DNA to it


an electrically neutral molecule


an organism that has both male and female reproductive organs


an organism that is able to form nutritional organic substances from simple inorganic substances such as carbon dioxide.

the cell types that is believed to be the precursor to all three domains is referred to as the last common ___



animal like protists, all unicellular, none photosynthetic, and large number are pathogens

negatively charged ions


where do you find female pinworms depositing their eggs?



any reaction causing a loss

virulence factors

anything that benefits in causing disease

whcih group of protozoa are nonmotile?


which group of protozoa are nonmotile?



apoenzyme plus a cofactor (protein portion) yields a...

place the steps of the endospore stain in the correct sequence?

apply malachite green to smear cover smear with small piece of paper towel steam over water bath rinse apply safranin to smear rinse and blot dry

All members of the Kingdom Monera in the Whittaker system became a part of either the _______ domain or the Bacteria domain in the Woese-Fox system.


The three domains of the Woese-Fox system include the true bacteria in Domain Bacteria, the extreme microbes in Domain ________, and the eukaryotic organisms in Domain Eukarya



archaea flagella is a...


archaea use...to power flagella


are amphibolic and provide: energy, reducing power, and precursor metabolites


are becoming resistant through mutations

most fungi

are free-living

why might it be important to perform a gram stain on bacterial cells?

as part of the information used to choose an appropriate antibiotic Tx

why might it be important to perform a gram stain on bacterial cells

as part of the information used to choose an appropriate antibiotic treatment

As recently as the late 1800s, doctors did not practice _______ techniques in surgical settings.


Yeast Cell reproduction by budding is



asexual, unicellular, no membrane bound organelles

catabolic reactions

at any given time, will have more products than substrate

Protons + Neutrons=

atomic weight

polar molecules are composed of covalently bonded:

atoms of different electronegativity


attach to cell to exchange genetic material




attachment can enhance ____ in some bacteria


attacked PTG

1 μm

average size of bacteria

twisting or flexing of spirochete bacteria is attributed to its

axial filaments

Explain how to make a 4% solution of NaCl. a. Dissolve 4 g of NaCl in 10 ml of water. b. Dissolve 4g of NaCl in 100 ml of water. c. Dissolve 4g of NaCl in 1 litter of water d. Dissolve 4g of Nacl in 1 ml of water

b. Dissolve 4g of NaCl in 100 ml of water.

___ carbon compounds form due to the ability of carbon atoms to create multiple bonds. a. Linear b. Ringed c. Hydrophilic d. Branched

b. Ringed & d. Brached

Anything that has mass and occupies space is called ____. a. organic b. matter c. inorganic d. energy

b. matter

A(n) ____ is a positively charged subatomic particle that is found in the nucleus of an atom. a. neutron b. proton c. positron d. electron

b. proton

Elements are ____ when their electron shells are _____. a. stable; unfilled b.unstable; unfilled c. unstable; filled d. stable; filled

b. unstable; unfilled & d. stable; filled

based on their cellular morphology, the red cells on this slide would be referred to as


a group of cells in a palisade arrangement will have the cellular morphology


bacterial cells that are rod-shaped are called


the proper term for a rod-shaped bacterial cell is a(n)


three genera of pathogenic bacteria that form endospores are ___, ___, and sporosarcina

bacillus, clostridium

which of the following bacteria genera are capable of producing endospores

bacillus, clostridium

in the eukaryotic cell propelled by a flagellum, the flagellum moves ___

back and forth

in a negative stain, which of the following is stained


in a negative stain, which of the following is stained?


which of the following is stained during the first part of the capsule staining procedure

background of the slide

which of the following is stained during the first part of the capsule staining procedure?

background of the slide

which of the following is stained during the first part of the capsule staining procedure?

background on the slide

Bacteria such as Staphylococus belong to the Domain ______


all terms of life

bacteria and single celled organisms can carry out ___

-colonies -biofilms

bacteria can act as a group called


bacteria use...to power flagella: still use ATP just not for this function

All _____ are microorganisms, but not all _____ are microorganisms

bacteria; eukaryotes

-reproduction -metabolism -nutrient processing

bacterial cells are capable of carrying out all necessary life activities such as

single unit

bacterial flagella is a...

eukaryotic cells are __ than prokaryotic cells



biological molecules such as FATS that are incoluble in water and contain special ester linkages. - main function, cell components, cell secretions, and nutrient and energry storage


biological molecules whose monomers are simple sugars (monosaccharides) linked together by glycosidic bonds to form polysaccharides


biological molecules whose polymers are chains of nucleotide monomers link together by phosphate-pentose covalent bonds - DNA is linked by H bonds

what is the route of transmission of trypanosoma

blood-sucking vectors

what is the route of transmission of trypanosoma?

blood-sucking vectors

if carbolfuchsin was omitted from the acid-fast stain, what color would non-acid fast cells appear?


if carbolfuchsin was omitted from the acid-fast stain, what color would non-acid-fast cells appear


when two or more atoms share, donate, or accept electrons a chemical _____ is formed.



bonds are permeantly broken "break down"

Algae are

both microscopic or macroscopic

pilis and fimbria

both provide adhesion but not locomotion

fungi have the capacity to reproduce by

both sexual and asexually

fungi have the capacity to reproduce

both sexually and asexually

Peroxisomes contain enzymes that ________

break down hydrogen peroxide


breaking down large molecules


bring in liquid material


bring in material from surrounding environment (pinocytosis or phagocytosis)

the 2 most important representatives of trypanosomes are Trypansoma ___________ and Trypansomas________, the pathogens casuing chagas disease and african sleeping sickness

brucei cruzi

axial filaments

bundles of endoflagella (...enclosed in proteins) that spiral around the cell, found in spirochetes only, move in a corkscrew motion

which of the following conditions place patients at risk of an opportunistic fungal infection

burns AIDs diabetes

which of the following illustrates a properly stained capsular stain



called in to study silk worm colony disease; discovered fermentation and pasteurization

Singer and Nicholson

came up with a fluid mosaic model of a cell membrane's phospholipid bilayer


can be grouped based on size, morphology (genetically determined), and cell arrangement

some bacteria

can use sulfur for energy

select which statement most accuratly reflects certain characteristics of fungi?

candida albicans is a dimorphic fungus.

the ___ is the name given to a structure external to and bound tightly to the cell wall that is made of polysaccharides and proteins and contributes to the pathogenicity of the organism


arrangements of glycocalyx

capsule or slime layer (chemical composition varies depending on species)

which of the following stains do not require heat fixation

capsule stain

which of the following stains do not require heat fixation?

capsule stain

excessive heat fixation can cause damage to which of the following structures, lowering the quality of the stained preparation

capsule, cell wall, cell membrane


capsules are formed by ____ bacteria

white blood cells

capsules protect bacteria against phagocytic _________

the two types of glycocalyx in bacteria are

capsules, slime layer


carbohydrate coating in animal cells, surrounds and stabilizes plasma membrane, active in cell - cell recognition (communication), and present only in cells without cell wall

which of the following components are found in glycocalyces like those shown in the image

carbohydrate, protein

Cell walls are composed of...


--- is the initial stain used in the acid-fast stain


___ is the initial stain used in the acid-fast stain


in the Kinyoun acid-fast staining method, highly concentrated ___ is used to penetrate the cell wall and colorize acid-fast bacterial cells.


in the kinyoun acid-fast staining method, highly concentrated ___ is used to penetrate the cell wall and colorize acid-fast bacterial cells


substances that increase the rate of an action


positively charged ions



cause diseases and are hard to treat

Gram Negative Bacteria

cell envelope has 3 layers: outer membrane lies under glycocalyx, then cell wall, then cytoplasmic membrane


cell makes copy of genetic material, forms...; happens in response to bad environmental conditions (start with one end with one)

phospholipid bilayer

cell membrane

which of the following could be determined through simple staining of a microbial smear

cell morphology, cellular arrangement


cell organelle filled with enzymes needed to break down certain materials in the cell

Which of the following are criteria used by the Whittaker system to classify organisms?

cell structure, cell type, nutritional type, body organization

what structure is used in the Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology to divide bacteria and archaea into four major divisions

cell wall


cells arise form preexisting cells


cells may form... cells adhere together after division; form characteristic arrangements (depends on plane of division)


cells of a chain remain partially attached and fold back, creating a side-by-side row of cells

which of the following can be determined by observing bacteria that have been stained through a light microscope

cellular arrangement, cellular morphology

staining can be used to identify which of the following

cellular structures, cellular arrangement, cell shape

____ is a long, fibrous polymer composed of beta glucose found in plants and algae.


tapeworms are parasitic helminths that are grouped into a subdivision of flatworms called


long-ribbon like shape is which type of helminth?


2 major groups of flatworms?

cestodes and trematodes

which worm types are hermaphoditic

cestodes and trematodes

__ disease is endemic to central and south america and is transmitted by a vector called the reduviid bug


______ disease is endemic to Central and South America and is transmitted by a vector called the reduviid bug


strep arrangement

chain of cells is a...


chains of a few to hundreds of cells


chains of cells

grouping factors

characteristic arrangement of prokaryotes determine...


chemical bond formed by sharing electrons


chemical bond in which electrons are transferred and not shared


chemical substances that start a reaction and that are changed by the reaction


chemical treatment of a disease

during ___, bacterial cells move by flagellar motion in response to chemical signals


The _____ is the organelle that is responsible for photosynthesis


____ is a well-known photosynthetic organelle that is NOT found in protozoans


is a well known photosynthetic organelle that is NOT found in protozoans


is a well-known photosynthetic organelle that is NOT found in protozoans.


the _____ is a well-known photosynthetic organelle that is NOT found in protozoans


what organelle is known for the metabolic pathway of photosynthesis


which is larger, a mitochondrion or a chloroplast?


In plant and algae cells, ______ are organelles that contain pigments for photosynthesis.


____ are organelles that are similar to mitochondria , but they are larger and contain photosynthetic pigments



chloroplasts, found in algae and green plants, contains chlorophyll pigment in the coin-like thylakoids, stacked thylakoids - grana, 70S ribosomes and circular DNA; divide independently of cell

The steroid ___ can be found as a component of animal cell membrane where it functions as a reinforcement agent.


eukaryotic chromosomes within the nucleus consist of dark fibers known as __


Linear DNA coiled around histones condenses to form which larger structure?


the three methods of locomotion in protozoa are __ , flagella, pseudopodia.


some protozoans have short-hair-like structures called ______ which are shorter than flagella which whip back and forth providing motility


In eukaryotic cells mitochondria contain ______ shaped DNA


mitochondrial DNA is


similar to that of bacterial cells, mitochondria contain _____ DNA rather than linear forms of the molecule


_____ is the part of taxonomy that involves arranging organisms into groups based on relationships and history


acid fast cell walls

classified as gram - positive, mycolic acid bound to PTG, contain Mycobacterium and Norcardia (some of the slowest growing bacteria)


classified as gram negative with no PTG, have cysteine - rich proteins, and cannot reproduce outside of host cell

Taxonomy involves ___ and ___ living things.

classifying and naming

Taxonomy involves ________ and ______ living things

classifying; naming

if carbolfuchisin, was omitted from the acid-fast stain, what color would acid-fast cells appear?


if carbolfuchsin was omitted from the acid-fast stain, what color would acid-fast cells appear


if malachite green was omitted from the endospore stain, the endospores would appear --- in color.


if malachite green was omitted from the endospore stain, the endospores would appear ___ in color


if methylene blue was omitted from the acid-fast stain, NON-acid-fast cells would be ___ at the end of the staining process.


if methylene blue was omitted from the acid-fast stain, non-acid-fast cells would be ___ at the end of the staining process


if sarfranin was omitted from the endospore stain, the vegetative cells would appear --- in color.


if safranin was omitted from the endospore stain, the vegetative cells would appear ___ in color

clear (colorless)

which of the following bacterial genera are capable of producing endospores?

clostridium bacillus

the prefix "staphylo-" is used to indicate that the cells are arranged in


which components of the bacterial endospore are responsible for its resistance to environmental challenges

coat, cortex


coccobacillis is a cell shape not an...

the term used for a short, plump bacterial rod is


a spherically-shaped bacterial cell is termed a(n)


the three most common shapes of bacterial cells are known as ___, ___ and spirillum/spirochete bacteria.

coccus, bacillus

endoplasmic reticulum

comes from surface of nucleus


common electron carrier will eventually become NADH

which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a wax ?

complex ringed compound

bacterial chromosome or nucleoid

composed of condensed DNA molecules. DNA directs all genetics and heredity of the cell and codes for all proteins

which structures are formed by the golgi apparatus and transport products to lysosomes or the cell membrane for release through exocytosis ?

condensing vesicles

asexual "free" fungal spores that develop by pinching off or by segmentation of hyphae.


2 subtypes of asexual fungal spores are sporangiospores and _______


Image B illustrates a fungus that reproduces by forming


in protozoa, two cells fuse temporarly and exchange micronuclei during a process called


the genetic transfer of material through pili is termed


which is a type of sexual reproduction in protozoa?


protein synthesis

consumes energy and precursor molecules in the biosynthesis of macromolecules


contain digestive and neutralizing enzymes

gram negative cell

contain toxin that damage humans, have little to no peptidoglycan


contains all chromosomes, double membrane will fuse and form pores - things enter and leave through here ribosomal DNA synthesized in nucleolus


contains carbon (C) and hydrogen (H)

which two of these terms are better applied to eukaryotic flagella than to bacterial flagella

contains microtubules, structurally complex


contains nuclear envelope (has a double membrane with pores) nucleolus (sites of rRNA synthesis) and has DNA typically in multiple pairs of linear chromosomes (associated with histone proteins)

gram negative cell wall

contains outer lipopolysaccharide membrane (LPS), o - specific polysaccharide side chain and lipid A endotoxin, have porin channels, and periplasm

cell membrane

contains proteins and lipids


contains: 6 protons 6 electrons (because always equal) is an isotope of carbon (yes because isotopes have different # of neutrons, so 2 top #s will be different) mass # 14 does not pertain: 14 neutrons - it only has 8 neutrons (to find # of neutrons you must subtract the # of protons from the mass #)

The ______ _______ helps regulates osmotic pressure in protozoa that live in a hypotonic environment.

contractile vacuole

which structure helps regulate osmotic pressure in protoazoan cells which live in hypotonic envrionments?

contractile vacuole


controls metabolic diversity

which of the following are terms used to describe the colored dyes applied in the gram staining technique

counterstain, primary stain

bond that results from sharing of electrons


Robert Hooke

credited with discovering cells (also coined the term cells)


credited with discovering living, moving cells (animalcules) but did not share technology

name given to tubular finger like internal membrane structures of the mitochondrion?


the folded membrane within the mitochondrion in the picture are


trypanosoma ____ is the causitive agent of chagas disease


What is the primary dye used in the gram staining technique?

crystal violet

based on the image, what step of the capsular stain was omitted

crystal violet

what is the primary dye used to the gram staining technique

crystal violet

which stain is used to stain the cytoplasm of the cells in the capsule stain

crystal violet

which stain is used to stain the cytoplasm of the cells in the capsule stain?

crystal violet

Place these reagents in the proper order of their use in the Gram staining techique

crystal violet gram's iodine decolorizer safranin

place these regents in the proper order of their use in the Gram staining technique

crystal violet gram's iodine decolorizer safranin


crystals of inorganic compounds not enclosed by membranes. Used in metachromatic staining, magnetosomes.


cubical packet of 8, 16, or more cells

Golgi body

curved cisterns, not continuous, modifies, packages, and secretes products of endoplasmic reticulum, and produces lysosomes and vacuoles



A ______ is a dormant, resting state of protozoal cell.


is a dormant, resting state, of a protozoal cell


diagnosis of giardiasis and crytosporidiosis involves looking in patient stool samples for

cysts trophozoites

Diagnosis of Giardiasis and crypstosporidiosis involves looking in patient tool samples for

cysts, trophozoites

The _____ is a flexible molecular framework throughout the cytoplasm that anchors organelles and permits shape changes in some organisms


is responsible for cellular shape changes and movement such as formation of pseudopods extending out from the amoeba


the ___ is a network of actin and tubulin filaments that are located just under the cell membrane and that contribute to cell shape


__ is the most common solvent in natural systems. a. acid b. alcohol c. base d. water

d. water

in a differential staining technique, a ___ is used to remove the primary stain from the bacterial cell


in a differential staining technique, a --- is used to remove the primary stain from bacterial cell.


Bacteria and fungi that contain the enzymes necessary to break down cellulose are often classified as _____, a grouping of organisms that play an essential in the recycling of nutrients.


match each reaction type with the correct example:

decomposition = AB -> A+B synthesis = x+y -> XY Exchange= PQ+ RS -> PR + QS

AB then A + B


what name is given to the host in which the parasite undergoes sexual reproduction

definitive host

During a ____ synthesis reaction, a carbon from a sugar unit of one carbohydrate molecule gives up its OH group and a carbon from the sugar unit of another carbohydrate molecule loses the H from its OH group which produces a water molecule.


during the formation of a carbohydrate bond, the step in which a carbon molecule gives up its OH group, and the other uses the H from its OH group, thereby producing a water molecule.

dehydration synthesis

anabolic reactions

dehydration synthesis, endergonic (pos. delta G), keq<1, not favorable, and protein synthesis

cytoplasmic membrane

delicate thin fluid structure, defines boundary, and serves as a semi permeable barrier (selectively permeable) act as a gatekeeper

The backbone of DNA is a polymer if alternating __ and ___.

deoxyribose; phosphate

capsules protect bacteria against phagocytic white blood cells and biofilms infect long-term indwelling artificial devices

describe the differences between capsules and biofilms

which of the following are characteristics of a mature endospore

desiccation-resistant, radiation-resistant


developed "magic bullet" called Salvarsan to treat syphilis, coined term chemotherapy


developed first westernized vaccine against smallpox


developed series of steps to prove specific microbes cause specific diseases


developed technique to allow for growth of pure cultures using agar to generate semi - solid growth surface

Domagk and Fourneau

development of sulfa drugs and mass produced the drugs (joint effort)

biofilms are often stratified, meaning that

different microbes occupy spaces that best fit their environmental needs

the type of stain designed to show differences between various organisms or cellular structures if referred to as a ___ stain, whereas a ___ stain uses only one dye to stain all cell types

differential, simple

The lysosome is an organelle which merges with a vacuole to allow __________

digestion of engulfed structures from phagocytosis

lysosomes are membrane-bound organelle that contains _________

digestive enzymes


digestive enzymes are very non - specific enzymes (garbage disposal) involved in apoptosis (programmed cell death)

some fungi are termed ___ because they can exist in a yeast form or can form hyphae.


the prefix "___" means "in pairs."


choose the prefixes that may be used to describe arrangements of bacilli

diplo-, strepto-

a sugar containing 2 monosaccharides


sucrose (fructose + glucose)



discovered antimicrobial properties of the first true antibiotic


discovered process of fermentation, provided evidence to support theory of biogenesis and developed rabies vaccine based on discoveries regarding avirulence

Alexander Fleming

discovered properties of penicillin


disease causing


distinct chemical substance that results from the combo of 2 or more atoms


do not have cells they either have RNA or DNA (not both), they are obligate intracellular pathogens (cannot reproduce without dividing in host cell), and composed of protein and genetic material


do not have fatty acids, but do have hydrocarbon chains; monolayer usually happen with...with no cell wall in extreme environment


do not have internal structure and no membrane bound organelles - cannot have genetic variation through sexual reproduction


do not have membrane sterols; bacteria may have hopanoids


do not have nucleus

characteristics of enzymes

do not make reactions happen that could not happen on their own, not permanently altered or used up, substrate specific, and function is based on structure


do not organize into tubes - form chains; move cytoplasm - moves nutrients around and wastes away


do not use group translocation

rough ER

does not make proteins but finishes the job by making sure they're folded correctly


does not require oxygen; pathway is a series of ten chemical reactions each catalyzed by a different enzyme

In the Woese-Fox system of classification, the most general category to which any organism is assigned is the _________



dormant body formed within some bacteria that allows for their survival in adverse conditions


dormant cell, they are extremely resilient, used for protection essentially think escape pod


dormant, tough, non reproductive bodies produced by Bacillus, Clostridium and Sporosarcina to withstand harsh conditions. - cell replicates its chromosome then wraps it in durable wall so that it can protect chromosome from adverse conditions. -goes through sporangium converts from vegetative state to sporulating cell Bioterrorism: Bacillus Anthracic (anthrax?) Medical Relevance: Clostridium- tetanus, gangrene, botulism


double membrane, inner membrane is folded into cristae, site of cellular respiration (ATP production), and 70S ribosomes and circular DNA; divide independently of cell


double stranded DNA circle containing extra genes

which of the following environmental factors typically trigger cyst formation in protozoans?

dry conditions lack of nutrients

environmental factors trigger cyst formation in protozoans?

dry conditions, lack of nutrients


dynamic network of protein filaments (microtubules, actin filaments, intermediate filaments) functions to anchor organelles, structural support, shape alteration, and movement

In protozoa, the layer of the cytoplasm called the _____ plays a role in locomotion, feeding, and protection


The ______ is the clear outer layer of cytoplasm found in amoeba


in protozoa, the layer of the cytoplasm called the ___ plays an important role in locomotion, feeding, and protection


is the clear outer layer of cytoplasm found in amoeba


what name is given to the clear outer layer of cytoplasm found in amoeba?


Eukaryotic organisms are:

either unicellular or multicellular

These are substances that, when placed in a solution, release ions capable of conducting an electrical current.


conduct an electrical current



electron acceptor


electron donor

the subatomic particles that surround the nucleus are:


common electron carrier

electrons and protons are typically removed together (the equivalent of a hydrogen atom)

free energy

electrons moving toward less negative acceptors release... amount of ___ released correlates with magnitude of difference in standard reduction potential

cell membrane

embedded with numerous proteins (act as receptors, transport, enzymes)

the basal body of a flagellum is located

embedded within the cytoplasmic membrane, wall, and outer membrane

The process of forming a cyst, in which the trophozoite cell rounds up into a sphere and its ectoplasm secretes a thick cuticle around the cell membrane is called_________


he process of forming a cyst in which the trophozoite cell rounds up into a sphere



end of cell

what name is given to the liquid fraction within amoeba that contains granular materials?


the granular inner region of cytoplasm in amoeba is called __


the granular inner region of the cytoplasm in amoeba is called


what name is given to the liquid fraction within amoeba that contains granular materials?


is a membrane bound series of tubules that function in transport and storage

endoplasmic reticulum

the micrograph shows a ___, a cell type that can withstand hostile environments


diseases such as anthrax, tetanus, gas gangrene and botulism are caused by bacteria that are able to form


in order to withstand hostile conditions and facilitate survival, some bacteria produce resistant structures known as


in order to withstand hostile conditions and facilitate survival, some bacteria produce resistant structures known as ___


the depletion of nutrients is a stimulus for ___ in bacteria


endospores are difficult to stain due to which of the following?

endospores have thick spore coat endospores exclude dye

omitting the steaming in an endospore stain would result in which of the following

endospores would not take up stain

omitting the steaming in an endospore stain would result in which of the following?

endospores would not take up stain

biologist believe that eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotes through which process?


active processes

energy (ATP) required, includes active transport

Gibbs free energy

energy available to do work

1st law of thermodynamics

energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can change form


energy conserving stage step 6. inorganic phosphates are added to the two G3P, and two NAD+ are reduced step 7. two ADP are phosphorylated by substrate - level phosphorylation to form two ATP step 8 and 9. the remaining phosphates are moved to the middle carbons; a water molecule is removed from each substrate step 10. two ADP are phosphorylated by substrate - level phosphorylation to form two ATP; two pyruvic acid are formed


energy conversion same process as found in mitochondria in electron transport chain


energy investment stage Step 1. glucose is phosphorylated by ATP to form glucose 6 phosphate step 2 and 3. the atoms of glucose 6 phosphate are rearranged to form fructose 6 phosphate and this is phosphorylated by ATP to form fructose 1, 6 bisphosphate


energy is released


energy is taken in

energy of activation

energy required to start a reaction

chemical work

energy used to make bonds

mechanical work

energy used to move flagella and other movement organelles

transport work

energy used to move material in a cell

2nd law of thermodynamics

entropy - the universe favors entropy; spontaneous reactions (those that are favored) are those that increase entropy


enzymes in glycolysis split glucose (6 C sugar) into two 3C sugars; sugars are then oxidized (releasing energy), and their atoms are rearranged to form two molecules of pyruvic acid


equilibrium constant - relates amount of substrate to chemical product produced


essentially extra pieces of DNA

which statements are true about algae?

eukaryotes both unicellular and multicellular

what type of organism are algae?


which of the following terms distinguishes algae from bacteria?


endosymbiotic theory

eukaryotic cells evolved from an association between two different prokaryotic cells


eukaryotic...are bigger and different from prokaryotic ribosomes

cell membrane

every living thing has a...no exceptions

cell theory

every living thing made of cells

Who is susceptible to parasitic infections?


who is susceptible to parasitic infections?


endosymbiotic theory

evolution from prokaryotes yields eukaryotes

anabolic reactions

exact opposite of catabolic reactions


exhibit a variety of shapes


experiment seemed to support theory of spontaneous generation due to repopulation of heated broths by microbes

Louis Pasteur's

experiment ultimately disproves spontaneous generation


express the chemical exchanges b/w atoms or molecules that occur during chemical reactiopns such as synthesis or decomposition

outer membrane

extra membrane similar to cell membrane but also containing lipopolysaccharide. Controls flow of materials, and portions if it are toxic to mammals when releases

axial filaments

extremely efficient, found only in bacteria, and can bore through things

if decolorization was omitted from the acid-fast stain, what color would non acid-fast cells appear?

f carbolfuchipink/red

T or F: all protists are microscopic


T or F: cell wall thickness is often used to help identify fungi?


only microscopic features are used to identify fungi from clinical samples


sporulating bacteria can actively reproduce


the simple stain provides enough information about microbe to clearly identify its species


what part of the phospholipid forms hydrophobic bonds?

fatty acids

Triglycerides are composed of:

fatty acids & glycerol

The route for infection with pinworm is ____ transmission


Common characteristics of helmiths lifecycle

fecal-oral route of transmission difficult to erradicate worm eggs are shed

the part of the bacterial flagellum inicated by the letter A is termed the


what structures are parts of a flagellum in prokaryotes

filament, hook, basal body

the cellular appendage indicated by an arrow in this image is a



fimbriae composition varies, but most contain _____


fimbriae have the inherent tendency to stick to each other and to surfaces causing the formation of ____

in this image, the appendages indicated by the letter A are ___, while the appendages indicated by the letter B are ___

fimbriae; pili


fine, hairlike bristles extending form the cell surface that help in adhesion to other cells and surfaces

The element helium has two electron. which shells are filled in helium?



first living organisms on the planet, live everywhere life is possible, largest component of earth's biomass, and the entire ecosystem depends on their activities


first suggested that invisible agents cause disease; after implementing aseptic techniques the death rate dropped dramatically


first visualize cells with microscope (cork cells specifically)


flagella are dispersed randomly over the surface of the cell


flagella at both poles of the cell


flagella attached at one or both ends of the cell


flagella can also be used as ___ in some species

filament, hook, and basal body

flagella structure has three basic parts:

which of the following are considered external structures of prokaryotic cells

flagella, pili

the cellular appendage indicated by the arrow on this image is a



flagellum reverses direction, causing the cell to stop and change course -repellants cause numerous tumbles

which appendages provide motility

flagellum, axial filaments

Two major groups of helmiths

flatworms ( tapeworm) and roundworms (pinworms)


fluid in chloroplast

trematodes are also called


What are helminths?

flukes, tapeworms, roundworms

Entner - Doudoroff pathway

for each molecule of glucose ___ produces two molecules of NADPH and one molecule of ATP for use in cellular biosynthetic reactions; pathway is found in some G- bacteria (generally not found in G+ bacteria)


formed in Golgi and membrane enclosed sacs of digestive enzymes

slime layer

forms loosely around the cell and protects the cell from loss of water and nutrients

True about enzymes

found in all cells are catalysts participate in cell's chemical reactions can be denatured by heat and other agents They DO NOT: have high-energy bonds between phosphates


found in archaea only

cell wall

found in plants, algae, and fungi, composed of chitin, glucan, cellulose, mannan, silica, and calcium carbonate (NOT PTG)

Louis Pasteur

found that when exposed to an avirulent bacteria the body's immune system knows how to battle it


free energy is used to phosphorylate ADP to form... (metabolic money)

identify the cellular location of 80S ribosomes

free-floating in the cytoplams rough endoplasmic reticulum

identify the cellular locations of 80s ribosomes

free-floating in the cytoplasm, rough endoplasmic reticulum


full of digestive enzymes


function in cell motility and are long in relation to size

In chemistry, a particular molecular combination that reacts in predictable ways and confers particular properties on a compound is called a ___ group.


the __ are a group of heterotrophic organisms with cell walls of chitin.


these cells, termed hyphae are found in


which produce true hyphae


What does candida albican cause

fungus causes candidiasis

pos. delta G

gained energy



all of the genetic material of the cell


the complete set of chromosomes and genes in an organism


For the organisms Escherichia coli, Escherichia represents the ______ level of classification


The _____ theory of disease, first proposed in the 1800s, stated that microorganisms could cause infection and illness.


the process by which an endospore rehydrates and begins cellular metabolism is termed


which of the following are macroscopic fungi?

gill fungi, puffballs, mushrooms

amino acids

glycan chain held together by... (tetrapeptide chain)

Triglycerides and phospholipids both contain which of the following ?

glycerol , fatty acid chains

The outer coating of polysaccharides found on some bacteria that functions in the attachment to other cells, protection, or communication is called the ____.


the ___ is a polysaccharide protective outside of the bacterial cell wall that is called either a capsule or slime layer based on the structure


for which organelle do lysosomes orignate

golgi apparatus

the ___ stain provides critical information about the peptidoglycan structure of the cell wall


what might happen if you omitted the safranin step while performing the gram stain on a mixed culture of gram positive and gram negative cells

gram negative organisms might not be visible

gram staining

gram positive and gram - negative bacteria can be identified using a 'gram stain'; determine cell wall composition

what outcome could be expected if you forgot the crystal violet step while performing a gram stain

gram positive and gram negative organisms would stain pink

if you forget to use the decolorizer, which cell types will appear purple

gram positive and negative

what is the primary due used in the gram staining technique?

gram's iodine

what is used as the mordant in the gram staining technique

gram's iodine

what type of cell wall contains a thick layer of peptidoglycan and no outer membrane?


if you forget to use the decolorizer, which cell type(s) will appear purple?

gram-positive gram-negative

which of the following correctly describe how the Gram stain works to color different types of cells?

gram-positive cells retain the purple dye-mordant complex because of their thick layer of peptidoglycan. gram-negative cells are decolorized and stained by the pink/red secondary stain

which of the following terms describes the stack of thylakoids located within chloroplasts?


which of the following terms describes the stacks of thylakoids located within chloroplasts?



greater concentrations oh H+ than OH- below pH 7


greater concentrations oh OH- than H+ above pH 7

if safranin was omitted from the endospore stain, what color would be the endospores appear?


if safranin was omitted from the endospore stain, what color would the endospores appear


in this image, the endospores are ___ in color



groups of 4

Processes that define life include:

growth reproduction and heredity metabolism movement and/or irritability does NOT include: invading host cells

Robert Koch

had three steps to identify a disease (called Koch's postulates)


has a negative & positive charge at same time


has been and continues to be a problem

phospholipid bilayer

has integral proteins embedded in...or peripheral proteins attached to outside of cell (act as receptors and transport ways) small, uncharged molecules can pass freely between this...(cell membrane)


has more than one cell shape

Gram Positive Bacteria

has two layers in cell envelope: cell wall w/ peptidoglycan and cytoplasmic membrane


hate water


have distinct membrane lipids - ether(much more rigid and harder) linkage (ester linkage in other cells) glycerol group enantiomer, branched isoprenoid sidechain, may form mono-layer with greater rigidity (not all have this but some will)

mitochondria and chloroplasts

have distinct prokaryotic characteristics

eukaryotic cells

have many unique features that distinguish them from prokaryotes (cilia, membrane sterols, ribosome structure, membrane bound organelles, and nucleus)


have microscopic life stages: adult from is macro


have molecular applications, made of proteins but found in organisms that live in extreme environments


have more specific enzymes and destroys destructive oxygen qualities


have no cell wall but some have a pellicle surrounding the plasma membrane

gram positive cells

have single pair of rings in their flagella

gram positive cells

have strong glycan tetrapeptide chains (PTG) or peptidoglycan

animal cells

have weird abstract shapes because they do not have a cell wall


having small bunches of flagella on one end of cell is called what?

in order to ensure that dye penetrates the spore coat and stains the endospore, which of the following is needed


in order to ensure that dye penetrates the spore coat and stains the endospore, which of the following is needed?


when should heat fixation take place during the capsular stain

heat fixation is not required in the capsular stain

When should heat fixation take place during the capsular stain?

heat fixation is not required in the capsular stain.

which of the following describes the correct sequence of the gram stain procedure

heat-fixed slide; use of crystal violet, iodine, decolorizer, and safranin

which of the following describes the correct sequence of the gram stain procedure?

heat-fixed slide; use of crystal violet, iodine, decolorizer, and safranin

which of the following describes the correct sequence of gram stain procedures

heat-fixed; use of crystal violet, iodine, decolorizer, and safranin

which of the following is true regarding proper heat fixation

heating too briefly may result in bacteria not adhering to the slide



hi hello


Tapeworms (cestodes), roundworms (nematodes), and flukes (trematodes) are called


the glycocalyx is important in the ability of bacteria to cause infection because it

helps the bacteria evade immune defenses. allows the bacteria to adhere well to medical devices. allows for the formation of biofilms.

A worm that has both male and female sex organs is said to be __________________________.


some trematodes are ___ , meaning that the female sex organisms are within the body of the same helminth.


plants are mainly autotrophs white fungi are ___


organisims that acquire nutrients from organic compounds?


A 6-carbon sugar such as glucose and fructose is called a _____.


which environmental condition favors the trophozoite form in protozoa?

high moisture and food

emerging diseases

higher than normal number with larger area - not necessarily a new disease


highly organized and attached to its cell

eukaryotic chromosomes are bound to __ proteins in the nucleus


eukaryotic chromosomes are bound to __ proteins in the nucleus.


what does histoplasma capsulatum cause?

histoplasmosis caused by fungi


hollow tube, used in the exchange of DNA

most helminths require the body of a ___ in order to derive nutrients and complete their life cycle.


the life cycle of Malaria parasites involves ___ and ___ as host.

humans, and mosquitoes

An acidic solution has excess ___, and a basic solutions has excess ____.

hydrogen ; hydoxyl

a bond that results from polar covalent bonds

hydrogen bond

a weak type of bond that forms between a hydrogen covalently bonded to one molecule and an oxygen or nitrogen, on the same molecule, or a different molecule

hydrogen bond

In organic compounds, carbon most often associates with which of the following compounds?

hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen

A ___ reaction breaks the bond between two glucose molecules.


catabolic reactions

hydrolytic, exergonic (-deltaG), keq>1, spontaneous, and cellular respiration

ionic compounds are:

hydrophilic polar and ionic

which of the following would be observed to determine microscopic characteristics of a fungus?

hyphae individual spores

__________ are able to flourish at high temperatures such as those flung in thermal heat vents and volcanic waters


A _____ is a tentative explanation of an observation


aseptic techniques

idea that unseen organisms need to be avoided through these ___

Use of a laboratory test to determine the fermentation capabilities of a microbial species is part of the process known as ______ of a certain bacterial species.


Which two diagnostic tools are used for cases of giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis?

immunology tests, ova and parasite testing of stool samples.

Joseph Lister

implemented aseptic surgery


important storage lipids

Walter Hesse

in charge of finding a successful medium; found agar


in chloroplasts and mitochondria


in eukaryotic aligned with histone proteins


increase stability of cell membrane


increase stability of cell membrane: no other prokaryotes have these besides the mycoplasmas


increases stability of membrane


increases the rate of a chemical reaction ex. enzymes

which stain is used to stain the background in the capsule stain

india ink or nigrosin

which stain is used to stain the background in the capsule stain?

india ink or nigrosin

Schledien and Schwann

individual scientists that came up with the cell theory around the same time


infect long-term indwelling artificial devices

identify the common modes of transmission of helminths to humans

infected animals contaminated soil contaminated food/water

The general term "_____ disease" means that the disease is caused by a microorganism.



influence reaction rate by lowering the activation energy


internally made same way flagella is and can be used to move things across surface in stationary cell

enterobiasis is limited to which location in the host?


Edward Jenner

invented the first vaccine; didn't understand why it worked just knew it did

Christian Hans Gram

invented the process of gram staining

a bond that results from the transferring of electrons

ionic bond

a reaction that occurs when ionic bond is broken and atoms separate into ions


During the process of dissolution, ___ become hydrated or surrounded by a sphere of water molecules.


atoms that gain or lose electrons become charged particles called:



irregular clusters

delta G

is a change in energy

standard reduction potential

is a measure of the tendency of a chemical species to acquire electrons and thereby be reduced

which two of The following statements regarding pfiesteria infection are true??

is an large algae that produces a toxin, occurs in more than 20 forms.


is not a structure just a particular area and is where DNA is found in the cell

staph arrangement

is random cluster of cells (look like grapes)


is selectively permeable - few molecules pass through freely and movement involves both active (forcing substance against flow or natural gradient) and passive processes

plane of division

is where the cell can divide


isolated antibiotic from Streptomyces; coined the term antibiotic and led to the discovery of other microbes that serve as antibiotics

selective toxicity

kill harmful pathogen while leaving the host cell fine

All bacteria would be placed into the same _____, one of five groupings in the Whittaker system of classification.


In the Whittaker system, organisms were divided into one of five ______.



lare, molecular compounds assembled from smaller subunits


large 60S and small 40S subunits, membrane bound; attached to ER and nuclear membrane, and free in cytoplasm

enterobiasis is a helminth infestation of the ___ , which allows the eggs to pass in the feces.

large intestine

multiple bonding of carbons can give rise to:

large, complex compounds, long chains, branched compounds, ringed compounds

Helmith must complee life cycle by transmitting an infective form to the body of another host. ______ development (intermediate host) and adulthood and mating in ______ host

larval; definitive


latin phrase describing cultivation or testing within a living system


level of internal compartmentalization, this allows them to be about 10 times larger than prokaryotic cells allows different chemical reactions to be performed at the same time

redox reactions

liberate energy; always coupled, oxidation (electron donor), reduction (electron acceptor)

glycosidic bonds

link subunits of disaccharides and polysaccharides together









Triglycerides are ___ important in storage,


teichoic acids

lipoteichoic or wall teichoic acids and polyacohols that provide antigenic specificity

coccus, bacillus, and spirillum

list and describe three structures common to all bacteria


little naked piece of RNA that cause disease in plants

gram negative cells

little or no peptidoglycan, no teichoic acids, have a LPS outer membrane, and 4 ring basal body anchoring flagella

most protozoa

live as solitary singled-celled organisms

spontaneous generation

living organisms arise from a combination of non-living material

which of the following generally defines the nucleolus?

location for ribosomal RNA synthesis

which of the following generally defines the nucleolus?

location for ribosome RNA synthesis.

actin cytoskeleton

long fibers of proteins that encircle the cell just inside the cell membrane and contribute to the shape of the cell


long, rigid tubular structures are made up of ___ protein


looked to find selective toxicity; salvarsan (treatment for syphilis) not widely available

neg. delta G

lost energy


love water

splitting open

lyses is what?


lysis stage step 4. fructose 1, 6 bisphosphate is cleaved to form glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate (G3P) and dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) step 5. DHAP is rearranged to form another G3P

The _____ is an organelle which merges with a vacuole to allow digestion of engulfed structures from phagocytosis


the ______ is a membrane-bound organelle derived from the Golgi that contain digestive enzymes and can provide protection against invading organisms


which of the following is a membrane-bound organelle that containst digestive enzymes


which of the following organelles is immediately involved in phagocytic function by white blood cells


which eukaryotic structures are not present in prokaryotic cells

lysosome, mitochondrion, nucleus,

When organisms are visible to the naked eye, they are called ______


mushroom and puffballs are ____ fungi because they are visible with the naked eye.


which type of fungi is visible to the naked eye?



made of actin


majority of ... have one of three shapes: round (coccus), rod (bacilli), and spiral (vibrio, spirillium, and spirochete)


majority of our oxygen comes from ___


make asexual and sexual spores and can be pathogenic but tend to be opportunistic pathogens: also produce toxins


make up the majority of the biodiversity in an environment

the acid-fast cell wall contains large amounts of mycolic acid. this glycolipid ___

makes the cell wall resistant to decolorization with acid-alcohol also makes the cell wall less permeable to chemicals

--- is used to stain the endospore in the endospore staining procedure.

malachite green

___ ___ is used to stain the endospore in the endospore staining procedure

malachite green

gram positive cells

many rigid layers of peptidoglycan, teichoic acids, no outer LPS membrane, and a 2 ring basal body anchoring flagella


mass of hypha

which region of the mitochondrion contains fluid, ribosomes and is the location for the metabolic cycle?



may have a cytoskeleton but will be very simple

cell wall

may have external protein or sugar layer


means of movement: pretty rare in eukaryotes and never in prokaryotes


measurement of the gravitional pull on the mass of a particle


meat experiment dealt a blow to theory of spontaneous generation by showing maggots did not arise from decaying meat but from an external contaminant

sexual fungal spores arise by the fusion of 2 parent cells, followed by which type of division?


sexual fungal spores by the fusion of 2 parent cells followed by which type of division?



membrane bound structures within cells which contain fluids and/or particles and typically act as temporary storage

During protein synthesis, __RNA is made to be a copy of a gene from the DNA.


copy of DNA

messenger RNA


method of cleaning beverages and liquids and such

the counterstain used in the acid-fast stain is ___ ___

methylene blue

John Tyndall

microbes in dust, some heat resistant

factors associated with emerging diseases

microbial evolution, changing human behavior/lifestyles, complacency of human population, and population expansion/global travel

"Microbes" and "______" are terms that can be used interchangeably.


Organisms that are only visible with the aid of a microscope are referred to as



microorganisms that remove or lessen the pollutants in an environment

all protist are


_____ are long, hollow protein fibers that comprise the cytoskeleton


which cellular filament comprises flagella?


which type of cytoskeletal proteins compose mitotic spindle fibers


which of the following are the main types of cytoskeletal fibers

microtubules actin filaments intermediate filaments

which unit is appropriate to measure the size of a pinworm ?


Often called the "powerhouse" of cells, the ______ is the organelle where ATP is synthesized for cellular energy use.


The _____ is the organelle responsible for the vast majority of APT generated in eukaryotic cells


the ribosomes in ATP producing organelles called __ are clearly bacterial in nature, providing evidence in support of endosymbiosis


What organelle has both an inner and an outer membrane?


The orderly division of chromosomes during eukaryotic cell division i s called


Asexual fungal spores arise by ______ division of a single parent cell


asexual fungal spores arise by___ division of a single parent cell.


which environmental factor is most critical for protozoa growth?



molecular interaction that plays major roles in shape & function of biological molecules

two or more atoms bonded together are called a:



molecule that is a combo of 2 or more elements

S layer

monolayer of protein used for protection and/or attachment

All macromolecules except lipids are formed by polymerization, or joining of repeating ____.


The simplest unit of carbohydrate is called a _____.








Two ___ are combined to make a disaccharide.


a simple sugar such as glucose that is the basic building block for more complex carbohydrates


a chemical that fixes dye in or on cells by forming an insoluble compounds is referred to as ---



more tightly bound to a cell than a slime layer and is denser and thicker than a slime layer

a microbiologist can identify bacteria based on their ___, ___, serological analysis, and genetic techniques

morphology, physiology

a cell wall and some form of glycocalyx are found in ___ bacterial cells


in most cells

most catabolic and anabolic reactions work together


most common means of motility; naked protein that rotates; filamentous appendages composed of flagellin (H antigens); rotate powered by PMF or ATP (runs and tumbles)


most common source of energy for work


most common way prokaryotes move is with the organelle ___

best describes the function of cillia and flagella?


the ability to move is referred to as



movement in response to chemical signals

negative chemotaxis

movement of a cell away from a repellant or potentially harmful compound

positive chemotaxis

movement of cell in the direction of a favorable chemical stimulus


movement of solvent (most commonly water)


movement toward light

The electrones of an atom are:

moving in pathways called orbitals and always equal to the number of protons

cell wall

much more common and simpler than prokaryotic cell wall


multicellular animals, flatworms and round worms, many are pathogenic, and only some life stages microscopic


multicellular filament

mildews and molds

multicellular fungi and formed by a series of hypha


must be visualized using a microscope

facilitated diffusion

must pass through membrane protein (allow certain substrates through)


mutate very quickly

Masses of vegetative hyphae, also called __________, absorb nutrients from the surface of a substrate on which a fungus grows


Rhizopus hyphae form a mass called a __________ that is observable on moldy bread.


which of the following is a significant lipid component of the cell walls of acid-fast bacteria

mycolic acid

which of the following is a significant lipid component of the cell walls of acid-fast bacteria?

mycolic acid

the acid-fast cell wall contains large amounts of mycolic acid. which of the following can be attributed to the presence of mycolic acid?

mycolic acid makes the cells more difficult to stain chemicals cannot readily penetrate the cell wall of these cells

fungal diseases


fungal diseases are called _______


flagellum, hook, and different proteins

name the three parts of a bacterial flagellum

the capsule staining technique begins with a ___ stain


the capsule staining technique begins with a ____ stain.


feedback inhibition

negative allosteric effector, isozymes may still function, and pathways that are essential to the cell will have different pathways to circumvent the inhibition of the original pathway


negative charge


negative ion

Gram-___ cell walls contain a thin layer of peptidoglycan whereas gram-___ cells walls contain a thick layer of peptidoglycan.

negative, positive

gram-___ cell walls contain a thin layer of peptidoglycan whereas gram-___ cell walls contain a thick layer of peptidoglycan

negative, positive


negatively charged b/c it has kept its electron

what does Enterobius vermicularis cause

nematode causes pinworm infection

a round body is characteristic of which type of helminths?


common name given to the group of roundworm helminths is


which of the following statements most accurately the life cycle of helminths.

nematodes all exhibit separate sexes

endoplasmic reticulum

network of flattened tubules (cisterns) continuous with nuclear membrane


neutral/no charge

A(n) ___ is a neutral particle in the nuclei of all atoms except hydrogen.


Isotopes are atoms, of the same element, that differ in

neutron #


no cell wall (only group of bacteria), have sterols in plasma membrane, can have basically any shape and are very tiny (used to be mistaken for viruses)

passive processes

no energy required, along gradient (most often a concentration gradient), includes simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis


no energy transfer is ____ % efficient


no net movement of water

smooth ER

no ribosomes and the site of lipid/fat synthesis


non membranous organelles

this slide depicts a mixed culture of bacteria that were properly stained using the acid-fast stain. which are more numerous, acid-fast or non-acid-fast cells


this slide depicts bacteria that were properly stained using the acid-fast staining technique. the bacteria appear to be ___


The vast majority of algae are


the vast majority of algae is


most known protozoans are


Lipids contain long C-H (hydrocarbon) chains that are ___ and ___.

nonpolar ; hydrophobic

equally distributed electrons from ___ covalent bonds, whereas unequally distributed electrons form __ covalent bonds.

nonpolar; polar

which type of hyphae do not contain cross walls?


germ theory of disease

not credited to any one person; idea that unseen pathogens cause disease


not involved in endomembrane system - involved in energy processing (not making) site of cellular respiration (multi - step process) proton imbedded membranes for electron transport chain sites of ATP production: matrix and can divide whenever they want


not known to be human pathogens and usually found in extreme environments

slime layer

not organized and loosely attached


not part of primary chromosome may contain non - essential yet beneficial DNA (how to make a toxin, etc.) used in conjugation (sharing of DNA) we use them as vectors

fimbria and pili

not used for movement, used for attachment

which of the following structures seperates DNA from the cytoplasm in eukaryotic cells?

nuclear envelope

Which biomolecule is found in chromatin?

nucleic acid

Purines and pyrimidines are components in the building block units of:

nucleic acids

which of the following are considered internal structure of prokaryotic cells

nucleoid, inclusions, ribosomes

A dense region found within the nucleus where ribosomes are synthesized is called the


the nucleus is found within the ___ of a cell.


rank the following from beginning =1 to end =4 for protein exocytosis

nucleous (mRNA synthesis) RER (protein synthesis golgi cell membrane

key difference between eukaryotic and prokyriotic cells is the presense or absence of ___ and other membrane bound organelles


protons and neutrons make up the atom's central core referred to as its


rank the following from the begging =1 to "end =4 to protein exocytosis

nucleus, RER, Golgi, cell membrane

Carbohydrates can generally be represented by the formula (CH2O)n in which "n" represents the ______ of units of this combination of atoms.


the valance number is the

number of outermost electrons


obligatory intracellular parasite, no true cellular organization, considered non living


one cell shape and only one


one of the scientists who proposed the cell theory

One nucleotide contains the following:

one phosphate one pentose one nitrogen base


only...produce endospores and only a few gram positive cells produce them

pentose phosphate pathway

operates simultaneously with glycolysis and provides a means for the breakdown of five - carbon sugars (pentose) as well as glucose; produces important intermediate pentoses used in the synthesis of (1) nucleic acids, (2) glucose from carbon dioxide in photosynthesis, and (3) certain amino acids; produces reduced coenzyme NADPH from NADP+. yields a net gain of 1 ATP for each molecule of glucose oxidized

A(n) ___ is any small, membrane-bound component found inside of a eukaryotic cell.


an ___ defined as an intracellular , membrane bound component of a eukaryotic cell


Small, membrane-bound components found inside of a eukaryotic cell, such as mitochondria and lysosomes, are referred to as


roughly 60-80% of a eukaryotic cells total volume is made up of various__ found within the cytoplasm



organelles used to synthesize and store hydrocarbons

Biochemicals are ___ compounds containing carbon atoms.


Carboxyl groups can be found in :

organic acids , proteins, fatty acids


organic compounds produced by living things


organism that obtains energy from the foods it consumes; also called a consumer

normal microbiota

organisms that live in or on your body that outcompete pathogens


outermost part of cell; made inside the cell and secreted to the surface; general functions (protection, attachment, and motility) some bacteria use... to slide across surface

A reaction where an electron is lost



oxidation of fatty acids; destroys H2O2 and is formed by dividing perosiomes


oxidation of glucose to pyruvic acid, is usually the first stage in carbohydrate catabolism; occurs in most living cells; word literally means splitting of sugars

heterotrophic metabolism

oxidize organic energy source releasing electrons, typically utilize carbohydrates (CH2O) - glucose is #1 source

Algae produce _____ (a gas) which benefits us greatly and is used in aerobic respiration


Water is a polar molecule because ____ pulls the shared electrons to itself, giving it a more negative charge, and thus giving the hydrogens a more positive charge.


algae produce __ (a gas) which benefits us greatly and is used in aerobic respiration.


what is a major ecological benefit of algae?

oxygen production


pH = 7 water


pH above 7

characteristics of an acid

pH less than 7 lactic acid vinegar hydrogen ion donor


pair of centrioles and proteins found near nucleus - involved in the assembly of microtubules


pairs of cells with their ends attached

A microbial pathogen is considered a _____ because it derives benefits from its host and harms its host in the process


which term is used to describe a fungal pathogen actively causing disease?


protozoans acquire their food by which or the following mechanisms?

parasitic feeding on live tissue scavenging dead plants

the study of organisms that derive nourishment and protection from another living organisms known as hosts is called?


simple diffusion

pass through membrane layer directly

A ________ is the term used for any infectious agent that causes disease, such as parasites, bacteria, and viruses.


Cyrptococcus and candida are yeast that are _______


Xylose is a ____, which means it is 5- carbon sugar.


___ is a network of polysaccharide chains cross-linked by short peptides that forms the structural support of bacteria cell walls.


Florey and Chain

performed clinical trials and mass produced penicillin (revolutionary)

axial filament

periplasmic flagella contains an

what host defense is prevented by the capsule of some pathogenic bacteria

phagocytosis by white blood cells

group translocation

phophotransferase system, PEP group translocation

All of the following are ecological or commercial benefits of fungi except: photosythesis fermentation antibiotic production decomposition


All of the following are ecological or commerical benefits of fungi except:


algae use a well-known metabolic process called ___ for the production of their food.


chromatophores or thylakoids

photosynthetic pigments on in-foldings; they are infoldings of cell membranes not organelles - manipulate cell membrane (just manipulation)

when bacteria move in response to a light source, this overall movement is referred to as ___.


sex pilus

pili is also known as the _______


pili is only found in ________ bacteria


pili is used on ______, the partial transfer of DNA from one cell to another

If you decolorize for more than 30 seconds, gram-positive organisms will most likely appear ____ in color.


if malachite green was omitted from the endospore stain, vegetative cells would appear ___ in color


if malachite green was omitted from the endospore stain, vegetative cells would appear ___ in color.


if you decolorize for more than 30 seconds, gram positive organisms will most likely appear ___ in color


if you omit the Gram's iodine step while preforming the Gram stain, gram-positive cells will most likely be ____ in color.


gram negative

pink or red stain

if decolorization was omitted from the acid-fast stain, what color would non acid-fast cells appear


if methylene blue was omitted from the acid-fast stain, what color would acid-fast cells appear


if methylene blue was omitted from the acid-fast stain, what color would acid-fast cells appear?


the helminth enterobius vermicularis causes which disease?

pinworm infection

place the following steps of the capsular stain in the proper sequence?

place a drop of nigrosine on a clean slide add bacteria to nigrosine and mix spread the mixture over slide and air dry apply crystal violet rinse

____ are floating communities of algae that play essential roles in food webs and oxygen production


are floating communities of algae found in fresh water and marine environments that play an essential role in food webs and produce much of earths oxygen


bacteria that live as single cells are described as



plant like (not plants though) not pathogenic, but some produce toxins that can be harmful


plant, fungi, and algae cells are... because they have a cell wall

Which of the following are examples of eukaryotic organisms ? a. Bacteria b. Plants c. Archaea d. Animals e. Fungi f. Insects

plants , animals, fungi, insects.

the genus ___ is the protozoa that causes malaria


the flagella on these cells can best be described as


the single flagellum attached at one end of each of these cells can best be described as


a carbohydrate that can be hydrolyzed into a number of monosaccharides








contains glycosidic bonds



positive charge


positive ion

in this image, the figure on the left represents a gram ___ cell wall whereas the figure on the right represents a gram ___ cell wall

positive; negative


positively charged b/c it has last its electron

Koch's four ______ are a series of proofs that establish whether an organism is pathogenic and which disease it causes



predominantly used for energy storage

A protein's ___ structure refers to the specific sequence of amino acids that makes up the polypeptide chain.


the first dye applied in a differential staining technique is referred to as the ___ stain


which of the following are terms used to describe the colored dyes applied in the Gram staining technique?

primary and counterstain

fungi are involved in human disease in which of the following ways?

primary cause of disease opportunistic pathogens accidental pathogens

Humans are generally resistant to fungal infections except two types ____ and ______

primary pathogens; opportunistic pathogens

which of the following are terms used to describe colored dyes applied in the Gram staining technique?

primary stain counterstain


produced in two subunits, they join to send an important message so to speak, and they have different ultra structures


produces alcohol

Golgi apparatus

produces lysosomes, peroxisomes, and vacuoles

pentose phosphate pathway

produces many intermediate materials for other pathways: glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, ribulose 5-phosphate (if only 5 carbon sugars are available it can biosynthesize 6 carbon sugars), major contributor to biosynthesis (reducing power in NADPH, vital precursor metabolites for anabolic pathways, and intermediates may be used to generate ATP)

substances left by a reaction


A ______ cell will not contain organelles, such as mitochondria or a nucleus


A(n) ___ cell will not contain organelles, such as mitochondria or a nucleus.


3 domains

prokaryotic: bacteria and archaea eukaryotic: eukarya

the S layer surrounding many bacterial cells is comprised of


NOT a function of cytoskeleton?

protein synthesis

ribosomes (70S)

protein synthesis, composed of large and small subunits, made of riboprotein and ribosomal RNA, differ in density from eukaryotic ribosomes, target for antimicrobials

bacterial micro compartments

protein-coated packets used to localize enzymes and other proteins in the cytoplasm

Structural polysaccharides can be conjugated to which of the following?

proteins , amino acids, nitrogen bases, lipids


proteins and cause serious diseases

Algae and protists are both members of Whittakers Kingdom


Both protozoans and algae are found in the kingdom _________


The atomic number of an element represents the number of ___ in the nucleus


The MAJOR types of microorganisms include:

protozoa, fungi, bacteria, algae, and viruses

fimbriae and pili

provide attachment points or channels

flagella and axial filaments

provide motility

what is the main function of membrane sterols?

provide stability to the membrane

cellular respiration

provides precursor molecules and energy for anabolic reactions

what is the primary function of the capsule

provides protection

some yeast cells form elongated structures called


Amoeba move by extending their cytoplasm to form a(n) __________________ or "false foot."


Amoeba move by extending their cytoplasm to form a(n) __________________ or "false foot."


which of the following are microscopic fungi??

puff balls , mushrooms , gill fungi

two ring


the nitrogenous base of a nucleic acid comes in 2 forms:

purines pyrimidines

gram positive

purple stain


put together and take apart based on cell needs; during interphase, an additional...will appear that will act as a spindle apparatus

one ring


A protein's ____ structure is the most complex protein structure and is characterized as the overall 3- dimensional shape of a large protein composed of multiple polypeptide chains



random disorder

molecules entering or starting a reaction



reactants bond together (reactant A + reactant B = product AB) "bulild up"


reactants trade portions b/w each other

Golgi apparatus

recieves proteins from the ER and is part of the secretion system to the cell surface


recycle vital elements, aid in bioremediation, agriculture, molecular biology and biotechnology, food microbiology, industrial microbiology, disease causing microorganisms, and normal microbiota

if decolorization was omitted from the acid-fast stain, what color would acid-fast cells appear


if decolorization was omitted from the acid-fast stain, which color would acid-fast cells appear?


if you decolorize for more that 30 seconds, gram-positive organisms will most likely appear ___ in color


if you omit the Gram's iodine step while performing the Gram stain, gram-positive cells will most likely be --- in color.


if you omit the gram's iodine step while performing the gram stain, gram positive cells will most likely be ___ in color


Gram-negative cells appear ___ after Gram staining whereas gram-positive appear __

red purple

Gram-negative cells appear __ after Gram staining whereas gram-positive cells appear __.

red, purple

gram negative cells appear ___ after gram staining whereas gram positive cells appear ___

red; purple

an atom has gained an electron. It has been:


a reaction that receives electrons



reflects the number of PROTRONS & NEUTRONS in an atom


reflects the number of PROTRONS in an atom


releases contents into external environment

dehydration synthesis

remove water to make a bond; energy is put into them

basic structure of PTG

repeating bonds produce glycan chain, glycan chain will be connected through tetrapeptide chain


repels & attracts water

AB + XY then AX+BY


Adult worms get nutrients and _____ in hosT


which of the following are prominent in parasitic worms?

reproductive system thick cuticles

active processes

requires cell supply energy pump is a membrane protein powered by ATP 3 sodiums out 2 potassiums in

primary chromosome

resides in nucleoid, typically single cellular chromosome, archaea have histone proteins but bacteria have condensin (DNA organized with this) proteins, asexual reproduction (binary fission, budding, fragmenting spores)


resting cells, highly resistant to heat, desiccation, chemicals, and UV light, not reproduction; when they produce the old cell dies


ribosomal RNA

what is the function of the nucleolus?

ribosomal subunit synthesis

_________ can be bound to the rough ER or free in the cytoplasm. They can also be found in the mitochondria and chloroplasts


rough ER

ribosomes present and the site of protein synthesis

staining techniques do not provide information on which of the following structures

ribosomes, cell membrane


rigid helix

Helical shape

rigid helix twisted 2x or more around axis.

which of the following has ribosomes embedded on its surface ?

rough endoplasmic reticulum

pinworm has what type of body form


nematodes having an ___ body

round and tubular

counterclockwise rotation of the flagellum causes a bacterial cell to swim or ___ towards a stimulus, interrupted clockwise rotation in which the cell ___ and changes its course

run, tumbes

--- is used to stain the vegetative cells in the endospore staining procuder?


The name of the counterstain, or secondary stain, typically used in the gram stain technique is ___


___ is used to stain the vegetative cells in the endospore staining procedure


the name of the counterstain, or secondary stain, typically used in gram stain technique is


the name of the counterstain, or secondary stain, typically used in the Gram stain technique is ___


organisms that obtain their nutrients from the dead plants or animals in soil or aquatic habitats are termed ___


A fat is called _____if all carbons of the fatty acid chain are single bonded to 2 other carbons and hydrogens.


solid fats are usually which type of the following types of fats?


examples of algae ?

seaweed and kelp

The ___ structure of a protein involves the formation of hydrogen bonds that result in the formation of alpha helices or beta sheets.


in a differential staining technique, the stain that is used after the decolorization step is called the counterstain, or ___ stain


Functions of Golgi Apparatus

secretion, protein modification

term refers to cross walls found in some fungal hyphae?


electron transport chain (system)

sequence of electron carriers used in oxidative phosphorylation is called an... the transfer of electrons releases energy, some of which is used to generate ATP from ADP through a process called chemiosmosis

endomembrane system

series of membranes either connected or communicating by vesicles that all synthesize or distribute proteins and lipids

what is the mode of transmission for trichomonas

sexual or direct contact

what is the mode of transmission of trichomonas

sexual or direct contact

fungi have the capacity to reproduce by

sexually and asexually

identify all the characteristics used to classify helminths

shape size unique structures kinds of hosts mode of reproduction


shorter and thinner; archaea can have these but will probably have hami


shorter, more numerous and move cell or propel substances across cell

eukaryotic plasma membrane

similar in structure and function to prokaryote, phospholipid bilayer embedded with proteins, addition of carbohydrates and sterols (cholesterol, ergosterol), aid in cell signaling, cell recognition, and stability


simple and facilitated diffusion; osmosis

which of the following provides a quick and effective method used to visualize and determine bacterial morphology and arrangement

simple stain


single flagellum

Characteristics of Yeast

single-cell yeast budding to reproduce create blastospores helpful or pathogens

The valence of oxygen is______.


some bacteria are covered with a loose shield called a ___ ___ that protects the cell from dehydration and loss of nutrients

slime layer

which three of the following terms all refers to a similar structure?

slime layer capsule glycocalyx


small bunches or tufts

precursor metabolytes

small molecules that help synthesize bigger molecules


small, bristle like fibers sprouting off the surface of certain species of bacteria

to prepare a ___, a sample of bacteria is taken from a culture and spread onto a clean microscope slide


very rare

snapping division happens but is very...

When sodium and chlorine combine, ___ loses its single outer orbital electron to _____ thus filling the outer shell of both atoms and creating an ionic bond.

sodium ; chlorine

The rule of ___ can be paraphrased as "like dissolves like"


A substance that is uniformly dispersed in a dissolving medium or solvent is called a(n) ____.


a solution is composed of one or more substances called _______ that are uniformly dispersed in a dissolving medium called a ______.

solute, solvent

In a solution, the ___ can be gaseous, liquid, or solid but the ___ is usually liquid.

solute; solvent

which of the following identifies how it is possible to completely eradicate some helminths?

some helminths only infect humans so once everyone is cured, the helminth is gone too.


some pathogenic, multiple morphological and physiological differences form archaea:... are more modern and ubiquitous


some prokaryotes have them, but it is extremely simple; all eukaryotic cells have them and they're complex


some...work together to perform a function


specialized appendage attached to the cell by a basal body that holds long, rotating filament. The movement pushes the cell forward and provides motility


specialized structure that performs important cellular functions within a eukaryotic cell

For the organism Staphylococcus aureus, aureus represents the ___ level of classification.


For the organism, Escherichia coli, coli represents the ______ name.


The level of classification directly under the genus is the _____.



spheres, oval, bean-shaped, pointed

the helical structure of a ___ is more rigid than the spring-shaped form of a spirochete


what bacterial cell type is a flexible, spring-like structure?


two subtypes of asexual spores

sporangiospores and conidiospores

the saclike head on a fungal stalk is called an


it is not common for many fungi to produce ___ when environmental conditions worsen


___ are cells produced by the apicomplexa via sexual reproduction that inhibit a unique gliding from motility


____ are cells produced by the apicomplexa via sexual reproduction that exhibit a unique gliding form of motility


___ is the process of endospore formation


which methods are used in the identification of protoza from clinical samples?

stages in life cycle mode of reproduction method of motility

identify a few characteristics used in the identification of protozoa from clinical samples.

stages in life cycle, mode of reproduction, method of motility.

place the flowing steps of the acid-fast stain in the proper sequence

stain with carbolofuchsin rinse off excess primary stain decolorize with acid-alcohol rinse with water to stop the decolorization process counterstain with methylene blue rinse off counterstain blot dry

which occurs first in the endospore stain

staining of the endospore

which occurs first in the endospore stain?

staining of the endospore

the organism in the slide exhibit a cellular arrangement known as


___ like cellulose is a polymer of glucose but in this case, it is a branching chain


uncommon shapes

stella (star shaped) and haloarcula (rectangular bacteria)


stimulates the immune system


storage facility, derived from Golgi, store nutrients, and sequester harmful substances


storage sacs, metachromatic granules (store phosphates), polysaccharide granules (sugars), lipid inclusions (lipids), sulfur granules, carboxyzomes (store items needed for photosynthesis) magnetosomes (iron oxide), and gas vesicles (last two used for movement)


stored nutrients such as fat, phosphate, or glycogen deposited in dense crystals or particles that can be tapped into what is needed

the prefix "___" means "in a chain"


spherical cells arranged in a chain are called


what term represents chains of cocci


which of the following represent arrangements of cocci

streptococci, sarcina, tetrads

the morphology and arrangement of the organism represented in the image would be characteristic of the genus


The _______ is the ground substance that surrounds the thylakoids within the chloroplast



structure larger and more complicated than prokaryotic arrangement of microtubules

chromosomes and ribosomes

structures essential for life - found in every living cell


study of the causes of disease


substances such as salts, acids, and bases that release ions when dissovled in water b/c their charge enable them to conduct and electrical current


substances that result from the reaction

Common table sugar is called:


Pepidoglycan (PTG) (murein)

sugar found only in bacteria; archaea may have proteins or alternate sugars (many antimicrobials interfere with PTG synthesis [penicillin])


suggest invisible agents were passing from Dr to patients causing disease in maternity wards, implemented aseptic techniques to reduce disease transmission


suggested biogenesis

____ functional groups are found in proteins that contain the amino acid cysteine.


bacterial endospores are involved in


A +B then AB

synthesis reaction

factors influencing enzyme activity

temperature, pH, UV radiation, chemicals, substrate concentration, competitive inhibition, and non - competitive (allosteric) inhibition

factors that influence reaction rate

temperature, substrate concentration, and enzymes (biological catalysts)


tend to have one flagellum on one end


tetrad on a tetrad

The pH scale is based on a mathematical derivation of the negative logarithm of the concentration of ___ in moles per liter in a solution.

the H+ ions

reducing power (potential energy)

the ability to reduce i.e. donate electrons

In the capsular stain, what does the counterstain dye?

the background

what is stained by the initial dye in the capsular stain procedure

the background

what is stained by the initial dye in the capsular stain procedure?

the background

you have just performed an acid-fast stain, and all of the cells appear to be blue. which of the following could explain you results?

the bacteria are non-acid fast.

you have just performed an acid-fast stain, and all of the cells appear to be blue. which of the following could explain your results

the bacteria are non-acid-fast


the breaking and making of bonds and rearrangemenrt of atoms

encapsulated organisms are difficult to directly stain because ___

the capsule is not permeable to stains the capsule does not react with most stains

why is heat fixation not part of the protocol for the capsule stain

the capsule may be damaged

why is heat fixation not part of the protocol for the capsule stain?

the capsule may be damaged

Which of the following descriptions reflects observations of a capsular stain that may have been heat fixed?

the capsules cannot be seen clearly on the slide

which of the following descriptions reflects observations of a capsular stain that may have been heat fixed

the capsules cannot be seen clearly on the slide

cell wall, cell membrane, and outer membrane (in some bacteria)

the cell envelope is composed of two or three basic layers known as ______ and act as a single protective unit


the cellular process in which the somatic cells of the body divide

in the capsular stain, what does the counterstain dye

the cytoplasm

which of the following structures makes it difficult to stain endopores

the endospore coat

which of the following structures makes it difficult to stain endospores

the endospore coat

ATP is best described as

the energy molecule of cells

the origin of the various groupings for cocci, for example strepto-, staphylo-, diplo-, is

the geometry of the cell division planes

what could happen if heat fixation was performed prior to doing a capsular stain

the heat might alter the morphology of the bacteria

what could happen if heat fixation was performed prior to doing a capsular stain?

the heat might alter the morphology of the bacteria.

which of the following describes the correct method for heat fixation

the heating should be very brief . passing the slide through the flame for 3-5 seconds is enough


the ionic bond is broken and the atoms dissociate into unattached, charged particles


the measure of the severity of a disease

simple diffusion

the movement of a solute from area of high concentration to low concentration


the movement of a solvent (water) across a semi - permeable layer (membrane) from an area of low solute concentration to high solute concentration (water chases solutes)

what is stained by a counterstain in the acid-fast stain procedure?

the non-acid-fast organisms on the slide

which statement accurately reflects the distribution of helminth infections worldwide ?

the number of cases of disease world wide total in the billions.

you just preformed an acid-fast stain on an acid-fast organism, yet some of the bacteria appear blue and some appear red. which of the following could explain your result?

the primary stain was not allowed to stain long enough you have a mixed population of bacteria in which some organisms are acid-fast and some are not

this image shows the results of an endospore stain performed on an endospore-producing strain of bacteria. identify which step in the endospore stain was omitted in order to get the results depicted in this slide

the primary stain, malachite green was not used


the production of pili is controlled _______


the quanity of matter that an atomic particle contains


the science of matter and the change it undergoes

you are observing Klebsiella pneumoniae on a slide that has been stained using the capsular staining method; however, you do not see capsules surrounding the cell as you expected. What is the likely reason for this?

the slide was heat fixed

you are observing klebsiella pneumoniae on a slide that has been stained using the capsular staining method; however, you do not see capsules surrounding the cells as you expected. what is the likely reason for this

the slide was heat fixed

what is the most likely reason for the poor appearance of the bacteria on this slide

the slide was heat fixed for too long


the stage of an animal virus life cycle which is integrated into the host cell's genome


the sum of all the atomic masses of the atom


the sum total of all chemical reactions in an organism; amazing diversity but also unity (ordered, enzyme - meditated pathways)

what is thought to cause gram positive cells to retain the primary stain and the mordant complex whereas gram negative cells are decolorized

the thickness of the peptidoglycan layer

what is thought to cause gram-positive cells to retain the primary stain and the mordant complex whereas gram-negative cells are decolorized?

the thickness of the peptidoglycan layer

what is thought to cause gram-positive cells to retain the primary stain and the mordent complex whereas gram-negative cells are decolorized?

the thickness of the peptidoglycan layer

stains are commonly used for all the following except

the treatment of disease

A scientific ________ is a collection of statements, propositions, or concepts developed through experimentation that explain or account for a natural event.



there are ____ functional categories of enzymes


there is ___ in chemical bonds; this is why they are broken apart in catabolic reactions

endosymbiotic theory

there is circumstantial evidence and molecular evidence


these rarely remain attached after cell division

which statement accurately reflects characteristic of fungal spores?

they allow for multiplication, they can be used to identify some fungal species, they are survival mechanism for fungi in inhospitable environments.

which of the following statements is true about algae?

they are both unicellular and multicellular, they are eukaryotes

which of the following is true about algae?

they are eukaryotes, they are both unicellular and multicellular

which of the following apply to endospore?

they are used for surviving adverse environmental conditions

which of the following apply to endospores

they are used for surviving adverse environmental conditions

select the statement that most accurately reflects characteristics of protozoa.

they exhibit various forms of motility.

mycolic acid

thick hydrocarbon

why is it important to air dry the bacteria before they are immobilized by heat fixation

this ensures the optimal preservation of the bacterial morphology

where within the thylakoid do you find the pigment chlorophyll

thylakoid membrane

the inner chloroplast membrane folds into small, disc-like sacs called


3 types of pyrimidines

thymine cytosine uracil


thymine (T) cytosine (C) uracil (U)

Red ________ is due to the overgrowth of certain marine algae during particular seasons.



tiny particles composed of protein and RNA that are the sites of protein synthesis


tissue development is a job for...proteins in multicellular eukaryotic cells

what is the purpose of the smear preparation

to allow for visualization of individual bacteria

what is the purpose of the gram staining technique

to characterize unknown bacteria

what is the purpose of a negative stain?

to visualize the bacteria to visualize the capsule to determine morphological structures of the specimen

microscopic fungi are those fungi

too small to be seen by the naked eye


too small to be seen with the unaided eye, true cellular forms, ubiquitous (everywhere), and both helpful and problematic

problems with modern chemotherapeutics

toxicity, resistance, and lack of adequate anti - viral drugs


tranfer RNA

membrane- bound packets that carry protein from the ER to the Golgi apparatus are called ___ vesicles.


membrane proteins functions

transport, maintain cell integrity (attachment of proteins to internal structures), receptors for cell signaling (proteins in outer layer - receptors typically glycoproteins)

what is the name given to the free-living, motile cellular form of protozans?


T of F: fungi can produce toxic allergens


T or F: Humans are the sole biological reservoir in certain helminth infections


T or F: Some fungi are used to produce useful compounds like antibiotic


T or F: a majority of algae are photosynthetic


T or F: algae inhibit both marine and freshwater environments


T or F: burn patients are at an increased risk for fungal infections


T or F: fungi reproduce by means of sexual and asexual formation


T or F: spore diversity is an important feature when classifying and identifying fungi


T or F: the most critical environmental condition for protozoan surical is moisuture levels


bacterial endospores are more resistant to disinfectants than vegetative cells


staining allows for the visualization of bacterial cells because it increases contrast during microscopic imaging


this image likely depicts a gram stained slide


two clinically significant genera of bacteria that are capable of producing endospores are clostridium and bacillus


false: pili

truse/false" bacterial fimbriae are used for conjugation

which protoan is the cause of Chagas disease?

trypanosoma cruzi


tubulin arranged in 9+2 array with membrane covering

catabolism and anabolism

two fundamental tasks required for growth and reproduction (both metabolic pathways)

-flagella and axial filaments -fimbriae and pili

two major groups of appendages

Microorganisms are ___, meaning they are found in all natural habitats as well as in most artificial habitats created by humans.


Microorganisms are _______, meaning they are found in all natural habitats as well as in most artificial habitats created by humans.



unconventional enzyme, is a catalytic RNA (novel type), and has special roles in protein synthesis


under normal conditions, the...are just a mass of chromatin; becomes more dense when they are going to divide

flagella attach to a cytoplasmic extension called the ____ membrane in the mastigophora protozoa


mastigophora (flagellated protozoans) have which of the following cytoplasmic extensions?

undulating membrane

anabolic reaction

unfavored reaction (keq < 1)


unicellular and multicellular, asexual and sexual reproduction, and multiple membranous organelles


unicellular fungi


unicellular or multicellular, absorb nutrients from their environment, and primarily opportunistic pathogens

Which of the following describe fungi?

unicellular or multicellular, eukaryotic, heterotrophic


unicellular or multicellular, photosynthetic, high morphological diversity, and not pathogenic


unicellular, most are mobile (pseudopods, flagella, cilia), absorb nutrients from environment or live as parasites, many are pathogenic

____ fats have hydrocarbon chains with at least on double bond.


if there is atleast one double bonded C (C=C) in the hydrocarbon chain of the fat



use energy from catabolism to synthesize necessary components


use water to break bonds


used to bring in solid material


uses reducing power to generate ATP - NADH and FADH2 provide electrons to power proton motive force


using bacteria to aid in the production of medicine

how do you smear a bacterial culture onto the microscope glass slide

using the loop, you spread the bacteria onto the center of the microscope slide


usually granules part of solution


usually liquid part of solution


utilizes pseudopodia; surround material, fuse together, bring in capture material

_____ are membrane bound structures within cells which contain fluids and/or particles and typically act as temporary storage


which term listed below is used to describe the many different types of solid or liquid particles surrounded by a phospholipid bilayer found within cells?


The reactivity of an element and the type of bonds that it can form are determined by the element's _____.



variant form of the same element that differ in the number of NEUTRONS which has a diff mass number


variations in size and shape among cells of a single species

The placement of an -R for a functional groups in organic compounds indicates that the residue:

varies from one compound to another.

terminal electron acceptor

varies from pathway to pathway; oxygen in aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration uses alternate inorganic molecule

insect ___ are crucial to the life cycle of trypanosoma species.


metabolically active bacteria that are reproducing are in the ___ state


an ___ is a metabolically active and growing cell

vegetative cell


very important; anchoring points, move substances in cell, help with movement; essential role in cell division

vesicular transports

vesicles membrane sac - only in eukaryotes and those with no cell wall

a curved rod (comma-shaped bacterium) is specifically described as a(n)


bacterial cells that are curved rods or comma-shaped are called ___ whereas helical bacteria are referred to as spirilla or spirochetes


________ are infectious agents that are not classified into any level of either the Woese-Fox or the Whittaker system


Microbiology involves the study of microscopic organisms, including:

viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, archaea, helminths

the important solvent associated with living things



water moves into the cell and may cause it to burst


water moves out of the cell

Which of the following are examples of compounds found in living systems?

water, carbohydrates, proteins


water-based solution filling the entire cell


weak chemical attraction that forms b/w covalently bonded H and either O or N

diplobacilli, streptobacilli, palisades

what are the 3 arrangements and groupings of bacilli

tetrads, staphylococci, streptococci, and sarcina

what are the 4 arrangements and groupings of cocci

coccus, bacillus, and spirillum

what are the three general shapes of bacteria

coccus, bacillus, spirillum

what are the three general shapes of bacteria

plaque on teeth protect bacteria

what is an example of a biofilm


what is it when an enzymes in a vacuole dissolve the envelop and capsid of a virus?

S layer

what is known as a surface coating?

slime layer and capsule

what is known as part of the glycocalyx?


what is occasionally found in short chains

a run is counterclockwise movement of the flagella in a smooth liner direction while in a tumble the flagellum moves in a reverse direction and causes the cell to stop and change course

what is the difference between a run and a tumble

non - competitive (allosteric) inhibition

when a molecule binds with an active site, then leaves, but changes the chemical nature of the active site making the enzyme ineffectual in binding with the active site

competitive inhibition

when an molecule of some sort comes in and blocks the active site (the binding site) which does not allow the enzyme to bond with it


will have a cytoskeleton and it will be complicated; not static and constantly changing microtubules


will not work until an enzyme activates them


will use elements to cover cell membrane

enterobiasis are found


there are many types of staining tech used in microbiology. which of the following is not a commonly used staining

wright's stain

there are many types of staining techniques used in microbiology. which of the following is not a commonly used staining technique

wright's stain

which describes the unicellular form of a microscopic fungus?


a capsule stain was performed, using crystal violet as a primary stain, followed by a water rinse and then nigrosin as a counterstain. as you observe the slide through the microscope, you suspect you made an error. which of the following is the most likely problem with your technique

you should have started with nigrosin as the primary stain and used crystal violet as a counterstain

a capsule stain was performed, using crystal violet as a primary stain, followed by a water rinse, and then nigrosine as a counterstain. As you observe the slide through the microscope, you suspect you made an error. Which of the following is the most likely problem with you technique?

you should have started with nigrosine as t primary stain and used crystal violet as the counterstain

In a stratified biofilm...

— Aerobes are found near the surface — Anaerobes are found near the substrate

Two correct statements regarding bacterial chromosome?

— The chromosomes is coiled around basic proteins to dit in side the cell compartment — the chromosome carries the genes required for cell maintenance and growth

Opportunities where microbes act as a group rather than as individuals

— biofilm — when nanowire are present

What roles to teichoic and lipoteichoic acid play in gram-positive cells?

— enlargement during cell division — contribute to charge of the cell surface — maintenance of the cell wall

Methods used to identify bacteria

— genetic technique — cell morphology — serological analysis — bacterial biochemistry

True statements regarding archaea

— included in the human microbiome — found in acidic habitats with pH of 1

Archaea are

— prokaryotic — closely related to eukaryotes — able to exist in extreme environments

True statements about ribosomes

— ribosomes often occur in c gains termed polysomes — in an electron micrograph, ribosomes appear as small spherical dots

Characteristics that are true for archaea but NOT bacteria

— similar ribosomes structure to eukaryotes — easily live in harsh environments

Which structures are found in gram-positive cells but NOT in gram-negative cells?

— single membrane bilayer — teichoic acid

The order of biofilm formation

— stick surface texture attracts single cells — colonists attach to the surface — receptors, DNA, and other molecules are released as attractants — individual cells break off to begin new biofilms

True statements about bacterial S layer

— the S layer is rarely observed in cells grown in the lab in rich medium — the S layer consists of thousands of copied of a single protein

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