Microbiology Ch 20

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HIV infects which cells?

T cells leukocyte cell tissue cells stem cells CD4 receptors

What is the mode of action for integrase inhibitors

prevent formation of the provirus

Name the three types of plagues

Bubonic Septicemic Pneuomonic

What are the symptoms of lyme disease

Bulls eye rash and flu like symptoms Mimics neuromuscular rheumatoid condition and burrows into cartilage May also cause memory loss

Q fever is caused by _____ The Q in Q fever stands for ________

Coxiella burnetii Query

What vector transmits Borrelia burgdorferi

Deer tick

T/F The cardiovascular system contains beneficial bacteria that will help protect from septicemia


What vector, if involved, transmits the plague?


What does HAART stand for

Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Treatment

If you looked at a blood smear under the microscope of a person that has mono, what would be unusual

Lobed nuclei

What is the mode of action for fusion inhibitors

Prevents the fusion of the viral envelope and cell membrane

Both ________ and _______ produce endospores and are used in biological warfare

Q fever anthrax

The hemorrhagic fevers are all caused by what type of virus?

RNA enveloped virus

List the 4 inhibitors used to treat HIV

Reverse Transcriptase Protease inhibitors Fusion inhibitors Integrase inhibitors

Rocky mountain spotted fever is caused by the bacterium _________

Rickettsia Rickettsii

How is it that some people can be exposed to, yet not contract HIV

They lack CCR5

T/F Acute bacterial endocartitis is dangerous because infection and death can occur in days, while subacute bacterial endocartitis develops slowly over a period of weeks


T/F Septic shock is indicated by a drop in blood pressure caused by the release of bacterial endotoxins as bacteria die


Which bacterium causes the plague?

Yersinia pestis

What is the mode of action for protease inhibitors

block the HIV enzyme involved in cutting capsid proteins to functional sizes so the virus cant be assembled properly and is abnormal

Which Herpes virus is the Epstein-Barr virus?

human herpes virus 4 - mononucleosis

What is the mode of action for Reverse Transcriptase

reverse transcription; RNA to DNA

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