Microbiology Chapter 1

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louis jablot

(French) reasoned that even microscopic organisms must have parents; hay infusions experiment -supported biogenesis

francesco redi

(Italy) meat in a jar and covered it -supported biogenesis

spontaneous generation

(abiogenesis) was an early belief that living things can arise from vital forces present in nonliving and decaying matter -living things came from nonliving things EX: maggots from meat; mushrooms from rotting wood


(exiobiology) search for/study of microbial and other life in places off our planet


(of acellular infectious agent) an infectious agent that consists of a single strand of RNA


(of acellular infectious agent) an infectious agent that consists of protein only


(of acellular infectious agents) acellular, obligate intracellular parasites; consist of DNA or RNA and a protein

genetic engineering

(of biotechnology) create new products/genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

recombinant DNA technology

(of biotechnology) microbes engineered to synthesized desirable proteins


(of industrial microbiology) use of microbial metabolism to arrive at a desired product EX: bread making, gene therapy


(of size of microbes) 10⁻³ m


(of size of microbes) 10⁻⁶ m


(of size of microbes) 10⁻⁹ m


-not considered a taxonomic level -subset of a microbial specie differing from the other microbes of the same species by some minor but identifiable difference

louis pasteur

-showed microbes caused fermentation -studied wine spoilage and introduced "Pasteurization" to prevent it -disproved abiogenesis


Approximately ___% of microbes are pathogens (cause disease)


Linnaeus introduced the binomial system of scientific _____ -each organism has 2 names: Genus species (italicized or underlined) -can be abbreviated with the first letter of the genus and full species after 1 use -strain can be designated with any number, letter, or name

microbial infection

Many diseases that used to be considered noninfectious probably do involve ___ EX: gastric ulcers→ helicobacter


Microbes are known for their response and adaptability causing more and more to become ___ to drugs

fossil record

Microbes were the earliest organism found in the _____


Multiple diseases are now linked to ____ EX: gastric ulcers- helicobacter; multiple sclerosis- human herpes virus 6

emerging infections

There is an increasing number of _____ such as hepatitis C, SARS, and viral encephalitis

26, 7

___ % of cancers in low-income countries are caused by viruses or bacteria while less than ___% of malignancies in the developed world are microbial induced

bacteria, fungi

___ and ___ were some of the first organisms to be genetically engineered bc they are single-celled and adaptable to change in their genetic makeup


___ are ubiquitous (everywhere) -earth's crust, polar ice caps and oceans, bodies of plants and animals


___ billion new infections are found across the world every year


___ size is somewhere between large molecules and cells


____ can be engineered to synthesize desirable products such as drugs, hormones, and enzymes


____ is tied with survival of infections EX: high income countries→ low death rate by infections; low income countries→ high death by infection


____-like (prokaryotes) organisms were first on planet


_____ are responsible for changing earth's atmosphere from no oxygen to oxygen


_____ are the main forces that drive the structure/content of the soil, water, and atmosphere

photosynthetic microorganisms

______ account for more than 70% of earth's photosynthesis, contributing the majority of the oxygen to the atmosphere -bacteria, algae

infectious diseases

______ are among the most common causes of death in much of humankind


a collection of statements, propositions, or concepts that explains or accounts for a natural event

koch's postulates

a criteria used to determine etiology (cause) of a disease -a series of proofs that verified the germ theory and could establish whether an organism was pathogenic and which disease it caused

ignaz semmelweis

a hungarian physician that introduced hand washing as a means of preventing transfer of sepsis in obstetrical patients -introduced aseptic techniques


a specialized area of biology that deals with living things ordinarily too small to be seen without magnification -microorganisms or microbes -in the context of disease or infection→ called germs, viruses, agents, or bugs -low number of microbes actually are harmful

prokaryotic cells

about 10 smaller than eukaryotic cells and lack organelles; single-celled with no nucleus

genetic engineering

an area of biotechnology that manipulates the genetics of microbes, plants, and animals for the purpose of creating new products and genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

infectious disease

another important development in _____ trends is the increasing number of people with weakened defenses that are kept alive for extended periods -subject to infections by common microbes that aren't harmful to healthy people


beginning in absence of life

robert hooke

built the fist compound microscope (2 lenses) about 1665 and saw cells in a strip of cork and illustrated the fruiting structures of mold -recorded earliest records of microbes


can be harnessed to work for us -source of food or important in food production -production of antibiotics, vitamins, amino acids, hormones -researching life processes of all life forms -biotechnology


completely free of all life forms and virus particles, even spores

agricultural microbiology

concerned with the relationship btw microbes and domesticated plant/animals -plant specialists→ plant disease, soil fertility, nutritional interactions -animal specialists→ infectious disease and other associations

microbial taxonomy

currently use the Woese-Fox 3 domain system -based on rRNA sequences -classifies organisms into three domains: Bacteria (eubacteria), Archaea (ancient bacteria), and Eucarya

medical microbiology

deal with microbes that cause disease in human beings and animals; researchers examine factors that make the microbes virulent and mechanisms for inhibiting them


discoveries on the more subtler side of ____ have been made; their roles in quiet but slowly destructive diseases are now well known EX: female infertility caused by Chlamydia

germ theory of disease

diseases caused by the growth of microbes in the body and not by sins, poverty, etc; human disease arises from infection -germ= pathogenic microbe -proposed by Pasteur and proved by Robert Koch

antonie van leeuwenhoek

first observed living microorganisms (animalcules) using a simple compound microscope -observed protozoa, yeast, fungi, bacteria (in pond water)

ferdinand cohn

founded field of bacterial classification and discovered bacterial endospores -started taxonomy system -clarified the reason that heat would sometimes fail to completely eliminate all microorganisms


important to animal, plant, and human health -can cause and prevent infectious diseases

robert koch

in 1876, ____ provided definitive proof of the germ theory -identified a bacterium, Bacillus anthracis, as cause of anthrax -developed techniques/materials for growth and study of bacteria -introduced koch's postulates and the concept that a disease is caused by a single organism -linked microscopic organism with specific disease

emerging diseases

increased susceptibility to infectious diseases because of advances in medicine, a more mobile population, a growing number of new microbes, microorganisms adapting and becoming resistant, and microorganisms being the cause of common conditions formerly thought to be caused by genetics or lifestyle

anoxygenic photosynthesis

invented by bacteria as a process that did not produce oxygen


involves the breakdown of dead matter and wastes into simple compounds that can be directed back into the natural cycles of living things


living organisms can arise only from preexisting life forms; living things arise only from others of their same kind -supported by experiments from Francesco Redi and Louis Jablot -means beginning with life


majority of microorganisms are ____ -all prokaryotes are, only some eukaryotes are bc not all eukaryotes are microorganisms


majority of microorganisms live ___ in habitats like soil and water→ relatively harmless and often beneficial -derives food and other factors from non-living environment

recombinant DNA technology

makes it possible to transfer genetic material from one organism to another and to deliberately alter DNA -used to make GMOs


manipulation of microbes to make products in industrial setting -genetic engineering, recombinant DNA technology

animals, plants, humans

microbes affect the health of ___, ___, and ___

energy, food

microbes are deeply involved in the flow of ___ and ___ through the earth's ecosystems


microorganisms that require interactions with other organisms; harbored and nourished by other living organisms called hosts -cause damage to host through infection and disease -make up only a small portion of microbes


no nucleus


noncellular, parasitic, protein-coated genetic elements that are dependent on their host -infect microbes -cause harm to the host they infect


not independently living cellular organisms; much simpler than cells -outside of host (extracellular), composed of small amount of DNA or RNA wrapped in a protein and sometimes a protein-containing lipid membrane→ called virus or vision -inside the host (intracellular), usually only exist in the form of genetic material that confers a partial genetic program on the host organism


perform essential reactions in the environment -bioremediation -decomposition and recycling -degradation -responsible for majority of oxygen produced by photosynthesis


process involves the introduction of microbes into the environment to restore stability or to clean up toxic pollutants -treatment of water and sewage

inductive reasoning

process of discovering general principles by careful examination of specific cases -establishes a general principle

acellular infectious agents

referred to as particles; all require a host and cannot survive independently -virus, viroid, prion -not living, not composed of cells

john needham

refuted the experiments of Redi and Jablot -said treatments reduced oxygen where no life could grow


reproduce quickly, can grow large populations, and are hard to see them directly -analyze using indirect means and microscopes

industrial microbiology

safeguards our food and water -biotechnology -microbes used to make large quantities of substances such as amino acids, beer, drugs, enzymes, and vitamins


scientists searching for life on other planets first search for ______


small, double-membrane-bound structures in eukaryotic cells that perform special functions -nucleus, chloroplasts, mitochondria


studies the complex web of protective substances and cells produced in response to infection -vaccination, blood testing, and allergy

environmental microbiology

study effects of microbes on the earths diverse habitats -aquatic, soil, geo, and astro


study every aspect of microbes: cell structure and function, growth and physiology, genetics, taxonomy and evolutionary history, and interactions with living and nonliving environment (industry/agriculture and interaction w/ mammalian hosts for diseases or benefits)

soil microbiology

study of microbes in terrestrial parts of the planet


study of microbes in the earth's crust

aquatic microbiology

study of microbes in the earth's surface water


study of organisms too small to be seen by the naked eye -microorganisms/microbes; may also be referred to as germs or bugs -revolves around 2 themes: understanding basic life processes; applying that knowledge to the benefit of humans


tentative explanation to account for what has been observed or measured; statement form


the accumulation of changes that occur in organisms as they adapt to their environment -theory of ___

scientific method

the general approach taken by scientists to explain a certain natural phenomenon


the light-fueled conversion of CO₂ to organic material and formation of oxygen


the science of classifying living beings -invented by Linnaeus -primary concerns are naming, classifying, and identifying

public health microbiology and epidemiology

these branches monitor/control the spread of diseases in communities -US public health service, CDC, and WHO


true nucleus

joseph lister

used carbolic acid (phenol), a chemical antiseptic, to prevent surgical would infections -introduced aseptic techniques

deductive reasoning

using general principles to explain observations -used by computers, math, philosophy, politics, ethics -used when a general principle is already established

multiplication, disposal

viruses are completely dependent on an infected host cell's machinery for their ____ and ____


well-studied and well-established natural phenomena

bacteria, algae, protozoa, fungi, helminths

what are the 5 groups of microbes discussed in the book?

bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, viruses, viroids, prions

what are the 7 types of microbes studied in our class?

eukaryotes, prokaryotes, virus

what is the order of size of microbes from largest to smallest?

louis pasteur

who is considered the father of microbiology?

antonie van leeuwenhoek

who is the father of bacteriology and protozoology?

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