Microbiology Chapter 4

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The enzyme _____, that is found in tears and saliva, can hydrolyze the bonds in the glycan chains of certain bacterial cell walls.


The cell _____ is composed of three layers: the glycocalyx, the cell wall, and the cell membrane.


Gram-negative bacteria do not have peptidoglycan in their cell walls.


If during the Gram stain procedure, the bacterial cells were viewed immediately after crystal violet was applied, gram-positive cells would be purple but gram-negative cells would be colorless.


Iodine is the decolorizer in the Gram stain.


The region between the bacterial cell membrane and the cell wall is called the outer membrane.


The term diplococci refers to an irregular cluster of spherical bacterial cells.


Thiomargarita namibia is the smallest bacteria known to man.


Peptidoglycan is a unique macromolecule found in bacterial A. cell walls. B. cell membranes. C. capsules. D. slime layers. E. inclusions.

A. cell walls

Lipopolysaccharide is an important cell wall component of A. gram-negative bacteria. B. gram-positive bacteria. C. acid-fast bacteria. D. mycoplasmas. E. protoplasts.

A. gram-negative bacteria

A prokaryotic ribosome has a 70 S size composed of two smaller subunits of which the smaller subunit is ____ S size and the larger one is ____S size.

30, 50

Bacterial endospores are not produced by A. Staphylococcus. B. Sporosarcina. C. Bacillus. D. Clostridium. E. All of the choices are correct.

A. Staphylococcus

All bacterial cells have A. a chromosome. B. fimbriae. C. endospores. D. capsules. E. flagella.

A. a chromosome

Lysozyme, an enzyme found in tears, provides a natural defense against bacteria by A. hydrolyzing peptidoglycan in cell walls. B. inhibiting protein synthesis. C. removing flagella. D. dissolving the cell membrane. E. removing the capsule from outside the cell.

A. hydrolyzing peptidoglycan in cell walls

Bacteria with small bunches of flagella emerging from the same site are said to be A. lophotrichous. B. peritrichous. C. monotrichous. D. amphitrichous. E. spirilla.

A. lophotrichous

A bacterial genus that has waxy mycolic acid in the cell walls is A. Mycobacterium. B. Mycoplasma. C. Streptococcus. D. Corynebacterium. E. Salmonella.

A. mycobacterium

Sarcinae refers to A. cocci in pairs. B. a cuboidal packet of cells. C. groups of endopsores. D. coffee-bean shaped rods in pairs. E. vibrios in threes.

B. a cuboidal packet of cells.

If bacteria living in salty seawater were displaced to a freshwater environment, the cell structure that would prevent the cells from rupturing is A. endospore. B. cell wall. C. cell membrane. D. capsule. E. slime layer.

B. cell wall

The presence of thylakoids, phycocyanin, gas inclusions, and cysts would be associated with A. green sulfur bacteria. B. cyanobacteria. C. purple sulfur bacteria. D. archaea. E. spirochetes.

B. cyanobacteria

A prokaryotic cell wall that has primarily peptidoglycan with small amounts of teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acid is A. gram-negative. B. gram-positive. C. archaea. D. spheroplast. E. acid fast.

B. gram-positive

The difference in cell wall structure of Mycobacterium and Nocardia compared to the typical gram-positive bacterial cell wall structure is A. more peptidoglycan. B. predominance of unique, waxy lipids. C. easily decolorized. D. presence of lipopolysaccharide. E. All of the choices are correct.

B. predominance of unique, wazy lipids

The most immediate result of destruction of a cell's ribosomes would be A. material would not be able to cross the cell membrane. B. protein synthesis would stop. C. destruction of the cell's DNA. D. formation of glycogen inclusions. E. loss of capsule.

B. protein synthesis would stop

Which term is not used to describe bacterial cell shapes? A. coccus B. tetrad C. vibrio D. rod E. spirochete

B. tetrad

Which statement is not a characteristic of biofilms? A. They can be involved with human disease. B. They involve bacteria only. C. They evolve and adapt to their surroundings. D. They are very difficult to eliminate with antimicrobials. E. They can accumulate on living and non-living surfaces.

B. they involve bacteria only

Bacterial cells could have any of the following appendages, except A. flagella. B. cilia. C. fimbriae. D. periplasmic flagella (axial filaments). E. sex pili.

B. cilia

_____ Manual of Systematic Bacteriology is a manual of bacterial descriptions and classifications.


Which phylum is mismatched? A. Gracilicutes - gram-negative cell walls B. Firmicutes - gram-positive cell walls C. Actinobacteria - waxy acid fast cell walls D. Proteobacteria - archaea cell walls E. None of the choices are correct

C. Actinobacteria-waxy acid fast cell walls

What is the correct sequence for a Gram stain? A. Gram's iodine, Crystal Violet, Alcohol, Safranin B. Crystal Violet, Safranin, Alcohol, Gram's iodine C. Crystal Violet, Gram's iodine, Alcohol, Safranin D. Safranin, Crystal Violet, Gram's iodine, Alcohol E. Alcohol, Crystal Violet, Safranin, Gram's iodine

C. Crystal violet, gram's iodine, alcohol, safranin

Which is mismatched? A. Chlamydias - lack ability to independently complete growth and metabolism B. Green sulfur bacteria - photosynthetic anaerobes that use sulfur in metabolism C. Cyanobacteria - filamentous, gliding, thermophilic bacteria D. Myxobacteria - gliding, fruiting, slime bacteria E. None of the choices are correct

C. Cyanobacteria-filamentous, gliding, thermophilic bacteria

The periplasmic space is A. larger in gram-positive bacteria. B. made up of lipopolysaccharides and phospholipids. C. an important reaction site for substances entering and leaving the cell. D. where peptidoglycan is located. E. absent in gram-negative bacteria.

C. an important reaction site for substances entering and leaving the cell.

The outcome of the Gram stain is based on differences in the cell's A. ribosomes. B. inclusions. C. cell wall. D. cell membrane. E. flagella.

C. cell wall

The short, numerous appendages used by some bacterial cells for adhering to surfaces are called A. flagella. B. cilia. C. fimbriae. D. periplasmic flagella (axial filaments). E. sex pili.

C. fimbriae

The function of bacterial endospores is A. to convert gaseous nitrogen to a usable form for plants. B. for reproduction and growth. C. for protection of genetic material during harsh conditions. D. the storage of excess cell materials. E. to have sites for photosynthesis.

C. for protection of genetic material during harsh conditions.

The bacterial chromosome A. is located in the cell membrane. B. contains all the cell's plasmids. C. is part of the nucleoid. D. forms a single linear strand of DNA. E. All of the choices are correct.

C. is part of the nucleoid

Which of the following characteristics is not a property of cells or living things? A. Cell boundary B. Ability to replicate C. Nucleus D. Responds to stimulus E. All of the choices are correct

C. nucleus

Which cell structure is an important agent in modern genetic engineering techniques? A. ribosomes B. capsules C. plasmids D. inclusions E. mesosomes

C. plasmids

Which is mismatched? A. ribosomes - protein synthesis B. inclusions - excess cell nutrients and materials C. plasmids - genes essential for growth and metabolism D. nucleoid - hereditary material E. cytoplasm - dense, gelatinous solution

C. plasmids-genes essential for growth and metabolism

A microoganism has been described to you as living in hot acidic habitats in the waste piles of coal mines that regularly sustain a pH of 1 and a temperature of nearly 60C. Which type of organism do you immediately assume it is? A. Gracillucates B. Firmicutes C. Actinobacteria D. Archaea E. Spirochaetes

D. Archaea

Which of the following is mismatched? A. Rickettsia rickettsii: Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever B. Rickettsia typhi: endemic typhus C. Chlamydia trachomatis: blindness D. Coxiella burnetti: Cow pox E. All of these are correct associations

D. Coxiella burnetti:cow pox

Which structure protects bacteria from being phagocytized? A. slime layer B. fimbriae C. cell membrane D. capsule E. All of the choices are correct

D. capsule

When a rod shaped bacteria is short and plump, it is called a: A. spirochete. B. pleomorphism. C. vibrio. D. coccobacillus. E. spirillum.

D. coccobacillus

Magnetosomes are A. infoldings of the cell membrane. B. termed metachromatic granules. C. responsible for the heat resistance of endospores. D. composed of magnetic iron oxide particles. E. found in all bacteria.

D. composed of magnetic iron oxide particles

A bacterial cell exhibiting chemotaxis probably has A. fimbriae. B. capsule. C. mesosomes. D. flagella. E. metachromatic granules.

D. flagella

All of the following are correct about a slime layer, except A. it is a type of glycocalyx. B. it can be easily washed off the cell. C. it protects the cell from loss of water and nutrients. D. it plays a role in cell motility. E. it allows cells to participate in biofilms.

D. it plays a role in cell motility

An important indicator of evolutionary relatedness is to determine A. size of the periplasmic space. B. similarities of cell membrane proteins. C. size of the bacterial chromosome. D. nitrogen base sequence of rRNA. E. size of the ribosomes.

D. nitrogen base sequence of rRNA

Spirochetes have a twisting and flexing locomotion due to appendages called A. flagella. B. cilia. C. fimbriae. D. periplasmic flagella (axial filaments). E. sex pili.

D. periplasmic flagella

Which of the following, pertaining to prokaryotic cell membranes, is mismatched? A. internal folds - mesosomes B. sterols present - mycoplasmas C. form a bilayer - phospholipids D. unique hydrocarbon present - cyanobacteria E. function - regulates transport of nutrients and wastes

D. unique hydrocarbon present-cyanobacteria

Endospores are A. metabolically inactive. B. resistant to heat and chemical destruction. C. resistant to destruction by radiation. D. living structures. E. All of the choices are correct.

E. all of the choices are correct.

All of the following pertain to endotoxins, except they A. are specific bacterial cell wall lipids. B. can stimulate fever in the human body. C. can cause shock in the human body. D. are involved in typhoid fever and some meningitis cases. E. are found in acid fast bacterial cell walls.

E. are found in acid fast bacterial cell walls

The site/s for most ATP synthesis in prokaryotic cells is/are the A. ribosomes. B. mitochondria. C. cell wall. D. inclusions. E. cell membrane.

E. cell membrane

Chemical analysis of a bacterial cell structure detects calcium dipicolinic acid. What is the identity of this structure? A. cell wall B. capsule C. slime layer D. nucleoid E. endospore

E. endospore

In the Gram stain, the mordant is A. Crystal Violet. B. Safranin. C. Alcohol. D. Water. E. Iodine.

E. iodine

6. The term that refers to the presence of flagella all over the cell surface is A. amphitrichous. B. atrichous. C. lophotrichous. D. monotrichous. E. peritrichous.

E. peritrichous

The transfer of genes during bacterial conjugation involves rigid, tubular appendages called A. flagella. B. cilia. C. fimbriae. D. periplasmic flagella (axial filaments). E. sex pili.

E. sex pili

All of the following are correct about biofilms, except A. they are cooperative associations among several microbial groups. B. they play an important role in recycling elements in the earth. C. they can colonize medical devices. D. an example could be the scum that builds up in toilet bowls. E. they are harmless aggregations of microbes

E. they are harmless aggregations of microbes

_____ is a macromolecule containing alternating N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid cross-linked by short peptide fragments.


The chemical components of ribosomes are proteins and _____.

Ribosomal RNA

Archaea do not have the typical peptidoglycan structure found in bacterial cell walls.


Bacteria in the genus Mycoplasma and bacteria called L-forms lack cell walls.


Endospores of certain bacterial species can enter tissues in the human body, germinate, and cause an infectious disease.


Hot Carbol Fuchsin is the primary dye in the acid fast stain.


If you observe rod shaped, pink cells on a slide that had just been gram stained, you can assume that their cell walls contain endotoxin.


The prokaryotic cell membrane is a site for many enzymes and metabolic reactions.


The _____ stain is used to stain and differentiate Mycobacterium and Nocardia from other bacteria.


Movement of a cell toward a chemical stimulus is termed _____.


The prokaryotic flagellum has three parts: the _____, the hook, and the basal body.


During the Gram stain, gram _____ cells decolorize when the alcohol is applied.


Cells form a _____ arrangement when cells in a chain snap back upon each other forming a row of cells oriented side by side.


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