Microcomputer Applications 1 Final

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`To indent the first of every paragraph in a document, do which of the following? A. Creat a right tab stop B. Create a first line indent C. Create a hanging indent D. Create a left tab stop

B. Create a first line indent

When you double-click a cell's right column border, which of the following occurs?

AutoFit resizes the column to the widest cell entry.

WHat feature inserts a function that totals the cells above or to the left of the selected cell?

AutoSum button

Cameron needs to insert a citation, but he does not have the source information. Which of the following should he do? A. Insert an endnote B. Add a new citation placeholder C. Insert a footnote D. Add an existing citation

B. Add new citation placeholder

You cannot change a shape to a different shape.


To change the color of cell content, you use the _____ color list arrow.


To copy a cell's formatting to another cell, which of the following can you use?

Former Painter

To format the cell value 44.5, you can use the Increase Decimal button.


To have a picture appear behind text, change the text wrapping of the picture. Treu or False


You can change a slide's layout after the slide is created.


You can change the theme after you create a presentation.


You can edit cell contents in the Formula bar or in the cell itself.


You can insert columns and rows into an existing table.


You can move a chart to a new position on a slide in the same manner that you move any other object on a slide.


Ravi wants the title of the last slide in her presentation to stand out. Which of the following will help her do this?

Change the color of the title text

Your worksheet is too wide to fit on one portrait page. What is the best way to fix this problem?

Change the page orientation to landscape.

If you need to present numerical data on a slide, which of the following can you insert to show the data as a graphic?


To combine multiple cells into one and center its content, you change the cells' style.


To find a word in a document, use the Smart Lookup feature. True or False


To find the largest value in a cell range, use the MIN function.


To find the number of words in a document, press the Language button. True or False


To insert a picture from your desktop, click the Online Pictures button. True or False


To insert slides from another presentation into a presentation, click the New Slide list arrow in the Slides group, then click Insert Slides.


To move the text, press and hold the right mouse button over selected test, then drag the text to the desired location. True or False


To quickly change the colors, fonts, and effects in a document, change the document style. True or False


To remove the spelling change indicator under a word, you must accept the suggested change. True or False


To rotate a picture 90 degrees, flip the picture horizontally. True or False


To view a worksheet without headers, marigins, and rulers, use Page Layout view.


Tom took a photo using his webcam and saved it to his desktop. To insert the file in a word document, he can use the Online Pictures button. True or False


Underscore text to have a line appear beneath the text. True or False


Use ALT to select multiple nonadjacent headings in a document. True or False


When the insertion point is at the beginning of a new line in a content placeholder, you can press SHIFT+TAB to indent the item.


When you close a document, your work is automatically saved. True or False


When you copy and paste a formula to a new location, the formula's relative references do not change.


When you enter a value in a worksheet cell, it is automatically left-aligned.


When you insert TextArt, you can change its fill, outline, and shape, and you can apply special effects to it.


When you recolor a picture, you use the Paintbrush tool to add color to parts of the picture. True or False


Widows and orphans refer to hyphenated words in a document. True and False


You can format an object even when it is not selected.


You can hide a portion of a picture by cutting it.


You cannot change the levels of items in a list in a content placeholder.


You cannot print more than one slide on a piece of paper.


A slide in Casey's presentation contains three shapes that should be treated as one shape. Which one of the following commands should Casey use to combine the three shapes so they can be resized or moved together?


The spell checker flags your company's name as a misspelling. Which of the following will stop the spell checker from flagging later occurrences in the document?

Ignore All

A slide in Olivia's presentation has the Title and Content layout applied. The bulleted list on the slide contains 14 items and each item is only one or two words, so Olivia thinks the Two Content layout would work better than the Title and Content layout. How does she change the slide's layout?

On the Home Tab, click the Layout button, and then click Two Content.

How do you select everything on a slide except objects on the slide background?

On the Home tab, click the Select button, and then click Select All.

If you want to change the color of the border around a shape, which of the following do you change?


Your worksheet appears with a reduced view of each page and blue dividers where new pages begin. What view are you in?

Page Break Preview

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x11", which Excel tab would you use?

Page Layout

Which type of chart shows values as a percentage of the whole?


To which of the following chart types can you not add axis titles?

Pie chart

When you have a second monitor attached to your computer, which view provides you with additional tools, such as a timer, to help you as you give your presentation?

Presenter view

If you want to combine two or more shapes to create an entirely new shape, which of the following commands would you use to do this?


To combine multiple cells into one combined cell, which of the following do you use?

Merge and Center button

To print your worksheet at its actual size, which of the following would you select?

No scaling

If you want to add a note to a slide to remind you to mention a fact that is related to the slide, where do you place the note?

Notes pane

How would you proportionally resize a text box that contains WordArt?

Press and hold SHIFT as you drag a corner sizing handle.

Id you want to move a selected object on a slide a very small amount, which of the following will accomplish this?

Press one of the arrow keys

Which of the following will you select as X in the following series of clicks to change the chart style: Chart>Chart Style>X> Any Chart Style?


SmartArt consists of the graphic and which of the following?

Text pane

Which of the following statements is true about COUNT functions?

The COUNT function returns the number of cells in a range numeric data

Maura created a new, blank presentation and added a title to the title slide. She wants to save it before she continues working on it. What happens when she clicks the Save button?

The Save As screen in Backstage view appears

If you discover an error immediately after you have confirmed a cell entry, what of the following would you use next?

The Undo button on the Quick Access toolbar

Which of the following formulas totals the cells B6, B7, B8, B9, and B10 most efficiently?

The formula=SUM (B6:B10)

A citation is a parenthetical reference in the document text that gives credit to the source for a quotation or other information used in a document. True or False


Alan is working on a draft document. He wants the document to have more white space. He can do this by changing the line spacing. True or False


To specify how a shape interacts with the text around it, modify the text wrapping of the shape. True or False


Use Print Layout view to adjust the document margins. True or False


When the ruler is displayed, the location of the pointer is shown on the ruler by a dotted red line.


When you insert a worksheet row, a row is inserted above the cell pointer and the sheet contents move downward.


When you use the Redo command, you red the action that was just completed. True or False


You can apply date formats to cells by using the Date category in the Format Cells dialog box.


If you want to change text in a text box by changing the text fill and outline and the shape of the text, which of the following should you change it to?


A________refers to a collection of characters with a similar, specific design.


Which of the following is a built-in formula that helps you perform complex calculations?


You receive a worksheet in which the rows are numbered 1, 2, 3, 5,6. This means that row 4 is _____.


Your worksheet contains confidential information in column C; to prevent others who use your worksheet from seeing the data, you can _____ column C.


You should carefully edit notes you add to a slide because your audience will be able to see them.


when you run the spell checker in a workbook, excel automatically checks the spelling in all worksheets at once


Which of the following tabs lets you set worksheet print options?


On which tab and button are document properties located for editing?

File tab, Info Button

If you want a specific date to appear everytime you open a presentation rather than updating to the current date, which of the following options do you need to select when you add the date to the slides?


To enter a range of text based on examples that are already in your worksheet, which of the following can you use?

Flash fill

If you want to create a mirror image of a shape to the left or right of the shape, you duplicate or copy and paste the shape, and then use which of the following commands?

Flip Horizontal

To format a picture with preset formatting options, which of the following should you change?

The picture style

Which slide usually does not require the slide number, date, and footer text on it?

Title slide

You must select the text or the text box before you change the font.


If you want to change the thickness of a shape outline, which of the following do you need to change?


Clicking the Percentage style in the Number Format list applies _____ decimal places by default.


To help you easily identify sheets in a workbook, you can add______ to the sheet tab.


It's impossible to resize a shape to exact dimensions.


Which key or keys do you press to indent a first-level item in a list so it becomes a second-level item?


Click Save As in the File tab to save a document with a new name. True or False


To change the background color of a cell, you use the Background color button.


To change the name of a worksheet, you rename the____________.

sheet tab

Sam wants to count the number of cells between B1 and B20 that contain numbers in them. Which of the following formula should he use to do so?


A student is given the task of counting the number of nonblank cells in the range of cells B1 to B20. Which of the following formulas should he use to do so?


Which of the following is true about adding cell boarders?

A cell border extends the width of the cellq

If the cell in the last row and the last column in a table on a slide is selected, what happens if you press TAB?

A new row is created below the last row in the table

If the current slide has the Two Content layout applied, what happens when you click the New Slide button on the Home tab?

A new slide has the Two Content layout applied.

What should you add to describe the data in a chart?

A title

Nathan is creating a document that needs to be accessible to people with visual impairment. He should do what to the pictures in the document? A. Add appropriate alt text to each of the pictures B. Add an artistic effect to each of the pictures C. Reset the pictures D. Set the text wrapping to In Front of Text

A. Add appropriate alt text to each of the pictures

To quickly change the shading, borders, and font colors of a table, which of the following should be done? A. Apply a Table Style B. Apply Theme Effects C. Insert a Watermark D. Apply Text Effects

A. Apply a Table Style

Sarah wants to quickly apply a Picture Border and Picture Effect to a picture. Which of the following can she use to do this? A. Apply the Picture Style B. Apply an Artistic Effects C. Apply a Correction D. Change the Theme Effects

A. Apply the Picture Style

To clear all formatting from a picture, which of the following should be done? A. Click Reset Picture B. Select the picture and press ESC C. Select the picture and press DELETE D. Click Corrections and select the desired option

A. Click Reset Picture

To create a horizontal mirror reflection of a picture, which of the following should be done? A. Click Rotate and select Flip Horizontal B. Click Align and select Distribute Horizontally C. Click Rotate and select Flip Horizontal

A. Click Rotate and select Flip Horizontal

Ben has created a source for a quotation in the citation manager. To insert a citation using this source, he should do which of the following? A. Click the Insert Citation button and select the desired source B. Click the Insert Citation button and select ADD New Placeholder C. Click the Insert Citation button and select ADD New Source

A. Click the Insert Citation button and select the desired source

To create a hierarchy diagram, which of the following should be done? A. Click the SmartArt button and select the desired option B. Click the Shapes button and select the desired option C. Click the Chart button and select the desired option D. Click the Table button and select desired option

A. Click the SmartArt button and select the desired option

To quickly change the colors, fonts, and effects in a document, which of the following should be done? A. Click the Themes button and select the desired option B. Click the Watermark button and select the desired option C. Click the Page Borders button and select the desired option D. Select a Style from the Styles group

A. Click the Themes button and select the desired option

To have text appear at the bottom of each page in a document, do which of the following? A. Double-click the footer region of the page and enter the desired text B. Insert an endnote with the desired text C. Double-click the header region of the page and enter the desired text D. Manually enter the desired text at the bottom of each page

A. Double-click the footer region of the page and enter the desired text

Caleb needs to copy a picture from one document and paste it in another document in such a way that it retains the original appearance. He should use which of the following paste options? A. Keep Source Formatting B. Use Destination Theme C. Keep Text Only

A. Keep Source Formatting

To set an item in a bulleted list at a higher level, which of the following should you do? A. Press the Increase Indent button on the Paragraph group of the Home tab B. Add seven spaces to the beginning of the list item C. Drag the appropriate Left Indent tab to the desired position D. Press the Decrease Indent button on the Paragraph group of the Home tab

A. Press the Increase Indent button on the Paragraph group of the Home tab

To remove space after a paragraph, do which of the following? A. Press the Line and Paragraph Spacing button and then select Remove Space After Paragraph B. Delete the last line of text in the paragraph C. Press the Decrease Indent button D. Press the Justify button

A. Press the Line and Paragraph Spacing button and then select Remove Space After Paragraph

Rihanna needs to read through a document without distractions. Which view should she use? A. Read Mode B. Web Layout C. Print Layout D. Outline View

A. Read Mode

Susan needs all the text in a title to be upper case. Which of the following is the best way to capitalize all the text in the title? A. Select the text, press the Change Case button in the Font group of the home tab, and then select UPPERCASE B. Select the text, then press the Bold button in the Font group of the Home tab. Select the text, then press the Bold button in the Font group of the Home tab C. Delete the text and retype it using all uppercase letters D. Change the font to a font that only has uppercase letters

A. Select the text, press the Change Case button in the Font group of the home tab, and then select UPPERCASE

To select a paragraph, do which of the following? A. Triple click the desired paragraph B. Place the insertion point within the paragraph and press CTRL+A C. Place the insertion point within the paragraph and press ALT+A D. Double click the desired paragraph

A. Triple click the desired paragraph

Which of the following do you use to change the document margins? A. Use the Margins button in the Page Setup group of the Layout tab to select the desired option B. Use the Columns button in the Page Setup group of the Layout tab to select the desired option C. Use the Orientation button in the Page Setup group of the Layout tab to select the desired option D. Use the Size button in the Page Setup group of the Layout tab to select the desired option

A. Use the Margins button in the Page Setup group of the Layout tab to select the desired option

Joanne wants a warmer color palette for the text in her document. Which of the following can she use to obtain a warmer color palette? A. changing the theme colors B. using the Page Color button C. pressing the Theme Effects button D. selecting the style from the Styles group

A. changing the theme colors

What are user-defined details about a file that describe its content and origin called? A. document properties B. formatting marks C. comments D. references

A. document properties

To change the size of a picture without distorting it, which of the following should you do? A. drag a corner sizing handle B. drag the bottom sizing handle C. drag the top sizing handle D. drag the side sizing handle

A. drag a corner sizing handle

To align currency symbols and decimal points in a column of numbers, you can apply the ______ number format.


To add a Glow effect to a picture, which of the following do you do? A. Apply a Picture Border B. Apply a Picture Effect C. Change the Picture Layout D. Apply an Artistic Effect

B. Apply a Picture Effect

Kayla needs a paragraph border to have a shadow appearance. She should do which of the following? A. Click the Theme Effects button and select the desired option B. Change the type of paragraph border in the Borders and Shading dialogue box C. Insert a 3D Model D. Click the Text Effects and Typography button and select the desired option

B. Change the type of paragraph border in the Borders and Shading dialogue box

To ensure a document is free of typos, always do which of the following before publishing the document? A. Check the document for accessibility by clicking the Check Accessibility button B. Check the document for spelling and grammar errors by clicking the Spelling & Grammar button C. Use smart Lookup by clicking the Smart Lookup button D. Check the document for compatibility by clicking the Check Compatibility button

B. Check the document for spelling and grammar errors by clicking the Spelling & Grammar button

Jasmine is working on a research paper that needs to be in MLA format. To ensure her bibliography is formatted properly, she should do which of the following? A. Use the Source Manager to edit the sources as needed B. Check to ensure the bibliography style in MLA in the Citations & Bibliography group of the Reference tab C. Ensure the document meets the style requirements by Inspecting the document

B. Check to ensure the bibliography style in MLA in the Citations & Bibliography group of the Reference tab

Tiana needs each line after the first line in a paragraph to be indented. She should do which of the following? A. Create a left tab stop B. Create a hanging indent C. Create a first line indent D. Create a Right tab stop

B. Create a hanging indent

To prevent the last line of a paragraph from being separated from the rest of the paragraph as a result of flowing onto another page, which of the following should be done? A. Enable the don't hyphenate option B. Enable the widow and orphan control option C. Enable the keep with next option D. Enable the page break before option

B. Enable the widow and orphan option

Anna needs to leave a message for a collaborator about a specific paragraph in a document. Which of the following methods is the best way for her to communicate with her collaborator? A. Enter the desired message in the header of the document B. Enter the desired message in a comment attached to the paragraph C. Enter the desired message as a document property D. Enter the desired message in a text box placed next to the paragraph

B. Enter the desired message in a comment attached to the paragraph

Aamir is preparing a research paper. He needs to insert a parenthetical reference that gives credit to the source of a quotation. What is the best way for him to achieve this? A. Enter the parenthetical reference manually B. Insert a citation C. Insert a footnote with the source information D. Insert an endnote with the source information

B. Insert a citation

Karen has a document with a list of five priorities on separate lines. The priorities are listed in order from most important to least important. Which of the following formatting options is best for this situation? A. Multilevel bulleted list B. Numbered list C. Billeted list

B. Numbered list

Which of the following methods is the best way to find a word in a document? A. Enter the word in the Go To box, then press Enter B. Press CTRL+F and enter the word in the search box of the Navigation pane C. Scroll through the document manually looking for the word

B. Press CTRL+F and enter the word in the search box of the Navigation pane

Brian needs to view the paragraph marks in a document. Which of the following should he do? A. Enter Read Mode B. Select the Show/Hide (paragraph symbol) button C. Enter Web Layout view D. Click the checkbox to show the gridlines

B. Select the Show/Hide (paragraph symbol) button

Laila needs to change the formatting of a table. To do so, which of the following does she need to do first? A. Select a column in the table B. Select the Table C. Select the row in the table

B. Select the Table

Jasmine needs to select the first sentence of a paragraph and the last sentence of a paragraph simultaneously. The text is nonadjacent. Which of the following should she do? A. Select the first sentence, then press and hold ALT while selecting the second sentence B. Select the first sentence, then press and hold CTRL while selecting the second sentence C. Select the first sentence, then press and hold SHIFT+ALT while selecting the second sentence D. Select the first sentence, then press and hold SHIFT while selecting the second sentence

B. Select the first sentence, then press and hold CTRL while selecting the second sentence

Jenna changed the font color of a header with the Heading 1 style to green. She wants all headers with the Heading 1 style in the document to be green. Which of the following is the best way to achieve this? A. Search for text with the Heading 1 style based on formatting, and then change the font color of each instance to green B. Select the green Heading 1 header, the update the Heading 1 style to match the selection C. Manually locate all headers with the Heading 1 style in the document and change the font color to green

B. Select the green Heading 1 header, the update the Heading 1 style to match the selection

Makayla needs text to appear above and below a shape on the page. She should set the text wrapping of the shape to which of the following? A. Square B. Top and Bottom C. Through D. Tight

B. Top and Bottom

Austin needs to emphasize text by having color appear behind it. Which of the following tools should he use? A. the Theme Effects button B. the Text Highlight Color button C. the Colors button D. the Font Color button

B. the Text Highlight Color Button

If you want to shade every other row in a PowerPoint table, which of the following options do you select on the Table Tools Design tab?

Banded rows

A picture on the title in Jacob's presentation is too large for the space. To change the size, he dragged the sizing handle on the right side of the picture. Now the picture looks distorted. What went wrong?

Because he dragged a side sizing handle instead of a corner sizing handle, the image changed in one direction but not the other.

During a slide show, all of the items in a bulleted list appear on the slide at the same time with the entrance animation effect Fly In applied. If you want each item in the list to appear one at a time, which effect option should you choose?

By Paragraph

To ensure that a document can be read by people with visual impairment, which of the following should be done? A. Inspect the document B. Check the document for compatibility C. Check the document for accessibility D. Check the document for spelling and grammar errors

C. Check the document for accessibility

Cameron needs to brighten and increase the contrast of a picture. He should do which of the following? A. Click the Color button and select the desired option B. Click the Change Picture button and select the desired option C. Click the Corrections button and select the desired option D. Click the Artistic Effects button and select the desired option

C. Click the Corrections button and select the desired option

Which of the following do you do to better view smaill, difficult-to-read text in a document? A. Select One Page in the window group of the View tab to enlarge the document B. Use the navigation pane to enlarge the document C. Drag the Zoom slider to enlarge the document D. Hold SHIFT and use the scroll wheel to enlarge the document

C. Drag the Zoom slider to enlarge the document

Sydney needs to resize a picture so that it is exactly 2 inches tall and 3 inches wide. She should do which of the following? A. Click the Align button and select the desired option B. Click the Position button and select the desired option C. Enter the height in the Shape Height text box and enter the width in the Shape Width text box D. Drag one of the sizing handles

C. Enter the height in the Shape Height text box and enter the width in the Shape Width text box

Kiaan wants to give people who attend his presentation a printed copy of the slides. Instead of printing one slide on each piece of paper, he wants to print six slides on each piece of paper. Which setting should he select on the Print tab in Backstage view to do this?

C. Handouts

Jada needs to create a not at the bottom of a page with a reference to the note in the text. She should do which of the following? A. Insert an endnote B. Insert a comment C. Insert a footnote D. Insert a header

C. Insert a footnote

To start entering text on a new page, do which of the following? A. Insert a column break B. Insert a continuous section break C. Insert a page break D. Insert a line break

C. Insert a page break

Which of the following options allows you to align text so that it is fully flush with both margins? A. Align Left B. Align Right C. Justify D. Center

C. Justify

Joshua needs stylized text in his document to be normal, unformatted text. He should do which of the following? A. Apply the Strong style B. Press the Format Painter button C. Press the Clear All Formatting button D. Apply the Heading 1 style`

C. Press the Clear All Formatting button

Steve wants a paragraph of text to be surrounded with a line and filled with a color. Which of the following should be used to achieve this? A. Shapes and Color commands B. Box and Fill commands C. Shading and Borders commands D. Highlighting and Line commands

C. Shading and Borders commands

Kennedy needs to rotate a picture by 45 degrees. She should do which of the following? A. Flip the picture horizontally B. Flip the picture vertically C. Specify the amount of rotation in the Layout dialogue box

C. Specify the amount of rotation in the Layout dialogue box

Which of the following layouts is best for the slide that contains the title of the presentation? A. Text and Content B. Blank C. Title Slide D. Title and Content

C. Title Slide

To ensure your bibliography accurately reflects the sources in your source list, do which of the following? A. Inspect the document B. Check the document for accessibility C. Update the bibliography D. Protect the document

C. Update the bibliography

Joanne needs each page in her document to be numbered. She should do which of the following? A. Use the Insert Footnote button B. Manually enter the page number at the bottom of each page C. Use the Page Number button D. Use the Cross-reference button

C. Use the Page Number button

In APA format, a works cited list is called which of the following? A. works cited B. references list C. bibliography

C. bibliography

Which of the following do you do to select text? A. press CTRL+T B. press CTRL+S C. click and drag across the desired text D. right-click and drag across the desired text

C. click and drag across the desired text

To select non adjacent cells or ranges on a worksheet, you can press and hold________ while selecting each one.


Amanda needs to manually calculate an open worksheet. Which of the following options should she click on in the Formulas tab in the Calculation group?

Calculate Now

To accept a suggested spelling for that instance only, which of the following would you click?


To return cell contents to its default font and style, you can use the ________ command.

Clear Formats

Steffie wants to change the margins of a worksheet to Normal to align it better on a printed page. To do this, what can she do after selecting the worksheet for this purpose?

Click Margins in the Page Setup group on the Page Layout tab and then click on Normal

How do you change the layout slide?

Click the Layout button on the Home tab, and then click the layout you want to use.

Which of the following is the temporary Windows storage area that holds selections you copy and cut?


Kyle inserted a photo of a dog on a slide. In the photo, the dog is on the right, and an empty street is on the left. What can Kyle do to remove the part of the photo that contains the empty street?

Crop the photo.

To ensure a document with a table can be interpreted by people with vision impairment, make sure to do which of the following? A. Convert the table to text B. Sort the data in the table C. Apply a table style to the table D. Add alt text to the table

D. Add alt text to the table

A document contains a list of items that appear in no particular order. Which of the following is the best way to format the list? A. Manually enter ">" character at the beginning of each item on the list B. Apply multilevel numbering to the list C. Apply numbering to the list D. Apply bullets to the list

D. Apply bullets to the list

Aniyah needs to insert the date and time in her document. She should do which of the following? A. Click the Table button and select the desired option B. Click the Link button and select the desired option C. Click the Cross-reference button D. Click the Insert Date and Time button and select the desired option

D. Click the Insert Date and Time button and select the desired option

Hannah needs a picture to be positioned in the middle and center of a page. After applying Square text wrapping to the picture, she should do which of the following? A. Click Align and select Align Middle B. Click the Wrap Text button and select Top and Bottom C. Click Align and select Align Center D. Click the Position button and select Position in Middle Center with Square Text Wrapping

D. Click the Position button and select Position in Middle Center with Square Text Wrapping

To have a shape appear at the top and center of a page, which of the following should be done? A. Click the Wrap Text button and select Square B. Click the Align button and select Distribute Vertically C.Click the Align button and select Top D. Click the Position button and select Position in Top and Center with Square Text Wrapping

D. Click the Position button and select Position in Top and Center with Square Text Wrapping

Jared needs more space between lines of text in a paragraph. Which of the following is the best method to use for this action? A. Enter the Indents and Spacing tab of the Paragraph dialogue box and increase the value of the text box labeled "After". B. Press ENTER at the end of each line to create a space between lines C. Drag the zoom slider to increase the line spacing D. Press the Line and Paragraph Spacing button in the Paragraph group on the Home tab, the select the desired amount of spacing.

D. Press the Line and Paragraph Spacing button in the Paragraph group on the Home tab, the select the desired amount of spacing.

Joe accidentally deleted a paragraph. To restore the paragraph, he needs to do which of the following? A. Redo the action B. Repeat the action C. Reenter the text manually D. Undo the action

D. Undo the action

Jaylen needs a shape in her document to have the same formatting as another shape in her document. She should do which of the following? A. Use the Clipboard B. Use the Tell Me box C. Use Smart Lookup D. Use the Formatting Printer

D. Use the Formatting Printer

Which of the following commands found on the Align menu evenly space objects horizontally or vertically relative to each other or the slide?


Suppose a slide contains three ovals and you want to evenly space the ovals horizontally across the slide. After you select the three ovals, which command would you use to accomplish this?

Distribute Horizontally

Which of the following lets you edit the contents of a cell?

Double-click the cell or click in the formula bar.

Raul needs to create a slide that will contain similar information and have the same format as Slide 3 in his presentation. Which of the following should he do?

Duplicate Slide 3

David ran his presentation in Slide Show view, and he thought the transition between each slide was too slow. Which of the following can he change to make the transitions faster?


To change a range's conditional formatting from data bars to icon sets, which of the following can you do?

Edit the conditional formatting rule

The view that displays slides as thumbnails arranged in a grid and in which you can rearrange slides is called Reading view.


If you want to change the direction of an animation, which of the following buttons on the Animations tab do you click?

Effect Options

Animations in which one of the following categories cause objects to change while they are on a slide?


During a slide show, Luis wants a picture to appear on one of his slides after the slide appears on the screen. Which type of animation should he use?


A layout is the effect that occurs when one slide leaves the screen and the next slide appears on the screen during a slide show.


A negative indent causes lines of text to be indented more than the first line in a paragraph. True or False


A predesigned combination of formats, such as font size and color, is called a cell default.


An object containing text on a slide is called a text placeholder.


If a data label, title, or legend in a chart is difficult to read, you can format them as bold, but you cannot change the font size.


If the volume of a video on a slide is too loud, you cannot change it, so you need to make sure you adjust the volume on you speakers.


If you add a picture to the slide background, you cannot change its transparency.


If you don't like the speed of a transition that you applied, you cannot change it.


If you need to change the order in which animations on a slide occur, you must remove the animations, and then reapply them in the correct order.


If you want WordArt or other text in a text box to look like it has rotated on an axis, you should apply a Bevel effect.


If you want to change the manner in which a slide appears on the screen in place of the previous slide, you change the animation.


In Slide Show view, you can see the next slide, speaker notes, and a timer, while your audience sees the current slide fill the screen on another moniter.


In formulas, calculations in square brackets are calculated first.


It is not necessary to look over a presentation for contextual errors if you use the Spelling command to check the spelling in a presentation.


Jasmine needs an indent at the beginning of each paragraph in her document. The best way for her to achieve this is by entering eight spaces at the beginning of each paragraph. True or False


John needs to start a page in a document. The best way for him to achieve this is by pressing ENTER until new page is created. True of False


Karen wants a reference to appear at the bottom of a page. To do so, she should insert an endnote. True of False


Maria wants to change a shape with text so that it faces left instead of right, so she rotated the shape so that the text stays right-side up.


One way you can rotate a shape is to drag its adjustment handle.


Text that you delete by pressing DELETE or BACKSPACE is placed on the Clipboard.


The Comma Style format adds a comma and a dollar sign to a cell value.


To have Excel enter the lowest price from a range of prices, which of the following would you use?

MIN function

Where can you see a brief description of a selected function?

Insert Function dialog box

Which of the following lets you search for a function or select one from a category?

Insert Function dialog box

Which of the following will you select as X in the given series of clicks to insert a pie chart: Insert>Charts group>X>?

Insert Pie or Doughnut Chart

In a complex formula, how does Excel determine which calculation to perform first?

It follows the order of operations

Which type of chart shows trends over a continuous period of time?


In the formula =A8*A$1, which of the following describes A8?

Relative cell reference

To select more than one object at a time on a slide, which key do you press while you click the objects?


Which key or keys do you press to change a second-level item in a list to a first-level item?


If you want to apply a special effect to a shape, such as a beveled edge, a shadow, or a glow, which of the following buttons would you click on the Drawing Tools Format tab?`

Shape Effects

Which button on the Drawing Tools Format tab would you click to change the color, weight, or style of the border of a shape?

Shape Outline

If a photo on a slide looks somewhat blurry and out of focus, what action can you take to fix this?

Sharpen the photo

What are the small squares that appear in the corners and in the middle of the sides of a selected object's border called?

Sizing Handles

If you want to see many slide thumbnails on the screen at the same time, which view should you use?

Slide Sorter

Raj needs to rearrange the slides in his presentation. Which of the following views would be the best one to use?

Slide Sorter

Which view do you choose if you want to see a thumbnail of each slide in a presentation arranged in a grid?

Slide Sorter

When you drag a photo on a slide, what appears to help you position it?

Smart Guides

Which of the following can you apply to change the way a SmartArt graphic looks

SmartArt Style

Currency is an example of a number format.


Dan is writing a novel that contains the nonsense word "Zerphron", which Word identifies as a spelling error. To prevent Word from identifying "Zerphron" as a misspelled word, he can select the Ignore All option. True or False


Every slide in a PowerPoint presentation has a background, the area behind the text and graphics.


If you apply formatting to a text box, you can set that formatting to be the default for new boxes that you create in the presentation.


If you don't change the default transition, each slide disappears and the next slide immediately appears.


In order to format all the text in a text box at the same time, you must select the text box first.


Jasmine needs a floating picture to be exactly 2" from the left side of the page and 4" from the top side of the page. She should specify an absolute position for the picture. True or False


One reason to apply one transition to one slide and a different transition to all of the other slides in the presentation is to draw attention to the slide that has a different transition applied to it.


One way to insert a picture on a slide is to click the Pictures button in a content placeholder. True of False


One way to make a list on a slide more interesting is to convert the list to a SmartArt graphic.


Shauna is preparing a newsletter that will be widely distributed. While checking the document for spelling and grammar errors, she notices that she consistently misspelled the word "disappear". She can correct all instances of the misspelled word by selecting Change All in the Spelling pane. True and False


Sherri is trying to remember the word "tremendous". She knows "excellent" is similar to the word she's trying to remember. To help her remember, she can enter the word "excellent" in the document and then search for synonyms using the Thesaurus button in the Proofing group of the Review tab. True or False


The easiest way to insert the SUM function is to use the AutoSum button on the Home tab.


To apply formats to data when it meets criteria you specify, you can use conditional formatting.


To change several format attributes of a shape at the same time, you can apply a shape style.


To copy formatting from on section of text to another, use the format painter. True or False


To display another slide in Normal view, you can click its thumbnail in the pane on the left.


To ensure that the edges of several pictures line up, align the pictures. True or False


To print a worksheet, you begin by going to backstage view.


To remove conditional formatting from a selected range, you can select the rule in the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog box, then click the Delete Rule button.


To right-justify text at a tab stop, change the tab stop alignment options. True or False


When you underline cell content, you are using _____.

a font style

In the formula=SUM(A6:A9), which of the following best describes A6?


To format a range so that all values greater than $500 appear red, which of the following can you use?

conditional formatting

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