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The net gain of ATP per molecule of glucose metabolized to pyruvate using the Entner-Doudoroff pathway is:


In the TCA cycle, two carbons in the form of __________ are released during the cycle.

Carbon dioxide

Which of the following groups of microorganisms is capable of oxygenic photosynthesis?


The process of using nitrate as a terminal electron acceptor during anaerobic respiration is called

Dissimilatory nitrate reduction

All prokaryotic phototrophic organisms are anoxygenic.


Fermentative microorganisms generate ATP ONLY via substrate level phosphorylation, while respiratory microorganisms generate ATP ONLY via oxidative phosphorylation.


Members of the genus Rhizobium infect broad-leaved plants and cause crown gall disease.


Members of the genus Caulobacter are


Bacterial genera beginning with the prefix nitroso-:

Oxidize ammonia to nitrite

Which of these compounds is an energy-rich intermediate in glycolysis?

Phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP)

Most members of the Creanarachaeota are


Euryarchaeota, Crenarchaeota, and Thaumarchaeota are:

Three phyla within the domain Archaea

In the process of noncyclic (Acyclic) photophosphorylation

-Water is split to form oxygen gas -Electrons from water flow through electron transport chains resulting in synthesis of ATP and NADPH. -Photosystems I and II are both required.

The net gain of ATP per molecule of glucose metabolized to pyruvate using Embden-Meyerhof (glycolysis) pathway is


In order to form a single molecule of glucose, it takes __________ turns through the reactions of the Calvin cycle.


The electron transport chain is:

A. A group of electron carriers that operate together to transfer electrons from NADH and FADH2 to a terminal electron acceptor

Hydrogenotrophic methanoges fix CO2 using

Acetyl CoA pathway

The proteome refers to

All of the proteins that an organism produces.

Most of the oligotrophic Proteobacteria are found in the

Alpha proteobacteria

Which of the following may be used as sources of energy by chemolithotrophs?

Ammonia Hydrogen sulfide Hydrogen gas

ATP synthase is:

An enzyme that uses PMF down gradient to catalyze ATP synthesis

The Halobacteria are members of the


The process of using nitrate as a source of nitrogen during anabolism is called

Assimilatory nitrate reduction

Within the F1 part of the ATP synthase (ATPase) enzyme, the active site, which is present in the _________ subunit undergoes three conformational changes resulting in the binding of ADP and Pi, the synthesis of ATP, and the eventual release of ATP.

Beta (β)

Fatty acids in triglycerides are degraded to acetyl CoA using the __________ pathway/cycle

Beta oxidation

The three phases of the Calvin cycle are the _____________, ______________ and _____________________ phases.

Carboxylation, reduction, and regeneration

The hypothesis that proton motive force drives ATP synthesis is called the _____________________ hypothesis.


The field of Microbial taxonomy encompasses the following disciplines

Classification Nomenclature Identification

Bacteroides in the human intestinal tract benefit the host by degrading

Complex carbohydrates in the host diet (e.g. Cellulose)

Burkholderia cepacia is:

Could cause nosocomial infections Capable of metabolizing >100 organic compounds Plant pathogen that can cause onion rot

Amino acids are catabolized first by the removal of the amino group through

Deamination or transamination

The core of the bacterial endospore is

Dehydrated Rich in small acid soluble (SASP) proteins Rich in calcium and dipicolinic acid

chemical reaction that requires an input of energy in order to proceed is


Phylotyping is the identification of microbes by culturing them in novel media


Pyruvate is an energy rich intermediate during glycolysis


Sequencing the genome of a microorganism is technically impossible and has never been achieved


The terminal electron acceptor during aerobic respiration is sulfate.


Transfer of electrons is exergonic (exothermic, feasible) from a pair with more positive E0 to a pair of more negative one, but not the opposite.


When DG value of a chemical reaction is negative, the reaction is endothermic (energy requiring)


The citric acid cycle (Tricarboxylic acid cycle) generates energy that could be captured by converting


The motor powering rotation in the ATP synthase enzyme is the ........subunit

Gamma (γ)

Triglycerides are broken down by lipases (esterases) into

Glycerol and long chain fatty acids

A square/stamp shaped bacterium was discovered that belongs to the


In the Calvin Cycle, carboxylation of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate is catalyzed by the enzyme

In the Calvin Cycle, carboxylation of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate is catalyzed by the enzyme

Chemotaxis is the process by which bacteria

Move toward a chemical attractant or away from a chemical repellent

The reduction of atmospheric nitrogen gas to ammonia is called

Nitrogen fixation

Nitrogen fixation is mediated by the enzyme


A microorganism that acquires energy from light, carbon from carbon dioxide, and electrons from inorganic sources is called a ____________


___________ use light as a source of energy


classification system based on evolutionary relationships is called a _________ classification.


The general order of classification below the domain or kingdom level is

Phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.

_____________ is an example of Genomic fingerprinting methods

Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP)

Members of the genus Pseudomonas:

Some species are human, animal and plant pathogens Can cause food spoilage metabolically versatile

A population descending from a single pure culture isolate is called a


Fermentative organisms produce ATP using.

Substrate-level phosphorylation

____________ is an example of an electron acceptor for anaerobic respiration

Sulfate (SO42-)

Organisms that use sulfate as an electron acceptor in the process of anaerobic respiration are celled

Sulfate-reducing bacteria

The ammonia oxidizing Archaea belong to the


Which of the following pathways is NOT a CO2 fixation pathway by autotrophs

The Calvin cycle

Alcohol (ethanol) is one of the products that could be formed by fermentation


Anaerobic nitrate respiration is a dissimilatory process


Keq (Equilibrium constant) value could be used to calculate the standard free energy change (DG) of a chemical reaction


Members of the genus Hypomicrobium is an oligotrophic facultative methylotrophic microorganisms


Microarray technology can be used to simultaneously monitor the level of expression of every gene in a cell.


The equilibrium constant for a redox reaction is called the standard redox (or reduction) potential.


The genus Myxobacteria is capable of forming spores called Myxospores


The mole % (G + C) of a DNA sample can be estimated from its TM (melting temperature) of a DNA.


The result of six Calvin cycles is that six CO2 molecules are fixed to produce one C6 compound (glucose) for biosynthesis.


To identify a gene within a sequenced genome, you must have a start codon, a stop codon, a minimal length of 100 aa, and a ribosomal binding site


Members of the genus Thiobacillus are:

True Chemolithotrophs that oxidize sulfur compounds

During breakdown of fatty acids, carbons are removed ______________ at a time as ___________

Two; acetyl-CoA

Primary active transport using ABC transporters

Uses ATP hydrolysis as a source of energy to power transport across the membrane

Members of the genus Methylococcus

Utilize methane as a carbon source

All members of the genus Bacillus are gram positive, strict anaerobic fermentative spore forming organisms


All members of the genus Clostridium are human pathogens


Although discussed with the bacteria, Rickettsia are small obligate intracellular parasites and are therefore, more properly classified as viruses.


Anaerobic respiration of nitrate is also called assimilatory nitrate reduction


Cyclic electron flow in oxygenic photosynthesis generates oxygen.


Fatty acids are catabolized in bacteria through the calvin cycle/pathway


Members of the genus Rickettsia reproduce in the phagosome


Members of the genus Thiobacillus are phototrophic sulfur-oxidizing microorganisms


Members of the phylum Thermotoga have no cell walls.


Nitrifying bacteria require reverse electron transport for NADPH generation while sulfide-oxidizing bacteria do not


Rickettsia and Coxiella are examples of oligotrophoc microorganisms


Secondary transport in bacteria e.g. symport and antiport requires energy and is powered by ATP hydrolysis


Sulfate reduction is only observed in members of the Bacteria and never in the Archaea


The actinobacteria are gram-negative soil-dwelling microorganisms


The chemiosmotic hypothesis states that some carriers within the chain accept electron and protons while others accepts protons only and pump the electron outside the plasma membrane.


The genus Myxobacteria form fruiting bodies under conditions where food is abundant.


The sulfate-reducing bacteria thrive in aerobic environments


The terminal electron acceptor during aerobic respiration is water.


Which of these is not part of a typical flagellar structure


The process of carbon dioxide fixation refers to

reduction of carbon dioxide and incorporation into organic molecules that are assimilated

Microorganisms use special molecules called _______________ to assist them in the uptake of iron.


ATP is the energy currency of the cell


Actinomycetes are gram positive bacteria, many of which produce antibiotics and/or bioactive metabolites


Catabolic processes are overall oxidative and generate energy and electrons, while anabolic processes are usually reductive and require energy and electrons


Cyanobacteria are abundant in the open ocean waters where they contribute to global carbon dioxide fixation and oxygen production


Cyanobacteria are frequently the photosynthetic partner in lichen associations.


Electron transport chain is the process of generation of proton gradient across the membrane by pumping protons to the outside of the cell.


Facilitated diffusion and active transport requires carrier molecules (permeases) and hence exhibit carrier saturation effect, while passive diffusion does not


Fermentative organisms have no respiratory chain/ and hence produce ATP only via substrate level phosphorylation.


In the absence of salt (NaCl), the cell walls of the extreme halophilic archaeon Halobacterium salinarum will disintegrate.


Members of the Thermatoga have acquired multiple genes in their genome from the archaea via horizontal gene transfer


Members of the genus Aquifex are chemolithoautotrophs


Methanogens are oxygen sensitive microorganisms and hence thrive in environments devoid of oxygen e.g. cow rumen


Nitrification is the process of oxidation of ammonia to nitrate.


Nitrogen fixation is an energy intensive process that requires ATP input.


The differences in absorption spectra of chlorophyll pigments each phototrophic bacterial group possess correlates with the group's ecological distribution


The genus Rickettsia belongs to the Alpha Proteobacteria


Two dimensional gel electrophoresis could be used in proteomic studies to identify cellular proteins within a microorganism


Type VI secretion system is used by Vibrio cholera to attack other cells


When used for anabolic biosynthetic purposes, the Pentose Phosphate pathway completely oxidizes one molecule of glucose 6 phosphate to six molecules of CO2


Type IV pili are utilized by some microorganisms for

twitching motility

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