Microsft 2019 Word G-Metrix

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At the bottom of the page, add a comment to Fair Use Law at the end of the last sentence that reads Should we explain Fair Use Law?

At the bottom of the page, select Fair Use Law. On the Review tab, in the Comments group, click New Comment. In the comment box, type Should we explain Fair Use Law? Click anywhere outside the comment box to commit the change.

Reply to the comment by typing Green.

Hover your cursor over the comment to reveal the contents. Click Reply. In the Reply box, type Green. Click anywhere outside the comment box to commit the response.

Resolve the comment on the last page.

On the last page inside the comment box displayed on the right side of the document, click the Resolve button.

On the second page, below the heading Key Clients, convert the text The Party People . . . I Scream, U Scream to a list with default bullets.

On the second page below the heading Key Clients, select the text beginning with The Party People and ending with I Scream, U Scream. Click the Home tab. In the Paragraph group, click the Bullets button. Click anywhere outside the list to deselect it.

Insert a Continuous Section Break on the second page just before the heading Affordable Pricing.

On the second page, place your cursor to the left of the heading Affordable Pricing. Click the Layout tab. In the Page Setup group, click Breaks. Below Section Breaks, click Continuous.(Hint: You can check to see whether the break has been added by going to the HOME tab, Paragraph group, and clicking the Show/Hide button and then looking for Section Break (Continuous) at the bottom of page 1.)

On the first page, immediately before the quote "We love the unique . . . Salt Lake City, insert an Austin Quote text box. Move the quote into the text box.

Place your cursor at the beginning of the quote "We love the unique... Click the Insert tab. In the Text group, click Text Box. In the text box gallery, select Austin Quote. Below the new text box, select the quote beginning with "We love and ending with Salt Lake City. Either drag the quote or Cut the quote and Paste it into the text box. Click anywhere outside the text box to deselect it.

Place the registered trademark symbol (®) after the heading Registered.

Place your cursor at the end of the heading Registered. Click the Insert tab. In the Symbols group, click Symbols, and at the bottom, click More Symbols... In the Symbols pop-up window, select the Special Characters tab. Select the Registered character and click Insert. Click Close.

Insert the Apps.jpg photo, located in the GmetrixTemplates folder, between the heading and the first paragraph. Apply Tight text wrapping.

Place your cursor below the heading and before the first sentence, Users of Android phones. Click the Insert tab. In the Illustrations group, click Pictures. Browse to the GMetrixTemplates folder and select Apps.jpg. Click Insert. To the right of the inserted photo, click the Layout Options icon. Select With Text Wrapping and click Tight. Accept all other defaults.

Format the document into two columns beginning with the heading 1.1 SEEK TRUTH AND REPORT IT until of the end of the document. Accept all defaults.

Select all of the text beginning with 1.1 SEEK TRUTH AND REPORT IT to the end of the document. On the Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Columns and select Two. Click anywhere in the document to deselect the text.

Use the Document Inspector to remove all of the Headers, Footers, and Watermarks from the flyer. Leave all other hidden properties.

Select the File tab. In the Info pane, click Check for Issues and select Inspect Document. In the Document Inspector pop-up window, accept all defaults and click Inspect. Next to Headers, Footers, and Watermarks, click Remove All. Leave all other properties. Click Close. Click the arrow in the upper-left corner of the Word window to return to the document.

Change the Status property of the document to Draft.

Select the File tab. In the lower-right corner of the Info pane, click Show All Properties. Insert your cursor in the Status property field and type Draft. Click anywhere outside the field to confirm it. Click the arrow in the upper-left corner of the window to return to the document.

In the sidebar on page 3, change the bullets of the SKI RESORTS list to a solid square to match the other lists.

Select the entire SKI RESORTS list, starting with Alta and ending with Sundance. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Bullets down arrow. In the Bullet Library, locate the solid square and click it.

Apply the text effect Small Caps to the three paragraph headings (Trademark, Registered, and Copyright).

Simultaneously select the three paragraph headings by holding the Ctrl key while clicking Trademark, Registered, and Copyright. Click the Home tab. In the Font group, click the dialog box launcher located in the lower-right corner of the group. In the Font pop-up window, in the Effects section, click to enable Small caps. Click OK. Click anywhere on the document to deselect the headings.

Add a fourth shape to the diagram located at the end of the document and add the text Be Accountable and Transparent to the new shape.

At the bottom of the second page, click the border of the SmartArt diagram to reveal the SmartArt Tools tabs. On the SmartArt Tools Design tab, in the Create Graphic group, click Add Shape. Click the expansion arrow located on the left side of the diagram to open the Type Your Text Here box. At the last bullet, type Be Accountable and Transparent.(Hint: Do not press Enter or Tab on your keyboard.) Click the X in the upper-right corner of the box to close it. Click anywhere outside the diagram to deselect it.

In the second sentence on the first page, link the text log cabin to this web page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log_cabin

At the top of the first page, at the end of the second sentence, select the text log cabin. In the Insert tab, in the Links group, click the Link dropdown menu and select Insert Link... In the Insert Hyperlink pop-up box, change the following:Link to: Existing File or Web PageAddress: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log_cabin Click OK.

In the first list, replace the bullets for the text Living area . . . dryer with the graphic Trees.png located in the GMetrixTemplates folder.

Below the heading Living and Dining Areas, select the text beginning with Living area with a couch and ending with dryer. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Bullets down arrow and select Define New Bullet... In the Define New Bullet pop-up window, under Bullet character, click Picture... In the Insert Pictures pop-up box, to the right of From a file, click Browse and locate the GMetrixTemplates folder. Select the file Trees.png and click Insert. Notice the sample of the new bullet displayed in the Preview window. In the Define New Bullet pop-up box, click OK.

n the second page, enhance the graphic by applying the color Colorful Range - Accent Colors 5 to 6.

Click on the SmartArt graphic located at the bottom of the second page. Select the SmartArt Tools Design tab. In the SmartArt Styles group, click Change Colors. Below the Colorful section, select Colorful Range - Accent Colors 5 to 6.

Apply the Paint Brush Artistic Effect to the Ice Cream graphic.

Click on the graphic of the Ice Cream to select it. On the Picture Tools Format tab, in the Adjust group, click Artistic Effects. Select Paint Brush.

Display the paragraph marks on the document.

On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the pilcrow ( ¶ ) symbol.

Enable change tracking on this document and lock it with the password Legal.

On the Review tab, in the Tracking group, click Track Changes. Click Lock Tracking. In the Lock Tracking pop-up window, enter the password Legal. Reconfirm the password by typing Legal again. Click OK.(Hint: Enabling Lock Tracking also automatically enables Track Changes.)

Apply the Simple Frame, Black style to the floorplan on the first page.

On the first page, click on the floorplan graphic to select it. Select the Picture Tools Format tab. In the Picture Styles group, select Simple Frame, Black.

On the last page, bookmark the heading WORLD-CLASS SKI RESORTS. Name the bookmark Resorts.

On the last page, select the heading WORLD-CLASS SKI RESORTS. On the Insert tab, in the Links group, click Bookmark. In the Bookmark pop-up box, in the top field, type the name Resorts. Click Add.

Place the last paragraph beginning with Note: into the text box at the bottom of the page.

Select the last paragraph, beginning with Note: and ending with smartphone apps. Drag the selected paragraph and drop it into the text box.(Hint: Alternatively, you could cut the paragraph and paste it into the text box.)

Change the table size to automatically fit to the table's contents.

Select the table by clicking the table selector in the upper-left corner of the table (the + symbol). Select the Table Tools Layout tab. In the Cell Size group, click AutoFit and select AutoFit Contents. Click anywhere outside the table to deselect it.

Apply the 3-D Rotation, Parallel, Off Axis 1: Right Picture Effect to the Ice Cream graphic.

Click on the graphic of the Ice Cream to select it. On the Picture Tools Format tab, in the Picture Styles group, click Picture Effects. In the Picture Effects dropdown menu, select 3-D Rotation. In the section Parallel, select Off Axis 1: Right.

Apply the Lines (Simple) style set to the document.

Click the Design tab. In the Document Formatting group, click the More down arrow located on the right side of the gallery. Select the Lines (Simple) style set.

Apply a Box border around the entire document that is a solid line, 1 1/2 pt wide, Light Blue color. Accept all other defaults.

Click the Design tab. In the Page Background group, click Page Borders. On the Borders and Shading pop-up window, ensure the Page Border tab is selected and configure the following:Setting: BoxStyle: Solid LineColor: Light BlueWidth: 1 1/2 ptApply to: Whole document Click OK.

Modify the whole document so the top and bottom margins are 1.0" (2.54 cm) and the left and right margins are 1.5" (3.81 cm).

Click the Layout tab. In the Page Setup group, click Margins. At the bottom of the Margins dropdown menu, select Custom Margins... In the Page Setup pop-up window, select the Margins tab and configure the margins as follows:Top: 1" (2.54 cm) Bottom: 1" (2.54 cm)Left: 1.5" (3.81 cm) Right: 1.5" (3.81 cm)Apply to: Whole document Click OK.

Immediately below the heading TABLE OF CONTENTS, insert a custom table of contents displayed in the Formal format that displays only the following styles at the associated levels:

Click to place your cursor immediately below the heading TABLE OF CONTENTS. On the References tab, in the Table of Contents group, click Table of Contents and select Custom Table of Contents... In the Table of Contents pop-up window, beneath the General section, click the down arrow to change the Formats: type to Formal. Click the Options... button. In the Table of Contents Options pop-up window, configure the following styles to be displayed at the associated levels:Caption: 4Heading 1: 2Heading 2: 3Title: 1 Clear the TOC Level for the Cover Title and Heading 3 so that these styles are not displayed. Click OK to close the Table of Contents Options window. Click OK to close the Table of Contents window and generate the table.

On the first page, sort the table alphabetically by Flavor from A to Z.

On the first page below the heading Our Most Popular Flavors!, select all of the rows in the table by clicking the table selector in the upper-left corner of the table (the + symbol). Select the Table Tools Layout tab. In the Data group, click Sort. In the Sort pop-up window, configure the following:Sort by: FlavorType: TextUsing: ParagraphsAscending(Accept all other defaults) Click OK. Click anywhere outside the table to deselect it.

On the first page, apply the Heading 2 style to the heading Preventing Fleas and Ticks.

On the first page, select the heading Preventing Fleas and Ticks. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Heading 2 from the gallery.

On the last page below the heading Weekly Rental, convert the table to text. Separate the data by tabs.

On the last page below the heading Weekly Rental, select all of the rows in the table by clicking the table selector in the upper-left corner of the table (the + symbol). Click the Table Tools Layout tab. In the Data group, click Convert to Text. Separate the data by tabs. (Accept all other defaults.)

On the bottom of the last page, create a table from the text Resort Name to the end of the document. Create the table with 5 columns with an automatic Fixed Column Width separated by Tabs. Apply the Grid Table 5 Dark - Accent 1 table style.

On the last page, select the text beginning with Resort Name and ending with the blank cell to the far right of Sundance. On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click Table and select Convert Text to Table... In the Convert Text to Table pop-up window, configure the following:Number of columns: 5Fixed Column Width: AutoSeparate Text At: Tabs Click OK. On the Table Tools Design tab, in the Table Styles group, select Grid Table 5 Dark - Accent 1. Click anywhere outside the table to deselect it.

Move the SmartArt from the second page to the first page. Place it between the heading and 1 Code of Ethics.

On the second page, select the SmartArt. Hover over the border of the SmartArt until your cursor shows the symbol with four arrows, and then click the border. Drag the SmartArt to the first page after Improving and protecting journalism since 1909 and before 1 Code of Ethics.

Change the endnote number format to 1,2,3 ... At the end of the subtitle Improving and protecting journalism since 1909, insert an endnote that reads http://www.spj.org/index.asp.

Place your cursor to the right of the subtitle Improving and protecting journalism since 1909. Click the Reference tab. In the Footnotes group, click the Footnote & Endnote dialog box launcher located in the lower-right corner of the group. In the Footnote and Endnote pop-up window, configure the following:Below the Location section, select Endnotes:To the right of Endnotes: click the dropdown menu and select End of document.Below the Format section, click the dropdown menu to change the Number format: to 1,2,3, ...(Accept all other defaults.)Click Insert. In the Endnote, type http://www.spj.org/index.asp.

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