microsoft excel 2010 buggerment

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Which key can you press to access the Excel Help window?


What is an example of a use for an icon set?

star graphics for ratings

When a formula is copied, what will Excel do by default?

Excel will change cell references based on the new location.

What are some examples of types of icon sets?

stars circles, arrows, flags

the steps for creating data bars.

1. Select the cells you want to use for the data bars. 2. On the home tab, click the Styles group, then click conditional formatting , then click Data Bars, and then click a style.

the steps for changing the type of an existing chart.

1. Select the chart. 2. Click the Chart Tools design tab. 3. Click the change chart type button. 4. Select the chart type. 5. Click OK.

What is an example of an absolute cell reference?


When a formula is cut and pasted or moved without copying, what will Excel do by default?

Excel will maintain references to the same cells used in the original formula.

What are the steps for viewing page breaks?

On the status bar, click the Page Break Preview button.

at the bottom of that column of data using an Auto function?


What method can help to avoid typos when writing a function that includes a range?

clicking and dragging to select the range

A vertical group of data is called a


What does the AVERAGE function calculate?

the arithmetic mean of a list of values

What is the name of the column directly to the right of column Z?


What are some options available in the Number group?

Accounting Number Format Decrease Decimal Percent Style

Josiah wants to edit a conditional formatting rule. Savannah wants to create a new rule, and Noah wants to delete a rule. Where can they all look to accomplish their tasks?

Conditional Formatting Rules Manager

To copy data by dragging it, what key must be pressed while dragging the data?


What keyboard command opens the Go To dialog box?

Control + G

splitting a worksheet horizontally.

1. Point to the split box at the top of the vertical scroll bar . 2. Drag to choose where to split the worksheet.

steps for editing individual shapes in SmartArt.

1. Select the shapes. 2. right- click the shapes, and then click Format Shape. 3. Make the changes, and then click OK.

the steps for moving a chart to another sheet.

1. right click the chart, and then click Move Chart. 2. Use the options in the dialog box to decide where to move the chart.

What can be done to access the SmartArt Tools tabs for designing and formatting SmartArt?

Select the SmartArt graphic.

What should be done to make sure the AutoSum feature will use the correct range?

Select the cell at the end of the range, and then click the AutoSum button.

the steps for selecting a non-contiguous range of cells

Select the first cell or range. Press and hold the control key while selecting the second cell or range.

What steps will show hidden rows or columns?

Select the rows or columns surrounding the hidden row or column, right-click the selection, and click Unhide.

Which keyboard command would you use to navigate to the left adjacent cell in a worksheet?

Shift + Tab

Stacey wants to change her document to landscape view instead of portrait. Jesse wants to change the scale of his document.

Stacey and Jesse can both look under Page Layout or under File and select Print.

How is navigating with the scroll arrows different from navigating with the keyboard arrow keys?

The scroll arrows move the view without changing the active cell.

ways to insert a new worksheet?

To the right of the existing tabs, click the Insert Worksheet button. Press the Shift + F11 keyboard command. On the Home tab, click the Insert button's drop-down arrow, and then click Insert Sheet. Right-click on a worksheet tab, and then click Insert.

Which series lists all of the Font group options?

Which series lists all of the Font group options? font, size, styles

What effect is created by data bars?

a bar chart superimposed on a table of values

What are some common elements used in charts?

a data series legends x- and y-axes data points

What is a chart?

a graphical representation of data

What symbol is used to indicate that a formula may contain an error?

a green triangle to the left of the formula result


a group of related data without any spaces between cells

When using the AutoFill feature, where should you put the mouse pointer in the cell to get the AutoFill handle?

bottom right corner

The intersection of a column and a row is called a


ways used to access the options for scaling and page orientation?

clicking the File tab, and then clicking Print, clicking the page layout tab

What are some ways to open the Save As dialog box to save a brand-new file?

clicking the File tab, and then clicking Save As using the Control + S keyboard command clicking the Save button in the Quick Access toolbar

What steps can be used to display an open file in two separate windows?

clicking the View tab, and then clicking New Window

What are color scales useful for?

coloring cells based on their values

What does the AutoSum feature do?

enter the function and its arguments guess the range of cells to add

Active cell name and contents are found in the

formula bar

A function is a

formula containing arguments

What can be pasted through the Paste Special dialog box without having to paste everything from one cell to another?

formulas, values, formats, comments

Where are the settings for showing the gridlines and headings when the worksheet prints?

on the Page Layout tab, in the Sheet Options group


predefined combinations of formatting

While writing a formula, what are some ways to insert a cell reference into the formula? Check all that apply.

typing the cell name, such as "B4" clicking the cell to reference

Which tab should you click to display an open file in two separate windows?


the steps for inserting a range of cells in a worksheet.

1. Click the first cell to select, and then drag to the last cell to select. 2. Click the tab. 3. In the group, click . 4. Specify whether to shift cells or insert an entire row or column, and click OK.

steps for adding a header to a worksheet.

1. Click the insert tab. 2. In the text group, click Header & Footer. 3. Add the information in one of the header areas.

steps for accessing the options for setting Print Titles.

1. Click the page layout tab. 2. In the Page Setup group, click Print Titles.

How to Insert and Image

1. Click the tab. 2. In the Illustrations group, click Picture. 3. Navigate to the picture's location, select the file, and click Insert.

the steps necessary to choose a border style and draw a border with the Border Drawing Pencil.

1. In the Font group, click the Borders drop-down list, and under the draw borders category, click , line style and then select an option. 2. On the worksheet, click and drag to draw a border.

steps for adding a small portion of a screenshot to a worksheet.

1. Maximize the window to capture. 2. In Excel, click the Insert tab. 3. In the Illustrations group, click , and then click . 4. Click and drag to draw a box around the area you want to capture.

steps for adding a screenshot to a worksheet.

1. Maximize the window to capture. 2. In Excel, click the insert tab. 3. In the illustrations group, click Screenshot. 4. From the Available Windows gallery, select the thumbnail of the window you want to insert.

steps for editing an icon set.

1. On the Home tab, click the Styles group, then click Conditional formatting , and then click manage rules . 2. In the dialog box, click the icon set rule, and then click Edit Rule. 3. Make changes to the rule, and then click OK.

the steps for editing a rule.

1. On the Home tab, click the Styles group. 2. On the Styles drop-down list, click manage rules. 3. In the dialog box, select the rule, and then click Edit Rule. 4. Make the changes to the rule, and click OK.

the steps necessary for creating a rule that is not already an option.

1. On the Home tab, click the styles group. 2. On the drop-down list, click doncitional formatting , and then click New Rule. 3. Use the dialog box to create a rule.

the steps for using the Find and Replace feature.

1. On the Home tab, in the editing group, click Find & Select, and then click Replace. 2. Type the value or text to find or replace. 3. To find the instances of that value or text, click Find Next . 4. To replace the instances of that value or text, enter the new value or text, and then click Replace or Replace All.

steps for using the Find and Replace feature.

1. On the Home tab, in the editing group, click find and select, and on the drop-down list click Replace. 2. In the dialog box, click the Options button, and choose the items to Find and Replace. 3. Click Replace or Replace All.

adding a SmartArt graphic to a worksheet.

1. On the insert tab, in the illustrations group, click SmartArt. 2. In the dialog box, choose the category and type of SmartArt, and then click OK.

steps for adding a function using the mouse.

1. Select a cell. 2. Click the insert function button on the formula bar . 3. Select a function category and a function. 4. Click OK. 5. Specify the arguments. 6. Click OK.

the steps for freezing both a row and a column.

1. Select the area you want to freeze. 2. Click a cell below and to the right of the row and column to freeze. 3. Click the View tab. 4. In the Window group, click Freeze Panes, and then choose Freeze Panes from the submenu.

the steps for copying a formula to adjacent cells using AutoFill

1. Select the cell containing the formula. 2. Point the mouse to the corner of the cell until the AutoFill handle appears. 3. Click and drag through the cells where the formula should be pasted.

the steps for completely clearing formatting from a cell or range of cells.

1. Select the cell or range of cells. 2. In the editing group, click the drop- down arrow next to the clear button , and choose Clear Formats.

the steps for opening and using the Format Cells dialog box to change font and basic formatting.

1. Select the cell or range you want to format. 2. right click the selection and then click Format Cells to open the Format Cells dialog box. 3. Click the font tab. 4. Apply the desired formats, and click OK.

the steps for creating a table in Excel.

1. Select the cell or range. 2. On the Home tab, click the styles group, and then click format as table. 3. Select a table format. 4. In the dialog box, enter the range of the table and click OK. 5. Use the Table Style options and other groups on the Ribbon as needed. 6. Click anywhere in the worksheet to close the Table Tools Design tab.

steps for copying and applying formatting with the AutoFill feature.

1. Select the cell with the formatting you want to copy. 2. Use the AutoFill handle to drag over the cells you want to apply formatting to. 3. Click the auto-fill options drop-down list , and then click fill formatting only.

steps for opening the Format Cells dialog box on the Border tab in order to choose an uncommon border style.

1. Select the cells to add the border to. 2. In the font group, click the Borders drop-down list, and then click more borders . 3. Select the border style in the Format Cells dialog box on the Border tab, and click OK.

the steps for printing only the cells in a selected range.

1. Select the cells to print. 2. Click the File tab, and then click Print. 3. Under , print settings Fon the drop-down list, select Print Selection. 4. Print the worksheet.

steps for adding a chart to a worksheet.

1. Select the data and labels you want to chart. 2. Click the insert tab. 3. In the Charts group, click a chart type, and then select a subtype. 4. Use the options on the chart tools tabs to format and customize the chart. 5. Move the chart where it should be.

deleting a range of cells in a worksheet.

1. Select the range of cells to delete. 2. On the Home tab, in the group, click Delete, or . 3. Specify where to shift the adjacent cells. 4. Click OK.

What symbol does a formula start with?


In a column chart, what will happen if a column is clicked?

All columns in the data series will be selected.

Which statements accurately describe arguments?

Arguments are input values for a function. Arguments are enclosed in parentheses. Arguments are numbers, text, cell addresses, ranges, and other functions.

To select multiple cells, what key should be pressed and held while the cells are selected?


What tabs are available in the Chart Tools area?

Design Layout Format

What are two ways to rename a worksheet?

Double-click the tab, then rename it, or right-click the tab, click the name, then rename it.

What are some ways to rename a worksheet?

Double-click the tab, type the name, and press Enter. Right-click the tab, click Rename, type the name, and press Enter. Click the Home tab, click Format, click Rename Sheet, type the name, and press Enter.

What is an example of a mixed cell reference?


When a formula is copied using AutoFill, what will Excel do by default?

Excel will change cell references based on the new location.

Leila has a table in a spreadsheet she wants to format. Which options will allow her to format the table without changing its content?

Format Painter Copy Formatting Tables Styles Cell Styles Find and Replace, Formatting

When a formula or function that references cells is being written, what does Excel do to show which cells are being referenced?

It highlights the cells with colors matching the formula references.

If a formula is copied and then pasted as a link to another location, what will be true of the new linked data?

It will be updated if the original cell is updated.

What steps will minimize or bring back the Ribbon?

Right-click in the Ribbon area, and then add or remove the check mark by clicking Minimize the Ribbon.

When the Save As dialog box is open, what drop-down list should be used to save a workbook as a PDF or other file format?

Save as type

What are some ways to add the AVERAGE function?

Type =AV, and then double-click AVERAGE on the list. Click the drop-down arrow next to the AutoSum button, and then click AVERAGE.

steps for adding labels to the x- and y-axes.

Use the drop-down menus to complete the steps for adding labels to the x- and y-axes. 1. Select the chart. 2. Click the Chart Tools layout tab. 3. In the labels group, click axis titles . 4. Choose the axis to add the label to, and then type the text.

After pasting data, what can be done to access more options for how to paste it?

You can click the smart tag that pops up after pasting.

options when using the Spell Check feature on a worksheet?

adding a term to the dictionary ignoring the term changing the term to a suggestion

What are options available on the Chart Tools Layout tab?

adding axis titles, changing the location of the legend

What are some of the options available when previewing a worksheet before printing?

adjusting margins, zooming in and out, navigating through pages

She wants to change the formatting of cells with the word "Total" bolded and red so the cells stand out. What is the quickest way for Cadence to do this?

applying the Conditional Formatting option "Text that Contains..."

Before data can be moved by dragging, where should the mouse be pointed?

at the border of the cell, until the pointer is a four-headed arrow

One easy way to tell if a cell contains a formula instead of data is to click on the cell and look at the formula bar to see if it

begins with an equal sign.

What are some Picture Tools options available for formatting screenshots?

changing the color making a light watermark adjusting sharpening adjusting brightness

What is an option available on the Chart Tools Format tab?

changing the colors of chart elements

Where are the options for moving a chart to another sheet?

chart tools deign tab

Which tasks can be completed using the Cell Style gallery?

choosing the look of a worksheet, controlling number formatting

What are some methods for changing column width?

clicking and dragging the border between the column names selecting a column, clicking the Format drop-down list in the Cells group, and then clicking AutoFit Column Width right-clicking a selected column, clicking Column Width, typing the width in numbers, and clicking OK

What are some common chart types?

column, bar, pie

What does the Merge and Center feature do?

combine multiple cells into a single cell center the alignment of text in the cell

What purpose would the AutoFill feature be most helpful for?

completing the items in a series

What key should be pressed and held to select non-contiguous data to put into a chart?


Which tasks can be completed using the Rules Manager?

creating a new rule editing an existing rule deleting a rule

What should a pie chart represent?

data that adds up to 100%

What types of information are commonly included in headers and footers?

date page numbers number of pages file path and file name sheet name time

What tab contains the options for printing and previewing a worksheet?


Fran is changing the font, background color, and size of some text in a cell. She also makes it bold and italicized. She then leaves a comment in a cell. Which are all examples of Fran using text formatting?

font, size, bold, italicize

Eli is changing the color of the bars in a column graph. What is he doing?


What are SmartArt graphics?

graphics that were predesigned by Microsoft

page layout view shows

how the worksheet would look if it were printed

Where can options for different chart styles be found

in the Chart Tools Design tab

Where can options for changing the size of a chart be found?

in the Chart Tools Format tab

Where does Excel keep more detailed number formatting options?

in the Number tab of the Format Cells dialog box

Text in a cell is referred to as a


What does the icon for changing the color of a cell or range look like?

paint bucket

Which set of symbols can be used to break the order of operations and determine which calculations to perform first?


If Anandi has written down the names of those cells, what is the fastest way to get to these cells while in Excel?

pressing Control + G and typing in the address of each needed cell

In order to print multiple worksheets, what needs to happen before printing?

pressing and holding the Control key while clicking the worksheet tabs to print

What are some ways to accept data typed into a cell?

pressing the Enter key pressing the Tab key

What are two ways to accept data typed into a cell?

pressing the Tab key or pressing the Enter key

What are some options available in the Page Setup dialog box?

printing only certain regions printing gridlines printing in black and white using draft quality

What does the NOW function do?

returns today's date and time

Which tab contains the Spell Check feature?


Tabs, groups, and commands are found in the


What are some ways to insert a row or column?

right-clicking on the row or column heading, and then clicking Insert opening the Home tab, clicking Insert in the Cells group, and then clicking Insert Sheet Rows or Insert Sheet Columns

Wendy wants to format the cells of a spreadsheet but not the text. Which formatting tools should Wendy use? Check all that apply.

row height row width border

What are some areas to fill out in the New Formatting Rule dialog box?

rule type, condition, format

After making edits to an existing workbook, what must be done to commit the changes to the computer's memory?

saving the file

Lee only wants to print columns A-D of a spreadsheet he is working on. What sequence should he use to accomplish this?

select A-D with his mouse, File, Print, Print Active sheets, Print Selection, Print

What are some ways to enter and edit data in a worksheet?

selecting the cell selecting the cell, clicking the formula bar double-clicking the cell

What are ways how you can view and organize the data in a table?

sorting, filtering

What should a user do to compare data in different areas of a large worksheet?

split the worksheet

What should be selected before creating a chart?

the data, the data headings

Where should you click in order to edit an existing formula?

the formula bar

Uri would like to change the font color in a group of cells. In which part of the Excel window should he look for font color controls?

the ribbon

Where can the data bars in a worksheet be edited?

the rules manager

If the mouse pointer hovers over a column in a column chart, what information will appear?

the specific value of the data point

The file name can be found in the

title bar

The Freeze Panes feature would be most helpful for which situation?

when a large worksheet is difficult to interpret because the headings disappear during scrolling

What situation would benefit most from splitting a worksheet?

when it is necessary to compare data in different areas of a large worksheet

What situation would benefit most from the Print Titles feature?

when the headings need to be printed on every page of the worksheet, not just the first page

Which situation would benefit most from the option of different odd and even headers and footers?

when the page numbers need to always appear on the outside of a double-sided booklet

When would an absolute cell reference be most helpful?

when there is a need to reference the same cell when a formula is copied

the steps for copying and applying formatting with the Format Painter.

. Select the cell or cells with the formatting you want to copy. 2. On the Home tab, in the clipboard group, click Format Painter. 3. Click or click and drag to select the cell or cells you want to apply the formatting to.

steps for printing a worksheet

1. Click the File tab. 2. Click Print, or press the control p keyboard command. 3. On the Print screen, select the printer and other settings. 4. Click Print.

How many items can be stored on the Office Clipboard?


What is a way to access the Number tab in the Format Cells dialog box?

In the Number group, click the arrow in the lower right corner.

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