Microsoft Word Unit 4 Lessons

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L2 Another Way (If you'd rather not use the indent buttons in the ribbon to change the way list items are indented)

.By right clicking on a bullet, you can view a pop-up menu with a new option included: Adjust list indents... Selecting this option will display a pop-up window that allows you to not only adjust the positions of the bullets in your list but also how much or little to indent the text following each bullet (on Mac, right-click on a bullet, select Bullets and Numbering... from the pop-up menu, and then click the Customize... button to access these settings). You can set this manually by setting, for example, the bullet position to an indent of 0.5 inches and the text indent to 0.75 inches or by setting the Follow number with value. For the last setting, Follow number with, there are three options for indenting the text following your list's bullets: Tab character, space, and nothing.

L5 Bookmarks

A bookmark is an electronic note that marks a place in a document that you want to find again easily. When you share a long document with a colleague, there may be many pages that are relevant for them to see but many more pages that are irrelevant. It's very helpful to be able to highlight which pages they should take a closer look at and which pages can simply be scanned or ignored entirely.

FC Bookmark

An electric note that marks the place in a document that you want to find again easily

L2 Bullet List

As we learned briefly earlier in the course, you can create a bulleted list by clicking on the Bullets button of the Paragraph Group of tools in the Home Tab—it's the one with the icon of a few dots and lines (in fact, a bulleted list.)

L2 Bullet Icon

As you accessed the Bullets button's drop-down list, you probably also saw that you can change the icon of a bullet. By default, Word offers seven bullets icon options in the drop-down menu. As you hover your mouse over each one, your list will update the appearance of all the bullets on the same level as the bullet where your cursor is currently situated, to be consistent with the icon you hover over. This lets you sample how your list would look with each bullet so you can decide which one you prefer, but the change will only be made in your list when you actually click one of the options in the drop-down menu.

L3 Creative Commons

Bing, Microsoft's search engine that operates inside of Word, lets you search for images that have a Creative Commons license, which—you'll recall—is a licensing tool for images and other content. Some Creative Commons licenses make content permissible for use under certain conditions, such as attribution to the author or source of the content. You can read more about the different Creative Commons licenses, and how to use them, by visiting

L2 How to Change Bullet Icon

By clicking the Define New Bullet... button, you can define a new bullet using an extensive list of symbols by clicking the Symbol... button (or Bullet... button on Mac), selecting your own picture as a bullet by clicking the Picture... button, or using the existing symbol but changing its font by clicking the Font... button. You can even play around with a bullet's alignment, setting it to left-align, center, or right-align.

L1 Data

Data is a set of facts or statistics, but it can take days to sift through massive amounts of data to make sense of it all. When you're the head of marketing at a company like Nike, you have to be able to make the right decisions, and make them quickly. To do so, you need to make sense of all that data and store it as useful information that can be accessed and understood quickly and easily

L5 Bulleted lists do not indicate specific order., T/F?

False - Bulleted lists can be used to indicate order, but if you want to be really clear about it, just use a numbered list.

L4 Multilevel Numbered Lists Format

However, you can also choose from a number of different multilevel formats by clicking on the Multilevel List button in the Paragraph Group of the Home Tab and selecting one of the in-built formats offered. Of course, as usual, you can get fancy and define your own multilevel list format by selecting the Define New Multilevel List... option from the drop-down list. This will allow you to set the format, font, style, indent, and alignment for each individual level in your list. The Define New Multilevel List tool will allow you to create your own multilevel list style from scratch, but you won't be able to use this tool to make any changes to your list later on. If you'd like to create a style that can be re-used in this or other documents, you'll need the Define New List Style option, available in the same Multilevel List drop-down menu. Once you create a new list style, any list created in this new style is then automatically updated whenever you change the list styles formatting.

L2 Shortcut

If you type an asterisk (*) followed by the spacebar, the asterisk will automatically become a bullet for a new bulleted list. Finally, if you select a set of text including multiple paragraphs and click the Bullets button, each paragraph will turn into an item on your list, each with its own bullet point.

L2 Bullet List Explanation

If your cursor is on a line in your document with existing text, then clicking the Bullets button will place a bullet at the beginning of the paragraph your cursor is resting inside of and indent the paragraph text to be left-justified to the place where your bullet ends. If your cursor is on a new line with no existing text, then a bullet will appear waiting for you to enter the text of the first item on your list. If you enter some item to your list and press "Enter", a new bullet automatically appears on the next line, ready for you to add another item to your list. When your list is complete and you want the list to stop generating new bullets, simply press "Backspace" or "Enter" to delete the bullet you don't need and continue writing standard text in your document.

L4 Bulleted and Numbered Lists in Word Online

In Word Online, we can create bulleted and numbered lists in exactly the same way as we would on the desktop version of Word. However, in Word Online there is no option to change a list level; you'll have to press Tab or use the indent buttons for that purpose. Similarly, you cannot create your own multilevel lists, or separate and join bulleted lists. You can, however, still restart and continue a numbered list's numbering. In bulleted lists, while you can still create your own bullet and choose a new symbol for that purpose, there is no option to select an image as a bullet or change the font of an existing bullet. Lastly, you cannot set the list indents or customize the distance between a bullet and its text in Word Online. To access these features, you'll need to switch to the desktop version of Word.

L5 Bookmarks and Links in Word Online

In Word Online, you cannot currently create bookmarks, but you can insert links in your text. Unlike Word for desktop that allowed us to link to a file, website, place in the current document, new document, and email, Word Online allows us to link exclusively to a website address. You'll have to type in the address directly, so make sure to spell it correctly, or copy and paste the address from another tab in your browser.

L1 Business Planning

It's no surprise then that business planning, or putting together a plan of action for the coming months and year of operation, has to be synchronized with the information system. For example, even if a product is ready to launch earlier than expected, it's a good idea to wait until you have put in place the mechanisms to capture data about its performance in the marketplace. Additionally, if you need to hire some new employees, you must first plan the network capabilities that will allow them to communicate with each other

L4 Customizing Numbered Lists

Just as we customized the bullets in a bulleted list, we can be more creative in how our numbered lists appear as well. If you click on the arrow next to the Numbering button, a drop-down will offer you different options to order your list using numbers, letters, and Roman numerals formatted in different ways. If none of those options speak to you, you can click on the Define New Number Format... button to select from more options and change the font, format, and alignment of your customized numbered list as well.

L3 Joining Bullet Lists

Just as you can create separate lists one after another by right-clicking on your list and selecting the appropriate tool from the pop-up menu, you can re-connect them by selecting the Join to Previous List option in the menu. If you've set different icons in the bullets of the different lists and then rejoin them, you'll see the formatting of the top list immediately spread to the one below.

L4 Multilevel Numbered Lists

Lastly, multilevel lists exist for numbered lists as well. By default, Word uses numbers for the first level in a numbered list, the alphabet for the second level, and Roman numerals for the third level.

L5 Navigating Document

Of course, the Go To feature and the Find feature located in the same Editing tool group in the Home Tab are useful for navigating a document even when bookmarks are not involved. You can use the Go To feature to jump to a specific page, section, line, comment, footnote, heading, table, object—the options are almost endless. Alternatively, you can use the Find tool to search for a specific piece of text in your document. Later, we'll learn more about using the Find tool as well. These tools make it much easier to navigate your way around a document in Word.

L5 Linking

Once you've created bookmarks in your document, you can even link to them from other places in the document. Alternatively, you can link to a website or other file, a new document, or even an email address. This means that clicking a link in one document can actually open up a website, other file, new document, or email dialog box.

L1 Lists

One such feature allows us to create a list consisting of a number of connected items printed consecutively, typically one below the other. A simple list contains items that are all on the same level, or of similar size and detail. Multilevel lists can be used to create a list containing both general items and more detailed sub-lists pertaining to each individual item in the higher-ordered list.

L5 Link to an Existing File or Web Page

Select Existing File or Web Page in the Link To menu on the left of the screen. Select the file or website you would like to link to from the Current Folder, Browsed Pages, or Recent Files tab, or... Type in the address of the file or website directly into the Address input field. Click OK. On a PC, you can use the Browse the Web (the button with a globe icon) and Browse for File (the button with a folder icon) tools instead of searching your computer or typing in the address manually. If you right-click on a word with an existing hyperlink, you can select Edit Hyperlink (or Hyperlink > Edit Hyperlink on a Mac) to return to this screen and change the link address.

L5 Create New Document with Link

Select the text or object you want to use as a hyperlink. Under Link to, click Create New Document (not available on Mac). Enter the name for the new document. Select a file path for the new document. Select whether to edit the new document now or later. Press OK.

L5 Link to an E-mail Address

Select the text or object you want to use as a hyperlink. Under Link to, click E-mail Address. Under E-mail address, enter the e-mail address you would like to link to. Under Subject, enter the subject line you would like the email to have. Click OK. If a reader clicks on the email link while holding the CTRL key (CTRL + Click), it will automatically open the designated e-mail platform and generate an email with the addressee and subject pre-populated with your designated values, ready to be given its main content and sent off.

L5 Link to a Place in the Current Document

Select the text or object you want to use as a hyperlink. Under Link to, click Place in This Document. In the list, select the heading or bookmark that you want to link to. Click OK

L5 Anika is part of a large group project where each student is writing a chapter to contribute to a research paper. She has finished her draft and wants her group members to read through it and add some key information in specific sections. What can she add to her chapter that will clearly indicate where she wants her group's contributions?

She can bookmark her sections within the document - Bookmarks would be the most straightforward way to jump through the document to specific sections, with comments being the second-best choice. Both of these tools are set up so that other people can toggle through a document directly to the place where you have inserted them.

L2 Indent Definition

Since the aim of a bulleted list is to make your information quick and easy to understand, indents are useful for tidying up a list and making it eye-pleasing by adding white space around the list's bullets

L5 Word is part of which category of an Information System?

Software - Word is a program that helps you process data.

L1 Software

The computer programs that play a role in processing and storing data.


The information system is so important in business planning that even the most traditional organizations now have a senior role called the CTO, or Chief Technology Officer. The CTO is responsible for raising any technology-related issues, concerns, and needs at the highest level of the company.

L1 People

The people involved in some part of the information system, such as salespeople or analysts.

L1 Hardware

The pieces of physical technology that play a role in the system, such as storage, input/output devices, and processors.

L1 Database

The storage of data in an organized fashion on a storage device.

L1 Information System

The system that captures data and converts it to information is called the information system, which is a set of tools and processes that companies put in place to gather and store information. An information system is made up of five components: Hardware Software Database Network People

L1 Network

The technology that connects people and hardware, such as internet routers and cell phones.

L5 Creating Bookmarks

To create a bookmark, select text, a picture, or a place in your document where you want to insert a bookmark and click Insert > Bookmark in the Links Group of the Insert Tab in the Ribbon. Unless you've customized the Insert Tab to remove one of the groups of tools, the Links Group is probably compacted into one button that produces a drop-down list when clicked. When you add a bookmark, you have to give it a name (it must be only one word). This will add it to your list of bookmarks. Once a bookmark is added, it can be used to quickly jump around a document. To jump to a bookmark, you can access the Go To feature by selecting it from the Find drop-down list in the Editing Group of the Home Tab (or Edit Menu > Find > Go To on Mac). Under Go to what, click Bookmark, and enter or select the bookmark name you are looking for, and then click Go To.

L5 Creating Links

To create a link, select the text or object you would like to use as a link, then right-click and select Link (or Hyperlink in Mac). This will produce an Insert Hyperlink pop-up with each of the available options, outlined in the slideshow below. Scroll through to learn how to create each type of hyperlink available to you: Link to an Existing File or Web Page Link to a Place in the Current Document Create New Document with Link Link to an E-mail Address

L4 Creating Numbered Lists

To create a numbered list, click on the Numbering button in the Paragraph Group of the Home Tab in the ribbon. As with the Bullets button, this will either convert an existing paragraph into the first item in your numbered list or start a new list for you to create the first item, depending on where your cursor is located when you click the button. Once again, pressing Enter will create a new list item, but this time, instead of a new bullet denoting an additional list item, there will appear a number automatically incremented to follow the preceding list item. Just as we found in bulleted lists, we can also use Word's autoformatting to easily create a numbered list by typing 1, followed by a period ., and then the Spacebar, or selecting a number of paragraphs and clicking the Numbered List button to convert them into a complete list.

L2 Multilevel List

To move an entire multilevel list to the right or left, you can select the entire list and then click one of the indent buttons.

L3 Separating Bullet Lists

We do this by using another tool that you will see in your pop-up menu called Separate List (on a Mac, select Format > Bullets and Numbering from the menu bar, check Restart numbering or Continue previous list, and click OK). Clicking the Separate List button (or restarting numbering) marks the bullet currently pointed to by your cursor as a new list—which means you can manipulate its formatting without also changing the bullets that look like they appear on the same "level." The bullet point will still appear to be part of the larger list but is able to be modified as if it is its own list, which gives you a greater range of options. Creating a Separate List can also be very useful when a single list has different sections that you would like to be clearly visible.

L4 Numbered Lists

While the order of items in a bulleted list may denote a specific order, it often does not. Numbered lists are the opposite; they may list items without a specific order but often do denote a specific order of the items in their list.

L2 Lists

With your cursor placed within your list, if you click the arrow within the Bullets button you will see an option to select Change List Level... within the drop-down list that appears. This in turn produces another drop-down list with nine pre-set levels that you can use in your multilevel list. You can also access this feature using the Multilevel List button, with the icon of numbers and letters in the Paragraph Group of the Home Tab (and only using this Multilevel List button on a Mac).

L2 Indent Explanation

You can change the indent of your list by clicking the usual Decrease Indent and Increase Indent buttons in the Paragraph Group of the Home Tab, but this will have different effects depending on where your cursor is. If your cursor is on the first item in the bulleted list, the indent buttons will move your entire list to the left or right (depending on whether you click the left or right indent button). If your cursor is on a subsequent list item, then the tab buttons will assume you are creating a second level in a multilevel list. For example, you might make a list of upcoming events and make a second level within that list of the people in charge of organizing each event. If you keep pressing the Tab key or the indent button, this second level list will become a third-level list, then a fourth-level list, and so on.

L4 In what situation might you want to restart numbering at a specific point in a list?

You might have written some regular text after your first list and now want another list in the same document, but Word might format those two lists as one and just continue numbering from where the first left off. In that case, you will need to prompt Word to restart your numbering.

FC chief technology officer (CTO)

a role which includes the responsibility of raising technology-related issues, concerns, and needs at the highest level of the company

FC business planning

putting together a plan of action for the coming months and years of operation

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