Midterm Ch 17,18,19?

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Experiments in the _______ with movable metal typeface resulted in the innovation of the printing press.


With the introduction of gunpowder and firearms, the fiscal-military states of the period starting around ________ became much more powerful enterprises which would, in turn, evolve into absolutist and ultimately national states.


Between _________, it is estimated that Spanish America produced 150,000 tons of silver (including gold converted into silver weight), corresponding roughly to 85% of the world production and underlying the extraordinary role of American silver in the money economies of Spain, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, especially China.


All told, some _________ moriscos would be expelled from Spain during the next five years.


Dubbed Doña Marina, Malinche was:

A Nahuatl speaking woman who acted as a translator for Hernan Cortes

The British colony of Georgia was founded in 1733 as:

A bulwark against Spanish Florida

The English Civil War (1642-1651) resulted in:

A short-lived theocracy

In the presence of the German emperor Ferdinand III in 1672, Otto von Guericke demonstrated that:

A vacuum could be created by pumping the air out of two sealed spheres.

The _________, a primary target of English privateers, carried silver from Mexico to China annually and returned laden with Chinese silks, porcelain and lacquerware.

Acapulco-Manila treasure fleet

The Spanish Habsburgs sought to overcome their lack of power over the _________ and the weakness of their Spanish tax base by squeezing as much as they could from their Italian, Flemish and New World possessions.


As colonial Brazil grew, the Portuguese created a council in Lisbon to deal with all New World appointments and established a high court for all judicial affairs in the city of _________ in northern Brazil.


A mathematician and assistant of Galileo, Evangelista Torricelli experimented with mercury-filled tubes to lay the groundwork for the first ___________.


On St. _______'s Day in August 1572, the Catholic king and aristocracy of France perpetrated a wholesale slaughter of thousands of Huguenots.


From the middle of the seventeenth century, the pueblos de indios were fully functional, self-administering units, with councils (________), churches, schools, communal lands, and family parcels.


A standoff between the Parliament and King _________ of England (and Scotland) led to civil war and the king's execution in 1649.

Charles I

The Spanish fiscal-military state reached its mature phase of centralization under the rule of:

Charles V

As part of his reforms, Tsar Peter I "the Great" ______________ the remaining free farmers outside the estate system of the aristocracy.

Classified and taxed as serfs

_________ were American-born descendants of European settlers, primarily of Iberian ancestry.


The outstanding painter of Spain during Philip II's reign was El Greco, who had received his early training in his native _____________.


The Columbian Exchange characterizes the transfer of plants, animals, and ________ between the Americas and the rest of the world


Spain refused to recognize the "United Provinces of the ____________ Republic" until 1648.


The mythical and elusive kingdom of _________, or 'golden city,' became the stuff of legend which would fuel the quest for material riches in the New World in the minds of many a conquistador, though it was never found.

El Dorado

The Spaniards established land-labor grants or _________entitling the land grantee the use of forced indigenous or imported slave labor on this land for the purpose of exploiting its agricultural and mineral resources.


In the formulation of his "law of falling bodies", Galileo systematically combined imagination with empirical research and ___________.


In order to ensure the preservation and continuation of Habsburg global hegemony, Charles V decided to divide his western and eastern territories between his son Philip II and his brother _________.

Ferdinand I

The practice of the devșirme contradicted Islamic law, which:

Forbade the enslavement of "peoples of the Book"

At about the same time, _________, a relative of Cortés, conceived of a plan to conquer the Andean empire of the Incas after hearing rumors about an empire of gold and silver to the south.

Franciso Pizarro

Because _________ universities and scientific academies refused to admit women, in contrast to their counterparts in other countries, the salon became a bastion of well-placed and respected female scholars.


The alliance between the Ottomans and the __________ horrified western Europe in 1534 because it indicated that the Ottoman Empire was a player in European politics.


The most successful _________ settlement in North America was in the subtropical district at the mouth of the Mississippi River in what is now Louisiana, where some 300 settlers and 4000 African slaves founded sugar plantations.


Despite his appearance in the city in 1536, it was well into the 1550s before John Calvin's form of Protestantism prevailed in __________.


Humanism was an intellectual movement focused on human culture, in such fields as philosophy, philology, and literature, and based on the corpus of ___________ texts.

Greek and Roman.

A Native American reported an appearance of Our Lady of _________ in 1531, in a place where the native goddess Tonantzin used to be venerated.


By declaring that "Paris is well worth a Mass", Henry IV meant that:

He would convert to Catholicism in order to hold France together.

An expedition sent out the Portuguese king ___________ the Navigator captured the city of Ceuta on the North African coast in 1415.


A member of the _________ family of rulers, Frederick II "the Great" of Prussia enlarged his army and pursued an aggressive foreign policy.


The following kingdom was not inherited from his parents by Habsburg Emperor Charles V:


The English and French colonies of North America, lacking a sustainable native industry at first, moved further south in order to develop an agricultural base following the plantation system for growing _________, thus joining the Spanish and Portuguese exploitation of America's sub-tropical agricultural resources.

Indigo and rice

Among most of the countries of Europe, the Netherlands was exceptional in its finances in that:

Its urban residents were willing to pay higher taxes on manufactures and farming.

The earliest settlement in the northeastern coast of North America was:


After being kidnapped by Christian pirates, Al-Hasan Ibn Muhammad al-Wazzan was baptized under the name of Pope _________.

Leo X

The portolan (nautical chart) drawn by Pedro Reinel is the earliest known map to include _____________.

Lines of latitude

By the late 13th and early 14th centuries, native shipwrights and their teachers from Genoa teamed up in the port of _____________ to develop new ships suited to the stormy Atlantic.


In 1649, a group of 70 mostly landless farmers and day laborers occupied "common" land about 25 miles south of ________ and set up a communal farm there.


Despite the appearance of his beaming benevolence at Versailles, the "absolutist" rule of ____________ was a complex mixture of centralized and decentralized forces.

Louis XIV

The main goal of Gustavus II Adolphus's intervention in the Thirty Years' War was the creation of a Swedish-_________ centralized state around the Baltic Sea.


Juana Inés de la Cruz secretly studied Latin, Greek, and _________ in her maternal grandfather's library.


The reduced military presence by both Habsburgs and Ottomans to safeguard their spice trade routes across East Africa, India and Southeast Asia paved the way for the ________ to ultimately overtake both Portugal and the Ottoman Turks as leaders in this trade.

Netherlands = Dutch

All of the following are true of Calvinism in France EXCEPT:

Peasants, overtaxed and oppressed, made up the largest segment of French Protestants.

The following statement is true of John Calvin:

People were predestined for heaven or hell before birth.

The primary mining centers in colonial Spanish America were _______ in southeastern Peru (today's Bolivia) and Zacatecas and Guanajuato in northern Mexico.


The term "casta" originated in the desire of the Iberian and Creole settlers to draw distinctions among degrees of ___________.

Racial Mixture

The Danish mariner Peter von Sivers rose to the position of admiral in the _________ fleet.


The Karagöz was a:

Shadow puppet theater

Stationary theaters with stages, main floors, balconies, and boxes appeared in the main cities of Spain during the ________ century.

Sixteenth (16th)

Portuguese colonial cities and Jesuits repeatedly clashed over the ____________ of the "pioneers" (bandeirantes) into the Brazilian interior.

Slave raids

Governmental auction of the taxes in kind of a particular district to the highest bidder was known as _______


Upon Cortés' arrival at the city of _________, on November 2, 1519, Emperor Moctezuma II was in a quandary over how to deal with these invaders whose depredations neither his tributaries nor his enemies had been able to stop.


When the city of ___________ was captured in November 1519, the emperor Moctezuma II was forced to swear allegiance to Emperor Charles V.


All of the problems below began disturbing Roman Catholic laypeople and some clergy from the later 15th century onward, EXCEPT:

The Church's high taxation of peasants.

All of the following were the result of the Peace of Westphalia EXCEPT:

The Protestants gained considerable territory in northern Germany.

One of the indicators of the success of Portuguese settlements in the Brazilian interior was:

The intermarriage of settlers with surrounding indigenous cheiftain families.

The central objective of the "Glorious Revolution" in Britain was the:

The offering of a joint monarchy to the Protestant William III and Mary II.

By 1750, the armies in larger European countries were characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

The pikemen were still the most effective protection for musketeers.

The Ottoman army carried all wages, gunpowder, weapons, and the majority of its food in its wagons and barges because:

The soldiers did not know how gunpowder worked, and they needed experts in the baggage train.

The relatively slow pace of the Portuguese conquest in Brazil, compared to the meteoric success the Spaniards enjoyed over the vast Aztec and Inca empires, can be explained by all but one of the following:

The spaniards' use of sophisticated firearms and cannons...

As in Spain, the only income tax in New Spain was the __________.

Tithe paid to the church.

The expulsion of Jews from "Sefared", as Spain was called in Hebrew, was designed:

To strengthen the "Christian unity" of Iberia.

Under Süleyman "the Magnificent" most of the Janissaries were stationed in barracks in and near the _____________.

Topkapi Palace

Mehmet II besieged and conquered Constantinople within ________ in 1453.

Two months.

In 1498, _________ reached India by way of Africa, becoming the first European to sail directly from Europe to India.

Vasco Da Gama

All of the following is true of the period called "The Renaissance," EXCEPT: a. There was wide dissemination of translations of Greek, Hellenistic, and Roman intellectuals whose work had not been previously known in Western Europe. b. Byzantine, or Eastern Orthodox, Christianity became more influential in Western Europe, weakening the Roman papacy and leaving it vulnerable to Protestant incursions. c. The European intellectuals and artists of the period saw themselves as having broken away from the scholasticism of the Middle Ages. d. Renaissance artists were strongly influenced by Greek and Hellenistic-Roman culture.

b. Byzantine, or Eastern Orthodox, Christianity became more influential in Western Europe, weakening the Roman papacy and leaving it vulnerable to Protestant incursions.

The following is one major difference between the Ottoman and the Spanish Habsburg Empires:

the cavalry ruling class of the Ottoman Empire was non-hereditary

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