Mini Exam 5 disease prevention

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Atherosclerosis is dangerous in the development of heart disease because of ________________.

A and B

Please watch up to 2:30 minutes, and then start answering the following questions. The endothelial cells of the blood vessels have which of the following functions?

A and B

Which of the following are ways that regular blood flow in the brain can be 'disturbed'?

A and B

Which of the following is true about the respiratory influenza viruses?

A and D

Protection from microbes entering into the respiratory system includes _______________.

All of the above

Symptoms of pneumonia include _________________.

All of the above

The danger of children exposed to smoking includes an increased risk for ________________.

All of the above

The heart is located _______________.

All of the above

What role do smooth muscle cells of the blood vessel play in the development of atherosclerosis?

All of the above

Which of the following is a pneumonia category?

All of the above

Which of the following is a pneumonia causing microbe?

All of the above

Which of the following is considered to be a common place to acquire pneumonia?

All of the above

Which of the following is the result of a ruptured aneurysm in the brain?

All of the above

Which of the following is true about diphtheria?

All of the above

Which of the following is true about pneumonia?

All of the above

Which of the following is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, depending on the severity of the disease?

All of the above

Which of the following is used to diagnosis pneumonia?

All of the above

Which of the following would cause an ischemic stroke to happen?

All of the above

Which of the following is a difference between transient ischemic attack (TIA) and a stroke?

B and C

Please match the pneumonia category with it's correct description.

Bronchopneumonia -> the infection is seen through the lungs or in the bronchi or alveoli Atypical or Interstitial pneumonia -> the infection is seen in the area outside the alveoli or the interstitium Lobar pneumonia -> the infection causes whole consolidation of a lobe of the lung with fluid that develops in stages

Which blood vessels are the smallest where gas, nutrient, and other important exchanges occur between the blood and cells?


What is needed for ample oxygen supplies to be delivered to all body cells? Please select all that applies.

Correct! A fully functioning respiratory system Correct! Aveoli that has not been damaged (or diseased) Correct! Opened arteries that are not occluded. Correct! Preventing the onset of atherosclerosis Correct! A healthy heart

Why is atheroslerosis dangerous?

Correct! Blood cannot reach the cells on the other side of the blockage. Correct! It can lead to PVD/PAD (peripheral vascular or artery disease) Correct! It can lead to CAD (coronary artery disease) Correct! It can lead to CVD (cerebral vascular disease)

Which of the following is/are a possible co-morbidity of COPD? Please select all that apply.

Correct! Cardiac instability Correct! Sacropenia Correct! Dehydration and delirium Correct! Infection and biochemical imbalances Correct! Needing to take medications and having side effects from these

What will happen as a result of atherosclerosis? Please select all that applies.

Correct! Cells on the other end of the atherosclerotic site can't breathe, eat, and get what they need for cell function. Correct! Cell death is possible if plaque continues to expand in the artery. Correct! Myocardial infarction is possible if plaque continues to expand in a coronary artery. Correct! Stoke is possible if plaque continues to expand in an artery that services the brain cells. Correct! Tissue or organ death is possible if plaque continues to expand in a coronary artery.

Which of the following is/are true about asthma?

Correct! Chronic condition characterized by transient inflammation and subsequent narrowing of the lung airways and extra mucus production. Correct! Symptoms include increased shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, and chest pain that can range from mild to severe, and can occur rarely frequently. Correct! Treatment includes providing individual management plans to prevent the onset of an attack and relief if an attack occurs. Correct! Untreated asthma can lead to lung damage.

Which of the following is considered a contributor to contracting a respiratory disease? Please select all that applies.

Correct! Environmental conditions Correct! Behaviors that can increase someone's susceptibility, such as smoking or not using a mask during an outbreak. Correct! Occupation

Which of the following is/are a risk factor for asthma? Please select all that apply

Correct! Family history (especially having a parent with asthma) Correct! Viral respiratory infections during infancy or childhood Correct! Having allergies, such as eczema or hay fever, as well as being exposured to certain dusts (wood or from industrial goods), chemical fumes and vapors, and molds. Correct! Cigarette smoking either directly, secondhand exposure, or if your mother smoked during pregnancy. Correct! Exposure to air pollution, specifically ozone or smog. Correct! Being obese or overweight

Which of the following is an effective containment modality for respiratory influenza? Please select all that applies.

Correct! Flu vaccinations Correct! Isolation/quarantine, social distancing, and wearing a mask if infected. Correct! Respiratory and hand hygiene Correct! Cleaning and disinfection of contaminated objects, surfaces. Correct! Use of personal protective equipment (PPE) in some settings (e.g., healthcare)

Which of the following is/are used in the treatment of COPD? Please select all that apply.

Correct! Helping an individual to quit smoking if they smoke Correct! Prescribing certain medications to reduce inflammation and prevent further lung damage Correct! The use of an inhaler to decrease stress to the lung Correct! Eating well to prevent unhealthy weight loss Correct! Working with a pulmonary rehab specialist to develop methods to improve quality of life and to slow the progression of the disease Correct! To get recommended vaccinations, such as for the flu, to help prevent conditions that can cause stress to the lungs

Which of the following occurs during the process of atherosclerosis? Please select all that applies.

Correct! Monocytes will come to the area of deposited cholesterol and convert to a macrophage in order to clear the cholesterol. Correct! Macrophages can eat so much cholesterol, they die, releasing signals inflammatory signals that recruits more monocytes to the damage site. Correct! Macrophages that die form into foam cells with adds to the pile of 'bulge' that is developed at the site of endothelium damage. Correct! Cholesterol will collect at the point of the damage of endothelium which will lead to a fatty streak.

Which of the following is a risk factor for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)? Please select all that apply.

Correct! Smoking - either directly or through secondhand exposure Correct! Exposure to air pollution, chemical fumes, dusts, or other irritants to the lung. Correct! Genetics

Which of the following is/are true about chronic respiratory disease? Please select all that apply.

Correct! They are long term diseases of the respiratory system, especially the lower respiratory system. Correct! Includes asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, cystic fibrosis, sleep apnea, pulmonary hypertension, and occupational lung diseases. Correct! Treatment focuses on keeping airways open so that effortless breathing can occur as much as possible.

All strokes, regardless of where they are located in the brain, cause the same symptoms.


Cells are independent entities; they are not dependent on constant blood flow to enable their peak performance and longevity.


Effective asthma prevention modalities exist, but are not accessible to all.


If someone suddenly presents differently (either in their speech, gait, or facial muscles), there is time to try to investigate what might be going on because a stroke can take several days to fully develop.


If someone suddenly presents with chest pain that radiates up towards the neck and over the shoulder and shortness of breath, there is time to investigate what might be happening because a heart attack can be effectively treated up to two weeks after initial symptoms without risk to the individual.


In restrictive lung diseases, there is still plenty of oxygen that can enter into the lungs.


Only a bacteria can cause pneumonia.


Only a small percent of gas exchange in the body occurs between the alveoli and capillaries.


Only male have an 'Adam's apple'; this is why men tend to have deeper voices.


Peripheral artery disease (PAD) symptoms are very well defined


Policies pertaining to minimizing exposure to second-hand smoke have not been effective for improving public health.


Respiratory viruses can only stay suspended in the air for about a foot from the infected person and only for a few minutes in the air.


Second hand smoking is not an issue in regards to health.


Strokes are primarily heart-disease driven.


Strokes cannot be prevented.


Strokes only occur in the elderly.


The thorax contains the lungs only.


The type of blood vessel endothelium irritant matters in the degree of seriousness in the process of heart disease.


There is only one type of stroke


Transient ischemic attack is also known as a massive stroke.


We do not have control of our voices.


When the aveoli are filled with fluid, oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange get more efficient.


Whooping cough can cause serious illness only in babies and young children.


Please match the influenza type to it's characteristics.

Influenza A -> This type of influenza can cause an epidemic/ pandemic; it infects all kinds of animals, such as humans and birds. Influenza B -> this type of influenza is less severe, but it can still cause an epidemic. Influenza C -> This type of influenza causes only mild respiratory illness in humans

Which of the following is an irritant to the blood vessel that can start the process of atherosclerosis?

LDL cholesterol particles And All of the above *this was a stupid question

Before blood is sent out to the body via the systemic circulation, blood flows to and from the ___________ to get oxygen and release carbon dioxide via the pulmonary circulatory system.


Blood will flow from the heart to and from the ___________ to pick up ___________ , and then return to the heart to be pumped to rest of the body.

Lungs; oxygen

Which of the following is true about emphysema? Please select all that apply.

None of the above; these are characteristics of chronic bronchitis

Which of the following is/are true about chronic bronchitis?

None of the above; these are characteristics of emphysema.

Which of the following must be obtained by the cells continuously or cell death with quickly occur?


What type of modality has been shown to be effective in preventing the onset of atherosclerosis? Please select all that applies.

Refrain from smoking Refrain from smoking

Blood flows into the heart via the _____________.

Superior and inferior vena cava

After the voice box, air will flow down the __________ and into the ___________ and then through the ____________. Hint: C . :-)

Trachea, lungs, bronchioles

A pulmonary embolus is a blockage in a blood vessel that surrounds an aveoli, preventing oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange.


About a third of strokes occur in people under the age of 65 years.


Alveoli, which can be considered as tiny air sacs, are wrapped up in a network of small blood vessels called capillaries. Hint: True


An alveolus is a bulb-shaped air sac that contains very thin walls that are close to blood vessels; this is the place of air (or oxygen/carbon dioxide) exchange between the blood and the lungs


An aneurysm is a 'ballooning' or an abnormal widening of a blood vessel that occurs when an artery wall is weakened (that can be caused from chronic high blood pressure, or hypertension). (Hint: this is true. I added a little more detail that is given in the video.) :-)


An irritant will predispose atherosclerosis to occur.


Aspiration pneumonia comes from food, drinks, or gastric contents that get into the lung tissues.


Asthma is a type of obstructive pulmonary disease.


Asthma is known to be a strong immune response, but the exact cause is unknown.


Atherosclerosis means hardening of the arteries, stemming largely from the calcium deposits that have occurred during the development of this condition.


Atherosclerosis that occurs in a coronary artery can lead to a myocardial infarction (heart attack) or death to heart tissue to due to a lack of oxygen from a lack of blood.


Atherosclerosis will start to occur if there is damage to the blood vessel endothelium by an irritant. (Same as the question above, but please answer again as this is key to the development of heart disease). :-)


By changing the muscles around the voice box, you can create different pitches of sound that is your voice.


Cells rely on a continuous blood supply to deliver needed oxygen, nutrients, and other substances necessary for their functioning and life.


Compared to nonsmokers, smokers live at least 10 years less.


Emphysema and chronic bronchitis often exist together in a person with COPD.


Ending the tuberculosis epidemic by 2030 is among the health targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Every cell in our body has a blood vessel nearby to deliver oxygen and nutrients to it, and to enable a cell to clear it's waste products (like carbon dioxide) into blood for removal.


Global surveillance of influenza outbreaks are essential; it is critical to have international cooperation for this.


Hemorrhagic stroke is caused by a hemorrhage, or bleeding in the brain, caused by a ruptured blood vessel.


Humans can only live for about 3 minutes without oxygen.


If an artery is blocked, blood cannot flow and the cells on the other side of the blockage won't get what they need to survive and start to die in mass.


If you lose some or all blood supply to the brain, you lose some or all brain function.


In addition to air, you are consistently breathing in other things, like microbes.


In either ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, the brain will start to malfunction in roughly three minutes.


In general,the function of our lungs is to oxygenate the blood.


In the US, vaccines can help prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria that can cause pneumonia.


In your lower respiratory system, air flows from your trachea --> bronchi --> bronchioles --> alveoli.


Ischemic stroke is the formal term for a stroke caused by a blockage in a brain artery.


It is important that barriers to clean air are achievable for all.


MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) commonly causes a hospital acquired pneumonia (or other illnesses) that is resistant to antibiotics and hard to treat.


Obstructive pulmonary (or lung) disease is characterized by an inability to exhale sufficiently; hence, air stays in the lungs and they become large and over-inflated.


Oxygen enters the lungs from outside the body and carbon dioxide is taken out of blood and into the lungs to be expelled; Hence, in every breath there is an exchange of these gasses.


Oxygen is needed by cells to generate energy.


Physical activity benefits the heart in a number of ways.


Pneumonia is when microbes colonize the bronchioles or alveoli.


Quitting smoking before the age of 40 reduces the risk of dying from a smoke-related disease by 90%.


Restrictive pulmonary disease is characterized as having difficulty getting oxygen into the lungs upon inhaling; while obstructive pulmonary disease involves difficulty in getting carbon dioxide out of the lungs through exhaling.


Some population groups have more exposure to second hand smoke and it's harmful effects than do others.


Stroke is the loss of some blood supply to the brain that caused some loss of brain function.


The best way to prevent Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (emphysema or bronchitis) is not to smoke.


The bronchial branches end with the aveoli in which air will take a turn, after oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged with blood, to go back out.


The coronary blood vessels services the cells of the heart muscle tissue.


The diaphragm muscle makes up the 'floor' of the lungs.


The heart is a muscular 'pump' contracting constantly to push blood consistently in order to enable good blood flow to all body cells


The heart is a muscular pump that pushes blood throughout the vascular system.


The lower respiratory system extends from the trachea through the bronchi to the lungs.


The lungs are surrounded by the ribs and rib muscles.


The most common virus to cause pneumonia is influenza


The mouth and the nose is the two ways that air enters into us.


The right lung contains 3 lobes (or sections) while the left lung contains 2 lobes.


The site of, and the amount of the brain area involved with, the stroke will determine the seriousness, or the consequences, of the stroke.


The upper respiratory system extends from the nose to the trachea.


The upper respiratory system includes the mouth, nasal cavity, and throat, while the lower respiratory system includes the lungs and the specific airways leading to/from the lungs.


The vascular system consists of the pulmonary and systemic circulation systems


There are 20-30 levels of 'branches' (airways) that extend into the lungs.


Treatment of cardiovascular focuses on regaining blood flow.


Treatment of peripheral artery disease (PAD) is fundamentally the same.


Treatment of pneumonia depends on the type pneumonia and the severity of the infection


We need oxygen to survive.


When blood is blocked at a certain point in the brain (or anywhere in the body), the cells on the other side of the blockage can't get oxygen and nutrients that is brought to them by the blood. The result is that they start to malfunction and eventually die. (Hint: this answer is true. I added a little more information that is given in the video) :-)


White blood cells, proteins, fluid, and red blood cells are involved in the inflammatory response associated with the pneumonia.


You can get pneumonia by eating food that goes down into the respiratory system instead of properly swallowed into the digestive system.


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