Mini-Quiz: Cold Brew Rules
What ingredients go into a Large Iced Cocomo Cold Brew? _____ scoop(s) of Coconut. Fill Cold Brew to the _____ oz. mix line. _____ scoop(s) of Chocolate Milk. Pour over a plastic cup full of ice and tom-tom!
1}one 14, fourteen 2, two
What ingredients go in a Medium Iced Nitro Cold Brew 911?
2 scoops Irish Cream 2 shots 1 can of Nitro Cold Brew 2 scoops Kick Me Mix
Fill in the blanks to build a Medium Toasted Cold Brew with Cream! In a mix cup, _____ scoop(s) of Kick Me Mix. Cold Brew to the _____ oz. mix line. Steam, pour, and serve!
2, two 15, fifteen
When milk is added into a Toasted Cold Brew, we _____ in the tin with the Cold Brew.
True or False: Nitro Cold Brew over ice is served in the medium cup unless requested otherwise.
True or False: When a Cold Brew is ordered, always clarify what size they want, if they want cream or flavor, and if they would like Soft Top.
True or False: When making a Toasted Cold Brew, it is important to reduce the amount of Cold Brew by 1 oz. to allow for expansion.