MIS 111 Course

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What special character does Excel use as a delimiter following the worksheet name in a cross-sheet reference?

! (Exclamation point)

In the following example, what lookup_value should be used to return the value of 24.53 contained in cell G9? =HLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, row_index_num, range_lookup)

"D 2"

In a data communication architecture, transmitters (senders) and receivers of messages are described using what term?


Related to the Scope Triangle or Quality Triangle, when scope creep or the addition of new functionality occurs during a project, which of the following was NOT discussed as a possible option when moving forward with the project?

Add testing (validate requirements)

How have manufacturers used IT to enhance the accessibility of Web and graphical user interfaces to provide opportunities for individuals with disability related to impaired vision?

Adding audible screen tips

What term is used to describe the decision by an individual to use a new technology or innovation?


What term is used to describe how an object's appearance is able to show a user the functional properties and how to use an object without the need for labels or instructions?


Which of the following money applications offers borrowers easy access to a short-term (6-week) installment loan, but also has high late penalties?


Which of the following is NOT one of the terms used to describe the way in which data mining is able to identify actionable patterns in business data?


Which of the following was NOT discussed in the Fan Experience case study regarding the game operations and entertainment strategy that has been used in professional athletics to improve the fan experience?

Allowing fans to ask their favorite athlete questions before and after the game over Facetime

What term is used to describe the subjects, such as product, customer, geographic area, and vendor, used to organize the data in a data warehouse?

Business dimension

In a database, stored procedures are most closely related to which of the following?

Business rules

In the IBM video case "What is Knowledge Management?", how can a knowledge management system help a company ensure business continuity when an employee leaves the company?

By capturing what an employee knows before they leave

What term is used to describe a pre-printed list of NetID+ passcodes that you can use if the DuoMobile app is not working?

Bypass Codes

What term is used to describe a pre-printed list of NetID+ authentication codes that can be used when your Duo App cannot be used for authentication?

Bypass codes

When considering the question "What is MIS?", what business dimension must be considered in order for an MIS professional to design a safe entry system for a residence halls using a networked database of residents and CatCard scanners?


What name is used to describe the Eller College of Management's commitment to fostering an environment where competition is fair, integrity is promoted, and academic dishonesty is rooted out?


Replacing the original Safe Harbor regulations, what is the name of the new legal framework adopted in 2016 by the the European Commission and the U.S. Department of Commerce that regulates the way that the U.S. companies export and handle transatlantic data flows?

EU-US Privacy Shield

As described in the video case of the same name, the "Australian Geoscience Data Cube" offers a global analysis platform for what type of information?

Earth Observation Data

Which of the following feasibility constraints considers the question "Can we afford to do the task"?


The California Budget Challenge focuses on having citizens assess what type of feasibility constraint?

Economic feasibility

According to the "Cloud Computing Trends for 2020" video case, what term is used to describe a distributed computing model where information is processed closer to its source?

Edge Computing

What action should be taken to resolve a project risk that is considered as unacceptable under any circumstances and that it does not re-occur in the future?


Which of the following was NOT discussed as a way that data networking can create a strategic advantage for a businesss?

Eliminates the productivity paradox

Which of the three types of guided media consists of thousands of very thin filaments of glass or plastic fibers surrounded by opaque cladding?

Fiber-optic cable

What type of knowledge-based decision making is based on considering explicit knowledge and objective facts using algorithmic (mathematical) analysis?


According to our class discussion on Enterpreneurship, the amount of value accumulation over time will be the greatest with what type of innovation?

Radical innovation

In the business case for pull-based production discussed in class, what determines the quantity of production produced by a work center?

Raising of a Kanban card

Often referred to as a "zero-sum game," what term is used in the analysis of the productivity paradox to explain how increases in market share come at the expense of the competitors' market share?


Cross docking, or the practice of unloading materials from an incoming trucks or rail cars and loading these materials onto outbound trucks or rail cars, with little or no storage or warehousing in between, results in which of the following outcomes that helps manage the bullwhip effect?

Reduced Production Lead Times

In the Fortune magazine's description of neural network decision support systems intended to recognize a dog, using multiple layers to implement the "magic" focuses on which of the following goals?


Court decisions requiring the Bell System Network to open its network to non-Bell equipment connect to and allowing MCI to provide long distance service in competition to AT&T are examples of what type of milestone in evolution of telecommunication service in the US?

Regulatory Controls

As described in the "Democracies Online", which of the following would NOT be an aspect associated "Media and Commerical Content"?

Regulatory Factors and Support

In the Case-based Reasoning R4 cycle by Aamodth and Piaza, a verified solution would be added to the Case-Base following what step in cycle?


Our understanding of what issue related to first year students at the University was informed by Dr. Ram's analysis of MealPlan purchases made with UA CatCards?

Retention and Perseverance

Which of the following Decision Support Strategies use conditional execution to make a recommendation?

Rule Induction

Which of the following does NOT use an iterative process?

Rule Induction Strategy Process

Which of the following Excel functions will return the total value of a number of cells in a range by adding the values that match specified criteria in a corresponding cell?


Which of the following lists correctly lists the order of the three types of guided media, from LOWEST to HIGHEST, with respect to their possible bandwidth, or transmission capacity?

Twisted-pair wire, Coaxial cable, Fiber-optic cable

An on-premise telepresence typically has all of the the following characteristics EXCEPT:

Technology that is easily operated and maintained by users

What mobile computing term refers to the wireless transmission and receipt of data gathered from remote sensors that allows maintenance problems to be managed and controlled from a distance?


As discussed in the AlohaNet - Norm Abramson video case, the AlohaNet's was intended to be an alternative to what other communication network for computer communication?

Telephone system

Cisco uses the term "the power of in-person" to describe the ability of what technology to improve access to subject matter experts and to open doors for small business people?


Which of the following technologies would provide the level of social interaction necessary to build relationships?


In an attempt to counter the increasing popularity of the "rent instead of own" designer fashion, what approach have many designer labels (companies) adopted?

The designer labels threatened to boycott retailers by withholding products from anyone working with RentTheRunway

When analyzing a packet switched communications network route, what does the term "hop count" indicate?

The number of times a packet is sent (i.e., number of segments in the route)

Which of the following was NOT discussed as one of the objectives that an IT (Information Technology) strategic plan must meet:

The plan must determine how all resources will be allocated and establish a project management team

If the evaluation of the first parameter of an Excel IFERROR function (shown in bold/underlined in the example below) does NOT return an error (e.g., #N/A), what value does the IFERROR function return?

The value of the first parameter

In a cross-sheet reference, what aspect of a worksheet name would require the worksheet name to be enclosed in single quote marks (e.g., 'Customer Data'!A1)?

The worksheet name has an embedded space

Credited with creating the World Wide Web, who was quoted as saying that the "Power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone, regardless of disability, technology, or environment is an essential, integral aspect of life."?

Tim Berners-Lee

According to the What is Generative AI? video case, what new capability does Generative AI allow artificial intelligence systems to perform using data and models?

To create images, video and text in a conversational way

A bill of materials (BOM) typically would NOT include which of the following items?

Tools and Machines Used by Production

What term is used to describe the ethical theory that anything held in common that can be used by all freely without regulation will naturally result in everyone will attempt to maximize his own benefit to the detriment of the shared community resource?

Tragedy of the Commons

During what phase of the development of a neural network are thousands of examples presented to the neural network to create an refine the internal "hidden" layers?


The image shown below is which of the three types of guided (wireline) media?

Twisted-pair Cable

The first tele-medicine programs emerged in the 1950's and were connected with what organization?

US Military (Department of Defense)

Which of the following data communications computer ports is a multi-function, bus-oriented (up to 127 devices), high-speed (up to 600 MBps) serial interface?

USB Port

In the cupcake "manufacturing" case study that was discussed in class, the fact we purchase butter by stick, but when baking we use butter by the ounce is an example of which of the following?

Unit of measure conversions (Buy-vs-issue)

What term is used to describe problems that are fuzzy and complex without any cut-and-dried solutions?


While they are most commonly involved in decisions related to operational control, lower-level managers are least likely to be asked to make decisions based on decisions whose nature is:


Which of the following would generally NOT be a considered as a benefit or desirable attribute from using decision trees?

Using "hidden layers" to hide decision logic and relevant factors from decision makers

Which of the following is the correct order of the SDLC?

investigation, analysis, design, programming/testing, implementation, operation/maintenance

What type of conversion introduces components of the new system in stages, introducing modules sequentially until the entire new system is operational?


All of the following are considered as distinctive advantages of distruptive technologies EXCEPT:

sleek refinement

According to the video case The World of Micro-Loans, women borrowers, who make up 85% of micro-borrowers globally, are considered a good risk as they repay approximately what percentage of their loans?


In the Project Selection (Niven) example discussed in the video case on Decision Matricies by Dr. Martin from DePaul University, if a criterion received 5 points as a rating but that criterion's weight was 10%, what would be the score used for that criterion?


In the sample Excel worksheet shown below, which of the following would be the correct Excel syntax to reference cell B15 on the "The First Quarter" worksheet from another worksheet?

='The First Quarter'!B15

By helping institutional purchasers compare and select desktop computers, laptops and monitors based on their environmental attributes, the EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) program focused on which of the following aspects of environmental sustainability?

1st Order (Direct result of its existence)

In the following example, if we change the "column_index_num" value from 3 to 6 (e.g., =VLOOKUP(5, B3:H16, 6,) ), what value will be returned? =VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, column_index_num, range_lookup)


Two-Factor Authentication Video: Two-factor Authentication (2FA) protects your account login from being hacked through what method?

2FA Requires hackers also have your physical device (second factor)

How many bits are used by IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) to allow it to uniquely identify (address) up to 4,294,967,295 computers and devices?


Which of the following disruptive technologies has the potential to change the relationship of "consumer to retail" fulfillment process, and may ultimately eliminate the need for most retail shops due to the elimination of needing to go to a physical shop?

3D Printing

Introduced in 2001, what generation of cellular networks use digital signals and can transmit voice and data at different speeds based on how fast the user is moving, and supports video, web browsing, and instant messaging?


Notwithstanding that many books are now electronic (or digital) products, in 2020, physical books still accounted for approximately what percent of total book sales?

81 percent

According to the video case "What is a Paradigm Shift?", a paradigm shift is characterized in which of the following ways?

A dramatic change in methodology or practive

According to the Forrester Research on showrooming, what did the National Retail Foundation find as the most common reason for a consumer to research other options using mobile commerce technologies while shopping for a product in a physical store?

A price match for the item

With respect to the achieving of a benefit as a result of making an investment in information technology, which of the following scenarios would have the highest (most) likelihood of being achieved?

A projected reduction in costs based on direct prior experience with a similar company project

According to the TEI (Total Economic Impact) analysis method, in the presence of perceived value, cost is what?

A secondary value

Which of the following responsibilities is managed exclusively by a company's financial accounting business function?

Accounting and Statements

Of the over $550 million dollars lent to low-income individuals or to those who do not have access to typical banking services, what was the approximate average size of a loan made by the Kiva microfinance services organization?

About $400.00

Generating over $11 billions dollars through streaming services, record label receive approximately how much revenue each time a song is streamed?

About 0.3 cents

_________ issues revolve around who should have access to information and whether companies can charge a fee for permitting access to the information.


_________ issues involve the authenticity, fidelity, and correctness of information that is collected and processed.


What term described the characteristic of knowledge that focuses on it being "solutions-oriented information"?


Which of the following was NOT discussed as an essential factor related to the rapid deployment of the IOT (Internet of Things)?

Ability of IOT sensors to be added to massive botnets easily

In the World Wildlife Fund's (WWF's) augmented reality case study, what educational benefit does using augmented reality provide in the WWF's Free Rivers app?

Allows individuals to digitally manipulate entire ecosystems to better understand how water flow impacts habitats

Which of the following applications would be most commonly associated with short range systems (up to 1 meter) that are commonly in the vicinity of metals and liquids?

Animal identification Systems

Which of the following elements of the IS operational plan focuses on prioritizing the inventory of present applications and a detailed plan of projects to be developed or continued during the current year?

Application portfolio

All of the following are generally considered characteristics of a disruptive technology, EXCEPT:

Are incremental improvements on existing technologies

From an accounting perspective, what term is used to describe the value of anything you own?


Cyber-Physical System (CPS) engage with "real space" through interactions with all of the following EXCEPT:

Augmented Reality

In the Make Money with AR, VR and 360 Video Content video case, the IKEA's digital furniture showroom that lets you view IKEA products in your home before you buy them is an example of what type of virtual technology?

Augmented Reality

With respect to expanding opportunities for ICT environmental contributions, what term is associated with the issues such as Logistics for Transportation, Smart Motors, and Industrial Robots?


As described by CapGemini, what aspect of smart products used an Industry 4.0 environment would focus on using sensor technology to give access to condition information regarding products and their environment?


From the perspective of managing a budget, what term is used to describe the difference between the amount of money that was budgeted and the actual amount of money spent?

Budget Variance

Which of the following activities would be most closely related to the management of capital as part of personal accounting?


Of shoppers who use their smartphone for checking prices and searching for product information while shopping, which demographic group of shoppers has the LOWEST percentage of individuals who are likely to engage in showrooming (i.e., examine a product in-person at a brick-and-mortar store and subsequently make a purchase using their smartphone online)?


In the UDL in Higher Education video case, what did Gabrielle Rappolt-Schlichtmann indicate what an important characteristic of the UDL (Universal Design For Learning) approach to provide students in higher education with the resources to make learning tractable?

Bringing flexibility and options in the learning environment

In the video case "What is human-centered design?", which of the following was NOT ones of the factors related to "designing for people"?

Basing system designs on known best practices and industry standards

In the architectural design virtual reality (VR) case study, architects benefit from the use VR during the design process in all of the following ways, EXCEPT:

Being able to learn about a construction site's history and appearance, including archeological artifacts

As described in our reading, what term was used to describe the Malaysian Experiment's Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) comprehensive regulatory framework that offered intellectual property protections and cyber laws to facilitate and assist the development of a truly ICT and multimedia environment?

Bill of Guarantees

According to the Beacon Technology Explained case study, what technology do beacons commonly use to communicate with an application on a customer's phone when they are in close proximity with the beacon?


Falling transportation and telecommunications costs during the second era of globalization (Globalization 2.0) allowed which of the following groups to think globally and collaborate?


Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a benefit of human-centered design in the "What is Human-centered design?" video case?

Curtails lawsuits

Which of the following would NOT be an option that could be used to create strategic, goal-driven learners through the Universal Design for Learning principle of action and expression?


What term describes an internet-inspired mechanism for raising money or sponsorship from members of the public for a small project or business venture?


What term is used to describe a collection of principles developed by many companies and professional organizations and intended to guide decision making by members of the organization?

Code of Ethics

Which of the following goals and approaches to artificial intelligence focuses on behavior and modeling the reasoning processes?

Cognitive Science Approach

What term is used to describe using the "Collective Intelligence" of a group to reach a collectively wise decision?


According to the Goldman Sachs video case study on the "Factory of the Future", which one of the following technologies would be the result of increased human and machine collaboration?

Collaborative Robots (Cobots)

Originally developed by MIS Regents Professor Hsinchun Chen, what technology is used by law enforcement agencies worldwide for data analysis?


Which of the following Excel functions will return the number of cells in a range by adding the values that match specified criteria?


Which of the following outcomes from using RFID tracking would be most commonly considered as a benefit associated directly with generating value for a company's products?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

What type of customer interaction centers (CIC) is set up to receive and transmit a large volume of requests by telephone service to support customer's questions, requests, complaints, product returns, and requests for product support?

Call Center

What type of application is commonly used to describe applications that help organizations plan their product marketing so that the right personalized messages get to the right people through the right channels?

Campaign Management

Which of the three NFC (Near Field Communication) communication modes allows your phone to act like an "interactive card" for payment, transportation, identification, and physical access?

Card emulation mode

From a data network infrastructure perspective, what type of cabling (wired guided media) is commonly associated with residential subscribers with POTS (plain old telephone service) service?

Category 3 Twisted Pair Cables

What is the name of an environment that creates the illusion of immersion by projecting stereo images on the walls and floor of a room-sized cube and interacts with the user through a head tracking system continuously adjust the stereo projection to the current position of the leading viewer?

Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE)

Verification/testing of the proposed solution and picking an option are related to which of the following three phases of the Decision Making Process (Intelligence, Design, and Choice, also known as the "IDC Phases")?


From the perspective of the Democracy Online framework, which group would participate through activities such as committing time to participate, helping others learn, communicating respectfully and responsibly, and starting/volunteering with citizen-based online democracy efforts and community networks?

Citizens in the Online Commons

While e-Inclusion focuses on participation of all individuals and communities in all aspects of the information society no matter their country, gender, age, or wealth, what categoy of e-Empowerment is tightly connected with the concept of e-Democracy and the galaxy of interactions between citizens and government that e-Democracy enables?

Citizenship Level

What data mining method is used to identify data that has either geographic or temporal proximity to one another?


Which of the following business applications would typically NOT be something that commonly associated with NFC (Near Field Communication) technology?

Connected vehicles, such as Qualcomm's V2X (Vehicle to Everything)

Which of the following requirements for information stored in a data warehouse requires the ETL process to alter or transform the source data into a single and standardized representation before loading it into the data warehouse?


What term is used to describe the business rules governing the relationships connecting entities?


From the perspective of considering the preceivablity of an accessible design, which of the following items would NOT be considered as being an element of the semantic structure?


_________________ is the process of steadily adding new computer code to a software project when the new computer code is written and tested, which provides developers with immediate feedback from users and status updates for the software being developed

Continuous application development

Which of the following factors was NOT discussed as a reason that the number of digital nomad workers who are employed in the distributed workforce has been continuously expanding?

Convenience of using mass transit options for commuting

In our eGovernment video case discussing how data solves government problems, the state of Maryland used data visualization to help protect minor children in foster care by checking if these children were living at the the same address as what other group?

Convicted sex and violent crime offenders

In the following budgetary spreadsheet, what aspect of the "triple constraint" do the financial cash flows and personnel allocations represent?


Which of the following factors would NOT commonly be used to create social contract around sustainability based on behavioral change?

Creating regulations to ensure compliance by employees

Categories such the value of the large amount of data stored in the cloud, cloud computing's immense processing power, geographical diversity of the location of virtual machines, and the inability to recover data when storage and computational capabilities are de-provisioned, are all concerns about cloud computing related to which of following issues?

Criminal Use

What term is used to describe a specific metric that is central to the success or failure of a task?

Critical Success Factor

What term describes the practice of persuading customers to buy additional related products/services (often called "Bolt Ons" or "Add Ons") with the items they're already purchasing that create more a more complete solution, such as selling a case with a smartphone?

Cross Selling

What type of addressing in Excel allows you to reference a cell or range in another worksheet in the same workbook?

Cross-sheet reference

With respect to network infrastructures, what type of cabling generally has the fastest transmission rate and highest immunity to electrical noise?

Fiber Optic Cables

According to our class discussion, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a Social Entrepreneur as a Change Agent?

Diminished sense of accountability

Which of the following terms would NOT commonly be associated with analog transmissions?

Discete (binary) values

In the Relationship-based Organizing (NGP VAN) video case, which of the following was discussed as a strategy for motivating supporters to do tasks such as posting on their social media or sending personal emails to friends that the NGP VAN has targeted for outreach?

Displaying points and badges that they have earned on a campaign leaderboard

What term is used to describe the situation when companies introduce a very different package of attributes from the one mainstream customers historically value that have a performance trajectory that is expected to improve over time?

Disruptive technologies

What type of DBMS (Database Management System) architecture stores information on an interconnected network of database servers?

Distributed Database

Which UofA MIS Researcher developed a system to use anonymized WiFi Data to identify person-density in buildings and spaces at the University using temporal and spatial data to help fight Covid-19?

Dr. Sudha Ram

What term was used to describe using the digging tool to examine the underlying data, such as when CopLink allows you to examine data for a specific neighborhood or time period?

Drill Down

The increasing number of connected IOT (Internet of Things) devices has increased security challenges in all of the following areas EXCEPT:

DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) Attacks

In the discussion of how Internet Bridges the Communications Gap Transparently, which of the following was NOT discussed as a capability of the end-user device?

DNS and Email Services

What type of modem uses a portion of a voice telephone line to maintain a connection to offer immediately-available broadband access?

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)

A subset of SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), which of the following service models is used for the UofA's VCAT (Virtual Computing Access Technology) that allows students to access Windows-based software programs, such as Excel and Dreamweaver found in on-campus physical computer labs from anywhere you have a broadband internet connection?

DaaS (Desktop as a service)

What term is used to describe the result of summarizing information stored in a row or column of a data cube (i.e, combining all information in a row or column into a single consolidated value) through the process described in class as a projection?

Data Abstraction

What term is used to describe the practice of evaluating requirements and brining direction and control over data and information?

Data Governance

What technology enables natural interaction with virtual objects exclusively by hand gesture recognition?

Data glove

Which of the following terms is used to describe a repository of historical data that are organized by subject to support decision makers in the organization?

Data warehouse

In the Dashboard Data Quality case study on Covid 19, what technology decision made by the the Public Health of England (PHE developers) limited the spreadsheet rows of data and resulted in contact tracing for over 15,000 Covid 19 cases not being properly managed?

Data was lost because the PHE used an old Excel XLS file format that was limited to 65,000 rows of data

If database fields compose database records, what do database records compose?

Database Table

Which of the following types of crowdfunding approaches allows groups such as Kiva and LendingClub to offer loans from investors to the underserved, improving the quality and cost of financial services, and addressing the underlying barriers to financial access around the world?

Debt-based crowdfunding

Also called flow control, which of the following terms is used to describe the process of determining the order in which statements execute in a program?

Decision making

All of the following are factors contributing to the rapid growth of the cloud computing industry, except

Declining costs of power, space, and maintenance needed to operate a data computer

Circuit swtiching requires what type of channel, which means it is assigned exclusively to one call for the duration of the connection and cannot be used by another phone call?


In the User Centered Design process, which of the following process steps incorporates a use case, which is a written description of how users will perform tasks on your website?

Define Interaction

According to the Root Cause Analysis video case, what was the root cause analysis recommendation to prevent the stone in the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC from crumbling?

Delaying when to turn on the monument's lightning until after sunset

Although they are not commonly used in most parts of the developed world today, what type of modem was used to convert information between analog and digital forms for transmission over the POTS telephone network?


All of the following are benefits associated with having trust and commitment in a business relationship with your customers EXCEPT:

Encourages continued use of existing business processes

What system acquisition method has the advantages of freeing up IT resources by bypassing the IS department and avoids delays, and allows users to control the design of the application and make changes as needed?

End-user Development

In the video case "Living in a digital society," what country was discussed as having a comprehensive eGovernment program using digital technologies?


What ethical framework is based on the tenant "Assume that virtually all tangible and intangible objects are owned by someone unless there is a specific declaration otherwise"?

Ethical "No Free Lunch Rule"

What ethical situation was David Myers, former Controller of WorldCom referring to when he stated "I still don't know that one point when I started to cross the line... when I should have acted differently"?

Ethical drift

Which of the following actions was identified as a prerequisite to the "Revise" step in the Case Based Reasoning "R4 Cycle"?

Evaluate the quality of the solution

According to the video case "What is Blockchain?", how can the use of Blockchain significantly reduce the likelihood of financial fraud?

Every Blockchain transaction will be recorded on a public and distributed ledger

Often presented visually on an executive dashboard, what type of report focuses attention on business processes whose performance falls outside of the tolerance ranges defined a KPI (Key Performance Indicator) metric?


Universal design, or the design of products and environments, to be used by most people without need for adaptation or specialized design, is also described as all of the following, EXCEPT:

Experiential Design

What term is used to describe the most effective and efficient ways accomplishing business processes?

Explicit knowledge

In the Excel expression "=VLOOKUP(5, B4:H16, 3, range_lookup)", what value should be used for range_lookup to return a value only when the lookup value in the table_array matches "5"? =VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, column_index_number, range_lookup)


Payroll deductions for Social Security and Medicare are often collectively described using what term?

FICA (Federal Insurance Contribution Act)

With respect to personal finance, what is the name of the most commonly used credit scoring system intended to help lenders predict how likely an individual is to repay a loan, or make credit payments on time?

FICO (Fair Isaac Credit Corporation) Score

As described in the Relationship-based Organizing video case, information from what social media platform is used to improve the effectiveness of campaign worker's persuasion voter outreach activities?


Differences between the cloud-based Office 365 Excel Online and the installed Excel desktop app, such as not supporting all file formats, is an example of which of the following disadvantages of using a cloud-based computing model?

Features might be limited

All of the following are optional employee contributions made as wither pre- or post-tax payroll deductions EXCEPT:

Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA)

When a cloud service vendor fails to meet their commitment to provide a specified level of service under a Service Level Agreement (SLA), such as system availability, what is the customer most commonly entitled to receive from the cloud service vendor?

Financial compensation

With respect to managing a personal budget, what category of consistent expenditures would describe predictable payments such as car and rent payments?

Fixed Expenses

As discussed in the Forrester video case, TEI (Total Economic Impact) a business case for OVHcloud captures not only the traditional factors of costs and benefits, but add assessments of risk and what other dimension?


n the early days of virtual reality systems, what type of training application, developed by the Bell Helicopter Company, used displays connected to a camera to give a satisfactory sense of reality, and ultimately led to the development of the first Head-Mounted Display?

Flight Simulation

With respect to managing risk, following what phase in both the waterfall and agile development processes does the customer determine the application's "value"?

Following the release phase of application development

As things become connected, as technologies change, and cities re-shape, and multiple disruptive technologies come together simultaneously, the World Economic Forum predicts more than half of the workforce will be what type of workers?


Which of the tenets in Howard Gardner's (Harvard) recommendations regarding "How Education Changes" describes what students need to learn in a globalized world related to the need for students to be able to tackle problems and issues that do not respect the limits of the boundaries of academic disciplines?

Global Understanding / Interdisciplinary Thinking

What type of Decision-support system analysis uses a "backward" solution approach that attempts to calculate the value of the inputs necessary to achieve a desired level of output?

Goal-Seeking Analysis

Which of the following types of crowdfunding has its origins in community, not-for-profit, social causes, and arts-based ventures, which members of the public were inclined to support for benevolent reasons?

Good cause crowdfunding

Government services such as tax filing, driver's license renewal, and issuing permits and licenses are typically associated with what aspect of technology?

Government-to-citizen (G2C)

Commonly used in the field of broadcast television videography, what technology, also called chroma-key technology, creates the special effect of layering images together in a way that allows a video journalist to appear to be in another location by replacing their background with another setting?

Green Screen

Which of the following terms is determined by subtracting the cost of producing an item (e.g., cost of goods sold, or COGS) from the revenue received from selling a product?

Gross Margin

What Excel function allow you to search for data in a worksheet by matching a specified value in the top row of a table and then returning a value in the worksheet from the matched column that is found in a specified row?


In the health care virtual reality case study, the Bravemind system uses virtual environments to assist therapists in recreating difficult memories, such as explosions, firefights, insurgent attacks, and roadside bombs, at a pace that patients can handle. The virtual experiences created by Bravemind include all of the following EXCEPT:

Heat and blinding light similar to intense desert midday sunlight

Who prioneered a manufacturing method based around the principle of "take the work to the man, not the man to the work"?

Henry Ford

In the Ford Motor Assembly Line video case, what was beneficial outcome of increasing wages to $5 (five dollars) a day for Ford Motor Company assembly line workers?

Higher wages allowed Ford employees to buy the cars they assembled

On the Imperial College London's Table of Disruptive Technologies, displaying the symbol for a technology using the color RED indicates it's estimated to be likely to occur during which of the following time horizons?

Horizon 3: Distant future (more than 20 years away)

What term is used to describe a device that detects wireless networks and provides information on them?


What term is used to describe the software that manages the hardware and an can run multiple instances of an OS (operating system) on a server with virtualization?


In the "Decision Tree for Buying a Car" example discussed in class and shown below, which of the following conditions ("IF" statements) must ALWAYS be true for every "BUY" decision outcome?

IF Road tested = 'yes'

In order to accommodate the rapidly increasing number of devices that need IP addresses, such as smartphones and devices that constitute the Internet of Things, what protocol uses IP (Internet Protocol) addresses consisting of 128 bits?


As discussed in the Internet Bridges the Communications Gap Transparently case, DNS (Domain Network Services) may be provided internally as a local service by a company, or by what other group?

ISP (Internet Service Provider)

What group of business leaders is comprised of managers and staff who represent the various organizational units and establish IT priorities and to ensure that the MIS function is meeting the organization's needs?

IT Steering Committee

Which of the following goals was NOT part of the Democratic National Committee's (DNC's) 2008 Election Strategy to increase voter participation in all 50 states?

Identify and Motivate voters supporting Republican party ideals

Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a business opportunity associated with tracking customers while they are inside a store using wireless technologies such as WiFi and Bluetooth?

Identify when customers search competitor's websites while shopping

Which of the following was NOT identified as a reason that IOT (Internet of Thing) security should be a concern?

If an IOT sensors fails, then another one can pick up the data

According to Pixel Farm, mobile search marketing should target what type of customer demand, since mobile search users generally complete their tasks within 1 hour?

Immediate need for product (Availability)

In the decision-making process framework, the implementation of a solution occurs when?

Immediately following the completion of the "Choice" phase

Developed in the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois Chicago in 1995, what was the name of the "3D drafting table that used CAVE-like (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) user interfaces?


In the AVNet Video Case Green IT Strategies, what change in business practices resulted in the most significant savings for the company?

Implementing a home-based worker program

Which of the following would not be an expected outcome for managing the bullwhip effect in a product's supply chain?

Improving product features and operational reliability


Includes keeping track of budgets,accounts, taxes

Which of the following is NOT a likely benefit for a company using Blockchain technology?

Increases the risk of data tampering, fraud and cyber crime

In video case study "Thomas Friedman on Globalization and the Flattening World", progress in the third era of globalization, which is "shinking the world to tiny", primarily centers upon which of the following groups?


What term is used to describe the point in time on the technology S-Curve when the performance and/or functionality of desired attributes transitions from an increasing to a diminishing return on investment?

Inflection point

Which of the following has the strategy "I'm doing something new and you can't catch up"?


According to IOT Innovation Lab video case, one of The Hartford's two main strategic objectives for IOT devices is to help it predict, prevent, detect and mitigate what?

Insurance losses

In the "ThinkTank Group DSS" video case study, which of the following was NOT identified as an area supported by ThinkTank for breakthroughs when making collaborative decisions?


In the globalization business case that discussed how a consumer in the United States was able to purchase a necktie directly from a merchant in China, which of the following business activities would companies such as PayPal, Apple Pay, and Amazon Pay be potential service providers?

International currency exchange

What organization coordinates and manages the assignment of unique internet (IP) addresses throughout the world, working on behalf of an international "multistakeholder community" composed primarily of technology companies?

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

What term is used to describe each repetition of the group of statements (i.e., the "Do Task" or command block) of a "WHILE" or "FOR" statement?


According to our assigned eGovernment reading, many social problems, from crime to poor educational performance, are the result of multiple interactions and the only way to tackle these issues more effectively is to understand these interactions better by doing what?

Joining up the information that we have

_________ is a capability of dashboards that are specific measures of CSFs (Critical Success Factors).

KPI (Key Performance Indicator)

Business metrics that assess the execution of critical business activities are known as:

Key performance indicators

What HTML attribute should be included in order to make websites more understandable and ensure that the content will be presented appropriately and read audibly by screen readers in the correct language?


Knowledge that is objective, rational, and technical, and serves as the basis for policies and procedures can be described as __________.


Which of the following is NOT one of the three parts of an "IF" statement?

Looping variable

Frequently referred to as "rewards programs," that type of customer-touching application recognize customers who repeatedly use a vendor's products or services in order to influence future behavior?

Loyality Programs

Which of the following reduces buyer power by creating a disincentive to do business with a competitor?

Loyalty programs

Which of the following statements would NOT be a function commonly performed as part of the on-going maintenance support activity when using the SLDC (Software Development Life Cycle) development methodology?

Make-vs-buy analysis

As described in the "Ten Axioms for Success", what approach should be used to addresses a common source of project failure described as "scope creep or drift" caused by deviations from the project plan?

Manage Change

Ensuring that the entire organization takes security policies and procedures seriously and determining whether employees are following security procedures are related to what factor related to managing the vulnerability of an organization's information resources?

Management Support


Managing earnings, savings, debt, setting goals

With respect to financial accounting, the term equity is used to describe the ownership of a company. Which of the following concepts would NOT be another term related to a company's "equity" in this context?

Market value

_________ is the current strategy for many manufacturers where a company produces a large quantity of items but customizes them to match the needs and preferences of individual customers.

Mass customization

________ is a process that spans all organizational business processes and applications, and provides companies with the ability to store, maintain, exchange, and synchronize a consistent, accurate, and timely "single version of the truth".

Master data management

With respect to an SCM (Supply Chain Management) Value Chain, ________ flows are the physical products, raw materials, supplies, and so forth that flow along the chain.


According to the video case on the Productivity Paradox, Goldman Sachs believes which of the following causes is the primary reason for the slowing in productivity growth?

Measurement Error

In the COPLINK: Integrating Information video case study, what Arizona city was the focus on the case study of how law enforcement uses COPLINK to investigate crimes?

Mesa, AZ

What term is used to describe when information or systems are used beyond their stated objectives?

Mission Creep

What data communication code was developed in 1835 to transmit messages digitally over a new communications infrastructure?

Morse Code

Which one of the following transmission challenges for wireless communication occurs when a radio signal reflects off an object prior to reaching the destination such that additional copies (echoes) of the original radio signal also arrive at the destination slightly after the original signal is received?

Multi-path propagation

Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of knowledge, also known as information in action?


Which of the following terms descibes points where networks exchange (transfer) Internet data traffic?

NAPs (Network Access Points)

________ is the smallest short-range wireless network that is designed to be embedded in mobile devices such as cell phones and credit cards as a payment system, such as mobile wallets.

NFC (Near Field Communication)

_________ is a method to convert future values of benefits to their present-value equivalent by "discounting" them at the organization's cost of funds.

NPV (Net Present Value)

Which of the following predictive outcome strategies uses the approach of finding data with characteristics that are similar to a new record, using the approach that if you know about a person's friends, you can also know about the person?

Nearest Neighbor Technique

What conditional programming construct allows a program to select one of three or more distinct outcomes by placing one conditional construct inside another?

Nested IF Statement

The Decision Support Rule Induction strategy commonly uses which of the following programming constructs to make a recommendation?

Nested IF Statements

What company used a crowdsourced competition to develop an improved algorithm to predict customer preferences for its products' recommendation engine?


What is the name of the public connection points where Tier-1 providers (e.g., UUNet, BBN/Genuity, Sprint, AT&T) interconnect their networks?

Network Access Points (NAPs)

What term is used to describe a computer program used for processing natural language data that simulates the way a human brain works by processing information through layers of interconnected nodes?

Neural Network

What model of e-Governance stresses the similarities between e-Government and e-Business, and is focused on delivering high-quality public services and on moving to a more 'self-service' citizenship?

New Economy Model

Which of the following use cases would typically NOT be an application monitored with a real-time executive dashboard?

New product feature design

In the network infrastructure video case Digital and Analog Signals, what is a significant problem for analog signals?

Noise or interference

All of the following approaches are related to the POUR principle making design operable, EXCEPT:

Non-text elements must have a text alternative

Which of the following criminal actions taken by Martha Stewart in the ImClone case study directly resulted in her serving time in prison?

Obstruction of justice

Which of the following would generally NOT be an example of a transformation performed as part of an ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) or data integration process?

Obtaining data from source systems using handwritten code or with commercial data-integration software

Which of the following strategies could be used to manage the variability and uncertainty of product demand seen in the Bullwhip Effect?

Offering customers year-round low pricing (leveling demand)

According to DOMO, about how long does it take for users to upload 48 hours of new video to YouTube, post 100,000 new tweets to Twitter, and Instagram users to share 3,600 new photos?

One minute

Commonly occurring and well-defined business activities such as the day-to-day managing of orders and taking customer's reservations would be what category of organizational decision for a restaurant?


In the following diagram showing the transmission of packets P1 to P6 from New York to Los Angeles, which of the following packets would be routed through the switching center in Dallas?


When using a Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment strategy to manage their Supply Chain, along with current inventory quantities, what additional information does a company share with its vendors relating to product sales at their retail store operations?

POS (Point-of-Sale) Transactions of items sold

What term is used to describe public/private partnerships, such as the Liverpool Direct call center, that brings together private sector systems and technology expertise with public sector services and values?

Partnership of Place, Not Organization

What aspect of the knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) process does data mining perform?

Pattern Evaluation

According to Fair Isaac and the Consumer Federation of America, what financial category has the most weight when determining your credit score?

Payment History

In the Gartner Hype Cycle for Artificial Intelligence for 2023, Generative AI is considered to be in which time period / phase?

Peak of Inflated Expectations

In the 1990's, companies such as Limewire, Bittorrent, and Napster were based on what type of computing model?

Peer-to-peer (P2P)

In the "Tallinn Declaration User-centricity principles," which of the following was not one of the principles that member states should commit to adopting?

Penalties for failure to use digital services

Which of the following was NOT discussed as one of the factors that are required in order for deterrents relating to unethical behavior relating to cheating at academic institutions to be effective?

People must feel shame knowing their actions will be exposed to their peers publically

In the Interaction Cycle, what human-related task occurs immediately prior to and provides context that helps bridge the "Gulf of Evaluation" used to understand objects, properties and events?


Which of the following benefits of an Analytical Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is related to helping a company understand customer behaviors and preferences to a depth that it allows firms to customize and target their marketing messages?

Personalizing Customer Communications

What type of network is most commonly associated with Bluetooth technology?

Piconet or PAN (Personal Area Network)

Developed by the Imperial College London, the Table of Disruptive Technologies classifies technologies on two dimensions: Time Horizon and what other dimension?

Potential for Socio-Economic Disruption

The language model training used for ChatGPT is based upon what simple concept?

Predicting the next word

As an aspect of quantitative decision making, modeling and simulation provide typically inform decisions in what way?

Prediction of outcomes

Which of the following meeting difficulties would NOT commonly be considered as a behavioral issues related to meeting participants?

Prematurely closing (ending) the meeting

What type of analytics recommends one or more courses of action, identifies the likely outcome of each decision, and quantifies the effect of future decisions in order to advise on possible outcomes before the decisions are actually made?

Prescriptive Analytics

Although not an exact equivalent, the first column of the data range in a VLOOKUP table_array serves a role that is similar to what database concept? VLOOKUP( lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, range_lookup)

Primary Key

As augmented reality was explored at Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center), which of the following was NOT one of the dimensions of context-aware interaction?


According to Intel Canada's video "Public, Private and Hybrid Clouds," what type of cloud architecture offers a high level of control of the resources but the *least* (lowest ability for) scalability?


Which of the following dimensions of the Internet of Everything (IOE) focuses on delivering the right information to the right person (or machine) at the right time?


Which of the forms of innovation "Four P's" is focused on the refinement of an existing business activity to improve its efficiency?


Which of the following is NOT one of the types of innovation related to product leadership that collectively serve as an engine for value creation?

Process innovation

Which of the innovation zones is focused on growth markets and is characterized by heavy R&D (Research and Development) expense and significant market risk?

Product Leadership

Which of the following terms was NOT described as a desirable outcome of a E-Government strategy by the OMB (Office of Management and Budget)?


In a Master Production Schedule plan, the "Projected Available" quantity represents what planning information?

Projected inventory quantity at the end the planning bucket

In a network communication architecture, what term is used to describe the rules of communication used to transmit a message?


In the communication architecture model, what term is used to describe the "rules of communication" that manage the transfer of a message over a transmission medium?


As described in the "Democracies Online", which of the following would NOT be a considered as aspect associated "Political Organizations"?

Provide User Connectivity, Increase Bandwidth, Lower Costs, and Bring More Users

Having information about person's voting history (i.e., submitting a ballot on election day, early voting site, a mail-in ballot, or participation in a partisian primary) would most likely be used by a blockwalker (campaign outreach worker) as a part of a strategy for engaging persons who are classified as "sometimes voters" for the campaign worker's political party in what way?

Providing assistance on how, when and where to cast a ballot in an upcoming election

Which of the following types of cloud computing environments describes a shared, easily accessible, multi-customer IT infrastructure that is available to any entity (individuals, groups, and organizations) on a non-exclusive basis?

Public cloud

Which of the following characteristics relates to the ability of cloud computing to be able to break complex workloads into pieces to be served across an incrementally expandable infrastructure?


Which of the following issues was NOT described as a challenge to a digital entrepreneur?

Scaling a business to fit the opportunity

What type of assistive technology is the JAWS (Job Access With Speech) product?

Screen (Text to Speech) Reader

Which company began in '93, focused on buying up discontinued lines from manufacturers and selling them at a discount to their customers. Their Strategy focused on meeting customer's needs by shipping on an emerging transportation infrastructure promising rapid delivery. They used new communications technologies infrastructure to reach a geographically distributed customer base.

Sears, Roebuck & Co.

According the the "What Defines Financial Literacy" video case discussing personal finance, the term "financial fitness" relates to your behaviors around the knowledge of financial literacy in all of the following areas except:

Selecting a career field that has high-paying jobs

Which of the following is NOT one of the objectives listed for the Mission of Arizona State Legislature's Arizona Capital Television (ACTV)?

Serve as a virtual "chamber" that allows the the Arizona Legislature to hold online (remote) sessions of the House and Senate

In the A Day with IOT video case, connected IOT (Internet of Things) devices are able not only to react intelligently with the user but also to refine their behaviors by doing what?

Sharing data with other devices

Based on the Table of Disruptive Technologies developed by the Imperial College London, which of the following themes include precision agriculture, smart energy grid, broadcasting of electricity, and space solar power?

Smart Planet (SP)

In the "Berlin Declaration on Digital Society and Value-based Digital Government," which of the principles focused on having the public sector encourage wider participation in policy-making by involving society in the design of public services through co-creation, experimentation and collaboration?

Social participation and digital inclusion to shape the digital world

Traditional, private-sector entrepreneurship generally focuses on all of the following except:

Social problem solving

From the perspective of the classical ethical delemma "Who Am I", Cynthia Cooper, who at the time was MCI's VP of Internal Audit, took action based on which of the following perspectives when she reported evidence of criminal internal accounting fraud at MCI to federal law enforcement authorities?

Speaking out - whistleblowing

Which of the following was NOT discussed as an innovation using location-based products and services that helps in individual answer the question "I am here. What is where?"

Speed Zones

What company encouraged its customers to help it innovate its future processes and products by sharing, voting, and discussing ideas online?


Starting in 2013, which of the following types of crowdfunding allowed for the public solicitation for private companies raising funds through groups such as InvestedIn, StartupAddict, and peerbackers?

Start-up equity crowdfunding

What financial statement reports cash receipts and payments over a period with respect to a company's operational, investing, and financial activities?

Statement of Cash Flows

_______ is a capability of dashboards that reflect the latest data available on KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) or some other metric often in real time.

Status Access

What popular management dogma creates a dilemma for many leading companies trying to stay at the top of their industries, but paradoxically results in their failure when technologies or markets change?

Staying close to their customers

Knowledge that is subjective, cognitive, and experiential is generally considered as being ___________.


Long range decisions with long-lasting impact, such as selecting the location for distribution warehouses, mergers and acquisitions, and developing new product technologies are most commonly associated with what type of management decisions?

Strategic Planning

Identifying majors with specific language and mathematics requirements using the Degree Search selection filters help you solve what type of business problem?


What type of decisions are most commonly associated with operational task such as managing accounts receivables, entering sales orders, performing budget analysis, and investing a company's financial resources to maximize return on investments (RIO)?


___________ decisions deal with routine and repetitive problems.


________ is the cumulative store of subjective or experiential learning commonly making it imprecise, costly to transfer, and difficult to formalize or codify.

Tacit knowledge

In the Customer Experience: HoloLamp AR Menu, the avatar was seen doing all of the following to enhance the customer experience EXCEPT:

Takes the customer's order

In 2006, the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) filed a lawsuit against which company because their eCommerce website was not accessible as required by ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) creating an important precedent for online accessibility?


In the "Data-Driven Decisions at Nestlé" video case study, Nestlé's Digital Acceleration Team training program focuses on developing skills in all of the following business issues, except:


What business term did the Mesa Deputy City Manager use to describe the way CopLink allows law enforcement to "do their job in a better more efficient faster way that saves the city of Mesa money"?

Value Engineering

What term is used for innovation the operational excellence zone to describe reducing the materials cost of products by substituting low-cost standard parts and pre-integrated subsystems for an earlier design's high-cost manually integrated custom components?

Value Engineering

What term is used to describe the situation in which a firm identifies and responds to customers' needs, solves problems, procures input, reacts to competitors, and strives for profit?

Value networks

Entrepreneurship is the market-oriented mechanism for advancing what aspect of innovation?

Value proposition

Developed by Apple in 1992, what was the name of the interactive environment where users were able to move from virtual room to virtual room and examine exhibits such as medicine and astronomy in detail?

Virtual Museum

What term is used to describe a mobile commerce application with an audio interface that allows you to request information verbally and then replies with the the information you want to know using a computer-generated voice reply, such as 511 travel-information line?

Voice portal

Connecting approximately 1 million organizational computer networks in more than 200 countries on all continents, the Internet is what type of network?

WAN (Wide-Area Network)

Which of the following would be an example of a programming control structure that repeatedly executes a statement or a series of statements while a specific condition is true or until a specific condition becomes true?

WHILE statement

In the case study of the University of Arizona's Degree Search application, "assessing a new major" was described as using what type of scenario to make a decision?


What type of Decision-support System analysis attempts to predict the impact of changes in the assumptions, that is, the input data, on the proposed solution?

What-If Analysis

Often described as the "absence of visual clutter," what HCI design technique avoids information overload and allows readings to scan and find information quickly?

White Space

Which of the following terms describes the the movement of information as it progresses through the sequence of steps that make up an organization's work procedures?


Led by their Chief Scientist Mark Weiser, what organization was one of the first groups to explore Ubiquitous Computing?

Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Park)

According to the "Digital Wallet Overview" video case, when adding a credit or debit card to your digital wallet, what security method is generally used to prevent someone else from adding your debit or credit card to their digital wallet?

You must confirm the card using two-factor authentication sent by SMS, email or phone

Each characteristic or quality of a particular entity is called a(n) ________.


Which of the following is an accurate representation of the data hierarchy from smallest to largest?

bit, byte, field, record, file, database

In the ________ activity of SCM (Supply Chain Management), organizations coordinate the receipt of customer orders, develop a network of warehouses, select carriers to transport their products to their customers, and create an invoicing system to receive payments.


During what phase of the KMS (Knowledge Management Systems) cycle ensures that knowledge is available in a useful format so that anyone in the organization who needs it can access it anywhere and at any time?


Which of the following three Core Components of eGovernance leverages the public's investment in ICT (Information and Computer Technologies) to foster transparency and accountability within both national and local public institutions, to improve their functioning and effectiveness?


In the URL "http://www.arizona.edu/index.html", which of the following defines the "top level domain"?


What portion of the URL "https://eller.arizona.edu" would be considered as the top level domain that is managed at the highest level in the hierarchical Domain Name System of the Internet by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)?


Which of the following network topologies connects two or more devices in a limited geographical region, usually within the same building, so that every device on the network can communicate with every other device.

local area networks (LANs)

Privacy advocates prefer the _________ model of informed consent.


The General Data Protection Regulation, the world's strongest data protection laws, went into effect in ____ on May 25, 2018.

the European Union

Knowledge management is a process that helps organizations manipulate important knowledge that comprises part of the organizationâs memory, usually in a(n) ________ format.


With respect to an SCM (Supply Chain Management) Value Chain, sourcing and procurement of goods and services from external suppliers are ________ activities.


Which of the following terms describes a segment of computer code that requires user action to perform malicious actions by attaching to another computer program?


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