mis 250 exam 2 wsu

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levels of decision-making

1) Operational -decisions as they deal directly with customers and handle routine transactions 2) Tactical -mid-level decisions such as marketing plans, product development, membership drives, departmental budgets. More focused on trends vs operational-level's need for detailed, structured information 3) Strategic -decisions involving widespread effects throughout org, commits huge amounts of capital and people to major initiatives

steps in supply chain management

1) plan 2) source 3) make 4) deliver and 5) return

Quality of information

Accuracy, Precision, Completeness, Consistency, Timeliness, Bias, Duplication

web browser

Chrome 54.0%, Internet explorer 27.4% firefox 7.7% Microsofe Edge 5.2%, Safari 4.3%

Human Capital Management (HCM)

Core human resources maanagement application - demographic information, HR management, payroll, benefits, professional development, education Workforce management applications - time and attendance, sick and vacation leave, task and activity tracking, labor scheduling capabilities Talent management applications - E-recruitment and position applications, employee performance management and tracking, career development Service delivery application -employee and managerial self-service; typically web-based - Social software - wikis, blogs, social networks

business-to-business (B2B)

E-commerce relationship in which businesse can buy and sell products or services online to one another


Extensible Markup Language organizes data using XML tags; used for managing web content and web-based resources. To store and transport data

ERP specialized for particualr industries are rapididly evolving. Ex. ERP suites for higher education:

Financials, HR (payroll, beenfits, attendence,), student academic records (manages classes, courses, student admissions, grades, faculty assignmets), entrollment management -CRM tailored to higher education, recruitment and retention Financial Aid, Institutional Advancement - tracks donations E-learning -provides online classes with presentations, assignments, etc.

Early database architectures

Hierarchical Network

Big Data Technologies

NoSQL DBMSs do not require fixed schemas with clear definitions and better handle big data. Also Hadoop which is an open source software that supports distributed processing of big data used in the cloud

Modern database architectures

Relational Object-oriented

ERP Integration strategies:

The engineered suite, Suite with synchronized modules, and Best of breed suites

sources of business intelligence

Transactional Databases, Data Warehouses -organizations build seperate data warehouse by extracting part or all of data from databases, cleansing it and loading it to warehouse Internal Data Sources

Human Capital Metric

Turnover - percentage of workers who left and were replaced during a time period Turnover costs - total of termination costs, hiring costs, training costs and costs related to replacing a worker Cost per hire - average advertising costs + agency fees + recruiter's salary and benefits + relocation expenses for new employees Human capital return on investment - the return on investment produced by the organization's expenditures on salaries, benefits, bonuses and other costs for human talent - Employee satisfaction - measures of job satisfaction, usually assessed through employee surveys or exit interviews

file transfer protocol (ftp://)

URL component that indicates the resource is a file to be transferred

hypertext transfer protocol (http://)

a URL component that specifies that resource is a web page containing code the browser can interpret and display

market basket analysis

a statisitical technique that reveals customer behavior patterns as they purchase multiple items.


a system's ability to handle rapidly increasing demand; this is another performance issue. Issues arise with bottleneck effect of too many people trying to use system at once


a website that facilitates transaction by bringing together buyers and sellers from all over the world

supply chain visibility

ability to track timely and accurate supply metrics

natural language interface

ability to understand and natural queries, spoken or typed (ex. Siri)

Online analytical Processing (OLAP)

allows users to "slice and dice" into massive amounts of data stored in data warehouse to reveal significant patterns and trends help find fraud and can achieve speed in their splice-and-dice capabilities thorguh building multidimensional cubes

master data management (MDM)

approach that addresses the underlying inconsistencies in the way employees use data through consistent and uniform definitions for entities and their attributes ex. agreeing on name of units

GPS (global positioning systems)

are critical feature of navigation and transportation systems. Copmutes own 3D location from 3 to 4 satellites from the the 32 that orbit earth


bridges that attempt to connect different components that might be running on different servers and operating systems; allows one app to access data in another system's database and syn data across multiple systems

The engineered suite

built from group up, consisent user interfaces; data integrity is high, consistent and up to date, nonduplicated elements. Switching costs are high


buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet or other networks


can be used within HTML to add interactivity to web pages

data warehouse

central data depository containing info drawn from multiple sources that can be useful for analysis, intelligence gathering and strategic planning


column in table, the attributes of the entity.

Data stewards

combination of watchdog and bridgebuilder, a person who ensures that people adhere to definitions of master data in their organizational units

consumer-to-business (C2B)

consumers sell product online to businesses like Amazon pays bloggers a fee when their readers buy something they promote on the blog

data dictionary

contains details of each field, including easily understood descriptions

Customer relationship management (CRM)

covers the strategies, processes and information systems an organization uses to build and maintain relationships with the customer improving customer retention, profitability, growing revenue, listening to the customers


data about data and clarifies the nature of information. ex. definitions of each of the fields, tables, and their relationships.

predictive analytics

data mining and statistical techniques used ti predict future behavior


delegating tasks to large diffuse groups or communities who often volunteer their contributions

data definition

describes way data is organized (ex. alphabetic, alphanumeric, or numeric)

assistive technologies

designed to help people w disabilities such as screen readers

demand forecast accuracy (DFA)

difference between forecasted and actual demand.

payment gateway

e-commerce app that facilitates online shopping by mediatign the interconnection of bank and the credit or debit card information

consumer-to-consumer (C2C)

e-marketplaces include eBay and Craigslist


eXtenisble Business Reporting Language - part of XML family; tags identify data elements to make them transparent and also computer readable

elements of website usability

ease of learning, efficiency, memorability, error rates, satisfaction level

Big Data

enormous collections of data, varied in content and so fast to accumulate that they are difficult to store and analyze. Volume, Velocity, Variety

primary key

field or group of field that makes the record unique in that table (ex. ppl's last names)

four major types of enterprise information systems

finance and asset management human capital management supply chain management customer relationship management


focuses on informing visitors and empowering them with aggregated info about products from different suppliers

functionally dependent

for each primary key, there should be only one value for each othe attributes in the record determined by primary key.

database schema

graphically shows the tables, attributes, keys, logical relationships (ex. PK = primary key, FK = foreign key)


group of records for the same entity, such as employees, products, books, videos, or some "thing"

Domain Name System (DNS)

hierarchical naming system that maps a more memorable URL to the actual IP address

click-through rate (CTR)

important metric to asses impact of an online ad; # of visitors who clicked on ad / # of impressions

sensing technologies

improve visibility during transit and in storage

electronic data interchange (EDI)

improved visibility about orders, inventories and data that partners in a chain need to share. approach to bridge building, predates internet often relies on private networks and is time-consuming to set up A better way to improve visibility between partners is to use standardized machine-readable formats relying on XML, which are easier to create

semi-structured information

information that shows at least some structure, different people keep track of same kind of information. ex. a web page with a title, subtitle, content and a few images

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

integrated application suite to support the whole enterprise that includes modules to maange financials, HR, supply chain, customer relationships, etc.


integrated collection of information, to minimize duplication and facilitate rapid retrieval. Reduced redundancy and inconsistency, improved information accuracy, improved ability to adapt to change, improved performance and scalability, increased security

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

international body that establishes and publishes standards for programming languages used to create web software

issues with batch processing

lack of data integration inconsistent data definitions (ex. ppl putting software under computers while others put it under supplies)

bluetooth low energy (BLE) beacons

low-cost, battery-powered devices that broadcast Bluetooth signals to nearby smartphones; a customer who accepts signals may recieeve message about sales


mix of technologies that builds on JavaScript and draws on live data to create interactive online displays

data model

model to plan organizations database that identifies what kind of database is needed

unstructured information

no inherent structure or order, parts can't be easilty linked together ex. manila folder containing assorted items about lawsuit, photos, notes, newspaper articles.

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

nonprofit org charged with overseeing the net's naming system

database architecture

one-to-one one-to-many, many-to-many

foreign keys

primary keys that appear as an attribute in a different table. They can be used to link the two tables together


process that refines entities and their relationships to help minimize duplication of information handles many-to-many relationships well

batch processing

program is sequentially conducting operations on each record in a large batch


project or undertaking, typically one that is difficult or requires effort.

Components of URL

protocol identifier - following foward slashes registered domain - maps unique IP address of location (etrade.com, wsu.edu, edu.cn) - Top-level domain - top-level domain indicates the type of organization or country of orgi

Structured Query Language (SQL)

query language, used to manipulate information in relational databases, relies on primary and foreign keys. (ex. SELECT LastName, FirstName, EmployeeID FROM Employees WHERE LastName = "Park"

multidimensional website architecture

recognizes that information can be categorized in many ways that visitors need multiple paths through the site

web accessibility

refers to how easily a person w disabilities can access and use web resources

mobile commerce (m-commerce)

refers to use of wireless, mobile devices to conduct e-commerce

data warehouse architectures

relational database data cubes virtual federated warehouse Data warehouse appliance NoSQL In-memory database

database administrator (DBA)

responsible for efficient operation of company's database: monitoring and optimizing performance, troubleshooting, setting up new databases, enhancing security, planing capacity, designing back up and working w/ IT department heads


row in the table, represents an instance of the entity, such as a single person.

Best of breed suites

seperate system to mach each user requirements closely, but weak integration and insconsistent

near field communication (NFC)

set of standards for technology that supports communication between mobile devices when the two are very near one another

third-party cookies

small text files that website leaves on a visitor's computer that are not deposited by the site visited

shadow system

smaller databases developed by individuals or departments to focus on their creator's specific info requirements. Quick solution and easily created with Access and Excel

intelligent agents

software programs or "bots" that are sent out to collect data from web pages on behalf of a user to build a bot, the designer carries out the steps a human being would perform to capture data on public websites and software creates the agent that will carry out tasks on its own

sentiment analysis

software that scans the text comment boxes, blogs, social media and classifies the opinions as pro,

Content management systems

software used to manage digital content in collaborative environments

extract, transform and load (ETL)

strategy for drawing info from multiple sources by extracting data from its home database, transforming it to adhere to common data definitions and then loading it into the data warehouse however, there is a lot of "dirty data" - inconsistent name spellings etc.

business-to-consumer (B2C)

suppliers post their wares and consumers can compare them on pricing and features.

cascading style sheets (CSS)

that control the fonts and colors to appear when an editor identifies some text

web beacon (web bug)

tiny, invisible image, typically a single pixel with a unique identifer used on websites to track visitors used in marketing CRM

Supply Chain Management (SCM)

to strategies that optimize the flow of products and services from their source to the customer

hierarchical website architecture

top-level home page contains links to second-level pages, which then link to further relevant pages

shopping cart software

tracks purchases as customs click 'add to cart' and include promotional codes

uniform resource locator (URL)

unique global address for a webpage

database management system (DBMS)

used to create and manage the database. Provides security, replication, retrieval, other administrative and housekeeping tasks

sequential website architecture

useful when designers want the visitor to proceed step by step

interactive voice response (IVR)

uses signals via phone to acess the databas, retrieve account infor and enter data; automated phone operator

search engine optimization (SEO)

uses strategies to increase the quantity and quality of traffic from search engines, often by improving the site's posiion in result lists

structured information

usually considered to be facts and data. ex. last name, first name, street address, phone number, email adderss, etc.

Suite with synchronized modules

vendor provides middleware to connect and synchronize systems that may be running on differnent platforms. Helps improve consistency, but modules are integrated at the edges so bridges can be fragile

tag cloud

visual depiction of keywords related to the search, with font size and position indicating relevance

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