MIS ch. 9 Business Intelligence Systems

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cross-selling opportunities

"if they're buying X, sell them Y" or "if they're buying Y, sell them X"

knowledge management

(KM) is the process of creating value from intellectual capital and sharing that knowledge with employees, managers, suppliers, customers, and others who need that capital. The goal of ________, is to prevent the kinds of problems just described.

reporting application

a BI application that inputs data from one or more sources and applies reporting operations to that data to produce business intelligence.

BI server

a Web server application that is purpose-built for the publishing of business intelligence.


a characteristic of a measure.

cluster analysis

a common unsupervised technique. statistical techniques identify groups of entities that have similar characteristics. A common use for _______ is to find groups of similar customers from customer order and demographic data.

data mart

a data collection, smaller than the data warehouse, that addresses the needs of a particular department or functional area of the business.

decision tree

a hierarchical arrangement of criteria that predict a classification or a value.________ analyses are an unsupervised data mining technique. The analyst sets up the computer program and provides the data to analyze, and the ______ program produces the tree.

online analytical processing (OLAP)

a second type of reporting application, is more generic than RFM. OLAP provides the ability to sum, count, average, and perform other simple arithmetic operations on groups of data. the defining characteristics of _________ reports is that they are dynamic.

decision support systems

a synonym for decision-making BI systems.


a technique for harnessing the power of thousands of computers working in parallel.

rfm analysis

a technique readily implemented with basic reporting or operations, is used to analyze and rank customers according to their purchasing patterns. RFM considers how recently a customer has ordered, how frequently a customer ordered, and how much money the customer has spent.


a term that refers to the level of detail represented by the data. It can be too fine or too coarse.

rich directory

an employee directory that includes not only the standard name, email, phone, and address, but also organizational structure and expertise.


an open-source program supported by the Apache Foundation that implements MapReduce on potentially thousands of computers. ______ could drive the process of finding and counting the google search terms, but google uses its own proprietary version of MapReduce to so instead.

market-basket analysis

an unsupervised data mining technique for determining sales patterns. A market-basket analysis shows the products that customers tend to buy together.

unsupervised data mining

analysts do not create a model or hypothesis before running the analysis. Instead they apply a ____________ application to the data and observe the results.

neural networks

another popular supervised data mining application used to predict values and make classifications such as "good prospect" or "poor prospect" customers.

dynamic reports

are BI documents that are updated at the time they are requested.

expert systems

are rule-based systems that encode human knowledge in the form of "if/then rules"

supervised data mining

data miners develop a model prior to the analysis and apply statistical techniques to data to estimate parameters of the model.

push publishing

delivers business intelligence to users without any request from the users; the BI results are delivered according to a schedule or as a result of an event or particular data condition.


hadoop includes a query language entitled pig.


in market-basket terminology, such a conditional probability estimate is called________.

business intelligence (BI) systems

information systems that process operational, social, and other data to identify patterns, relationships,and trends for use by business professionals and other knowledge workers.

content management systems

information systems that support the management and delivery of documents including reports, web pages, and other expressions of employee knowledge.

data warehouse

larger organizations, however, typically create and staff a group of people who manage and run a ___________; which is a facility for managing an organization's BI data. Functions; - obtain data -cleanse data -organize and relate data -catalog data

regression analysis

measures the effect of a set of variables on another variable, is called a ___________.

OLAP cube

or sometimes simply a cube. _________ is the same as an OLAP report.

predictive policing

police departments analyze data on past crimes, including location,date, time, day of week, type of crime and related data, to predict where crimes are likely to occur.

pull publishing

requires the user to request BI results.

If/then rules

such rules are statements that specify if a particular condition exists, then to take some action

hyper-social knowledge management

the application of social media and related applications for the management and delivery of organizational knowledge resources.

data mining

the application of statistical techniques to find patterns and relationships among data for classification and prediction.


the data item of interest.It is the item that is to be summed or averaged or otherwise processed in the OLAP report.


the probability that two items will be purchased together. To estimate that probability, we examine sales transactions and count the number of times that two items occurred in the same transaction.

BI analysis

the process of creating business intelligence. The four fundamental categories of BI analysis are reporting, data mining, BigData, and knowledge management.

publish results

the process of delivering business intelligence to the knowledge workers who need it.

data acquisition

the process of obtaining, cleaning, organizing, relating, and cataloging source data.

expert system shells

the programs that process a set of rules are called_______, Typically, the shell processes rules until no value changes.


the ratio of confidence to the base probability of buying an item._______ Shows how much the base probability increases or decreases when other products are purchased.

BI application

the software component of a BI system is called a BI application.

business intelligence

these patterns, relationships, trends, and predictions, are referred to as _________.


user requests for particular BI results on a particular schedule or in response to particular events.

drill down

with an OLAP report it is possible to _________ into the data.This term means to further divide the data into more detail.

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