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Which of the following statements is illustrative of the post hoc fallacy?

Believing that because most professional athletes lift weights, weightlifting produces professional athletes

As described in lecture, the appetitive motive system in the brain is activated by IAPS pictures that are:

a. high on the arousal dimension, high on the pleasure (valence) dimension. b. low on the arousal dimension, high on the pleasure (valence) dimension. NOT c. high on the arousal dimension, low on the pleasure (valence) dimension. Incorrect d. low on the arousal dimension, low on the pleasure (valence) dimension. ??

The original purpose of the first intelligence test was to

a. identify which children were likely to benefit from vocational education. b. identify areas of academic weakness in grade school children. c. identify which children were likely to do well in school. Incorrect d. identify which students were in need of accelerated instruction.

The proposal that emotions serve to keep humans alive long enough to reproduce and form relationships that ensure the survival of offspring was first made by ___________________.

charles darwin

As described in lecture, Walter Mischel launched the 20-year old Person-Situation debate after his research found that:

personality does not predict how people will behave in different situations.

Freud's psychodynamic approach to personality was based on a belief that

personality results from conflicting and often unconscious forces within the individual.

As described in lecture, if the amygdala is lesioned, the fear-potentiated startle will ____________.

be reduced or even disappear Correct

According to the textbook, researchers have found a correlation between brain size and intelligence:

both within humans and across species

When they meet new people, Emma tends to be reserved and quiet whereas Jane tends to be outgoing and talkative. In all situations, in fact, Emma tends to be more reserved and Jane tends to be more outgoing. The observation that people react differently to the same situation refers to __________ of personality.


As discussed in lecture, the neurotransmitter released by rewarding stimuli is ________________.


The Minneapolis police force sent a group of officers to a special program to train them in the facial signs—the "micro-expressions" —of deception. The developer of this special program believes that facial expressions are simply a visible display of specific categories of emotions—anger, contempt, disgust, and so on—and that people can be trained to read facial expressions just as one can read a book. The developer of this course evidently believes that:

emotions are discrete categories of feelings. Correct

After damage to his hippocampus and temporal lobes, Clive Wearing (seen during a video in lecture) experienced loss of what kind of memory:

episodic memory

According to Freud, defense mechanisms are a/an ________ part of being a psychologically healthy and well-adjusted individual.


Piaget's theory applies to such topics as

exploring gender differences in cognitive development.

According to research described in lecture by Dr. Simpson, an individual with an anxious/ambivalent attachment style

finds that others are reluctant to get as close as they would like and often worry that their partner doesn't really love him or her.

Mary is studying whether happiness affects health. She measures happiness with a self-report survey, and she measures the health of her participants with a scored evaluation from their doctor. In Mary's study, which of the following is the psychological construct?


Randeep had been studying hard for a while in the Lind Hall library for an upcoming Psychology exam. When his friend Annelise came over and said hello, his heart rate decreased, he stretched back in his chair, he gave her a big smile, and said "I'm so happy to see you!" According to Dr. Gewirtz's definition, when Randeep's saw his friend, the somatic aspect of his emotional response is that _________________________. `

he gave her a big smile

According to "universal adaptability," by the age of one year, babies will:

recognize only the speech sounds of their native language.

Dr. Peterson is studying aggression in children and defines aggression as the number of times one child pushes or strikes another child. Defining aggression in this way would ______________________________.

represent an operational definition Correct

According to your authors, ________ is the most critical defense mechanism in psychoanalytic theory.


The orbitofrontal (prefrontal cortex), the nucleus accumbens and the VTA-Ventral tegmental area--are particularly associated with ____________ in the brain?


As discussed in lectures and discussion sections, models of intelligence that include "g" are based on the observation that:

scores on various tests of mental ability tend to correlate positively

Parental investment theory suggests that women place more emphasis than men on the ______ of a potential mate.

social status

Manipulating a variable under carefully controlled conditions and observing the changes in a second variable defines ____________________.

the experimental approach

Dan went to a party even though he didn't feel like going out. Even though he felt a little down, he forced himself to smile and then, oddly enough, he actually felt happier. This reaction is consistent with

the facial feedback hypothesis.

The idea that language will have words for all important personality characteristics (so a researcher can uncover the structure of personality using the dictionary) is known as ____________________.

the lexical hypothesis Correct

Researchers studying the effects of sleep deprivation tested the physical coordination skills of 25-year-old males who had been sleep deprived for either 24, 36, or 48 hours. In this study, the dependent variable would be _______________.

the physical coordination skills of men in the study

According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory the id is

the primitive, instinctive component of personality Correct

Nosology is __________________________________.

the science of how diseases are classified.

During lecture we watched a video about Harry Harlow's research with young Rhesus monkeys who demonstrated their need for contact comfort. Dr. Harlow's research did NOT support the popular explanation of mother-infant bonding given by ______________ theory-that babies would learn to love the caregiver who provided the reward of food.

a. attachment b. humanistic c. behaviorist d. Freudian Incorrect

According to a Behavioral Psychologist, infants are attached to their mothers at a certain age because ___________________.

a. mothers provide the reward of food. b. mothers provide safety c. babies are biologically prepared to bond to their caregiver. NOT d. mothers provide the reward of contact comfort. ??

As many as 30% of the soldiers who returned from Iraq suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD,) a sometimes crippling disorder caused by traumatic experiences. Since the soldiers already have PTSD, doctors can't prevent the formation of painful memories, but they can use _______________ to speed up extinction of painful memories.

a. opiates b. DCS (d-cycloserine) NOT c. beta-blockers Incorrect d. SSRIs (serotonin reuptake inhibitors)

At what stage have children acquired the ability to pass conservation tasks?

Concrete operational

Better performance on a "Theory of Mind" test is associated with the personality trait of ________________________.


Of the following, IQ scores are most highly correlated with ______________________________ .


According to Gardner there are as many as ________ types of intelligence.


Twelve-year-old Arnold received an IQ test score of 75. What is his mental age?


Evidence that Autism has a biological basis includes _____________________.

A high co-morbidity with brain seizures

Which of the following best illustrates the characteristic of good scientific practice known as replication?

An important model of intelligence was developed with a twin population, then found again in a sample of Dutch merchant marines

As described in lecture, which of the following is an example of semantic memory?

Answering the question, "What kind of bird is black and white and lives in the Antarctic?"

To a Developmental Psychologist, behavior that "resilient" is __________________.

Behavior that each member of the species will develop even in widely different situations

Psychologists and psychiatrists most likely to use _____________________ to classify autism.

Behavioral manifestations

In lecture, we saw a video of researcher Janet Werker studying the capacity of infants to detect speech sounds. She trained them to turn their head at a sound change (such as "ba" to "pa"), then exposed them to speech sounds that do not exist in English. What were her findings?

Children exhibit universal adaptability.

Between the ages of seven months and three years, children from the highest SES hear, on average, 2,153 words per hour whereas children on welfare hear, on average, 616 words per hour. What is the longterm impact of this difference on the development of language?

Children with higher SES have larger vocabularies when they enter school and better reading comprehension at the age of ten.

The research question, "What is the impact of the parental education on brain development?" would be of particular interest to a _____________________________________.

Developmental Psychologist

The evidence that language specialization is driven by ___________________ is provided by _________________________________________.

Experience...bilingual children concentrate the language functions of their dominant language in the left side of the brain but continue to process their secondary language in both sides of the brain.

The cousin of Charles Darwin who believed that intelligence is a by-product of sensory capacity was

Francis Galton

When Bruno Bettelheim attributed the cause of autism to "refrigerator mothers"--what did he mean?

He meant mothers who deprived their child of affection.

An individual differences psychologist would be interested in which of the following questions?

How can intelligence affect life outcomes?

Which of the following best summarizes research findings on the stability of IQ:

IQ is very stable over one year. However, about 35% of children show increases or decreases of 11-21 points over six years

Scottish researcher, Ian Deary, tracked down men and women, now 80 years old, who had taken an IQ test at the age of 11. When he re-administered the same IQ test, he found _____________________.

IQ scores were remarkably stable over time, a correlation of .73.

A differential psychologist is likely to be most interested in studying what aspect of the recreational drug MDMA ("Ecstasy")?

Is there a relationship between MDMA use and the personality trait of extraversion?

Dr. Fine wanted to measure his client's personality using a test that would get at a deeper level of description. It seems likely that he would choose to use which of the following?


Which of these practices is most consistent with eugenics?

Making birth control more accessible to people of limited intellectual ability.

Which of these practices is most consistent with eugenics?

Making birth control more accessible to people of limited intellectual ability. Correct

Which of the following best describes the neural basis of intelligence?

More intelligent people have brains that are less active during problem solving.

As Hank (a member of Unit's special military force) cautiously approached the seven-foot tall space alien (described as a red and orange lizard-like humanoid,) activity in his amygdala was __________________________.

NOT a.hijacking his dopamine receptors. Incorrect b. busy identifying that this was a Zygon shape-shifter. c. causing Hank's shallow breath, dilated pupils and pounding heart. d. causing Hank's face to turn red and his brows to lower and pull together into a \/. ??

When a child understands that the number of dots in a row is the same after the dots have been spaced farther apart, the child has left Piagets _______________ stage.


Zoe wants to test the IQ of a group of ESL students who do not speak any English. What test might you recommend to her?

Raven's Progressive Matrices

Why does the relationship between secure attachment in infancy and peer relations increase with time?

Researchers don't know for sure, but speculate that it has to do with trust.

Which of the following is the correct sequence of Allports idiographic levels of organization from LEAST salient/characteristic and LEAST pervasive to MOST salient/characteristic and MOST pervasive?

Secondary, Central, Cardinal

Who was the inventor of correlational research methods who later studied the effects of sensory skills on intelligence?

Sir Francis Galton Correct

Among the primary functions of attachment is "proximity." To what does this term refer?

The child does not wander away from his attachment figure. Correct

Which of the following is the best example of an autonomic aspect of an emotional response to an incident?

The criminal got sweaty palms during the lie detector test when he was asked about what really happened last Thursday night.

A fear-potentiated startle is

The difference between a startle response in a neutral condition and in a high arousal condition Correct

Which of the following is an advantage of the nomothetic approach over the idiographic approach?

The nomothetic approach provides more generalizability.

Which psychological test asks the subject to tell a story based on a picture of one or more people in which it is unclear what is going on?

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) Correct

Wanda is very quiet around people in authority, but she can be loud and boisterous among her peers. Which of the following theorists would explain the difference in Wanda's behavior in terms of situational factors?

Walter Mischel

Which of the following best illustrates the adaptive value of emotion?

When a raccoon threatened her infant son, Maya's fright gave her the strength to grab him and run like the wind to safety.

Mikhail Baryshnikov, a Soviet-born and trained dancer and choreographer, is often described as the greatest dancer of the 20th century. His entire life has been dedicated to dance, and his work has been characterized by remarkable creativity and innovation. As discussed in lecture, according to Gordon Allport's approach to personality, Baryshnikov's pervasive interest in dance is best described as

a cardinal trait Correct

The finding that high SES children hear thirty million more words before the age of four than low SES children has captured the public's imagination. The conclusion that the number of words heard before the age of four causes the achievement gap at age ten is an example of _______________________.

a. A-not-B thinking b. egocentrism c. the Post-Hoc fallacy NOT d. Parental Investment theory

How does Renee Baillargeon's research on object permanence compare to Piaget's theory?

a. Baillargeon found that babies show object permanence earlier than Piaget hypothesized. b. Baillargeon didn't study object permanence. NOT c. Baillargeon found that babies show object permanence later than Piaget hypothesized. Incorrect d. Baillargeon's research supported Piaget's theory about when babies show object permanence. Researched whether younger infants can achieve objects permanence. Researched fundamental functions/capabilities of objects and children's reactions.

Etta's face is pale. Her heart is pounding. She is breathing fast, her pupils are dilated, and, if someone startled her right now, she would probably "jump out of her skin." All these symptoms of anxiety are associated with which area of Etta's brain?

a. amygdala b. hippocampus c. cerebellum d. nucleus accumbens Incorrect

According to a study described in lecture, which of the following mediating factors (measured in preschool) is correlated with the volume of the hippocampus ten years later?

a. supportive/hostile parenting styles b. attendance at pre-school NOT c. years of parental education NOT d. parental income ??

Developmental Psychologists use measures at different levels of analysis. When Dr Gunnar collects spit sample to measure levels of the hormone, cortisol, in response to stress, which level of analysis is she using?

a. systems level measures NOT b. idiographic measures Incorrect c. Behavioral level measures d. School and Neighborhood level measures ??

As described in lecture, learning to talk appears to have a biological foundation. One piece of evidence for this claim is that_________________.

a. teaching can speed up the stages. b. parents are good tutors and models. c. all children go through the same sequence at the same ages. NOT d. children are able to hear only the speech sounds of their parent's language at birth ??

The Big Five personality traits are identified across data sets, and across race and ethnicities, the old and young, and men and women. This evidence indicates that ____________________.

a. the Big Five model is basic to our understanding of personality.

As described in lectures on emotion, the primary motive system of defensiveness is associated with the __________________ in the brain.


A researcher is measuring the heart rate of subjects as an index of anxiety. In this study, heart rate is _________________.

an independent variable

According to the book, infants with what kind of attachment style are more likely to be disliked and mistreated by peers later in childhood?


During lecture, Psy 1001 students saw an experiment in which participants were told either that they would experience intense and painful shocks or mild shocks that were not painful. Then, while waiting for the shock treatment, participants answered survey questions on whether they would like to spend time waiting alone or with another person. In this study, the questionnaire that students completed served __________________.

as the dependent variable. Correct

The research question, "Compared to babies who are insecurely attached, do babies who are securely attached produce less cortisol when stressed?" would be of particular interest to a _____________________________________.

developmental psychologist

Intelligence is least likely to be described as which of the following ?

b. The ability to understand and use complex ideas

According to Leo Kanner, children with autism _________________________________.

b. had intellectual strengths such as excellent rote memory

According to evolutionary theory, the human brain is not specialized to do which of the following?

c. think logically about abstract concepts. Correct

Many people are suspicious of claims that IQ has a genetic component _________________.

d. because supporters of the eugenics movement have misused findings of genetic influences on behavior.

Allport was a personality researcher who subscribed to the:

idiographic approach

In Freud's theory, the id is the part of personality that

includes the drives for biological gratification

The fact that humans are more motivated to protect the children of their siblings and kin than the children of strangers is explained by ______________________.

inclusive fitness theory

A man who donates sperm to a sperm bank is maximizing his __________________ while minimizing his _____________. By shopping through catalogues of sperm donors searching for the most desirable traits, a woman is practicing _____________.

inclusive fitness, parental investment, eugenics

Consistent with research on physical attractiveness, on Reality TV shows such as "Extreme Makeover" when people have plastic surgery to increase their beauty, they are most likely to chose procedures that

increase the "averageness" of their faces.

Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences ______________________________.

is theoretical. Formal tests to measure it have not been developed

The main advantage associated with the experimental method is _________________________.

its precise control

A child's ability to understand that others' perspectives can differ from theirs is called theory of ________.


All languages are rich in words describing the personality trait of neuroticism. Given the lexical hypothesis as discussed during lectures, this finding would suggest that

moodiness, feeling emotions more strongly and experiencing more negative emotions are important in all cultures.

Parental investment theory suggests that, in comparison to men, women show ______ desire for partners who are intelligent, ambitious and have high social status and ______ interest in attractiveness.

more; less

As discussed in lecture, the startle reflex is humans can be measured by

muscle potential in the vicinity of the eye.

As described in lecture, a beta-blocker is effective in the treatment of PTSD because it

prevents the formation of painful memories.

The evolutionary function of attachment that keeps an infant close to its caregiver is known as ________________.


As discussed in lecture, when comparing the blink response of psychopathic prisoners and normal subjects on IAPS images rated as pleasant, neutral or unpleasant, researchers find that

psychopathic prisoners have a blink response to unpleasant IAPS images that resembles their blink response to pleasant images.

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