MKT 334: LearnSmart Chapter 13

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Although the states of mind of an individual are reflected by _____, the temporary states of being of an individual are reflects by _____

moods; momentary conditions

Specific mood responses are created in shoppers by the manipulation of the physical retail environment by managers by a process known as


How do consumers create the situations that allow marketers to develop products and advertising?

by choosing to lead a certain lifestyle

In the context of situational characteristics that influence consumers' purchase decisions, ______ are the other individuals, apart from the consumer, present in a particular situation

social surroundings

In the context of social situations in which consumers process promotional messages, marketing managers typically do not

have any control over a consumer's social surroundings

With the knowledge of usage situations, marketers can

inform consumers about how satisfaction is creased by their products

Which situational characteristic of a consumer's purchase decision deal with the effect of time on consumer behavior?

temporal perspectives

When an individual's behavior is visible, social influence is a significant force since people

tend to comply with the expectations of their group

Colors and other aspects of a store's physical environment are designed specifically for the cultures involved because

the meaning of colors differs in different cultures

Marketers are able to determine the best purposes for their products by rating situations that consumers leading a particular lifestyle are likely to encounter. These situations are referred to as

use situations

Features of an individual person, such as moods or momentary conditions, that affect that individual's consumption behavior but are not lasting characteristics are referred to as

antecedent states

Which of the following are situations in which injurious consumption can become ritualized?

1. situations involving a set of interrelated routines and behaviors 2. situations resulting in rewards or special meaning for participants 3. situations triggered by social occasions

Identify an accurate statement about moods

They are affected by and effect a consumption process

Select the typical effects of a scented store environment on consumers

1. Consumers' intention to purchase certain items increases 2. Consumers' intention to revisit the store greatly increases 3. Consumers' sense of time spent shopping decreases

Which of the following statements are true concerning the way consumers respond to situational influence?

1. Situational influence concerns factors that are particular to a time and place 2. A situation influence that can negatively affect a consumer's attention is clutter 3. Consumers often react to marketing in a way that is strongly influenced by the consumer's current situation

Which steps can be taken by retailers to minimize the negative effects of crowding in stores?

1. Stores should be expanded 2. Extra personnel should be used 3. Additional checkout lines should be opened

What strategies do marketers employ to optimize the effectiveness of advertisements?

1. They structure commercials according to viewing situations 2. They incorporate social consumption themes into commercials

What are two ways consumers respond to the unpleasant feelings associated with crowding in a store?

1. buying fewer items and spending less time in stores 2. making purchase decisions faster

Select the items that are part of the physical surroundings that can affect consumption behavior

1. configuration of store merchandise 2. store lighting 3. decor, aroma, and lighting

List in order, from the beginning, the steps to be followed by marketers when developing situation-based marketing strategies in the order in which they are followed. Place the first step at the top and the last step at the bottom. Position 1 of 5 developing and implementing marketing strategies that offer sufficient profit potential for elements in the segmentation matrix incorrect toggle button unavailable developing and implementing marketing strategies that offer sufficient profit potential for elements in the segmentation matrix

1. obtaining data to find out the various usage situations that influence the consumption of a product 2. conducting surveys on large samples to quantify and understand product usage and product benefits sought in a usage situation by a market segment 3. constructing a person-situation segmentation matrix 4. evaluating each element of the segmentation matrix in terms of potential 5.developing and implementing marketing strategies that offer sufficient profit potential for elements in the segmentation matrix

Select the time-related dimensions that have led to the growth of Internet shopping

1. reduction of purchase time required 2. total consumer control over the time of purchase

Which of the following are the factors that are influenced by store atmosphere?

1. willingness of shoppers to linger 2. consumer judgments of store quality 3. consumer judgments of store image

True or false: Online retailers are not concerned with atmospherics


Symphony, a home goods store, has opened a new branch in an upscale locality. Aware of the research findings of environmental fragrancing, the store uses a pleasant scent in its new location. However, this does not improve the brand recall and evaluation by consumers as Symphony had hoped. Which of the following would be the most plausible reason for the failure of this strategy?

Fragrance preferences are highly individualized

Which of the following statements about the influences on purchase decisions when shopping for gifts is accurate?

Purchase criteria and shopping strategies used by consumers when giving gifts are different from those used when purchasing for self-use

Which scenario exemplifies a purchase situation that would influence consumer behavior?

Wendell decided not to get a coffee at Starbucks between classes, because the line was too long

For an individual's state of being to be considered as an antecedent state, it should be

momentarily experienced by the individual

Transient feeling states that are capable of influencing a consumer's purchase behavior but are generally not tied to a specific object or event are known as


Marketers need to understand how disposition decisions are affected by situational influences so that

more ethical and effective marketing programs and products can be developed

In the context of situational factors that influence behavior, the increase of time involved with a service and hedonic motives has led to the

physical characteristics of a business becoming as important as the intangible services it provides

The unpleasant feelings that consumers associate with crowding in stores result in which of the following?

1. Reduced likelihood of returning to the stores 2. A poor shopping experience 3. Less satisfactory purchases

Which of the following statement is true about the way consumers regulate their moods?

Consumers regulate their moods both at nonconscious and conscious levels

Which statement regarding music and consumption behavior is true?

Music can influence consumption behavior in both traditional retailer settings and in online settings

Which statement about time as a situational factor that influences a consumer's purchase decision is true?

Perceptions of retailer service quality are decreased by time pressure

What is a relatively inexpensive tactic to ease the tension from store overcrowding during peak periods?

Play music with a slow tempo

_______ are related to the nature of programming that surrounds a focal promotional or commercial communicated to consumers

Program context effects

Which statement reflects the relationship between consumer behavior and communication situations?

The behavior of consumers is greatly impacted by the situation in which they receive marketing information

What can managers do to make the best use of situations in which consumers are most receptive to marketing communications?

They can place their ads in appropriate media contexts to enhance the ads' effectiveness

True or false: Binge drinking is an injurious consumption that can result from a ritual situation


True or false: The choice between purchases for self-use versus purchases for gift giving is the major task dichotomy faced by marketers


Which of the following is a situation in which a consumer's purchase decision is influenced by the social groups in his or her immediate environment?

a consumer wanting to buy an adult-only magazine in a crowded store

Which of the following is an example of an antecedent state that influences a customer's purchase decision?

a consumer who purchases clothes to overcome a bad mood

Which is a typical example of the disposition situation faced by consumers?

a consumer wishing to discard broken electronic equipment

According to research, background music yields the most positive retail outcome if

a moderate level of arousal is created by it

Which of the following is an example of a typical purchase situation faced by consumers, as understood by marketers?

a student consumer hoping to complete grocery shopping in between her classes

In the context of atmospherics, match the tones of colors to the influence they have on consumers

cool colors = increase consumer satisfaction and sales warm colors = drive impulse purchases and attract attention

According to marketers, both the product and the purchase situation influence ______, a negative emotion that can affect purchase behavior


Match the steps taken when developing situation-based marketing strategies to their appropriate descriptions

gathering data on various usage situations = using focus group discussions, secondary data, observational studies, and depth interviews conducting surveys = surveying a large sample of consumers to quantify and understand the product usage and the product benefits sought construction of a person-situation segmentation matrix = inserting major usage situations in rows and groups of users with unique needs and desires in columns evaluating each matrix element = evaluating the profit potential of each cell in terms of sales volume, cost to serve, competitor strength, price level, and so on implementing a suitable marketing strategy = given a company's capabilities, developing and implementing a strategy that offers sufficient profit potential for evaluated cells

In the context of task definition, a consumer's purchase behavior while giving gifts is influenced by both ______ and _______ task definitions

general; specific

Sounds, aromas, decor, weather, lighting, and configurations of materials surrounding the stimulus object are included in the _____ dimension of situational characteristics that influence consumer behavior

physical surroundings

The role that moods play in the communications situation of delivering promotional messages to consumers is known as the

program context effect

A socially defined occasion known as a(n) _______ situation triggers a set of interrelated behaviors that occur in a structured format and that have symbolic meaning


The knowledge of consumers' antecedent states, especially their moods, is important for marketing managers because

services and products are a means for consumers to manage their moods

The atmosphere found in service businesses such as spas, salons, and fast food restaurants is known as


The combination of factors particular to a time and place that do not follow from a knowledge of the stable attributes of a consumer and a stimulus and that have an effect on current consumer behavior is known as

situational influence

The ______ of a retail environment is referred to as the sum of all its physical features

store atmosphere

Which term describes the reason that a consumption activity occurs?

task definition

Envy Inc. is a leading footwear manufacturer. A survey reveals that consumers prefer the optimum comfort provided by its products to the products of other brands. Envy Inc. uses this information to communicate to other consumers the benefit of buying its products. Which situational influence does Envy Inc. use in order to increase its sales?

the usage situation

Ritual situations are receiving increasing attention by marketers because

they often involve prescribed consumption behaviors

The growth of Internet shopping is partly due to the _______ experienced by consumers

time pressures

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