Mkt 351 - Chapter 16

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Explain attribute-based choice processes:

Requires the knowledge of specific attributes at the time the choice is made, and it involves attribute-by-attribute comparisons across brands

What are evaluation criteria?

The various dimensions, features, or benefits a consumer looks for in response to a specific problem

What is a semantic differential (SD) scale?

A type of rating scale designed to measure the connotative meaning of objects, events, and concepts. The connotations are used to derive the attitude towards the given object, event, or concept

Explain projective techniques:

Allow the respondent to indicate the criteria someone else might use

What is a surrogate indicator?

An attribute used to stand for or indicate another attribute

Explain the direct method of determining which evaluative criteria to be used:

Asking the consumers what criteria they use in a particular purchase

Rational choice theory assumption: Consumers seek one optimal solution to a problem and choose on that basis Reality:

Consumers have all sorts of metagoals that are different from this

Rational choice theory assumption: Consumers have the skill and motivation to find the optimal solution Reality:

Consumers often lack both the skill or motivation to do so

Rational choice theory assumption: The optimal solution does not change as a function of situational factors such as time pressure, task definition, or competitive context Reality:

Context effects are common

What is the disjunctive rule?

Establishes a minimum level of performance for each important attribute. Any brand will be acceptable if it exceeds the minimum standard for any key attribute

What is the conjunctive rule?

Establishes minimum acceptable performance standards for each evaluative criterion and selects all brands that exceed these minimum standards. Eliminates those that fall below

What is the elimination-by-aspects decision rule?

Requires consumers to rank the evaluative criteria in terms of their importance and to establish a cutoff point for each criterion

Explain attitude-based choice processes:

Involves the use of general attitudes, summary impressions, intuitions, or heuristics; no attribute-by-attribute comparisons are made at the time of choice

What is the lexicrographic decision rule?

Requires the consumer to rank the criteria in order of importance; the consumer then selects the brand that performs best on the most important attribute

Explain perceptual mapping:

Researcher uses judgement to determine dimensions underlying consumer evaluations of brand similarity

What is sensory discrimination?

The ability of an individual to distinguish between similar stimuli

What is the compensatory decision rule?

The brand that rates highest on the sum of the consumer's judgements of the relevant evaluative criteria will be chosen.

The measurement of evaluative criteria involved a determination of which three things?

The evaluative criteria used Judgements of brand performance on specific criteria The relative importance of evaluative criteria

What is the constant sum scale?

The most common direct method; a type of comparative scale where respondents are asked to allocate a fixed amount of points, dollars, or anything among a set of objects

What is conjoint analysis?

The most common indirect method; helps determine how people value different attributes that make up an individual product or service

Explain the indirect method of determining which evaluative criteria to be used:

Uses projective techniques and perceptual mapping, assuming consumers can/will not state their evaluative criteria

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