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QN=35 When a company lengthens its product line beyond its current range, it is ________. a. product line filling b. product line stretching c. product mixing d. increasing product depth e. building product equity


QN=36 A ________ consists of all the product lines and items that a particular seller offers for sale. a. product mix b. brand line c. consumer mix d. packaging mix e. line extension


QN=37 Product mix ________ refers to the number of different product lines the company carries. a. length b. height c. width d. perimeter e. depth


QN=38 Product mix ________ refers to the total number of items a company carries within its product lines. a. length b. depth c. height d. width e. perimeter


QN=39 Product mix ________ refers to the number of versions offered of each product in the line. Colgate toothpaste comes in 16 varieties, ranging from Colgate Total to Colgate Kids Toothpastes. a. length b. depth c. height d. width e. perimeter


QN=4 Product planners need to consider products and services on three levels. Each level adds more customer value. The most basic level is the ________, which addresses the question, "What is the buyer really buying?" a. actual product b. augmented product c. core customer value d. co-branding e. Exchange


QN=40 The ________ of the product mix refers to how closely related the various product lines are in end use, production requirements, distribution channels, or some other way. a. length b. depth c. consistency d. width e. perimeter


QN=41 A company can increase its business in four ways. Which is NOT one of these ways? a. It can add new product lines, thus widening its product mix. b. It can lengthen its existing product lines. c. It can add more versions of each product and thus deepen its product mix. d. It can discontinue some of its lines. e. It can increase the consistency of its product mix.


QN=42 When the Twin Six Cafe provides gourmet menu options to its customers, as well as impeccable service-which even allows customers to hand-select their own cuts of meat - ________ is/are evident. a. only an actual product b. only an augmented product c. only a core benefit d. both a core benefit and an actual product e. a core benefit, an actual product, and an augmented product


QN=43 A hickory rocking chair, handmade by an Amish woodcarver in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, from locally grown wood is an example of a(n) ________. a. convenience product b. shopping product c. specialty product d. Service e. product attribute


QN=44 You have an upset stomach. Your mother rushes to the corner convenience store for a bottle of Pepto-Bismol. This product is a(n) ________ product. a. convenience b. Unsought c. Specialty d. Shopping e. Augmented


QN=45 Mabel Lu is planning to buy a new washing machine. She notices that they come in numerous price ranges. She wants to make sure she gets the most for her money. This product is a(n) ________ product. a. convenience b. Unsought c. Specialty d. Shopping e. Augmented


QN=46 "I love New York" is an example of ________. a. corporate image advertising b. person marketing c. organization marketing d. social advertising e. place marketing


QN=47 General Electric's campaign stating, "We bring good things to life" is an example of ________. a. personal marketing b. corporate image marketing c. product quality d. product line e. social marketing


QN=48 The Ad Council of America has developed dozens of ________ marketing campaigns, including classics such as "Smokey the Bear," "Keep America Beautiful," and "Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires." a. social b. brand equity c. service d. product line e. place


QN=49 Helene Curtis began to market shampoo for normal hair. In an attempt to increase profits and use excess market capacity, Helene Curtis then marketed shampoo for oily hair and color-treated hair. This is an example of ________. a. line filling b. social marketing c. a shopping product d. an unsought product e. people marketing


QN=5 Product planners need to think about products and services on three levels. The second level is where the company turns the core benefit into a(n) ________. a. augmented product b. brand equity c. brand extension d. industrial product e. actual product


QN=50 Which of the following is/are examples of product line length? a. hamburger and cheeseburger b. hamburger and apple pie c. Coke and Diet Coke d. Both "hamburger and cheese burger" and "Coke and Diet Coke" are correct e. all of these


QN=6 Product planners must design the actual product and find ways to augment it in order to create the bundle of ________ that will provide the most satisfying customer experience. a. core satisfactions b. packaged values c. brand values d. benefits e. characteristics


QN=7 The third level of a product that product planners must consider is a(n) ________ that offers additional consumer services and benefits. a. brand equity b. augmented product c. brand extension d. industrial product e. image


QN=8 ________ are less frequently purchased consumer products and services that customers compare carefully on suitability, quality, price, and style. Consumers spend much time and effort in gathering information and making comparisons about these products. a. Shopping products b. Convenience products c. Unsought products d. Industrial products e. Line extensions


QN=9 Products and services bought by final consumers for personal consumption include all of the following EXCEPT ________. a. convenience products b. byproducts c. shopping products d. specialty products e. unsought products


QN=1 We define a ________ as anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption and that might satisfy a want or need. a. private brand b. service variability c. Service d. Product e. service encounter


QN=10 Products and services fall into two broad classifications based on the types of consumers that use them. Which is one of these broad classes? a. industrial products b. specialty products c. supplies and services d. materials and parts e. convenience products


QN=11 ________ are products and services bought by final consumers for personal consumption. These include convenience products, shopping products, specialty products, and unsought products. a. Services b. Consumer products c. Line extensions d. Industrial products e. Straight extensions


QN=12 ________ are consumer products that the consumer either does not know about or knows about but does not normally think about buying. These products require a lot of advertising, personal selling, and other marketing efforts. a. Specialty products b. Line extensions c. Unsought products d. Shopping products e. Staples


QN=13 ________ require a lot of advertising, personal selling, and other marketing efforts because consumers do not usually know or care about them. a. Specialty products b. Line extensions c. Unsought products d. Shopping products e. Staples


QN=14 ________ are those products purchased for further processing or for use in conducting a business. a. Unsought products b. Specialty products c. Shopping products d. Industrial products e. Accessories


QN=15 ________ consists of activities undertaken to create, maintain, or change the attitudes and behavior of target consumers toward an organization. a. Person marketing b. Organization marketing c. Internal marketing d. Service variability e. Intelligence marketing


QN=16 ________ involves activities undertaken to create, maintain, or change attitudes toward particular cities, states, and regions. a. Idea marketing b. Place marketing c. Organization marketing d. Social marketing e. Interactive marketing


QN=17 ________ is defined as the use of commercial marketing concepts and tools in programs designed to influence individuals' behavior to improve their well-being and that of society. a. Unsought product marketing b. Internal marketing c. Social marketing d. Product line e. Interactive marketing


QN=18 Public health campaigns to reduce alcoholism, drug abuse, smoking, and obesity are all examples of ________. a. Unsought product marketing b. Internal marketing c. Social marketing d. Product line e. Interactive marketing


QN=19 Developing a product or service involves defining the benefits that it will offer. These benefits are communicated and delivered by ________ such as quality, features, and style and design. a. package labeling b. product attributes c. support services d. product mixes e. marketing tools


QN=2 A product is a key element in the overall ________. a. market offering b. brand equity c. brand extension d. co-branding e. value chain


QN=20 ________ is one of the marketer's major positioning tools because it has a direct impact on product or service performance; it is therefore closely linked to customer value and satisfaction. a. Packaging b. Product quality c. Total quality management d. Specialty product marketing e. Positioning


QN=21 What are the two dimensions of product quality? a. consistency and level b. performance and resistance c. design and innovation d. conformance and style e. feature and design


QN=22 ________ contributes to a product's usefulness as well as to its looks. a. Style b. Design c. Conformance quality d. Brand e. Functionality


QN=23 A(n) ________ is a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these, that identifies the maker or seller of a product or service. a. service b. brand c. co-branding d. internal marketing e. external marketing


QN=24 ________ involves designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product. a. Packaging b. Leveling c. Servicing d. Branding e. Labeling


QN=25 All of the following are functions performed by a product's packaging EXCEPT that it ________. a. contains and protects the product b. contains the brand mark c. protects children d. determines product quality e. may contain the brand symbol


QN=26 In recent years, product safety and environmental responsibility have become major ________ concerns. a. branding b. packaging c. product mix d. service e. product line


QN=27 At the very least, a product's ________ identifies the product or brand. It might also describe several things about the product and promote the brand. a. line extension b. portfolio c. label d. copyright e. package


QN=28 The ________ performs many functions including: identifying the product or brand, describing the product, promoting the product, and supporting its positioning. a. line extension b. social marketing c. label d. specialty product e. packaging


QN=29 ________ has been affected by the need to include unit pricing, open dating, and nutritional information. a. Branding b. Packaging c. Labeling d. Product line filling e. Product mixing


QN=3 To differentiate themselves, many companies go beyond offering products and services; they are also developing and delivering customer ________. a. Feedback b. Experiences c. Brands d. product lines e. Events


QN=30 Many companies now use a combination of phone, e-mail, fax, Internet, and other technologies to provide ________. a. labeling information b. brand equity c. support services d. packaging advantages e. product mixes


QN=31 Which of the following is the most important for product designers to consider as they develop a product? a. which product features can be added to create higher-level models b. how the product appears c. what the product's technical specifications are d. how customers will use and benefit from the product e. how the product is packaged to attract spontaneous purchases


QN=32 Customer service is another element of product strategy. What is the name of these types of services? a. brand equity services b. product support services c. social marketing service d. unsought product services e. customer service


QN=33 Berkowitz Piano Company can expand its product line in one of two common ways. Which of the following is one of those ways? a. internal marketing b. line filling c. product mixing d. social marketing e. line mixing


QN=34 An alternative to product line stretching is ________, adding more items within the present range of the line. a. product mixing b. interactive marketing c. product line filling d. co-branding e. service marketing

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