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Which of the following is unethical in the context of advergames?

Targeting children with advertising content

Advertising budgets in the U.S are shifting from traditional print, radio, and television media to include digital media.


An advantage of using email marketing is the lack of measurability of the effectiveness of the campaign.


Big data is all the rage


Ephemeral refers to the fleeting nature of a message, such as in Snapchat.


In a real world scenario, the overall development of the advertising plan takes place before the media planning process.


Interstitial ads appear on a site after a page has been requested but before it has loaded, and stays onscreen long enough for the message to be registered.


It is paramount to use digital, social, and mobile media in a synergistic way with other forms of IBP.


More and more media buys are being made programmatically or automatically, a trend that is increasing.


Sales promotion is more oriented to techniques used to stimulate demand and attract attention in the consumer market.


Social media and web 2.0 distinguish the progression of the Internet to interactive online communication, participation, and engagement.


Some brands or ad agencies have set up a "social media war room" to post and monitor comments related to the brand or campaign.


Television has a high absolute cost.


The body copy is the textual component of an advertisement.


The financial advantages of flighting are that discounts might be gained by concentrating media buys in larger blocks.


The web, tablets, and smartphones all can relate to the next evolution of television.


There are certain objectives advertising can achieve—particularly creative goals—only with traditional mass media that digital, social, and mobile media cannot match.


Today's forms of out-of-home media can target specific demographic segments by neighborhood using customized mobile messages.


Traditionally, newspapers were known for advantages of geographic selectivity and timeliness.


While some magazines have not made it, others have had increases in circulation and readership.


(Scenario 14-2) In running keyword searches using Google, you took part in a common practice. Advertisers could make use of this by paying Google and making them:

place ads in or near relevant search results based on key words.

(Scenario 14-2) When you clicked off the coupon site, an ad remained on the screen with bright colors, large letters, and a $2 coupon for a frozen pizza. This is known as a __________.

pop-under ad

As a brand manager, one must track what is being said by consumers, interpret consumer-generated information, and respond to social media posts and comments. This entails:

spending time on social networking sites.

(Scenario 15-6) Pretzels has provided a scratch card inside each packet of crisps. This is an example of a __________.


(Scenario 12-1) A new line of Blackberry Valley jams is being launched. Its agency's media planner calls two consumer research companies—Mediamark Consumer Research and BehaviorScan— and asks for data before placing ads for the new products. Mediamark Research and Information Resources will be furnishing information on:

the brand preferences, purchasing habits, and purchase size of customers.

Advantages of newspapers include geographic selectivity and _________.


(Scenario 12-4) The interviewer says that it's very important to calculate the effective reach of each ad in order to make it effective and then asks you, "Can you tell me how the effective reach of an ad can be calculated?" Which of the following should be your response?

"By finding the number of consumers in a target audience that are exposed to an ad some minimum number of times."

(Scenario 12-4) The interviewer says that the position will involve working with both measured and unmeasured media. Then she asks what you know about these two types of media. You should answer by saying:

"Measured media include the Internet, television, radio, magazine, newspaper, and outdoor media. Unmeasured media include everything else, such as events, product placements, and coupons."

Which of the following is an example of site stickiness?

A consumer visits the Peyton Inc. website several times a day, and spends hours checking the new collection.

_________ is often a huge volume of structured and unstructured data that is much too large to analyze or process using traditional ways.

Big data

Which of the following is true of traditional media and digital media?

Both traditional and digital media should be seamlessly integrated for maximum impact.

(Scenario 13-4) Greta's Garden plans to use a particular type of advertising to announce a new addition—the full line from Holland Hothouse, a grower of award-winning tulip bulbs and rose bushes. Greta's Garden plans to advertise about the new addition in the local newspaper, and Holland will be paying 20 percent of the media bill. What type of advertising is Greta's Garden considering?

Co-op ads

(Scenario 12-4) The interviewer says that one of your responsibilities at the job will be to gather details of audience members of every local TV vehicle, so clients can be informed about the key characteristics of their target markets. Which of the following would you need to do in order to perform this task?

Contact a single-source tracking service like BehaviorScan.

Which of the following is important in copywriting for television and video?

Copy should be precisely coordinated with visuals.

What are two disadvantages of newspapers as an advertising medium?

Creative constraints and cluttered environment

A manufacturer helps a retailer by sharing the cost of local advertising. This allows the manufacturer to have some control over the process, and the retailer to advertise for a lower cost. They are taking part in a form of business-market sales promotion.


In television advertising, the visual is important only if it is the main feature, not if it plays a supportive role.


One reason why television is such an effective medium for ads is its relatively broad exposure.


A regional office supply store wants to understand and serve its customers better and compete with nationwide giants. It is looking for the most effective way to encourage repeat visits and build long-term loyalty with its customers. Which of the following forms of sales promotion would work best?

Frequency programs

Which of the following is a tendency of eye movement that occurs when a person views a print advertisement?

From left to right, up to down, and from light to dark

A privacy seal usually is a logo that shows the site has been endorsed by a member of a third-party privacy


Which of the following refers to the sum of the exposures to the entire media placement in a media plan?

Gross impressions

In advertising, what is a big change with media?

In modern times, much of media buying occurs via programmatic media buying.

A self-liquidating premium requires a consumer to pay most of the cost of the item received as a premium.


Which of the following is true of online communities?

It depends on mass collaboration as individuals simultaneously create value for themselves and others.

What is a disadvantage of magazines as a media choice for advertisers?

Long lead times

(Scenario 13-4) Greta's Garden also consults with a media outlet about advertising its products. The salesperson with this firm explains that considering the growing/planting season, they will need to decide soon, because ads must be submitted at least 60 days before they run, and the ad material cannot be changed after the submission. Which media type is the salesperson most likely talking about?


Which of the following is most likely to be used for above-the-line promotion?


What type of television transmission broadcasts programming over airwaves to affiliate stations across the United States under a contract agreement?


(Scenario 12-4) The interviewer welcomes you, allows for initial introductions, and then starts the interview. "We have a client that manufactures ebony furniture. Recently, it has launched a new line of furniture and we plan to promote its new line through a media vehicle. According to you, which should we use to promote the line?"


An Internet user goes to a large portal, and types in a few key words. He receives a list of websites that might be of interest. Most often, the higher a site appears on the list, the more likely the user will visit that website. Therefore, advertisers want their websites to appear first. Which of the following concepts is described in this scenario?

Search engine optimization

Cranial Inc. has newly set up a website where customers can obtain information as well as buy its products. It notices that people who visit its website are instantly interested in the products, and 85% of the visitors end up making purchases. However, it also notices that the number of visitors are very low as they don't find it on their searches very often. Which of the following should Crayola include in its IBP campaign to increase its website's visibility and traffic?

Search engine optimization

Flyfisher magazine is published by the Federation of Fly Fishers. The magazine reaches a highly selective audience by offering content on fishing as a leisure activity. Which of the following is Flyfisher magazine's audience selectivity based on?

Special Interests

Which of the following is a difference between advertising specialties and business gifts?

Specialties promote brand awareness, while business gifts promote close working relationships.

Which of the following is true of a self-liquidating premium?

The consumer pays most of the cost of the item received as a premium.

"Digital engagement" is important. It is a smart idea for brands to embrace social media because it can garner digital engagement in a measurable way for brands, such as with likes, clicks, and shares.


Which of the following refers to the term audio wallpaper?

The use of radio or a podcast as unobtrusive background or filler

Which of the following is accurate?

There can be some synergies for online advertisers that can actually enhance one's social networking experience.

(Scenario 14-4) The marketers at Visualizers talk to Optima about banner ads that have created problems in the online market. Which of the following is likely to be a common problem when banner ads are placed on the websites of other firms?

They add to high advertisement clutter.

_________ advertising is a close cousin to billboard advertising, and in many instances it is used in tandem with billboards.


It is important to know if a company respects consumer privacy before opting to receive communication from it because:

an individual can be identified through a compilation of anonymous information.

Tina is playing Candy Crush on Facebook. All of a sudden, she gets a message saying that if she watches an ad, she can earn an extra life. This is an example of a(n) __________.

app ad

You are looking at figures and trying to understand the overall message weight for your client's shaving cream ads. You remind yourself that some people who watched the ad on a TV program may have also seen it in a magazine. This is called:

between- vehicle duplication.

(Scenario 12-5) "Which media __________, such as television, radio, newspaper, magazine, or Internet, do you think would best communicate with your potential customers?"


(Scenario 13-3) To keep costs down, the used car dealer decides to make sure that the ads appear every week beside other car sales ads. For this, you need to use __________ advertising.


Disadvantages of magazines include limited reach and frequency, and:


On a cost-per-thousand (CPM) basis, the process of running digital ads:

compares favorably with ads placed in traditional media.

(Scenario 14-4) The researchers at Visualizers determine that many art supply stores and galleries have websites for local customers to learn more about creating art through various media. They suggest that Optima should provide free tips and demonstrations related to producing art that would encourage potential buyers and current customers to try new techniques, and add their own suggestions. Generating this type of social interaction around Optima products will involve creating:

consumer engagement through interactivity.

With respect to satellite radio, it is primarily installed in _____________.

consumers' vehicles

The percentage of adults reading daily newspapers is __________.


Commercial research firms can provide advertisers with an evaluation of a brand's relative strength within:

demographic segments.

(Scenario 12-1) Share of voice of a company can be calculated to:

determine a brand's share of product category spending on a particular advertising medium

(Scenario 11-1) The account executive for a campaign such as this is adamant that the copy be tested before he even submits it to the client. He is looking for audience reaction and interpretation of the proposed copy known as _____ copy research.


For social media, copywriting for ________ is most relevant.

digital/interactive media

The primary role for consumer sales promotion is to:

elicit a purchase from a customer.

Sometimes it is a smart idea when an ad:

focuses on functional features.

The most important function in the first few seconds of a television commercial is to:

get attention

In an era of cost cutting and shareholder scrutiny, companies are demanding ___________ across all functions, including marketing, advertising, and promotions.

greater accountability

(Scenario 13-2) The long-time owner of an FM radio station in a mid-size West Coast city is closely monitoring the ups and downs of satellite radio companies. Traditional radio station owners like him, as well as their advertisers, are concerned about the rise of satellite radio mainly because it:

has no advertising

An opportunity for newspapers is ________________, where people will get their global and national news from the web but turn to local newspapers for other reasons, such as to get information on local sales.


The core of social media is:

individual empowerment and democratization of knowledge.

A trend in P-O-P advertising and displays is with _________.

interactive units

(Scenario 13-3) The marketing director for the instant grits cereal wants to supplement the company's national ad campaigns with local campaigns. He plans to target some southern cities, but wants to use a media class with low absolute cost as well as low cost-per-contact. In such a scenario, he should use:

local radio

A retailer decides to use television ads to promote its line of men's and women's swimwear. In the media planning process, the retailer has chosen a(n):

media class

(Scenario 11-1) To create ads featuring the new company slogan, Toyota assembles a creative team of individuals who will focus solely on designing the new advertisements. Toyota realizes that it will need to have a strong Internet and social media presence. In order to effectively utilize these outlets, Toyota should consider hiring a(n):

media planner

The true power of a media plan rests on the ____________, that is, knowing what you are trying to do with your media and matching those objectives with your media choices.

media strategy

A headline is effective if it:

motivates readers to move on to the rest of the ad.

Body copy based on the _______ approach explains in a straightforward way why a reader will benefit from the use of a brand.


Traditionally, radio stations often streamed their content, including ads, online for free, but now some digital radio is _____________.

offered via a subscription basis

(Scenario 14-3) The owner of a new athletic-training facility decided to pay to have its ads appear on athletics and training-related search results on Google. This kind of advertising is known as _________.

paid search

A distinguishing feature of a self-liquidating premium is that it requires the consumer to:

pay most of the cost of the item received.

(Scenario 14-4) Visualizers tells Optima managers that the best way to go about setting up banner ads is to pay the website owners only when users click on the ads. Optima will then have to pay only if a user visits the link. In this case, Visualizers is referring to the _________ model of advertising payment.


Media planners need to identify media that cover the same region or location as the advertiser's distribution system and then they use a system of automatic buying of ads based on data such as online consumer behavior. This is an example of __________, a critical element in making the buy.

programmed media buying

Shortly after an agency agrees to create a new campaign for a well-known cleaner, a creative brief needs to be put together. A creative brief is important because it:

pulls together initial ideas for copy, visuals, media, and overall concept from various team members.

Digital media allows advertisers to make ________ in campaigns, whereas traditional media could not.

rapid changes

If an advertisement placed on the network television program is watched at least once by 10 percent of the advertiser's target audience, then the _________ is said to be 10 percent.


A VP of marketing wants to look at all possible forms of business-market promotions to gain and maintain lucrative customers. He meets with associates, and they review the five main areas of promotion techniques aimed at business buyers. They are:

trade shows, business gifts, premiums and advertising specialties, trial offers, and frequency programs.

(Scenario 14-3) A new business owner is looking into various forms of advertising. Of all the different forms, he seems to be most interested in advertising through interactive media. This may be because:

two-way communication has an important effect on click-through and sales potential.

(Scenario 12-5) "Is there a national media ______, such as USA Today, Time, or the Wall Street Journal, that you would like to consider using to communicate with your customers?"


Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu have __________ programming, along with some advertising opportunities.

video on demand (VOD)

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