MLA format and in-text citations

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When creating a citation for a source with no author, what should be placed in the citation?

("shortened title")

What does a standard citation for four or more authors look like?

(author et al. page)

How to cite an indirect quote?

(qtd. in author). - Make sure the author of the indirect source is mentioned in the signal phrase


1 inch

What size font?


In-text citations are used when?

Embedding a summary, paraphrase or quote in your essay

What name(s) do you use when mentioning an author the first time?

Full name

Under what circumstances would a quote have no citation directly after it?

If the author is named in the sentence and there is no page number.

Each works cited entry ends with what?

a period

et al. stand for

and others

the type of indention used on a Works Cited page

hanging indent

Ellipsis point are used to...

omit words from a quote

When no author is available, what should be used in the citation?

shortened title


there should be no extra space between paragraphs

What font?

times new roman

true or false: Don't quote too much


true or false: If the author is named in the sentence, the name should be repeated in the citation


MLA stands for...

Modern Language Association

How should a heading look?

Name Teacher Class Date

What is the header?

Name space page number in top right hand corner of paper

Which sources should be listed in your Works Cited page?

The ones you actually used (quoted, paraphrased or summarized from)

Each citation in the paper should have...

a matching works cited entry

Normally, the period would go before or after a citation?


What order are sources on Works Cited sheet placed in?

alphabetical by author's last name or title

A quote that exceeds four typed lines should be changed to a..

block quote which is indented

What is the order of a date?

day month year (NO COMMAS) 12 June 2011

Quotation marks are used to...

enclose direct quotes from your sources

Book names are set off with what?


The next time the author is mentioned use his/her..

last name

How to paraphrase in your essay...

put what you have read in your own words then put author's last name and page number in () w/ period afterwards.


should be just under the heading (no extra spaces) centered SAME FONT AND SIZE

what is a works cited page?

sources used in the paper

The title "Works Cited" as well as the title of your paper should be....

the same font as the rest of the essay, not bolded, underlined, italicized or put in quotation marks. They should be CENTERED.

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