MMG 201 Lecture 6 Terms

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________ act as catalysts in virtually all metabolic pathways.


Complex II of of the electron transport chain accepts electrons from the carrier called ________.


True or false: In photosynthesis, the light-independent reactions provide the energy and reducing power needed for the light-dependent reactions.


True or false: Photosynthetic pigments harvest chemical energy and convert it to light energy.


True or false: Plants are the principle producers of oxygen on Earth.


True or false: The Calvin cycle is part of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis.


Which aspect of an enzyme's structure gives rise to the specificity for its substrate?

Folding to produce a 3-D structure

Why do the last five reactions of glycolysis occur twice for each glucose substrate?

Glucose is split into 2 intermediates at step 4

Which of the following identifies best the reason for the Krebs cycle must occur twice per glucose molecule?

Glucose will yield two pyruvates

Which of the following metabolic pathways begins with glucose and yields two pyruvates?


________ is the multi-step energy-yielding conversion of glucose to pyruvic acid.


Which is NOT one of the main photosynthesizers of aquatic ecosystems?

Green plants

Select the ways that cells manage the energy needed for metabolic reactions.

Making and breaking chemical bonds Transferring electrons

During the conversion of pyruvic acid to acetyl CoA, electrons reduce ________.


Using an abbreviated acronym, name any one of the common coenzymes acting as electron carriers in your cells: ________ (Do not add the hydrogen to the end)


Which is the most common redox (electron) carrier in cells?


________ is the most common redox (electron) carrier in cells.


Complex I in the electron transport chain accepts electrons from the carrier called ________.


Which occurs during fermentation?

NADH is oxidized to NAD

During fermentation, ________ (NAD or NADH) is oxidized to form ________ (NAD or NADH).


Which compound is reduced via electrons from PS700?


Electrons from PS700 oxidation move through a second transport chain to reduce ________ to NADPH.


What name is given to the compound upon which an enzyme will act?


Which is NOT a toxic product generated by side reactions during aerobic respiration?

Superoxide dismutase

The ________ group that starts the Krebs cycle can be used to synthesize lipids and proteins.


The minimum amount of energy required for a reaction to proceed is termed the energy of ________.


An enzyme's ________ site is unique for each substrate.


The ________ site is the region on an enzyme that binds substrate.


The nitrogenous base is a ________ component of ATP.


In ________ respiration, electrons are transferred from fuel molecules to oxygen which acts as the terminal electron acceptor.


The addition of an amino group to a carbon skeleton occurs via a(n) ________ reaction.


ATP synthase is principally composed of ________.

amino acids

The specific process of ______ incorporates nutrients into larger, complex structures through biosynthesis.


Energy management in a cell most often involves the making or breaking of chemical ________ and the transfer of _______ from one molecule to another.

bonds, electrons

Enzymes serve as catalysts for:

both types of reactions

Photosynthetic pigments harvest light energy and convert it to ________ energy.


The Calvin cycle is ________.

dependent on the products from the light-dependent reactions to work

All cells need a constant input and expenditure of ________ in a usable form.


All living cells require a constant input and expenditure of usable ________.


A(n) ________ is a biological catalyst.


Each reaction in a metabolic pathway is catalyzed by a separate ________.


Composed principally of amino acids, ______ act as biological catalysts, facilitating metabolic activities of the cell.


The addition of carbon dioxide to ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate to begin the Calvin cycle is known as carbon ________.


The three coupled pathways that many organisms utilize during the catabolism of fuel molecules are ________, the ________ cycle, and the ________ chain.

glycolysis, Kreb's, respiratory

One evolutionary strategy to deal with an "enzymatic-block" to a particularly necessary metabolic product is to

have alternative enzymatic methods to synthesize the product

The Kreb's cycle must turn ________ times for each glucose that entered glycolysis.


Typically, ________ ATP are netted by fermentation.


For each glucose that enters glycolysis, the Kreb's cycle produces:

2 FADH2 6 NADH 2 ATP 4 CO2

For each glucose that enters glycolysis, the NET output is:

2 NADH 2 ATP 2 Pyruvic acid

For each glucose that enters glycolysis, acetyl CoA formation results in the production of ________.

2 NADH 2 CO2

During acetyl CoA formation ________ CO2 and ________ NADH are produced per initial glucose that enters glycolysis.

2, 2

The NET output of glycolysis is ________ ATP, ________ NADH, and ________ pyruvic acid molecules per glucose.

2, 2, 2

ATP has ________ phosphate groups. (number)


How many phosphate groups does ATP contain?


At best, cells can generate ________ ATP from the complete oxidation of one glucose molecule during aerobic cellular respiration.


What is the maximum yield of ATP from aerobic respiration in prokaryotes?


During the Kreb's cycle ________ CO2, ________ FADH2, ________ NADH, and ________ ATP are produced per initial glucose that enters glycolysis.

4, 2, 6, 2

Which of the following is correct regarding aerobic and anaerobic respiration pathways?

Aerobic pathways use oxygen.

Which term is used to describe an addition of an amino group to a carbon skeleton?


________ is the cellular process of taking monomers of compounds and producing polymers (e.g., amino acids are combined to make proteins).


Which of the following describes the process occurring during the Calvin cycle?

Carbon fixation

Which oxidized compound can be used as a final electron acceptor in anaerobic respiration?

Carbonate Nitrate Nitrite Sulfate

Select the oxidized compounds that can be used as a final electron acceptors in anaerobic respiration.

Carbonate Nitrate Sulfate

Which of the following is the decomposition of complex compounds during cellular metabolism?


________ refers to the decomposition of complex compounds during cellular metabolism, usually with the release of energy.


The atom ________ is added to NAD to reduce it.


Fermentation results in the production of ________ ATPs than aerobic and anaerobic respiration.


The ________-dependent reactions of photosynthesis are dependent on the sun.


Enzyme-substrate interactions are sometimes referred to as a(n) "________ and key" interaction.


Compounds that are oxidized will

lose electrons

In eukaryotes, ATP synthase enzymes are found

on the inner membrane of the mitochondria

Typically, each reaction (step) in a metabolic pathway will require

one enzyme

Aerobic respiration requires ________, whereas fermentation and anaerobic respiration occur without this molecule.


The term "aerobic respiration" implies that ________ is required for the metabolic pathway to be completed.


When water is split during the light-dependent reactions, ________ (molecule) is released into the environment.


Fermentation allows survival and growth in the absence of ________ and allows colonization of ________ environments.

oxygen, anaerobic

When ________ supplies have been depleted in human muscle cells, ATP can be produced by ________ acid fermentation for short periods of time.

oxygen, lactic

The high energy of ATP is located in the bonds of the ________ groups.


The first step in glycolysis is the ________ of glucose to produce glucose-6-phosphate.


ATP is produced by the process of ________-phosphorylation (prefix) in the light-dependent phase of photosynthesis.


As hydrogen ions accumulate between the inner and outer membranes of the mitochondrion, a(n) ________ is generated which powers ATP production.

proton motive force

The active pumping of hydrogen ions across the cristae membrane sets up a concentration gradient of hydrogen ions called the ________ ________ ________.

proton motive force

By the end of glycolysis, glucose is converted into two 3-carbon ________ ________ molecules.

pyruvic acid

Collective reactions which transfer hydrogens/electrons from one compound to another are termed ________ reactions.


Paired reactions where an electron donor transfers electrons to an electron acceptor are called ________ reactions.


Oxidation reactions are coupled with ________ reactions.


ATP contains an adenine linked to ________, a 5-carbon sugar.


Protein folding determines the 3-D shape in enzymes needed for their ________ for a particular substrate.


The ________ is the term for a specific molecule on which an enzyme acts.


The ultimate source of almost all chemical energy on earth is the ________, making most organisms directly or indirectly dependent on photosynthesis.


The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis are dependent on

sun light (or some light source)

ATP ________ is an enzyme in the mitochondrial cristae that harnesses the flux of hydrogen ions across the membrane during oxidative phosphorylation.


The ultimate source of most of the chemical energy in cells is:

the Sun

For each molecule of glucose that enters glycolysis, the last five reactions (of glycolysis) occur ________ times.


At the end of glycolysis, the carbons from glucose are now located in

two pyruvic acids.

The major difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration is ________.

using or not using oxygen

Which nitrogenous base is found in ATP?


How many net ATP are generated during fermentation?


Which is NOT a common cellular coenzyme that carries electrons?


Which is an energy-rich product of aerobic respiration?


Which of the following couples (links) anabolic reactions with catabolic reactions?


________ (acronym) is the useful final product of aerobic respiration.


________ is the energy currency of the cells, coupling energy releasing reactions with energy requiring reactions.


Protons can only cross the mitochondrial inner membrane by diffusing through a specific portion of the enzyme called ________ ________.

ATP synthase

________-CoA feeds directly into the Krebs cycle.


Which compound feeds directly into the Krebs cycle?

Acetyl CoA

Which Krebs cycle group can be used to synthesize proteins and lipids?

Acetyl group

What term is used to describe the minimum amount of energy required for a reaction to proceed?

Activation energy

Which feature of an enzyme is the "most" unique?

Active site

Identify any of the following which serve as energy-poor products of aerobic respiration.

CO2 Water

Which of the following is an energy-poor product of aerobic respiration?

Both CO2 and water

Which component of the electron transport chain accepts electrons from NADH?

Complex I

Which group of iron-sulfur proteins in the electron transport chain accepts electrons from FADH2?

Complex II

Which enzymes neutralize toxic products of respiration in aerobic organisms?

Dismutase Peroxidase Catalase

In strict aerobes and some anaerobes, pyruvic acid enters the ________, or citric acid, cycle.


What is the typical "next step" for pyruvate at the end of glycolysis following normal aerobic or anaerobic respiration?

Kreb's cycle

Which of the following reactions generates ATP and NADPH?

Light dependent reactions

Which model is sometimes used to describe enzyme-substrate interactions?


The final step of the ETS in aerobic respiration occurs when electrons are passed to ________.


In the last step of the ETS, the electrons are passed to ________ along with hydrogen which results in the formation of ________.

O2, H2O

Which serves as a terminal electron acceptor in fermentation?

Organic compounds

Consider the simplified aerobic respiration formula: Sugar + O2 --> ATP + CO2 + Heat (________ is simply NOT part of the fermentation pathway)


For aerobic respiration, which is the final electron acceptor?


What is released upon photolysis during photosynthesis?


Which is NOT associated with fermentation?


________ is the terminal electron acceptor in aerobic respiration.


What is the first step in glycolysis?

Phosphorylation of glucose

What term is used to describe the synthesis of ATP via photosynthesis?


Which is NOT an advantage of fermentation to microbial survival and growth?

Promotes growth in oxygen-rich areas of the host

Which best defines an active site?

Region of an enzyme where the substrate binds

The primary catabolism of molecules by most organisms would include which three of the following pathways?

Respiratory chain Glycolysis Kreb's cycle

Which of the following sugars is part of the structure of ATP?


Most enzymes are named to reflect which of the following?

The action of the enzyme

Where do you find the high energy bonds in a molecule of ATP?

The last phosphate groups

What term is used to describe reactions that involve the transfer of an amino group from an amino acid to a carbohydrate?


________ reactions involve the transfer of an amino group an amino acid to a carbohydrate.


True or false: Fermentation uses an organic compound for the electron acceptor.


True or false: Metabolic pathways are interconnected.


Enzymes are named and classified according to their

Type of action Substrate Site of action

When would human cells use fermentation as opposed to respiration to produce ATP?

When oxygen is low

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