MN driving

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You must slow down when you approach or pass a stopped emergency vehicle with its emergency lights flashing. A surcharge of not less than ___ is added to the speeding fine if you violate this law


Minnesota speed limits - alleys - urban or town roads - all other locations not specified

- 10mph - 30mph - 55mph

yield to emergency vehicles - 2-way road: - one-way road: - intersection:

- 2-way road: pull to the right and stop - one-way road: pull to whichever side is the nearest and stop - intersection: proceed through it before stopping

pass on the right allows in:

- When the vehicle overtaken is making, or about to make, a left turn - occupied by parked vehicles that prevent two or more lanes of moving vehicles to travel in each direction. - Upon a one-way street, or upon any roadway on which traffic is restricted to one direction of movement

turning on a red light - right turn - left turn

- can do right turn at many intersections - left turn: when certain conditions met, can make a left turn from a one-way to another one-way

what to do when stranded

- don't leave the vehicle - Turn on your hazard warning lights. - Attach a red flag to your radio antenna. - Keep the exhaust pipe clear of snow and debris. - Run the engine and heater until the vehicle is reasonably warm, and then turn it off. Repeat this process as long as fuel is available, or until you are rescued. Running the engine for approximately ten minutes each hour, in order to charge the battery and warm the interior, is recommended. - leave at least one window partially open to let in fresh air. -at least one person stays awake

White lines separate lanes of traffic traveling in the same direction. -white dashes -shorter and thicker white dashes -solid white line indicates that in areas - Double solid white lines

- drivers can change lanes -the lane will end. -lane changes are discouraged -lane changes are prohibited

aggressive driving (4)

- faster than the surroundings - change lanes frequently - pass other vehicles on the shoulder - glaring at or threatening motorists

insurance When driving privileges are revoked for lack of insurance, the driver must (4) Operation of an uninsured motor vehicle (3)

- pass a knowledge test; pay a $30 reinstatement fee in addition to fines levied by a court or citation; apply for a new driver's license; and submit an insurance certificate issued by the home office of the insurance company. -revocation of license plates and registration for the vehicle. Revoke driving privileges for up to one year. Fined up to $1,000 and sentenced to up to 90 days in jail.

Child safety seat - infant <1yr old, <20pounds, - >1yr, >20pounds - 40-60pounds - <8yr old, or 4ft 9in tall - above

- rear-facing child safety restraint sys, better till 2yr old - high-back booster seat with the harness straps - forward facing - belt- positioning, forward facing booster seat, used with both adult lap and shoulder belts. -seat belt alone

don't pass

- solid yellow line - On a curve or hill where you cannot clearly see the road ahead for at least 700 feet. - Within 100 feet of an intersection, underpass, tunnel, or railroad crossing. - When you are about to meet a vehicle coming toward you from the opposite direction.

as a pedestrian, to cross crosswalks,

- yield the right-of-way to vehicle - When crossing a road with no crosswalks, yield to all vehicles on the road. -If it is necessary to walk on the road, stay on the left side, or face oncoming traffic.

Lane use control signs - steady yellow X - steady downward yellow arrow - flashing X - flashing arrow

-A lane-control change is being made. Steady red X will be displayed next. -lane will be closed. Prepare to move to another lane safely -can make a left turn. Be cautious because left-turning vehicles from the other direction may be using the same lane - exercise caution

watch out for deer. - deer most active during - what to do at night to watch out for deer - what to do when you know there's deer

-dusk to dawn hours - Scan the sides of the road at night to watch for the reflection of your vehicle headlights in the eyes of deer. -slow down. Blow the horn and be ready to stop. Always watch for more than one deer.

stuck gas pedal

-free it by hooking your toe under the pedal and raising it. - or apply the brakes and shift into neutral

Yellow lines separate traffic moving in opposite directions. - solid yellow line - yellow dashes - Two solid yellow lines, one in each lane of traffic

-passing is prohibited, but allowed to cross during emergency -passing is allowed, separate opposite direction lanes -passing is prohibited in both directions.

Tires have been known to lose up to ___ psi (pounds per square inch) every month.


Pass a vehicle then return to the right lane when (2)

1) you can see the entire vehicle you have just passed in your rearview mirror. 2) before coming within 100 feet of an oncoming vehicle.

steering wheel Try to maintain at least __ inches between yourself and the steering wheel. Keep your hands on the ____o'clock positions on the steering wheel. Avoid the ____ o'clock position. Keep your thumbs turned ___ on the steering wheel.

10, 8 and 4 o'clock or 9 and 3, 10 and 2 out

turn: Signal your intent, at least ___ feet before the turn.


school bus flashing yellow lights: Flashing yellow lights will be activated at least ___ feet before a school bus stops in a speed zone of___, and at least___ feet before it stops in a speed zone of ___. It is against the law to pass on the ___ side of a school bus while it is displaying red or yellow flashing lights.

100, 30mph or less 300, 30mph or more right

traffic crash reports: Every driver who is involved in a crash that results in injury, death, or property damage of $___ or more must file a traffic crash report within ten days of the incident.


signaling for turn or change lane must be made at least ____ ft before you make the change


Additional fines will be charged if you are caught driving ___ mph or more over the posted limit. If you are caught driving in excess of ___ mph your driving privileges will be revoked for a minimum of six months.

20, 100

use wireless communication device: how much fine


Use caution when passing a bicyclist. When passing, the law requires at least ____ feet between the side of your car and the bicyclist.


if you lost your driver's license for an offense other than DWI or criminal vehicular operation, the reinstatement fee will be


When set on high beam, headlights must make objects visible on the road ahead from at least ___ feet away.


Your headlights must be turned on any time you cannot clearly see the road ahead for a distance of at least ___ feet


what's the max fine for fleeing a police


Dirty head- lights can reduce light output by as much as ___ percent.


During the first six months, provisional drivers are subject to nighttime limitations which include a prohibition to drive between: A. Midnight and 5 a.m B. Midnight and 7 a.m C. 10 p.m. and 6 a.m


If a traffic signal light is not working, you should proceed as if the intersection: A. Is uncontrolled B. Is controlled by a flashing red light C. Is controlled by a stop sign


If there are no sidewalks, a pedestrian should: A. Walk on the left side, facing oncoming traffic B. Walk on the right side, with the flow of traffic C. Not walk on that road


If your vehicle runs off the roadway into water: A. Try to escape through a window B. Try to escape through the rear door C. Try to escape through the front door


Minnesota law requires that you turn on headlights: A. When it is raining, snowing, sleeting, or hailing B. When driving in open country with a clear road ahead C. When oncoming vehicles are within 1,000 feet


Using an unpaved shoulder to pass another vehicle on the right is: A. Never allowed B. Allowed if the other vehicle is occupying more than one lane C. Allowed if the other vehicle is turning left


When driving on a clear night with a steady stream of oncoming traffic, you should use: A. Headlights on low beam B. Headlights on high beam C. Parking lights


When emerging from an alley, you must stop and yield to vehicles and pedestrians: A. True B. False


When may you drive at the maximum speed indicated by a speed limit sign? A. When conditions permit you to drive at such a speed safely B. Only on divided highways, or highways designed for one-way traffic C. Only in the daytime


When should you use your horn? A. On narrow roads with limited sight and limited space for cars to meet B. When passing a bicycle and there is not enough room to change lane C. To alert a driver that signals a change of lane in front of you


When a school bus displays flashing amber lights near the top of the bus, it tells you: A. That the bus is about to stop B. That you must stop C. That you should try to pass as soon as possible

A It is against the law to pass on the right side of a school bus while it is displaying red or yellow flashing lights

Which is not a factor in determining the distance it takes to stop your vehicle: A. Steering ability B. Perception time C. Reaction time

A. Reaction time is usually 3/4 sec

The blood alcohol concentration level at which it is illegal for any person under 21 years to drive is: A. Any detectable amount B. 0.06 percent C. 0.08 percent

A. Under 21, no allowable amount. Adult is >0.08%

A first DWI conviction can result in how many days in jail? A. Up to 5 days B. Up to 90 days C. No less than three months


How can you increase your field of vision when driving? A. By always driving in the right lane B. By reducing speed C. By increasing speed


If there is an oncoming vehicle approaching head-on in your lane, you should: A. Move to the left if this area is free of traffic B. Brake firmly and move to the right C. Tap the horn and steer straight ahead until the other driver returns to the proper lane


If you are being followed too closely (tailgated), you should: A. Use your horn to alert the driver behind you B. Move over to the right lane, if possible C. Pump your brakes to alert the driver behind you


When approaching an intersection to make a left turn and oncoming traffic prevents you from making an immediate turn, you should: A. Alert oncoming traffic by using horn or headlights B. Slow down and stop if necessary C. Start turning, oncoming traffic will always stop


When driving in foggy conditions, using high-beam headlights will: A. Improve your ability to see ahead B. Impair your visibility C. Reduce glare


When parking close to a pedestrian crossing at an intersection, you must keep this distance: A. More than 30 feet B. More than 20 feet C. 15 feet or more


When the green light comes on at a ramp meter: A. All vehicles can pass through B. Only one vehicle can pass through C. Two vehicles can pass through


Who must yield to other vehicles at a traffic circle or roundabout? A. A driver already in the roundabout B. A driver entering the roundabout C. A driver exiting the roundabout


You must always stop before a railroad crossing if: A. The crossing is marked with only a crossbuck sign B. You cannot get in the clear on the other side C. You have young children in the car


Which vehicle must yield at an intersection where there are no signs or signals? A. The vehicle that has another vehicle on its left side B. The vehicle that has another vehicle on its right side C. The vehicle that is traveling faster

B "Right" of way yielding: driver of the vehicle on the left must yield to the vehicle on the right.

Signaling well ahead of a turn helps other drivers to understand your intentions and gives you the right-of-way: A. True B. False

B Signal your intent when you are going to change direction or suddenly stop or slow down. This will give other drivers time to react. Signaling does not give you the right-of-way.

During a traffic stop by a police officer, you may cause unnecessary anxiety for the officer if you: A. Keep your hands on the steering wheel B. Exit your vehicle C. Limit your movements

B. Don't leave the vehicle

prohibited lights

Blue lights, flashing lights, and strobe lamps

Double solid yellow lines in the center of the roadway: A. Must not be crossed to make a left turn B. Must not be crossed for any reason C. Mean that traffic in both directions is prohibited from passing


If you change your name, you must apply for a replacement license within: A. 90 days B. 10 days C. 30 days


If your car starts to skid, you should ease off the gas and: A. Stay off the brake and steer off the road B. Stay off the brake and steer in the opposite direction of the skid C. Stay off the brake and steer in the direction of the skid


Passing another vehicle on the right by driving onto a paved shoulder is: A. Allowed if the other vehicle has stopped B. Allowed if the other vehicle is occupying more than one lane C. Not allowed


The person most often killed in an alcohol related crash is: A. A passenger B. The other driver or a pedestrian C. The impaired driver


This sign (red X) over a lane means: A. The road is closed ahead B. You must stop ahead C. You are not allowed to drive in the lane


When a traffic signal is showing a steady yellow light: A. You must slow down and yield B. You must be especially alert when entering the intersection C. You must stop if you can do so safely


When entering a freeway, you should avoid: A. Using your left turn signal when merging B. Using the ramp and acceleration lane to reach highway speed C. Driving to the end of the acceleration lane and stop


When making a left turn, you should: A. Turn as soon as possible and try to cut the corner B. While waiting to turn, keep your wheels pointed to the left C. Signal at least 100 feet before the turn


When parking parallel to a curb on a two-way highway, you should park: A. Between 6 and 18 inches from the curb B. At least 12 inches from the curb C. Within 12 inches from the curb


When passing a truck, do not: A. Pass on the left side B. Maintain speed C. Cut in directly in front of the truck


Which is always a safe speed on two-lane highways? A. 60 mph B. 50 mph C. No speed is safe in all situations


You are driving along a street and hear a siren. You cannot immediately see the emergency vehicle. You should: A. Keep driving until you see the vehicle. B. Pull to the curb and look to see if it is on your street. C. Slow down. Don't stop until you see it. D. Speed up and turn at the next intersection


You are driving on a country road at night and a vehicle with high beams comes toward you. What should you do? A. Drive as closely as possible to the center of the road B. Look down toward the left edge of your lane C. Make sure you have dimmed your lights dim your lights when you are within___ feet of an oncoming vehicle, or following another vehicle at a distance of ___ feet or less.

C 1000, 200

If many vehicles are passing you in the right lane of a multilane roadway: A. Slow down B. Keep as far left as possible C. Move into the right lane, if possible

C If you drive slowly, go to the right lane

You have stopped approximately 15 feet from a fire hydrant. Are you allowed to park and leave your car? A. No, the distance you must keep is more than 20 feet B. No, you must never park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant C. Yes, unless a sign prohibits parking

C. You can park 15 feet (more than 10 feet) from a fire hydrant.

When changing lanes, you can check your blind spots by: A. Using the inside rearview mirror. B. Using the outside rearview mirror. C. Using both inside and outside rearview mirrors. D. Turning your head and looking over your shoulder.


T/F Driving is everyone's right.

F, driving is a privilege

what to do when experience blowout

Grip the steering wheel firmly, ease off gas and steer straight

Airbags are intended to work with seat belts to prevent injuries. They are not designed to keep occupants from being ejected. (T/F)


Your headlights must be turned on at sunset and used until sunrise. (T/F)


You don't have to turn your head in the direction of the lane you are moving into and check for vehicles. You can just use mirrors

Turn your head in the direction of the lane you are moving into and check for vehicles. If you rely only on mirrors, you may not see vehicles in certain positions, known as "blind spots."

yield sign- yields which side?

Yield the right of way. Slow down and let vehicles crossing your path go by. If necessary, stop before going ahead. If pedestrians are in or about to enter the crosswalk, stop until they have crossed the roadway, then proceed.

register vehicle: how many days after becoming a MN resident

You have up to 60 days after becoming a resident to register your vehicle in Minnesota.

railroad crossing exempt sign

bus and truck drivers may proceed w/o stopping

reversible lanes : what pattern, when can cross

cross these lines only if the overhead signal above the lane you wish to enter has a green arrow, or if a sign permits you to do so.

Slow-Moving Vehicle Emblem: displayed on all vehicles traveling <___

displayed on all vehicles traveling <30mph

check tire pressure: Compare the measured psi to the psi found where?

found on the sticker inside the driver's door or in the owner's manual. DO NOT compare to the psi on your tire's sidewall.

which turn on automatically: headlights, taillights, parking lights

headlights, the other two don't turn on automatically

Hydroplaning occurs when _____.

hydroplaning can occur at any speed if the depth of the water on the road is greater than the depth of the tire tread at high speed (>35mph)

No U-tern on

interstate freeways. Others cannot see you from 1,000 feet away

In locations where passing is permitted on two-lane roads with traffic moving in both directions, you may pass on the ___ side of vehicles ahead of you. You should not exceed the speed limit to complete a pass. However, the speed limit on two-lane highways with a posted speed limit of 55mph or higher is increased by ___ mph when the driver is lawfully passing another vehicle in the same direction. When you are preparing to pass, you must make sure there is a safe distance between your vehicle and oncoming traffic. You must also look ___ you to determine whether other drivers are preparing to pass you.

left, 10, behind

flashing red lights school bus -what does that mean -stop the vehicle at least __ feet before the bus - can be charged $__ if not obey -can pass only when

loading and unloading students 20 500 you're on the opposite side of a separated roadway

Have your headlights inspected at least ___ to make sure they are aimed properly.

once a year

tire is illegal if the tread is less than _____ deep. An easy way to check for wear is by using the ___.

one-sixteenth of an inch penny test

what to do with anti-lock braking

press down on the brake pedal and continue to steer the vehicle until you regain control.

why keep the dashboards clean

prevent projectiles when airbags suddenly inflate

blindspot: you cannot see pedestrians or other vehicles in your ____ or ____ when they are in these locations

rearview or side mirrors

On all roadways that are wide enough, a vehicle shall be driven on the ___ half of the roadway, except: (5)

right 1. overtaking or passing another vehicle traveling in the same direction 2. roadway is closed to traffic while under construction or repair. 3. roadway is divided into three marked lanes 4. roadway is designated with signs as a one-way roadway 5. moving over when approaching an authorized vehicle parked or stopped on the roadway (move over law).

alcohol open container

totally not allowed in the vehicle

headlights & tail lights

two white headlights that work on high and low beam, and red taillights that illuminate when the brake pedal is pressed.

Hand and arm signals

use in daylight, when people can clearly see people and vehicles

pedestrian crossing

yield the right of way

If your wheels drift onto the shoulder of the road, do not: A. Take your foot off the gas pedal B. Swerve back onto the pavement as quickly as possible C. Use your brakes gradually

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