Module 1 Exam

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Which behavior or attitude is considered task-oriented? A. Aligning people. B. Direction setting. C. Promoting principles and values. D. Openness to workers opinions.


Jennifer and Oliver responded to Frank, "It is not possible to squeeze a contract out of a government agency if they don't have money in the budget." Which measure would you adopt as a leader to address their apprehensions? A. Satisfy their lower level needs. B. Set idealistic targets for them to achieve. C. Lend a hand as a servant leader and look for other contract options. D. Provide a less structured work environment.


Leaders who score high on this dimension endeavor to establish well-defined channels of communication and ways of getting the job done.

Initiating Structure

The organizational culture influences which style will be tolerated and effective. A friendly, collaborative culture calls for more of a(n) __________ style of leadership. In contrast, in a perform-or-perish culture, a more __________ leadership style will be effective.

1. Consensus 2. Directive

Jacob, the sales head, is considered to be a very organized and discipline leader by his employees, thereby scoring high on the scale of initiating structure. This impression likely stems from which of Jacob's workplace behaviors? A. Jacob ensures that team members are utilized to the best of their abilities. B. Jacob emphasizes completing work at the confidence of his team members. C. Jacob is never biased and does not favor one employee over the other. D. Jacob adopts a zero-tolerance attitude and terminates erring team members.


Use what style when high expectations need to be set for team members performing ambiguous and nonrepetitive tasks?

Achievement-oriented style

A consultative or collaborative decision-making style would likely be reccomended in which situations? A. A time-sensitive problem needs to be resolved. B. More information or expertise is needed to solve a problem. C. A primary goal is the development of group members. D. The team will likely already approve of the proposed decision.


Daniel the chief marketing officer, is working closely with his team to develop a series of marketing campaigns for the new car to be launched by his company. Daniel encourages his team to come up with creative suggestions and receives valuable inputs from them. However, he remains the final deciding authority. In this scenario, Daniel portrays which style of leadership? A. Democratic B. Consultative C. Autocratic D. Servant


Maxwell, a project manger, asks his team to decide w3hich enterprise software package to purchase. He provides them with information ont he requirements and the budget, but he does not influence their decision, as he trusts his team to make the right choice. According to the normative decision model, which decision-making style does Maxwell use in this scenario? A. Decide B. Delegate C. Consult (group) D. Consult (individually)


Michael quits his job to start his own venture. He believes that he has all the qualities required to be a successful entrepreneur. However, his employees are unhappy with the way the organization functions and feel he lacks the abilities to be a successful entrepreneur. Which behavior would you suggest Michael incorporate in order to be a successful entrepreneur? A. Embrace hierarchy and work within the mainstream of bureaucracy. B. Possess a keen eye for future deals and business opportunities. C. Adopt a reactive approach rather than being proactive. D. Focus energy on employees first rather than customers or external sources.


Sheryl knows that showing appreciation is an effective way to boost employee morale. When a usually silent member, comes up with great ideas at a meeting, she sends an email to them thanking them for the valuable inputs and feedback to Sheryl and other team members. In this scenario, Sheryl is practice which style of leadership? A. Achievement-oriented B. Evidence-based C. Directive D. Relationship-oriented


Which behaviors are typical of a servant leader? A. Displays honest and ethical behavior. B. Sets idealistic rather than practical goals. C. Is willing to help out wherever needed. D. Tries to resolve all employee problems and concerns regardless of what they might be.

Both A and C

After receiving Tammy's feedback, Mindy thinks there are supervisory style problems at the Red Rascal. Mindy wonders if she should change her approach to leadership and supervisory style she has been following., if you were Mindy, which action would you take? Tammy's feedback : "My manager told me, "Tammy, I'm so proud of you. You did a great job". I mean, she's acting like I'm stupid or something." A. Follow Jessica's orders of following directive and supportive leadership and treat all workers equally. B. Continue to provide clear, uncomplicated instructions to all workers. C. Choose different supervisory styles for the workers with developmental disabilities and the restaurant associates. D. Stop providing positive feedback or encouragement to workers since it was not well received by Kurt or Tammy.


Sean, the sales head of a company, notices that his team frequently fails to meet sales targets. As a task-oriented leader, which measure should Sean adopt to boost sales and increase his effectiveness as a leader? A. He should provide his group members with avenues for professional growth. B. He should focus on providing solutions rather than asking why targets are not met. C. He should focus on setting high performance standards for his team members. D. He should concentrate on the weaknesses of his group members and focus on improving them.


Which behavior is typical of the entrepreneurial personality? A. Emphasizing rules and regulations when managing people. B. Adopting a reactive approach rather than a proactive approach toward work. C. Acting quickly when opportunity arises. D. Inclining toward hierarchy and bureaucracy.


Which leader is adopting a relationship-oriented behavior or attitude? A. Roger poses tough questions to his team members to enable them to realize their wrongdoings. B. Sarah consistently holds her group members to high standards of performance. C. George motivates his team members satisfying their needs for recognition and self-esteem. D. Katie provides hands-on guidance and micromanages her team members to ensure efficiency.


Which statement is true about gender differences in leadership style? A. Men are more likely than women to use spoken communication for building relationships and giving emotional support. B. Women tend toward a command-and-control style whereas men tend toward a transformational style. C. Women are more likely to choose a relationship-oriented leadership style than their male counterparts. D. Men are more suited to reasoning to the feelings of group members and understanding t what they really mean by certain statements.


A _________ leader does not consider a decision to be final until it appears that all parties involved will at least support the decision.


Leaders who score low on this factor typically are authoritarian and impersonal in their relationships with group members.


According to the path-goal theory, which example demonstrates a participative style of leadership? A. Audrey, a team member, is an attentive listener and looks out for her team members' emotional well-being. B. John is a junior manager who plans and organizes his team's schedules and tasks and expects strict compliance from them. C. Frank guides a highly skilled team of analysts by setting them challenging goals and pushing for achievement. D. Dylan often consults with his subordinates for their inputs before making decisions on task allotment.


Ben, the chairman of a company, makes decisions regarding the promotion of senior company officials on his own without consulting the members of the board, assuming that other members would agree with him. Ben's decision-making strategy is attributed to which style of leadership? A. Consensus B. Democratic C. Consultative D. Autocratic


Eric, the operations head, decides to shift the country headquarters of his organization form New York to Chicago. He implements his decision and starts working toward it by taking his board members consent for granted. In this scenario, Eric portrays what style of leadership? A. Democratic B. Consensus C. Consultative D. Autocratic


Grace is a finance manager at her firm. She wants to make a decision based on the inputs of her group members and their agreement. Which participative leadership style should Grace use? A. Consultative B. Autocratic C. Democratic D. Consensus


Jason, the chief security officer, is working closely with his team to devise foolproof measures to safeguard confidential data. His employees regard him as a leader who is high on consideration. This impression of Jason would stem from which workplace behavior? A. Jason emphasizes devising foolproof measures within the stipulated deadlines. B. Jason experiments with his innovative security strategies in the work group. C. Jason ensures that people in the group are being utilized to the best of their capacity. D. Jason is not biased and does not favor one employee over the other.


The manager of a small company decides to use the "facilitate" decision-making style to help his team make an important decisions. Which approach would be associated with the facilitate decision-making style? The manager .... A. Meets individually with group members to gather their input and suggestions before making the decision. B. Gathers suggestions from group members in a meeting and then makes the decision, considering himself the final authority. C. Engages the group in unstructured discussions to reach a decision, providing few guidelines or parameters so as to encourage creative problem solving. D. Presents the problem to the group in a meeting and helps them work towards consensus.


Tom is considered to be skilled at adopting task-related attitudes and behaviors to effectively mange his team. Which of his behaviors is most likely the reason for this impression by his team? A. He promotes the principles and values of his organization. B. He encourages and provides emotional support to his team members. C. He patiently addresses the grievances of his team members. D. He adapts to any situation as required by circumstances.


When Frank tells his project managers that he is not there to do their job, Oliver feels that Frank is not being participative. If you were in Frank's place, how would you practice participative leadership? A. By providing solutions to problems rather than asking touch questions about why they are in the present situation. B. By deemphasizing high performance standards to reduce the pressure of performance on them. C. By being cautious about taking unnecessary risk and assuming that all team members will comply. D. By encouraging discussion and arriving at a solution that all project managers support.


Which suggestion paves the way for an effective 360-Degree survey? A. Provide feedback that is aimed at administrative control rather than personal development of managers. B. Devise a plan that Nicole's transferring managers with poor performance to another department or laying them off altogether. C. Ensure that managers rated are oblivious to the identity of the employees rating them. D. Customize the assessment dimensions based on the leadership competencies that are associated with success in one's organization.


Use what style when a task is unclear and team morale needs to be improved?

Directive style

Leaders will build strong relationships with their team by being consistent in their leadership style and approaching all employees in an equal manner. True or False?


Leaders who engage in this behavior are perceived to be giving fair consideration to their subordinates suggestions.

Management Openness

A ________ leader accepts suggestions for managing the operation from group members.


Use what style when the morale of employees performing nonrepetitive tasks needs to be improved?

Participative Style

A __________ leader places service before self interest and seeks to do what is morally right,even if it is not financially rewarding.


Use what style when a task is dissatisfying, frustrating, or stressful?

Supportive style

Which leader displays a relationship-oriented attitude or behavior? A. Juliana maximizes effiency by capitalizing on the strengths of individual team members. B. Jennifer helps her team members achieve a sense of belonging and recognition in the company. C. Megan sets high targets for her team members in order to help them realize their true potential. D. Anna asks questions that make her team members stop and question what they are doing and why.


When Frank tells his direct reports that the firm needs new contracts soon, Oliver the project manager, asks Frank if he has other contracts in the private industry that the company should pursue. Instead of dismissing Oliver's question, what other task-related attitudes should Frank have displayed? A. Frank should have provided guidance on how to obtain contracts from government agencies that have smaller budgets. B. Frank should have pursued a democratic style of leadership and acted as a macro manager. C. Frank should have transferred Oliver to a different team, as Oliver was clearly an under-performer. D. Frank should have adapted to the situation and encouraged Oliver's ideas of pursuing contracts from private agencies.

Both A and D.

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