Module 1: Intro To Computers

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Resize corner

Clicking and dragging this button will change the size of the window.


(Basic Input Output System) includes boot firmware and power management firmware. Newer motherboards use Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) instead of BIOS.


(Central Processing Unit) performs most of the calculations which enable a computer to function, and is sometimes referred to as the "brain" of the computer. It is usually cooled by a heat sink and fan. Most newer CPUs include an on-die Graphics Processing Unit (GPU).

Random Access Memory

(RAM) stores the code and data that are being actively accessed by the CPU.

Read-only Memory

(ROM) stores the BIOS that runs when the computer is powered on or otherwise begins execution, a process known as Bootstrapping, or "booting" or "booting up."

File sharing services provide two key capabilities:

* They allow you to share files between your own devices including Macs, iPhones, iPads and Windows-based PCs. This makes it easy to access your data wherever you are and on whatever device you're using. * They let you share files or folders with others sometimes with permissions or date-based restrictions. Such capabilities are incredibly effective for workgroup collaboration.


A window is a viewing area that graphically displays a program so that the user can interact with it. A window is adjustable, so it can take up the entire screen or just part of the screen. Note that this is a different term from the Windows operating system—Macs also have windows.

Recycle Bin Properties

Allows you to choose how much space to allot to the Recycle Bin. When the Recycle Bin reaches capacity, it will automatically delete its oldest files. The Recycle Bin properties also has an option to automatically delete files permanently. (Unless you know what you are doing, it is recommended you leave Recycle Bin properties alone.)

Snipping Tools- Pen

Allows you to draw on and mark the screenshot. Clicking the dropdown arrow to the right of the button allows you to change the color of the pen.

Snipping Tools - Highlighter

Allows you to highlight anything on the screenshot.

Shortcuts - Close Window

Alt+F4 -- Closes window; shuts down computer if all windows are closed

System Tray - Show Desktop

At the very far right side of the taskbar is a thin line. Clicking the sliver of the taskbar between that line and the edge of your screen will minimize all programs. Hovering the mouse over that sliver of screen will allow you to "peek" at the desktop.

A business computer environment needs a high level of security that allows or disallows incoming requests. It also should have _________

Auditing Options


Input devices allow the user to enter information into the system, or control its operation.


Locks the computer. You will not be logged out, and programs will still be running, but you must enter your password to use the computer again.

System Tray - Battery

This is a feature of laptop computers. Hover over the battery icon to see how much charge is left.


This is sort of like pausing the computer. The screen will go dark, and you will be unable to use the computer until you wake it up by shaking the mouse or pressing a key on the keyboard. The computer will appear to be off. However, what is actually happening is that the computer will go into a low-power state. It will still be on, and programs will still be running, but the computer will use considerably less power. This is useful because waking the computer from sleep is much quicker than waiting for the computer to turn on and boot up Windows. By default, shutting your laptop lid will put the computer to sleep, and reopening the lid will wake the computer up.

3-2-1 Rule

This rule states that you should have 3 copies of your data in 2 locations on more than 1 type of storage media.

Title bar

This shows the title of the program (in this case, Notepad) and has the minimize, maximize/resize, and close buttons. If the window is not maximized, you can click and drag the title bar to move the window.

Menu bar

This toolbar contains various commands that often lead to dialog menus (covered later on this page). Windows computers have this bar at the top of windows; Macs have this bar at the top of the screen instead. The options contained in this toolbar vary greatly from program to program.

Removable Media

To transfer data between computers, a USB flash drive or Optical disc may be used.

Which do you think is a best practice for naming files in order to create an effective management system on a computer?

Use numbers with at least two digits for names

System Tray - Arrow

When clicked expands to show more system tray icons

System Tray - Notification Center

When your computer needs updates or has security notifications, those messages can be accessed here.

Shortcut - Open Window Explore


Characters that Windows will not allow you to name a file:

\ / : * ? " < > | because they all have a different meaning in Windows.

3-2-1 good backup options

a copy on my computer (onsite) a copy backed up weekly to the office shared drive (onsite) a copy backed up automatically to the cloud

System Software

computer software designed to operate and control the computer hardware and to provide a platform for running application software. System software can be separated into two different categories, operating systems and utility software.


connect the CPU to various internal components and to expand cards for graphics and sound.

Application Software

software that allows users to do things like create text documents, play games, listen to music, or web browsers to surf the web

information privacy/data privacy

the relationship between collection and dissemination of data, technology, the public expectation of privacy, and the legal and political issues surrounding them.

Which one of these is a recommended practice for backing up files, data, or anything on a network or computer?

using automatic backups


which includes the north bridge, mediates communication between the CPU and the other components of the system, including main memory.

Shortcuts - Save

Ctrl+S -- Saves a file

Shortcuts - Open

Ctrl+O -- Opens a file or document

Shortcuts - Cut

Ctrl+X -- Copies and removes an item or text; used with Paste

Shortcuts - Redo

Ctrl+Y -- Redoes the last thing undone

Shortcuts - Undo

Ctrl+Z -- Undoes the last action

Fixed Media

Data is stored by a computer using a variety of media. Ex. Hard drives, SSD

System Tray - Date & Time

Date & Time


Desktop refers to the main screen of the computer. It is the first screen you see after logging in. The desktop's appearance can vary widely because it is highly customizable, but generally desktops will feature a large image, icons, and a taskbar (covered later on this page).

Dialogue Menus

Gives you more options to interact with the program. Ex. "File>Save"

User Interface

"allows users to interact with a computer." Since the 1980s, the graphical user interface (GUI) has been perhaps the most common user interface technology. The command-line interface is still a commonly used alternative.

System Tray - Sound

Clicking on the sound icon in the system tray allows you to change the volume or mute your computer.


Clicking this button will maximize the window so it takes up the whole screen. If the window is already maximized, clicking this button will resize the window to be smaller.

What kind of file management technique is Enrique using if he can access the same work files from his cell phone, laptop, tablet or a computer at the library even while traveling in England?

Cloud based file sharing system


Computer data storage, often called storage, refers to computer components and recording media that retain digital data. Ex. SSD Solid-State Drives

Snipping Tools - Copy

Copies the current screenshot so you can paste it into an image editing program, like Paint, GIMP, or Photoshop.

Shortcuts - Paste

Crtl+V -- Inserts the last cut or copied item or text

Shortcuts - Select All

Ctrl+A -- Selects all text or items

Shortcuts - Troubleshoot/Force Quit

Ctrl+Alt+Delete -- Opens Task Manager (see note)

Shortcuts - Copy

Ctrl+C --Copies and removes an item or text; used with Paste

Shortcuts - Find

Ctrl+F -- Opens search tools; in most programs, opens a search box to find specific words on a page

Shortcuts - New

Ctrl+N -- Opens a new window, tab, or document

Snipping Tools - Eraser

Erases the effects of the pen and highlighter tools. (Note that Ctrl+Z does not work on the pen or highlighter tool; you must use the eraser to correct mistakes.)

Shut down

Logs you out of the computer, closes all programs, shuts down Windows, and turns the computer off


Logs you out of the computer, closes all programs, shuts down Windows, turns the computer off, then turns the computer back on and restarts Windows. You will have to enter your password to use the computer again.

Log off

Logs you out of the computer. The computer is still on, but programs are closed and you must enter your password to use the computer again.

Pinned Programs

Programs can be pinned to the taskbar so that they are quicker to get to: you can open a pinned program simply by clicking on it. You can customize which programs are pinned to the taskbar by opening a program, then right-clicking on the program's taskbar icon and selecting "Pin to Taskbar." You can also unpin pinned programs by right-clicking the program's icon and selecting "Unpin from Taskbar."


Minimizing a program means making the program "collapse" into the taskbar. A minimized window is no longer visible but still running.

Screenshot of MacOS

On Mac computers, pushing Command+Shift+3 will take a full-screen screenshot. Pushing Command+Shift+4 then clicking and dragging will create a rectangular screenshot. Hitting Command+Shift+4+Space and then clicking a window will create a window screenshot. Mac users can also use the Grab tool, found in the Applications/Utilities folder. By default, Mac screenshots are saved to the desktop.

Snipping Tools - Send To

Opens Microsoft Outlook so you can email the screenshot to someone. Clicking the dropdown arrow to the right of the button allows you to choose whether to send the screenshot in the email or as an attachment.


Output devices display information in a human readable form.

Empty Recycling bin

Permanently deletes everything in the Recycle Bin.


Pressing just the Print Screen button will take a picture of everything visible on your computer screen; Pressing Prt Scn+Alt will take a picture of the currently active window (the window you last interacted with).

Restore all items

Restores everything in the Recycle Bin to its former location.

Restore all selected items

Restores only the file or files you have selected.

Snipping Tools - Save

Saves the current screenshot. If you do not save the screenshot, it will be automatically deleted when you take a new screenshot or close the snipping tool.

What types of storage hardware are used inside a computer?

Solid State Drives. SSD.

Switch User

Switch between user accounts.

CMOS Battery

The CMOS battery is also attached to the motherboard. This battery is the same as a watch battery or a battery for a remote to a car's central locking system. Most batteries are CR2032, which powers the memory for date and time in the BIOS chip.

Windows Key

The Windows key (also known as Win key, start key, or home) causes the start menu to open. The logo may vary slightly from the design in the diagram above. If the Windows key is missing, Ctrl+Esc can serve the same function.

Alt Key

The alt key, or alternate key, triggers an alternate use for keys. For example, many special characters (characters not commonly found on the keyboard, such as ¿ or ¢) are available when pressing Alt and the right series of numbers. Like the control key, the alt key is also essential to many common shortcuts.

Start Menu Button

The appearance of the Start button varies between versions, but it is always the left-most button of the taskbar. The Start menu can also be opened by pressing the Windows key (4 cubes in a cube logo) on the keyboard.

Control Key

The control key, or Ctrl key, is essential to many common shortcuts. It does not do anything when pressed by itself, but when pressed at the same time as other keys, it can modify the other key's function.

Escape Key

The escape key, or Esc, is at the top-left corner of the keyboard. It can be used as a shortcut in dialog boxes to close programs.

File Path (\) not-> (/)

The file path tells you what folders to click on to get to the file. Read it left to right to show what folders to click on to get to the file; read it right to left to show which folders are nested in each folder.

Open (minimized) programas

The icons of open programs will appear to the right of the pinned programs. In Windows 10, the blue line beneath the icon indicates the program is minimized.

Menu Key

The menu key, or application key, is usually represented by a small icon depicting a pointer hovering above a menu. It is typically found on the right side of the keyboard between the right Windows logo key and the right control key (or between the right alt key and the right control key). The menu key is frequently omitted in the interest of space, particularly on portable and laptop keyboards. The key's primary function is to launch a context menu with the keyboard rather than with the usual right-mouse button. It can be used when the right-mouse button is not present on a mouse.

File Explorer application (In older versions of Windows, this may be called Windows Explorer. In Macs, the equivalent would be Finder.)

The primary way of interacting with files and folders

Print Screen Key

The print screen key, or Prt Sc key, is used for taking screenshots. Pressing Prt Sc will take a snapshot of the entire screen, and pressing Prt Sc+Alt will take a snapshot of just the currently selected window. The default save location of screenshots taken is C:\Users\<user name>\Pictures\Screenshots.

Recycling Bin

The recycle bin is a holding place for deleted files. To permanently delete a file, you can delete it again from the Recycle Bin, or you can empty the Recycle Bin.

System Tray (Dock for MacOS)

The system tray is on the right side of the taskbar. It displays the date and time and has icons that show helpful information related to computer and program functions. The icons in the system tray vary widely from computer to computer depending on what programs are installed and what version of Windows you have, so do not worry if your system tray does not match the screenshots in this course or your classmates' system trays. In the screenshot above, from left to right in the system tray:

Task bar

The taskbar runs at one edge of the screen, almost always the bottom. The taskbar is used to access the Start menu and currently running programs. Like the desktop, it is very customizable.


This button closes the window.

System Tray- Network

This icon shows the status of your internet connection. In the screenshot above, the computer is connected to the internet with a cable; wireless connection icons often look like a fan or a bar chart.

The Operating System

allows the parts of a computer to work together by performing tasks like transferring data between memory and disks or rendering output onto a display device. It also provides a platform to run high-level system software and application software. Ex. Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Chrome OS, and Linux

Cloud file sharing

also called cloud-based file sharing or online file sharing, is a system in which a user is allotted storage space on a server and reads and writes are carried out over the Internet.

Cloud Technology

file management for online files

Utility Software

helps to analyze, configure, optimize and maintain the computer, such as virus protection.

Cloud Storage

involves stashing data on hardware in a remote physical location, which can be accessed from any device via the internet. Clients send files to a data server maintained by a cloud provider instead of (or as well as) storing it on their own hard drives.

A kernel

is the core part of the operating system that defines an API for applications programs (including some system software) and an interface to device drivers.

What type of data causes concern for institutions or business when collected, stored and not secured properly?

personally identifiable information


phrases that should be clicked

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