Module 1 Quiz - Introduction to Health and Wellness an Overview

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Exercise is a type of physical activity that is not planned or structured, and uses repetitive bodily movements with the intent to improve a component of Health.


Health is characterized by a complete state of well-being.


Hypokinetic diseases are related to a poor immune system and low resting metabolic rate.


Risk factors are lifestyle and genetic variable that may lead to disease or death, and one that is not modifiable is Obesity


Stage 2 High Blood Pressure is characterized by having diastolic pressure over 140 and systolic pressure over 80.


Which one of the following is not a component of skill?


In order for you to have success with your fitness and wellness goals an individual should include all of the following except:

Include the 6 dimensions of skill related fitness

All of the following are benefits of health related fitness except:

Reduces resting metabolic rate

In order to reach your health and wellness goals you must include all of the following except:

Stress Management

Normal blood pressure is characterized as systolic under 120 and diastolic under 80.


Physical activity is any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles and produces health benefits.


Sedentary Death Syndrome (SeDS) are deaths that are attributed to a lack of regular physical activity.


You should seek medical clearance if you answered yes to any of the PAR-Q questions.


Wellness is defined as:

constant and deliberate effort to stay healthy and achieve the highest potential of well-being

An activity tracker is an electronic device that has an accelerometer that tracks footsteps, calories, heart rate and quality of sleep.


Which of the following is NOT a health related component

) Coordination

What is the recommended number of steps that you should take each day?


What resting heart rate is considered good?


SMART goal includes all of the following except


One of the following is not one of the dimensions of wellness:


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