Module 15 SS

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Iran Contra Affair -

A group of Reagan administration officials secretly found a way to continue funding the Contras. Oliver North helped arrange the sale of US middles to Iran and in exchange, Iran released US hostages who had been taken by terrorists loyal to Iran. Profits from this secret deal were sent to the Contras, which were in violation of the congressional ban. This series of events became known as the Iran Contra affair.

What was the purpose of and why were some people opposed to Affirmative Action programs?

Affirmative Action programs were the practice of giving special consideration to no whites and women's to makeup for their past discrimination. Supporters thought that women and minorities needed this to improve their educational and job opportunities, however those who opposed affirmative action programs felt that any sort of special consideration or preferences babes on race or gender were unfair, even if they had faced pst discrimination.

Camp David Accords -

After 13 days of meetings, Egyptian President Sanest el-Sadat and Israeli prime minister Mrnachem Begin reached a peace agreement called the Camp David Accords. Many consider the agreement to be President Carter's greatest achievement.

. Why would being a "Washington Outsider" help get Jimmy Carter elected President?

Being a "Washington Outsider" helped get Jimmy Carter elected President because he was untouched by recent government scandals since he was little-known as a former governor of Georgia. American voters had lost a lot of trust in the government, so a new candidate with a clean slate provided Americans with a glimmer of trust as he stated that he would never lie to his voters.

Arkansas governor who became US president in 1992

Bill Clinton

Why was Bill Clinton only the second President to ever be Impeached (aquitted in Senate trial)?

Bill Clinton's second term was cut short and consisted of questions about his personal and official conduct. Government investigators charged that the president had conducted an improper relationship with a White House intern and then lied about it under oath. In 1998 the House of Representatives voted to impeach Clinton on charges of obstruction of justice. The senate then acquitted him of the charges in 1999.

Define/describe: Rachel Carson/Silent Spring -

Biologist Rachel Carson brought attention to the dangers of pollution in her book Silent Spring. She explained how chemicals used to kill insects travel along the food chain and can affect people's health. Her book helped inspire and spark a nationwide movement to help the environment.

a peace agreement that resulted from meetings between Jimmy Carter and the leaders of Israel and Egypt

Camp David Accords

Why did Clinton remain popular even after he was impeached?

Clinton remained popular even after his impeachment because although the scandal damaged his public image , his approval rating remained high due to the fact that the economy was booming, and Clinton led the US to a strong economy.

Clinton Impeachment -

Clinton's personal and official conduct dominated his second term. Government investigators charged that the president had conducted an improper relationship with a White House intern and then lied about it under oath. In 1998 the House of Representatives voted to impeach Clinton for obstruction of justice. The senate acquitted him of the charges in 1999.

former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and highest ranking African American to serve in the US military; later served as secretary of state

Colin Powell

What "Cold War Events" happen during President Bush's term?

During President Bush's term, the Cold War ended and pro-Soviet governments across Eastern Europe began to fall. Bush and Gorbachev sighted the START pact limiting nuclear weapons. The Persian Gulf War also took place when Iraq's dictator invaded neighboring oil-rich Kuwait. When the dictator refused to withdraw from Kuwait, a US lead multinational coalition launched Operation Desert Storm.

How did President Reagan "deal" with the Soviet Union during his first term?

During his first term, President Reagan took a strong stand against the Soviet Union, supporting anti-Communist governments and criticizing communism, calling the Soviet Union an "evil empire". To "deal" with the Soviet Union, he stopped arms negotiations and quickly expanded the US military.

What was Ronald Reagan's question to the American voters during the 1980 campaign? Explain how the voters answered that question.

During the 1980 campaign, Ronald Reagan asked American voters, "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" The voters answered this question with a no, giving Reagan an easy victory in the election.

Gaylord Nelson/Earth Day -

Environmentalists in the United States celebrated the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, which was a day to remind people of their responsibility to preserve and protect the Earth.

US president elected in 1988

George H.W. Bush

vice-prediset who became president when Nixon resigned in 1974

Gerald Ford

How did Gerald Ford become President of the U.S.?

Gerald Ford became President of the US after President Nixon announced his resignation from office. At the time, Ford was Vice President, until he was sworn in as president on August 9.

Describe how Gerald Ford went from Congressmen in 1972, to Vice President, to President by August 1974?

Gerald Ford started off as a Congressmen in 1972 until Richard Nixon was elected President and he became Vice President. However, soon after, Nixon resigned leaving Geral Ford becoming the first modern president to hold office without being elected into it.

What changes did Mikhail Gorbachev make in the Soviet Union?

In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev became the new Soviet leader, beginning a process of political and economic reforms called glasnost. He also adopted a new policy of political openness called glasnost and proposed a strong desire for change.

Who is Madeleine Albright, and what is the significance of her appointment to President Clinton's Cabinet?

In 1997 President Clinton appointed Madeleine Albright as the first woman to be Secretary of State. The significance of her appointment to the President's Cabinet was that she helped adapt Us foreign policy to the complex new world. She also helped the US adjust to its new role of being the world's only remaining superpower.

holding of about 52 US embassy personnel for more than a year in Iran

Iran Hostage Crisis

controversial plan for the US to sell missiles to Iran and give the profits to Nicaraguan rebels, known as Contras

Iran-Contra affair

former governor of Georgia; elected US president in 1976

Jimmy Carter

first woman to become secretary of state; appointed by Bill Clinton

Madeleine Albright

Soviet leader who initiated changes in government policies and new freedoms for Soviet people

Mikhail Gorbachev

How did the changes under Mikhail Gorbachev led to the collapse of the U.S.S.R.?

Mikhail dealt with his country's economic problems by beginning a process of political economic reforms called perestroika and adopting a new policy of political openness called glasnost. He established new freedoms. When Bush became president, Mikhail continued his reform programs but people demanded even faster change and more freedom. Pro-democracy movements put increasing pressure in Communist governments and pro-Soviet governments across Eastern Europe began to fall. Several Soviet republics declared independence from the Soviet regime. They took Gorbachev hostage in August 1991 and tried to seize the government. Gorbachev finally resigned and the Soviet Union collapsed.

Describe NAFTA (North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement).

NAFTA was a treaty that eliminated trade barriers between the US, Canada, and Mexico. This was a very controversial treaty, but it was designed to reduce the economic deficit by cutting spending and raising taxes.

One of President Clinton's major achievements was getting Congress to pass


How did President Nixon's visit to China, impact U.S. Soviet relations?

Nixon believed it was in America's interest to widen the split and improve US relations with both Communist powers. He first turned to China, lifting restrictions on trade and travel and opened negotiations. Nixon's trip to China caught the attention of Soviet leaders, making them interested in becoming more open to talks with the US.

Why did Nixon resign?

Nixon resigned after a congressional committee passed articles of impeachment due to his involvement in the Watergate Scandal proven after he was forced to turn the tapes over to congress. Since Nixon was faced with impeachment for an illegal cover-up of the break-in, he resigned.

treaty to end trade barriers between the US, Canada, and Mexico

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

What was the Watergate Scandal?

On June 17, 1972 five men were arrested while breaking into the Democratic National Committees officers at the Watergate Hotel in Washington D.C. the burglars we carrying camera equipment and secret recording devices, and police discovered that some held ties to the Nixon administration although Nixon denied that anyone in his administration we involved in the Watergate break-in. However, early in Nixon's second term, the break-in exploded into a massive political scandal known as Watergate.

Watergate -

On June 17, 1972 five men were arrested while breaking into the Democratic National Committees offices at the Watergate Hotel in Washington DC. Nixon denied that anyone in his administration was involved in the Watergate break-in. The seemingly minor break-in exploded into a massive political scandal known as Watergate.

What happened at Three Mile Island?

On March 28, 1979, a reactor core at Three Mile Island overheated and the plant released a small amount of radioactive gas into the air. This incident damages the nuclear power industry and the government put in place a ban on building new reactors.

Iran Hostage Crisis -

On November 4, a group of Iranian students attacked the Us embassy in Tehran seizing about 90 American hostages. The Iran hostage crisis lasted for more than a year. Approximately 52 Americans were held hostage by Iranian militants during the Iran hostage crisis. After 444 days in captivity, the American hostages were released

List and describe several of President Reagan's "Conservative Revolution" goals.

One of Reagan's conservative goals was to reduce government regulations of key industries. He hoped fewer rules would encourage expansion in those industries, which would improve the US economy. President Reagan achieved this goal by Congress reducing regulations on industries such as television, airlines, and banking. Reagan moved the Supreme Court in a more conservative direction by appointing politically conservative judges.

US led multinational coalition offensive to drive Iraqi troops from Kuwait

Operation Desert Storm

What was the purpose of Operation Desert Storm, and how did it demonstrate President Bush's vision of a "New World Order"?

Operation Desert Storm was launched after Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein invaded neighboring oil-rich Kuwait. Operation Desert Storm was a US led multinational coalition, which was an air offensive led by US generals Norman Schwarzkopf and Colin Powell. This demonstrated President Bush's vision of a "New World Order" because he called for countries to work together in times of crisis. So when a crisis arose in the Middle East, Bush began assembling a coalition of alliance of nations to work together in Operation Desert Storm to drive Iraq out of Kuwait.

a group of oil-producing nations that controlled the production and sale of oil. they wanted to keep prices high.

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) -

group of oil producing nations that controls the production and sale of oil

Organization of petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

How did President Bush and Boris Yeltsin work together to improve relations between the United States and Russia?

President Bush worked with Boris Yeltsin to improve relations with Russia by issuing a formal statement declaring an end to the Cold War. In 1991 they signed the START pact that limited nuclear weapons, which would decrease tensions between the two countries.

What domestic/economic problems did President George H.W. Bush face.

President Bush worked with the Russian President to improve relations between the US and Russia, signing the START pact to limit nuclear weapons. He also called for all countries to work together during crises, such as the one in the Middle East. President Bush faced pressure due to the high federal deficit and a weakening economy. He proposed a plan to lower the deficit with spending cuts, however the Democrats in Congress rejected his plan. The economy soon entered a recession and the unemployment rate increased.

Why did President Carter lose support because of his support of Afghanistan, and the Iran Hostage Crisis?

President Carter lost support because of his support of Afghanistan because when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, Carter supported Afghanistan by breaking off arms-control talks and refusing to allow U.S athletes to participate in the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow because of the Soviet Union. This caused people to lose support for him because they could not participate in the Olympics which was a big deal to many Americans and for our country as a whole. Also, Carter was not having success improving relations with the Soviet Union which angered some Americans. Americans lost support for President Carter after the Iran Hostage Crisis because he failed in an attempt to rescue the Americans, which led them to lose confidence in his leadership as President.

Why was President Clinton's signing of the NAFTA Treaty controversial?

President Clinton convinced Congress to support the short American Free Trade Agreement which eliminates trade barriers between the US, Canada, and Mexico. The treaty was controversial since supporters claimed that it would strengthen the economies of all three national Critics argues that the US would lose jobs to Mexico where wages were lower.

How were President Clinton's economic views different from Presidents Reagan and Bush?

President Clinton's economic views were different from President Reagan and Bush's because President Clinton told the American people he would focus on improving the economy, doing this by focusing on reducing the deficit by cutting spending and raising taxes. In contrast, President Reagan's goal was to cut taxes and reduce regulations on businesses. President Bush similar to Reagan pledged not to raise taxes and worked to lower the deficit with spending cuts.

biologist and author of Silent Spring; helped start the environmental movement

Rachel Carson

How did Reagan Administration officials violate the law in the Iran-Contra Affair?

Reagan Administration officials violated the law in the Iran-Contra Affair because they secretly found a way to continue funding the Contras even after Congress passed a ban on more US military aid to the Contras. Profits from the secret deal were sent to the Contras, which were in violation of the congressional ban.

What was the economic theory "Supply-side economics", and how did it lead to bigger budget deficits?

Reagan's economic policies were based in the theory of "supply-side economics" which calls for sharp tax cuts with the goal of increasing the amount of money people and businesses have to invest. Because more money would be invested, the economy would grow. This lead to bigger budget deficits because although business profits and tax revenues increased, at the same time, spending in defense was increased dramatically, and the new spending outpaced the new tax revenues. The result of this was a rapid rising deficit.

Why do rising oil prices have such a widespread effect on the economy?

Rising oil prices have such a widespread effect on the economy because since oil was more expensive, the cost of everything that is made from oil such as major products like gasoline, heating oil, electricity,etc... also rise. The increase in these prices lead to rising inflation. Oil is used in many essential products that we use daily, therefore affecting the economy immensely when oil prices rise.

US president elected in 1980

Ronald Reagan

What were some of Ronald Reagan's Conservative Goals?

Ronald Reagan's approach to government was based on conservative ideas, as he wanted to cut taxes and reduce regulations in businesses. Reagan called for spending cuts and increased the amount of money people and businesses have to invest.

Iraqi dictator

Saddam Hussein

Who is Sandra Day O'Connor, and how did President Reagan's support of her further his agenda?

Sandra Day O' Connor became the first woman to serve as a Supreme Court justice. President Reagan's support of her furthered his agenda because on of his conservative goals was to reduce government regulations of key industries, and he was able to move the Supreme Court in a more conservative direction by appointing politically conservative judges, with the first being Sandra Day O' Connor.

Operation Desert Storm -

Sassan refused to withdraw from Kuwait. In response to this, a US led multinational coalition launched Operation Desert Storm. This air offensive was led by US generals Norman Schwarzkopf and Colin Powell. After a six-week bombing campaign, ground forces entered Kuwait and within days Iraq agreed to a cease-fire.

agreements between the US and the Soviet Union limiting nuclear weapons

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

Which of the following was a theory that influenced President Reagan's policies?

Supply-side economics

Why were the Camp David Accords considered President Carter's greatest achievement?

The Camp David Accords were considered President Carter's greatest achievements because after 13 days of meetings, President Carter led the Egyptian President and Israeli prime minister to a peace agreement called the Camp David Accords. This was a great achievement by Carter because Egypt and Israel had been in conflict for 30 years, and due to their confidence in President Carter when he invited them to the presidential retreat, they finally agreed to continue their negotiations.

Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) -

The EPA was established in 1970 to carry out new laws limiting the release of pollutants. The EPA worked to protect human health and the environment, conducting research and writing and enforcing rules to provide this protection.

. How is the EPA's mission reflected in its response to "Love Canal", and Acid Rain?

The EPA's response to acid rain reflects their mission of protecting human health and the environment because they worked to reduce acid rain which can harm plants and wildlife and kill them. In 1990 the EPA created a program to reduce pollution which leads to the acid rain. The EPA's reaction to "Love Canal" was to repair damage caused by pollution and promote the cleanup of heavily contaminated sites. This reflected their mission to protect human health and the environment because residents reported health problems from the contaminated Love Canal disaster and had to move from the site.

What was the role of the E.P.A.? Give an example.

The Environmental Protection Agency was established in 1970 to carry out the laws Congress passed to limit the release of pollutants. The mission of the EPA is to protect human health and the environment. For example, they conduct research and write and enforce rules to provide protection. In 1990 the EPA created a program to reduce pollution that causes acid rain

Why didn't the Iran-Contra Affair affect President Reagan the same way Watergate affected President Nixon?

The Iran-Contra Affair didn't affect President Reagan the same way the Waterfate affected President Nixon because Congressional hearing concluded that President Reagan was not guilty of illegal activity, rather it was some of his administration officials who were convicted of crimes related to the affair. On the other hand, President Nixon was proved to be involved in the scandal due to the Nixon tapes that the Supreme Court ordered Nixon to turn over. The congressional committee then passed articles of impeachment, so Nixon resigned in response.

Why did the OPEC nations object to the US support of Israel?

The OPEC nations objected to US support of Israel because when Egypt and Syria attacked Israel and the Yom Kippur War broke out, the US sent military supplies to help Israel. Arab members of OPEC were angered by countries supporting Israel sense they were against them, declaring an embargo on oil sales to the US.

What were the PRO's and CON's of NAFTA?

The Pros of NAFTA were that it would strengthen the economies of all three countries and would provide more opportunities for US workers. By getting rid of the barriers that had prevented the US from selling what we make in other countries would provide more jobs for our men and women. Cons of NAFTA were that if the wages were low the US might lose jobs to Mexico, and by shifting our manufacturing jobs across the border to Mexico and around the world we wouldn't be able to defend our country since it would be deindustrializing it.

Why were the "Nixon Tapes" important?

The Supreme Court ordered Nixon to turn over tapes of the White House discussions to Congress. The "Nixon Tapes" were important because they showed his involvement in the scandal, which led a congressional committee to pass articles of impeachment.

How did the passage of Title IX improve the lives of American Women?

Title IX banned discrimination in the basis of sex in educational programs that receive federal funds. This helped improve the lives of American Women because women now were able to admit to medical and law schools. It also gave women the opportunity to participate in college sports and earn athletic scholarships just as the men had been.

scandal involving the Nixon administration


Why do you think improved US-China relations made the USSR more open to talks with the US?

When Mao accused Soviet leaders of betraying the ideals of communism, Nixon believed that it would be best for him to widen this split between China and the Soviet Union by improving US relations with each Communist power. Improved relations with China led to Nixon lifting restriction on trade and travel and opened negotiations with them. I think that the USSR saw these improvements and caught the attention of the Soviet Leaders. This led them to interest in negotiating with the US, therefore making them more open to talks with the US.

practice of giving special consideration to nonwhites or women to make up for past discrimination

affirmative action

South African system of racial segregation


amount by which a government's spending exceeds its income


period of less hostile relations between the US and Soviet Union


basic rights and freedoms of all people

human rights

order granting freedom from punishment


foreign policy based on practical AMerican interests, not on ideals


economic penalties


he economic condition of combined stagnant economic growth and high inflation. From 1967 to 1974, rising prices reduced the purchasing power of the U.S dollar by more than 30 percent.


stagnant economic growth and high inflation


economic theory based on increasing investment by making sharp tax cuts

supply-side economics

use of violence by individuals or small groups to advance political goals


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