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205. The bond joining pentose sugar to nitrogen base is A. 1, 4 glycosidic bond B. B 1, 4 glycosidic bond C. Peptide bond D. N-glycosyl linkage

A. 1, 4 glycosidic bond

166. After separating the waxes from the volatile oil, the resulting product is known as A. Absolutes B. Terpenes C. Concretes D. Pomade

A. Absolutes

111. An example of globular protein A. Albumin B. Collagen C. Fibrin D. Silk

A. Albumin

192. Which of the following glycosides yield HCN (H cyanide) as one of the products of hydrolysis A. Amyglandin B. Sinigrin C. Sinalbin D. NOTA

A. Amyglandin

103. The protein part of the enzyme molecule is the A. Apoenzyme B. Coenzyme C. Cofactor D. Holoenzyme

A. Apoenzyme

189. These are official tests done on living animals as well as on intact or excised organs and which often indicate the strength of a particular drug or its preparation A. Bioassays B. Histochemical test C. Microscopic test D. Microbiological test

A. Bioassays

167. Specific glycoside obtained from Coccus cacti A. Carminic acid B. Tannic acid C. Ratanhiaphenol D. Bergapten

A. Carminic acid

153. The official test animal employed in the standardization of mydriatic drugs such as atropine A. Cat B. Dog C. Horses D. Rabbit

A. Cat

197. The organism used in the parasitic method of producing Ergot alkaloids A. Claviceps purpurea B. Claviceps paspali C. A and B D. NOTA

A. Claviceps purpurea

186. The plant material is treated with ammonium hydroxide in order to: A. Convert alkaloidal salts into free base B. convert free bases into alkaloidal salts C. A and B D. NOTA

A. Convert alkaloidal salts into free base

171. Method of extracting volatile oils with the use of cold fat A. Enfleurage B. Digestion C. Percolation D. Maceration

A. Enfleurage

147. Decomposition of carbohydrates brought about by the action of enzymes liberating ethyl alcohol and CO2: A. Fermentation B. Adsorption C. Detoxification D. Hydrolysis

A. Fermentation

174. A glucosan yield glucose units on hydrolysis. While inulin is a __ A. Fructosan B. Hexosan C. Pentosan D. Diosan

A. Fructosan

176. Ethanol and citric acid are produced by the cellular respiration of carbohydrates, especially A. Glucose B. Sucrose C. Fructose D. Xylose

A. Glucose

129. Process of converting liver glycogen into blood glucose: A. Glycogenolysis B. Gluconeogenesis C. Glycolysis D. Glycogenesis

A. Glycogenolysis

143. Endocrine gland that is a small oval body situated at the base of the brain: A. Hypophysis B. Pancreas C. Adrenal D. NOTA

A. Hypophysis

170. A process of extraction which involve by macerating the drugs for a short period of time with either hot or cold water A. Infusion B. Decoction C. Maceration D. Percolation

A. Infusion

122. Condition wherein bile pigment is present in excess in the blood: A. Jaundice B. Hepatitis C. Cirrhosis D. Cystic fibrosis

A. Jaundice

124. It is a disease due to protein deficiency A. Kwashiorkor B. Diabetes C. Albuminuria D. Jaundice

A. Kwashiorkor

109. The most sensitive chemical test to detect the presence of cholesterol: A. Liebermann-Burchard B. Salkowski reaction C. Formaldehyde sulfuric D. Colorimetric spectrophotometry

A. Liebermann-Burchard

162. This does not possess narcotic properties and is therefore sometimes called anarcotine A. Noscapine B. Hydrocodone C. Papaverine HCl D. Hydromorphone

A. Noscapine

146. Alcohol in the body is A. Oxidized to CO2 and HOH B. Excreted mainly by lungs C. Excreted by kidneys D. Excreted by large intestines

A. Oxidized to CO2 and HOH

188. Known as alligator pear, its pulverized seeds can be used to treat rheumatism and neuralgia A. Persea americana B. Arcangelista flava C. Nerium oleander D. NOTA

A. Persea americana

199. When nonhydolyzable tannins were boiled with hydrochloric acid, an insoluble compound known as_____ is formed. A. Phlobaphenes B. Cathecol C. Gallic acid D. Ellagic acid

A. Phlobaphenes

194. These are esters consisting of glycerol in combination with fatty acids, phosphoric acid and certain nitrogenous compounds: A. Phospholipids B. Waxes C. Glycolipids D. Sterols

A. Phospholipids

168. A phytochemist who made a number of significant discoveries including codeine in 1832 and the isolation of narcotine: A. Pierre Robiquet B. Frederick Serturner C. Joseph Caventou D. Emil von Behring

A. Pierre Robiquet

169. A German pharmacist who isolated hyoscyamine in 1819 and with fellow pharmacist, Philip Geiger, collaborated in research to discover atropine in 1835: A. Rudolf Brandes B. Emil von Behring C. Frederick Serturner D. Pelletier

A. Rudolf Brandes

138. This sugar is also called an "invert sugar" A. Sucrose B. Fructose C. Glucose D. Galactose

A. Sucrose

123. The metabolic degradation of hemoglobin takes place principally in A. The reticuloendothilial system B. The RBCs C. The WBCs D. The liver cell

A. The reticuloendothilial system

164. The following is/are the properties of the hydrolysable tannins EXCEPT A. They give a dark green color with ferric chloride TS B. Gallic acid when heated result to formation or pyrogallol C. They yield no ppt with bromine water TS D. Pyroallol give soluble compounds with lead acetate

A. They give a dark green color with ferric chloride TS

203. Lipid whose specific test is the Furter-Meyer test A. Tocopherol B. Retinal C. Sphingomyelin D. Cerebroside

A. Tocopherol

110. What is the anti-codon in tRNA that corresponds to the codon ACG in mRNA? A. UGC B. TBC C. GCA D. CGU


137. Night blindness is a symptom of a deficiency in this vitamin A. Vit. A B. Vit. C C. Vit. B D. Vit. D

A. Vit. A

198. Unicellular organisms that are well-known for their ability to metabolize sugar into alcohol and CO2 A. Yeast B. Bacteria C. Molds D. Fungus

A. Yeast

Yeast is a rich source of A. riboflavin B. folic acid C. ascorbic acid D. thiamine

A. riboflavin

131. A normal value of glucose in the blood: A. 100-200 mg% B. 80-120 mg% C. 50-75 mg% D. 200-300 mg%

B. 80-120 mg%

161. These are antigenic substances capable of sensitizing the body in such a way that unusual responses occur in hypersensitive individuals: A. Antibodies B. Allergens C. Allergy D. AOTA

B. Allergens

179. The pathological product of sperm whale is A. Copaiba B. Ambergis C. Bayberry D. Carnauba E. Teaberry

B. Ambergis

200. The root of Rauwolfia serpentina is used as A. Sedative B. Antihypertensive C. Depressant D. Stimulant

B. Antihypertensive

150. Lactose can be differentiated from fructose by A. Mucic acid test B. Barfoed's test C. Fehling's test D. Iodine test

B. Barfoed's test

108. The substance responsible for the emulsion of fats is A. HCl B. Bile acids C. Pepsin D. Trypsin

B. Bile acids

115. Positive indication for Anthrone test A. Purple ring B. Blue-green color C. Effervescence D. Yellow ppt

B. Blue-green color

172. Active constituent of the volatile oil of tanglad which is a very good source of vitamin A: A. Geraniol B. Citral C. Citronellal D. Citronellol

B. Citral

156. It contains the alkaloid called ditamine and is known as Australian quinine bark: A. Dilaw B. Dita C. Dawag D. NOTA

B. Dita

190. An imidazole alkaloid obtained from pilocarpus jaborandi is used to treat: A. Gouty arthritis B. Glaucoma C. Cardiac stimulation D. Exytoxic

B. Glaucoma

120. Presence of glucose in appreciable amounts in the urine: A. Hematuria B. Glycosuria C. Glycosemia D. Albuminuria

B. Glycosuria

159. The alkaloid in the form of syrup is used in the treatment of drug overdose in certain poisoning A. Hydrates B. Ipecac C. Quinine D. Ergotamine

B. Ipecac

117. Condition wherein acetone accumulates in the blood A. Ketosuria B. Ketonemia C. Ketosis D. Ketonuria

B. Ketonemia

128. Osazone test is also known as A. Nylander's test B. Kowarsky test C. Trommer's test D. Folin's test

B. Kowarsky test

113. The process of producing fats from acetyl Co-A is called A. Glycolysis B. Lipogenesis C. Glycogenolysis D. Glucogenesis

B. Lipogenesis

154. The element responsible for the basic pharmacological properties of alkaloids A. S B. N C. O D. P

B. N

181. It is a uterine stimulating fraction and it is relatively free from action on other smooth muscle A. Liotrix B. Oxytocin C. Na dextrothyroxine D. Vasopressin

B. Oxytocin

155. It is a purified carbohydrate product obtained from the inner rind of citrus fruits: A. Lactic acid B. Pectin C. Tartaric acid D. Citric acid

B. Pectin

183. This is the parent nucleus of the chlorophylls A. Bilan B. Porphine C. Tetraporphinpyrrole D. Mg

B. Porphine

107. IUPAC name of acrolein A. Pentenal B. Propenal C. Hexanal D. Acetone

B. Propenal

175. The usual source of fixed oils A. Flowers B. Seeds C. Leaves D. Stems

B. Seeds

102. Protein digestion starts in the A. Mouth B. Stomach C. Intestine D. Pancreas

B. Stomach

136. Which sugar will not give a red precipitate with cupric oxide when heated with Benedict's solution? A. Glucose B. Sucrose C. Maltose D. Fructose

B. Sucrose

177. This is used as an antidote for alkaloidal poisoning: A. Lactic acid B. Tannic acid C. Tartaric acid D. Picric acid

B. Tannic acid

101. ________ configuration of the peptide bond is more stable than the ________ configuration. A. Syn; anti B. Trans; cis C. R; S D. D; L

B. Trans; cis

135. This vitamin easily undergoes oxidation: A. Vit. A B. Vit. C C. Vit. B12 D. Vit. B1

B. Vit. C

104. Optimum temperature for enzyme activity in the body A. 40oC B. 60oC C. 37oC D. 10oC

C. 37oC

191. Most of the glycosides are subject to hydrolysis, resulting in the cleavage of glycosidic linkages, by: A. Acid or enzyme B. Alkali C. A and B D. NOTA

C. A and B

142. The passage of the end products of digestion from the small intestine into the blood stream A. Metabolism B. Digestion C. Absorption D. Oxidation

C. Absorption

118. Only form of inorganic nitrogen which can be utilized by living cells: A. Urea B. Omithine C. Ammonia D. Nitrogen gas

C. Ammonia

152. A drying agent used to purify essential oils A. Anhydrous CaCO3 B. CaCl C. Anhydrous CaSO4 D. AOTA

C. Anhydrous CaSO4

185. Each of the following volatile oils has an aldehyde as a major constituent EXCEPT A. Ceylon cinnamon oil B. Lemon oil C. Camphor oil D. Cassia cinnamon oil

C. Camphor oil

160. Paregoric is also known as: A. Opium tincture B. Dover's powder C. Camphorated opium tincture D. NOTA

C. Camphorated opium tincture

157. Takip-kuhol contains bitter principle vellarin used as counter-irritant. Its scientific name is: A. Datura metel B. Hyptis suaveolens C. Centella asiatica D. NOTA

C. Centella asiatica

165. In percolation with volatile solvents as a method of volatile oil extraction, the volatile solvent is removed by vacuum distillation and the resulting product is known as A. Absolutes B. Terpenes C. Concretes D. Pomade

C. Concretes

196. Enzymes that hydrolyze a considerable number of glycosides A. Invertases B. Maltase C. Emulsin and myrosin D. Lactase

C. Emulsin and myrosin

202. Glycosidic volatile oils are obtained by: A. Expression B. Ecuelle method C. Enzymatic hydrolysis D. Destructive distillation

C. Enzymatic hydrolysis

151. Fruit ripening A. Gibberllins B. Cytokonins C. Ethylene D. Abscisic acid

C. Ethylene

130. The amino acid that is an important precursor of hemoglobin is: A. Alanine B. Proline C. Glycine D. Cysteine

C. Glycine

145. This substance accumulates in the muscles as a result of vigorous exercise A. Muscle glycogen B. Amino acids C. Lactic acid D. Glucose

C. Lactic acid

206. Which of the following amino acids has a net positive charge at physiologic pH? A. Cysteine B. Glutamic acid C. Lysine D. Valine

C. Lysine

144. Is the sum total of all activities directed towards the maintenance of life: A. Catabolism B. Anabolism C. Metabolism D. Photosynthesis

C. Metabolism

106. Detects the presence of alpha amino acids A. Biuret B. Molisch C. Ninhydrin D. Hopkins cole

C. Ninhydrin

187. Glycosidic principle obtained from fish berries, Cocculus indicus formerly used as an analeptic: A. Quassin B. Humulin C. Picrotoxin D. Gentisin

C. Picrotoxin

207. Alkaline bismuth reagent is used to detect the presence of A. Polysaccharides B. Disaccharides C. Reducing sugars D. Glycitols

C. Reducing sugars

70. Source of castor oil A. Jatropha curas B. Michelia champaca C. Ricinus communis D. Croton tiglium

C. Ricinus communis

251. Ketoses can be differentiated from aldoses by this test: A. Molisch's test B. Benedict's test C. Seliwanoff's test D. Tollen's test

C. Seliwanoff's test

149. Separates from cells when blood is coagulated A. Fibrinogen B. Plasma C. Serum D. Thrombin

C. Serum

126. The reagent present in Molisch test which is responsible for the dehydration reaction: A. Sodium carbonate B. Mg stearate C. Sulfuric acid D. NaOH

C. Sulfuric acid

139. A mixed triglyceride contains: A. three similar fatty acids esterified with glycerol B. two similar fatty acids esterified with glycerol C. Three different fatty acids esterified with glycerol D. AOTA

C. Three different fatty acids esterified with glycerol

141. The following enzymes catalyze hydrolysis reactions, EXCEPT A. Proteases B. Esterases C. Transaminases D. Nucleases

C. Transaminases

119. The chief end product of purine metabolism in man A. CO B. Urea C. Uric acid D. Ammonia

C. Uric acid

158. Caffeine belongs to this class of alkaloids: A. Cinchona alkaloids B. Ergot alkaloids C. Xanthine alkaloids D. Vinca alkaloids

C. Xanthine alkaloids

127. The difference between Benedict's and Barfoed's test reagent lies in A. Sequestering agent used B. Active component used C. pH of the solution D. Alkali used

C. pH of the solution

114. The best known building blocks of RNA and DNA are A. Purines B. Pyrimidines C. Fatty acids D. A and B

D. A and B

140. Body functions of lipids A. Transformation into proteins and carbohydrates B. Catabolism to provide body with heat and energy C. Insulation and paddings for organs D. AOTA


173. USP official alkaloid(s) with oncolytic action is/are the following: A. Leucristine B. Vinblastine C. Vinca luekoblastin D. AOTA


193. The paste forming properties of starch are due to this constituent A. Inulin B. Starches C. Amylose D. Amylopectin

D. Amylopectin

204. A non-pentose sugar which is also positive for Tollen's phloroglucinol test: A. Galactose B. Glucose C. Fructose D. Cellobiose

D. Cellobiose

121. The following are the tests for kidney efficiency, except A. phenylsulfophthelein test B. urea clearance test C. Water output test D. Crystallization method

D. Crystallization method

182. The following employs expression as a method of volatile oil extraction EXCEPT A. Sponge process B. Ecuelle method C. Machine process D. Enfleurage

D. Enfleurage

148. This hormone elevates blood sugar concentration: A. Insulin B. Progesterone C. Estrogen D. Glucagons

D. Glucagons

134. All are pyrimidine base, EXCEPT A. Cytosine B. Thymine C. Uracil D. Guanine

D. Guanine

133. What vitamin deficiency causes pellagra? A. Riboflavin (vit.b2) B. Thiamine C. Pantothenic acid (vit. B5) D. Nicotinic acid (vit. B3)

D. Nicotinic acid (vit. B3)

180. In the enfleurage method, the fatty product impregnated with the floral odor is called: A. Absolutes B. Terpenes C. Concretes D. Pomade

D. Pomade

178. The principal cinchona alkaloid employed therapeutically as anti-protozoal drug A. Quinine B. Chloroquine C. Quinacrine D. Quinidine

D. Quinidine

195. Quinoline alkaloid employed for malaria A. Cinchonidine B. Cinchonine C. Quinidine D. Quinine

D. Quinine

105. A synthetic DNA is called A. Replicated DNA B. Plasmid C. Gene D. Recombinant DNA

D. Recombinant DNA

184. Each of the following volatile oils has a hydrocarbon as a major constituent EXCEPT A. Turpentine oil B. Lemon oil C. Pepper oil D. Rose oil

D. Rose oil

208. Action of dilute alkali on sugars A. Dehydration B. Hyperconjunction C. Hydrolysis D. Tautomerization

D. Tautomerization

201. This alkaloid is used as a skeletal muscle relaxant A. Cocaine B. Papaverine C. Berberine D. Tubo-curarine

D. Tubo-curarine

116. In man, the principal end product of protein metabolism is A. Uric acid B. Lactic acid C. Pyruvic acid D. Urea

D. Urea

163. This regulates the threshold for resorption of water by the epithelium of the renal tubules A. Liotrix B. Oxytocin C. Na dextrothyroxine D. Vasopressin

D. Vasopressin

132. Deficiency in this vitamin causes red blood cell fragility: A. Vit. A B. Vit. K C. Vit. D D. Vit. E

D. Vit. E

112. What is the end product of electron transport chain? A. Oxygen B. Hydrogen C. CO2 D. Water

D. Water

DNA ligase A. transcription B. De Novo synthesis C. Translation D. replication

D. replication

If NADH yields 2.5 ATP and FADH yields, 1.5 ATP, How many ATP will be formed from arachidonic acid? a. 136 b. 128 c. 134 d. 138 e. 130

a. 136

The ribosomal subunit that is required for transpeptidation during protein synthesis in eukaryote is a. 28 S b. 30 S c. 23 S d. 40 S

a. 28 S

Complementary base pairs in the DNA double helix are bonded by a. H-bond b. ester bond c. Van der Waals d. dipole- dipole

a. H-bond

A French pharmacist collaborated with Pelletier in the discovery of Quinine which has become a worldwide treatment of malaria: a. Joseph Caventou b. Pierre Robiquet c. Frederick Serturner d. Rudolf Brandes

a. Joseph Caventou

It is known as Ringworm bush or shrub, used to treat ringworm by using its leaves: a. akapulko b. abutra c. ambal d. none

a. akapulko

Gamma decarboxylation of aspartic acid produces: a. alanine b. asparagines c. glutamic acid d. glycine

a. alanine

Which is the monomer unit of proteins? a. amino acid b. monosaccharide c. fatty acid d. purine

a. amino acid

Which of the following glycosides yield allyl isothiocyanate (HCN) as one of the products of hydrolysis: a. amygdalin b. prunasin c. sinigrin d. sinalbin

a. amygdalin

These are resinous mixtures that contain cinnamic acid, benzoic acid or both or esters of these acids: a. balsams b. rosin c. resins d. resenes e. none of these

a. balsams

The usual source of tannins from plants are from the : a. barks/stems b. seeds c. roots d. rhizomes e. all of these

a. barks/stems

Acetyl CoA combines with oxaloacetate to form: a. citrate b. carnitine c. acyl-carnitine d. none of the above

a. citrate

what is the most abundant protein in the human body? a. collagen b. elastin c. keratin d. myoglobin

a. collagen

Genetic defect characterized by mental retardation and cataract, since the unmetabolized sugar is toxic to the lens of the eyes: a. galactosemia b. fructosemia c. pentosuria d. fructosuria

a. galactosemia

The conversion of an amino acid to sugar is: a. gluconeogenesis b. glycolysis c. glycogenesis d. glycogenolysis

a. gluconeogenesis

A drug which disguises the bitter taste of quinine by paralyzing the taste buds is: a. glycyrrhiza b. yerba soldado c. buchu d. yerba santa

a. glycyrrhiza

Type of RNA which serves as template for the amino acid sequence being synthesized: a. mRNA b. tRNA c. rRnNA d. none of the above

a. mRNA

The following are characteristic of volatile oils except: a. miscible in water b. they have odorous principles c. they are optically active d. they resinify

a. miscible in water

A test for carbohydrates containing protein producing a red-blue or purple ring between the two layers: a. molisch test b. xanthoproteic test c. ninhydrin test d. biuret test

a. molisch test

The following are essential fatty acids, except: a. oleic acid b. linoleic acid c. linolenic acid d. arachidonic acid

a. oleic acid

The active proteolytic enzyme in gastric juice is: a. pepsin b. trypsin c. maltase d. catalase

a. pepsin

A type of extraction used in the preparation of tincture or fluidextracts: a. percolation b. digestion c. infusion d. maceration

a. percolation

The alkaloid found in calabar bean: a. physostigmine b. cocaine c. colchicines d. emetine

a. physostigmine

Animal used in the biological assay of digitalis for its potency: a. pigeon b. horse c. rabbit d. cat

a. pigeon

Alkaline hydrolysis of fat: a. saponification b. hydrogenation c. alkalinization d. hydroxylation

a. saponification

It destroys red blood corpuscles by hemolysis and are toxic especially to cold- blooded animals: a. saponin glycosides b. anthraquinone glycosides c. cyanogenic glycosides d. favonol glycosides

a. saponin glycosides

Gotu Kola obtained from the leaves and stems of Centella asiatica used as diuretic, blood purifier, treats leprosy , body strengthener and revilaizer is locally known as: a. takip-kuhol b. sulasi c. lagundi d. mahogany

a. takip-kuhol

What is a wobble? a. the ability of certain anticodons to pair with codons that differ at the third base b. an error in translation induced by streptomycin c. a mechanism that allows for a peptide extension in the 50S sub-unit of the ribosome d. thermal motions leading to local denaturation of the DNA double helix

a. the ability of certain anticodons to pair with codons that differ at the third base

Central dogma concept wherein the RNA molecule is used as template for the synthesis of DNA molecule: a. transcription b. translation c. mutation d. none of the above

a. transcription

Serotonin, a neurotransmitter, is derived from the amino acid: a. tryptophan b. threonine c. tyrosine d. phenylalanine

a. tryptophan

The following are essential amino acids, except: a. tyrosine b. lysine c. methionine d. arginine

a. tyrosine

The inactive form of an enzyme is sometimes called: a. zymogen b. holoenzyme c. apoenzyme d. coenzyme

a. zymogen

The botanical origin of motherwort or damong maria which can be used as insect repellent: a. Alstonia macrophylla b. Artemisia vulgaris c. Citrus aurantium d. none

b. Artemisia vulgaris

The enzyme conformation adapts to the incoming substrate in a. Lock and Key theory b. Induced fit theory c. competitive inhibition d. noncompetitive inhibition

b. Induced fit theory

Glucose, amino acid and fatty acid enter the citric acid cycle by their conversion into: a. pyruvate b. acetyl CoA c. acetoacetyl CoA d. palmitic acid

b. acetyl CoA

If Indian hemp is marijuana, then black Indian hemp is: a. hashish b. apocynum c. shabu d. pot

b. apocynum

Also known as Vitamin H which acts as a carboxyl-carrying cofactor in several carboxylase enzyme system: a. choline b. biotin c. yeast d. PABA

b. biotin

which of the ff structural of DNA is right handed? a. z-dna b. both a and c c. b-dna d. a-dna

b. both a and c

The energy producing reaction a. metabolic b. catabolic c. anabolic d. all of these

b. catabolic

The following is/are true for chlorophyll A, except: a. chlorophyll A has a methyl substituent attached to the top right-hand pyrrole ring b. chlorophyll A occur in ferns, mosses and algae c. the ratio of chlorophyll A to B is usually about 3 : 1 and there is no ready interconversion between them d. none of the above

b. chlorophyll A occur in ferns, mosses and algae

Rosenheim's test is used to detect the presence of: a. ethanolamine b. choline c. cholesterol d. glycone moiety

b. choline

The most widely used alkaloid is: a. heroin b. codeine c. morphine d. narcotine e. papaverine

b. codeine

The conversion of papaverine into papaveroline is a _____ type of reaction a. dehydration b. demethylation c. hydrolysis d. oxidation

b. demethylation

The polyglucan used as a plasma expander and is formed from sucrose by the action of the enzyme transglucosylase a. inulin b. dextran c. gelatin d. hetastarch

b. dextran

The principal sterol in fungi a. cholesterol b. ergosterol c. B-sitosterol d. all of these

b. ergosterol

Rotation of polarized light is caused by solutions of all of the following amino acids, except: a. alanine b. glycine c. leucine d. valine

b. glycine

The chemical messengers produced by the endocrine glands: a. genes b. hormones c. vitamins d. enzymes

b. hormones

Liquid vegetable oils may be transformed into solid fats by the process of: a. oxidation b. hydrogenation c. substitution d. reduction

b. hydrogenation

The end product of anaerobic glucose metabolism is: a. pyruvate b. lactate c. carbon dioxide d. water

b. lactate

The site of oxidation reaction in electron transport chain is in the a. nucleus b. mitochondrion c. ribosome d. golgi bodies

b. mitochondrion

The local name of Quisqualis indica: a. niyog b. niyog-niyogan c. moras d. none

b. niyog-niyogan

DNA is primarily found in the a. cytosol b. nucleus/mitochondria c. cell wall d. endoplasmic reticulum

b. nucleus/mitochondria

Which of the following vitamins is a precursor of coenzyme A? a. cobamide b. pantothenic acid c. thiamine d. riboflavin

b. pantothenic acid

A structural polysaccharide found in primary cell walls and functions as intercellular cement: a. cellulose b. pectins c. lichen starch d. starch e. alginic acid

b. pectins

Benedict's reagent yield positive result to: a. monosaccharide only b. reducing sugars c. sucrose d. polysaccharides

b. reducing sugars

Rutin and hesperidin combination is also known as: a. vitamin F b. vitamin P c. vitamin H d. vitamin K

b. vitamin P

This gum has pseudo-plastic property to enable ointments to hold their shape and spread readily. a. Karaya b. xanthan c. locust bean d. guar e. Indian gum

b. xanthan

The scientific name of kintsay: a. Vitex negundi b. Lantan camara c. Apium graveolens d. none

c. Apium graveolens

A type of antibodies that plays an important role in allergic response which causes anaphylactic shock, hayfever and asthma: a. IgA b. IgM c. IgE d. IgG

c. IgE

This test is used to determine the presence of proteins and involves the reaction of the benzene nucleus in the protein molecules yielding a deep yellow ppt as a positive result. a. Biuret test c. Xanthoproteic test b. Ninhydrin test d. Millon's test

c. Xanthoproteic test

Pigment of flowers which is of glycosidic character: a. xanthophyll b. cytochrome c. anthocyanins d. lutein

c. anthocyanins

Devil's dung used as a carminative, and anti-spasmodic: a. jalap b. gamboges c. asafetida d. witch hazel

c. asafetida

Denaturation of protein is a result of: a. cleavage of the peptide bond b. formation of H-bond c. breaking of H-bond d. none of these

c. breaking of H-bond

Plant acid isolated in crystal form from lemon by Scheele in 1784: a. tartaric acid b. lactic acid c. citric acid d. nitric acid

c. citric acid

Transamination is: a. conversion of amino acid to hydroxy acid b. loss of ammonia from amino acid c. conversion of amino acids to keto acids d. formation of ammonium salt from ammonia

c. conversion of amino acids to keto acids

Anaerobic glycolysis occurs in the: a. nucleus b. mitochondria c. cytoplasm d. lysosomes

c. cytoplasm

The alkaloid obtained from ergot which is used to relieve or treat migraine is: a. ergometrine b. vinblastine c. ergotamine d. solanine

c. ergotamine

Medicinal effects and potencies of cardio-active glycosides depend on: a. digitalase b. glucose c. genin structure and glycone component d. cardiac/cardiotonic effect

c. genin structure and glycone component

Insulin is usually classified as: a. protein b. enzyme c. hormone d. carbohydrates

c. hormone

The only sugar readily forms insoluble osazone crystals: a. lactose b. sucrose c. mannose d. sucrose

c. mannose

Specific test for galactose, due to the formation of highly insoluble crystals: a. phenylhydrazine test b. fermentation c. mucic acid d. molisch

c. mucic acid

It is one of the ingredients of the embalming material of the Egyptians: a. benzoin b. tolu balsam c. myrrh d. none

c. myrrh

Most important monosaccharides found in plants: a. trioses b. levulose c. pentoses d. hexoses

c. pentoses

Bond between 2 amino acids a. glycosidic bond b. N-glycosyl linkage c. peptide bond d. hydrogen bond

c. peptide bond

Which nitrogen base is not found in DNA? a. thymine b. cytosine c. uracil d. guanine

c. uracil

Ideal temperature for storage of volatile oils: a. 8-50o C b. 15-20oC c. 25-40oC d. 2-8oC

d. 2-8oC

The number of chromosomes in the human cells is: a. 41 b. 42 c. 43 d. 46

d. 46

the final product of carbohydrate digestion a. fructose b. galactose c. glucose d. AOTA


Scientific name of Neem, used as an insecticide and bitter: a. Avena sativa b. Arnica Montana c. Illicium verum d. Azadirachta indica

d. Azadirachta indica

Pilocarpine, an imidazole alkaloid is employed for the treatment of a. Bronchial asthma b. Hypertension c. Motion sickness d. Glaucoma

d. Glaucoma

The activation of pepsinogen requires: a. pepsin b. NaOH c. enterokinase d. HCl

d. HCl

A local source of cyanogenic glycosides is: a. Cyanogenum esculenta b. Manihot esculentum c. Manihot cympogon d. Manihot esculenta

d. Manihot esculenta

The alkaloid reagent composed of iodine, in potassium iodine solution is known as: a. Hager's reagent b. Mayer's reagent c. Dragendroff's reagent d. Wagner's reagent

d. Wagner's reagent

The ordered steps in protein synthesis is: a. transcription, transplantation, activation, elongation b. activation, elongation, initiation, termination c. initiation, activation, elongation, termination d. activation, initiation, elongation, termination

d. activation, initiation, elongation, termination

Statement 1 - Conversion of FMN to FMNH2 requires oxidation Statement 2 - Conversion of NADH to NAD+ requires reduction a. both 1 and 2 are correct b. only 1 is correct c. only 2 is correct d. both 1 and 2 are incorrect

d. both 1 and 2 are incorrect

It is a liquid animal fat a. coconut oil b. peanut oil c. theobroma d. cod liver oil

d. cod liver oil

Fruity odor of urine is indicative of acetone bodies, a diagnostic value in case of acidosis in: a. diabetes insipidus b. porphyria c. cretinism d. diabetes mellitus

d. diabetes mellitus

The monosaccharide most rapidly absorbed from the small intestine is: a. glucose b. fructose c. mannose d. galactose

d. galactose

An amorphous mixture of glucosides obtained from the leaf of Digitalis purpurea: a. digitoxin b. digitonin c. digitalis d. gitalin

d. gitalin

The following fixed oils are used as solvent for IM injections, except: a. sesame oil b. peanut oil c. corn oil d. olive oil

d. olive oil

Sickle cell anemia is the clinical manifestation of homozygous genes for an abnormal hemoglobin molecule. The mutational event responsible for the mutation in the beta chain is: a. cross over b. insertion c. deletion d. point mutation

d. point mutation

The main therapeutic use of methoxsalen, a lactone glycoside: a. anti-coagulant b. aphrodisiac c. antihelmintic d. repigmentation

d. repigmentation

Plant sources of tropane alkaloids except: a. belladonna b. stramonium c. hyoscyamus d. senna

d. senna

The following are monosaccharides except: a. fructose b. glucose c. mannose d. sucrose

d. sucrose

Drugs classified according to the natural relationship among plants and animals: a. zoological arrangement b. chemical classification c. morphological classification d. taxonomic classification

d. taxonomic classification

This is also known as 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy benzaldehyde popularly used as flavoring agent: a. eugenol b. glycyrrhizin c. coumarin d. vanillin

d. vanillin

Cocaine has a long duration of local anesthetic action because it is a: a. bronchoconstrictor b. bronchodilator c. vasodilator d. vasoconstrictor

d. vasoconstrictor

12. What amount of glucose is present in the human blood? A. 60 to 90 mg in 100 mL blood B. 5 to 6 g in 100 mL blood C. 2% of the total human body weight D. NOTA

A. 60 to 90 mg in 100 mL blood

37. Which of the following is NOT a test for protein? A. Acrolein B. Biuret C. Millons D. Xanthoproteic

A. Acrolein

3. Which hormone regulates the level of blood sodium? A. Aldosterone B. Sterol C. Corticosteroid D. Cortisone

A. Aldosterone

56. Tragacanth is a dried gummy exudates from: A. Astralagus gummifer B. Astralagus gumnifer C. Acacia senegal D. A and B

A. Astralagus gummifer

64. Auxins A. Cell elongation B. In low concentration, act as weed-killers C. In high concentration, they accelerate the rooting or woody and herbaceous cuttings D. A and B

A. Cell elongation

74. The first of the broad spectrum antibiotics: A. Chloromycetin B. Terramycin C. Aureomycin D. Penicillin

A. Chloromycetin

79. Component of lecithin and a precursor of acetylcholine: A. Choline B. Biotin C. Yeast D. PABA

A. Choline

34. Are globular proteins, EXCEPT: A. Collagen B. Serum albumins C. Serum globulins D. Hemoglobin

A. Collagen

93. A test to distinguish tartrates from citrates makes use of this reagent: A. Deniges reagent B. Bromine water C. Mayer's reagent D. Dragendorff's reagent

A. Deniges reagent

75. Fixed oils are frequently extracted from their sources by: A. Expression B. Steam distillation C. Filtration D. NOTA

A. Expression

83. Citrus volatile oils whose aroma is injuriously affected by heat is best obtained by: A. Expression B. Maceration C. Enfleurage D. Percolation

A. Expression

62. He was a Greek pharmacist-physician who described the method of preparing formulas containing plant and animal drugs. A. Galen B. Fluckiger C. C.A. Seydler D. Dioscorides

A. Galen

32. Known as good cholesterol: A. HDL B. Ergocalciferol C. ACTH D. LDL


69. Which of the following terms best describes a cofactor that is firmly bound to an apoenzyme: A. Holoenzymes B. Nucleosides C. Monosaccharides D. Heteropolysaccharides

A. Holoenzymes

5. In the Seliwanoff's test, the reaction of resorcinol and acid on the sugar forms A. Hydroxymethyl furfural B. Pyranose C. Hydrazine D. Purine

A. Hydroxymethyl furfural

49. The conversion of beta carotene to vitamin A is carried out in the: A. Liver B. Small intestine C. Lungs D. Pancreas

A. Liver

43. Digestion of starch starts in the: A. Mouth B. Stomach C. Small intestine D. Large intestine

A. Mouth

47. Hydrolysis of nucleoproteins will yield A. Nucleic acids and histones B. Nucleic acid and sugar C. Nucleic acid and purines D. Nucleic acid and pyrimidines

A. Nucleic acids and histones

15. Rancidity of fats maybe due to: A. Oxidation B. Hydrogenation C. Saponification D. Condensation

A. Oxidation

28. The following are enzymes found in pancreatic juice, EXCEPT: A. Papain B. Trypsin C. Chymotrypsin D. Carboxypolypepticase

A. Papain

30. Blood minus its cellular components: A. Plasma B. Serum C. Hemoglobin D. Fibrin

A. Plasma

11. Carbohydrates are A. Polyhydroxyaldehydes/ polyhydroxyketones B. Polyhydroxy acids C. Hemiacetals D. Polymers of amino acids

A. Polyhydroxyaldehydes/ polyhydroxyketones

17. Non-protein molecules that are often associated with proteins are called A. Prosthetic group B. Side chain C. Zwitterions D. Casein

A. Prosthetic group

100. The official test animal employed to assay Curare alkaloids, since these animal manifest the head drop, indicative of muscle relaxation: A. Rabbit B. Cat C. Monkey D. Dog

A. Rabbit

6. High concentration of neutral salts causes the precipitation of proteins. This is called _____ A. Salting out B. Salting in C. Coagulation D. B and C

A. Salting out

60. Alkaloid obtained from Sarothammus scorparius which was formerly used for cardiac arrythmias A. Spartenine B. Connine C. Thebaine D. Levuline

A. Spartenine

98. When the powder of this alkaloid is burned, the resultant vapor is inhaled for the relief of asthma: A. Stramonium B. Caffeine C. Cinchona D. Cocaine

A. Stramonium

76. The principal component of essential oil: A. Terpenes B. Aldehyde C. Lactose D. Esters

A. Terpenes

51. The following is/are the properties of nonhydrolyzable tannins EXCEPT: A. They give a bluish to black color with ferric chloride B. They usually contain phloroglucinol nucleus in part C. They are usually precipitated by bromine water TS D. They yield catechol when heated

A. They give a bluish to black color with ferric chloride

80. The enzyme that catalyze the hydrolysis of proteins: A. Trypsin B. Amylotrypsin C. Ptyalin D. NOTA

A. Trypsin

7. The ionic property of amino acid is exhibited by its A. Zwitterions form B. NH2 group C. COO group D. Positively charged groups

A. Zwitterions form

9. An enzyme is a substance which A. Convert heat to energy B. Acts as a catalyst C. Change chemically in a reaction D. Is not specific in reaction

B. Acts as a catalyst

21. What is the stage of glucose oxidation that requires oxygen? A. Anaerobic B. Aerobic C. Catabolic D. Anabolic

B. Aerobic

24. The reaction that takes place in cytoplasm: A. Aerobic B. Anaerobic C. Oxidation D. Reduction

B. Anaerobic

1. The inhibition in a noncompetitive reaction A. Competes with the active site of the enzyme B. Binds simultaneously with substrate other than the active site C. Increases the rate of reaction D. Both B and C

B. Binds simultaneously with substrate other than the active site

54. A phytochemical screening for saponin glycosides which measures the rate of fluidity of the extract: A. Viscosity method B. Capillary method C. Liebermann Burchard method D. AOTA

B. Capillary method

22. The pathway that occurs in the mitochondria: A. Urea cycle B. Citric acid cycle C. Glycolysis D. Fatty acid acid

B. Citric acid cycle C. Glycolysis

66. One of the following is a sugar alcohol found in plants A. Danthron B. Dulcitol C. Mannitol D. Sorbitol

B. Dulcitol

2. Amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the organism are called _____ A. Non essential amino acids B. Essential amino acids C. Standard amino acids D. Alpha amino acids

B. Essential amino acids

72. The non-sugar portion of a glycoside is known as: A. Glycone B. Genin C. Inactive portion D. Active

B. Genin

84. Colloidal substance obtained from Gelidium cartilagineum also known as: A. Gelatin B. Glandular cells C. Tragacanth D. Alginic acid

B. Glandular cells

90. Condensed tannins give the specific colored precipitates with FeCl3 test: A. Blue-black ppt B. Green-black ppt C. Blue-green ppt D. Blue ppt

B. Green-black ppt

45. This test detects the presence of indole rings: A. Molisch B. Hopkin's cole C. Millon's D. Ninhydrin

B. Hopkin's cole

59. High molecular weight polysaccharide gum produced by a pure culture fermentation of a carbohydrate with Xanthamonas campestriesI, then purified by recovery with isopropyl alcohol, dried and milled A. Dextran B. Keltrol C. Goat's thorn D. Gum Arabic

B. Keltrol

77. The undissolved portion of the drug that remains after extraction: A. Solute B. Marc C. Solvent D. Active drug

B. Marc

19. An important protein in contractile muscle A. Keratin B. Myosin C. Elastin D. Fibrin

B. Myosin

81. The following are differences of hydrolyzable from non-hydrolyzable tannins EXCEPT A. Hydrolyzable tannins form blue-black precipitates with ferric chloride B. Non-hydrolyzable tannins decolorize potassium permanganate C. Hydrolyzable tannins show no visible result with bromine water D. NOTA

B. Non-hydrolyzable tannins decolorize potassium permanganate

96. Component of volatile oil which is responsible for its antiseptic and germicidal action: A. Ethers B. Phenols C. Hydrocarbons D. Esters

B. Phenols

31. Starches are partially digested in the mouth by A. Protease B. Ptyalin C. Pepsinogen D. Pepsin

B. Ptyalin

10. Milk curdling enzyme present in gastric juice of infants: A. Pepsin B. Rennin C. Trypsin D. Maltase

B. Rennin

58. Milky white viscid secretion from the salivary glands of the worker hive bee, Apis mellifera, and is used as a general tonic, toward the effects of old age A. Lac B. Royal jelly C. Ginseng D. Propolis

B. Royal jelly

94. One of the following means ' food of the gods': A. Coffee B. Theobroma C. Tea D. Cassia

B. Theobroma

42. A genetic disease due to defective mechanism for pyrimidine dimmers: A. Phenyl ketonuria B. Xeroderma pigmentosum C. Albinism D. N-glycosyl linkage

B. Xeroderma pigmentosum

53. Used for the treatment of cystitis: A. Blumea balsamifera B. Zea mays C. Sorbus aucuparia D. Saccharum officinarum

B. Zea mays

38. RNA which plays an important role in the structure and biosynthetic function of ribosome A. mRNA B. rRNA C. tRNA D. DNA


25. The precursor of vitamin D3 A. Ergosterol B. Stigmasterol C. 7-dehydrocholesterol D. Cholesterol

C. 7-dehydrocholesterol

61. A muccopolysaccharide obtained from saliva which is active against Gram (+) bacteria, by transforming the insoluble polysaccharides A. Muramidase B. Lysozyme C. A and B D. NOTA

C. A and B

48. Porphyrins are involved in the building of: A. Bones B. Muscles C. Blood D. Connective tissue

C. Blood

55. A CNS stimulant obtained from Nux vomica A. Venleurosine B. Ergotoxine C. Brucine D. Strychnine

C. Brucine

33. The only element in living matter from strong multiple bonds readily are: A. Oxygen B. Nitrogen C. Carbon D. AOTA

C. Carbon

67. This is the most widely used opium alkaloid which are narcotic analgesics and antitussives and are used as sedatives, especially in allaying coughs A. Morphine B. Papaverine C. Codeine D. Heroine

C. Codeine

27. The following are pathological constituents of urine, EXCEPT A. Glucose B. Albumin C. Creatinine D. Blood

C. Creatinine

63. Cell division hormones A. Auxins B. Gibberllins C. Cytokinins D. Abscisic acid

C. Cytokinins

97. The most notable property of tannins utilized in the leather industry: A. Denature proteins B. Precipitate proteins C. Denature proteins and precipitate protein D. NOTA

C. Denature proteins and precipitate protein

26. Which of the following hormones promotes rapid glycogenolysis in both liver and muscle A. ACTH B. Glutamine C. Epinephrine D. Prolactin

C. Epinephrine

36. Prostaglandins are synthesized from: A. Oleic B. Stearic C. Essential fatty acid D. Non essential fatty acid

C. Essential fatty acid

13. The end product of the hydrolysis of glycogen is A. Galactose B. Fructose C. Glucose D. Arabinose

C. Glucose

4. The simplest monosaccharide is ______ A. Erythrose B. Starch C. Glyceraldehydes D. Arabinose

C. Glyceraldehydes

18. Which is the main constituent of the group substance in the connective tissue? A. Heparin B. Fructosan C. Hyaluronic acid D. Mannosan

C. Hyaluronic acid

71. The first immunoglobulin to appear when a newly born infant begins its own antibody production A. IgD B. IgA C. IgM D. IgE

C. IgM

92. Volatile oil plays a vital role in plants as: A. Astringents B. Protein synthesizer C. Insect repellents/attractants D. Cellular processes

C. Insect repellents/attractants

16. The deficiency of this hormone causes diabetes mellitus A. Progesterone B. Testosterone C. Insulin D. Glucagon

C. Insulin

52. These are esters of long chain fatty acids and alcohol A. Fixed oils B. Fats C. Lipids D. Waxes

C. Lipids

65. An acid present in apples and pears which is used as a sialogogue and combines with salicylic acid and benzoic acid for desloughening effects: A. Lactic acid B. Pyruvic acid C. Malic acid D. Oxalic acid

C. Malic acid

86. The wax present in beeswax is A. Ceryl stearate B. Myricyl cerotate C. Myricyl palmitate D. Ceryl palmitate

C. Myricyl palmitate

82. The enzyme in black mustard seed that hydrolyzes the glycoside: A. Emulsin B. Amygdalase C. Myrosin D. Papain

C. Myrosin

85. The primary function of plants not present in animals but on which animal and man depend greatly: A. Respiration B. Glycolysis C. Photosynthesis D. Metabolism

C. Photosynthesis

14. Iodine test is a reaction which may be used to identify carbohydrates. The reaction is due to A. Presence of the free aldehyde group B. Presence of alcohol group C. Presence of amylose portion D. Presence of glucose

C. Presence of amylose portion

73. Class of natural products with potent and diverse biological activities involved in platelet aggregation, pain and inflammation A. Enzyme B. Hormones C. Prostaglandins D. Tubocurarine

C. Prostaglandins

87. The purified mixture of simple protein principles obtained from the sperm or testes of suitable species of fish, usually those belonging to the general Oncorhyncus Suckley: A. Penicillamine B. Heparin Na C. Protamine sulfate D. NOTA

C. Protamine sulfate

46. The condition wherein protein is found in the urine is: A. Glycosuria B. Ketonuria C. Proteinuria D. Dysuria

C. Proteinuria

44. The steps of central states: A. Replication, translation and transcription B. Replication, transcription and transmission C. Replication, transcription and translation D. Transcription, translation and replication

C. Replication, transcription and translation

41. Most allergies are caused by: A. Error in the immune system B. Histamines produced by the body C. Dust D. AOTA


89. Free vitamin A does not occur in plants, but in its place are compounds that are converted into vitamin A in the small animal body. These precursors of vitamin A are called A. Provitamin B B. Neovitamin A C. B-carotene D. B and C

D. B and C

50. This test detects the presence of two or more peptide bonds A. Ninhydrin B. Fehling's C. Tollen's D. Biuret

D. Biuret

8. Which of the following amino acids has no alpha amino group? A. Praline B. Hydroxyproline C. Glycine D. Both A & B

D. Both A & B

91. An alkaloid which does not react with or form precipitate with alkaloidal reagent is: A. Hyoscyamine B. Quinine C. Atropine D. Caffeine

D. Caffeine

29. The precursor of vit. A is A. Arachidonic acid B. Isoprene C. Naphtoquinone D. Carotene

D. Carotene

57. Constituent of Claviceps purpurea employed as a uterine muscle relaxant A. Pilocarpine B. Ergotoxine C. Ergotamine tartarate D. Ergonovine maleate

D. Ergonovine maleate

35. Are esters of fatty acids with glycerol: A. Phospholipids B. Glycolipids C. Waxes D. Fats

D. Fats

78. First anti-fungal antibiotic: A. Bacitracin B. Nystatin C. Fulvicin D. Griseofulvin

D. Griseofulvin

68. A test to determine the presence of cyanogenic glycosides: A. Bomtrager test B. Lieberman-Burchard test C. Moore's test D. Guignard test

D. Guignard test

88. Confirmatory test for glucose A. Fehling's test B. Biuret's test C. Iodine test D. Moore's test

D. Moore's test

40. A nucleic acid is made up of: A. Sugar, nucleoside and a base B. proteins, sugar and a phosphate group C. nitrogenous base, amino acid and sugar D. Nitrogenous base, phosphate and sugar

D. Nitrogenous base, phosphate and sugar

95. A descriptive material pertaining to any drugs or preparation in the USP/NF: A. Material medica B. Official description C. All of these D. Official monograph

D. Official monograph

99. Which of the following is an anti-hypertensive and psychotherapeutic alkaloid A. Physostigmine B. Quinine C. Papaverine D. Reserpine

D. Reserpine

20. In the metabolism of protein, the liver A. Synthesizes amino acids B. Breaks down amino acid C. Absorbs blood D. Stores amino acid

D. Stores amino acid

23. What amino acid functions as a hormone? A. Valine B. Leucine C. Alanine D. Thyroxine

D. Thyroxine

39. The type of RNA molecule that brings amino acids to the site of protein synthesis is A. rRNA B. aRNA C. mRNA D. tRNA


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