Module 5 Theo

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The 3 basic views of humanity's make up

1)Humans have a material aspect and an immaterial aspect. 2)Humans have a body, soul, and spirit 3) Humans cannot be thought of as parts.

Reasons that were set forth that it was probable that humans possessed an immaterial aspect

1. An immaterial aspect of humanity provides a basis for human causation or human initiation. 2. An immaterial aspect of humanity provides the basis for human freedom, 3. An immaterial aspect of humanity provides the basis from a unified experience.

Competing visions for identity

1. Humans are merely what they produce 2.Humans are merely defined by their gender and sexuality 3. Humans are just the sum total of their relationships. 4. Humans are merely on a quest for greater freedom.

The Major principles of the Image of God

1. The awareness that humans are made in Gods image 2. The image of God is a multi leveled concept. 3. God manifests himself in our relational abilities. 4. The image of God is most clearly seen in person of Jesus Christ 5.the image of God is restored by faith in Jesus, obedience to the Holy Spirit 6. Complete salvation will be the complete restoration of the image of God in humanity

Core concepts of the deity of Jesus Christ

1.Jesus claims to be God 2. Jesus's friend confessed that Jesus is the son of God 3. Jesus's enemies understood that Jesus claimed to be God. 4. Jesus's actions confirmed he was God.


A defined group of people within 1 culture


A divine leading into a particular place of service

Spiritual Disciplines

A set of practices that encourages spiritual growth.


A temporary change in the physical appearance of Jesus


A theory that affirms that there is no reality apart from the natural universe, meaning any idea of the supernatural is rejected.

According to the bible, what is the origins of humans?

God was the origin of humans

What determines destiny?


What is the verse that Jesus claimed that he and the father are one?

John 10:30

What is the verse where Jesus claims if you have seen him you have seen the father?

John 14:9


Original name is Abram. He is the founder of the Hebrew nation.

Things that shape our identity

Our family/ DNA Our Culture/ subculture Our biological traits


Teaching that complex ideas or concepts can be reduced and understood in simpler forms or concepts.


The act of God the Son adding nature to his divine nature


The act of putting one's trust in something else.

Image of God

The biblical teaching that states that humans uniquely both intrinsically and functionally have characteristics that give them to ability to know God and function as his Stewards.

What was the first event where humanities relationship was fundamentally changed.

The fall of humanity

What 2 likenesses does humanity bear?

The likeness of Adam and of God.


The means by which a person understands himself

old person vs. new person

The natural state of humanity apart from Jesus's saving work vs. The result of believing in Jesus and participating in his life.

What was the ultimate affirmation that Jesus is God?

The resurrection


The shared beliefs and practices of a large group or society


The theological term to designate the union of Christ's human and divine nature into one person.

What desire is unique to humans?

To become something different.

Substantive view

an immaterial aspect within humanity that bears the image of God.

What did the word "image" entail to a ancient person?


Where is Christian greatness found?

in the depths one is willing to go in service for others.

soul work

spiritual practices that focus upon the immaterial aspect of humanity.

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