module 6

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About how many distinct spoken languages are there worldwide?

over 7,000

Having been written by a variety of authors, the Bible was written in several literary forms. Choose four writing formats used in the Bible.

parables and allegory history books poetry letters

The primary strategy behind many of these versions of the Bible is based on presenting the Bible to people who have never read the Bible. It does not use either word-for-word or thought-for-thought. This describes Bible versions that were written using ____________________.


As believers, growing to be more like Christ is a process known as _________________________________________.


When discussing external evidence, what are the two main concepts to consider?

scientific evidence historical evidence

Most thought-for-thought translations still treat the original languages with respect by keeping the meaning of each __________________________ instead of each word.

sentence or paragraph

"Prayer will make a man cease from _____________, or _____________ will entice a man to cease from prayer." ~ John Bunyan (The same word completes both blanks.)


According to Romans 6:6, "our old self was crucified with [Christ] in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to _________________."


Looking at any translation of the Bible, we learn that the writer of Psalm 119:11 wrote that by hiding God's Word in your heart, it would help you not _____________________.


Check a variety of Bible versions to answer this question. Read Romans 15:4. In any of the versions you read, you should still get the same view of Scripture. Scriptures were written to ____________________________________________.

teach, encourage, and give us hope

What is the measuring stick we can use to deteermine our spiritual growth?

the Bible, God's Word

According to 2 Peter 1:20-21, the prophets wrote about God's plans for man because they were moved by __________________________.

the Holy Spirit

Choose three scientific facts or ideas that were expressed in the Bible before man discovered or wrote about that same information.

the blood having life in the form of a variety of cells the earth is round and not flat ocean currents

The thought-for-thought process of Bible translation tends to focus on ______________________________________.

the meaning of each thought and not so much the form of the writing

We are told in Romans 1:20 that God's "eternal power and divine nature" are clearly seen in _________________________. (Choose the best answer.)

the things that have been made (all creation)

"Word-for-word" Bible translators place a particularly high priority on translating Scripture _____________________________________________.

the way it was written in the original language(s)

The Lord told Jeremiah that He would give Jeremiah the power to do what three things?

to destroy and to overthrow to pluck up and to break down to build and to plant

Besides those benefits that were presented in the previous lessons regarding studying God's words, what three additional benefits were outlined in this lesson?

to find comfort and hope to get directions in life for enjoyment and blessings

What are three benefits of studying God's Word?

to know God to understand truth to communicate better

Studying God's Word allows you to do what two things?

to understand new truths about God and His Word to be more like Christ

Choose three paraphrased versions of the Bible cited in the lesson.

TLB (The Living Bible) GNT (Good News Translation) The Message

What is the best selling book in history?

The Bible

"_______________________ Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives." 2 Timothy 3:16, NLT


The actions and writings of the Bible occur over what three continents?

Asia Africa Europe

______________________________ continue to be the basis for civil law throughout the world.

The Ten Commandments

Regarding the internal evidence that supports Scripture as God's inspired revelation, what are the three main and essential concepts to consider?

The many fulfilled prophecies in the Bible. The Bible speaks for itself and all writers spoke through the work of the Holy Spirit. The Bible was written in harmony and does not contradict itself.

What is one of the dangers for Christians when a translator uses paraphrasing when translating the Bible into a version that is easier to read?

The translators neutralize God, Jesus, or even the Holy Spirit.

____________________________________ means the Holy Spirit influenced human authors and editors so that God could design their writings.

Biblical inspiration

What is the name of the prophet God sent to Babylon who received visions while he lived by the Kebar River?


According to 1 Timothy 6:17, we are not to be proud or trust in money. We are to trust in _______________________.


We should not study the Bible just to learn more about the Bible, but we should study the Bible so we can better know _____________________________.


The New Testament was written primarily in what language?


The first book to be printed on the movable type printing press was the ___________________________.

Gutenberg Bible

The Old Testament was written primarily in what language?


In Isaiah 6:6-8, we read that God asked, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" How did Isaiah answer God?

Here I am! Send me.

Paul told the Philippians that "God will supply ________________ your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19


The three accepted types of biblical revelation include:

central revelation general revaluation specific revelation

Historical evidence includes evidence given by Jesus' followers. What three groups made up those followers?

disciples those converted to believe apostles

Choose three occupations that writers of the Bible had other than being authors of Scripture.

doctor fisherman shepherd

"Then the Lord God formed a man from the ______________________ and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." ~ Genesis 2:7, NIV

dust of the ground

Bible translations that use paraphrasing of Scripture use the method known as _______________________________, which means the translator strives to make Scripture easier to read and to understand using familiar language.

dynamic equivalence

The Bible is centered on what one person?

Jesus Christ

Words such as thee, thou, ye, and similar older versions of English pronouns point to what translation or version of the Bible?

King James Version

What three popular and common English versions of the Bible are known for being "word-for-word" translations?

NASB (New American Standard Version) ESV (English Standard Version) KJV (King James Version)

Other than Jesus' followers, who else gave evidence of Jesus as being a real person?

Pharisees and other religious leaders historical eyewitnesses from the Roman, Greek, and Jewish world

The translation approach known as the thought-for-thought process of Bible translation is also known as _____________________. (Choose two.)

functional equivalence dynamic equivalence

John Wesley concluded that the Bible was _________________________________.

given by divine inspiration of God

John Wesley said the Bible had the possibility of being written by what three people?

good men who say the Bible was inspired by God bad men, but they would not write something that would condemn themselves God and His divine inspiration

According to 1 Peter 1:16, "You shall be ____________, for I am _____________."


The Amplified Bible version of the Bible is different from all other translations because it ___________________________________________.

includes more variations of the same phrasing based on a variety of possibilities

According to Hebrews 4:12 (what are some truths about the Bible? (Select three.)

it discerns the thoughts and intentions of the heart it is living and active it is sharper than any two edged sword

Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a _______________ to my feet and a _________________ to my path."


The "word-for-word" method of translation is also known as a _____________________ way of translation.


"For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and _________________ and self-control." 2 Timothy 1:7


The New Testament was written over a period of about _____________________ years.


The Old Testament was written over a period of about ____________________ years.


Approximately how many people worldwide still do not have a full Bible translated into their first (or native) language?

1.5 billion

The Bible was written by approximately ____________ different authors.


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