Open Learning (Flexible Learning)
Education provided in which restrictions placed on the student are minimized (A Philosophy of Educating)
Bloom's Taxonomy in Moodle
Moodle toolset can be used to tackle all levels of learning: Remember - use resources, glossary Understand - quiz/assesments Apply - glossary, have learners make a glossary Analyse - set up forums, rate forums, set up debates in forums Evaluate - blog, critique a peer's work Create - create a wiki
Tools to convert PowerPoint to FLASH
PointeCast, PwerPointForce, WordForce, Wondershare PPT2FLASH Professional iSpring
SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model)
Standard for developing and distributing online learning module, especially on-demand and responsive design models
Subsystem 1: Materials
The design, production, distribution and reception of learning materials
SOLO pedagogy
alternative to Blooms (Structured of the observed Learning Outcome
an item added to the left or right of the content, examples: RSS feed, calendar, assessment results, (called widgets elsewhere)
Direct learning paths
enables instructor-led, self-paced, blended on eLearning
learners are able to interact directly with the matter or the teacher, examples are forums, taking an assessment, collaborate with a wiki, uploading assignments. glossaries, polls, 20 activities are available
Competency-based marking
level of understanding and proficiency of a learner in a given skill, skill based learning
Moodle in English
online community forum to post problems or questions
Guerra (Ga-rah) Scale
outlines the range of interactivity that can be found in content GS1 - PDF file document GS2 - "page turner" slightly more interesting than an plain PDF GS3 - adds dynamic (real time) feedback to assessments GS4 - integrates movement into text and graphics GS5 - adds multimedia, audio, moving graphics GS6 - allows user to input information via use of a printable workbook GS7 - provides users with a knowledge repository (LMS) GS8 - adds realistic simulations GS9 - adds real life coaching/role play/guests GS10 -virtual reality simulations
Distance Learning
process of learning when the learner is physically separated from the instructor; there may be little or no F@F contact between teacher and Learner. Print, Audio, Video DLOs are all part of DE. However there is 2-way communication between teacher and learner, either asynchronous via email, upload options not happening in real time OR Synchronous, phone call, IM (A Method of Educating)
Subsystem 2: Learner/Participant
recruitment, enrollment, registration, collection of fees, maintains records, transcripts and technology, logistical and regulatory
static items added to support learning and understanding, video, web site or file
Social Constructionism
underlying theory behind Moodle product. Learn best via social interaction