Moodle Questions for Physical Geography

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A huge boulder resting on a completely different typed of bedrock in glacial zones is a(n)...


A key sign of submergence of coastline terrain is the presence of...


The peeling of thin layers of stone off a large rock is...


_____ involves the peeling of thin layers of stone off a large rock and might happen directly as a result of the removal of an overlying weight from the landscape.


Rivers like the Nile and Colorado which rise in moist regions and then flow through arid landscapes are called ____ streams.


Water is a major agent of weathering because of its property that, when it freezes, it decreases in density and...

expands in volume.

Extrusive igneous rocks have smaller mineral crystals than intrusive igneous rocks because...

extrusive igneous rocks cool faster.

Glacier flour is...

finely ground rock from glacial erosion.

When crustal rocks are subjected to lateral compressional forces, they are slowly deformed by being bent in a process termed...



form when glacial valleys become flooded.

The most important type of mechanical weathering process is...

frost shattering.

Gravity interacting with the freeze-thaw action of water results in...

frost wedging.

A hot spring that lacks water is known as a...


Streams lengthen their valleys mainly by ____ erosion.


Metamorphic rocks are formed by...

heat and pressure.

The landform resulting from the intersection of three or more cirques is a...


Volcanoes that form in regions where there is no known plate convergence or divergence form from...

hot spots.

The rotting of rock by the various types of chemical weathering takes place best in...

humid regions.

A(n) _____ is a higher land above the valley sides that separates adjacent valleys.


The land separating adjoining valleys is known as a(n)...


If a stream carries water only during and immediately after a rain, it is classified as...


Streams that flow for only a part of the year are...


Glacial till...

is rock debris deposited directly byy movinng or melting ice.

Rainfall in deserts...

is usually intense.

The slow melting of blocks of stagnant ice in the land surface is the cause of...

kettle lakes.

An erg is a desert landscape characterized by...

large expanses of sand.

Caves and sinkholes would be most likely to occur in regions where the underlying bedrock is...


The primary difference between stalactites and stagmites is their...


A fine-grained win-deposited surface material with extensive deposits in the mid-latitudes is...


Barrier islands are...

long, narrow sandbars parallel to the shore.

Waves often strike the shore at an angle, but the backswash is directly back into the water. The resulting zigzag movement of sand down the beach is called...

longshore drift.

The process of solifluction works...

mainly in the tundra.

The largest shell (by volume) in the vertical structure of Earth is the...


When subjected to metamorphism, limestone becomes...


Most coastal lagoons, over time, become...


A dark band of rock debris down the middle of a glacier from the union of two adjcent glaciers is a(n)...

medial moraine.

The Spanish word for table applied to flat topped landforms in the American West is..


The most numerous of rock openings are...


Lahars are...

mud flows associated with volcanic eruptions.

trees are all gone. Just a patch of dirt left.


Flow in a stream usually is fastest...

near the center and slightly below the surface.

Besides a lack of soil, the primary reason for limited soil creep in arid regions is...

no water.

A fault that has an upthrown block next to a downthrown block resulting (prior to erosion) in a...

normal fault.

The combination of hydraulic pounding, abrasion and other forces at the base of a seacliff produces a(n)...


Sand dune slip face is located...

on the leeward side.

The basic classification of rocks is based on...


The prime factors in desertification in the Sahel were a natural drought and...


When the curvature in a stream flow on a floodplain is so large that a cutoff meander forms, a subsequent _____ forms.

oxbow lake

When a stalactite meets a stalagmite the result is a...


Which of the following features is SMALLEST in area?


____ are dry or seasonal lakes which form in arid landscapes, often leaving white deposits of salt, gypsum or other materials.

playa lakes

A typical drainage pattern on conic volcanic mountains would be...


The apparent bending of waves as they strike an object on the coast is called a...


The phenomenon of waves changing direction as they approach the shoreline is known as...


A _____ is a desert that is covered with coarse gravel, pebbles, and boulders and from which all sand and dust have been removed.


Desert pavement is another term for a(n)...


In terms of erosion, a gulley is a larger example of a feature called a(n)...


An oxbow lake was formerly a...

river meander.

The most common oxidation effect in the lithosphere is...


In dry climates _____ is a(are) prevalent process(es).

salt wedging.

In karst landscapes of slight relief, _____ is(are) the most common features.


Marble is related to limestone in the same way:

slate is related to shale.

The steeper leeward side of a sand dune is called a...

slip face.

part of cliff falling into ocean...


The mass-wasting type characterized by a crescent-shaped scarp face is the...


The inner core of the Earth is believed to be...


Which of the following is the slowest of all types of mass movement?


The main downslope movement of subarctic and arctic landscapes is...


A linear extension of sand from the shore into the ocean is a...


Solution in underground caverns leaves dispositional features such as the icicle-like...


Glaciers often polish rock to form grooves and smaller, similar features called...


The greatest amount of material transported by a stream is carried in its...

suspended load.

The cascading forward motion of breaking waves as they rush upon the shore is called...


The bending of the earth's crust shown of the foreground if this picture would properly be labeled as a...bending down in a U shape.


Tower karst refers to...

tall, steep-sided hills of limestone.

An example of a type of fall that occurs with mass wasting is a...

talus cone.

"The angle of repose" is a term most closely associated with...


The rock debris that accumulates at the base of steep slopes by gravitational action is called...


The glacial moraine identified by the large red arrow is what type? A ways away from the foot.


Materials deposited during a lengthy pause in glacial retreat are known as...

terminal moraine.

The deepest part of a stream channel is known as the...


A rock's glassy appearance is due to...

the fast cooling which did not allow the crystals to grow.

When the front of a valley glacier is melting back in a retreating stage...

the ice inside the glacier can still flow forward.

The primary difference between a spit and a tombolo is...

the orientation to the coast.

The origin of tsunamis is associated with...

undersea tectonic events.

A complex of intersecting dolines is known as a(n)...


The most prominent feature of loess is its...

vertical slopes.

Most present atolls are on former _____ islands.


The Arabic word for a dry desert stream-bed is...


One defining characteristic that differentiates falls from flows is...


The single most important agent of landscape formation in deserts is...


Wave action on the land will often create caves and cliffs. These features are collectively called...

wave cut terraces.

The single most important force in shaping coastal topography is (are)...


Aeolian processes refer to...


Most waves are generated by...


Alpine glaciers tend to deepen and steepen pre-existing river valleys, forming a _____-shaped glacier trough.


Glaciers carve ___-shaped valleys.


Rivers eroding into a land surface, in the absence of other forces, usually tend to erode a _____-shaped form.


Medial moraines usually develop...

When a tributary valley glacier joins a main trunk glacier.

Which state has some of its territory in the "Driftless Area"?


By far, the world's largest concentration of hydrothermal features occurs in...


Which of the following would be most likely to develop a radial drainage pattern?

a cone-shaped volcano

A syncline is...

a downfold.

Water penetrating into soil promotes chemical weathering by acting as a weak...


The light colored deposits of soil, sand and rock that have tumbled out of the mountains into Death Valley are called...

alluvial fans.

Which of the following is not a compound of the stream load?

alluvial load

Natural levees form when...

alluvium is deposited when water spills over the banks of a channel during flood flow.

The general term applied to stream-deposited debris is...


Silt is normally transported in river flows...

as suspended load.

A ______ is a coastal or offshore landform that almost always assumes a circular shape.


_____ contains the largest individual items carried by a stream.


The three atmospheric components of greatest importance to chemical weathering are...

carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water vapor.

The shape of a ____ can be likened to an amphitheater.


Associated with mountain glaciers are broad, ampitheater shaped hollowed out areas called...


The lithosphere...

consists of the crust and part of the upper mantle.

Match photo to the correct form of mass wasting...fence falling, side of a hill


The slowest and least perceptible form of mass wasting is...


side of cliff


The general term signifying the overall lowering of the rock material on the Earth's crust is...


When the winds have removed all the smaller particles, the remaining surface of rocks and gravel is called...

desert pavement.

A dark, shiny coat of iron and manganese oxides on pebbles, stones, and larger outcrops is known as...

desert varnish.

Surface runoff that disappears into a joint or a sinkhole is called a...

disappearing stream.

All parts of a glacier...

do not move at the same rate.

One of the common surface features of karst landscapes are sinkholes, also known as...


A sand spit generally points...


The most prominent result of coastal submergence is the...

drowning of river valleys.

Glacially deposited hills that are slightly smaller than moraines are called...


The brilliant colors around hot springs and geysers is...

due to algae.

Identify the type of rocks shown in this picture: badlands type of rock with layers


This rock is: granite

Intrusive igneous

Identify the following picture: shiny, black rock


Which of the following is not a property of minerals?

They can be man-made.

Most atolls began as ____ around volcanic islands which later subsided beneath the sea.

fringing reefs

Numerous landforms characterize areas of karst topography. Which of the following is not one of those landforms?


The primary difference between lava and magma is...


A fine-grained wind-deposited surface material with extensive deposits in the mid-latitudes is...


Which of the following forms of mass wasting is relatively fast and wet compared to the others?

mud flow

Which of the following mass movements involves the greatest amount of water?

mud flow

On a meandering stream, maximum erosion takes place along the...

outer edge of the meanders.

A surface of bedrock that extends outward from a mountain base is called a(n)...


Sediments are bonded into sedimentary rocks primarily through...

pressure and chemical cementation.

Travertine is a depositional landform composed...

primarily of calcium carbonate found near hot springs.


rockfall (talus)

The near vertical cliff at the edge of a mesa or plateau is called the...


side of mountain with pond at bottom, looks like a bit of snow dust on side.


When plates collide along a convergent boundary, the dense oceanic plate melts as it is pushed down into the hot mantle in a process called...


The Mohorovicic discontinuity refers to...

the change in rock composition and density between the crust and the mantle.

The term relief refers to...

the distance between the highest and lowest points in a region.

The primary difference between ergs and regs is...

their composition.

Joints can be distinguished from faults in that...

there is no movement along joints.

Unsorted debris from ice sheets, after deposition, is known as...


The dissolved limestone that precipitates at the points where hot springs breach the surface is called...


Which type of drainage pattern is most likely to develop in areas of alternating parallel ridges and valleys?


Geysers typically will erupt...

when critical pressure of steam builds up in an underground passageway.

A coast embayed with numerous estuaries is likely to be...

a shoreline of submergence.

A result of soil creep might be

a tilted fence post.

The lower part of a glacier where there is a net annuals loss of ice from melting and sublimation is the zone of...


The glacial scouring by bedrock embedded in ice is erosion by...


A feature created by sediment deposition that commonly occurs in arid regions at the mouth of a draw or canyon is a(n)...

alluvial fan.

Coal is an example of...

an organic sedimentary rock.

The geologic feature in the foreground, taken in the Zagros Mountains should be...bending up in an A shape.


When two cirques leave a knife-like redge between them, it is called a...


The formation pictured that has widespread ravines and gullies is called a...


The main dune form in most deserts is crescent-shaped and usually found migrating across a nonsandy surface; it is called a(n)...


The most common extrusive igneous rock is...


The most massive form of igneous intrusion is a...


An interfluve can be found...

between valleys.

A shallow depression from which an abundance of fine material has been deflated is known as a deflation hollow or a...


One possible biological weathering agent could include...


The slowed flow and deposit of sediment near the mouth of a stream often forms a ...


This drainage pattern looks like the veins on the underside of a leaf:


Which of the following drainage patterns is the most common throughout the world?


Geysers are best described as...

eruptions of steam and water.

round rocks that are chipping


The oceanic tides rise and fall in a rhythmic cycle that takes place roughly once every ____ hours.


______ are formed from skeletal remains of coral and other lime-secreting sea animals.


The white stones in this picture are very hard. They are: White blocks


Where is the daily temperature change the most significant in rock weathering?

Mountain summits

What would prevent a delta from forming where a large river enters the ocean?

Active ocean currents along the coast

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is a plate boundary where:

New ocean floor is being made.

Africa's best example of an exotic river is the...


According to the text, one could find tower karst in...

China and Vietnam.

This photo depicts a ____-type volcano. Standard volcano


What is the cause of the "Ring of Fire"?

Convergent boundaries

Which of the following is a component of stream load?

Dissolved load, suspended load, bedload, and the sediments undergoing saltation.

This rock is: obsidian

Extrusive igneous

Identify the picture: rock with pinks, blacks, purples, whites, and browns


Intrusive Igneous rocks have larger mineral crystals than extrusive igneous rocks because...

Intrusive rocks cool more slowly.

The glacial moraine identified by the large red arrow is which type? At the side of the glacier.


This photo depicts a _____-type volcano. Cone shaped with hole in middle.

Lava dome

Metamorphic rocks develop from...

Other kinds of rocks.

______ lakes may form in the depressions of the "steps" of a glacial valley.


This Hawaiian volcano is an example of a ____-type volcano. Flat surface, upside down bowl


_____ are typically found at the intersections of joints.


Where can one fiind a glacier's equilibrium line?

Between the accumulation and ablation zones.

Which of the following is a term associated with coral reefs?

Barrier, Fringing, and Atoll

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