Morality Final Semester 1

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Luke 7:47 -

"He who forgives little loves little"

What are some effects of Original Sin? Of these results, which is the most serious effect?- "

1) things that should be natural to us harder and more challenging. 2)Relation-ships with others that should naturally be good and loving are marked by tension and misunderstanding. 3)We are more influenced by ignorance, suffering, and the knowledge of our own death. 4)Moral decisions that should be easy and straight-forward become more difficult and confusing; we are more inclined to sin." 5)The most serious effect is that "Our relationship with God is now clouded and hidden"

Conscience formation (5 ways to form) -

1. Study the doctrine of the Church to learn the moral truth revealed by God. 2. Read and reflect the Word of God in Scripture. 3. Examine the moral choices you made at the end of everyday or every week. 4. Read the lives of the Saints or other people both ancient and modern. 5. Receive the sacraments of Penance and Reconciliation and the Eucharist regularly.

What is the Decalogue, and what is their relationship to natural law?-

10 Commandments; Relationship : They are a special expression of natural law, making perfectly clear through God's Revelation what he had already placed in the human heart"


A habitual and firm disposition to do good

venial sin

A less serious offense against the will of God that diminishes one's personal character and weakens but does not rupture one's relationship with God.

Sanctifying grace, actual, sacramental, special graces.

Actual - deal with ordinary, everyday life, Sacramental - deal with each of the Sacraments, Special - charisms or special skills for the common good of the Church.


Any organized political authority in a specific area; it can refer to city or county governments, state or regional governments, and national governments.

Vocation means _____ .

Call from God to share his love with others

Specific vocations are _____ .

Christian marriage, consecrated minister, or single life

Contrition , absolution , penance

Contrition - to have hatred for our sin and to promise to not sin again Absolution - part of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation where the priest pardons the sins of the person confessing in the name of the Holy Church Penance - an attitude of the heart in which one experiences regret for past sin and commits to change behavior and attitude

What is the Old Law?-

Divine Law revealed in the Old Testament, summarized in the Ten Commandments. Also called the Law of Moses

F.A.C.T.S. -

F - find the facts A- assess the alternatives C- consider the consequences T - think about God's teachings S- seek spiritual support

Theological Virtues -> Faith, Hope, Love

Faith - belief in what has been revealed Hope - trust in God's presence Love - to love God above all other earthly things and to love our neighbor for God's love

Is God the source of tempatation?

God is not the source of temptation. God provides the means to resist every temptation and difficulty.


God's action of bringing a sinful human being into right relationship with him. It involves the removal of sin and the gift of God's sanctifying grace to renew holiness

The source of true law-

God's gift of intellect

Source of our freedom, helps us respond to God's invitation. -

God's grace

From whom does sin alienate us? -

God, others, ourselves

Name some false values present in the world.-

Greed, dishonesty, and revenge

Do humans create love?

Humans do not create love; rather, we tap into God's love

Whom must we follow to participate in God's plan for us?-


What is the New Law, and what is its relationship with the Old Law?-

Jesus' 8 Beatitudes It fulfilled the Old Law because it is the perfection of God's moral law, both natural and revealed"

What is the fulfillment of God's saving plan?-

Jesus' life, death, resurrection, and ascension

Great Commandment-

Jesus' summary of the entire divine Law as the love of God and the love of neighbor

What does Jesus mean about having a childlike faith?

Living a moral life means accepting God's Eternal Law as it is and not as we want it to be and accepting God as he is and not as we want him to be.

According to the New Testament, what is written on every human heart that is broken by sin?

Natural Law

What elements determine the morality of a human act?

Object (specific thing a person is choosing to do), intention (the intention of the person doing the act), circumstance (the circumstances surronding the act)

What is the relationship between Adam and Eve and us today?-

Original Sin

What impact does the Sacrament of Baptism have on Original Sin?-

Original Sin and all personal sin are washed away, removing our separation from God

Describe the soul.-

Our spiritual principle, it is immortal, and it is what makes us most like God. created by God at the moment of our con-ception.

What Parables emphasize the importance of forgiveness

Parable of the lost sheep, parable of the unforgiving servant, parable of the prodigal son

What sacrament frees us from the burden of sin by accepting God's forgiveness and dying to sin?

Penance and Reconciliation

What are the Old Testament concepts of sin? (two Hebrew words)

Pesha - to rebel against God Chata - to miss the mark, missing harmony we are called to have with God

Cardinal Virtues -> Prudence, Temperance, Justice, Fortitude

Prudence - indication to do good and avoid evil Temperance - finding a balance in life Justice - giving or owing what is due Fortitude - staying strong in times of difficulties

What does God's guidance that is revealed through the Church give us to help to make moral decisions?

Religious truths and moral law

What is the opposite of "poor in spirit"?-

Self centered, egotistical

What are the Precepts of the Church, and what are their purpose?-

Sometimes called the Commandments of the Church, these are basic obligations for all Catholics, dictated by the laws of the Church and intended to guarantee for the faithful the indispensable minimum in prayer and moral effort

In his letter to the Romans, what does Paul teach us about sin and salvation?

That sin leads to death, but death is not the end becuase Jesus saved us.

social sin

The impact that every personal sin has on other people; sin that directly attacks others' life, freedom, dignity, or rights; and the collective effect of many people's sins over time, which corrupts society and its institutions by creating "structures of sin."

Eternal law-

The order in creation that reflects God's will and purpose; it is eternal because it is always true and never changes. All other types of law have their basis in Eternal Law and are only true if they reflect the truth of Eternal Law

Salvation History-

The pattern of specific events in human history in which God clearly reveals his presence and saving actions.


The tendency of all human beings toward sin, as a result of Original Sin

Paschal Mystery-

The work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly through his Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension


This is a Sacrament in which our graces from Baptism are stronger and now we are growing closer to the Holy Spirit. Spiritually, we experience the gifts of the Holy Spirit to help us in our everyday moral lives. These gifts and virtues can help us live out the 10 Commandments and our own individual vocation.

Holy Orders.

This is to help priests, ministers, bishops, etc. to live out their vocation of spreading God's word. It really helps them to live out their vocation to the best of their ability. In a spiritual sense, this helps them in their moral life to be a model for everyone else. It will help show the people in their faith how to live and how to serve.

What is the goal of Christian Morality?

To collaborate with God's grace and not try to earn into Heaven.

General vocations are _____ .

Volunteering, service of the church, missionary activity, meaningful job, religious movement

Conscience ->

a judgment of reason


a practice or habit that leads a person to sin

mortal sin

an action so contrary to the will of God that it results in complete separation from God and his grace

What is the message from the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus and the Parable of the Rich Fool?

being materially blessed in life does not necessarily mean you will be rewarded in the next life.

What are the two components of a human nature?-

body and soul

Others will know we are disciples by ....

by our love

By what names do we call the goal of Christians' existence?

coming into the Kingdom of God, the beatific vision, entering into the joy of the Lord, being adoptive children of God or entering into God's rest

sin -

deliberate thought word or deed contrary to eternal law

What is moral law, and how can we know it?-

established by God and is a rational expression of Eternal Law. It reflects God's wisdom; it is the teaching that leads us to the blessed life he wants for us Known through our conscience

What are some factors that lessen the blame when we choose the wrong courses of action?-

fear, ignorance, strong social pressures

What is the responsibility of the Magisterium?-

for passing on and teaching religious truth

Definition of grace -

free and undeserved gift of God's presence in our lives. Comes from the Trinity, but it is mostly associated with the Holy Spirit. Free and undeserved.

What does our intellect allow us to do?-

gives us the ability to see and understand the order of things that God places within creation and to know and understand God through the created order

original justice-

harmony with themselves, with each other, and with all of creation

What did God do with God's Chosen People to let us know that God did not abandon humankind?-

he made sure to teach them to not follow sin and to trust in Him

What is the primary sin against the First Commandment?-



is a sacrament in which the bride and the groom are helped in living out a faithful marriage with each other. A fruit of their marriage is children that they bear that will help strengthen the Church. This can spiritually help the married couple raise their children with God as their role model in their lives.

The Eucharist

is a sacrament in which we receive the Body and Blood of Christ. We can see this and do this every time at Mass. For our spiritual lives this helps us grow more in unity with Christ and the community around us.

Describe the Law of Love.-

is the basis for properly understanding and interpreting all other moral laws. Where Christ depicts the 2 Greatest Commandments

Penance and Reconciliation i

is the sacrament in which we receive God's forgiveness after confessing our sins. After doing this, we will feel like we are in a better relationship with God and the Church after confession and being forgiven. After being forgiven we can feel free of sin and have purity.


is when we are first welcomed into the Church and it is a time when all of our sins have been forgiven. This spitiually helps us to turn our lives towards God and remain faithful to the commandments of Jesus. This will further allow us to become holy people of God.

What is natural law [natural moral law], and what role does it play in the salvation of all humankind?-

it is moral law that can be understood through our intellect and the use of reason. It is our God-given instinct to be in right relationship with God, other people, the world, and ourselves. humankind- is our participation in God's wisdom and goodness because we are created in his divine likeness

The only way humans will overcome sin and grow in holiness is by ____ -

letting God's love grow within us and flown throughout us.

What does Jesus mean by "love"?-

love that is forgiving and sacrificial

What are the three requirements that make a sin a mortal sin?

must be serious, you know the seriousness, and do it anyway

sin of omission

not doing something you should do

What is the central focus of salvation history? -

on how God saves us from sin

Describe Eternal Law.-

order in creation that reflects God's will and purpose; is always true and never changes. All other types of law have their basis this Law and are only true if they reflect the truth of this Law


popular summary, usually in book form, of Catholic doctrine about faith and morals and commonly intended for use within formal programs of catechesis

Describe Old Testament ideas about sin (consequences) -

punishments for sin directly and abruptly, or the kids/community will suffer, or God will turn away from you.

Give examples of social sin

racism, sexism, ageism

With what does God provide us to help us live the Beatitudes?-

scripture and tradition

What does Jesus mean by forgiving someone 70 x 7 times?

that we should forgive an infinite amount of times

Reconciliation -

the process of restoring broken relationships with God, the Church, and people who were directly offended by our sins

Original Sin-

the sin of the first human beings, who dis-obeyed God's command by choosing to follow their own will and thus lost their original holiness and became subject to death

How is God's Revelation made known to us?-

through Natural and Divine revelation

How is Jesus' new vision of life for Christians expressed?-

through the Beatituudes

What is the role of a Christian? -

to be a disciple of Christ


to be guilty of wrong doing


to change/transform

sin of commission

to commit a sin

What is the meaning of hamartia, the most common Greek word used for sin in the New Testament?

to fall short

For what purpose did God make humans?-

to love God

Golden Rule-

treat others how you want to be treated

forgivness and love go hand in hand


What is the primary goal in Christian morality?-

union with the holy trinity in Heaven

What are the implications of free will for humans?-

we are each individually responsible for our actions and will be held accountable for our moral choices

What are some of the results of justification through our faith in Christ and the Sacrament of Baptism?-

we become a new person, an adopted son or daughter of God who shares in Christ's righteousness

***Explain the difference between choosing right and wrong and deciding what is right and wrong. Are we free to do either?-

we can do both. Deciding is moral and it is part of our structure as humans. Choosing to do either is part of natural law and used with reason.

What do the promises of the Beatitudes include?-

we will know happiness by embracing the hardships of life we experience true joy by pursuing righteousness (or justice) and peace, not by pursuing wealth, fame, or power joy will be partially known on earth and completely in Heaven

When does the Magisterium speak with infallibility?-

when teaching doctrine of faith and morals clearly revealed in Scripture and Tradition

Why does obeying the moral law make us more free?-

you won't feel the burden and guilt of having to keep attention on immoral behavior

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