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Worker who perceive inequity will react in what ways? (6)

change inputs, change outcomes, distort perceptions of self, distort perceptions of others, choose a different referent, or leave the field

What does hygiene refer to in the 2 factor theory?

company policy, supervision, interpersonal relations, working conditions, and salary (EXTERNALLY REWARDING)

What is feedback?

direct and clear information regarding job performance

Persistance element in motivation?

employees keep putting forth effort to achieve certain goals

Key 3 elements of motivation?

energy, direction, and persistence.

What is Autonomy?

freedom, independence, and discretion in scheduling/carrying out the work

John has a job that pays well and claims that his job is so easy that he goes to work to relax after a busy weekend. Based on Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory

hygiene factors are more important to John than motivators.

How do individuals with high self-efficacy respond to negative feedback?

increased effort and motivation, whereas those with low self-efficacy are likely to reduce their effort.

Internal Self Esteem vs External Self Esteem:

internal esteem factors: as self-respect, autonomy, and achievement external esteem factors: status, recognition, and attention

What is Goal-Setting Theory?

specific goals increase performance and that difficult goals result in higher performance than easy goals. That means that: (1) Working toward a goal is a major source of job motivation and (2) specific and challenging goals are superior motivating forces.

What is interactional justice?

the degree to which people are treated with respect, kindness, and dignity in interpersonal interactions.

What are the three perceptions of equity theory?

1. Inequity due to being under-rewarded. 2. Equity 3. Inequity due to being over-rewarded.

Which three needs are recognizes in McClelland's three needs theory?

Achievement, Power, affiliation

_______ goals lead to commitment.


Maslow believes that higher-order needs ___________.

Are satisfied internally.

Goals must be _____ and ____ to be considered SMART.

Attainable and Achievable.

Considering motivation as defined by Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory, which of the following would not be considered a hygiene factor?

Autonomous decision-making

The Acme managers developed a program that allowed the employees to have a large degree of freedom carrying out their jobs. Which core dimension are they providing?


A manager with theory X view of human nature would _________.

Be unlikely to allow workers to work independently.

People are motivated by ______ but _____ goals.

Challenging, realistic

For goals to be motivating, they must have:

Clarity, Challenge, Commitment, Feedback, Task complexity.

In equity theory, distributive justice is concerned with which of the following?

Comparing output to input ratios among individuals.

The view that people develop beliefs about the fairness of the rewards they receive relative to their contributions is referred to as ______.

Equity theory

Giving prestigious job titles (if not carried to extremes) would be one way to satisfy people's need for


In Maslow's need hierarchy, status is an example of what type of need?


Three linkages in expectancy theory?

Expectancy or effort-performance linkage, Instrumentality or performance-reward linkage,Valence or attractiveness of reward is the importance that the individual places on the potential outcome or reward that can be achieved on the job. Valence considers both the goals and needs of the individual.

How are the the lower or deficiency needs satisfied?


2 Factor Theory?

Factor 1: Motivation Factor 2: Hygiene

Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership Theory is derived primarily from the University of Iowa Leadership studies.


McClelland thinks that having a high mach guarantees that a person will be a good manager.


All feedback is equally effective.

False- Self generated feedback is more effective than feedback given by others.

The three key elements in the definition of motivation are energy, direction, and achievement.

False-replace achievement with persistence.

Motivation is a drive that some people have and other's don't have.

False. Its situational based

How does feedback help with goal motivation?

Feedback provides opportunities to clarify expectations, adjust goal difficulty, and gain recognition.

To have complexity of task or goal, you must:

Give the person sufficient time to meet the goal or improve performance. Provide enough time for the person to practice or learn what is expected and required for success.

In addition to feedback, what three other contingencies affect goal performance?

Goal commitment, Adequate self-efficacy, and National culture.

Maria is highly motivated because she supervises four employees, gets consistent positive feedback and recognition about her own work, and she continually learns new things on her job. This example most closely relates to motivation as described by

Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene theory

Direction element in motivation?

High levels of effort lead to favorable job performance when the effort is directed toward, and consistent with, organizational goals.

The two factors in Herzberg's theory are motivators and ______.


To increase the motivation through enrichment, Acme decides to increase the meaningfulness of the work. This might be done by ________.

Increasing Skill Variety

How are the higher or growth needs satisfied?


Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation?

Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself, and exists within the individual rather than relying on external pressures or a desire for reward. Extrinsic motivation refers to the performance of an activity in order to attain an outcome, whether or not that activity is also intrinsically motivated.

Individuals with _________ need don't tend to achieve high performance or satisfaction by having their jobs enriched.

Low growth

Clear goals are ______ and ________.

Measurable and ambiguous.

What is of high concern for organizations in today's workforce?

Motivating employees

The _____ theory of motivation specifically addresses the issues on which job enrichment focuses.

Motivation-Hygiene theory

Equity theory looks at________ as a motivator.

Perceived motivator

High levels of effort are unlikely to lead to favorable job performance unless

Quality of effort is also considered

In Maslow's need hierarchy, a healthy work environment is an example of what type of need?


When is goal commitment likely?

When goals are made public, when the individual has an internal locus of control, and when the goals are self-set rather than assigned.

What are the growth needs? (Maslow)

Self-Actualization, Self-Esteem

What are the 5 needs in Maslows theory?

Self-Actualization, Self-Esteem, Social, Safety, Physiological

What are the The Core Job Dimensions of Enriched Job Design?

Skill Variety, Task Identity, Task Significance, Autonomy, Feedback.

The JCM contends that ______ are required in meaningful work.

Skill variety, task identity, and task significance.

According to Maslow, a person who is looking for affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship is at which need level?


What are the deficiency needs? (Maslow)

Social, Safety, Physiological

Which is the best summary of goal-setting theory?

Specific Goals Increase Performance

What acts as an internal stimulus in Goal-setting theory?

Specificity of the goal

Most jobs at Acme were redesigned to allow the employees to complete a whole and identifiable piece of work. This fits ________, a core dimension of the job characteristics model.

Task Identity

In addition to these changes, Acme managers explained how important their product was to the world economy. Which core dimension in the job characteristics model is this?

Task Significance

What is the performance-reward performance?

The degree to which the individual believes that performing at a particular level is instrumental to attaining the desired outcome.

What is the attractiveness of reward?

The importance that the individual places on the potential outcome or reward that can be achieved on the job. Valence considers both the goals and needs of the individual.

What is distributive justice?

The perceived fairness of the amount and allocation of rewards among individuals and which has a greater influence on employee satisfaction

What is procedural justice?

The perceived fairness of the process used to determine the distribution of rewards and tends to affect an employee's organizational commitment, trust in his or her boss, and intention to quit.

What is job enrichment?

The vertical expansion of a job by adding planning and evaluation responsibilities

Theory x vs Theory Y?

Theory X: the negative view of people that assumes that workers have little ambition, dislike work, want to avoid responsibility, and need to be closely controlled to work effectively. Theory Y: the positive view that assumes employees enjoy work, seek out and accept responsibility, and exercise self-direction.

What is expectancy theory?

Theory that argues that an employee will be motivated to produce more when he or she believes that the effort will lead to a good performance appraisal; that a good appraisal will lead to organizational rewards; and that the rewards will satisfy the employee's personal goals.

What is equity theory?

Theory that proposes that inequity creates tension, and that this tension can cause an employee to seek fairness. Workers compare their job inputs and outcomes with others.

What is the hierarchy of needs theory?

There is a hierarchy of five human needs; as each need becomes satisfied, the next need becomes dominant.

A single individual can have high motivation for one task and low motivation for another task.


Goal setting is something most of us recognize as necessary for our success.


Locke and Latham's research confirms the usefulness of SMART goal setting, and their theory continues to influence the way we measure performance today.


Motivation is a process that leads to a goal.


What is task identity?

Where it requires completion of whole and identifiable work.

What is task significance?

Where product/output affects the lives of other people

What is skill variety?

Where worker uses a number of skills and talents.

What does motivation refer to in the 2 factor theory?

achievement, recognition, the work itself, growth, and responsibility (INTERNALLY REWARDING)

What is self-efficacy?

an individual's belief that he or she is capable of performing a task.

According to Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene theory, _________ would be considered a motivator?

an opportunity to show what you can do

Energy element in motivation?

measure of intensity or drive where the quality of the effort is considered along with its intensity.

2 Factor Dual Continuum?

the opposite of "satisfaction" is "no satisfaction," and the opposite of "dissatisfaction" is "no dissatisfaction." factors that led to job satisfaction were separate and distinct from those that led to job dissatisfaction

What is Effort-performance linkage?

the probability perceived by the individual that exerting a given amount of effort will lead to a certain level of performance.

What is motivation?

the process by which a person's efforts are energized, directed, and sustained toward attaining a goal. Individuals differ in motivational drive and their overall motivation varies from situation to situation.

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