MR ch. 8-12

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A ratio scale allows the comparison of absolute magnitudes but not the differences in magnitude. a. True b. False


A technique used in studies using telephone interviews, in which the numbers to be called are randomly generated is called phonebook dialing. a. True b. False


Attitudes and opinions are best determined by observation. a. True b. False


Causal research is used to discover ideas and insights in the process of defining the decision problem. a. True b. False


Communication techniques usually don't depend upon the respondent's willingness and ability to provide the information needed. a. True b. False


Consistency is the hallmark of validity. a. True b. False


Direct observation studies the outcome of the behavior observed rather than the behavior itself. a. True b. False


Disguise creates a more artificial environment in which to collect data from individuals. a. True b. False


External validity refers to our ability to attribute the effect that was observed to the experimental variable and not to the other factors. a. True b. False


In a laboratory setting, subjects are observed in the environment where the behavior normally takes place. a. True b. False


In general, when using itemized-rating scales, using five to nine categories works best. a. True b. False


In indirect observation, the researcher is observing attitudes. a. True b. False


Information control refers to resource issues such as the time and monetary costs of different data collection methods. a. True b. False


It is possible to compare the absolute magnitude of numbers when measurement is made on the basis of an interval scale. a. True b. False


Longitudinal designs are more common than cross-sectional designs. a. True b. False


Low degrees of structure are usually associated with greater reliability, or consistency, of answers obtained. a. True b. False


Motivation refers to an individual's overall evaluation of something. a. True b. False


Personal interviews offer less sample control than other approaches. a. True b. False


Random error affects the measurement in a constant way. a. True b. False


Response rates are higher for telephone interviews than most other methods. a. True b. False


Structure refers to how much variation is used with the data collection instrument. a. True b. False


Structured observation is used for studies in which flexibility is allowed in terms of what is noted and recorded. a. True b. False


Telephone interviews imply a direct face-to-face conversation between the interviewer and the respondent. a. True b. False


The four types of scales used to measure an attribute are nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. a. True b. False


The galvanometer is used to study eye movements while a respondent reads advertising copy. a. True b. False


The main advantage of panels is that they are representative and/or random. a. True b. False


The observation method of data collection has the general advantages of versatility, speed, and cost. a. True b. False


The time required for an adequate market test is often minimal. a. True b. False


This external validity refers to our ability to attribute the effect that was observed to the experimental variable and not to other factors. a. True b. False


Unstructured observation is used for studies in which hypotheses are to be tested. a. True b. False


Validity is the ability of a measure to obtain similar scores for the same object, trait, or construct across time, across different evaluators, or across the items forming the measure. a. True b. False


Voice pitch analysis attempts to assess the loudness with which people answer specific questions. a. True b. False


When it comes to establishing causality, a consistent pattern of variation or relationship between two variables is enough to conclude that one caused the other. a. True b. False


While exploratory studies are rigid in nature, descriptive studies can be considered flexible. a. True b. False


You should use the lowest level of measurement possible when developing a measure for some attribute. a. True b. False


A motive is any inner state that directs or channels behavior toward goals. a. True b. False


A person's intentions refer to the individual's anticipated or planned future behavior. a. True b. False


A ratio scale differs from an interval scale in that it possesses a natural or absolute zero that reflects the complete absence of the attribute being assessed. a. True b. False


A test market in which the company sells the product through normal distribution channels is called a standard test market. a. True b. False


A test market study is a form of causal research. a. True b. False


A useful property of all scales above the nominal level of measurement is that of order. a. True b. False


An open-ended question allows respondents to freely reply using their own words without limitations to a fixed set of possible answers. a. True b. False


Analysis that examines changes in the relative frequency of the human voice that accompany emotional arousal is called voice-pitch analysis. a. True b. False


Demographic variables are often used as a basis for market segmentation. a. True b. False


Error in measurement is also known as constant error because it affects the measurement in a constant way is called systematic error. a. True b. False


Estimating demand for products and services is very difficult. a. True b. False


In a contrived setting, subjects are observed in an environment that has been specifically designed for recording their behavior. a. True b. False


It is necessary to disguise a survey when knowledge of the sponsor or topic is likely to cause respondents to change their answers. a. True b. False


It is possible to track how visitors to a website navigate its pages, which pages they look at, and which pages they exit from. a. True b. False


Mail surveys provide little control in verifying that a response actually came from the intended recipient. a. True b. False


Mall intercepts are popular for conducting personal interviews among consumers in retail shopping centers. a. True b. False


Observation research doesn't have to be sophisticated to be effective. a. True b. False


One of the biggest advantages of mail questionnaires is the anonymity offered to the respondent. a. True b. False


One of the common indices used to measure the short-term success and impact of an ad is "day after recall". a. True b. False


Panels are probably the best format for collecting detailed demographic information. a. True b. False


Questionnaires where everyone receives the same questions and everyone responds by choosing among the same set of possible answers are using fixed-alternative questions. a. True b. False


Ratio scales can be used to do everything that interval, ordinal, and nominal scales can do. a. True b. False


Reliability is necessary, but not sufficient, for establishing the validity of a measure. a. True b. False


Sampling control concerns the ability to identify, reach, and receive answers from population members. a. True b. False


Some companies and researchers use exploratory techniques almost exclusively in gathering primary data. a. True b. False


Sometimes disguised observation is accomplished by having observers become part of the shopping scene. a. True b. False


Standard test markets are the most expensive, take the most time, and are likely to tip off the competitors compared with other approaches. a. True b. False


Structure refers to how much standardization is used with the data collection instrument. a. True b. False


Test marketing is not restricted to testing sales potential of new products or communication efforts; it has been used to examine the effectiveness of almost every element of the marketing mix. a. True b. False


The amount of time a respondent deliberates before answering a question is called response latency. a. True b. False


The communications approach to gathering primary data can be used for collecting information about all seven categories of primary data from individuals. a. True b. False


The condition for establishing causality that is the most difficult to meet is the elimination of other explanations. a. True b. False


The electrical resistance of the skin associated with sweating that accompanies emotional arousal is measured by a galvanometer. a. True b. False


The four types of scales used to measure an attribute are nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. a. True b. False


The key features of the summated-ratings scale are a set of statements with which respondents indicate a level of agreement. a. True b. False


The location of personal interviews depends on the needs of the research and the convenience of the respondents. a. True b. False


The major problem of human behavior observation is the observer. a. True b. False


The most common approach to measuring attitudes is to obtain self-reports from respondents. a. True b. False


The three major considerations in test marketing are cost, time, and control. a. True b. False


The use of high structure greatly simplifies data coding and analysis. a. True b. False


When considering methods for collecting communications data, the research problem itself will often suggest one approach over the others. a. True b. False


When using the ordinal scale, the chosen number scale reflects the relative standing of the different options for that particular individual. a. True b. False


While exploratory studies are rigid in nature, descriptive studies are considered flexible. a. True b. False


With online surveys, the response rate is a good indicator of the quality of the research effort. a. True b. False


You should use the lowest level of measurement possible when developing a measure for some attribute. a. True b. False


Which of the following is NOT a demographic or socioeconomic characteristic? a. A feeling towards a brand b. Marital status c. Social class d. Gender e. Income

a. A feeling towards a brand

John was stopped at the local shopping centers and asked if he would be willing to participate in a research study. Because John was alone and mainly doing window-shopping, he agreed to participate. John was taken to a room and shown four new advertisements and asked various questions related to the ads. This type of technique is called? a. Person-on-the-street interview b. Mall-intercept interview c. Drop-off survey d. Ad recall interview e. None of these are correct.

b. Mall-intercept interview

Observational data have the advantage over communication data in which of the following categories? a. Objectivity, cost, and speed b. Objectivity and accuracy c. Objectivity and speed d. Speed and versatility e. Cost and versatility

b. Objectivity and accuracy

A manager of a department store collects data on the frequency with which floor tiles have been replaced in front of each entrance. This exhibits a measure of the most popular entrance to the store. What type of measurement situation is she using? a. Survey b. Observation c. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) d. People meter e. Experiment

b. Observation

Which of the following methods provides descriptive primary data the fastest? a. Personal interview b. Online survey c. Mail questionnaire d. Inbound survey e. Telephone survey

b. Online survey

Which of the following affords the researcher the most sample control with respect to getting cooperation from the respondent? a. Phone interviews b. Personal interviews c. Mail questionnaires d. Questionnaires published in newspapers e. Warranty information cards

b. Personal interviews

Which of the following is (are) permissible measure(s) of central tendency with ratio scales? a. Arithmetic mean, median, and mode b. Geometric mean c. Median and mode d. Both geometric mean as well as arithmetic mean, median, and mode e. Both geometric mean as well as median and mode

d. Both geometric mean as well as arithmetic mean, median, and mode

A researcher wants to determine which part of a particular magazine ad is noticed first by the viewer. Which one of the following electronic/mechanical tools would be appropriate for use in this investigation? a. Eye camera b. Optical scanner c. Galvanometer d. People meter e. Visual analyzer

a. Eye camera

Which of the following is NOT true with respect to structured observation? a. Increases potential observer bias b. Increases reliability of observations c. Often results in a loss of validity d. Used when hypotheses are known e. Used for descriptive and causal research

a. Increases potential observer bias

Which of the following is FALSE? a. Interval scales allow researchers to compare the absolute magnitude of numbers. b. A ratio scale differs from an interval scale in that the ratio scale has a natural zero. c. Determination of absolute zero is difficult with measurements in marketing. It is debatable whether many of the constructs used in marketing even possess this property. d. All of these are false. e. None of these are false.

a. Interval scales allow researchers to compare the absolute magnitude of numbers.

An attitude rating scale that uses a set of faces, varying systematically in terms of whether they are frowning or smiling, to capture a person's satisfaction or preference is an example of which of the following? a. Itemized-ratings scale b. Semantic-differential scale c. Graphic-ratings scale d. Summated-ratings (Likert) scale e. Comparative-ratings scale

a. Itemized-ratings scale

Which of the following data collection methods provides the greatest degree of anonymity for respondents? a. Mail surveys b. Personal interviews c. Online surveys d. Telephone interviews e. Mall intercepts

a. Mail surveys

Code words, letters, or numbers used by security and intelligence organizations to form secret codes are examples of what type of scales? a. Nominal b. Ordinal c. Interval d. Ratio e. Conscious

a. Nominal

Which of the following scales is reflected by an attribute of an object that represents a non-ordered classification? a. Nominal b. Ordinal c. Interval d. Ratio e. Conscious

a. Nominal

What type of scale is the following? "What is your gender? 1 Male 2 Female" a. Nominal scale b. Ordinal scale c. Interval scale d. Ratio scale e. Likert scale

a. Nominal scale

The question "What was your reaction to the Budweiser advertisement you saw on television during the Super Bowl?" is an example of which type of question where the respondents are free to answer in their own words rather than being limited to choosing from among a set of alternatives? a. Open-ended questions b. Closed-ended questions c. Scaled-response questions d. Ad reaction measurement e. None of these are correct.

a. Open-ended questions

Which is probably the best format for collecting detailed demographic information? a. Panels b. Cross-section surveys c. Time series analysis d. Exploratory studies e. None of these are correct.

a. Panels

Which of the following data collection methods is most versatile? a. Personal interviews b. E-mail surveys c. Fax surveys d. Mail surveys e. Phone interviews

a. Personal interviews

What factor determines which level of measurement is possible? a. Properties of the attribute b. Objects being measured c. Quantities of attributes of objects d. Quantities of objects being measured e. Variance among attributes

a. Properties of the attribute

Which of the following is NOT an example of data collected by communication? a. Supermarket scanner data b. Telephone interview data c. Confidential survey questionnaire data d. National Purchase Diary data e. Omnibus panel data

a. Supermarket scanner data

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT with respect to ordinally scaled variables? a. The difference between the first- and second-ranked people is the same as the difference between the second- and third-ranked people. b. Both the median and mode are permissible measures of average. c. We can transform an ordinal scale in any way we wish as long as we maintain the basic ordering of the objects. d. The ordinal scale implies identity. e. The ordinal scale implies relative standing on the measured attributes.

a. The difference between the first- and second-ranked people is the same as the difference between the second- and third-ranked people.

A descriptive research design might be concerned with which of the following? a. The frequency with which something occurs b. The discovery of ideas and insights c. Generating initial hypotheses d. The determination of cause-and-effect relationships e. Establishing priorities when studying competing explanations of phenomenon

a. The frequency with which something occurs

Which of the following statements about nominal scales is TRUE? a. The numbers identify the objects. b. The numbers order the objects. c. The median can be used as the measure of average. d. The mean can be used as the measure of average. e. None of these are true.

a. The numbers identify the objects.

An advertiser has developed a television advertisement designed to create a "feeling of warmth" on the part of viewers because she believes that this will lead to positive attitudes toward the product and ultimately to increased sales. In order to determine if the ad does produce the desired feelings in viewers, she has devised a three-item scale to measure the warmth construct. After viewing the commercial (independently), Joe had a score of 15 on the warmth scale, and Perry had a score of 9. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. The scale used is likely to be at least as reliable as a ten-item scale because a ten-item scale is more likely to inadvertently tap into constructs other than warmth. b. If Joe and Perry had viewed the commercial and listened to instruction together at the same time and then had completed the scales, at least one source of variation might have been greatly reduced. c. It is possible that Perry's lower score might have resulted from accidentally checking the wrong response. d. Some relatively stable characteristic of an individual, such as Perry's unwillingness to share the actual intensity of his feelings, might have contributed to the difference in the two scores. e. Joe did not necessarily have "warmer" feelings toward the ad than Perry.

a. The scale used is likely to be at least as reliable as a ten-item scale because a ten-item scale is more likely to inadvertently tap into constructs other than warmth.

What type of research should a manager use when he/she needs precise answers about the effects of various proposed marketing actions on important outcomes? a. Exploratory b. Causal c. Surveys d. Descriptive e. All of these are correct.

b. Causal

Which type of research is concerned with determining cause-and-effect relationships? a. Descriptive b. Causal c. Exploratory d. All of these are correct. e. None of these are correct.

b. Causal

When a "mystery shopper" is used by Taco Bell Corporate to report employees' level of customer assistance and courtesy, which type of observation is being used? a. Undisguised b. Disguised c. Physical traces d. Experiment e. Archives

b. Disguised

Which of the following questionnaire administration methods is the LEAST expensive? a. Personal interviews b. Email/Web-based surveys c. Mail surveys d. Depth interview e. Telephone surveys

b. Email/Web-based surveys

A "garbologist"—a researcher who studies the contents of residential trash—is employing which type of research method? a. Direct communication b. Indirect observation c. Indirect communication d. Direct Observation e. Undisguised communication

b. Indirect observation

Which of the following is a lifestyle characteristic? a. Social class b. Interests c. Attitudes d. Home ownership e. Age

b. Interests

The following statement best describes the sample used in which type of descriptive design? "We will use a carefully selected sample, selection being based on household size, income level, and television viewing patterns. We must also be concerned with the stability of the sample elements in order to ensure repeated availability for measurement." a. Advertising evaluation design b. Longitudinal design c. Viewership pattern design d. Latitudinal design e. Cross-sectional design

b. Longitudinal design

Studies that rely on phone books a. underrepresent households that move from one geographic area to another. b. often end up with an inadequate sampling frame. c. might encounter a non-coverage area. d. do not include wireless numbers. e. All of these are correct.

e. All of these are correct.

The decision to use observation methods of data collection requires that the researcher specify a. who is to be observed. b. what aspects of the behavior should be reported. c. when the observation is to be made. d. where the observation is to be made. e. All of these are correct.

e. All of these are correct.

The standard test market plays a vital role when a. a firm wishes to test its ability to actually sell to the trade and get distribution for the product. b. the capital investment is large. c. the firm is entering a new territory. d. None of these are correct. e. All of these are correct.

e. All of these are correct.

The use of disguised communication to gather primary research data can a. involve active deception. b. help eliminate response bias. c. hide the purpose or sponsor of the study. d. create a more natural environment in which to collect data from individuals. e. All of these are correct.

e. All of these are correct.

Typical examples of control problems associated with test marketing are a. the lack of cooperation of retailers. b. over-attention to in-store conditions, such as always-stocked shelves. c. attempts by competitors to sabotage test market results. d. None of these are correct. e. All of these are correct.

e. All of these are correct.

Which of the following can be measured? a. Weight b. Height c. Attitude d. None of these are correct. e. All of these are correct.

e. All of these are correct.

Which of the following can be used to measure knowledge of an advertisement? a. Unaided recall b. Aided recall c. Recognition d. None of these are correct. e. All of these are correct.

e. All of these are correct.

Which of the following is a potential use of test marketing? a. To test the sales potential for a new Colgate toothpaste b. To test variations in the marketing mix for an existing P&G detergent c. To test the sales potential for a new offer by the local telephone company d. To test the impact of a price increase on the perception of the product e. All of these are correct.

e. All of these are correct.

Which of the following statements about the ordinal scale is TRUE? a. There is a consistent order in whatever numbers are assigned to the scale. b. It is possible to calculate the median as a measure of central tendency. c. Two individuals with the same rank order response can have very different feelings about what they ranked. d. It is impossible to say how much any individual respondent preferred one object to another. e. All of these are correct.

e. All of these are correct.

Which of the following research scenarios are examples of the observation method? a. A car dealer checking which radio stations cars are tuned to when they're brought in for service to know which stations to advertise on b. Recording license plate information in a shopping mall parking lot to learn where shoppers are coming from c. The use of different colored promotional flyers mailed to different zip codes to identify which trading area a retailer is serving d. Studying scuff marks on tiles at a museum as a means of measuring the popularity of a display e. All of these are examples of observational research methods.

e. All of these are examples of observational research methods.

Disadvantages of standard test markets include all of the following EXCEPT a. cost. b. time. c. security. d. All of these are problems associated with standard test markets. e. None of these represent problems with standard test markets.

d. All of these are problems associated with standard test markets.

Which of the following is TRUE? a. A panel is a permanent or fixed sample of members from whom information is obtained continuously or at intervals over a period of time. b. Nielsen's panels of households in which participants use a handheld scanner to record every UPC-coded item they purchase is an example of an omnibus panel in which the same variables are measured over time. c. An omnibus panel is a fixed sample of individuals who are measured continuously (or periodically) with respect to the same information (e.g., purchase diary). d. A true longitudinal analysis can be performed on data from an omnibus panel. e. All of these statements are true.

a. A panel is a permanent or fixed sample of members from whom information is obtained continuously or at intervals over a period of time.

Which of the following is TRUE? a. A study lacking external validity may nevertheless have high internal validity. b. Internal validity is a matter of degree, whereas external validity either exists or doesn't exist. c. In most experiments we can obtain proof that the observed response is due to our experimental manipulations. d. All of these are true. e. None of these are true.

a. A study lacking external validity may nevertheless have high internal validity.

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of the communication method in comparison to the observation method of data collection? a. Accuracy b. Cost c. Speed d. Versatility e. Ease of data collection

a. Accuracy

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of the communication method in comparison to the observation method of data collection? a. Accuracy b. Cost c. Speed d. Versatility e. They are all advantages of the communication method

a. Accuracy

Which of the following is the most complete description of permissible measures of central tendency for an interval scale? a. Arithmetic mean, median, mode b. Geometric mean, mode, median c. Median, mode d. Arithmetic mean, geometric mean e. Mode, arithmetic mean

a. Arithmetic mean, median, mode

The Houston Astros want to determine whether varying the level of advertising on local TV stations and newspapers has any effect on attendance. Which of the following is the dependent variable? a. Attendance b. Level of TV advertising c. The number of channels on which ads are run d. The number of repeat customers e. Number of newspaper advertisements

a. Attendance

In an experiment, which type of outcome variable(s) does a researcher have NO control and NO ability to manipulate? a. Dependent variables b. Independent variables c. Extraneous variables d. Both the independent and dependent variables e. All of these are correct.

a. Dependent variables

Which type of research is typically carried out by means of a survey? a. Descriptive b. Causal c. Exploratory d. Experimental e. Cause-and-effect

a. Descriptive

Which statement best describes the potential uses of descriptive research? a. Descriptive research can be used to estimate proportions, describe characteristics, and make specific predictions. b. Descriptive research can be used to estimate proportions, generate beginning hypotheses, and describe characteristics. c. Descriptive research can be used to establish cause and effect, make specific predictions, and describe characteristics. d. Descriptive research can be used to describe characteristics, estimate proportions, and manipulate independent variables. e. Descriptive research can be used to generate beginning hypotheses, manipulate independent variables, and make specific predictions.

a. Descriptive research can be used to estimate proportions, describe characteristics, and make specific predictions.

Dial soap's brand managers want to know which of three proposed end-aisle displays works the best in terms of catching consumers' attention. They set up prototypes of the three displays in three supermarkets in a large metropolitan area and visit each to observe consumers body language, time spent at each display, etc. Which technique are the managers using? a. Direct observation b. Past records c. Archives d. Survey e. Indirect observation

a. Direct observation

Which of the following statements are NOT true of mall intercepts? a. Due to the biased nature of the sampling frame, mall intercepts have become less popular with marketers in recent years. b. One problem with a mall intercept approach is that not everyone shops at malls. c. One problem with a mall intercept approach is that the frequency with which a person shops at a mall affects his or her likelihood of being asked to participate in the study. d. None of these are true of mall intercepts. e. All of these are true of mall intercepts.

a. Due to the biased nature of the sampling frame, mall intercepts have become less popular with marketers in recent years.

A researcher is interested in measuring the amount of time people must spend in looking at a particular ad before becoming aware of the intended point of the ad. Which one of the following electronic/mechanical tools would be appropriate for use in this investigation? a. Eye camera b. Optical scanner c. Galvanometer d. People meter e. Visual analyzer

a. Eye camera

Which of the following is FALSE? a. You are studying the product life cycle phenomenon and attempting to classify certain products into the following stages: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. This represents nominal scaling. b. The above products can be further classified according to whether they are consumer or industrial goods. This is an example of nominal scaling. c. The respondent's gender is an example of a nominal scale. d. All of these are false. e. None of these are false.

a. You are studying the product life cycle phenomenon and attempting to classify certain products into the following stages: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. This represents nominal scaling.

The electrical resistance of the skin associated with sweating that accompanies emotional arousal is measured by a(n) a. a galvanometer. b. an eye camera. c. an opthalomograph. d. an audiometer. e. None of these are correct.

a. a galvanometer.

The main disadvantage of panels is that they a. are potentially nonrepresentative. b. cannot be maintained for more than 12 months due to federal regulations. c. allow only simple analysis of the data. d. suffer more from interview bias than any other data collection method. e. force researchers to use complex time series analysis.

a. are potentially nonrepresentative.

Callaway Golf Company conducted a one-time survey of golfers and asked them about their attitudes, preferences, and intentions regarding buying custom clubs. This is an example of a(n) a. cross-sectional study. b. exploratory research. c. causal research. d. field experiment. e. laboratory experiment.

a. cross-sectional study.

A common use of demographic and socioeconomic data in marketing is a. delineating market segments. b. investigating intentions to purchase. c. relating attitudes to opinions. d. discovering motivations. e. determining brand awareness.

a. delineating market segments.

Proctor & Gamble, the makers of Oil of Olay skin lotion, have traditionally targeted women over 30 years of age. This is an example of a. demographic segmentation. b. benefit segmentation. c. psychographic segmentation. d. usage rate segmentation. e. geodemographic segmentation.

a. demographic segmentation.

The term that refers to the amount of knowledge that people have about a study in which they are participating is a. disguise. b. ethics. c. debriefing. d. structure. e. mystery.

a. disguise.

Dell Corporation sent five different versions of their email to customers to determine which message was most effective at getting customers to make online purchases. While online sales rose by nearly 20%, two of the versions demonstrated higher than normal click-through rates. Such experimentation done in a realistic environment would be called a a. field experiment. b. laboratory experiment. c. survey experiment. d. cross-sectional experiment. e. longitudinal experiment.

a. field experiment.

To determine the effect of change in ticket price on attendance, a market researcher may devise a laboratory experiment in which fans are offered the opportunity to purchase a ticket at a variety of prices. In this experiment, price would be the a. independent variable. b. effect variable. c. dependent variable. d. result variable. e. extraneous variable.

a. independent variable.

Typically, ____ experiments have greater internal validity, and ____ experiments have greater external validity. a. lab; field b. field; lab c. field; field d. lab; lab e. The internal and external validities are usually the same for both types of experiments.

a. lab; field

Typically, ____ experiments have greater internal validity, and ____ experiments have greater external validity. a. laboratory; field b. field; laboratory c. longitudinal; cross-sectional d. The internal and external validities are usually the same for both types of experiments. e. Neither internal nor external validity is critical for experiments.

a. laboratory; field

A television network sponsors a survey that contains the question, "How often do you watch television?" This question is an example of a a. low-structured question. b. disguised question. c. high-structured question. d. close-ended question. e. fixed-alternative response question.

a. low-structured question.

The problem of nonresponse due to refusals to participate is usually a. lower with personal interviews than with either telephone interviews or mail-administered questionnaires. b. lower with mail questionnaires than with telephone or personal interviews. c. lower with telephone interviews than with mail questionnaires or personal interviews. d. the same no matter what communication method is used. e. None of these are correct.

a. lower with personal interviews than with either telephone interviews or mail-administered questionnaires.

When the scale type is nominal, the appropriate measure of central tendency is ____. When the scale type is interval or ratio, the appropriate measure of central tendency is ____. a. mode; mean b. median; mean c. mean; mode d. mean; median e. mode; median

a. mode; mean

The interchanging or switching of scale values among and between objects does not affect the originally intended purpose of the scale when the scale is a. nominal. b. ordinal. c. interval. d. ratio. e. the interchanging of scale values always affects the purpose.

a. nominal.

Having the employee watch the salad bar usage is actually a(n) ____ research design. a. observational b. survey c. experiment d. causal study e. None of these are correct.

a. observational

In a controlled test market all of the following are true, EXCEPT the a. product is distributed through normal distribution channels. b. test is conducted by a service agency external to the firm. c. test market service pays retailers for shelf space. d. test market service coordinates the trade promotion program. e. product is guaranteed distribution.

a. product is distributed through normal distribution channels.

The number of "outs" in a baseball game is measured on a(n) a. ratio scale. b. interval scale. c. ordinal scale. d. nominal scale. e. lambda scale.

a. ratio scale.

The highest level of measurement from those in the following list is a. ratio. b. ordinal. c. interval. d. nominal. e. conscious.

a. ratio.

One hundred sports writers are given a survey and asked to rank basketball players on categories such as rebounding, points scored, and assists. The results of the survey indicate that most sports writers agree on the top ten players within the given categories. This is evidence of a. reliability. b. validity. c. random error. d. response error. e. systematic error.

a. reliability.

The time that elapses between asking a question and receiving the answer is called a. response latency. b. base time. c. lag time. d. tachistostic. e. awareness response.

a. response latency.

Jane Doe wants to administer a short survey on "student driving habits" to a representative sample of students at the local university. She secured a list of students from the student directory. She as-signed each student a unique number and then used a random number table to select her sample. The student directory from which Jane selected her sample of students to contact is referred to as a. sampling frame. b. sampling control. c. sampling error. d. sampling directory. e. None of these are correct.

a. sampling frame.

People magazine conducts an annual survey across 25 Asian countries and asks respondents to rate automobiles across 30 attributes. The questions ask the consumers to rate each brand from 1=low to 5=high on quality, value, image, price, etc. This is an example of a. self-report attitude measures. b. measuring attitude using physiological reaction. c. indirect technique to measure attitude d. direct observation of attitude-related behavior. e. performance of objective tasks to determine attitudes.

a. self-report attitude measures.

A requirement for the use of structured reporting in observational studies is a. specific hypotheses about the behaviors to be observed. b. a laboratory setting for the research project. c. a disguised observation method. d. a natural setting for the research project. e. an undisguised observation method.

a. specific hypotheses about the behaviors to be observed.

An environmental research group, using the fixed-alternative format, surveys people about their re-cycling practices in order to determine support for a ban on non-returnable bottles. The group does not reveal itself or its stance on the issue. The format of this questionnaire is best described as a. structured-disguised. b. unstructured-disguised. c. structured-undisguised. d. unstructured-undisguised. e. unstructured-open ended.

a. structured-disguised.

Due to a misunderstanding of his instructions, a research assistant consistently entered the upper value of an attitude scale as a "6" instead of a "7" when keypunching data for his boss. This is an example of a. systematic error. b. researcher error. c. random error. d. scaling error. e. marginal error.

a. systematic error.

The major problem with using the mall intercept method to conduct personal interviews concerns a. the ability to direct the inquiry to a randomly determined respondent. b. securing the cooperation of mall merchants. c. securing the cooperation of the respondent. d. the noisy, distracting environment in which the interview is conducted. e. the high cost of the method.

a. the ability to direct the inquiry to a randomly determined respondent.

As defined in the text, measurement consists of a. the assignment of numbers (representing quantities of attributes) to objects or events according to rules. b. using a given scale to make comparisons. c. determining the frequency of a particular attribute. d. assigning numbers solely for identification purposes. e. numbers which can be assigned to the physical properties of objects.

a. the assignment of numbers (representing quantities of attributes) to objects or events according to rules.

A contrived observational setting, as compared to a natural setting a. usually speeds the data collection process. b. has greater external validity. c. results in higher cost research. d. limits the use of electrical or mechanical equipment. e. involves waiting for the phenomenon of interest to occur.

a. usually speeds the data collection process

With an interval scale, a. we cannot compare the absolute magnitude of numbers. b. we cannot state that the difference between 0.25 and 0.50 is the same as the difference between 37.75 and 38.00. c. there is a naturally-occurring zero point. d. the median and the mode are the only permissible measures of average. e. All of these statements concerning an interval scale are false.

a. we cannot compare the absolute magnitude of numbers.

Which of the following is TRUE? a. Descriptive studies should be viewed as fact-gathering expeditions, and all information that appears to bear on the problem should be collected so that an accurate description of the situation can be provided. b. A good descriptive study presupposes much prior knowledge about the phenomenon studied. c. A key characteristic of descriptive research is its flexibility. d. Descriptive studies help the researcher determine the who, what, where, and when of the research. e. All these statements are false.

b. A good descriptive study presupposes much prior knowledge about the phenomenon studied.

Which of the following is capable of providing more convincing evidence of causal relationships? a. An exploratory design b. An experiment c. Turnover analysis d. Cross-sectional analysis e. A descriptive design

b. An experiment

Which of the following is TRUE? a. The recording of a respondent's social class using the categories upper, middle, and lower represents the use of a nominal scale. b. An ordinal scale can be transformed in any manner possible provided that the basic ordering of the objects is maintained. c. When the scale has an arbitrary zero point, it makes sense to say that A is twice as much as B. d. Interval scales possess an absolute zero point whereas ordinal scales do not. e. All of these are false.

b. An ordinal scale can be transformed in any manner possible provided that the basic ordering of the objects is maintained.

Which of the following is an accurate statement with regard to personal interviews? a. In general they tend to be the least expensive per completed contact. b. As the number of interviewers increases, so do problems of interviewer-related variations in responses. c. It takes as long to get replies from a small sample as from a large sample. d. Interviewer-induced bias is minimal. e. They are less costly than telephone interviews.

b. As the number of interviewers increases, so do problems of interviewer-related variations in responses.

Which of the following is an example of an interval scale? a. Female/Male b. Attitude toward an advertisement c. Social class d. Income e. Number of purchasers

b. Attitude toward an advertisement

Which type of primary data refers to what people do and do not know or believe about some product, brand, company, or advertisement? a. Personality/Lifestyle b. Awareness/Knowledge c. Demographic/Socioeconomic d. Attitudes e. Behavior

b. Awareness/Knowledge

What type of research design should be used to obtain conclusive answers to questions such as why sales increase or decrease if we increase or decrease advertising, why one ad garners greater attention and recall than another, and why $0.50 coupons make people buy the national brand versus the store brand? a. Exploratory b. Causal c. Descriptive d. Case Analysis e. All of these are correct.

b. Causal

Which of the following is FALSE? a. It is true about psychological measurement that the situation in which the measurement is obtained can affect the score obtained. b. Random error is also known as constant error. This is due to the fact that there are typically an equal number of positive and negative errors that yield a constant sum. c. The validity of a measurement instrument refers to the extent to which differences in scores reflect true differences among entities on the characteristic that the instrument seeks to measure. d. All of these are false. e. None of these are false.

b. Random error is also known as constant error. This is due to the fact that there are typically an equal number of positive and negative errors that yield a constant sum.

Which of the following is an example of the observation method of collecting primary data? a. Administering a questionnaire to shoppers in a supermarket b. Recording the amount of time a shopper stops in front of a point-of-purchase display c. Asking shoppers which brand they noticed first in a shelf display d. Conducting a telephone survey to determine which brands of detergent are purchased by mothers with young children e. Using a tape recorder to gather shopper impressions of a new store layout design

b. Recording the amount of time a shopper stops in front of a point-of-purchase display

Which of the following is TRUE of experiments? a. An experiment has greater ability to supply evidence of causality because it takes longer to complete than a descriptive study. b. Researchers have more control when performing experiments than they have when using exploratory or descriptive designs. c. External validity is more important to determine than internal validity. d. An experimental design is a research design in which the investigator has direct control over at least one independent variable and manipulates at least one dependent variable. e. None of these are true.

b. Researchers have more control when performing experiments than they have when using exploratory or descriptive designs.

Which of the following is TRUE? a. The psychogalvanometer is used to measure pupil dilation whereas the eye camera is used to record movements of the eye. b. Response latency is the amount of time a respondent deliberates before answering a question. c. Response latency when used to measure brand preference rests on the premise that the degree of latency is directly proportional to the size of an advertisement. d. Voice pitch analysis attempts to assess the loudness with which people answer specific questions. e. None of these statements are true.

b. Response latency is the amount of time a respondent deliberates before answering a question.

The Houston Aeros wanted to find out more about their fans and decided to gather information about their demographics so as to generate summary statistics of it fans. Which of the following primary data collection techniques would they most likely to use to conduct the descriptive research study? a. Experiments b. Sample surveys c. Depth interviews d. Focus groups e. Case analysis

b. Sample surveys

Which attitude rating scale uses pairs of bipolar words or phrases and is particularly useful in corporate, brand, and product-images studies? a. Itemized-ratings scale b. Semantic-differential scale c. Graphic-ratings scale d. Summated-ratings (Likert) scale e. Comparative-ratings scale

b. Semantic-differential scale

Bob's Cookie Company has decided to test market their new sugarless chocolate chip cookie. A major question the company hopes to answer with the test market project concerns distributor acceptance of this somewhat novel product. Which method of test marketing would be most appropriate in this situation? a. Controlled test marketing b. Standard test marketing c. Forced-distribution test marketing d. Simulated test marketing e. Electronic test marketing

b. Standard test marketing

Which of the following about ordinal data is TRUE? a. An ordinal scale implies order but not identity. b. The attribute being measured must possess the ordinal property to allow ordinal scaling that is meaningful. c. With an ordinal scale we can say the difference between the first and second is the same as the difference between the second and the third. d. The calculation of means is appropriate with ordinal data. e. Grade point average is a good example of an ordinal scale.

b. The attribute being measured must possess the ordinal property to allow ordinal scaling that is meaningful.

Which of the following statements about the concept of causality is TRUE? a. Scientific methods allow researchers to prove that one thing causes another. b. The general notion of causality embraces the idea that one thing leads to the occurrence of another. c. A researcher can determine that all the other possible causes of an effect have been eliminated. d. All of these are true. e. None of these are true.

b. The general notion of causality embraces the idea that one thing leads to the occurrence of another.

In assessing awareness, a marketer might be interested in knowledge of a. the product itself. b. where the product is available. c. what the product is used for. d. the price of the product. e. All of these are correct.

e. All of these are correct.

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT with respect to a nominally classified variable? a. Counting is the only permissible operation. b. The median is a permissible measure of central tendency. c. The only property conveyed by the number is identity. d. When members of a sample have been classified along a nominal scale, it is possible to say what percentage of the sample is classified a certain way. e. The mode is a permissible measure of central tendency.

b. The median is a permissible measure of central tendency

Which of the following statements is NOT true of fixed-alternative questions? a. Everyone receives the same questions. b. The questions are open-ended. c. They are commonly used to collect primary data. d. Everyone responds by choosing from among the same set of possible answers. e. All of these statements are true.

b. The questions are open-ended.

Which of the following is NOT true when a scale is a ratio scale? a. The scale allows for comparison of the absolute magnitude of numbers. b. The zero point is established arbitrarily. c. If "a" is greater than "b", and "b" is greater than "c", then "a" is greater than "c". d. If "a" equals "b", and "b" equals "c", then "a" equals "c". e. The mode and the median are permissible measures of central tendency.

b. The zero point is established arbitrarily.

Which of the following is NOT true of a questionnaire with a high degree of structure? a. They are relatively simple to administer. b. They are difficult to code. c. They are associated with greater consistency of answers. d. There is no probing or follow-up questions. e. They are easier to analyze.

b. They are difficult to code.

Which of the following is FALSE? a. Structured-undisguised questioning produces more reliable results although this greater reliability may be obtained at the loss of some validity. b. When replies are limited to fixed answers as in structured-undisguised questionnaires, there is the minimum possibility for the respondent to misunderstand the meaning intended by the interviewer and vice versa. c. The responses as well as the questions are standardized in a structured-undisguised questionnaire. d. One shortcoming of the structured-undisguised question is that it often does not allow an expression of strength and feeling. e. In structured questions the frame of reference is often obvious from the alternatives.

b. When replies are limited to fixed answers as in structured-undisguised questionnaires, there is the minimum possibility for the respondent to misunderstand the meaning intended by the interviewer and vice versa.

Select the question that can best be answered through experimentation. a. Do children from upper classes drink more carbonated beverages than those from lower classes? b. Will Chevron gasoline with XYZ additive provide better mileage than Chevron without the additive? c. Does the average male use cosmetics? d. Is the standard of living higher today than ten years ago? e. How often do Chevron's customers purchase gasoline?

b. Will Chevron gasoline with XYZ additive provide better mileage than Chevron without the additive?

If s/he wanted to use the highest level of measurement possible, the researcher measuring respondent age would most likely suggest using ____ and a(n) ____ scale. a. an open-ended item; interval b. an open-ended item; ratio c. age range categories; ordinal d. age range categories; interval e. an open-ended item; nominal

b. an open-ended item; ratio

A person's ideas, convictions, or liking with respect to a particular object or idea are a. wants. b. attitudes. c. motives. d. needs. e. intentions.

b. attitudes.

Best Foods Corporation hired an outside marketing research firm for conducting a test market for its new spaghetti sauce. The research firm guaranteed distribution of the sauce through several retail formats (e.g., supermarkets, warehouse clubs, convenient stores, etc.) throughout the U.S. This type of test market is called a(n) a. electronic test market. b. controlled test market. c. standard test market. d. simulated test market. e. None of these are correct.

b. controlled test market.

You are a senior analyst in the marketing research department of a major steel producer. You have been requested to make a forecast of domestic automobile production for the forthcoming calendar year in order to predict the total tonnage of steel that will be used by the automobile manufacturers. This is PRIMARILY a(n) a. exploratory study. b. descriptive study. c. field experiment. d. simulation. e. laboratory experiment.

b. descriptive study.

You have been called in as a consultant for the purpose of advising what sales volume quotas for Brand A mouthwash should be established for each of ten sales districts that collectively cover the continental United States. The quotas are to be set for the next calendar year. This is PRIMARILY a(n) a. exploratory study. b. descriptive study. c. lab experiment. d. field experiment. e. turnover analysis.

b. descriptive study.

The first step in measuring an attribute is to a. assign numbers that reflect the properties of the attribute. b. determine the properties of the attribute. c. measure the object first, then the attributes. d. decide which type of analysis you wish to perform on the measurement data. e. use the lowest level of measurement possible.

b. determine the properties of the attribute.

In terms of observational studies, ethical dilemmas are most likely to arise when observation is a. structured. b. disguised. c. performed by mechanical means. d. undisguised. e. unstructured.

b. disguised.

Unstructured observation is used a. for studies in which hypotheses are to be tested. b. for studies in which flexibility is allowed in terms of what is noted and recorded. c. for studies in which the categories that will be used to analyze the situation have been specified beforehand. d. only for disguised studies. e. only for undisguised studies.

b. for studies in which flexibility is allowed in terms of what is noted and recorded.

Similar to a "lie detector" machine, a(n) ____ records the changes in the electrical resistance of the skin associated with sweating. a. people meter b. galvanometer c. eye camera d. optical scanner e. audiometer

b. galvanometer

The two types of experiments that can be distinguished are a. laboratory and survey. b. laboratory and field. c. field and survey. d. scientific and field. e. cross-sectional and panel.

b. laboratory and field.

Purchase intentions a. are a very good indicator of an individual's future behavior. b. may be better predictors of future behavior for large dollar expenditures. c. are a relatively good predictor of a family's purchase behavior. d. are studied often in marketing because they are very similar to attitudes. e. are better predictors of future behavior for small dollar expenditures.

b. may be better predictors of future behavior for large dollar expenditures.

Fixed-alternative questions would be inappropriate for securing information about respondents' a. apartment rental payments. b. motivations in husband-wife interactions over purchase decisions. c. age. d. awareness of current events. e. income level.

b. motivations in husband-wife interactions over purchase decisions.

Levis Strauss sent one of its employees', who is fluent in Japanese, to stay at the home of a traditional Japanese family with teenage daughters. The employee disguised himself as an exchange student but was actually in Japan spying on the family and their friends to better understand how Levi jeans are used and worn by teenagers in Japan. This illustrates that a. all good observations should be disguised. b. observation raises ethical questions. c. observation is not a good research technique. d. structured observation is legal. e. None of these are correct.

b. observation raises ethical questions.

A study was done on the campus of a major state institution to measure attitudes of students to-wards the recent fee increase. One question asks respondents to rank the five fees they are willing to pay from 1=most willing to 5=least willing. This is scaled as a(n) a. nominal scale. b. ordinal scale. c. interval scale. d. ratio scale. e. None of these are correct.

b. ordinal scale.

A researcher wishes to rank the order of preference consumers have for a particular set of products. The lowest measurement scale the researcher could use to measure this is a. ratio. b. ordinal. c. interval. d. nominal. e. conscious.

b. ordinal.

Electronic devices, which when attached to a participant's television set indicate not only when the set is turned on and to which channel but also who in the household is watching, are called a. audiometers. b. people meters. c. optical scanners. d. eye cameras e. galvanometers.

b. people meters.

Phone book sampling frames are inadequate because of a. plus-one sampling. b. people who have recently moved or have unlisted numbers. c. random-digit dialing. d. interviewer bias. e. small sample size.

b. people who have recently moved or have unlisted numbers.

"Mission Possible" is a non-profit retail store that sells gift items made by artisans from over thirty different underdeveloped countries. This store provides employment to impoverished third world craftspeople and markets their handiwork at a fair price. The store defines its market segment as people who believe in helping others and who feel good about helping others whenever possible. The store uses ____ segmentation. a. demographic b. psychographic c. geodemographic d. ethnic e. geographic

b. psychographic

Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics a. are easily gathered by researchers. b. represent attributes of people. c. are all easily verifiable. d. define consumer personality types. e. correlate highly with purchase intentions for specific brands.

b. represent attributes of people.

A day before elections, a local political candidate for mayor made a speech stressing several important points. To find out whether these points impacted the candidate's popularity, he needed to obtain questionnaire data from registered hometown voters. He would be advised to employ a. focus group interviews. b. telephone interviews. c. personal interview surveys. d. a mail survey. e. the use of a passive people meter.

b. telephone interviews.

The attitude ratings scale with which we might use a snake diagram is a. the itemized-ratings scale. b. the semantic-differential scale. c. the graphic-ratings scale. d. the summated-ratings (Likert) scale. e. the comparative-ratings scale.

b. the semantic-differential scale.

Response latency is related to a. the use of eye cameras. b. uncertainty. c. the degree of structure in the observational method. d. the amount of information stored in memory. e. the degree of disguise in the observational method.

b. uncertainty.

Researchers invite a group of homemakers to a specially designed model home where they are observed by other researchers posing as homemakers who record their conversations with concealed tape recorders. This observation would be characterized as a. highly structured, contrived setting. b. unstructured, contrived setting. c. unstructured, uncontrived setting. d. structured, uncontrived setting. e. unstructured, undisguised setting.

b. unstructured, contrived setting.

Depth interviews are best classified as an example of the _____ method of communication. a. structured-undisguised b. unstructured-undisguised c. unstructured-disguised d. structured-disguised e. structured-open ended

b. unstructured-undisguised

If a respondent says his income is "Over $100,000 per annum" when, in fact, it is "$50,000 per annum", the difference between the true and actual measurement of income in this case could be said to be LACK of a. reliability. b. validity. c. All of these are correct. d. None of these are correct. e. nominal scaling.

b. validity.

Methods of questionnaire administration rank as follows in terms of time required to collect the data (quickest to slowest): a. personal interviews, web-based surveys, telephone surveys, mail surveys. b. web-based surveys, telephone surveys, personal interviews, mail surveys. c. web-based surveys, mail surveys, telephone surveys, personal interviews. d. mail surveys, personal interviews, telephone surveys, web-based surveys. e. None of these are correct because all methods take about the same amount of time.

b. web-based surveys, telephone surveys, personal interviews, mail surveys.

While completing a survey on attitudes toward house ownership, John was hit by an attack of indigestion. Which of the following best accounts for the difference between John's and another respondent's scores? a. A true difference in attitudes b. A true difference in personality between John and Bob c. A difference due to temporary personal factors d. A difference due to situational factors e. A difference due to variations in administration.

c. A difference due to temporary personal factors

Which of the following is FALSE? a. Experiments provide strong evidence of causal relationships because of the control they give investigators. b. The variables being manipulated by a researcher in an experiment are referred to as independent variables. c. A field experiment takes place when an investigator creates a situation with the desired conditions and then manipulates some variables while controlling others. d. All of these are true. e. All of these are false.

c. A field experiment takes place when an investigator creates a situation with the desired conditions and then manipulates some variables while controlling others.

Which of the following statements about nominal data is TRUE? a. Possible operations with nominal scales are few, but due to the fact that the properties of "greater than" or "less than" apply, the addition of numbers is permissible. b. The median is an appropriate measure of central tendency with nominal data. c. A nominal scale is associated with the concept of identification and categorization. d. Computing the mean is an acceptable statistical operation when one is dealing with nominal data. e. All of these are false.

c. A nominal scale is associated with the concept of identification and categorization.

Which of the following is TRUE of test markets? a. Simulated test markets are not useful for eliminating weak products before they go to a standard test market. b. Electronic test markets, popular in the 1970s, are now a declining segment of the test market industry. c. A prime advantage of simulated test markets is the protection from competitors that they provide. d. In a standardized test market the entire test program is conducted by an outside service. e. None of these statements are true; they are all false.

c. A prime advantage of simulated test markets is the protection from competitors that they provide.

What type of research design should a researcher use if he/she wishes to determine conclusively the effect of a change in price on the sales of a particular brand of soap? a. Basic research b. Longitudinal c. Causal d. Exploratory e. Descriptive

c. Causal

A researcher needs to determine how many boxes of a particular brand of cereal were sold in a given region in a typical week. Which of the following is probably the best method? a. Arrange for a pantry audit b. Put a researcher with a clipboard next to the cereal display c. Collect supermarket scanner data d. Conduct a survey of shoppers e. Employ a mystery shopper

c. Collect supermarket scanner data

Which type of primary data is represented by characteristics such as age, education, occupation, marital status, or gender? a. Personality/Lifestyle b. Awareness/Knowledge c. Demographic/Socioeconomic d. Attitudes e. Behavior

c. Demographic/Socioeconomic

A college conducts a study to provide them with information such as which states/countries their students are from, what their students' major career interests are, the average number of hours worked by their students, what new campus activities the students would most prefer, and so on. What type of research design would the college be using? a. Exploratory b. Basic c. Descriptive d. Causal e. Laboratory experiment

c. Descriptive

Which of the following statements about descriptive research is NOT true? a. Descriptive research can be used to accomplish a wide variety of research objectives. b. Descriptive data become more useful for solving problems only when the process is guided by one or more specific research problems. c. Descriptive studies can be considered flexible. d. A descriptive study design is very different from an exploratory study design. e. Descriptive studies require a clear specification of the who, what, where, why, and how of the research.

c. Descriptive studies can be considered flexible.

Which of the following is TRUE? a. External validity is concerned with the issue of whether or not the specific treatment in which the researchers are interested has actually brought about the effect they have observed. b. A consumer good purchase experiment conducted in a mock-up store is more externally valid than the same experiment in a real store setting. c. External validity deals with the problem of projecting one's results from the experimental setting to the real world. d. All of these are true. e. None of these are true.

c. External validity deals with the problem of projecting one's results from the experimental setting to the real world.

Which of the following statements is NOT true of motives? a. Marketers have an interest in consumer motives because it is believed that motives are stable and thus offer a strong basis for predicting future behavior. b. A motive might be considered an inner state that produces goal-oriented behavior. c. For marketing purposes, motives and attitudes are essentially the same thing. d. Marketers believe that an understanding of the motives behind a behavior might allow them to better influence future behavior. e. All of these statements are true of motives.

c. For marketing purposes, motives and attitudes are essentially the same thing.

Which of the following types of primary data can be measured by observation? a. Attitudes and opinions b. Motivations and present behaviour c. Gender and current behaviour d. Social class and gender e. Motivations and intentions

c. Gender and current behaviour

Indicate the CORRECT statement among the following. a. The concept of causality is simplistic in nature. b. If X causes Y, Y is certain to happen given that X occurs. c. Given that X causes Y, it is possible that X may not be the sole cause of Y. d. If X occurs before Y, then X is the sole cause of Y. e. Causal designs are effective for generating initial hypotheses about relationships between variables.

c. Given that X causes Y, it is possible that X may not be the sole cause of Y.

Which attitude rating scale offers respondents the greatest degree of freedom in providing answers? a. Itemized-ratings scale b. Semantic-differential scale c. Graphic-ratings scale d. Summated-ratings (Likert) scale e. Comparative-ratings scale

c. Graphic-ratings scale

Which type of scale assumes an arbitrary zero point? a. Ratio b. Median c. Interval d. Nominal e. Ordinal

c. Interval

You have been assigned the task of evaluating consumer acceptance of and favorability toward a new product that a company has just test marketed in your area. In order to determine the degree to which consumers hold favorable attitudes toward the product, what is the lowest level of scale that you can use? a. Nominal b. Ordinal c. Interval d. Ratio e. Need more information

c. Interval

Which of the following is FALSE? a. A laboratory experiment is conducted under artificial conditions while manipulating some marketing variables and controlling others. b. A field experiment is conducted in a natural or realistic setting in which one or more independent variables are manipulated by the experimenter under as carefully controlled conditions as the situation will permit. c. Laboratory experiments are distinguished from field experiments primarily in terms of the degree of control over the variables (e.g., price, being manipulated). d. The specially designed conditions of a laboratory experiment provide more control than a field experiment. e. None of these statements are false; they are all true.

c. Laboratory experiments are distinguished from field experiments primarily in terms of the degree of control over the variables (e.g., price, being manipulated).

Which of the following is NOT one of the conditions that must be met to establish causality? a. There must be consistent variation between the cause and the effect. b. The time order of the cause and the effect must be correct. c. There must be multiple causes for each effect. d. Other explanations must be eliminated. e. All of these are correct.

c. There must be multiple causes for each effect.

Which of the following is(are) permissible measure(s) of central tendency with ordinal scales? a. Arithmetic mean, median, and mode b. Geometric and harmonic means c. Median and mode d. Arithmetic mean and median e. Arithmetic mean

c. Median and mode

"How do you feel about the Apple, Inc.?" is an example of which type of question? a. Fixed-alternative b. Structured c. Open-ended d. Close-ended e. a, b, and c are correct.

c. Open-ended

Which method of obtaining a response is best for questions that may need explaining or when respondents need to explain their answers? a. Inbound surveys b. Mail surveys c. Personal interviews d. Online surveys e. All of these statements are true.

c. Personal interviews

Which of the following pieces of information would NOT be relevant for the behavior "checklist"? a. A consumer purchases product X once a week. b. Product X is usually bought in supermarkets. c. Product X is packaged in such a way as to allow for ease of handling and disposal. d. Product X is purchased during the Christmas season. e. Product X is purchased by teenagers.

c. Product X is packaged in such a way as to allow for ease of handling and disposal.

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of voice-pitch analysis over other physiological reaction measurement techniques? a. Measures the direction of the subject's feeling b. Relatively less time consuming to use c. Requires sophisticated computer equipment d. Relatively less expensive to use e. Does not require physical connection to the subject

c. Requires sophisticated computer equipment

Which of the following is FALSE? a. Telephone interviews typically allow a study to be completed more quickly than personal interviews. b. Personal interviews and telephone interviews can produce interviewer bias. c. Sequence bias is a more acute problem with personal and telephone interviews than with mail questionnaires. d. The problems of interviewer bias in a telephone survey are more easily solved than in a personal interview. e. All of these statements are true. ANSWER: c

c. Sequence bias is a more acute problem with personal and telephone interviews than with mail questionnaires.

S.C. Johnson has developed an ingenious "twist" on their widely available wood cleaner Pledge called "Pledge wipes". The marketing manager wishes to test market the new product, but they are hesitant to do so because other manufacturers of home cleaning products could easily duplicate S.C. Johnson's modification. Which type of test marketing would you recommend where consumers are shown the new wipes and asked to rate its features? a. Controlled test market b. Standard test market c. Simulated test market d. Electronic test market e. None of these are correct.

c. Simulated test market

Which of the following is FALSE? a. If a measure is reliable, it is not heavily influenced by transitory factors that cause random errors. b. If an item lacks correlation with other scale items measuring the same construct, there is evidence that the item does not belong and should be deleted. c. Systematic error is due to temporary aspects of the person or measurement situation, which affects the measurement in irregular ways. d. Reliability is necessary, but not sufficient, for establishing the validity of a measure. e. If a set of items all measure the same construct, the responses to the items should be correlated.

c. Systematic error is due to temporary aspects of the person or measurement situation, which affects the measurement in irregular ways.

Which of the following is FALSE? a. Sampling control concerns the researcher's ability to direct the inquiry to a designated respondent and to get the desired cooperation from that respondent. b. Random digit dialing and "Plus-One" sampling are both attempts at overcoming the sampling bias of unlisted numbers. c. The heads of households with unlisted telephone numbers are less likely to be employed in an unskilled or semi-skilled job than heads of households with listed telephone numbers. d. All of these are false. e. None of these are false.

c. The heads of households with unlisted telephone numbers are less likely to be employed in an unskilled or semi-skilled job than heads of households with listed telephone numbers.

Which of the following about interval scales is FALSE? a. An interval scale exhibits the property of order. b. Absolute magnitudes cannot be compared using an interval scale because the zero point is established arbitrarily. c. The number of years the respondent has lived at a particular address is an example of an interval scale. d. All of these are false. e. None of these are false.

c. The number of years the respondent has lived at a particular address is an example of an interval scale.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding popular standard test market cities? a. They are demographically representative of the larger market in which the product will be ultimately sold. b. They should be geographically isolated from other cities. c. They should be located centrally within the U.S. d. They should be large enough that they have multiple media outlets of their own. e. They should possess a sufficient number of the right kind of retail outlets.

c. They should be located centrally within the U.S.

Of the following situations, which would be the most appropriate for using a discontinuous/omnibus panel? a. To gain insights into changes in consumers' purchases and attitudes b. To determine if members of the panel switched brands from one time period to the next c. To determine how consumers feel about two different product packages by varying panel questions from one panel measurement to the next d. To have a focus group moderator ask participants about their views on a new advertisement e. All of these are correct.

c. To determine how consumers feel about two different product packages by varying panel questions from one panel measurement to the next

Which of the following statements concerning measurement is FALSE? a. Properties of the attributes must first be determined before measurement begins. b. Numbers are assigned to accurately reflect properties of an attribute. c. Typically, researchers recognize five "levels" of measurement. d. None of these are correct. e. All of these are correct.

c. Typically, researchers recognize five "levels" of measurement.

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of structured-undisguised questions? a. Simple to administer b. Easy to analyse c. Unbiased response categories d. Very reliable e. Easy to tabulate

c. Unbiased response categories

Which of the following is used to assess the emotional intensity in a subject's responses by measuring relative vibration frequency of the subject's oral response? a. Galvanometer b. People meter c. Voice-pitch analysis d. Response latency e. Eye camera

c. Voice-pitch analysis

Which of the following is FALSE? a. With a ratio scale, it is possible to have zero amount of some attribute. b. There are few psychological constructs that can reasonably be assumed to have a natural or absolute zero. c. When using a ratio scale, it is inappropriate to calculate a mean score. d. None of these are false. e. All of these are false.

c. When using a ratio scale, it is inappropriate to calculate a mean score.

General Mills has placed a new cake mix flavor in stores in Midland, TX. They are promoting the flavor with a coupon offer in the local newspaper. They would like to see how the flavor sells in Midland before putting it in stores across the U.S. This type of research is called ​ a. descriptive. b. exploratory. c. a test market. d. a sample survey. e. All of these are correct.

c. a test market.

If a researcher is interested in investigating whether or not consumers like, are or not interested in a new package for Kellogg's Corn Flakes, the researcher should focus on measuring a. motivation. b. intention. c. attitude. d. personality. e. demographics.

c. attitude.

Observation in a laboratory (as opposed to natural) setting has the advantage of a. behavior being less restricted. b. fewer tabulation and analysis problems. c. better control of extraneous influences. d. greater external validity. e. A laboratory setting possesses no advantages over a natural setting.

c. better control of extraneous influences.

The descriptive study a. usually takes the form of an experiment. b. has its major emphasis on the discovery of insights and ideas. c. can be characterized as rigid. d. is concerned with the determination of a cause-and-effect relationship. e. has as its main objective the establishment of priorities for future research.

c. can be characterized as rigid.

With unstructured-undisguised questionnaires, the purpose of the study is a. open to interpretation. b. not communicated to the respondents. c. clear, but the responses to the questions are open-ended. d. clear, but the responses to the questions are dichotomous. e. to define the responses that are open-ended.

c. clear, but the responses to the questions are open-ended.

If we were measuring a customer's age, income, gender, education, occupation, marital status, etc., we would be measuring a. attitudes/opinions. b. psychological/lifestyle characteristics. c. demographic/socioeconomic characteristics. d. behavior and perceptions. e. None of these are correct.

c. demographic/socioeconomic characteristics.

You would like to determine the demographic characteristics of owners of personal watercraft. The appropriate research strategy is a. analysis of insight-stimulating examples. b. exploratory research. c. descriptive research. d. field experiment. e. laboratory research.

c. descriptive research.

A researcher unobtrusively stands in the toy section of a retail store and uses a checklist to note the sequence in which small children handle the toys that are on display. This is an example of a. indirect, disguised observation. b. indirect, structured observation. c. direct, disguised observation. d. direct, unstructured observation. e. direct, undisguised observation.

c. direct, disguised observation.

Causal research designs use ____ to establish possible causal relationships. a. focus groups b. interviews c. experiments d. surveys e. simulations

c. experiments

Unless a researcher is facing a straightforward, recurring issue for which data are already built into the company's decision support system, the odds are _______ that some form of _________ data is needed to provide solutions for marketing problems? a. low/primary b. low/secondary c. high/primary d. high/secondary e. None of these are correct.

c. high/primary

The survey type that makes sense for any business that caters to a unique clientele or that wants to measure service quality or satisfaction while the experience is fresh in the consumer's mind is a(n) a. mall intercept. b. telephone survey. c. inbound survey. d. email survey. e. personal interview.

c. inbound survey.

Jack-in-the-Box uses the length of the grass in the front yard of homes as a means of estimating the socioeconomic characteristics of prospective sites. This is an example of a. direct observation. b. archives. c. indirect observation. d. experiment. e. None of these are correct.

c. indirect observation.

A question that asks "How much you would be willing to pay in annual premium for a $100,000 home insurance policy" in the following way: "Check appropriate category—____ < $25 per month/____ $26 to $40 month/____ $41 to $55 month/____ > $55 per month" would be scaled as a(n) a. nominal scale. b. ordinal scale. c. interval scale. d. ratio scale. e. Likert scale.

c. interval scale.

A researcher wishes to compare the differences in consumer feelings about the perceived reliability of a set of products so as to know the relative strength of feelings about each product's reliability. The lowest measurement scale the researcher could use to measure this is a. ratio. b. ordinal. c. interval. d. nominal. e. conscious.

c. interval.

The observation method a. cannot measure all consumer characteristics precisely but can give very good estimates for awareness, intentions, motivations, and past behavior. b. is limited in that only behaviors can be observed. c. is considered to be more objective than the communication method. d. is a faster means of data collection than the communication method because a detailed questionnaire does not have to be prepared, and observers can quickly record many observations. e. requires development of sophisticated procedures to be effective.

c. is considered to be more objective than the communication method.

A(n) _____ might be the only method of obtaining a response from certain busy individuals for whom time is a scarce commodity. a. personal interview b. telephone interview c. mail questionnaire d. mall-intercept interview e. None of these are correct.

c. mail questionnaire

Long questionnaires can usually be handled best by a. telephone interview. b. mail questionnaire. c. personal interview. d. a focus group interview. e. a depth interview.

c. personal interview.

Regarding measurement basics, it is possible to measure a. objects. b. quantities of objects. c. quantities of attributes of objects. d. variance among objects. e. variance among attributes.

c. quantities of attributes of objects.

In indirect observation, the researcher is observing a. behavior. b. intentions. c. results of behavior. d. consumers without their knowing it. e. attitudes.

c. results of behavior.

Questions that give the respondent no indication of the true purpose of the research project are known as a. disguised questions. b. confounded questions. c. structured questions. d. undisguised questions. e. unstructured questions.

c. structured questions.

The responses, as well as the questions, are standardized in a(n) a. unstructured-disguised questionnaire. b. unstructured-undisguised questionnaire. c. structured-undisguised questionnaire. d. depth interview. e. focus group.

c. structured-undisguised questionnaire.

The ordinal scale represents a higher level of measurement than the nominal scale in that a. the assigned numerals serve to identify the objects. b. the magnitude of the differences in the objects is shown. c. the assigned numerals represent the order as well as identifying the object. d. it has a natural zero. e. it has an arbitrary zero.

c. the assigned numerals represent the order as well as identifying the object.

In regard to internal and external validity a. you can't have one without the other. b. procedures used to establish internal validity will also establish external validity. c. they are matters of degree rather than all-or-nothing propositions. d. neither is important in laboratory experiments. e. internal validity is a much more important issue in marketing than external validity.

c. they are matters of degree rather than all-or-nothing propositions.

The most important distinction between true panels and omnibus panels is a. the sample design is different. b. different types of information are collected. c. time series analysis can be used only on true panel data. d. omnibus panels can be used only for "in-house" research. e. Time series analysis can be used only on omnibus panel data.

c. time series analysis can be used only on true panel data.

Descriptive research is NOT productively used a. to develop a profile of the "average user". b. to estimate the proportion of people in a specified population who behave in a certain way. c. to clarify concepts. d. to make specific predictions. e. to determine whether certain variables are associated.

c. to clarify concepts.

Which of the following is an example of the communication method of obtaining data? a. The researcher classifies people into social class strata by personally rating the furniture in their homes via on-site visits. b. A researcher infers people's reactions to a product display by noting how long they stand in front of it. c. A researcher assesses the popularity of various museum exhibits by noting tile wear in front of each exhibit. d. A researcher measures consumer attitudes by means of subjects' responses to a questionnaire. e. A researcher notes the gender and race of each person making a purchase during a special sale.

d. A researcher measures consumer attitudes by means of subjects' responses to a questionnaire.

For a scale to have ordinal properties, which of the following must be established? a. If "a" is greater than "b", then "b" is not greater than "a". b. If "a" is greater than "b", and "b" is greater than "c", then "a" is greater than "c". c. If "a" is equal to "b", and "b" is equal to "c", then "a" is equal to "c". d. All of these are correct. e. None of these are correct.

d. All of these are correct.

High structure is most useful when a. possible replies are well known. b. for obtaining factual information. c. for assessing attitudes about things that people know something about. d. All of these are correct. e. None of these are correct.

d. All of these are correct.

Researchers typically use descriptive research for which of the following purposes? a. To describe the characteristics of certain group b. To determine the proportion of people who behave in a certain way c. To make specific predictions d. All of these are correct. e. None of these are correct.

d. All of these are correct.

The three key decisions to make when collecting data by communication include which of the following? a. The degree of structure to use b. Whether to disguise the questionnaire c. Which method of questionnaire administration to use d. All of these are correct. e. None of these are correct.

d. All of these are correct.

When disguise has involved an active deception of consumers, it is necessary to a. tell them that they have been misled. b. explain why the deception was necessary. c. provide a general overview of the purpose of the project. d. All of these are correct. e. None of these are correct.

d. All of these are correct.

How can it be determined if an experiment is valid (both internally and externally)? a. The observed change in the dependent variable is in fact due to the experimental variable. b. The results of the experiment apply to the general population outside the experimental setting. c. The results do not account for the effects of extraneous variables. d. Both the observed change in the dependent variable is due to the experimental variable, and the results apply to the general population outside the experimental setting. e. All of these are correct.

d. Both the observed change in the dependent variable is due to the experimental variable, and the results apply to the general population outside the experimental setting.

A longitudinal study is characterized by each of the following statements EXCEPT: a. It involves a panel, which is a fixed sample of elements. b. Elements may be stores, individuals, or other entities. c. The panel remains relatively constant through time. d. Characteristics of the elements, or sample members, are measured only once. e. Members may be added to replace dropouts or to keep the panel representative.

d. Characteristics of the elements, or sample members, are measured only once.

Which type of research should be conducted only when researchers know what the key issues are and what questions need to be asked? a. Exploratory b. Experiments c. Causal d. Descriptive e. Surveys

d. Descriptive

Which of the following are disadvantages of observation in a contrived setting? a. Speeds data collection b. Produces lower-cost research c. Allows more objective measurements d. External validity is threatened. e. Internal validity is threatened.

d. External validity is threatened.

What type of scale is the following? "Cars manufactured by South Korean companies are of (place on "X" on the point of this spectrum that represents your view) Poor Quality/High Quality" a. Stapel scale b. Likert scale c. Temperature scale d. Graphic-rating scale e. Itemized rating scale

d. Graphic-rating scale

What type of scale is the following? "Indicate your opinion about services Delta Airlines provides, by placing an "X" at the appropriate position on the lines to the right of the services below. Services—Very Bad/Very Good: Frequent flyer program/Continental magazine/On flight food service" a. Stapel scale b. Likert scale c. Temperature scale d. Graphic-rating scale e. Itemized rating scale

d. Graphic-rating scale

Which of the following data collection methods is most costly? a. E-mail surveys b. Mall interviews c. Phone interviews d. In-home personal interviews e. Web surveys

d. In-home personal interviews

Which type of primary data is concerned with anticipated or planned future behavior? a. Personality/Lifestyle b. Awareness/Knowledge c. Demographic/Socioeconomic d. Intentions. e. Behavior

d. Intentions.

The magnitude of the differences in objects is shown when which types of scales are used? a. Interval or ordinal b. Ratio or ordinal c. Ordinal or nominal d. Interval or ratio e. Nominal or interval

d. Interval or ratio

Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe the mail questionnaire? a. It allows a wide sample to be used. b. It allows a representative sample to be used. c. It is a relatively inexpensive means of recruiting respondents. d. It ensures that the correct person receives and completes the questionnaire. e. It is more suitable for contacting busy executives than a telephone or personal interview.

d. It ensures that the correct person receives and completes the questionnaire.

Concerning a laboratory experiment, which statement is INCORRECT? a. It is more internally valid than a field experiment. b. It affords the researcher greater control than a field experiment. c. It better eliminates confounding factors than a field experiment. d. It involves less environmental control than a field experiment. e. It has less external validity than a field experiment.

d. It involves less environmental control than a field experiment.

What characteristic must a scale possess in order for the researcher to compute the ratio of the magnitude of the numbers? a. It must have an arbitrary zero point. b. The range of the absolute scale intervals must be divisible by two. c. It must use only integers. d. It must have an absolute zero point. e. The modal ratio must be greater than two.

d. It must have an absolute zero point.

Which of the following is FALSE? a. Mailing lists to serve as the sampling frame for a mail survey may be generated internally by the firm or purchased externally. b. In recent years, one of the keys to using a mail questionnaire is the ability to direct the questionnaire to a specific individual, not just a position (e.g., Vice President of Marketing). c. The quality of the mailing list determines the sampling control in a mail study. d. Mail questionnaires typically provide more sample control than telephone or personal interviews. e. All of these are correct.

d. Mail questionnaires typically provide more sample control than telephone or personal interviews.

Which of the following is an advantage of the observational method over the communication method of gathering primary data? a. Versatility b. Speed c. Cost savings d. Objectivity e. None of these are correct.

d. Objectivity

Which of the following data collection methods is best for including pictures and/or graphics with the survey while minimizing interviewer bias in the way questions are asked? a. Telephone interviewing b. Direct mail questionnaires c. Computer-aided interviewing d. Online surveys e. Mall intercepts

d. Online surveys

Respondent error can occur when a subject is asked to remember and report past behaviors. Which of the following helps eliminate this type of error? a. Descriptive data b. Causal data c. Cross-sectional data d. Panel data e. Experimental data

d. Panel data

Which of the following statements is NOT valid? a. Panel data is less vulnerable to the recall errors associated with reporting past behavior than cross-sectional data. b. Panel data can be gathered via longer and more arduous interviews than cross-sectional data. c. Panel data can provide more accurate and detailed classification information on sample members than other common means of data collection. d. Panel data are particularly useful in the study of dual-career couples. e. Panel data can be used to reveal changes in members' behavior.

d. Panel data are particularly useful in the study of dual-career couples.

____ scales possess an absolute zero. a. Nominal b. Ordinal c. Interval d. Ratio e. Continuous

d. Ratio

What type of scale is the following? "What was your annual gross income (before taxes) last year? $____." a. Nominal scale b. Ordinal scale c. Interval scale d. Ratio scale e. Constant-sum scale

d. Ratio scale

Apex Manufacturing has developed an ingenious "twist" on a widely available home cleaning product. Management wishes to test market the new product, but they are hesitant to do so because other manufacturers of home cleaning products could easily duplicate Apex's modification. Which type of test marketing would you recommend to Apex? a. Controlled test marketing b. Standard test marketing c. Forced-distribution test marketing d. Simulated test marketing e. Electronic test marketing

d. Simulated test marketing

Which of the following statements about measuring intentions is NOT true? a. Consumers usually aren't very accurate about what they'll do in the future. b. The problem is getting answers that have meaning in them. c. It is more difficult to measure purchase intentions for new-to-the-world products. d. The problem is getting people to answer questions about their intentions. e. There is often a big difference between what people say they are going to do and what they actually do.

d. The problem is getting people to answer questions about their intentions.

When it comes to measurements, which of the following are TRUE? a. Market researchers measure objects, not their attributes. b. The definition of "measurements" is narrow, specifying how numbers will be assigned. c. We could measure a person's income, age, gender, or attitude toward something using a scale of 1-5. d. The qualities of attributes being measured dictate the rules for how numbers are assigned. e. All of these are true.

d. The qualities of attributes being measured dictate the rules for how numbers are assigned.

Which is an independent variable in a study where Tractor Supply, a retailer of garden and farming equipment, increases the price of its most popular lawn tractor by $5 every month for three months and sees its effect on market share in the Dallas metropolitan area? a. The variable being manipulated by the researcher to cause the change b. A $5 increase in retail price every month for three months c. The variable affected by the change d. The variable being manipulated by the research to cause the change and a $5 increase in retail price every month for three months e. Changes on market share after 3 months

d. The variable being manipulated by the research to cause the change and a $5 increase in retail price every month for three months

Hershey Corporation wants to add additional chocolate kisses to each bag of its popular candy while keeping the current price constant. Hershey wonders if the additional candies would cause sales to increase enough to offset the higher costs. What type of primary data research should the company use to answer this question? a. Conduct focus group interviews in a laboratory setting b. Use telephone interviews with current and potential customers c. Use observation research d. Use experimental research e. Use mail surveys with current customers

d. Use experimental research

Which of the following are advantages of highly structured questionnaires? a. They are simple to administer. b. They are relatively straight forward. c. There is no need for extensive interviewer training. d. a, b, and c are correct. e. None of these are advantages of highly structured questionnaires.

d. a, b, and c are correct.

If a researcher is interested in investigating whether or not consumers like a new packaging method for a particular product, the researcher should focus on measuring a. motivation. b. intention. c. behavioral goals. d. attitude. e. personality.

d. attitude.

Validity is a. concerned with the relationships of random error with systematic error. b. equal to the true score plus the systematic error. c. equal to the true score plus systematic error minus random error. d. concerned with the extent to which differences in scores reflect true differences in the characteristic. e. concerned with the extent to which differences in scores reflect instability in the measurements.

d. concerned with the extent to which differences in scores reflect true differences in the characteristic.

Ferrari has segmented their market on the basis of income and lifestyle. Their target market has household income greater than $200,000 and enjoys spectator sports like NASCAR racing. These two segmentation variables are grouped under the broader classification(s) of a. demographics. b. psychographics. c. geographic. d. demographics and psychographics. e. demographics and product usage.

d. demographics and psychographics.

The outcome variable that is influenced by the manipulation of another variable(s) is called the ____ variable. a. causal b. independent c. descriptive d. dependent e. resultant

d. dependent

The three basic types of research are a. experimental, descriptive, and causal. b. exploratory, demonstrative, and causal. c. exploratory, descriptive, and experimental. d. exploratory, descriptive, and causal. e. experimental, demonstrative, and cause-and-effect.

d. exploratory, descriptive, and causal.

You should use the highest level of measurement possible when developing a measure for some at-tribute because a. higher levels have more properties. b. there are more kinds of analysis available than at lower levels of measurement. c. it is easier to use higher levels of measurement. d. higher levels have more properties and there are more kinds of analysis available at lower levels of measurement. e. None of these are correct; you should use the lowest level of measurement possible when developing a measure for some attribute.

d. higher levels have more properties and there are more kinds of analysis available at lower levels of measurement.

In a descriptive study, the researcher should delay data collection until a. he has made clear judgments with respect to the questions of who, what, when, where, why, and how of descriptive research. b. he has made a clear determination of how the data items are to be analyzed. c. he has specified the statistical tabulations and significance tests that will be used to uncover the relationships which exist among the variables. d. items a through c should all be determined before data collection begins. e. data collection should not be delayed but should begin as soon as the hypothesis is stated so as to expedite the research.

d. items a through c should all be determined before data collection begins.

You must conduct research to find out a great deal of information about potential customers. You need a minimum of 300 people, and you know that you don't have a lot of money to conduct the re-search, so you will use a. in-office personal interviews. b. in-home personal interviews. c. focus group interviews. d. mail questionnaire. e. observation research.

d. mail questionnaire

A research effort requires the researcher to use numbers to identify or categorize particular objects. The type of scale the researcher will use is a. ratio. b. ordinal. c. interval. d. nominal. e. conscious.

d. nominal.

It is reasonable to state that one object has twice as much of the attribute property when it has a score of 60, and the other object has a score of 30 when measurement is on a(n) ____ scale. a. nominal b. ordinal c. interval d. ratio e. interval or ratio

d. ratio

The first step in developing a measure of marketing constructs is to a. generate sample items. b. purify the measure. c. assess validity. d. specify the domain of the construct. e. collect data.

d. specify the domain of the construct.

Observers in a supermarket are watching customers selecting apples. They have been given a checklist and told to check all the behaviors that apply for each consumer. This method of data collection is a(n) a. unstructured-disguised observation. b. unstructured-undisguised observation. c. contrived setting observation. d. structured observation. e. laboratory observation.

d. structured observation.

After John purchased his new car, the car dealer sent him a new owner satisfaction survey, which consisted of several statements about his car, which John was to indicate agreement or disagreement with by checking the appropriate boxes. This survey is a. unstructured-undisguised. b. structured-disguised. c. sentence completion. d. structured-undisguised. e. word association.

d. structured-undisguised.

A causal research design is typically concerned with a. the frequency with which something occurs. b. the discovery of ideas and insights. c. how two variables vary together. d. the determination of cause-and-effect relationships. e. establishing priorities when studying competing explanations of phenomenon.

d. the determination of cause-and-effect relationships.

The most widely used attitude-scaling technique in marketing research is a. the itemized-ratings scale. b. the semantic-differential scale. c. the graphic-ratings scale. d. the summated-ratings (Likert) scale. e. the comparative-ratings scale.

d. the summated-ratings (Likert) scale.

In a recent survey, those who brushed their teeth often under-reported the activity, while those who brushed their teeth less frequently over-reported their dental hygiene behavior. The possible cause for differences in scores could best be attributed to a. a true difference in the characteristic being measured. b. differences due to situational factors. c. differences due to temporary personal factors. d. true differences in other relatively stable characteristics of the individuals. e. differences due to variations in administration.

d. true differences in other relatively stable characteristics of the individuals.

Of the many sources of differences of scores, the researcher is especially interested in isolating the differences due to a. situational factors. b. variations in administration. c. mechanical factors. d. true differences in the characteristic. e. the sampling of items.

d. true differences in the characteristic.

The ability of a data collection technique to provide many types of primary data is known as a. breadth of scope. b. cost efficiency. c. communicability. d. versatility. e. objectivity.

d. versatility.

Which of the following statements is FALSE with regard to ratio scales? a. A ratio scale exhibits the property of identity. b. With a ratio scale, the comparison of the absolute magnitude of the numbers is legitimate. c. A ratio scale possesses a natural zero point. d. The geometric mean is a meaningful measure of average with a ratio scale. e. A ratio scale allows the comparison of absolute magnitudes but not the differences in magnitudes.

e. A ratio scale allows the comparison of absolute magnitudes but not the differences in magnitudes.

An advertiser has developed a television advertisement designed to create a "feeling of warmth" on the part of viewers because she believes that this will lead to positive attitudes toward the product and ultimately to increased sales. In order to determine if the ad does produce the desired feelings in viewers, she has devised a three-item scale to measure the warmth construct. After viewing the commercial (independently), Joe had a score of 15 on the warmth scale, and Perry had a score of 9. Which of the following is NOT a potential source of difference between these scores? a. True differences with regard to the feeling of warmth created by the ad. b. Perry had a rotten day at work, while Joe had a good day. c. The sampling of items chosen to measure warmth could have contributed to the difference in scores. d. Perry and Joe interpreted one of the questions differently. e. All of these are potential sources of differences between the scores.

e. All of these are potential sources of differences between the scores.

Which of the following is problematic when conducting telephone interviews in the U.S.? a. Caller ID b. Answering machines/Voicemail c. Do not call list d. Unlisted numbers e. All of these are problematic.

e. All of these are problematic.

A mystery shopper could be used to perform which of the following research tasks? a. Record cleanliness of bathrooms b. Negotiate with sellers on the price for an item c. Ensure that children cannot buy M-rated video games d. Record the evenness of jelly in a doughnut e. All of these are research tasks a mystery shopper could perform

e. All of these are research tasks a mystery shopper could perform

The types of consumer panels in a longitudinal study are a. continuous panels. b. true panels. c. discontinuous panels. d. omnibus panels. e. All of these correctly refer to a type of consumer panel in a longitudinal study.

e. All of these correctly refer to a type of consumer panel in a longitudinal study.

Which of the following statements about panels is FALSE? a. Panels typically allow the collection of more classification information than cross-sectional studies. b. Panel data is more accurate than cross-sectional data because panel data tend to be freer from errors associated with reporting past behavior. c. Panels reduce interviewer-respondent bias because of a trust built up through repeated contacts between the two individuals. d. Nonrepresentativeness of panel members may be a major weakness of longitudinal designs. e. All of these statements about panels are true; none of these are false.

e. All of these statements about panels are true; none of these are false.

Which of the following statements about cross-sectional analysis is FALSE? a. Cross-sectional designs are the best-known descriptive designs. b. A quota sample can be used with a cross-sectional design. c. Cross-sectional studies provide a snapshot of the variables of interest at a single point in time. d. The sample of elements is typically selected to be representative of some known population. e. All these statements about cross-sectional analysis are true.

e. All these statements about cross-sectional analysis are true.

Which attitude rating scale is good for eliminating the halo effect that is common in scaling? a. Itemized-ratings scale b. Semantic-differential scale c. Graphic-ratings scale d. Summated-ratings (Likert) scale e. Comparative-ratings scale

e. Comparative-ratings scale

Which of the following items is associated with administrative control? a. Cost b. Speed c. Directing the inquiry to the designated respondent d. Interviewer bias and cost e. Cost and speed

e. Cost and speed

Primary data can be collected in several ways. Which of the following primary data collection methods would be exemplified by constructing see-through mirrors in a retail store whereby consumers' actions could be recorded? a. Focus groups b. Surveys c. Disguised observation and surveys d. Natural setting e. Disguised observation and natural setting

e. Disguised observation and natural setting

What type of scale is the following? "Indicate your overall opinion about Dell computers by circling one of the following categories: Very Bad/Bad/Good/Very Good: 1 2 3 4" a. Stapel scale b. Likert scale c. Temperature scale d. Graphic-rating scale e. Itemized rating scale

e. Itemized rating scale

Which of the following are limitations of the observation method of collecting data? a. The willingness of a respondent to provide data b. The memory of a respondent to accurately report data c. The honesty of a respondent when providing data d. All of these are limitations of the observation method of collecting data. e. None of these are limitations of the observation method of collecting data.

e. None of these are limitations of the observation method of collecting data.

Which of the following statements about mechanical recording devices is FALSE? a. The people meter provides the researcher information about which television shows have been watched on a particular television. b. The galvanometer is used to assess the emotional arousal induced by exposure to specific advertising copy. c. Response latency measures the amount of time a respondent deliberates before answering a question. d. Voice-pitch analysis examines changes in the relative vibration frequency of the human voice that accompanies emotional arousal. e. Optical scanners measure the subject's eye movement over a stimulus.

e. Optical scanners measure the subject's eye movement over a stimulus.

Which of the following is NOT an observation method of collecting data? a. Mystery shopping b. Using hidden cameras to study how shoppers select products c. Standing next to a store display to understand how shopper select products d. Analyzing scanner data from a store e. Surveying shoppers to learn about product selection

e. Surveying shoppers to learn about product selection

Which of the following is NOT one of the basic types of descriptive studies? a. Time series and longitudinal design b. Longitudinal design c. Time series design d. Latitudinal design e. Time series and latitudinal design

e. Time series and latitudinal design

Which of the following is NOT a key dimension of behavior that should be measured by the researcher? a. How much? b. Where? c. In what situation? d. Who? e. Why?

e. Why?

The zero-scale value found when measuring marketing variables typically represents a. the ordinal nature of the variable. b. an absolute lack of an attribute. c. the logical existence of a natural zero point. d. a point of absolute zero magnitude. e. a point of indifference to which the value zero is arbitrarily attached.

e. a point of indifference to which the value zero is arbitrarily attached.

A primary disadvantage of disguised research is that a. there is a large potential for bias. b. the structured approach cannot be used. c. it will be hard to un-disguise the data. d. people will change their behavior. e. background data is difficult or impossible to collect.

e. background data is difficult or impossible to collect.

True longitudinal analysis a. is concerned with the determination of cause-and-effect relationships. b. can be performed on any panel. c. involves a one-time cross-sectional sample of elements from the population of interest. d. is simply a fact-gathering study. e. can only be performed using panels that rely on repeated measurements of the same variables.

e. can only be performed using panels that rely on repeated measurements of the same variables.

In marketing research, all of the following are levels of measurement EXCEPT a. ratio. b. ordinal. c. interval. d. nominal. e. conscious.

e. conscious.

An automotive garage provides taxi rides to people who are having their cars repaired. To determine the quality of their service, the garage uses taxis operated by employees of the garage who are trained to record the number of specific gripes a rider makes about the garage. This is an example of a. a focus group. b. depth interviewing. c. direct observation. d. undisguised observation. e. disguised observation.

e. disguised observation.

Laboratory experiments are primarily distinguished from field experiments by their a. manipulation of variables. b. cost. c. validity. d. control. e. environments.

e. environments.

The notion that equal differences among scores represent equal differences in the amount of the at-tribute possessed by the object applies to ____ scales. a. nominal b. ordinal c. interval d. ratio e. interval and ratio

e. interval and ratio

The main advantage of the use of structured-disguised questionnaires in marketing research is a. measures of knowledge always reflect attitudes. b. ease of administration. c. they are easy to construct relative to structured-undisguised questionnaires. d. they are highly reliable. e. the data obtained is easy to analyze.

e. the data obtained is easy to analyze.

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