Mr. Clanton's AP Bio Semester Exam

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Which phylogenetic tree below best represents the placement of all three iguana species described in the passage above?

(from left to right) C. pallidus, C. subcristatus, C. marthae

According to the data, which of the following cladograms is best supported?

(from top to bottom) Charophytes, Bryophytes, Pterophytes, Gymnoperm, Angiosperm

Which cladogram depicts the best phylogenetic relationship of these species based on the data table?

(from top to bottom) Dog, Donkey, Horse, Human, Mouse

In certain Native American groups, albinism due to a homozygous recessive condition in the biochemical pathway for melanin production is sometimes is sometimes seen. If the frequency of the allele for this condition is 0.06, which of the following is closest to the frequency of the dominant allele in this population? (Assume that the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.)


According to the graph, the increase in CO2 concentration, in parts per million, between 1970 and 1990 is closest to

25 ppm

If black wool (bb) is a recessive trait, what percent of the population is a heterozygous for this trait?


The pH at which 50 percent of the Daphnia survive after 2 hours of exposure can be predicted from the data. The pH is closest to


What percent of the population is homozygous for white wool (BB)?


On the basis of the data, the best prediction of the pH of the water in which Daphina normally are found in the wild


Which of the following phylogenies are equivalent?

A and B

Which of the following best describes why the disks rose to the surface faster in the more concentrated hydrogen peroxide solutions?

A greater amount of heat was generated in the more concentrated solutions.

Adenosine triphosphate or ATP is composed of adenine, ribose, and three phosphate groups. The phosphate groups have a negative charge and as a result the bonds holding them onto the molecule are weak thus easily broken. Which of the following best explains why ATP serves as a common energy source for organisms?

ATP energy can be easily transferred to do cellular work.

The chemical structure for the nitrogenous base adenine is shown above. It is an important biomolecule and is found in which three of the following?


For most terrestrial ecosystems, pyramids of numbers, biomass, and energy are essentially the same they have a broad base and a narrow top. The primary reason for this pattern is that

At each step, energy is lost from the system as a result of keeping the organisms alive

Proteins are polymers composed of structural monomers called amino acids. Which of the following pairs of functional groups characterizes the structure of an amino acid?


Aqueous buffer solutions are common in biochemical systems and are beneficial in that they resist changes in pH. Which of the following methods for the transport of CO2 provides a buffering system for the blood?

CO2 combines with H2O to form carbonic acid and then bicarbonate.

The land on a 100-acre farm is equally suited for grazing cattle and growing corn. Of the following ways of distributing land use, which would produce the greatest number of calories for human consumption?

Cattle: 0 Corn: 100

Which of the following statements best describes the effect of genetic drift on the gene frequencies of a population?

Chance alone can cause significant changes in gene frequencies of small populations.

Which of the following is true concerning the drawing?

Community 1 has more species diversity than community 2.

Which of the following is the central concept of the situation described above?

Defensive adaptation

The experiment demonstrates which of the following about the digestive system of crayfish?

Different regions of the digestive system are specialized for different functions.

Which lettered portion of the graph most closely corresponds to the carrying capacity of the ecosystem?


Which of the following statements best expresses the concept of punctuated equilibrium?

Evolutionary changes consist of rapid bursts of speciation alternating with long periods in which species remain essentially unmodified.

The graph below compares nucleic acid sequences for mitochondrial DNA and ribosomal RNA. Which of the following conclusions is most consistent with this data?

Genes for ribosomal RNA evolve more slowly than do genes for mitochondrial DNA.

Living organisms must acquire energy from their environment. Examples of adaptations that help organisms acquire this energy include which of the following? I. The dark, heat-absorbing coloration of a reptile II. The fangs and claws of a lion III. The light coloration of a peppered moth

I and II only

Which mortality curve indicates that the probability of death is equal at any age?

II only

A species of malaria-carrying mosquito lives in a forest in which two species of monkeys, A and B, coexist. Species A is immune to malaria but species B is not. The malaria-carrying mosquito is the chief food for a particular kind of bird in the forest. If all of these birds are eliminated suddenly by hunters, which of the following would be the immediate observable consequence?

Increased mortality in monkey species B

Monoculture is an agriculture practice employed by certain industrial farms that involves planting the same variety of seed for the entire crop. The seed variety chosen is usually one that results in a high crop yield and is resistant to certain diseases. With regard to evolution, which of the following is a negative result of the agriculture practice?

It decreases the gene pool and makes the crop more susceptible to new diseases.

Which of the following statements regarding crayfish digestion is most consistent with the data?

Little digestion occurs in the stomach.

According to the data, which of the following can correctly be concluded about crayfish?

Most digestive enzymes are found in the digestive gland.

According to the data, which of the following can be best concluded from a comparison of the results of preparation II with those of preparation I?

Most of the increase in the amount of product in preparation I was due to an enzymatic degradation of the substrate.

According to the data, the absorbance fails to increase significantly after 10 mins in preparation III. This is most likely explained by which of the following?

Most of the substrate was digested during the first 10 mins

Which of the following principles is NOT part of the Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection?

Mutations are the ultimate source of genetic variation.

Which of the following experimental designs should the students use as a control for the experiment?

Place a catalase-soaked disk in a beaker of water.

While DNA was once thought to be the molecule originally responsible for heredity, many scientists are proposing a RNA world hypothesis because

RNA can self replicate and act like an enzyme under certain conditions

Both organic and inorganic chemical reactions can be affected by the addition of a catalyst. Which of the following can be used to determine the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions?

Rate of disappearance of the substrate.

Which of the following best describes Species E?

Species E was unable to adapt to rapidly changing environments and became extinct.

Which of the following would be useful as a substrate to measure the activity of amylase in crayfish?


Radioactively labeled starch was later added to the stump: in subsequent observations, no labeled starch molecules were ever detected in neighboring plants. Which of the following is the most logical explanation for the observation?

Starch molecules are too large to cross cell membranes.

Biomolecules have intermolar forces that hold them together as a unit. Biomolecules also exhibit intermolecular forces when interacting with other biomolecules. Which of the following is an example of a hydrogen bond?

The attraction between a hydrogen of one water molecule and the oxygen of another water molecule

All of the following statements about the food web diagram above are correct EXCEPT:

The death of the snake caused a collapse in the food web.

Which of the following statements is best supported by the data?

The enzyme demonstrates more activity at pH 6.0 than at pH 5.0.

A shepherd from a neighboring village buys some of the black sheep reducing the population to 1%. Which of the following is true regarding the gene pool?

The flock is no longer in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

Which of the following best explains the fact that birds, crocodiles, mice, and humans all have a four chambered heart while the lizard does not?

The four chambered heart is a homologous structure that evolved twice, once in crocodiles and birds and once in mammals.

In Hardy-Weinberg population with two alleles, A and a , the frequency of allele a is 0.3. Which can be assumed about this population, provided that random mating occurs and the population is very large?

The frequency of a will remain the same over the same over a period of time, with little fluctuation.

The rough-skinned newt produces a toxin that can kill predators. Scientists have observed that some garter snakes can feed on the newts because they have natural resistance to the toxins. In areas where populations of rough-skinned newts and garter snakes interact, which of the following predictions is best supported by evolutionary theory?

The garter snakes with resistance to the toxin will successfully reproduce and pass the trait on to their offspring.

Based on the phylogenetic tree is shown above, which of the following statements is true?

The pigeon is the sister taxon to the crocodile.

Which of the following best represents a logical conclusion based on the data presented in the graph?

The population of the prey is greater than that of predator.

In a mature forest of oak, maple, and hickory trees, a disease causes a reduction in the number of acorns produced by oak trees. Which of the following would least likely be a direct result of an increase in diseased acorns?

There might be a decrease in the number of maple seeds as the disease spreads to other trees in the forest.

Which of the following best describes why ice was used during this experiment?

To retard the breakdown of the catalase.

Anabolism is a set of metabolic pathways that construct molecules from smaller units. These reactions require energy. The synthesis of protein or carbohydrate polymers always produces which of the following as a byproduct of these synthesis reactions?


A metabolic pathway is comprised of a series of chemical reactions. Often these reactions are catalyzed by a variety of enzymes. In the series of enzyme reactions shown above, product Z is able to occupy the active site of enzyme E2. Product Z can therefore first inhibit the production of


Which of the following is more susceptible to damage from some sort of ecological disturbance?

a corn field

The increase in carbon dioxide levels can be attributed to

a decrease in cellular respiration

The nitrogen cycle is shown below. The nitrogen that is used by primary and secondary consumers comes in the form of

amino acids found in proteins

Traveling southward from the Arctic regions of Canada to the tropics of Panama, one passes through several biomes: tundra, coniferous forest, temperate deciduous forest, and tropical rain forest. This pattern of change in vegetation is primarily the result of

an increase in both mean annual temperature and mean annual precipitation

The introduction of antibiotics such as penicillin decades ago was immediately effective in combating infections caused by Straphylococcus . In 1985, however, there were several outbreaks of straphylococcus infections. People with the infections did not respond to treatment with any of the antibiotics and there was a large number of deaths. The best explanation for this situation is that

antibiotic-resistant bacteria survived and multiplied , and these were the forms causing the infections

Tigers and lions will interbred in captivity and produce viable offspring, but they do not interbreed in Asia where their geographic ranges overlap. Which of the following isolating mechanisms account for this?

behavioral isolation

Which of the following is least likely to explain why honeycreeper speciation occurred on the Hawaiian Islands?

chromosomal rearrangement

It is assumed for this type of speciation to occur that

competition was limited and the niches varied

In a small group of people living in a remote area, there is a high incidence of "blue skin" a condition that results from a variation in the structure of hemoglobin. All of the "blue-skinned" residents can trace their ancestry to one couple, who were among the original settlers of this region. The usually high frequency of "blue skin" in the area is an example of

genetic drift and the founder effect

The different species of finches on the Galapagos Islands are believed to have arisen as a result of the natural selection acting on populations of finches that had experienced

geographic isolation

Radioactive isotopes were never detected in any samples containing just soil taken during the experiment. The finding implies that

isotopes were transported via vascular tissues

Which of the following traits is likely to be unsuitable for phylogenetic analysis?

learned behavior

Within complex biological systems, many chemical reactions that, by themselves, require energy input (have a positive free-energy change or +G) can occur because the reactions

may be coupled to the hydrolysis of ATP

The amino acid sequence of five other species is determined. Which of these species is probably least related to species X?


The banding pattern of the viceroy butterflies is an example of


If the potato solution was boiled for 10 mins and cooled for 10 mins before being tested, the average time for the disks to float to the surface of the hydrogen peroxide solution would be

more than 30 seconds

An experimental apparatus similar to that used by S. L. Miller is shown above. In this classic experiment it was demonstrated that a discharge of sparks through a mixture of gases could result in the formation of a large variety of organic compounds. Which of the following gases was NOT used in this experiment?


A substrate may bind to the active site of an enzyme in a variety of ways. Which of the following is NOT a valid mechanism for substrate-enzyme binding?

peptide bonds

A student is asked to design an experiment aimed at determining whether or not the initiation of migratory behavior is largely under genetic control. Of the following options, the best way to proceed is to

perform within-population mating with birds from different populations that have different migratory habits and subsequently rear the offspring in the absence of their parents and observe offspring migratory behavior

All of the following conditions would result in a change in the frequency of a specific allele in a population EXCEPT

random mating in a large population

Density independent population controls include all of the following EXCEPT

resource competition

In graphing the data from this experiment, the sampling time would be shown on the x-axis because

sampling time is the independent variable

The animals shown on the right are marsupials, and the map indicates they are found in Australia. The animals shown on the left are placental mammals, and the map shows they originate on the continents other than Australia. The similarities that they exhibit are due to

similar selection pressures

The appearance of a fertile, polyploid individual within a population of diploid organisms is a possible source of a new species. If this individual is capable of reproducing to form a new population, scientists would consider this to be an example of

sympatric speciation

The graph above above illustrates the relationship between the average surface area and the frequency of that surface area being found in a population of maple trees living in an environment that is becoming progressively more arid (drier). An increase in the surface area of a leaf has been correlated with an increase in the loss of water from the plant. Which of the distributions given below best represents the population after fifty years assuming the arid conditions of the environment persist?

the line starts at 2, peaks at 4, and ends at 6

The conspicuous banding displayed by monarch butterflies is an example of

warning coloration

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